Wonderful World 6 Students Book and Workbook

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dyagsuw! dst! Aloo! ulzille yi! 6419 STUDENT'S BOOK & WORKBOOK fn Dan | Ree fey one | ren eae ot Edition TEU eS TaD GQagszuw! Qyjssl GalooII = —_ aLzillo Guy 6,19 eer eat oa BOOK area eres Intermediate Stage) Third Intermediateyarade Ritelolfebesssuglss 526 Foes (ees ears (en tape] Sees] NATIONAL, one Sr e Crawfpra} > 4 Ceri) Wire 4 ed 1 Mind and Body Health Matters Healthelated words anand could Be abe to The Power of Perfume andexpressons May and might; Must and cont p4a-tt_| whats your problem? ‘Must Have t; Should and ought to 2 The Arts What's in a picire? “areated words resent Spl passive) Past Simple pave Famous Buings ‘ichitecturerelated words | Passive voice: other tenses and medals 12-19] Crafts! Review 1 2021 Vocebulary and Grammar tasks / Chant 3 Extreme Sports Adventure on the ctf Sports-elated words Zero Conditional: ist Conditional: Unless Dangerous Fun! Second Condtioral 22-29 | Challenging Sports Third Conditional 4 The Law The oy onthe Bus Lavelated words Wishes The eman Reflexive pronouns 30-37 | Different Laws Review 2 88-39 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant 5 Communication In Touch with the World CComputecreated words | Reported Speech: Statements ‘rimal Tak Communication-elated words | Questions; Conmands Requests 1 40-47 | Getting the mesage across! Changes n time andpace & Shopping ‘Who needs Money? ~ | Shopping-rlated words The cavsatve The Hite of Shopng Clauses of purpose; Clauses of result p 48-55 | Le 0 Shop? Clauses of contrast Both Neither Review 3 56-57 Vocabulary and Grammar tasks / Chant Irregular verbs p 58-59 Gontents Unit 1 e267 Unit 2 08-73 Review 1 974-75 Unit 3 76-81 Unit 4 peze7 Review 2 pee-69 Unit 5 90-95 Unit 6 96-101 Review 3 p 102-103 fear) Tck the comect pictures ere) Talk about health and Phrasal Verbs/ aoe Phrasal Verbs | aie eae Erte) ‘Asking for and giving Ra) Expressions asking for Te or Fase fitness advice or gving advice R13 Letter of advice Tick correct boxes Talk about a poster, phate, | Prepositions ‘Asking for opinion | Organising Information Multiple choice Picture, card or postcard Review 146 Tue or False Talk about a painting v True or False Talk about extieme sports | Phrasal Verbs | Using adjectives with | Using informal Multiple choice numbers language Ta19 Email Tick the covect pictues | Talk about a sad event | Prepartions pressing Gbeiet | Ordering events in @ Complete apolice eport | in your area Describe a story mori Number the stores | picture of crimes Story 13 True or Fae Talk about ways of Phrasal Verbs | Showing that something | Discussing advantages Tick the comect boxes | communicating istiue forsomeone else | and disadvantages | T14-r15 with so and nether | Artle ‘Multiple choice Talk about money and | Prepasiions ‘Making suggestions | Using headings in Match; Number the | speneing reports dialogues Talk about shops in a town Report ners 719) cess usaba a clus 68 Eliehe cop uses Nella eck ese because of its beauty and sense of peace and quiet. US ens e A OE Te MeuCni Caco Winn hase Seed ae cait tien euch Relites 1 What percentage of Saudi Arabia is desert? 2 What is the biggest desert in the world? a emptiest desert - no animals live there. smallest desert ~ it's 1,600 km in length oldest desert - it's $5 milion years ol, acne - Be dew Brrwee orm Wome | Hi Jaber, How's it going? Sorry | haven't been in touch for a while, but | couldn't use my ‘computer for a few days. You'll never guess what happened to me! A couple of weeks ago, | decided to take up judo. Judo means ‘gentle way’ Itis a Japanese form of self-defence. (1) ‘ve been feeling a bit stressed about my school work recently and | thought judo might help. ‘My dad couldn't give me a liftto the first lesson, so | decided to cycle to the = ‘gym. The lesson was great, and | fet really relaxed afterwards. (2) __ The next day, | woke up with a bad cold, | couldn't stop coughing and sneezing, I couldn't go to school because | also had a high ternperature. We were having a maths test that day, so it was great that | could stay at home. | didn't really enjoy my day off, though. | felt awful and stayed in bed. My brother brought me cups of hot tea for my sore throat, and you know how much | hate tea! (3)___ I have to keep taking these for a while so I can get stronger. ‘That afternoon, Rami phoned me. He said he'd gotten something to cheer me up and pretended it was the maths test that 'd missed. ‘Mr Moussa says you can do it at home instead,’ he said, but | knew he was joking. (4) _ ‘The next day, | was stila bit pale and didn't have much energy, but | was feeling better. The day after that, | was able to go back to school. Can you believe it? (6) ‘Anyway, |hope you're OK. Wiite and let me know what you've been up tol Bye for now! Kareem Vocabulary/ Complete the email with these sentences. _Find the words in the text and in the missing sentences and circle the correct meaning, a orb. a |went to the judo class to feel healthier and instead | caught a cold! 1 gentle 4 soe b My mum sent my brother to the chemist’s ay tera @ painful and got me some vitamin pills. oe b scary ¢ Onthe way home, though, it started 2 stressed 5. chemist’s raining and | got very wet! a bored a medicine is sold here d_ It's supposed to be good for relaxation Bima coin eee ae and keeping fit 3 lift ‘ 2 6 energy i a ride on a bicycle a relaxation I didn’t think it was very funny, but he dil fg ae ener) ‘We use can for the present and the future to: talk about ability. can ride a bike. ask for and give permission. Can I go home because | don't feel well? You can go out when you've finished your homework. talk about what is possible. You can keep fit by walking every day. d_ask somebody to do something for you. Can you go to the chemist’s? We use could to talk about ability in the past. Could you walk when you were one year old? Note: We use a bare infinitive (without to) after can and could. We use be able to to talk about ability. We can use it in all tenses except for continuous tenses. We use a bare: infinitive after be able to. ‘Asim is able to run faster than Fayez You will be able to get out of bed in two days. They have been able to get fit with judo. We use was/were able to to talk about what someone ‘managed to do on a specific occasion in the past. Could is usually used only for general ability in the past. He dich't feel well, but he was able to eat dinner. Were they able to get to the hospital in time? Note: The negative forms couldn't and wasn't/weren't able to can be used for bath general and specific ability in the past. The boy couldn't/wasn't able to walk after the accident. A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 exam//relax/can't/1/ before / an 2. hear / shouted / couldn't / he / because / we /us 3. ?/Heba / visit / we / hospital / in / can 4 7/.go/ you / to / able / the / to / doctor's / were 5. wasn't/sleep / able /last night /1/ to B Circle the correct words. 1. He trained very hard and he GaRIWASlaBIES win a medal in 2012. 2. The doctors WaBALESEIEItOI/ GOUIAR'E save the man 3. CBRIITATBHAIABIE use your mobile phone? 4. Kareem isnitabl6ltOI/"@ant speak because he's got toothache 5 Could YOU WereYOUIABIETES go to the library, yesterday? Vocabulary Match. 