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Table of Contents
Spells -

Creatures -

Buffs and debuffs -

Items -

Weapons -

Extra reference pictures -


Spell: Healing Aura – Heals a 1d6 of damage from target creatures in a 5-10ft. Radius. The creatures on
the inside of the circle gain 2 health back the next turn before the circle fades.
Visual, 1 action, anywhere in line of sight, heals a d6.
After level 1 it can get stronger. Lv 2 – 2d6, lv 3 – 3d6, lv 4 – 4d6
Cantrip: Smokeless Fire – Makes a fireball that when it starts burning, doesn’t produce any smoke.
Visual. 1 action, 20ft. Range. 1d4 fire damage.
Cantrip: Archer’s Insight – if used, you can see any camouflaged creatures or objects in a 60 ft. Range.
Visual, 1 action, 60ft range.
Cantrip – Crimson Flame blade – you can only use it if you have a weapon. A Crimson flame engulfs the
weapon and deals 1d8 necrotic to the enemy if you land an attack with your melee weapon.
Touch, 1 action, weapon range, 1d8 necrotic.
At character level 11 it will add a d4 of force damage on. Lvl 15 – 2d4, lvl 17 – 3d4, lvl 19 - 4d4,
lvl 20 – 5d4.
Table of contents
Dragons -

The Gleaming Dragon: Gleaming dragons are one of the highest prestige of dragons. The have a lot of
power and can fight to no end. They often hang out with humans to give knowledge and to protect them
from any people that make too many bad choices. They are pure white and have a very distinct
skeleton. They are that of a normal dragon, but they have wing arms that they use to walk with as well.
See shagaru magala for more details on skeleton.

Shagaru magala from monster hunter/capcom

Gore magala from capcom/monster hunter

The gleaming dragon can take numerous actions. Most of the actions are very powerful. It can do each
of these actions once per turn.


- Health: 500
- Armor Class: 16
- Speed: 60 ft.

Saving throws:

- Strength: +5
- Dexterity: +4
- Constitution: +4
- Intelligence: +6
- Wisdom: +7
- Charisma: +10


- Claw attack – the dragon takes 2 swipes with its claws, dealing 3d6+10 damage on a successful
- Tail swipe – the dragon swipes its tail, those hit are now prone. You have to make a dc 15
dexterity saving throw otherwise you take 1d12+10 bludgeoning and are knocked prone. (Even
if you block the hit with your armor, if you fail the saving throw you are still knocked prone)
- Bite – the dragon bites a person. You have to succeed at a dexterity saving throw of 12 or it
deals 1d8 piercing and you are grappled.
- Breath weapon: light beam – the dragon breathes a breath of light at you that you have to roll a
constitution saving throw of 17 to avoid the attack, if you fail, you take 10d8+12 radiant damage
and are now on fire.
Legendary actions:

- If a spell is used against the dragon, it will respond by releasing a blast of light from its mouth at
the caster. The target has to successfully make a constitution saving throw of 13, on a failed
save, the target will take 2d8+5 radiant damage.

Legendary reaction:

- 3 times per long rest, the dragon can choose to make a failed saving throw a successful one.
- 1 time a day, if it were to take an insta-kill, it can choose to negate it.

Ainsgrade steel dragon: Ainsgrade steel dragons are really ancient metallic dragons. They are extremely
powerful and often are guardians of some runs. It looks really unique. It has six wings that aren’t full
wings. Its head is very jagged so that it can absorb and disperse the heat from its breath attack. (For
more details see this picture.) Silver dragons and these dragons are often in human form and often serve
as the protectors of the humans

Monster hunter’s Harudomerugu

The Ainsgrade steel dragon is smoother than this dragon. It doesn’t have the spikes on his tail and down
his back.

The Ainsgrade steel dragon has a lot of power in its actions that it can call upon.

- Health: 850
- Armor class: 18
- Speed: 90ft.

