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Office of the Executive ‘County of Chemung 203 Lake Street P.O. Box 588 Elmira, New York 14902 (607) 787-0351 FAX ‘ Christopher J. Moss David J. Sheen County Executive Deputy County Executive (607) 737-2912 (607) 873-1168 ‘ sheen TO: Cynthia G. Kalweit, Clerk ofthe Chemung County Lefistature FROM: Christopher J. Moss, Chemung County Executiv DATE: December 9, 2021 RE Article V, Setion $07(2) ofthe Chemung Coun Please be advised vi the aforementioned Section ofthe Chemung County Charter that I ‘am objecting/vetoing one or more changes tothe amendments that were made by the Legislature tommy Executive Budget. Each objction/veto also includes the reasons therefore. you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. cima Enclosures Office of the Executive County of Chemung 203 Lake Street P.O. Box 588 Elmira, New York 14902 (607) 797-0351 FAX ‘wonw.chemungeountyny gov Christopher J. Moss David J. Sheen County Executive Deputy County Executive (607) 737-2912 (607) 873-1199 ‘ December 9, 2021 County Executive's 2022 Budget Objections (Veto) | have submitted the proposed 2022 budget, capital program, budget message for the ‘County, nd the County Legislature as adopted such budget with changes oullined in Exhibit “A ‘of Resolution 21-612 Exhibit“A. Obieston “Veto 1 Veto: 10-1040-1040. While Section 203() of the Chemung County Charter allows the County Legislature to employ professional and technical advice for the purpose of conducting legislative studies, there is no provision in the Charter that allows the Legislature to directly fund appropriations such as the Budget Committee's recommendations by ineeesing the aforementioned line item by $1,380,000. ‘Therefore, [am issuing a veto for the entire amount, which includes legislative redistricting, County employee salary sey, funding the FQHC Project, funding the Incubator Project and Funding for a Nursing Facility feasibility study. T delineate the following as my reasos forthe veto) + Section 507 Adoption ofthe Budget (a is clear and concise and nowhere in that language corelsewhere in the Charter does it povide that the Lepslture can ad items to or increase {he total amount of the Budget as submitted bythe County Executive. The Charter reads ‘Section S07. Adoption of Budget, (2) After the conclusion ofthe public hearing, the County Legislature may strike items of| Appropriation or anticipated revenues from the tentative budget or reduce items therein, ‘excepting appropriations required by law or for debt service. It may change items in ‘such budget, provided that such changes are stated separately and distincly.” ‘While the Legislature does have the authority to reduce or strike items of appropriation or anticipated revenues, it doesnot have the legal euterity to add new items orto inerease the total amount of the budget should also be noted that there are curently 18 Charter Counties in New York State that ‘exercise the County Exeoutive form of government, and a review of the Charters inthe 17, other counties indicates that they all have specific language pertaining tothe Legislature's futhorty to add or increase to the ennal operating budget. Chemung Couny’'s Charter does not include that same language, and thus that omission was plainly intentional. ‘Therefore, any increase inthe total amount of ot addition of a new item tothe budget requires the County Executive's approval. (See Attachment A.) The County Executive's proposed budget included $100,000 in the contact line item for the Legislature, which should be more than enovgh to address 4 legislative redistricting study and a county employee salary stu. It shouldbe noted that every other department ‘outlined inthe budget is required to provide some sort of quote or documentation involving, the cost ofa proposed study, The Legislature didnot provide any study atthe ime of the County Executives review ofthe annual budget, and thus has not provided any supported. basis fr the costs ofthe proposed studies 1.2 Million of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds have been added to the contracts line item, The contracts line item is nota slush fund forthe Legislature. There is no current procedure whereupon the Legislature, on is own, ean earmark funds for pet projects, such fs the Federal Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and an Incubator Project. Furthermore, the $1.2 milion s being taken from a special rescted acount where ARP funds ere curently being stored which is not part ofthe budget. While the Legislature has the authority 10 change items in the budget and could have taken this $1.2 milion from somewhere else within the budget, it cannot add new items to or inerease the total amount of the budget, as previously provided. It is financially inesponsible to earmark one million dollars to FQHC after receiving no more than a sales pitch on the projet. The lack of publi input, legislative hearings, commission studies or urveys isan additional reason fora veto. ‘The Legislative Chairman hes taken it upon himself to entertain conversations/meetings with the Amot Medical Center forthe