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March 12, 2021 11:10 AM
Clerk of Courts
Hamilton County, Ohio






E-FILED 03/12/2021 11:10 AM / CONFIRMATION 1043762 / A 2100907 / COMMON PLEAS DIVISION / IFI

STATE OF OHIO, ex rel. : CASE NO. __________________

30 East Broad Street, 25th Floor : JUDGE_____________________
Columbus, Ohio 43215, :
Plaintiff, :
c/o KMK Service Corp, Statutory Agent :
1 East 4th Street, Suite 1400 :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, :
and :
c/o Douglas Evans, Statutory Agent :
3700 Round Bottom Road :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244, :
and :
c/o KMK Service Corp, Statutory Agent :
1 East 4th Street, Suite 1400 :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45402, :
and :
7546 Pinehurst Drive :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244, :
and :
c/o KMK Service Corp, Statutory Agent :
1 East 4th Street, Suite 1400 :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

E-FILED 03/12/2021 11:10 AM / CONFIRMATION 1043762 / A 2100907 / COMMON PLEAS DIVISION / IFI
and :
and :
and :
and :
and :
and :
and :
and :


E-FILED 03/12/2021 11:10 AM / CONFIRMATION 1043762 / A 2100907 / COMMON PLEAS DIVISION / IFI


Since at least 2014, Evans Landscaping, Inc., B E E Holdings Limited Partnership, Evans

Gravel, Inc., Douglas L. Evans, and 8361 Broadwell Road, LLC, and Unknown Agents Nos. 1-11

(collectively “Defendants”) open dumped solid waste and illegally disposed of construction and

demolition debris (“C&DD”) at three sites in Cincinnati, Ohio. Further, by disposing waste on

sites without the required licenses, Defendants established, operated, and maintained two

unlicensed C&DD and solid waste facilities in Hamilton County. Their actions are violations of

Ohio’s C&DD and solid waste laws.

Defendants have been aware of the majority of these violations for over five years and have

not corrected them. Since 2014, the Hamilton County General Health District (the “Health

District”) conducted over 20 compliance inspections at the Sites, issued 17 notice of violation

letters to Defendants, and met with Defendants on numerous occasions to try to resolve the solid

waste and C&DD violations at their Sites. Yet, Defendants have continued to illegally dispose of

C&DD and solid waste at the three sites.

Therefore, Plaintiff, the State of Ohio (“the State”), on relation of the Ohio Attorney

General Dave Yost, at the written request of the Health District, hereby institutes this action against

Defendants to enforce R. C. Chapters 3714, 3734 and the rules promulgated thereunder.


The Defendants

1. Defendant Evans Landscaping, Inc. (“Evans Landscaping”) is an Ohio corporation

that operates as a landscaping and composting business with its principal place of business at 4229

Round Bottom Road, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio 45244.

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2. Defendant B E E Holdings Limited Partnership (“B E E Holdings”) is a foreign

limited partnership registered in Ohio and formed in Georgia.

3. At all times relevant to this Complaint, B E E Holdings maintained its principal

place of business at 3700 Round Bottom Road, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio 45244.

4. Defendant Evans Gravel, Inc. (“Evans Gravel”) is an Ohio corporation with its

principal place of business at 3700 Round Bottom Road, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio


5. Defendant 8361 Broadwell Road, LLC (“8361 Broadwell”) is an Ohio limited

liability company with its principal place of business at 3700 Round Bottom Road, Cincinnati,

Hamilton County, Ohio 45244.

6. Defendant Douglas L. Evans (“Evans”) is an Ohio resident whose address is 7546

Pinehurst Drive, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio 45244.

7. Based on information and belief, and at all times relevant to this Complaint,

Defendant Evans is and/or was the owner, operator, agent, authorized representative, shareholder,

board member, officer, and/or President of Defendants Evans Landscaping, BEE Holdings, Evans

Gravel, and 8361 Broadwell.

