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mind) CAMBRIDGE 8, CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ey ag Cove eo. Gpliees to saeineapeaiani LU Teor e ce) Second Edition Cet Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson CAMBRIDG E ENGLISH UNIVERSITY PRESS ment ap CAMBRIDGE Activity Book 1 with Online Resources British English Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson Activity Book 1 Caroline Nixon & MichaelTomlinson $C Hello! $A My school Marie’s maths - Adding Trevor's values - Make friends 1 Favourite toys ag My family Marie’s art - Mixing colours Trevor's values - Be kind a at Review 1234 + Our pets My face Marie's science -The senses Trevor's values - Look after pets 4 Wild animals 2H 30 34 32 34 40 46 a7 48 58 ¢ My clothes Marie’s geography - Habitats Trevor's values - Love nature 4% Review 5678 $X{ Fun time! x At the funfair Marie’s sports -Things for sports Trevor's values —Work in teams Our house aK x Party time! Marie’s art - Fruit in paintings Trevor's values ~ Keep clean TT Review 9 10 11 12 Grammar reference 54 60 6 62 1 7 78 84 90 ” 4 On O s % a2 @ oo Listen and circle the tick or cross. a, 7 P> Sage Om QI x ¥|[x v|[x o © @@Look and match. © oo Listen and write the number. , OAD FG © _f 6 © 1 ot © © Draw and write. ——— Ae cei! Ba BTC AS TU i f g & ae * J s fi : ae b 3 Ee * & i 5B x a % 5 a ae a e I'm | ar Ben r ee - 2B im ee Honan gr ier an toate) Ler et a so 5 2 ° UV te _ 6 is = oO _ + 7” 5 poe 9 te a t fe ef se “o> A [3 Lies YN a Xp rh rp rh rp re OS EEE rh hE My star card = ©Can you say these es words 2 Toe ss ere ee Le ee es Oe @@Listen and colour. Waa % Mew 4 Remon BMH o aye © © Draw three pictures. eZ A© @ O@Now tell your friend. Number one Draw your friend's pictures. Sone ® ® © © S@Listen and write the number. — sare Sears, Reading and Writing, Part 1 @ @®@ Look and read. Put a tick (W) or a cross (X). This is a pencil. | X This is a book. EE + eo This is able —— a This is a pen. This is a bag. oo Listen. Colour the ‘p’ words pink. Colour the ‘b’ words blue. My Star card ie OCan you say these words? re rererererer ay erererererer ure He hy ee EA rb (> Marie’s maths @O@write the ENG Adding numbers. es QJ @ O@Write and answer. Say. Qn eee Ges te 2 Gr4 ch 3 @ ..2U eee O7 SO Ome. veo ©... Make friends Trevor’s values 5 © O@Ask two friends and write. Then draw and colour. oa your name? ) (. How old are you? ) | “3° Favourite to @ oo Listen and circle the tick or cross. & CO: x x ® v|® V re < [xJ[s * GO HO Be HP? _ * Ge O Fe & O ? 9 BE ORE? . @@Listen and draw coloured lines. © @ Colour the toys. (oO) I S) bs O®@Now ask and answer. Colour your friend’s toys. What colour’s your ball? Starters Listening, Part 1 © @@Listen and draw lines. ( Matt } (Alice } (Hugo ) @© @@Listen and circle ‘t’ or‘d’. mo ch re oh oh eh eh eh ST My picture dictionary ~*~ 7 My stor card =P OCan you say these words? LEROD err vr se # Colour the stars. Pcuorrer errr ye @ TOES ee Le ee ee @06who is it? Match and answer. LY i ys Pl TSR Mice I Egy WG >) @ Draw your family. I SITS AIS TB EE IO, REL AIT hE RT A ST AAT AA A A A Sa OS © oo Listen and colour the stars. ©: 3 S 2 Bee Oe Starters Reading and Writing, Part 3 © ®@Look and complete the words. _b eautiful ulyg pphay unyog HEEEE black family happy @@Listen and circle the ‘a’ in the words. © @@Listen and write the number. Soo ooo ooo oe brother My star card = OCan you say these words? Raee Yrs © Colour the stars. Vee eeeeery Ss Pere eee eo @@Read and colour.Write. girjejein oir hnigje p Qa i[n{k} {gfefepy] uv a < = 8 — a 5 ma o a x eS = o eae ae @ blue yellow hw ree} © [ij + ES} = 3 a «c oe Cy 2 = (ce Let’s tidy up! \ ; t d SF @ ®@Look and dw. [GS ==. a GH ==. 26 "8 @ @ oo Listen and circle the tick or cross. © @@Look and write the words. abird acat adog afish ahorse -ameuse- SGU O Use See gees ee 3-2 t Prie) eee ls) | @ © Colour the pets. © Now ask and answer. Colour your iend's pets. eee) colour is the fish? as GO. J O@Read and answer. birds fish -miee- cats horses @ What are they? They're... @ What are they? They're -............