purpose/akeover ofthe Chemung County Nursing Faciliy, While the Nursing Facility as been a financial strain to county taxpayers for an extended period of time, ts notte role ofthe Legislative Chairman, nor the Legislature, to enertain discussions involving the eal ofthe Nursing Facility or other county operations: ‘without the County Executive's participation. The role ofthe Legislatures clealy defined in the County Charter, which establishes the Legislature as the policy making and appropriation approval body of county government. The Executive Branch was recently invited to join into the diseussions of the sale ofthe Nursing Facility and has declined at this point, Any funding fora feasibility study iavelving the Nursing Feility belongs under the Nursing Facility’s budget or that ofthe Human Resource Department. Furthermore, the Legislature is adding new items to the budget, thereby increasing or adding tothe total amount ofthe budget whichis not allowed via the Charter. While the Legislature may change items in the budget, the FQHEC, the Incubator Project and the Nursing Fecility feasibility sudy are not tems that were contained in the budget. They are newly added items by the lepislature. 2. Veto: Exceaive 10-1010-1010-50100.01 In 2019 the Legislative Chairman appointed an Advisory Committe to review the single rate salary schedule, (Ste Resolution #19-149, Attachment B.) While three meetings were conducted, the Committee ful to present any form of plan to address wage compression involving the single rate salary schedule, Wage compression occurs when there is litle difference in pay between employees and supervisors, and in the County's case often caused by union vs non-union and Single rate vs appointed and elected officals. Due to multiple wage compression issues involving the 2022 personnel roster, the County Executive reviewed the wage conipession issue and made 22 separate wage aljstments to selaies of single ret, appointed and elected officals. These changes were based solely on multiple wage compression issbes that costnue to occur overtime. The Budget Committe approved 19 ofthe 22 wage compression recommendations, but denied ‘the recommendations for the County Executive and the Deputy Exemtive. Part of the wage compression plan that was forwarded to the Legislature included electal and appointed officials “who tok a 15% or 10% pay decrease in 2019 which resulted insubstantial savings (approximately $244,000) over a tzee-year period, 2019-2021. (See Attachment C.) The percentage increase involving the base salary adjustments runs a range from 4% 0 31.2%. These base salary increases assisted in alleviating the current wage compression issue. (See Attachment D for percentage increase data.) By te Legislature, for no articulated o legitimate basis, refusing to return half of | the 15% taken from the position of the County Executive and Deputy Executive in 2019, does nothing but create an aditional wage compression isue whereupon now three department heads will make more than the Deputy Executive, who is their immediate supervisor. (See Attachment ,) Those positions include the Deparment of Socal Services Commissioner, Commissioner of | Public Works and the Budget Director. This information was provided to the Chairman ofthe Personnel Commitee prior to the Legislature as a whole voting on the Budget Committee's amendments, It is my hope thatthe Legislature, asa whol, wil review te attachments pertaining, ‘to wage compression and not override the veto concerning this wage compression issue. It should also be noted that this issue could be discriminatory in nture involving the manner in which the Legisleture excluced the two individuals fom the overall lemporary compression recommendations. 3, Velo: Law Department: 10-1420-1420.50100.0 Iam vetoing the following budgetary amendment involving the abolishment of the Special ‘avestigator to the County Attomey. While I realize the existence ofthis positon has caused ‘contention amongstthe Legielature andthe Executive Branch, I tly believe fr the amount being ‘expended (§30,000)that it's money well spent. Ihave attached forthe Legislature's review alter ‘from County Attomey Hyder Hussain, dated 12/06/21, as well as an excel spreadsheet involving ‘the eases investigated by this postion, which outline type of complaint, department, datas este and etc. I have also included a letter from Perry & Carroll, te county’s Risk Management Consultant, outlining th importance this poston pays involving county insurance lability and risk management issues Finally, Ihave also atached a letter from the former Investigator from ‘Barclay & Damon, and price to that Davidson & O° Mara, who also outlines the importance of this position. 1 would hope that the Legislature affords themselves the time to review this correspondence, which s included under Atachment F. 1 think it's also important to note that ‘while several ofthe duis and responsibilities curently being conducted by this positioncould be conducted by the County Atiomey or Assistant County Attorney, thee time shouldbe focused om the legal aspects oftheir respective positions. 