A Rose For Emily: Exposition

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A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily, a short novel written in Europe by William Faulkner, was handed by group 3.
They used a variety of elements from a short narrative to present the story in a thematic way.
They used an mp4 format for their presentation, which included their faces and voiceovers, as
well as slow dramatic music. The flow of their video are as follows:


Mr. Abed Alihuddin discussed the exposition with his voiceover where Miss Emily Grierson's
funeral draws a large crowd in Mississippi. Miss Emily, a frigid and reclusive 74-year-old
spinster, had lived in town her entire life. She appeared to be a relic from the past, a bizarre
figure in local legend.


There are three parts of rising action which was discussed by Mr. Matthew Miguel using his
semi-formal attire. The first was when Emily was notified by the mayor, Colonel Santoris, that
she would not be needed to pay taxes. After then, the plot skips forward 30 years to when new
government leaders send Miss Emily a tax bill, which she ignores before demanding that the
board of Aldermen speak with Colonel Santoris, who has been deceased for years. The action
moves back in time to 1895, two years after Miss Emily's father's death. Miss Emily's property is
emitting a horrible odor, according to neighbors. After a heated discussion on how to tackle the
matter, the Aldermen crept over to Miss Emily's house after dark and spread lime to neutralize
the odor.

The next major event occurred in the summer of 1884, when Homer Barron, a Yankee, arrived to
supervise the construction of Jefferson's new sidewalks. Every Sunday, he and Miss Emily went
for buggy rides together, as if they were courting. A year has passed since Miss Emily purchased
Arsenic from the pharmacist. Even after a year of romance, everyone thought she was going to
commit suicide as a result of Homer's insistence that he is not a married man. The Baptist
minister discussed Miss Emily's behavior with some members of the congregation, and the
minister's wife told Miss Emily's cousins about the situation.

Miss Emily purchased a man's toilet set, a suit, and a night shirt, which the public took as proof
that she and Homer were finally married, but Homer was nowhere to be found. Shortly after the
cousins left town, he reappeared on Miss Emily's doorway. However, he was never seen after
that. Miss Emily left as well, only to reappearance with graying hair and a substantial weight
increase. Over the years, Miss Emily has become less and less visible. Miss Emily's servant let
the women of the town into the house before exiting out the back door for good when she died in

Following Matthew’s rising actions, Ms. Gia Evangelista then get to grips with the climax of the
story where the plot returns to the present, when the locals knock down the door of a locked
bedroom upstairs in the old Grierson house a few days after Miss Emily's funeral. The inside is
styled after a bridal suite, but it has the sense of a forgotten tomb.


For the falling action, The townsfolk uncover Homer Barron's decaying body on the bed that was
tackled by Ms. Xyla Kristyl Tabion


The locals discovered an intention of a head on the empty pillow next to his corpse, which had a
single strand of long grey hair, according to the resolution. Miss Emily had slept next to him, as
shown by this strand of long iron grey. The one who talked through the resolution was Mr. Datu

Following their presentation of the short narrative, group 3 responded to the Comprehension
Questions located immediately following the story in our modules. Ms. Xyla Tabion answered
questions 1 and 6, while Mr. Matthew Miguel answered questions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Question 8
was omitted because it provides a synopsis of the story. That was the conclusion of their

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