8. Defendant Evans is personally liable for the violations alleged in Counts One

through Five of this Complaint. Defendant Evans, by virtue of his ownership and positions as

authorized representative of Defendants Evans Landscaping, B E E Holdings, Evans Gravel, and

8361 Broadwell, alone or in conjunction with others, caused, participated in, controlled, and/or

ordered the violations alleged in this Complaint. He knew about or should have known about these

violations and, by himself or in conjunction with others, had the authority to prevent or stop these

violations but failed to exercise his authority to do so.

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9. In addition, or in the alternative, Evans is liable for the violations alleged in Counts

One through Five of this Complaint because he exerted such complete control over Defendants

Evans Landscaping, B E E Holdings, Evans Gravel, and 8361 Broadwell, that they had no separate

mind, will, or existence of their own; exercised control in such a manner as to commit fraud, an

illegal act, or similarly unlawful act when he illegally disposed of C&DD, open dumped solid

waste, and established and operated unlicensed C&DD and solid waste facilities at the Mount

Carmel, Round Bottom, and Broadwell Sites; and caused injury or unjust loss to the State of Ohio

from such control or wrong, including but not limited to, environmental harm or threat of

environmental harm.

10. The name and address of each of the Unknown Agent Defendants, Nos. 1 through

11 (collectively the “Unknown Agent Defendants”) are presently unknown. However, upon

information and belief, each of the Unknown Agent Defendants is a “person,” as that term is

defined in R.C. 1.59(C), 3714.01, and 3734.01, and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-01(P)(1) and 3745-


11. The Unknown Agent Defendants, as agents of Defendants Evans Landscaping,

Evans Gravel, B E E Holdings, and/or Evans, illegally deposited, dumped, and/or buried solid

waste or C&DD at the Mount Carmel, Round Bottom, and Broadwell Sites, as alleged in Counts

One Through Five of this Complaint. The Unknown Agent Defendants are personally liable for

the violations alleged in Counts One through Five of this Complaint, because they caused,

participated in, controlled, and/or ordered the violations.

12. Defendants are proper parties to this Complaint. Each Defendant is a “person” as

that term is defined in R.C. 1.59(C), 3714.01, and 3734.01, and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-

01(P)(1) and 3745-27-01(P)(3).

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Mount Carmel Site

13. Defendant Evans Gravel owns 77.86 acres of property located on Mount Carmel

Road in Cincinnati, Ohio (Parcel No. 500-0081-0032) (“Mount Carmel Site”).

14. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Evans Gravel operates and/or

operated a clean hard fill operation on the Mount Carmel Site.

15. Defendant Evans Gravel is a “property owner” and/or “owner,” as defined by Ohio

Adm.Code 3745-400-01(P)(2) and 3745-27-01(O)(7), of the Mount Carmel Site.

16. Defendant Evans Landscaping is an “operator,” as defined in Ohio Adm.Code

3745-27-01(O)(5) and 3745-400-01(C)(6), of the Mount Carmel Site.

Broadwell Site

17. Defendant 8361 Broadwell owns property located 8361 Broadwell Road in

Anderson Township, Hamilton County, Ohio (Parcel No. 500-0081-0003) (“Broadwell Site”).

18. Defendant 8361 Broadwell is a “property owner” and/or “owner,” as defined by

Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-01(P)(2) and 3745-27-01(O)(7), of the Broadwell Site.

19. Based on information and belief, and at all times relevant to this Complaint,

Defendant Evans Landscaping operates and/or operated a clean hard fill operation at the Broadwell


20. Defendant Evans Landscaping is an “operator,” as the term is defined in Ohio

Adm.Code 3745-27-01(O)(5) and 3745-400-01(C)(6), of the Broadwell Site.

Round Bottom Site

21. Defendant B E E Holdings owns property located at 4229 Round Bottom Road,

Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio 45244 (Parcel No. 500-0170-0016-00) (hereinafter referred to

as “the Round Bottom Site”).

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22. Defendant B E E Holdings is a “property owner” and/or “owner,” as defined by

Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-01(P)(2) and 3745-27-01(O)(7), of the Round Bottom Site.

23. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Evans Landscaping operates

and/or operated a recycling operation on the Round Bottom Site.