4, Veto: Information Technology: 10-1680-1680-50100.1 “The positon of the Direstor of Information Technology (IT) has become and continues 0 evolve ito one ofthe more key toes in, nat any county goverament, but in the private sector. We got © firsthand look at this la year when the Director of 1. tok a new positon and we formulated a search for a new Director. After interviewing multiple candidates we were unable to locate ‘qualified candidate witout going to the top end of the salary schedule, which for 2021 was ‘$122,586, This is an ever-changing field whichis now dealing with multiple facets of eyber ‘security. It also important to mention that unlike other counties throughout the state, Chemung ‘County's 1. has multiple shard service agreements with municipalities throughout the county. [would urge the Legshture at a whole 1o reconsider the salary adjustment ofthe LT. Director, which was stated at $114,536 in the County Executive's proposed budget. Ihave attached some ‘of the duties and responsibilities 0 that you may see how complex its. Ihave also atached a recent posting from Ontario County who is currently looking for thes ovm Director of LT. (See “Attachment G.) 5, eto: Payroll Tumover: 10-1990-1991-5 “The amendment made to this section is vetoed atthe Legislature has no authority to increase or ‘ad tothe Executive's budget, as previously provided under Section SO7(). 6. Veto: American Rescue Plan (ARP) Pigs and Initiatives Veto: Orange Zone Stimulus: 10-S030-8030-50436.08 Veto: Agrcultur Subsidy: 10 : ‘Veto: Relocation ofthe Distiet Atomey's Office 10-1165-1165-50467 “The Orange Zone Stimulus, Agricultural Subsidy and Relocation ofthe District Attomey's Office are all vetoed. It's reiterated tha the County Legislature bas no authority to add new itens tothe Budget, nor do they have the authority to add or increase the total amount of the budget as submited by the County Executive. It should also be noted thatthe ARP funds are currently located in a restricted cash account not incuded inthe budget, therefore, the Legislature would Ihave no authority to utilize these funds to add or increase the budget. If the Legislature wanted these projets funded, they would have had to utilize funds already outlined within the submitted budget 7. Veto: Federal Grants ARP Account: 10.0000-0000-4401 \Vetoed per Section $07 - Adoption of Budget, “(@) After the conclusion of the public hearing, the County Legislature may strike items of appropriation or anicipated revenues from the tentative ‘budget or reduce items therein, excepting appropriations required by law or for debt service. It ‘may change items in such budget, provided that such changes are stated separately and distinctly.” ‘The Legislature has no authority o increase the total amount or add new items to the budget as submitted by the County Executive, therefore, organizational funding will be decreased as requested by $198,612. The Chemung County Legislature has had months review the American Rescue Plan submitted by the Office of the County Executive, but has yet to approve the plan. ‘The plan was. submitted via a Novus route slip, as required by the Legsiaure, and was never acted upon in the Tanner it vas requested by the Executive Branch, There is curently no approved ARP Plan in place. If ti the Legislature's intent to uilze the funds ita piecemeal fashion, due diligence: reeds to be conducted for every dollar spent, and simply placing items in the budget under the legislative Contracts Account i ill-advised. In 2019, the Lagislature budgeted $30,000 in their Contracts Account onl to later transfer the entire amount to Equipment Over $999. Absent actual quotes and other detailed paperwork fr the cost of tems being requested and simply placing dollar Amounts on what you think it might cost isan ill-advised manner of budgeting. Furthermore, multiple tems throughout the Budget Committe’s amendments should have been placed directly in departmental accounts or placed under organizational funcing. In closing, I look forward to working with the Legislature in a cooperative manner to ‘sotablich'@ path forward on the utilization of ARP funde. Projects ovtlined in the ARP plane fumished by both the Executive Branch and the Legislature should be individually approved ‘through the Legislative process allowing public comment anc individual Legislator input ftom the entire body, not just through a legislative republican caves Sincerely, Christo. Moss ‘Chemung County Executive cima Enclosures ATTACHMENT A Mone eis pansssa sum oa An smn Ke Dama 1 oI Apap pus Aeiesedas pov a2 sumyo ors yun papron 839g ons wy sua SALES ‘ew “29 gap 20} me Ja pasa soeudardde Sond ‘IOI suzy eonpal 0 adpaq anequa ay wo seauan, paredonue 0 voRendsdde Jo ‘suay ays Aeu aaa: Ane ay Baseay24qN4 ayo uoAPLOD mA AY, tape eve sens oy oy uy ah ame HN) aL aanwon eh coce ones 4uNn09 fing mon na cmapina ome unpuoun nn esnide nnaoea ages ou yeu sate9000 “AURA pue Aareredas pans 2) sase.5u) 4 suoRppe Ws ue oped 8G ‘pneu RR BES 0 01 BURNT As ‘sea aus 0 uo aye ani ‘une #U,“oWves 9p 1020 eh pandas suOpEPSONdde BS “yarn suey 2npas wo atpng sant ip wey vonepdoxde jo sus 245 Ae woo. sBuyery 2g s10u 4 90 aye ameART Aun BL, seo vonns rp uonoes auction oo eepuoun «= uns pa Amneedas paves are ssearu 10 supp ‘pes sn popno "aspng ans UST EBB 0 oY SUSAR Au 1809 2 25ns35 op so 20 Aa pueda supeudexdde Bueax9 a! 