Madelinehunterlessonplan Emmayenger

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Teacher: Emma Yenger Unit Title: Space

Grade Level: 6th Lesson Title: Planets and Solar System

Anticipatory Set (List specific statements or activities you will use to focus students on the lesson for
the day.):
Anticipatory Set the Hook to get the children's attention. At the front of the classroom, I will have an exercise ball, a
tennis ball, a gold ball, a soccer ball, and then a volleyball to represent the sun and then the first 4 planets. This will
engage the attention of the class. Then pick 5 students one at a time to come up and grab each ball one at a time and
have then stand in a line order starting with the sun and then Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. Then have the sun stand still
and each planet in order slowly start to make a circle sound the sun to show rotation. 

Objective/Purpose (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the end of the
lesson and why these objectives are important to accomplish.):
Objective and Purpose With a front projector or smart screen or whichever is available there will be an image of the
solar system and the planets. A fun facts paper will then be handed out stating the details of each planet and what makes
them unique and different from the others. Earth will be the main focus because it is the most relatable to the students.
At the bottom of the page there will be two questions to answer to get their minds going about how the solar system is
so diverse.  
- What are 2 things that make earth different from every other planet?  
- If you could live on any other planet, which one and why? 

Input (What information is essential for the student to know before

beginning and how will this skill be communicated to students?):
- Draw a visual on the white board
- Show the sun and each of planets around it in correct order
- Share the name of each planet and distance from the sun
- Have different sized objects to show the students the difference in size of each planet
- Explain the temperatures of each planet
- Explain orbits
- Share how long days and years are on each planet

Model (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done?):
- Review the names of the planets 
- Show the difference in size of each planet to the sun 
- Show the difference in size of planets to one another 
- Give references of much colder or hotter each planet would be compared to earth 
e. Have different sized objects to show the students the difference in size of each planet 

Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have learned the
- White Board/Markers 
- Questions (Example: What is a revolution?) 
- Students write their answers on the white board and show the answer to the instructor at their seats 
- Show of hands after each question (thumbs up, neutral, thumbs down) 
- Teacher reviews answers before moving to the next question 

Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and provide a time frame
for completing this practice.):
- Teach students a mnemonic device about the solar system to help them learn the names of the planets. 
- Have a small model of the solar system and group/arrange the inner and outer planets 
- Label the Planets Worksheet

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
- Notify students that they are at the end of the lesson 
- Ask students if they have any questions to help eliminate confusion and frustration.  
- Ask the class if they can list the order of the planets and explain the shapes and size differences between the
- Ask the students to explain the process of orbiting. 
- Ask the students to list 5 interesting things they learned as an exit ticket and so the teacher can understand fully
where the class stands with their knowledge on the topic. 

Independent Practice (List homework/seatwork assignment to be given to students to ensure they have
mastered the skill without teacher guidance.):
- Solar System Scope - Online Model of Solar System and Night Sky (Microsoft Edge not supported. Use
Chrome or Firefox) 
- In groups or individuals, have students explore solar system Scope app 
- Assign group or individual a planet to compare to Earth (info in the encyclopedia section) 

IEP and Adaptation: 

Environment  Teaching Learning Style  Assignment   Schedule  Material  Assistance 
The student's desk When working Limit the number of Shorten all The student The student The student
will be closest to with the oral instructions assignments can have free may use will have an
the teacher when in student use given to the by ½ or time after the manipulatives, associate
the classroom. The positive student. Associate ca ¼. All task a calculator, with them in
student may work reinforcement. n take notes or assignments is completed. word banks, all general
in a quiet work You can printed notes may be and tests can They may also and education
space outside of the repeat the given to the student.  be read out take 3-minute  dictionary.  classes. 
classroom. Such as instructions as loud to the brain breaks
the library, a much often as student.   after every 2
work room or a necessary.   problems. 
SPED room. 

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