24. Defendant Evans Landscaping is an “operator,” as the term is defined in Ohio

Adm.Code 3745-27-01(O)(5) and (C)(6), of the Round Bottom Site.

25. Defendant Evans is an “operator,” as the term is defined in Ohio Adm.Code 3745-

27-01(O)(5) and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-01(C)(6), of Round Bottom Site.

Regulatory Framework

26. Revised Code 3734.01(E) defines “solid wastes” to include “such unwanted

residual solid or semisolid material as results from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and

community operations, excluding earth or material from construction, mining, or demolition

operations, *** and includes, but is not limited to, garbage, scrap tires, combustible and

noncombustible material, street dirt, and debris.”

27. Revised Code 3714.01 defines “construction and demolition debris” as “materials

resulting from the alteration, construction, destruction, rehabilitation, or repair of any physical

structure that is built by humans, including, without limitation, houses, buildings, industrial or

commercial facilities, or roadways.”

28. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-01(C)(1) defines “clean hard fill” as

construction and demolition debris which consists only of reinforced or nonreinforced concrete,

asphalt concrete, brick, block, tile, or stone which can be reutilized as construction material.

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29. Revised Code 3734.01(F) defines “disposal” as “the discharge, deposit, injection,

dumping, spilling, leaking, emitting, or placing of any solid wastes into or on any land or ground

* * *.”

30. Revised Code 3714.13(A) through (C) provides that no person shall violate any

section of R.C. Chapter 3714, any rule adopted under it, or any order issued under it.

31. Revised Code 3734.11(A) provides that no person shall violate any section of R.C.

Chapter 3734, any rule adopted under it, or any order issued under it.

32. Revised Code 3714.11, 3734.10, and 3734.13 provide that the Attorney General,

upon request of the respective board of health or the health district shall bring an action for

injunctive relief and civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day per violation against any person who

has violated or is violating any section of R.C. Chapter 3714 and 3734 or the applicable rules

adopted thereunder.

33. The Health District is a “board of health” as that term is defined in R.C. 3714.01

and 3734.01(A).


34. This matter was referred to the Attorney General for enforcement upon written

request of the Health District, pursuant to R.C. 3714.11 and 3734.10.

35. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action, personal

jurisdiction over Defendants, and authority to grant the relief requested pursuant to R.C. 3734.10

and 3714.11.

36. All rules referenced in this Complaint are lawfully adopted pursuant to R.C.

Chapters 3714 and 3734.

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37. Defendants’ activities that gave rise to this Complaint were conducted in Hamilton

County. Pursuant to Civ.R. 3(C), venue is proper in this Court.

38. Pursuant to Rule 8(A) of the Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff states that this

Complaint seeks civil penalties in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).

39. The general allegations set forth above are hereby incorporated into each and every

Count of this Complaint as if fully restated therein.


40. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-04(B) states that “no person shall conduct or

allow illegal disposal of construction and demolition debris.”

41. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-01(D)(3) defines “disposal” to mean the

discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, emitting, or placing of any C&DD into

or on any land or ground or surface water or into the air, except if the disposition or placement

constitutes storage, reuse, or recycling in a beneficial manner.

42. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-01(I)(1) defines “illegal disposal” to mean the

disposal of construction and demolition debris at any place other than a C&DD facility operated

in accordance with R.C. Chapter 3714 and Ohio Adm.Code Chapters 3745-400 and 3745-37.

43. The Round Bottom Site, Mt. Carmel Site, and Broadwell Site are not, and at all

times relevant to this Complaint have never been, licensed C&DD facilities operated in accordance

with R.C. Chapter 3714.

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44. During inspections on April 14, 2014, January 29, 2015, September 1, 2020, and

February 5, 2021 inspectors from the Health District observed C&DD illegally deposited, dumped,

and/or partially buried at the Round Bottom Site.

45. Presently, C&DD is still illegally deposited, dumped, and/or partially buried into

the ground at the Round Bottom Site.

46. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but prior to April 14, 2014 and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, B E E Holdings, Evans, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 1 illegally disposed and/or allowed the

illegal disposal of C&DD at the Round Bottom Site.