1 lose a acold 2 catch b agym 3 take c pills ere 4. weight 5 join e fit 6 keep f adiet Listening; @ Listen and tick (y) the correct pictures. 1. What does Ashraf want to do? 2 What's Bilal going to do? to) ate ese 3 What can Aisha have? es o@ Speaking; SReenine) ‘Ask and answer these questions with your partner. ‘Are young people healthy nowadays? Why / Why not? What can they do to improve their health? How can they keep fit? How can they have a healthier diet? Writing; Write a paragraph about young people and their health. Answer the questions in the Speaking task. Why are some people wiling to spend so much money ona tiny bottle of perfume? It can't just be because it's got a nice smell, can if? The truth is that scent has a Powerful effect on our thoughts and emotions. Some scientists, for example, believe that memory and smell are connected. They say that some aromas remind us of past experiences. Perfume makers are aware of this. That's why they ay famous people milions of dollars to appear in adverts for men's and women’s fragrances. ‘Perfume,’ says one expert, is a promise in a bottle.” The promise might be beauty, happiness or style, as the names of perfumes like ‘Beautiful, Voy’ and ‘Chanel No. 5' suggest. The important thing is that customers believe the scent they buy will make them ‘feo! fantastic. A perfume can make an enormous amount of money. When fashion designer Calvin Klein brought out ‘CK One’, for example, it made 250 milion dollars in its first year! Even today, ‘Chanel No. 5’ sells a bottle every 30 seconds! However, only about one in ten ew fragrances is successful, so it's a risky business, ‘Saudi Arabia now has a flourishing perfume industry, with exciting fragrances such as Bakhour and Dehn ‘Al od. When trying to choose what perfume to Vocabulary, ‘Complete the sentences with these words. customers aware beauty successful willing fantastic ‘Are you Perfumes have a strong effect on people. C) rm not Famous people buy expensive perfumes. of money. Perfume makers promise their customers _ ‘The Egyptian Queen Nefertiti was farnous for her many things. { visited the aquarium at the weekend. It was fany perfumes sell well By We had a great time. You should buy the same perfume as i The new perfurn ery attractive and your friend, spending a lot of money! If you want to be hai Grammar) We use may and might to talk about possibility. We use a bare infinitive after may and might. We don't usually use might in ‘questions and we usually say might not and not mightn't. might buy some new trainers. Trainers may nat always be cook Note: Be careful with maybe (= perhaps) and may be (modal verb + bare infinitive). We use rust to talk about something we are sure is true and can't when we are sure something isn't true, We use a bare infinitive after must and can't. Those jeans must cost a lot of money. That can’t be Rayon's shirt because he never wears red. A Circle the correct words. 1. Its very beautiful. tt mHUSEMESAE be a famous painting, 2. Layla FRIGHEZIMLSE grow some flowers, but she isn’t sure. 3. The magazine ‘Cars’ ighEinOkMeaA't be about fishing 4. These shoes FRAVINMLSE not suit you, because I think they are too small 5. This ghutra Canlia be Als, because he's wearing his. B Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first. Use can’t, may/might, may not/might not, must. 1 That tall man certainly isn’t your uncle! That tall man your uncle! 2. Maybe, | won't buy my mum perfume for Eid 1 my mum perfume for Ei 3m sure flower shows are great! Flower shows __ great! 4. t's possible that my dad will open a clothes shop. My dad a clothes shop. Vocabulary Replace the words in bold with words from the list below, that have a similar meaning. exhausted furious skinny starving terrified 1. 1'm tired because | didn’t sleep well 2 Wehadn't eaten all day and we were very hungry. 3. My friend was very angry with me for being late. 4. When Hakim went for his first job, he was scared. 5 Badr used to be extremely thin, but now his clothes don't fit Listening; Q Listen to the interview with a doctor and write T (true) or F (false). ( Plirasall Verbs When he was a child, Uthman wanted tobe a dentist ‘At school, Uthman didn’t like science very much. Uthman’s father has a friend who is a doctor, Uthman wrote a very good essay for his English teacher Uthman’s 17-year-old cousin was very ill Uthman thinks itis quite easy to become a doctor, ‘Complete the sentences with these verbs. bring out catch on put on take off try on 1. They're going to. anew toothpaste that tastes like chocolate! 2 your jacket if you're too hot. 3 ‘Cant __ these trainers, please?’ Rafiq asked the shop assistant. 4 Some people their best clothes just to go to the supermarket! 5 Do you think this new smartphone will @ eae (pal el a } [ee What's your problem? CENenrr cried Pea ate aac at 1 t'm afraid your parents might be right. al : Its not healthy to spend so many z hours on the computer. Why don't you Dear Tariq, walk or cycle to school so that you get | feel terrible, and Ireally need your advice. The problem is some extra exercise? This way your {that I'm not interested in technology. | don’t know what's parents will see that you're making an new and I dort lice using mabile phones. Some of my effort to exercise more. friends laugh at me and say that t'm not up to date. What: do you think | should do? Reading; Loree cu cue ue he) Peper irr Rite ee nen etc 2 First of all, you must stop worrying! Try to relax at bedtime by having a ac bath and a glass of warm milk. Think about your diet too. Are you getting enough vitamins? Doing exercise will Recently, l hoven't been fesing very wel Im very pale, and. also give you energy. You don’t have I'm always exhausted. We've got exams at school soon, to run 10 kilometres a day - even 2 and haven't: got the energy to study. | go to bed eorly, ‘walking for 20 minutes three times a but sometimes | can't sleep because I'm so stressed, week will help. Please helo! Hosan, 14 3 Don't listen to these ‘friends’. There's nothing wrong with you because you don't like the same things as them. Be yourself and enjoy what you like! You should also find some teal friends who care about you, not what phone you hai 3 Dear Tariq, ~ Asking for and giving advice ‘What do you think | should do? Do you think | should + bare infinitive ...? Pee zs Why don’t you + bare infinitive ..? : i 'd better (not) + bare infinitive Comprehension; You! prehenen) complete the dialogue with the language above and Write F (Fadel), H (Hasan) or S (Salah). ‘then practise it with your partner. Hani: | haven't studied for the test. stay at home? stay at home because 1 Who does too much of something? 2. Whose problem is affecting their education? 3. Who is made fun of? 4. Who is very worried about losing something? 5. Who is worried about other people's opinions? 