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Resolution accepting Chairman ofthe Chemung County Legislature appointment of advisory committee bya Sseonde by: Soneke Chain of th Chaug puso oth ory ged hi nde Rule VL of {he Ru of One an Prosar forth Chemung Coty Lager op the Chemung Coun Leisure pura {2 Rescltion No O10, he spied pel svn commis of tb Cheung he “Sng Rate WHEREAS, Phas nt been eviewed comprehensively in man ear, and iia ned fee in he flowing WHEREAS, te Chaiman of te Lagi as iced tt he Sige Rte sary Commitee lb compre of Five ‘tember eemeaber all be Logie spose byte Chan, ue wham lb ett tbe Charan ‘le Sal te Sur Comat ed tro aber salle signed by he County Bec ed WHEREAS, te Charman of te Lagi a ice te Caiman of Stage Ral Saary Commitee wpe on ‘ely bats the Carman o Lgl tbe proceedings of be Sage Rte Sly Coates wi copy eet tothe County Bronte and RIEREAS carn. ec ind ate nents ite Si at ay Coie al re wit nd hr sal en Single Rate ely Comes witht ‘Ses pr ost he Chin Lagan scree wi hs ier ede urea Py. nd WHEREAS, i Charman ft Lanes ec ha shoal he Sig Rate Salary Commies conc tat aig evict of uti profelonl oats anaes ning ey prof eves conc RFP ‘re Ue) mc ocnmentatios sal be repre he Caiman of te Legare for is eon ope he same bela ‘Se Lagat, odes wi he Rus fe Lee a WHEREAS, po conplton of te Single Rat Salary Commite's wok fil writen repo of Sale Rat Salary ‘Commies tating ft rocseendstns eae whe Pa; now, rforbe RESOLVED, hat x wien epointnet ofthe Carman of he Chemung Couty Leite ft Commis band seu breby rected and placed fle wd sume ore ut Seca Advsry ‘ten apnea wo eles same by be Cu Exec bey onved and pce on fle ed be abet ‘RESOLVED, that Sig Rate Salary Comaioe al cndut is ming in scodunce wih schedule tobe ‘Semlned the Ca of he Commies wit stent ole noe een td Free RESOLVED, te Sige Rate Slay Commit hal enna tl abucved by Further act of i Legale. ‘Ayes: Patch, Swen, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sone, Woodard, ura, Call, Briggs, McCarthy, Dae, Sith, ‘Scans, Manchester harman) (15, Oppset: Noo; CARRIED. [RESOLUTION NO. 19.150, Resolution declvng various County-owned propery as sup and authorizing tnsfer of certain surplus [ropety othe City of Eira By: Chak Seconded by: Soni RESOLVED, that the writen appolnment ofthe County Exzctve be and he suse is heey recived, accepted and ‘lcedon etn Elias Corveleys be and she herby is epouted ote Chemung Couty Pain Bow’ 1 {be unexpired erm of Amhony Pagano commencing on March 12, 2019 sd expen on Decetber 31,202; ad be it ‘her ‘RESOLVED, hat he Chemung County Legare des herby confi th aforementioned applatnent by the ‘County Executive oe Chemung County Paning Board. ‘Aye: Paste, Swoe Brent, Margson, Hyland, Sonsr, Woodard, Burn, Clk, Brigg, McCarty, Drake, Sith, ‘Stange, ManchestrChurman (15, Oppostd: Non; CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO, 19197 Resolution confiming appointment to the Chemung CountyElmira Sewer Distt Administrative Board By: Cha ‘Seconded ty: Sone ‘RESOLVED, tt punt Secdon261 of County La and Aric 2, Seton 2901 of he Chemung County ‘Chretien spoiteat of he Chemung County Exec be nd sues hry rece, necepted and ‘laced on und Kesloen Seascen be ad she herby ‘sepa th Chung Coy Ein Sewer Distt Adminis Bowrdo l thewexpied em of Peter ‘amelie em al expe Dever 31, 022; bet ar RESOLVED, ht he Chemung County Legit des herby conf he aforementioned sppinimet by the (Chemung County Exsetve tothe Cheming County Elmira Sewer Dit Adminisraive Board. ‘Aye: Paste, Swed, Brenan, Margen Hylan, Sons, Woodard, Burn Chalk, riggs, McCarthy, Drak, Sit, ‘Stange, Manchester Churman (1), Opposed: None; CARRIED. Resolution confining appointments tothe Single Rate Salary Commitee By: Chak Seconded by: Sonsire RESOLVED tat the write sppinment of the Caiman ofthe Chemung County Leyla be andthe same is ‘ey mated spend nd cd on ea Marin Cha Soaps Brean Mca Seth be nd they herby ‘Eeappoitedto Ge temporary advnry Sing Rae Sly Commitee punto Resluion No. 13-148; el ther RESOLVED, that th wrt poinment ofthe CounyExzeutve bean th sue is hereby recived, sen cee Dy engl an Dv Sheree ey try ae ppt! npr) oy Se Fate ary Comite created prsnnt to Reason No. 1-148 and ek fare ‘RESOLVED, thatthe Chemung Coty Liar doe heey cate te formeetoned appoaumens by he (Caiman ote Ceeung Cosy Legislare and te County Execute oh Single Rae Sulery Connie Age: Pach, Sv, Maran Hye Son, Woda Bul, Chak, gs MeCany, Dk, Sit Stags Manchene(Chaima) (5) Oppose: Nove, CARR [RESOLUTION NO, 19.198 Resolution establishing Chemung County Executive Excellence Iniative By Woodard Seconded by: Sonsire WHEREAS, the Coty Exec has equesed that eet prod be engined and receiv hel swe hinges Scull meting of he ul Lepeand \WIEREAS, te Mut-Servet Commies bas recummende th the Chemung County Lepr approve tis ruers no, hereto belt RESOLVED, tha the Chamang County Legare des hereby auharin and approve te County