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Oforiwaa Badu

21 Elderberry Road, Thorold ON, L2V OE7


Honours Bachelor of Arts Psychology Co-op
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario September 2019-Present
 Relevant Courses: Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Statistics, Brain and Behaviour

Work Experience
Taxpayer Services Agent
Canada Reveune Agency, Hamilton, Ontario May 2021- August 2021
 Effectively communicated with taxpayers to understand their inquiry and exceed their expectation
during each call.
 Engaged in active listening, building rapport, and expressing empathy to taxpayers when assisting with
taxation inquiries.
 Utilized company services and database with attention to detail to effectively assist taxpayer.

Sales Associate
Foot Locker Canada, St. Catharines, Ontario August 2020- Present
 Ensure compliance of company protocol by effectively recognizing non-verbal communication to ensure
customer satisfaction.
 Engage in excellent customer experience by actively listening to customer needs to exceed customer

Pest Control Technician

Pestalto Environmental Health Services Inc., Thorold, Ontario July 2020-August 2020
 Maintained and organized records and files, and prepared reports for daily treatments.
 Maximized production numbers by managing my time efficiently to ensure the job was completed
 Effectively planned and coordinated service appointments in accordance with the client to increase
customer satisfaction.
Dietary Aide
West Oak Village Long Term Care Facility, Oakville,Ontario June 2015-August
 Satisfied customer needs by adapting to new a computer program to identify the appropriate meal for
each customer.
 Increased customer satisfaction by collaborating with co-workers to create a questionnaire to allow
customers to share their preferred meal options.
 Maximized space and resources by working hard and efficiently to properly organize and stock shelves
with food and beverages for future use.
 Created effective communication strategies by organizing staff meetings to discuss ways to avoid
conflict with co-workers.
 Reduced product returns by thoroughly solving any problems presented by a customer and making sure
they were met through proper procedures.
Osmow’s Mediterranean restaurant, Oakville, Ontario January 2015- March 2015
 Satisfied customer needs through resolving customer complaints and provided them with relevant
information to any questions or concerns.
Oforiwaa Badu 647-915-7584 Page 2
 Increased brand awareness by integrating the use of social media to reach a larger group of customers.
 Achieved maximum positive media exposure through the development of incentive programs relating to
price and menu options.
Volunteer Experience
Crisis Worker- Volunteer
Distress Niagara Centre, Thorold, Ontario January 2020- Present
 Engage in operating company database to effectively organization administrative information.
 Utilize best form of communication to effectively listen to clients’ needs to write a well-detailed call
 Satisfy clients need through providing support by building rapport and showing empathy to help clients
cope with their crisis.
 Ensure empowerment of clients by reflectively and active listening to their needs and actions relating to
their crisis.

West Oak Village Long Term Care Facility, Oakville, Ontario June 2017- August 2017
 Satisfied resident needs through guiding them in planned activities for the fundraising event.
 Increased profit margins and sales of auction items by being openminded and energetic towards the
residents and their families.
 Achieved maximum positive media exposure through implementing use of social media such as
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Goodwill Donation Center, Oakville, Ontario September 2016- October 2016

 Utilized best forms of non-verbal communication when dealing with customer concerns and complaints
to give them an exceptional experience.
 Ensured compliance with customers key demands by organizing questionnaires rating the quality of
service and utilized it to improve customer satisfaction.
 Created a customer-focused sales environment by being inquisitive about general consumer wants,
trends, styles and preferences to improve customer retention.

Good Shepherd, Hamilton, Ontario November 2016- December 2016

 Increased customer satisfaction by attending to their shopping needs.
 Achieved maximum positive media exposure through collaborating with others to organize a food bank
in the heart of the community.
 Increased brand awareness through the door-door marketing technique to inform the community and
generate revenue.

 LinkedIn Excel Certificate October 2021
 Crisis Worker Certificate, Thorold Ontario February 2020
 Emergency First Aid Certificate, Oakville Ontario May 2016

Technical Skills and Languages

 Bilingualism (Proficient in English and Twi)


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