6 Who is very tired all the time? 10 Fahd: No, it’s wrong iz Be st anon any questions you know? Now, make short dialogues with your partner about the problems below. Jt up in the morning. My sister doesn't help at home HG, 8268 Lcan't of Grammar) cA ‘We use must to talk about obligation in the present and future. We use a bare infinitive after must They mustn't be late for school We can use have to to talk about obligation in the present. We use a bare infinitive after have to. We use will have to for the future and had to for the past. You have to go to bed early tonight. Note: There is an important difference in meaning between mustn't and doesn't/don't have to: You rrusn't park here, = It's wrong to park here. You don't have to wear new clothes. = It isnt necessary. ‘We use should to ask for and give advice. We use a bare infinitive ater should You should brush your teeth twice a day. We use ought to to give advice. We use a bare infntive after ‘uight to. We don't usually use the question form of ought to. You auziit fo look after your health more. Complete the sentences with these verbs. doesn't have must ought oughtn't should shouldn't 1 He to have a drink. 2 He. stay in bed today. 3 He to wear a swimming cap. 4 He eat all the cakes! 5 He buy some new socks. 6 They to watch TVall the time Writing; Letters of advice A Read these expressions and write A (asking for advice) or G (giving advice) next to each one. 1. Isuggest that you should 2. Why don't you ...? 3 What should | do? 4 Please tell me how | can. 0000 B Look at these expressions below. Where can they be used? Tick (/) the correct box. I hope you are able to I'm sure you will a at the end of letters asking for advice. J b at the end of letters giving advice Read part of a letter sent to a problem page and make notes in answer to the questions. 1. What's Ahmad's problem? 2. What should he do? (make 2 or 3 suggestions) 3. How will he feel then? Te recently started at anew school where Ident now anyone: The problem is that I'm very shy and I find it difficult to make friends When someone “ibfes to me. 1 feed terrified and I cat think of anything to say. feel ternble because the other toys inmy ofass must thnk Tim really boring. don't kyo what to do. Please tell me how I can relax and make some friends at schoo! Alma, 13 (rasta 9 | | D Writea letter giving adviceto Ahmad. | Use the expressions in A and B, your notes | in Cand the plan below to help you. I Start like this: Dear Ahmad, Paragraph 1 Talk about your own experience and say what you know about this problem, Paragraph 2 Say what he should/shouldn’t do (two or three suggestions) and what the results will | be. | Paragraph 3 | Express your hope that he'll solve his problem Finish like this: All the best, (your name) E Read your letter and check that you have used the correct expressions from A. J 11 " mir AMS we it i Bis Sli db Seana, +e: as a neat bi taren gee Trade ‘Autumn Leaves by (© Mishari, age 14 This photo was taken in autumn, which is my favourite season. It's of ‘my best friend, Hamza, in the park ‘neat his house. Autumn makes me feel happy because the leaves of the trees turn to beautiful colours and the veather isn’t too cold. | also always Took forward to seeing my friends ‘at school again after the summer holidays, and especially Hamza, great mood! What the judges say The autumn landscape at sunset is shown herein allits beauly, The ‘close-up of the boy against the evening sky gives a nice effect Comprehension) Write M (Mishari's), N (Naif’s) or J (ameel's). Whose photo ... 14 wasn't taken on a camera? oa is of someone special to the photographer? Oo shows some people waiting for something to happen? 0 makes somebody remember his past? [a was taken at the perfect time in the judges’ opinion?) | took this picture on my mobile phone ata football match a few ‘weeks ago. It was the frst live ‘game I'd ever been to, and | was really excited about it. The teams ‘were expected on the pitch at any moment and everyone was in a What the judges say The crowd's excitement is clearly felt when you look at this photo, There is also a nice contrast between the lively crowd and the =] The Goncert by Jameel, | took this picture last summer. I don't know who the Kids are, but when | saw this scene, | was reminded of when | was six years old. At that age, the simplest things make you happy, like eating an ice cxeam or having a picnic. Lite kids really know how to enjoy themselves! What the judges say This photo was taken at just the right moment, The children are so involved in what they're doing that they have forgotten about everything else. It's 1 photo about sharing and the joy of childhood, Italso shows the relaxed ‘almosphere of a summer's day. Complete the sentences with these words. childhood contrast crowd mood remind share between these There is a great two colours. 2. Those photos me of my holiday. 3. The two winners had to the first prize 4 isa time in your life with no responsibilities. 5 He was in a good __ because he had won first prize 6 There was a huge at the National Museum in Riyadh of tourists Grammar; We use the passive voice: a when we are more interested in the action than the person doing it. This picture was painted in 1936. _ when we don't know who does the action. Digital cameras aren't sold in that shop. ¢ when it is abvious who does the action. Television is watched all over the world. | we want to talk about the person doing the action, we use by. This photo was taken by Nabil Geen We make the Present Simple passive with am, are or is and tthe past participle of the main verb. See pages 58-59 for a list of irregular past participles. Fawzi is told by everyone that he's got fatent. eens We make the Past Simple passive with was or were and the past participle of the mam verb. That artist's work was shown at an exhibition last week. ‘A Complete the paragraph with the Present Simple or Past Simple passive of the verbs in brackets. The Saudi artist, Abdulnaser Gharim, (1) (interview) after the Christie's Fine Art Auctions, Middle East, which (2) (hold) in Dubai, UAE in Apri 2011. He (3) (ask) about his achievernents at the auction, His artwork (4) (sell) for $842,500. It is a three metre-high dome representing the Dome of the Rack Mosque in Jerusalem. (5) (make) of wood and copper, The sculpture is called ‘Message/Messenger’ Abduinaser Gharim said that what happened during the auction (6) (expect), But it seems that the language of art (7) (appreciate, now) by most people. That's why “Edge of Arabia” (@)___ (create). Male and female Saudi artists % (select}to prepare everything for the exhibition. They (10) (support) by Abdu Lateef Jameel! Community Initiatives. B Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first sentences. Use the passive voice. 1. They sell some paintings for a lot of money. Some paintings for a lot of money. 2. People often send photos by email, nowadays. Photos by email, nowadays. 3. A child painted this picture. This picture bya child, 4 Did Maha take this photograph? this photograph 5 I don't use my camera very often. My camera very often, Vocabulary Gircle the correct words. by Maha? 1. Kareem’s photo is in a gold frame back@rourid on ‘the wall This painting is a BOFtTeiR/anaSEEH of a man, The SEBHEI/Gallaly in the photo is of a park in spring. | think Bias EGTA on walls can be impressive “There is an) GSHFIpSLMIGRVERHIbitION of his paintings at school. 