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DFA Bengaluru (11) se 190 eth (73) Mon Sep. 20,2021 6:05 Hrs > Mon Sep. 20, 2021 8105 Hrs eth (73) Dharamshala (Tt) Mon Sep. 20,2021 11:40 Hrs oes > Mon Sep, 20, 2024 13:00 Hrs FOR ACOMFORTABLE [ ‘ AND CONTACTLESS | ‘TRAVEL, BOOK SpiceMAX STARTING AT <799.° SS on nights te a (rroey) Mr. Sanket Pa (ELON (1roey) Ms, Bhavya Lingam (EL-DHNY Do Not Disclose oN Disclose Do Not Disclose Do Not Discose Seat 140 Seat 146 YOUR OWN THEATRE AMONG THE CLOUDS. TO CONNECT TO OUR IN-FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT: @* switen on tne @ airplane mode Turn on the WEFL and connect to 2 _ SpiceScreen network ened Dspicescreen @ clickon or type it in the browser via WhatsApD Seater (we) ( aC totes (Hy) | Eee ae = compitmentary priority pe pact uae raanfienas scScins “Ufa” is a seis Trea” a oe Jone eqn yr roan of See Spice CLUB) 223 ns cer wees srovariny cre SS aa . | este Soe STOP THE SPREAD. WITH THESE SIMPLE STEPS. Always wear your face mask. Cover your nose and ‘mouth, Practice sociat sanitize Avold touching img) cbrancra a your hands vyour eves, nose ay all times, Ba) scours and mouth, Terms and Conditions DGCA mandates all passengers to wear masks and to maintain social distancing norms at all times during thelr travel. All Imust ensure strict compliance of Covid-19 protecels, DOCA Order for Covid-i9 protocols can be checked at Blips Gorporate.spicelet com/comontipdticovid-elreularaigcs-nat Baggage: 1. Hand Baggage Allowance (Domestic and International): Each passenger is permitted to carry one piece of hand baggage wnith maximom weight of 7 ko. including a laptop and uty {ree shopping bags, ‘ree of cost. On flights 10 and from London, one piece of hand baggage of up io 10 kg ls permitted. Hand baggage size musi bo within ine dimensions of: 85 cm > 36 om + 25 Em (LAWrH total 418 om) on Basing flights and 0 em # 3s-cm + 23 em (LsWeH total 108 em or 42.5 Inches) on Q400 fights Women passengers are also permitted (o carry a ladies purse, over and abave the aforementioned hand baggage allowance. Passengers with infants are permitled to carry an additional piece of hand baggage with maximum weight of 7 kg. (10 kg in ease of Londen flight), and not exegeding the aforementioned size dimensions 2. Checked-in Baggage Allowance: Spicedet permits an pioce of ree checked: In baggage of up to 15 kg with overall maximum dimensions of 188 em (L+Wetl per passenger, for all dameatie fights. In case of International travel far bookings made from September 18, 2021 onwards, {wo pieces af Troe checked-in baggage of up to 20 kg (30 xg in ease passenger Is travelling tol from Colombo, Dubai, Muscat, Kuwail, Hong Kong ang Kabul) are permitted, For Kuwail (0 Inia 40K Is pormilted only for ticket isoued till November 28, 2021 ang ‘or the travel from November 7, 2021 to November 28. 2021. In ease the passenger is travelling to! from Jeddah and Riyadh, baggage allowance of 26 kg le permitted. For passengers travelling from leadah to India, 5 ters of Zam 2am water (only) will Be-aceepted over and above the baggageallowanee, Passengers (ravelling ‘rom other Coumirios are permite to carry {wo places of Iree checkes-in baggage with the travel Sate of October's, 2027 onwards. For flights from Dubai having travel between August 20, 2021 to September 30. 2021 and for fignts from Ras-Al-khalman having travel between August 20, 2021 to October 31, 2021 , passengers will Se permitted to carry 40 kg of ree checked-in baggage However far Dudal to Kozhikode, 40Kgs 's permitted anly far travel between September 22 to October 31, 2021 and Tor Dubai to Kochi, 40 Kae ls permitted for travel til October 25, 2024 Connecting Flight Baggage Policy 43. Passenger travelling on SpiceJot domestic flight to SpiceJot International fight or vice versa, the Free Baggage Allowance of International fight will be applicable once within 24ns ofits fight departure ta any domestie flight atter landing In India. 