Exactve 10 ‘eal rent the Cherag Coty Exacave Excelence Aart drng regularly scheduled meeting of be Full gia ed, be urbe RESOLVED, thatthe County Executive will provide writen requ the Chan ofthe Lair ten ay ror {othe dae ofthe scheduled morn daring which wads ne requested tbe presente {22 Pui Set, Dame, Muon ye, Set Wen Bari Cak Bat, Mei, Dk, Sith ‘Stange, Mancheste(Chamun) (15, Opposed: Noe; CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO, 19.200 Resolution declaring varios County-owned property as surplus Py: Burn ‘Seconded by: Sos (CHEMUNG COUNTY ROUTE SLIP * PERSONNEL REQUISITION Resoon config appoltmen tote Single Rate Slay Commitee Rescttionte Ot ‘Ste Type onan, SEQRA sates State Mandated Fae ‘plata action nated or Porton rouerted Gantieton> Resolaton Na 14149 erated enpory Sagle Rat Sar Commies conpriad of ve member - ee epiated by be Chaman of te Leiter nd wo spelt by the CunyExeave. The Carman of he Loire as sppitod Marin Chal, Joep ress, an Wich Sih oth dvi bar wi Mr. Chale sige asthe ‘Chainan. The County Exeatve has appointed Joy Bering sd Devi Sten. ‘SBEATION: DatsTine: Department: 2019 3:05:29 PM, Legetare Chlraan ‘APPROVALS: DatsTime: Approvals, Deparment ravane oun Hepes Lape alma Nam Descriptio: re toma ATTACHMENT C 8102 aun-ed sm uopsod un ¥ 328) 04 anp 2813 ag 20} LORD AND Oh gE somes 0202104 aF.24 KS55' © py vis sya 9p al SoU L0RB4G 89g 20} IWS L0H ” wwrsowees cortoens sevens ereevtOrs seecvers ovezateses ovowerrs oczustss ‘ocresonrs eoawieers costreses coveorzts ovresors ‘omeseves corecianss ovesveses zoonseers cosee'nzts scvevoors ‘qoosseers oo zee vor scartwess —— wrosr'cxs ssoomeMoL =a ‘SLND 6TOZ OL 3N SONIAVS AUVIVS G3LVWWILSS a orsse'aas vevos'eers ovose'oers ee scstsers cotesters ootostenns escoters oow'szrs cozeerters Wwoeas “ oosss'sas ovese'z6s weucrers coeesonts svesc'vers cone atts cosse'erts woes cooivezts coree'tors eres xz covea'zars cosseuzts cozeeers contcvers cooco'ors coesrsars steoemny preny sey ois ‘Soumvs causa W101 moa y-J008n0 apm s-s01990 ‘unm o1 ana somes 153 ma Moi Mere 208-6108 soy 5-20 8906 ATTACHMENT D xe weer asvR0N uD corer'ss ov oos't9$ overe'sts §——onzsy'ors ooesss §——oocecerts covers on ses'ass covesss © oeo'srts weovers —_zeTor oes covsrss §—ovee'ttts ovseses §——_onges'erts covers on sor'sag coasts coooe'ss on06e'ss comes ooose'ss coreces © voesurs costs ovetve8s cosecors —oozevvers cozesss oo seest5 Denia vs causenoayzz0e corse'sss covasca5 covsorzets cosseees cosor'eors concours on ooo'sors ovooo'sors ovsscooss coowerts ovovo'strs coorr'ss ovoooses vores onesstens coziei9s ovsse'errs cozeertsts aves r0 wana son ashy 0 hun edu 1 825001800 303 1g y0 0 ssL0> svessunioy hndsg ‘aay 29040 200080 ses wvaupun ume 1 van ‘daa, ‘ameaso1o190, 29 Muna dad eg AOD. smu/wnavanwa39 (S3DVLNIDUId) SLNAWISNIGY AUVIVS 3SvE 7Z0Z xo x69 ‘nq 8p sae aun Aq pase.nep Sem se aul ase .payanbas, 949 Sy UND SAL 0 ‘senmunvep tong emepiey Aq parton sian seahoydus Za, oovoc'ses ox voe'085 covavuats covoe'ses ovoavrts oosross cose ess cosrestrs ooeries ovsre'ess ‘erg rawatevew foustioun @ 215300 opus Ww owaaes wnore-w payeo a lweasssy uupy-wonegoid voneny 7.08840 _Woday-saoyvas 402005 ‘ug yo oe10 ATTACHMENT E Coreses © cousins © onces'ens aera 0 120 “dag cowsrs —apetvess oozes amentar o o90n covesers —oouavorts —oomess (aco) am ox002%0 esreers —oszastors antes‘ jones peo wee) oveerss couse Tits onaoveors woesapun wweooers —ceTores —onser“tTS ws coessits oo wserets —_onorverrs pena pny coesorts —oouaceers —onveuzers naa suo) cotorss — oozsesets —_ontsvoers vopmunieg 0 songueg opa Hg pnoue ae coserss — oozesters —_onserears anne ney og ‘unuicn sto a pocussoves ose Ray ES'SS——OSRESETS.—_oTEETTS sane func) wawnco sowed asyROM—_kavivs zor aves Teor noussoa SINSWLSNTGY RUVIVS 7207 GBAOUAAW UO/ANY G3S0d0d TALLIWINOD 135008 ATTACHMENT F COUNTY OF CHEMUNG ‘Rese LAW DEPARTMENT : See ech ict igo Sie oe fet Sona, iy Waar Hon, Chistoper Moss Office of the County Executive 203 Lake St. Elmira, NY 19402 exe Executive Moss: Please accept this lee a my request to continue the investigator position withthe Law Department ‘As you may recall, back in 2019, when Barclay Damon closed ther Elmira office, 1 had requested help 10 cur the cost of county self-ineurance funds by creating an inchouse investigator position. I can now report to you that after full year of having this position, the County assets (self insurance find) have improved because the investigator, Mike Mucci, ‘prepwred investigatory reports as soon as the ecidenvincident occurred, allowing us to cut disbursements ‘Ther is a misconception among some that our insurance carers provide investigatory service on claims, Instead, its the Iw Gms that would investigate than the insurance caries Nevertheless, this idea fils to address our high deductibles, which is the slfinsurance retention (SIR) limits, for example: on en auto or general iblity claim, we have to spend the first $250,000; for equipment loss, the deductible is $100,000; and $75,000 on a property damage claim, before the insurance carirs pays out. | have reviewed some open litigation fles where the law firms conducted the vestigation in preparation