47. During inspections on May 6, 2014, June 26, 2014, July 2, 2014, June 8, 2020, June

15, 2020, September 1, 2020, and February 5, 2021 inspectors from the Health District observed

C&DD illegally dumped, deposited, and/or partially buried in/with the clean hard fill at the Mount

Carmel Site.

48. Presently, C&DD is still illegally deposited, dumped, and/or partially buried at the

Mt. Carmel Site.

49. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but prior to May 6, 2014, on other dates

not yet known to Plaintiff; and continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping,

Evans Gravel, Evans, and upon information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 2 illegally

disposed and/or allowed the illegal disposal of C&DD at the Mt. Carmel Site.

50. During inspections on December 7, 2020, and February 5, 2021 inspectors from the

Health District observed other C&DD, in the form of recovered screen material, illegally dumped,

deposited, and/or partially buried with the clean hard fill at the Broadwell Site.


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51. Presently, the C&DD is still illegally deposited, dumped, and/or partially buried at

the Broadwell Site.

52. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but prior to December 7, 2020, and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, 8361 Broadwell, Evans, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 3 illegally disposed of and/or allowed the

illegal disposal of C&DD at the Broadwell Site.

53. The conduct described in this Count constitutes violations of R.C. 3714.13(A) and

(B) and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-04(B), for which Defendants are subject to injunctive relief

pursuant to R.C. 3714.11 and 3714.13(C) and for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable

for a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each violation for the last

five years pursuant to R.C. 3714.11, as well as each day of violation after the filing of this



54. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-04(B) states that “no person shall conduct or

allow illegal disposal of construction and demolition debris.”

55. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-400-01(I)(1) defines “illegal disposal” to mean the

disposal of construction and demolition debris at any place other than a C&DD facility operated

in accordance with R.C. Chapter 3714 and Ohio Adm.Code Chapters 3745-400 and 3745-37.

56. Prior to March 7, 2020, large quantities of C&DD, in the form of recovered screen

material, were piled on the ground at the Round Bottom Site.


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57. Using comparison aerial photographs, the Health District observed that large

quantities of C&DD, in the form of recovered screen material, were removed from the Round

Bottom Site between March 7, 2020 and August 9, 2020.

58. The Health District requested all applicable receipts from Defendants for any

C&DD that was lawfully disposed from the Round Bottom Site. The receipts provided by

Defendants were insufficient to account for the missing C&DD in the form of recovered screen


59. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but prior to March 7, 2020, and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, Evans, and upon information and

belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 4 illegally disposed of C&DD that had been on the Round

Bottom Site.

60. The conduct described in this Count constitutes violations of R.C. 3714.13(A) and

(B) and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-04(B), for which Defendants are subject to injunctive relief

pursuant to R.C. 3714.11 and 3714.13(C) and for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable

for a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each violation pursuant to

R.C. 3714.11, as well as each day of violation after the filing of this Complaint.


61. Revised Code 3714.06(A)(1)(a) states in pertinent part, that no person shall operate

or maintain a C&DD facility without an annual C&DD facility operation license issued by the

board of health of the health district in which the facility is located.


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62. Ohio Adm.Code 3745-400-01(C)(3) defines “construction and demolition debris

facility” or “facility” to mean any site, location, tract of land, installation, or building used for the

disposal of construction and demolition debris.

63. The Round Bottom, Mount Carmel, and Broadwell Sites are not, and at all times

relevant to this Complaint have never been, licensed C&DD facilities operated in accordance with

R.C. 3714 or Ohio Adm.Code Chapter 3745-37.

64. During inspections April 14, 2014, September 1, 2020, and February 5, 2021

inspectors from the Health District observed C&DD deposited, dumped, and/or partially buried

into the ground at the Round Bottom Site.

65. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but at least by April 14, 2014 and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, B E E Holdings, Evans, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 5, established, operated, and/or maintained

an unlicensed C&DD facility on Round Bottom Site.

