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Machine Learning & Neural Net Home Assignment 4

Student ID: 1151955

Dataset: CIFAR 10
DCNN: ResNet50

Model Architecture

Jaydev Dineshkumar Raval

Machine Learning & Neural Net Home Assignment 4

1) Transfer Learning with ImageNet Weights

- Run 1

Jaydev Dineshkumar Raval

Machine Learning & Neural Net Home Assignment 4

- Run 2

Jaydev Dineshkumar Raval

Machine Learning & Neural Net Home Assignment 4

- Run 3

Overall Testing Accuracy: 82.5%

2) Learning With Scratch

Jaydev Dineshkumar Raval

Machine Learning & Neural Net Home Assignment 4

Testing Accuracy: 74%


- Time Taken to train model in transfer learning was approx. 36 mins

- Time Taken to train model in learn from scratch was approx. 1 hr. 40 mins

- Result in transfer learning with same number of epochs was 82.5% while in learn from
scratch was 74%

- This difference is due to the weight which were initialize in transfer learning which was
from ImageNet, state of the art CNN, and weight were directly implemented without
training those weights, while in Learning from scratch we randomize the weights value
and let the weight change in the network to get desired accuracy, accuracy is less
compared to transfer learning which indicates more training is require to get desired
weight to get higher accuracy and low loss. Also Dataset can have a huge impact on
accuracy so training time can also vary in this cases.

Jaydev Dineshkumar Raval

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