for tigation and learned they were unable to collect available evidence in time (Le, security camera videos, pictures of an accident location on the day, ‘witnesses, et). I have attached leters of support from Bethany Lowman, with our current insurance ‘agent and Joe Allegreto, the investigator assigned to county files from Barclay Damon. Both ofthese individuals fully support continuing this in-house investigator position. ‘This year, the County's claim experiences have been lowered, which directly conelats ‘o premiums, Because the investigator immediately retrieved information to protect the County, Thave settled cases at lower amounts or moved for dismissals. ‘This postion should not be contracted because the very complaintissues that would be investigated at times result ina claim against the county. Why would the County risk sharing ets of the chims with a contract employes? Additionally, is wel avare of Mike Muce's profesional background, After retiring from our Sheriffs office asthe Under-Sherif, Mike ‘worked ten years a the HR Director for Hardinge Inc. and returned to the County a the HR Director, which be served fr five years. Mike is no stranger to the County polices or personnel, and his experience in {vestigatng complaint Ins given the County the advantage we needed. Ihave attached the issue Mike worked on this past yea, dretly connected to ou selinsurance fund. For instance, in Feb-21 at CCNF a person was walking end ipped on bus ramp that was left down, Mike tracked down witnesses to the incident and immediatly contacted the complainant. Because of Mike's involvement, Iam confident thatthe complainant did not le claim agninst the County. And another incident in Aug-21 atthe fairgrounds, where an RV crashed into the fence on the weekend. Similarly, because of Mike's involvement, the owner took responsbiliy and reimbursed forthe repair (ove $10,000) tothe County that weekend Certainty, if Mike had not been involved, onthe day ofthe incident, the County would easly Ihave spent well over the $30,000 to defend and would have had to backtrack to collect evidence. ‘As Joe Alegretto said it best, it "is critical and well worth the $30,000 salary" "to have ‘an intemal invesigntor who would identify risk and makes it possible for [the} county 10 ‘respond to claims more quickly and appropriately." Finally, hope all elested officals will see the benefit of this position and agree to continue funding th positon you have any questions, please let me know. Very ily OK 1M, Hyder Hussain ‘Enel, amd DATE ame 3/22/2004, JAiL COMPLAINT OUR INJURY VERICLE DAMAGE! ‘CONFIDENT ‘CRIM MISCHIEF [WORKPLACE VIO. INJURY. INJURY. IRURY. URY ‘STONE FROM MOWER HIT WINDOW OF VERICLE TWO VEHICLE MVA HARASSMENT COMPLAINT EEOC (CAL SPUL {CHLORINE SPLL AT POOL LOCATION, ra PATHOL VEHICLE/SCOOTER ‘WiOLEN EMPLOYEE CONFLICT 7/28/202: ‘DAMAGE, ‘DAMAGED WINDSHIELD THIRPORT GATE STRUCK EMERGENCY VENCLE wi PERSONAL INJURY] YOUTH BUREAU! “SOMMER COHESION YOUTH UURY ‘cuoseo | WO, UURY ‘AIRPORT PASSENGER TRIPPFD AND FFI TO FLOOR ‘c10se0"| No, ERTY DAMAGY G&G. "ci0s60 “| no ERTY DAMAGE HIGHWAY (cL0sE0"| NO, ERTY DAMAGH BEG (.0se0 _| Wo uy REPORT | AIRPORT ‘CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REPORT ‘c10se0_| No ‘#/30/2021 |" SHOOTING. cC30. ‘BACKGROUND CHECKS c.9st0 | No, ‘9fiafaazs | Mva. SHER PATROL VEHICLE STRUCK ‘c.0se0 "| NO, ‘SEP-OCT BURANCE IVENTO| ALL TNS. PROPERTY INVENTORY ‘ciose0"| no. [10/20/2021 JORKPLACE VIOLENA HIGHWAY DEFT [WORKPLACE VIOLENCE COMPLAINT ‘CLOSED | NO sio/asfa0at| wun ‘AIRPORT PASSENGER RUURED /BROKEN HIP ‘pepe | —NO- ay/is/2021| —_IwuRY CONF [WOMAN FELLTO FLOOR AFTER CHAIR ARM BROKE — | PENDING | —NO_ s/as/2021| va D5. ‘COUNTY VEHICLE STRUCK ANIMAL, ‘close | No. 11/26/2021 PROPERTY DAMAGY PO office "SINK OVERFLOW - WATER DAMANGE PENDING | NO- 2 Inwrane doce Dycamber 3,202 M Myer Husain ‘Cheung County Law Department 167 take sree ira, 14902 Dear Me Huss = Perry & Carrels commitment to customers dates to 1860, We have served Chemung County for approximately 75 year, encimplag tom the Property, Casulty, Ato, 88 well 38 Profesional Unb Ins of coverege. | personally handle the accounts for Chemung County and am very familar with your polices and procedures. The County Insurance poles are ulque and have high Sms (sl Insured retention) and deductibles, for example: the Auto and General ably res sare ans 1 §250.000 per eccurrence with stop lssagmegnte of $750,000 to tml retaned amounts during the yeu; the Property coverage has a deductible of $75,000 per ecurence and Ini Marine has a deductible of §200,00 per occurence ‘As Certied Rsk Manager, Ican atest that having an employee In you fice assting the County with any isk managernent needs wil belp contrelexpentures rom the SIN. Addons, ‘having an investigator on staff benfts the County by ldestyng potent risk a5 they arse, nord ta document and Investigate them promptly. This wil allow the County to provetvey address these sltustons and fini the exposure to larger dam, ths conserving lower lots rune. ll of tus con potently enable the County te save on future poly premiums, Please see the attached Industry