Saving throws:

- Strength: +7
- Dexterity: +2
- Constitution: +6
- Intelligence: +8
- Wisdom: +8
- Charisma: +4


- Claw swipe – it takes two swipes with its super sharp claws. They deal 2d8+5 slashing damage.
- Wings Slam – the dragon jumps at a target slashing at it with its wings. The target has to make a
dexterity saving throw of 16, if they fail, they take 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage.
- Tail swing – The dragon swings his tail at a target who has to make a dexterity saving throw of
17 to avoid. If they fail, they take 3d6+11 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone.
- Bite – The dragon bites at a target. The target takes 2d6+5 piercing damage.
- The dragon can take one of these three next actions in a turn:
o Breath weapon: Hellish flame – the dragon launches a flame in a beam at the target,
the target must take a constitution saving throw of 18 to avoid the attack, if the target
fails, they take 10d8+5 fire damage.
o Magic weapon: Metallic spikes – the dragon makes metal spikes that it controls and
hurls them towards the target. The target must successfully make a dexterity saving
throw of 15. If they fail, they take 10d6+10 piercing damage and for the next two rounds
you have a special debuff called metallic poison, which makes you take 2d8 necrotic
o Breath weapon: Sleeping gas – the dragon shoots a mist that can put a player to sleep.
The target must make a constitution saving throw of 17, if they fail, they’ll fall asleep.
(Dm notes: it’s up to you if they stay asleep for a long time, or a short amount of time.
Also, this isn’t magic, so elves will be affected by this)

Legendary actions:

- At the end of a players turn, the ainsgrade steel dragon can, if it took damage from that player,
launch a metal spike at the player. That player must make an athletics check to see if they can
avoid the spike. The athletics number that the player must successfully make is an 8. If they
player fails, they take 1d8 piercing damage. On top of that, the target must make a constitution
saving throw of 17. If they fail, they now have the metallic poison debuff for 1 round.

Legendary reactions:

- The dragon 3 times a day can choose to make a failed save a successful one.
- The dragon 2 times a day, if it were to take lethal damage, can choose to regain 170 health
points to make sure that it doesn’t die. (The second time it’s used, it only regains 85 health
- The dragon can choose to negate instant kill attacks, which it always does.
Buffs and Debuffs
Metallic poison – lasts for 1 round of combat, or until it is the creature that inflicted it’s turn again. After
every turn, the creature affected takes 2d8 necrotic damage. Normal resistance against poison can’t
block this. Normal healing spells can heal this effect however, as it does act like normal poison.
Chance crystal – One of the very effective crystals that you can find throughout the world. Inside the
crystal there is a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, & d20.

- Effects: The effect of the chance crystal is very powerful. You can add a roll from one of the dice
inside the cube to a check or saving throw. Once you roll one of the dice inside the cube, it will
disappear until you take a long rest. When you take a long rest, the lowest value dice that was
used will reappear inside the crystal. For example, if you use the d20 and the d8, the d8 will
come back during the long rest, however if you take another long rest, the 20 will appear again,
as long as you didn’t use another one of the dice.
- Cost: 120GP

Healing crystal – A really high-level healing item that can be the key to your victory. The crystal looks
kind of like the chance crystal. However, instead of having di inside of the crystal, the crystal is just a
solid green color with the black bottom.

- Effects: The effect of the crystal is very powerful. The power of the crystal also depends on the
character level. After the crystal is used, it shatters. Level 1-4: 2d4, level 5-8: 4d8, level 9-12:
6d10, level 13-16: 8d12, level 17-20: 10d20.
- This is really powerful, so you can’t really have too many of them at once. Notes: Dm, don’t give
the party too many of these, otherwise they’re going to have way too much power.
- Cost: 75GP

Cobalt d20s – They can be used as a crafting material for some of the most powerful weapons. You need
two of these to craft the full powered weapon. (Dm notes: You should tell them to this after everyone
has gotten one of these weapons.

- Effects: They can be used to give add a number to the roll, kind of like the chance crystal. That is
about it for the singular effect.
o They can also be used, once brought back to a blacksmith or something, to craft some of
the most powerful weapons that are out there.
- Cost: 180GP
Steampunk sidearm – The steampunk side arm is a very strong weapon that can both shoot energy
shots, have a heavy side that is great for walking, and be used as a baton. This multi-purpose weapon is
given to the guardians so that they can effectively protect villages and cities from any threat. They can
deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It looks kind of steampunk and is made almost entirely
out of copper.

- Damage: The heavy part of the sidearm deals does the most damage through armor, the baton
form of the weapon allows for very quick attacks. And the blaster part of the gun allows for
ranged combat if needed.
o A heavy attack: 1d12 bludgeoning, and if the DM deems it worthy, the creature has to
make a Charisma saving throw or they’ll become stunned.
o A rapid attack: The user can make 3 attacks, they can be against up to 3 creatures in a
5ft. Radius, or it can attack the same monster again. The damage each attack does is
o A ranged attack: The weapon launches a bolt of searing light at the target. The target
has to make a constitution saving throw or they take 1d6 radiance damage.
- Cost: 110GP
Gore magala from capcom

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