6 The Kintrastls atiiosphieré in that picture is very sad. 7 Can you take a photo at night without a THWANGSA? & Id lke a COpyMNEI6S=20p of that photo of my brother. Listening; @ Listen to Malik and Kareem talking about art and tick (7) the correct boxes. black and white photos? art galleries? landscape paintings? i modern art? | graffiti? Speaking; Choose one of these things and tell your partner about it. Describe it and say why you like it. a poster on your bedroom wall a photo that was taken by you or someone in your family your favourite picture or painting a card or postcard that someone sent you } Writing; Write a paragraph about what you described in the Speaking task. Answer these questions. Who or what does it show? What does it remind you of? Who was it painted/sent/taken by? Why do you like it? 15 Reading: You are going to read about famous buildings around the ‘world. Which is your favourite building? Why? Famous Buildings) A Kingdom Centre, [UoerRA CI This building is also. KSA reece) This bulaing vee bul known as the Bird's ‘between 1978 and 1986. Nest. The building itis 88 m iall and has 14 ‘was started in 2003, storeys. Itis used as an and itwas finished office building, There is ‘in June 2008. In May extra room insicie because: 2008, 7,811 square the lits and water pipes motres of grass were have all been puton the laid in the middle. outside of the building — not Itean hold 80,000 inside! There are 12 glass ‘people. Whatisit its, tis called the Lloya's used for? Spor. Building anditis in London, UK was originally buillfor the 2008 Olympics in aljing, China. Five ‘world records were ‘broken inside this stadium: eos orn) = ga This building was buiftin three years and was finished in 2002. Itis 302 m tall ‘and has 99 storeys. thas a bridae al the top. From thore, the city of Rivadh can bbe seen clearly and itlooks fantastic, It was the winner of a skyscraper award 12002, [tis used for ofices but there is also a shopping centre, a hotel and ‘partments. Itis called The Kinadom Centre. Ne ae = D This building was builtin 2004, itis used! as a shopping centre. Ithas three storeys and thete are restaurants as well as shops inside, The roof has blue-green tiles and they look like a dtagon’s scales. Itis the most photographed building in Poland, itis inthe town of Sopot i ee Vocabulary, ymprenension) Circle the correct words. Match the photographs to their descriptions. _ifferent kinds of sport are watched in a storey/Stadium. A 2. you run faster than anyone else, you break the world record / race. 3 You can use allifffBIB to go to the top of The Kingdom Centre. 4. A Bia SISERABER is usually built to cross a river 5 You can see fie/$8BléSion a fish and on a dragon: B c D 16 Grammar) ‘As well as the Present Simple and Past Simple, we can use other tenses in the passive voice, Present Continuous. Future Simple Abbridge is being bull. A bridge wil be bul A bridge isn't being built. A bridge won't be built. Is o bridge being built? ‘Willa bridge be built? Past Continuous Modais AUindeemniai be batt A bridge can't be buil Should a bridge be built? Present Perfect Simple A bridge has been built. A bridge hasn't been built. Hos a bridge been built? Note: Other continuous tenses, apart from the Present. Continuous and Past Continuous, are not used in the passive voice. A Circle the correct words. 1. Is the tallest skyscraper in the world Building / being Built in Saudi Arabia now? 2. Skyscrapers SFS/ZHAVE built so we don’t use a lot of land. 3. Will the new apartments be fils) finished by next surnmer? 4. Alot of modem buildings can S87 Bel88n in Riyadh 5 Young architects should Beinig /belencouraged to develop ‘green’ buildings. B Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the passive voice. Use the verbs in brackets. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (1) ___(connect) by the King Fahd Causeway. It is 25 km long and it @ (open) in 1986. Since it opened, the causeway (3) (cross) by about 45,000 vehicules causeway every day. A lot of visitors go to the causeway and wonderful views (4) (cov see) from the 265 metre-high restaurants. (5) the causeway (wilvinclude) on your list of places to visit this year? It should be! Vocabulary/ Circle the odd one out. builder grass roof passenger 1. architect apartment 2. bridge skyscraper 3 storey building 4 bus car istening; @ Listen to a documentary about the Burj Khali in Dubai and choose the correct answers. How tall is the Burj khalifa? a 828m b 928m How long did it take to finish the skyscraper? a sixteen years b sixyears 3. You can't see the desert from the Burj but you can see the ocean a Tue — b False 4. How fast do the lifts travel? a 20mpersecond b 10m per second 5 You can visit the top of at the Burj at 11pm on Friday, a Tue b Fake How many rooms does the hotel have? a 160 b 116 7 How many spaces are there in the car park? a 300 b 3,000 The park is 11 hectares and has eight fountains, a Tue b Fake © _ AS | Prepositions) | Complete the sentences with these prepositions. in about with of at 1 Would you be good designing a skyscraper? 2 What do you think the Burj Khalifa? 3 Are you worried going to the top of the Burj? It’s very high! 4 Are you interested and castles? visiting old palaces 5 | think modern buildings are ugly. Do you agree | me? 7 , pets Cet huent Cue aca PRS euC LM aR ecu taba Khalid: Granddad, can you help me with my homework, please? Granddad: What have you got to do? Khalid: We've got to write about a traditional Sauidi craft. The teacher told us to find out about one, write about it and find a picture, I'm not sure what to do. Granddad: There are lots of traditional crafts. You could write about weaving or jewellery or basket making. Or you could write about leather goods. Khalid: Wherrdict people start making all these things? Granddad: The Bedouins started making them. They lived in tents in the desert and they wanted some colourful decorations in their homes. They made blankets and rugs by weaving. They used wool from their sheep, goats and camels. Khalid: So was everything brown and white? Granddad: No, not at al. Plants were used to dye the wool, They were very colourful and they used geometric designs 0 everything was very attractive. So, what did they make from leather? Granddad: Well, they made saddles to put on their camels, They also made leather bags to put on the saddles so they could carry their belongings Khalid: And what about metal. Did they make anything out of metal? Granddad: Oh, yes, they made coffee pots and beautiful jewellery. They also made weapons to protect themselves. Khalid: Did they make other things for their homes? Granddad: Yes, they did. They made baskets for carrying things but also beautiful colourful baskets to use in their homes. They made bowls too. | think I've got a book with some pictures in it. Would you like to see it? Khalid: Yes, please. That would be great. Asking for opini hat’s your home lke? ‘Write R (Right): W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn't say), 's very modern and quite big. ait was a Bedouin's tent like? Fee ee 8 QO it was colourful and quite comfortable V 0 of the different handicrafts? 2. The Bedouin kept animals. 2 RNA I think they're beautiful. Cs 3 There weren’t many colours in thelinas oud thes: 0 ‘Ask your partner for his/her opinion of 4. Not everything they made was ‘these things. Practise the language above. used in their homes, i 5 They sold the jewellery to make money. (J a building in your town ‘@ book he/she has recently read 2 painting that he/she likes See ST 18 Listening; Q Listen to a teacher talking to some students about a class art exhibition. Write T (true) of F (false). 1 Some students haven't finished making their baskets, Oo 2 Aliand his group are fiaming the paintings. 