Pamphlet abot publ ents rings ‘We intend to partner with your Investigator nd work cisely wih your of, the care, snd claim representatives to ensure thatthe County reeves timely response ad payment on vour dims. Perry 8 Carel strongly supports the County's decson to have an in-house nvestento susigned to risk management and cl gation. We beleve the Law Department bvetUgstor wil provides vlable benef to the County lt youhave any questions, please do not hesate to reach out tome, Sincerely, sethany Lohmann Sales Advir & Rsk Management Conautat PERRY & CARROLL «< 100. Caren, PO. 1307 Semen NVR» £OP3E-t What Public Entities Need to Know iota crt tnd pt dete atepretton ‘The pocetage of pub ety ns reuingin wars rer mitlon hasbeen contd essing oe lest decae and geod of canons near wn treet dns. The enerece fnew apes rely for pbc ents, and he onprenavenes of yourtbiy coverages cic "sue ta you a pub easton mat ake. ances ce ie enorerent earng Ite contrat beween evehing epee and gation rena te ase ressr to redace csts ad ag buds to somata nadeuate pte fending creates compat web fest Proper kmanogenent is cul acorn cen prema f pobic enti, and We ec peck ‘overage tat sr oyu" raat depen on tary for ctr our ype ergaton, ‘eanees yout site's lr lepiaton thay arate ings you shuldconter bore desing ay owe in. Managing Rsk inthe Puble Secor Puc enties ne state povermet ea cna eteryvenment pels or monks, ‘teu thesehae ay fhe sae exposures a2 ‘ype utes they ae en protected gas laws by ated as, many eerie syreprtn reqrarnts One ae logs ataes pies mus ren ch seat ‘ang an eon hanged and requre wget Provided by Perry & Carroll, nc bt ray epesures can enray be ded no seo ‘ugar st or trary operat epesures ine Imoragaen ay expesres New nds dirs _recanstanty ener. Baris lee te ooning ero leerfere aig Poe nese oe Tsrs iota warning plant pracy Dangerous onions enpublearepeny Prec becuse of pub ate ol eislows One ofthe most important factors to consider when managing your property and liability coverage is the true cost of risk, not the price ofthe premium, rahi ool ‘eploment nine rege common, raps ot impart actrees when manag you roperty and Isby coverage tb ve rventepy the lowes pramum posi. weve, ‘romedte sing ona rem ened to 50 ‘venues les to spec cans. ts wily tat {ys management pega wil b at lane {danagin an ave operating eal overment ‘ny. Trt isco deg comprare ‘tne tower thet cos fk ote pubic ony ‘The ssand exposure of pubes rug Desi the openrate coverage ees the wee and dation othe exper at Petr are we ay beat ofthe rds ine maa snd werkt yout tec adit Joseph J. Allegretto 89 Morningside Ave Elmira, NY 14905 December 2,2021 M. Hyder Hussain Chemung County Law Department 167 Lake Street Bimira, NY 14902 Dear Hyder: ‘Tam writing tis letter in suppcr of the continuation ofthe investigator postion within the Law Department. Last your, wher this position was created, I informed you that T filly ‘supported the hiring, and stil believe ‘he county should have an internal person to investigate and work on matters which could resu in financial or legal exposure. By way of my beckground. I retired from Elmira Heights Police Department in 1993, the yong at ple ofc fi ety ea, where hid oven ia iy of ‘complaints. For approximately lat 25 years, I was employed, as an investigator, “ firm of Davidson & O'Mara, later becoming Hiscock & Barclay, then Barclay Damon. For the Iast25 yeas, a an investigator, Ihave worked on cases involving claims agniast ‘municipalities such as Chemung Coutty, County of Steuben, County of Schuyler, the City of ‘Corning, andthe City of Elmira tonane some, Inpartculer, for Chemung County, Iwas assigned tothe case when the county received ‘notice of claim to investigate and guher information to defend the claim. In my experience working on the Chemung County files, I needed to start working on the case inemediaely {0 Sethe surveillance footage before itis destroyed and track down witnesses as soon as possible ‘while they tll have a full recollection ofthe Incident in question, At times, the unavailability ‘of witneses or surveillance footage ofthe incidents resulted ina higher seitement offer, of ‘ar firm could not refute the plaintiffs claims thoroughly. 1 is cosental to have an intereal investigator who would identify risks and makes it Possible fora county to xespond to claims more quickly and appropriately, rather than waiting fora notice of claim tobe served three ota after the incident, In my opinion, having a person within the county available to immedistely investigate possible lwouits i critical and well worth the $30,000 salary | sincerely believe and have no doubt the county would benefit from having en in-house Investigator. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. feekaro ‘Joseph 1. Allegretto ATTACHMENT G ‘Manage Serve for the Town of lg Flats Chemung County ac the Town of ig iat entered into an iter-nicpal agreement for Shared Servicesin 2035. Ath ime the agreement he Town hala part-time contactor, whe had announce Nis eirement, handing I operations. The 2grement with he Town was modeled afer the Cty agreement witha coupe of minor changer (© Support ofthe Count’ ful Stafincudng: ‘© 2completly redundant Centers with generator backup. 