-.. ASA @) What are they? They're --__- mice_.__. Fee, @ What are they? They're -..........----. ag (5) What are they? They're .............-.. ren © @@Read and circle. ‘ @) CEP i. short / long big / small clean / dirty oe ©@Listen and follow. a cross (X). ay et This is a horse. This is a bird. This is a mouse. This is a cat. This is a fish. oe 66 ee and oe ‘a’ or‘e’. St__lla QO: @@Read and write the number. pies a dirty dog | 3 | a big dog two short dogs ® a long dog three small dogs a clean dog ¥ CS # Colour the stars. Ee be be be be be Le be be be be ee ee ee pei oh rp rh rp rh rbrh re rh rh PA _My picture dictionary ~y) mou oooo DoD @ @@Listen and draw coloured lines. ® @ ® ® ® © @ @ Circle the different word. @ bike train doll @) table horse mouse bird @ eyes ears teeth ball @_ book pen car pencil ©) _ fish horse cat head @® dog four ten seven SOlisten and write the number. © @@Listen and draw. Listen and colour. © © Draw your face and write. i ELE Ee 7 x t % t a a e & aq § 3 & 5 2 & & a . op bs fe I’ve got eyes. | < I’vegota_ mouth: z = I’ve got I & 5 MIS HE Ans as S @ oot, Starters Reading and Writing, Part 4 @@Read and write. A monster | | ae . ve got three (2) % mmface, my (3)... is small, but | haven’t got all mouth. In my mouth, I’ve got big (4) P got a pet. My petis a (5) 0 , Example : eB head teeth ears © oo Listen and complete the words. ee een = =other eee an © oo Listen, look and draw. Write. -eye hair mouth nose # Colour the stars. Les > ee Le ee ee oop oh xb rp Oh OS Oh hE Moooooooo oo ® b>) i) Marie’s science | The senses r @ Look and write. Find and draw. taste touch see smell @ @OPoint and say. What can you smell? Trevor’s values § | brush my cat. | wash my horse. | feed my fish. | walk my dog. t et a x z x brush | © feed |/ wash | © ea ea eee eee V eneseresecenseeeeeccene walk * s x era a SY ® -delt_—_ bike bat Oisie ten |crocodile nine hippo bag chair seven car table | seven | eight computer] five bag pencil ball bag bike two door tiger | eraser | one three doll train doll five book snake | monkey | giraffe 3) @@Read and answer.Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Ndi @) Are the elephants happy? ......... OF @) Are the crocodiles long? ........ me @ Are the snakes short? ne My giraffes are purple. © @@Listen and write the number. Vid ep © @®@Read and cross (X) or tick (W). Animals | hands| arms | legs feet tails snakes x x x x v monkeys birds elephants crocodiles fish tigers zebras Starters Reading and Writing, Part 2 @ ®@Look and read.Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The elephants have got small ears. @) The monkeys are onbikes. @) The giraffes are under the elephants. 9... )Thesmallgiraffeisfat @ The tigers are next to the crocodiles. © The snakes have got eyes. © @@Listen and write ‘a’,‘e’ or ‘i’. h__ppo pn s__ster h__nd © © Draw and write. = LT TUS LOE NTT IS a My favourite wild animals are __._.-..-.------------------ _ They're ~ They've got - LWA WAAL A PALA MOLL De DOS la tte Dore ST Patra? ATARI SIG 9 2a 2 Pail? 2a. : e ' e e Ee 2 ? crocodile elephant tiger i 6 i 6 i¢ ? ? ? ? 2° | 29 hippo giraffe snake My stor card »P OCan you say these words? eS STS Sey ys Qt © Colour the stars. arr eee Hoo oe roe reo eee Oo EY yee E> > > be be ee re tech dh re eh SA ) @@Listen and colour. ty © Draw and write. me SOR TIA OATS TOUR TE OO, ae ont & My favourite clothes are my -.-.-------------------------+ POTN ST SST RT MATT AT A OT St Sled TK © RAW ORE, © @@Listen and match. a Starters Listening, Part 2 @ @@Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. 3 Kim Tom 40 8 Bill 9 | What is the name of the girl? = _____! Kees How old is she? 2 ore eases. @what is the name of thedog? @Howoldisthedog? eee @ What is the name of Kim's brother? == @ How oldis Kim's brother? ©) How many children are in Kim’s class? __ 2 ©@Listen and write ‘a’,‘e’,‘’ or ‘o’. é 1 € 1 € 2? 