4. Passenger travelling on Spicedet domestic Might and having connection an snather airline ‘oftrom an international destination, are permitted one pisee of checked-in baggage of up lo 15 k9 per passenger per Might Check-In: 5, Web check-in is mandatory for all domestic fights and closes 60 mins prior to daparture. Web check-in facility is available on www corporate spicejet com. Far assistance with check-in ar eissuance of boarding paca at the airport, facilitation fee of INR 200 per passenger will be charged. Bookings made for senior citizens. armed forces, unaccompanied minora and passengers with medical conditions or on a stretcher are exempted from this foe. Airport check-in counters wil open three hours prior to Goperlurs, Pacsengore are encouraged to report at loast wo nours prior (9 departure, Check-in eauntore will close 79 mine prior to departure for London, Dubel and Kabul fights and 60 mins prio: to daparture for all other fights Failure to report an lime can result in your booking being cancelled and tne fere retained 6. Boarding gate closes 20 minutes (-45 minutes in case of Kabul and 25 minutes in case of other international travel) prior to scheduled departure time and failure to board within the stipulated lime can result in denied boarding with fare retained 7. Passengers who nave web checked-in must ensura that hand baggage mest the physical dimensions ang the weight limits, and must pay for excess hana baggage [if any) at the alfport check-in counter. Thore will be random checks at the boarding gates for hand baggage size and weight, and if found oversized ar overweight, INR SODIKy wil be chargesble, and additionally the bag may be taken from the passenger to be placed in the hold Payment by foreign credit cards: 8. For all forsign (Non-Indian) credit! debit card payments. the caré must be produced for physical verification at the airport ‘check-in counter f ine pazeanger js the cardhalder, Incaee the cardholder (z not traveling ie mandatory for the pacsengar to furnish to the airport check-in staff physical copy af the frant side of eredit / Gebit card Guly authorized by ine earaholaer, wo mil be constrained to refuse the boarding. You may howover pay through accoplable alternate mace of payment atthe time of check-in ang continue your journey. Cancellations and Rescheduling Initiated by Passengers: 9. Changosicancellation In the bookings ean be made only up to 2 hour prior to scheduled departure time ( 4 hours in ease of International travel ) upon payment of a change/cancellation fev (amount depends on the type of far » purchased, as advised athe time a! booking) along with difference in fare,"! applicable. All promoleate fares are restrictive fares and ars refundable (only statutory taxes}. Certain promolesle fares do not permit changes to the flight, Please check restrictions on the fare wh le Booking Passenger Handling during Flight Delays, Cancellations, and Missed Connections: 10, Spicedet doos not connect to other carriers; therefore, Spiced is not responsible for any losses incurred by the passongers while tying to eannect to or fram other carriors. Spiced! will not ba liable im any way for delays! cancellatons! diversions linether due to bad weather. government regulation or for Instances beyane Spiceel's control. Spies. js the ight Without assigning any reasan. to cancel of delay the commencement of continuance of the fight a te alter the stopping place or to deviate irom ihe route of the Journey oF to change the type of airerall in use without thereby incurring any liability in Gamages or otherwise to the passenger of any other person an any ground whatsoever, SpiceJel also reserves to itself the right to refuse to carry any person whom't considers unfit to travel ar who in the opinion of Spicedat may constitute risks to the Sircratt or fo the Customers on board, For denied boarding, delays and cancellation the Civil Aviation Requlrements under Section 3'- Air Transport. Series "M' Part IV. Issue |, dated August *, 2016 shall be applicable. Please refer to the Terms of Carriage at altos learns jalcon/tne, asp for details, We strongly recommend passengers to provide correct phone number and email address to enable us to Inform of flight delays of cancellations In unforeseen conditions. Unacceptable behaviour: ‘1. im our reasonable opinion passenger conduct is observed as to endanger the alrcratt or any person or