Vocabulary - 7: Grade / Unit 2

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Vocabulary - 7th Grade / Unit 2

achieve ● v. (başarmak) Sam achieved great success cup ● n. (kupa) My brother won a silver cup for skating
in the race. last week.
achievement ● n. (başarı) We always celebrate the cycling ● n. (bisiklete binme) How about cycling in
achievements of our students. the park?
ambitious ● adj. (azimli, hırslı) My sister is daily ● adj, adv. (günlük) I talk to my mother daily.
ambitious. She studies hard because she wants to distance ● n. (mesafe, uzaklık) Jupiter’s average
be a doctor. distance from the Sun is 778,369,000 km.
applaud ● v. (alkışlamak) The audience applauded
diving ● n. (dalış, dalma sporu) Two years ago,
loudly at the end of the concert.
we took diving courses for beginners in Sivriada,
archer ● n. (okçu) He is a young and talented archer. Istanbul.
archery ● n. (okçuluk) He does archery twice a week. do exercise ● v, phr. (egzersiz yapmak) My sister
arena ● n. (düz alan) The city has got a large indoor does exercise every morning because she wants to
arena . be fit and healthy.
arrow ● n. (ok) He killed the lion with an arrow. draw ● n. (berabere biten oyun) The game ended in a
athlete ● n. (atlet (sporcu)) John is a successful 2-2 draw.
athlete because he trains hard. enjoyable ● adj. (eğlenceli, keyifli) Last night I
athletics ● n. (atletizm sporu) I love watching the watched the first episode of the new TV series. It was
Olympics, especially the athletics. quite enjoyable.
backpack ● n. (sırt çantası) You can’t carry this equipment ● n. (araç-gereç, donanım, ekipman)
backpack because it’s too heavy. What kind of equipment do you need for skating?
baseball ● n. (beyzbol) I usually play baseball in my excellent ● adj. (mükemmel, harika, çok iyi) It was an
free time. excellent party. We really had a great time.
beat ● v. (yenmek) He never beats me at basketball. exciting ● adj. (heyecan verici) I think skiing is more
He always loses. exciting than the other sports.
belt ● n. (kemer) You need a special white suit and a field ● n. (saha, alan) Our school has got a field. We
belt for karate. can play football there after school.
boring ● adj. (sıkıcı) I think wild life documentaries are football ● n. (futbol) He never watches football
really boring. matches on TV.
bow ● n. (yay) Some hunters use a bow and arrows to freestyle ● n. (serbest yüzme) My sister won the 400
hunt animals. metres freestyle.
boxing ● n. (boks sporu) My brother is very good at
get ready ● v, phr. (hazırlanmak) Betty is getting
ready for the party in her room.
breaststroke ● n. (kurbağalama yüzüş) She won the
go on a diet ● v, phr. (diyete başlamak) I want to
100-meter breaststroke in world-record time.
lose weight. I must go on a diet
champion ● n. (şampiyon) He trained hard and
goal ● n. (gol) He scores two goals in every game.
became a boxing champion last year.
gold ● adj, n. (altın, altından) He won a gold medal
cheer ● v. (tezahürat yapmak) The spectators
last year.
cheered when the team came on to the field.
climber ● n. (dağcı) My brother is interested in gym ● n. (spor salonu) We played basketball in the
climbing. He wants to be a professional climber. gym after school.
climbing ● n. (dağcılık, tırmanma sporu) Bill’s handball ● n. (hentbol) The kids are playing handball
favourite sport is climbing. right now.
coach ● n. (antrenör) Our basketball team has a new hard ● adj, adv. (zor,sıkı,sert) She studies hard to be
coach. successful. It’s a very hard question, I can’t solve it.
comfortable ● adj. (rahat, konforlu) These trainers healthy ● adj. (sağlıklı, sağlığa yararlı) My father
are so comfortable to wear. starts the day with a healthy breakfast. He is a
compete ● v. (yarışmak) My dream is to compete in healthy boy. He never gets sick.
the Olympics. helmet ● n. (kask, koruyucu başlık) The man on the
completely ● adv. (tamamen) I completely forgot to motorbike is wearing a helmet.
do my homework. hiking ● n. (doğa yürüyüşü) Let’s go hiking in the
court ● n. (kort, oyun alanı) There is a big court in our mountains this Sunday!
neighbourhood and we sometimes play basketball hit ● v. (vurmak, çarpmak) She hit the ball with her
there. tennis racket. An asteroid hit Earth in April, 2020.
Vocabulary - 7th Grade / Unit 2
hurdle ● n. (engel, yarış engeli) His horse fell at the player ● n. (oyuncu) My brother is a brilliant soccer
final hurdle. player.
hurt ● v. (acımak, ağrımak; incitmek, yaralamak) I hurt point ● n. (sayı, puan) The team scored 10 points in
my arm playing basketball. My leg hurts a lot. the game.
ice skating ● n. (buz pateni) Jane is really good at pool ● n. (havuz) I like swimming in the pool , not in
ice skating. You can go ice skating in winter. the sea.
individual ● adj. (bireysel, tek kişilik) Cycling is an professional ● adj. (profesyonel) My sister wants to
individual sport. be a professional tennis player.
individually ● adv. (bireysel olarak) You can do some properly ● adv. (uygun şekilde, yerli yerinde) We
sports individually like tennis. should use the natural sources properly.
indoor ● adj. (iç mekanlarda yapılan) Table tennis is race ● n. (yarış) I joined a bike race last year and I
an indoor sport. won it.