66. During inspections on May 6, 2014, June 26, 2014, July 2, 2014, June 8, 2020, June

15, 2020, September 1, 2020, and February 5, 2021, inspectors from the Health District observed

C&DD dumped, deposited, and/or partially buried at the Mount Carmel Site.

67. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but at least by May 6, 2014 and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, Evans Gravel, Evans, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 6 established, operated, and/or maintained

an unlicensed C&DD facility on the Mount Carmel Site.

68. During inspections on December 7, 2020 and February 5, 2021 inspectors from the

Health District observed C&DD, in the form of recovered screened material, dumped, deposited,

and/or partially buried at the Broadwell Site.


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69. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but prior to December 7, 2020, and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, Evans, 8361 Broadwell, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 7 established, operated, and/or maintained

an unlicensed C&DD facility at the Broadwell Site.

70. The conduct described in this Count constitutes violations of R.C. 3714.06(A), R.C.

3714.13(A) and (B), and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-37-01(C), for which Defendants are subject to

injunctive relief pursuant to R.C. 3714.11 and 3714.13(C) and for which Defendants are jointly

and severally liable for a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each

violation for the last five years pursuant to R.C. 3714.11, as well as each day of violation after the

filing of this Complaint.


71. Revised Code 3734.03 provides that no person shall dispose of solid wastes by open


72. Open dumping includes the depositing of solid wastes onto the surface of the

ground at a site that is not licensed as a solid waste facility under R.C. 3734.05 or the depositing

of solid wastes that consist of scrap tires onto the surface of the ground. R.C. 3734.01(I).

73. Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-05(C), adopted pursuant to R.C. 3734.02, states, in

relevant part, “[n]o person shall conduct, permit, or allow open dumping. In the event that open

dumping is occurring or has occurred at a property, the person(s) responsible for the open dumping,

the owner of the property, or the person(s) who allow or allowed open dumping to occur, shall

promptly remove and dispose or otherwise manage the solid waste in accordance with Chapter


E-FILED 03/12/2021 11:10 AM / CONFIRMATION 1043762 / A 2100907 / COMMON PLEAS DIVISION / IFI
3734 of the Revised Code, and shall submit verification that the solid waste has been properly


74. During inspections on April 14, 2014, September 1, 2020, and February 5, 2021,

inspectors from the Health District observed solid waste, including scrap tires, open dumped at the

Round Bottom Site.

75. Solid waste is presently open dumped Round Bottom Site.

76. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but at least by April 14, 2014, and

continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, B E E Holdings, Evans, and upon

information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 8 conducted, permitted, and/or allowed

open dumping of solid wastes at the Round Bottom Site.

77. On February 24, 2017, June 8, 2020, June 15, 2020, and September 1, 2020, and

February 5, 2021, inspectors from the Health District observed solid waste open dumped at the

Mt. Carmel Site.

78. Solid waste is presently on the ground at the Mt. Carmel Site.

79. Beginning on a date unknown to Plaintiff, but at least by and continuing through

the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, Evans Gravel, Evans, and upon information and

belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 9 conducted, permitted, and/or allowed open dumping of

solid wastes at the Mt. Carmel Site.

80. The conduct described in this Count constitutes violations of R.C. 3734.03, R.C.

3734.11, and Ohio Adm.Code 3745-27-05(C), for which Defendants are subject to injunctive relief

pursuant to R.C. 3734.10 and 3734.13(C) and for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable

for a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each violation for the last


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five years, pursuant to R.C. 3734.13, as well as each day of violation after the filing of this



81. Revised Code 3734.05(A)(1) states, in relevant part, that “no person shall operate

or maintain a solid waste facility without a license issued under this division by the board of health

of the health district in which the facility is located or by the director of environmental protection

when the health district in which the facility is located is not on the approved list.”

82. Revised Code 3734.01(N) defines “facility” in relevant part as “any site, location,

tract of land, installation, or building used for incineration, composting, sanitary landfilling, or

other methods of disposal of solid wastes.”

83. Defendants do not, and have never held, a license to operate a solid waste facility

in accordance with R.C. Chapter 3734 for either the Round Bottom or the Mt. Carmel Sites.

