The Feast of The Body and Blood of Christ

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The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

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Ps 80: 17, 2

C Ibá- vit e- os * ex ádi- pe frumén- ti,  alle- lú- ia: et de pe- tra, mel-le satu-rá-

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He fed them 昀om the fullness of wheat, Alleluia: and sated them with honey 昀om the rock,

vit e- os, alle-lú- ia, al-le- lú- ia, al-le- lú- ia. Ps. Exsultá-te De-o adju-tó-ri nostro: *

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Alleluia. Rejoice in God our helper:

ju-bi-lá-te De- o Ja-cob. Gló-ri- a Patri, et Fí-li- o, et Spi-rí-tu- i Sancto. * Sic-ut erat in princí-

   ᠁ Ё  Ё  ᠂ Ђ      ᠂  ᐂ 㰆
sing for joy to the God of Jacob.

pi- o, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcu-la sæcu-ló-rum. Amen.

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UI man dú-cat * car nem
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Joann 6: 57

Q me- am, et bi- bit sángui-nem me- um, in me ma- net,

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He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, dwells in me,

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et e- go in e- o, di- cit Dómi- nus.
and I in him, says the Lord.

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