1 The County hots the Town's nancial payolapplistion, print, database and other fe servers atthe 2 Toenters. © Integration ito the Counts Active Directory or user and fle secur, Upkeep ofall windows patches nd secu update, (Anti ‘or servers and endpoints smanaged and updated using Count’ ant-vs centralized anslesouton (© Routine backups of a data thats toed oft. (© Aly to purchase software Bcenss at much reduced cost using Enterprise Agreements the County has wah varous garners. (© Use the Count'sinrastractre for ‘Th County manages and stores the ata from the ows secu cameras. ‘The Town's WiFi networks managed through the County's WIFcontrcller allowing fora sng ieee network fr the County, Cty and the Town, © County provides assistance wit planing ad budgeting of a related projects. ‘Troubeshoting of sues wth hardware ad software aswel 5 remediation of vues and malware ©The County has Geveloped a compute replacement plan and replaces equipment based on that pla, aw Enforcement Agancies © Hosting ofa Law Enforcement vital servers and storage within the County's 2 Data Centers Server secu. © Operating system and aplication patches and upgrades © Create Actve Directory user accounts for securing acces tothe server, {© Tain accessors on how to connect tothe network and login. ‘© Configuring connecty to the County network herby Ethernet (copper) Aber or Vitwal Private "Network VPN) over the internet ‘9 Troubesncorconneccvy ana aptcation ses. (© Stppor and woubleshootng of centralized Records Maragement System (AMS) hat shared by. ‘0 Stppor and troubleshooting of iteration between Computer ded Dispatch (CAD) and RMS system, (©. Configuration instalation and support for Mobile Data Terminals (MOTs) in patrol cars, ‘© Centrale suppor for secarity cameras ecated throughout the County (noticing al cameras) ‘© The County has developed a computer repacement lan and replaces equipment based on tat pan "Non-Couny agencies curenti served by these: ose (© Eimira Helghs Police Deparment (© Townof emia PO © ChyoteimeaPD © Vilage of Horseheads PD Communications and sharing data has been animaluable tool tothe Counts Law Enforcement Agencies. ‘Infomation Technology Shared Sarces ‘+ Managed Serves forthe Cty of Eira Suppor of te County’ ful Staffing: 2 completly redundant Cantar with generator bak. “The County hosts the Cys fan ayo apptation, prin, database and numerous other le serversat the 2 Centers. Integration tothe County's Active Orectory for user ad fle scat, County hoses trot Ekchange Ema sytem, alls archiving using the Counts Ea archive slation. ‘County provides internet acest Include secur, tering, and monitoring). Upkeep ofa windows patches and security updotes. ‘AntiVir for servers and endplnts is managed and undated using Couns antivirus centrale ‘ansoesluton. Daly beckups fal data thats stored oft, seo the Counts infastrctre or: + Higrspeed Mher connectivity to remote iy offices. LTE connected cameras throughout the Cy LTE connected vate sina 1 The Cys indooroutdooe WiF networks managed through the County's WF controler owing fora sgl wireless network forthe County ana iy. Panning and management ofthe Cy T operaioal and capital Budgets. Danning ad oversight of al relted project within the Cy “Troubleshooting of sues with hardware and software 2s wel as remediation of ises and malware, The County has developed a computer replacement lan ane replaces equipment based on that pla. CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER THE POSITION ‘The Chief Information Officer is & professional, managerial position responsible for overseeing a multifunctional offce, drecing and coordinating the use of a variety of computer platforms, sofware applications, wide and local area networks and tlecommunications to remote sites. ‘The postion oversses. the design, specifcations, purchase, leese and operations of al ‘elecommunicaton systems and is responsble for enhanced cyber security of al systems. The Chief Information Officer influences policy and supervises a department of significant scope. Starting Salary for 2022: $116,742 with comprehensive benefits package Including 2% match to deferred compensation, full health and dental insurance, wellness program, EAP, professional development training, and NYS Retirement pension. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Possession of at least a Bachelors degrea Ih Computer Sdence, Data Processing, Cyber Securty, oF a related fled, Atleast eght (8) years of ful te experience in programming, systems analysis and design, cyber secaty or ater fed related iformaton tecnaiogy, three {3)years of which must have been in superisoryfmanageral capac Ontario County residency required within 12 months of appointment. HOW TO APPLY ‘Applications for this pasion must ba aubmited elackronically trough the Ontario County website, Human Resources webpage. ttins./ontario-portal Ityou have adeitional questions please call the Human Resources Department at (585) 398-4465, EOE ‘Applications accepted until positon is filed.

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