2a]? ca]? 2 wee re jacket shoes skirt 16 ‘¢ ne i? ae ? a ae ? socks trousers T-shirt My star card » O Can you say these words? BR ak il sy mi me » i @ 5 INL bee Ly i> Ly I> E> D> b> oP ee te © Colour the stars. Soo e ee ooo ooo oppo EEE ooo a Marie’s geography | Habitats @@Read and tick (7) or cross (X). (ar river plain forest fish er v x x giraffe BP hippo crocodile @@Read.Write and draw. plains long grey elephant forests This animal is from ..--Plains._. and It’s got two big ears and a very Love nature Trevor’s values (@) The birds are sad. @) The river is dirty, eS @) The forest has got trees. @ The river hasn’t got fish. ©) The forest hasn’t got trees. © The birds are happy. @) The river has got fish. The river is clean. long shoes a dirty T-shirt a big nose a sad mouth purple trousers Ben short shoes a happy mouth green hair a small nose a red jacket © @OListen and say ‘Bill’ or ‘Ben’. @© OSay the sentences. 7 and | $59 | no legs. BA Ox ond I no hands. DE rd | APP ro rms ES> and | ef »»)| no hair. Y @@Read and write. arms ears face hands mouth tail two two At the safari park °Q @ I'm small and brown. I’ve got a funny (4)... face _.__ and a big Os @ @@Listen and write the number. ae @QyY OK swim play the guitar play tennis ride a bike play football play basketball 3) @GFind six words. football -guitar play ride swim tennis play the _ guitar _ @playeee = eas basketball ©) ealbike Bplay... OV ae © @@Listen and tick (/) or cross (X). © Owhat can you do? Draw and write. TST RAT TAL GF AT TO LE TT A, vo ix ANWAR YN ANE YG A NS OAS STURT er TOT er AT A STA A =: Starters Reading and Writing, Part 3 @@ Look and write the words. Example basketball Vv vvY VVVY Questions VW" —————S @© @@Listen and circle ‘l’ in the words. football pencil clean © @Write the words. -basketbalt abike draw football the guitar ahorse thepiano sing swim tennis f I can play ... | can ride ... basketball A ee ree th rh ether hh AK My picture dictionary ve Ww ATES 2 2° ie) | basal “Tide a bike | play tennis Ww ee gee ae? wy 2 2a| ? ? ole 2 ? 93 Vv swim | play football | play the guitar vv My star card W OCan you say these words? Ww KORE Ye y SSC wv Colour the stars. : ail Hoo e eer eee Sana ater @ OWrite the words. bike boat bus car lorry motorbike plane train aa le} jo la l—-j—lo |= ® — al | “=a @ @@Listen and colour. 8) © Draw stars. TP ef] A! O®@Now ask and answer. Draw your friends stars. S }}) OOUW oo] OS Poe el N GY OWrite the words. F-shirt- helicopter boat trousers plane skirt jacket shoes motorbike socks bus © © Draw and write. riding horse bike motorbike driving sitting lorry bus ship flying plane helicopter 5 a PRT TR TRU NT BRN a t 2] 3] x a q a Fee (ee 4 RT RY GAT RYT Ry Starters Listening, Part 3 @ oo Listen and tick (“) the box. There is one example. Where's the lorry? =O, iy @) What is Anna doing? @ (2) What toy is under the chair? Er, : i, @) What colour is Matt's motorbike? @) Which boy is Alex? Poo Be © ® Oe @@Listen and write ‘a’,‘e’,‘’,‘0’ or ‘v’. oe ee happy s_ @@Read and complete. ‘ a\ flying driving -riding flying driving riding a horse. t i 6 i 6 i? Sai? ? Bon ? ? B bub >| lorry 3% motorbike _ 1 6 i 6 i 6 ? :? ue ? 2 2 helicopter plane boat My star card» OCan you say these words? & pet al oi Sw Bo 5 EC © Colour the stars. errereecmnnsneetressaeseceemamnemasmmmmmmmsmmmrennanscmcemnancnenecnscnceencnesti Corr Geer eee @ Preyer eye ye ye Pere re re rt re rere ere ee A Sea pints der ore & Marie’s sports Things for sports @OMatch and say. Qe ® — sm @e& Le (bike) — (big ball) (small ball) (boat ) er @ @@ Match and write. horse boat basketball -bike table-tennis @) They're riding a ..... 5 ike. ss @) They're sitting on a ate @) They're playing ..............- GY © @ They're playing ................ © © They're riding a_......-...