3 The frames were finished last Thursday. QO 4. The posters are already on the walls Qa 5 Allthe parents want to see the exhibition. () 6 The parents will get something to eat and drink. Oo Speaking} Look at this painting. Talk about it with a partner. Do you like it? Why? or why not? Organising information A Look at these questions. What is your first impression of the painting? (J What can you see in the foreground? ‘What can you see in the background? What do you think has happened? 000 B Now, read a description of the painting. Are all, the questions answered? like this painting, It looks very peaceful. In the foreground, there are some beautiful, white flowers and a white ‘wooden boat. Its tied to the tree on the right. Inthe background, there are four or five houses. Most of them have a red roof. Behind the houses, there are some tall trees, think that someone who lives in one of the houses has rowed his boat across the lake. Perhaps he is ‘going to visit a friend. Fes sais to uote preset amen ye decay 2 pau present tenses 19 C The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct, words. Vocabulary) A Find the cut-outs. ve decided to go at a diet! il <7 ee eapeer sie 1r 2 Take over your shoes before you come in the bedroom. | 3. Are you looking forward into the match? | 4. That designer has just brought off her own perfume. 5 Noura reminds me from my sistet 6 Good food has a positive effect in your health, 7. Everyone at the game was on ‘a good mood, 8 What have you been up at these days? Anything excting? | | Grammai ‘A Complete the sentences with the Present Simple passive of these verbs. invite not allow exhibit sell wear 1. Clothes for tall people in | that shop. aie ay 2 Children under sixteen to stay doctor perfume Lae 3. Good paintings in that gallery. jay r [a] 4 You ‘to dinner after the meeting! 5 Trainers by people of all ages. B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in the passive voice. J 1. called / the doctor / last night / was crafts crowd 2 will/ given /a lecture / be / here / next week Base eee 3 be / judo / anywhere / exercises / can / done 1 scent promise fragrance 2. beauty mobile phone up to date 4 apphoto/ taken / at the moment /is/ of him / being 3. stressed exhausted fit 4. enormous tiny big 5 been/ thousands of / the / has / by / exhibition / 5. vitamin graffiti landscape visited / people 6 at science fragrance shouldn't / fast food / by / eaten / young children / be C Choose the correct answers. 1 That shit a famous designer. 2 can't b must should 2 We ___ goto the exhibition and we really enjoyed it. @ could b can were able to 3. Itisn't dark so you _use the flash on your camera 2 don'thave to b mustn't © might not 4 1___ tojoina gym, but 'm too lazy! a must b should ought 5 ___borrow your new jeans jacket? 2 Am| able b Cant Lam able to 6 That____ be Razan's painting, She doesn't lke green a cant b_ mustn't € shouldn't 7 You ___ eat too many sweets. They're bad for your teeth a mustn't bb don’t have to c cant 8 ___ tospend so much money on clothes? a Hashe Does he have Does he has 8 Mum furious with me for buying those jeans. a maybe b maybe < may 10 He beable to finish the painting in time for the exhibition a can't b could not ¢ might not be expensive because it's by Do you remember the day we. were caught in the rain, ‘And we walked in the streets on our holiday in Spain? We were younger then. Now, we don't look the samme, Gur life story's shown in these photographs, ‘These old ones were taken by mum and dad, ‘On the first trip cbroad that they ever had. Look at their clothes! Their hairstyles are bad! Yes, we can laugh at ald photographs “There are photographs of you and me, And how our friends and family used to be, People we knew, but now never see, Every photo is a memory. Look at us in the snow and in hot, sunny weather. Eid and weddings and holidays together. Places andl faces are captured forever. ‘Moments are frozen in our photographs, Memories are frozen in our photographs. Surfing is really exciting, The surfer on his surfboard has to ‘catch’ a big wave and ‘ride’ it. Tn R Noe Recrui iae nse EGC areal Coed aes Sa Cake eee ec) his ships arrived in Hawaii in 1778. Since then, it’s Peru NSN eae a Let's Find Out! 1. What are the three most popular sports in di Arabi 2 What is the nearest stadium to where you live? ‘The world record for the most people surfing on a single wave was set in 2006 off Cape Town, South Africa. How many people were there surfing? b 45 Reading; 7 Before reading, match the photos with the names of the sports. a \ would you most like to try? 4 rafting Kareem: Al Salam Alykorn, do you want to see the photos (of my abseling trip at the weekend? They're here con my computer oh, yes, let's have a look. I can't see ther! You're in the way, Kareem! IF you move a bit, we'll all be able to see. Sonry. is that better? Much better Thanks Kareem, So, this was the instructor. His name's Mansour. He was really nice ‘Mazen: Yes, he looks friendly, That helos! Kareem: And here's me wearing my harness and helmet | also had to wear special gloves. It helps you to avoid burns from the rope, Safety equipment is very important when yau're doing sports and especially extreme sports. You should also wear knee pads if you don't want to be injured. Ha, ha, you look really funny, Kareem! Thanks very much, Rami. Kareem: 1 paragliding (). 2 windsurfing (_) 3 scuba diving (_] cI Jaber: Well it doesn't show. You look very confident, actually! Here's the clff that we abselled down. The view from the top was very scary! ‘And that’s you going over the edge! You're very brave, Kareem! You mustn't look down. If you look down, you feel very seared. Kareem: Rami: —_Andin this photo you're halfway down the cf. ‘Was abseling eas)? Kareem: At fist itwas.very difficult, You have to lean back a long way. If you don’t lean back far enough, your feet slip. But after a while, | got the hang of it. Jaber: Andere you are at the bottom of the cif. Well done, Kareem! Thanks. | felt vey proud of myself at that mornent! Especially as you went on your own. Fewas very exciting, but! won't go again unless you guys come with me next time! ‘Were you feeling nervous at that moment? Rami: OK, Kareem. If you can do it, we can too! lot exactly, | was absolutely terrified! Comprehension Vocabulary; ‘Answer the questions. 1 Who is Mansour? ‘What equipment do you have to wear for abseiling? 1 How did Kareem feel before he started to edge get the hang of hamess instructor 2. Thisis difficult, but I'l Complete the sentences with these words. lean slip Our was excellent ~ he had years of experience, it eventually! abseil? 3 You need to wear very good shoes or you'll on 4 How did Kareem feel when he was at the the rocks. bottom of the cliff? 4. The safety equipment included a and a helmet 5. Does Kareem want to go abseling on his own 5 itis dangerous to go near the of the cif again? 