Educational Philosophy

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Clarissa Quigley

Mr. Jensen

Edu. 1010

11 October 2021

My Educational Philosophy

Having an Educational Philosophy is very essential. Not only can they be created

subconsciously, but they will be very useful in helping your students to understand your rules

and you as an educator. I have three main points I would like to include in my educational

philosophy. My cell phone policy, cheating policy, and the way I feel that students learn best.

My cell phone policy will be similar to my eleventh grade US History teacher, Mr.

Sundquist. His policy was you could have your phone out as long as you aren’t for a long period

of time, for example, answering a quick text or checking the time or other notifications. But it

shouldn’t be a constant distraction. By doing this I feel that my students will feel less pressured

to keep their phone away but also be able to set a reasonable and attainable boundary for

themselves. In my opinion, I never think that a teacher should take away a phone in any

circumstance, because it’s not their property and they are responsible for it if anything happens.

What I plan to do is have a “phone jail”. So if the phone is being used too much and needs to be

confiscated, I will ask the student to place their phone in phone jail so that I don’t have to touch


My cheating policy, on the other hand, I plan to take it extremely seriously. I will have

zero tolerance for cheating. If I ever catch one of my students cheating, I will give them a zero

on the assignment and tell their parents that they were caught cheating. I would also like to have
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a talk with the student to see why they cheated and how I can help them to feel like they don’t

need to cheat to be successful and give them options to make up the assignment.

I feel that students learn best by relation to their everyday life. Because I feel that this is

the best way students will learn, I plan to incorporate real-life examples and stories that can

relate to my lessons. For example, if I was teaching about the Declaration of Independence,

which was known as the “ultimate break up note”, I would have them relate to it that same way,

if they were able. Thinking of a breakup that they’ve experienced or witnessed. In my opinion,

this will help them to fully understand how fed up the Colonists were with how they were being


Every teacher’s philosophy is different, which will help all students learn how to adapt to

different teaching styles and different learning styles. If every teacher had the same philosophy,

the students would only know that way, and life after school would be more difficult for them.

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