-.... bn @ @@Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Dan Grace Hugo @®@ Follow the lines and write. -bedroom- livingroom kitchen hall © @@ match and write. (4) She's drawing a. picture __. kA chair ° @) He's reading a ................ P Q i (G) Shesisittinglon|alesese alent i) qa, cana GQ book Ol music \i\ picture Z @ They're listening to... @) He's drivinga © They're playing ...-..---.------. Starters Reading ene Part 5 Se # © @@Look, read and write. Where are the children? in the ......k itchen. _. How many people are there? = _____.____ TWO. ecouiae -- @) What's the girl eating? Some _5__ See econ. ™)VWhatsthe boy got? 82 a!) Beevhovisspointing? =" *: -ssatneme ee SM @ @@Listen and circle the ‘h’ words. © © Complete the sentences. eating listening reading having © gkgryee 25S ie SES He’s __listening__ to music. Ber Kh eh rh rp oh th rh rh rp AL f iplataisnilltoneaaiy vy é 1 € é ? fa]? : 2 2 2 ‘living room | | bedroom | kitchen é 1 € é ? ne ? 2 2 ? “bathroom | hall | dining room My star card

—-—-x¥~ooO-oLO - ovuLecmM>couvD oortvwso0ocod FseoNO-OLoNne csvuoOYOHRO-—O @Wwrite the words. @@Read and complete. young eating: banana cake The small monkey's ._ eating __ an orange and the big monkey's got some __._......-- The old monkey's eating a land:the:1 3.1. .__aeeg monkey's got ice cream. o Os @@Listen and tick (V) or cross (X). 2 oe Ne Oe DRY RTO RW A ” DORI WTR PAW wae at ore rane | % I ane : = “ssa bap apples. ss PP’ I ice cream. Fp ORT LRT AR MART, a LRT ARNART, beeen Hy DUT DAUR TR Ez Starters Listening, Part 4 @ @@Listen and colour. There is one example. ojo Rea |, | © oo Listen and write the words. bike white drive nine ike five © @Tick (V) the boxes. Name OS ) SD |GED Me O@Now ask and answer in groups. Do you like apples? chocolate ice cream My star card ~~ OCan you say these words? a t B\JO|}s © Colour the stars. This is Fred Food. His nose is a banana / an ice cream. His mouth is a fish / a burger. His ears are apples / oranges. His hair is grapes / kiwis. His eyes are cakes / burgers. his hands. her teeth. his apples. reading a book eating fish watching TV having a bath O@Now ask and answer.Tick (W) your friend’s box. What's the old monster doing? He's eating fish. 3h Dlg t BBS a iG reading a book eating fish watching TV having a bath @ Circle the different word. @) kiwi apple orange Cguitar) @) lorry ice cream train bus @) burger tiger giraffe lion @) bathroom kitchen bedroom _ chocolate ©) motorbike helicopter —_ lorry hall © play swim bike ride @®@Read and complete. Draw. fo RENESAS ’'m at home in i i the kitchen. | like B x - * x fg % & a t a a = Hu 2 5 t & RE ir GRE @ Grammar reference re uf Order the words. D(vour (nome? Whe) Qo (ore(you? How) WW Look and complete. He’s She's He’s_ She's eX Look and complete. Is Is is isn’t (1) your ball in your car? Yes, (G32 25. jas your ballon the table? = No, it_.____. a Circle the sentences. Look and complete. It’s They're (4) Look at the dog. -....---- long. (2) Look at the two cats....____. small (Y Order the words. (face. )( (got ) (Ive Ive ) Asai. a ee ee o& “You've ve ) (short hair) got ) ee eee eee ae Circle the sentences. Look and complete. hasn’t got ’s got 9 g Peebles your red trousers. Oeste ee your red trousers. Order the words. Ci can Jf sing. It He Q) ( They )( swim. F swim. ) (can’t) Soe es ( ? @) (Can Can ) )( ride a bike? (you) 10 ¢ Look and complete. am not Are Are Oe you flying your plane? —Yes, | _- (2) pees you playing the guitar? No, I’m x Look and complete. like don’t like Psi e tee eur Um ela rte eo BURR CRO UN a emily Dean CUCU ME Ces oe Re RUC Re Reread RES ate ee eae en cna nad PO hicie Uk ee COR CIC Ce ticctn LG ka ae elena Le See Re unc en cue ccc) SC oN ONC eee Ri) Cr) * offers fun interactive games and activities to support vocabulary, grammar and reading skills Se Nn a oe ee eeu Re) ERE eure Es cuF pam Re on eer Re cura URC) ea eae ee een ia key ICU Tecnica

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