84. On April 14, 2014, September 1, 2020, and February 5, 2021, inspectors from the

Health District observed solid waste, including scrap tires, dumped at the Round Bottom Site.

85. Solid waste remains dumped at the Round Bottom Site.

86. Beginning on a date yet unknown to Plaintiff, but sometime prior to April 14, 2014,

and continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, and Evans Gravel, B E E

Holdings, Evans, and upon information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 10, operated

and/or maintained a solid waste facility without a license at the Round Bottom Site.

87. On February 24, 2017, June 8, 2020, June 15, 2020, September 1, 2020, and

February 5, 2021, inspectors from the Health District observed solid waste on the ground at the

Mt. Carmel Road Fill Site.


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88. Solid waste remains open dumped at the Mt. Carmel Site.

89. Beginning on a date yet unknown to Plaintiff, but sometime prior to April 14, 2014,

and continuing through the present, Defendants Evans Landscaping, Evans Gravel, Evans, and

upon information and belief, Defendant Unknown Agent No. 11 operated and/or maintained a

solid waste facility without a license at the Mt. Carmel Road Fill Site.

90. The conduct described in this Count constitutes violations of R.C. 3734.05(A)(1)

and 3734.11 for which Defendants, are subject to injunctive relief pursuant to R.C. 3734.10 and

3734.13(C) and for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable for a civil penalty of up to

ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each violation for the last five years, pursuant to R.C.

3734.13, as well as each day of violation after the filing of this Complaint.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:

A. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants from violating R.C. Chapters 3714, 3734,

and the rules adopted thereunder;

B. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants to immediately cease accepting C&DD

at the Round Bottom Site, Mount Carmel Site, and Broadwell Site;

C. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants to immediately cease accepting solid

waste at the Round Bottom Site and Mount Carmel Site;

D. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants to immediately remove all C&DD from

the Round Bottom Site, Mount Carmel Site, and Broadwell Site, and lawfully dispose of all the

C&DD at a licensed solid waste or C&DD disposal facility;


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E. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants to immediately remove all solid waste

from the Round Bottom Site and Mount Carmel Site, and lawfully dispose of all the solid waste at

a licensed solid waste disposal facility;

F. Permanently order and enjoin Defendants and their agents, representatives,

employees, successors, or assigns, under the names that they presently use or any other names they

use through any corporate or other device, and those acting in concert and in participation with

Defendants directly or indirectly, from engaging in the acts or practices of which Plaintiff


G. Order Defendants to allow the Health District and/or Ohio EPA, their contractors,

employees, agents, representatives, assigns full access to the Round Bottom Site, Mount Carmel

Site, and Broadwell Site, with or without any further or prior notice for the purpose of inspecting

Defendants’ compliance with R.C. Chapters 3714 and 3734, the rules adopted thereunder, and any

Order issued by this Court in this lawsuit;

H. Order Defendants, pursuant to R.C. 3714.11(B) and 3734.13(C) to pay civil

penalties for the violations set forth in the amount ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per day for

each day of each violation for the last five years, and each day of each violation occurring after

the filing of the Complaint;

I. Order Defendants to pay all costs and fees for this action, including any attorney

fees incurred by the Office of the Ohio Attorney General and any extraordinary enforcement costs

incurred by the State of Ohio and/or by the Hamilton County General Health District;

J. Retain jurisdiction of this suit for the purpose of making any order or decree the

Court may deem necessary at any time to carry out its judgment; and


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K. Grant any other relief this Court deems to be just, equitable, and appropriate in this



E-FILED 03/12/2021 11:10 AM / CONFIRMATION 1043762 / A 2100907 / COMMON PLEAS DIVISION / IFI
Respectfully submitted,


ALLEN VENDER (0087040)
PEARL CHIN (0078810)
EMILY HUDSON (0100324)
Assistant Attorneys General
Environmental Enforcement Section
30 East Broad Street, 25th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Telephone: (614) 466-2766
Facsimile: (614) 644-1926

Attorney for Plaintiff, the State of Ohio


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