6 Dont back on your chair. You may fall over. 24 Grammar) Conditional sentences have got two clauses, an if clause and a result clause. It doesn't matter which clause comes first, but if the if clause comes first, we use a comma. If you run 0 lot, your legs wil become strong. Your legs will become strong if you run a lot. We can use the negative form in one or both clauses of a conditional sentence but the question form is only used in the result clause, if you don't run a lot, your legs won't become strong. If run a tot, will my legs become strong? ‘We use the zero conditional to talk about facts and general truths. We use the Present Simple in both these clauses. If you rent skis, they cost 20 euros a day. We use the first conditional to talk about sometining which ‘will probably happen m the present or in the future. The if clause uses if followed by the Present Simple and the result clause uses the Future Simple. If | go skiing, Ill wear a waterproof jacket. Note: We can use modal verbs like can, must and may instead of will. If Ashraf doesn't follow the safety rules, he may be injured. ‘We can use unless in first concitional sentences. It means if not. You won't get wet unless you go rafting. = You won't get wet if you don't go rafting. ‘A Complete the first conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets. 1 Ifyou (0) by plane, your journey (take) three hours tomorrow, 2 If Kareem (eat) now, it __ the) darigerous for him to swim 3. Mosquitoes (bite) us if we (hot sleep) in our tents. 4 If Safa ___ (take) her mobile phone with her, she (feel safer. 5 {a snake/bite) you ifyou (touch) i? B_ Complete the sentences with if or unless. 1) Lwon't drown I wear alfejacket. 2 ______you listen, you won't know what to do. 3 Nabil willbe scared he goes paragliding 4 we swim here, we'llsee lots of fish, Salah will forget his skates, you rernind him, Vocabulary/ QO 1 flippers C) 4 goggles 2 dove OO 5 parachute 3 ifejacket CI) 6 wersut «= js i Listeni ing; @ Listen to the conversation about an activity holiday and write T (true) or F (false). The people arrived on Thursday. ‘You can rent sandboarding equipment. ‘The people will go camel riding in Usfan. ‘Scuba diving is planned for Wednesday. 00000 a neh Nobody has been hurt in any activities up to now. Speaking; Ask and answer these questions with your partner. Have you ever done an extreme sport? Which one? Describe your experience Would you like to do an extreme sport? Which one? Why? Which extreme sport do you think is the most dangerous? Why? Why do you think extreme sports are very popular these days? Writing; Write five sentences about extreme sports. Answer the questions in the Speaking task. 25 fiesson? Readings ae Which of the sports below are extreme oe sports? Now, read the article and tick (/) the two that are mentioned in it. skydiving O horseriding — L) skateboarding land diving, (On Tanna Island you wil find the 300m high Mount Yasur which is also an active volcano! Many people, including both locals and visitors, have climbed YYasur to see the top of the volcano, (1)_ Volcano surfing is bit ike surfing in the sea ~ you have a surfboard and you ‘ride the waves. (2)___If you had a choice between the two, would you prefer volcano surfing oF the normal Kind of surfing? Ifyou ike a challenge, ‘though, nothing beats volcano surfing! (3) _ Youre probably familar with bungee jumping, but do you know \where If started? Modern bungee jumping started in New Zealand, but the original activity is part ofa ceremony that takes place every spring on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu. I's an amazing test of strength that only the native people of these islands are allowed to perform, Land dling is even scarier than bungee jumping! Whereas bungee jumpers \wear a strong harness attached to along elastic cord, land divers simply tle ‘ree vines to their legs before jumping! The diver, who jumps nead-frst off a 21 mhigh tower, aims to touch the top of the earth with his head. (a) People often get hurt, sometimes badly or even die The lest ie a land diver died was in 1974 (5)__ Ifyou have second thoughts when you are about to jump, this means that you must natu) be says. Comprehension} Complete the article with these sentences. a Recently, however, people have been climbing itfor another reason: to surf the volcano! b The difficult thing about land diving is touching ‘the earth without hitting your head hard! ¢ One of the event's organisers says it's important to relax before jumping, d_ Nothing, that is, except maybe land diving. These waves, however, are boing hot and you have to avoid being hit by fying rocks! 26 volcano surfing J bungee jumping (© mountain biking ere ema a Pe qs £ (enessfuae Sect a ue = Vocabulary/ A Find the words in the text and in the missing sentences and circle the correct meaning, a orb. 1 surf 4 ceremony ride on waves with a board a asport 'b looking at sites on the Internet b a formal event 2 wave 5. strength a__ water rising on the top of the sea a size b awaterfall b power 3. challenge 6 simply a something easy and exciting a just b. something new and difficult b easily B Complete the sentences with these words. aim beat come hit land score 1 Ahmad can ‘the ball very hard. 2 Ididn’t first in the race. 3. Fayez didn't ‘on the ground. 4 Habib didn't to hit the tree. 5 How did Nasr that goal? 6 Shada the other competitors easily. Grammar) CII We use the second conditional: a to talk about something that won't happen or is unlikely to happen in the present or future. If he didn’t have so much work, he would go skiing. If | went on an activity holiday, | would go skydiving. b to xgive advice ' IFT were you, | would wear a helmet. The if clause uses if followed by the Past Simple and the result clause uses would followed by a bare infinitive. ‘Sultan would go rafting if he were older. If they won a holiday, where would they go? Note: We sometimes use were instead of was after the first and third person singular. He would go bungee jumping if he were younger. A Complete the paragraph with the second conditional. Use the verbs in brackets. iF) (have) the chance, (2) (love) to go paragliding, FIG) (have) a lesson, the instructor (4) (tell me what to do. If the equipment (5) (be) good, 1 (6) (not be) scared. If my friends (7) (Gee) me, they ® (not believe) their eyes. lf my parents @) (find) out, they (10) (6e) very angry! B Circle the correct words. 1. F Yasser jumped off a ciff, he Will WOUIA feel terified 2. If we liIDIIRE extreme sports, we will enjoy skyciving, 3. Illbuy anew skateboard if| on t/aidhit get one for Eid 4 Would you learn to dive if you fiilifind an instructor? 5. Ifwe aSY.WARE breve, we would try bungee jumping. 6 \Will they need spedal equipment if they ge/went abseiling? Listening; Q Listen to a discussion about extreme sports and choose the correct answers. 1 The guests on the programme have a competed in the Oympics, b experience of two different sports. 2. Why does Ali think some people like extreme sports? a because they're boring b_ because they're challenging 3. What does Jassar say about extreme sports? a Men are more interested in them than women. b New ones are coming out all the time. 4 What is true about kite surfing? a You have to be very ft b It doesn’t need a lot of strength. 5. Ali thinks beginners often have accidents because a they don't listen to the instructors. b safety rules aren’t followed. > Phrasal) Verbs) ‘A. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings. ( | cachupwith DQ 3 warmup O 1 2 dopotot [) 4 wokot O a do exercise often at a gym) stop doing a snort or activity reach the same speed as someone else do gentle exercise ust before doing a sport B Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in A. | 1 Itsimportant to before you gosking, 2 tnever him - hes going too fast! | 3° Mahdi had to the race because he wasill 4 When they're training for a match, they every morning, -) Reacing; Read the article. Which sport isn’t always done in the same place? ‘Man eae ag Horse Race ecg Every June, the Man against Horse race takes ol elitle Welsh town of Llanwrtye Wells. This 35 kilometre ong race was started twenty five years ago to see who could run fester - people or horses. The race puts human contestants up against horses with riders. No one had ever managed to beat a horse before Huw Lobb, ‘an experienced marathon tunner, came first in 2004. ihe had reached the finishing line just three seconds later, a horse would have vion the race again! Lob Peves ‘the first person to get the aah Be Prize of £25,000. This new sport isn't really taken Showsjumping seriously by most people, butil’s Equestrian show jumping was introduced as an Olympic Sport aaa in 1900. It depends on the physical and mental ability of both GangoeaaG aa ee maar ‘the horse and its rider to jump over 2 serles of obstacles in a Eresiicre ees i cele es ring. There are up to 16 obstacles arranged so that the horse Recenter eieteeane ciation has to make some tricky turns to complete the course, There Ad WoT REIN areanares dace are different kinds of fence and wall up to two metres in height. i like the top of a mountain, on @ raft The riders have a limited time to finish the round and lose ile ver nde nuste Wsetierssomenh points for knocking down rails. Saudi Arabia's show jumping He oie ‘team led by the King's grandson, Prince Abdullah Al Saud, won Se anton been done include Mount Everest ‘the bronze medal at the London 2042 Olympic Games. pad ths Solth Pat Using adjectives with numbers When we use a plural expression with a number as an aajective before a noun it becomes singular. We use 2 ul hension) hyphen between the words. SR The Marathon is a-42 km race Place a check in the correct column MH (Man ‘The Marathon is a race that's 42 km. against Horse Race), SJ (Show Jumping) or El ine (Extreme Ironing). Change these plural expressions to adjectives Which sport(s) .. MH |S) [EI | and put them before the noun. 1 was introduced in 1900? awalk that’s 5 km ———— 2. give competitors the chance to an athlete who's 10 years old _____—_— win something? a break of 15 minutes ony Maa oe i (nae 3. is thought to be silly? fa ticket which costs SR 15 Seo Ua Now, make sentences using these adjectives with 5 isn't only for people? numbers. 283 Gramma We use the third conditional to talk about something in the past which was a possibility, but didn't happen. The if clause uses if followed by the Past Perfect Simple and the result clause uses would/wouldn't have followed by aa past participle. See pages 58-59 for a lst of irregular past participles. It you had told me about the race, I would have gone to see it. T wouldn't have believed there wos a sport colled ‘extreme ironing’ if |hadh't read about i. Would you have taken part in the show jumping. competition if you had had the chance? Read the paragraph about Badr and complete the third conditional sentences. He cycled too fast down a hill and he lost control of his bike. The bike hit a tree and Badr fell off. He had forgotten to ‘wear a helmet so he hurt his head. 1 If Badr a bike for Eid, he for a bike ride. 2 Ifhe a hill, he his bike 3 Ifhe. his bike, it atree 4 iit atree, Badr off, 5 ihe. ahelmet, ie his head. Writing; Using informal language A. In emails, letters and postcards to people we know well, we can use informal language. Match the informal words and expressions with their meanings. a tell me 1 How’sit going? b along time 2 let me know Sera 3 Guess what! Listen to this, 4 ages e good /nice 5 cool What have you 6 What have you been doing? been up to? ‘Complete the email with the informal words and ‘expressions from A. Tew fray Bitrorvors brim AB ove Hi Adil! (1)___? Did you have a good weekend? | had a great time! We went | to Al Dahna desert on Thursday and (2) | |went sandboarding! had never tried sandboarding before so | was quite scared at first. | fell down lots of times, | but luckily | didn’t hurt myself. | used to go. skateboarding (3) ‘ago, which helped. If | hadn't been skateboarding before, it would have been really difficult! Sandboarding is (4) 1You would | have loved it if you'd come! 1 What about you? (5) 2 Send me an eral and (6) Bye for now! Hani cw an email toa friend about an activity ‘or sport you enjoyed recently. Use some informal words and expressions from A and the plan below to help you. | Begin your email like this: Hi name of fiend) Paragraph 1 ‘Ask your friend something about himself/herself. Mention the activity you're going to describe and | say when you did it. Paragraph 2 Say: ifyou had done the activity before if you needed special cothes/equipment how you felt at first | how easyidfficult the activity was | Paragraph 3 Say: | what happened nexvater if you enjoyed the activity or not ifyou think your friend would have enjoyed it Paragraph 4 ‘Ask your friend about histher news and say goodbye. | End your email like this: Bye for now! | (your name) | D_ Read your email and check that you have used | some of the informal words and phrases in A. | 29 These are Spanish coins from the famous Whydah Galley shipwreck. This ship was full of pe RWC Altea) eich chs Eee eal aycue ule ese sal 26, 1717. This shipwreck is at the bottom of the ocean near the coast of Massachusetts, USA. In SEP een octet: UU cL PLUM nea eens Ceo h a urlanyy weapons, pistols and cannons. Let's Find Out! ‘What does INTERPOL stand for? 1 2 When was the Saudi police force founded? Ie What's the name of the biack flag with a skull and crossbones? (Bence voy trons pres mes | Dear Kareem, | Did you have a nice weekend? | didn't! Do you remember | wanted to buy some new trainers? | had spent months saving up the money to buy them and | finally had enough. laber wanted to buy a new book so we decided to go shopping together on Thursday. If only ‘we hadn't gone! A terrible thing happened. We got the bus into town and it was very crowded, so we had to stand all the way. Jaber and | were chatting when | suddenly noticed that my bag was ‘open and my wallet had gone! The bus had just stapped and there was a boy near me who was going quickly towards the door. We thought he had stolen my money so we got off the bus and followed him. The boy started running and then Jaber chased him shouting ‘Stop! Stop!’ A policeman saw what was going on and managed to grab the boy. ‘The embarrassing thing was that when he searched the boy, he didn’t have | my wallet! He had probably thrown it away before he was caught. The boy said he was innocent and that they shouldn't blame him for the stolen wallet. | He explained that he had only started running because he was late for 2 meeting with friends. | felt really stupid. | wish | hadn't been so careless and | had kept an eye on my bag} | I've last my front door key and SAR 3000. I'm really fed up. Jaber offered to | lend me the money to buy the trainers, but I don’t think it’s fair to take it. it isn’t his fault that | was robbed! ‘Anyway, | hope your weekend was better than mine! Love, Mazen Comprehension) Vocabulary/ Write R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn‘t say). Circle the correct words. Reading; Read Mazen’s email. What did he have in his wallet? 