injury ● n. (yaralanma, incinme) I hope her injury is
racket ● n. (raket) You hit the ball with your racket.
not serious. He is at the hospital with a head injury.
regularly ● adv. (düzenli olarak) We meet our
interesting ● adj. (ilginç, ilgi çekici) I find
grandparents regularly each month.
documentaries really interesting.
relaxing ● adj. (huzur verici, dinlendirici) Every day, I
interview ● n, v. (1. röportaj, görüşme, mülakat
go for a walk in the park. I think it is very relaxing.
2. röportaj yapmak, görüşmek) This is her first job
interview. We’re interviewing Mr. Jason about our represent ● v. (temsil etmek) She is a great tennis
school project. player. She represented Turkey in Olympic Games
jogging ● n. (tempolu ve yavaş koşu) He often goes last year.
jogging in the forest. rest ● n, v. (dinlenmek, istirahat) My father rests after
join ● v. (katılmak) My friends and I would like to join a work.
summer camp. ring ● n. (boks ringi) You can do boxing on a ring.
judo ● n. (judo) My brother is interested in judo. He roller skating ● n. (patenle kayma) He goes roller
has a black belt in it. skating in the park on Sundays.
junk food ● phr. (abur cubur) Junk food is quick and runner ● n. (koşucu) He is a very good runner; he
easy to prepare but bad for your health because it always wins the races.
contains a lot of sugar, salt and fat.
score ● n, v. (1. gol atmak, puan kazanmak 2. sonuç,
knee pad ● n, phr. (diz koruyucu, dizlik) You should sayı) He scored two goals in the World Cup Finals.
wear your knee pads when you go skating. What is the final score?
lose ● v. (kaybetmek) The guest team lost the match seldom ● adv. (nadiren) I seldom drink coffee.
serious ● adj. (ciddi; endişe verici) Mike is a serious
marathon ● n. (maraton) She ran her first marathon man. He doesn’t like making jokes. He can’t run in the
last week.
race today because he has a serious injury.
match ● n. (maç (futbol, tenis vb)) I watched a football
sight ● n. (görme gücü) He wears glasses because he
match last Saturday. It was really fantastic.
has a poor sight and can’t see very well.
medal ● n. (madalya) We won a gold medal at the
skating ● n. (paten yapma) We went skating in the
World Chess Championship.
nap ● n. (kısa uyku, şekerleme) I take a nap after
skiing ● n. (kayak yapma) Skiing is a winter sport.
nature ● n. (doğa) If you love animals and nature, you spectator ● n. (seyirci, izleyici) More than forty
should visit the Amazon rainforest. thousand spectators watched the final game.
need ● n, v. (1. ihtiyaç duymak 2. ihtiyaç, gereksinim) I sprinter ● n. (kısa mesafe sürat koşucusu) There
need to buy some beverages. You should explain the were twelve sprinters in the race.
need for change. stay up ● phr v. (geç vakitte yatmak) I stayed up to
net ● n. (ağ, file) We need a net to play volleyball. watch a horror movie last night.
opponent ● n. (rakip) He beat his opponent in the strong ● adj. (güçlü) My grandfather is old, but he is
first game. still strong.
outdoor ● adj. (dışarıda yapılan, açık havada) Do you success ● n. (başarı) Discovering evidence of water
like outdoor sports? on Mars was a big success.
participate ● v. (katılmak) She wants to participate successful ● adj. (başarılı) She wants to be
in the dance competitions. successful. She is ambitious.
Vocabulary - 7th Grade / Unit 2
surface ● n. (yüzey) Skiing is an individual sport and train ● v. (antrenman yapmak) The players train five
you can do it on a snowy surface. The temperature days a week to defeat the guest team.
on the Earth’s surface is increasing because of global trainers ● n. (spor ayakkabısı) Tom is wearing his
warming. trainers because he’s going to play football.
surfing ● n. (sörf yapma) Look at the big waves! Let’s training ● n. (antrenman) She has running training
go surfing! three times a week.
swimsuit ● n. (mayo) The girl in the water is wearing travel ● n, v. (seyahat etmek, seyahat) People will
a pink swimsuit. travel in flying cars in future. My father has business
take place ● v, phr. (olmak, gerçekleşmek) The travels every month.
football match for the European championship in 2016 trekking ● n. (doğa yürüyüşü, kır yürüyüşü) We spent
took place in Madrid. Saturday trekking by the lake.
team ● n. (takım) Our team lost the last game, so we walking stick ● n, phr. (baston, yürüme değneği)
couldn’t get the prize. The hiker had his backpack and a walking stick.
throw ● v. (atmak, fırlatmak) My friend threw the ball warm up ● phr v. (ısınmak, ısınma çalışması
over the net. yapmak) It is important to warm up before you start
tired ● adj. (yorgun) The old man was tired after a running.
long walk. weekly ● adj. (haftalık) He reads weekly magazines
touch ● v. (dokunmak) Our teacher told us not to about sports.
touch the vase. win ● v. (kazanmak) Dubochet won the Nobel Prize in
tournament ● n. (turnuva, yarışma) My school Chemistry in 2017.
organises a chess tournament every year and gives workout ● n. (idman) The doctor recommended he
medals. should do regular workout to lose weight.
track ● n. (yarış pisti, parkur) Running tracks are wrestler ● n. (güreşçi) The young wrestler trained
generally oval in shape. hard to win the gold medal.


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