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Solemnity of All Saints

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Ps 32: 1

Aude- á-Є mus * omnes in Dó- mi- no, di- em festum ce-Ѓ le- brán҃ tes sub honó- re

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Let us rejoice in the Lord, celebrating the feast in honour

Sanctórum ómni- um: de quorum so-lemni-tá- te gaudent An- ge- li, et colláu- dant

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of all the Saints: in which solemnity the angels rejoice, and praise

Fí- li- um De- i. Ps. Exsultá-te justi in Dómi-no: * rectos decet col-laudá-ti- o. Gló-ri- a

          Ђ   ᠁ Ё ᐁ Ё          Ђ  ᢁ Ё ᐁ Ё    <

the Son of God. Rejoice in the Lord, you just: for praise is fitting for the righteous.

Patri, et Fí-li- o, et Spi-rí-tu- i Sancto. * Sic-ut erat in princí-pi- o, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcu-la

sæcu- lórum. A- men.

Comm.    ᠁ Ђ ᠁ Ё  
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Matth 5: 8-10

Ё !  Ђ 
B E-Blessedá-ti aremunthe puredo incorheart,de, * quófor theyni-shallam seeipGod:si De- um vi-dé- bunt: be-Blessedá- areti thepa-peacemakers,
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cí- fi-ci,

 ! ! !
quóni- am fí-li- i De- i vo-ca-bún- tur: be- á- ti qui persecu-ti- ónem pa-ti- úntur propter justí-

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for they shall be called children of God: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,

!  㰌ᐁ  ᠁ Ё ! 
ti- am, quóni- am ipsó- rum est re- gnum cæ-ló- rum.
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

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