1. There were lots of people on thebus. ©) 1. The police are Keeping making an eye on the man in that car. 2. Mazen saw that his bag wasn't closed.) 2. Can someone please tell me what's BRIA /GSINg on? 3. Jaber managed to catch the boy. ee 3 It was very emibarrassingl/ Fed Up when they thought | had ect bby wes eae a lost my key. 5 Mazen has never lost any money before. _) 4 know he is GU ARGEA because | saw him stealing! iG -taberhes offered te buy Maced tne 5 The man on the motorbike grabbed Mierit my bag, trainers he wants 3) 32 Nayla is very aRGl&S8iffalt and is always losing things. Grammar; Vocabulary/ cA Match. We use wish or if only followed by the Past Simple tense ueee ag ‘when we want to say that we would like present situation 2 break b abank to be different. He wishes he was a famous detective. cL Secinie I only we weren't in trouble! 4 commit _ some money ‘We sometimes use were instead of was for the Ist and 3rd "Ob oe person singular. 6 steal f acime only | were richl ‘She wishes she weren't guilty. Listening; ‘We use wish or if only followed by the Past Perfect Simple — tense to say that we would like a past situation to have @ Listen and tick (V) the correct pictures. been different Jwish I had seen the thief, (I dict see the thief.) 1. What's happening? only we hadh't left the window open. (We left the window ay pen.) . gy A. The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words, l 1. Ifonly the police have arrived sooner. 2 2 Munir wishes he didn’t lent Jalal SR 100. 3 Ifonly you are less careless! 4 They wish the police not know where they lived. 5 Iwish he hadn't escapes from prison. B Complete the letter with the correct form of the a verbs in brackets. al mi by 7} os LP at this boardins ‘a = J eo are you? Tm eal fed up Wesari atte ag ] eee school. Lwish ny parents (2) KP") © | ven made any friends. If onty 1 ae nil SoS FEY 4. What does the man think has been stolen? 7 per 4 eke pap Tniss you andy old fife. Lwish my parent @ z ts (not have to) travel so < Fortunately ‘roommate, ‘Thrahim Post his mobide Oe ight {had stofen the tol the seal The sone teachers came and searched wy thngs ronan eerng They At farting of use 5 How much wil the boy py fori Teall wover stead anthng, [have alway respected the eal ha aw. L wish he C4) (can) move to ores Ly oom. If onfy 1 (5) can) find that pho Then, I cou prove that I'm inocert Please write tome ‘soon! Which picture shows the girl's bike? ‘Work with a partner. Take it in turns to tell each other about a sad event where you live. Tell each ‘other about things you would like to be different. Use | wish and If only. Writings Write a paragraph about the situations you talked about in the Speaking task. Use | wish and If only. 33 (Agha) Readi ing; Read the article and choose the best title for it, a or b. a Who killed the Iceman? b The lceman’s Journey. . Ee In 1991, some hikers in the Italian Alps found a dead body. The body was partly frozen in the ice and when scientists examined it, they discovered something amazing. The man had died over 5,300 years ago! He is now known as the Iceman and is the oldest complete human mummy on earth. ‘Who was the Iceman and why did he die by himself in the snow? Scientists are asking themselves these questions and are now slowly putting together the evidence to solve the mystery. Examinations of the body have provided proof that the Iceman was not a young man and didn't have the strong arms of a labourer. Among his weapons was a copper axe, which shows that he was wealthy. By examining the food he had eaten, scientists have even managed to ‘work out exactly where he lived in Italy! ara i ving gum on the pavement ‘Answer the questions. Who found the Icernan? Why do scientists believe he was rich? What showed that the Iceman had a bad injury? _ What cid an Australian scientist discover in 20037 __ Where did the Iceman have injuries? ow awno 34 ‘There have been many different theories about the Iceman's death, Scientists at first thought that the cause of his death was probably the extreme cold. In 2001, however, a new cause of death was discovered. ‘An X-ray examination of the body showed a small dark shape beneath the Iceman’s left shoulder. It showed that the stone head of an arrow had caused the injury that killed him. Now, there was suddenly a new theory ~ that the Iceman was the victim of a murder! In 2003, an Australian scientist discovered the blood of four different people on the Iceman’s clothes. This tells us that he was probably trying to defend himself ina fight before he was murdered. This could also explain the injuries he had on his hand and head. Some archaeologists think that the Iceman’s murder was the end of a fight for power among his people, but not everyone agrees. ‘The case of the Iceman isn’t closed yet and investigations will continue. Through the story of this, ancient human being, we will continue to leatn more about his life and our history. words are in the same order as they appear in the text. 1. Thisis another word for evidence. 2. Someone who does hard physical work. 3. A thing used to fight with 4. Thisis damage to the body. 5 Someone who has been killed or hurt. 6 This. the red liquid in a body. Grammar) Seen Singular myself vyourselt himself herself itself Plural ‘ourselves ‘yourselves ‘themselves We use reflexive pronouns: ‘a when the subject and object of a sentence are the same, We told ourselves that the police would find Toby. ‘with some verbs: behave, blame, cut, enjoy, help, hurt. Behave yourself! ‘to mean alone or without someone's help. She solved the mystery (by) hersel. b a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. weapon /to / Hassan /a / himself / protect / had 2. yourself/ night / don't / by / out / go / at 3. robbery /blamed / for / we / ourselves / the 4. escape / himself/ thief / when / tried /he/ hurt /to/ the 5. boys/ behave / policeman / the / told / themselves / to/ the Complete the conversation with reflexive pronouns. Detective: Man: Detective: Mar Detective: Man: Detective: Man: Detective: Man: Detective: Man: Detective: Man: Detective: Man: Detective: Where were you last night? | was at home with my wife. Were you by (1) 7 Yes, we were What were you doing at & pr? ‘We were making (2) something to eat |/see. What's that on your hand? Laut @) yesterday. Interesting ‘Would you like some cake? My wife made it@ No, thank you. Is that your suitcase there? Yes, I'm going away for a few days By) 2 Yes. Please open the suitcase. OK. But, ‘What have we got here? A necklace! Vocabulary/ Circle the odd one out. 1 due axe arrow 2° murder handcuffs robbery 3- burglar robber law 4 steal punish kidnap 5. prisoner court police station 6 fine investigation _ sentence istening; @ Listen and complete the police report about the disappearance of Agatha Christie. Prepositions) Circle the correct words. | \ REPORT Name of missing person: Agatha Christie Date of disappearance: (a Left notes to: her secretary and (2) Car found: near a (3) ar contained: @__andother personal things Person missing for: pe aera EN reas Person found at: 26) 1 I'msure he's quilty! There's no doubt to/about it! 2. What was the cause Ofiliy the accident? She went home after an argument {/ With her friend 4. Does anyone know the reason FORTE his strange behaviour? 5 Can you help with the investigation SBOUETIntO the kidnap? in Harrogate 35

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