property on board, oF batt the row In the performance of their dutles, oF fal to comply with any instructions of the crew, Including but not limited {o those with respect to smoking, consumption of alcohol/drug at any place 'n the aireratt of display benaviour ereating Ineonvenience to the other passengers {including under influence of alcohol), Spicodot will have full right to take a Slopelmeazures to pravent any such act, Including restraint, Each such passenger shall also be liable to pay penalty of Rs.10,000 per passenger which wil be levied and to be paid immediately. Additionally You may Be relused onward carriage at ny polnt and may be prosecuted tor otfences committed en board the aireratt, Further Spicedet reserves the right to offload you from the flight and recover trom each such pascenger any and all cost (whether direcl of consequential} incurred as a Foaultot your behaviour. including but not limitee to a traffic control chargos, diversion fuel costs. airport langing charges and Recessary Might crew costs, cost incurred due lo dierupted operations/fight delays and mitconnections and inconvenience to Siher passengers. Additional Terms and Conditions 12, Self or Voluntary offloading after boarding the flight by the passenger is slrictly not permitted, except in an unforeseen event of ‘medical emergency or similar cases, euch ae ceat of relatives for which the passenger wil have to provide evidence, to the satisfaction of Spicevet. Self or Voluntary offloading causes unwarranted inconvenience to other travelling passengers, delay In operation of flight and also the airing incurring additional costs for such delays. In case the passenger offloads himseltinerselt for any cause ether nan as mentioned above, Spicedat will cancel the snlira Uickat for each auch passenger for tho subject tavel and also any further tranaporiation (whether under single or multiple PNR) with no refunds. ach such passenger who Is billoaded shall be lable to.a offloading fee af Rs.10,000 por passenger whieh will e levied and (o be paid immediately upon btfloading. Agditionally, SpiceJet reserves the right to recover Irom each such passenger any and all casts (wnelher direct or Consequential) Incurred due to disrupted operations Including but rat limiting to'removal sf baggage, Might delays, disruptions land misconnactions and inconvenience to ether passengers 13, Excess Baggage in terms of weight ang pleces over and above the free baggage allowance will be charged as per the Applicanl rates at the airport. For dolais. ploase refer to the Terms of Carriage on our website bilbs corporate spiceielcom/Tae.gsp%, 14, Excess baggage can bo pre-booked a discounted rates up to 1 hr prior to departure on domestic flights and 6 hrs prior to Geparture on international ight, {ram our website. by calling our Reservation numbers or at our alrpart ticketing counters. 45. We strongly recommend that all Valuables (e.g. camera, jewellery, cash, electronics, perishables items, ete.) and medication shall be carried in cabin baggage only. SpicoJet assumes no responsibility for any pilferagel damage to valuables incase thoy fare cartiod In check-in baggage and the passenger shall be doing so at their sola risk and consaquences, 16, Passengers (ravalling to UAE/Oman from Inala Tor emalayment/iounst purpases shall be requiring an "OK TO BOARD" comment In the PNR. Kindly get in touch with your visa issuing agency for the same. 17. AU! Foreign Nationals! Non-Resident Indians are mandatotlly required to carry thelr Passport with valid visa for thelt tavel. 18. Name changes are not permitted on your booking. Please ensure that passenger's booking name matches with proot of Ientifation 49, Any Booking made using epecial faras/ promo codes! discount coupons atc. shall be subject to terms ang conditions of fespective promation in addition to the general Terms of Carriage: 20, Passengers requiring whealchair assistance, strotchar, of passenger traveling with infants and unaccompanied minors aro Fequested to book in advance since the facility for these special service requests are limited. Please refer to hitps Jicorparate, Tor detalls. You may also call or Reservations *91(0)124 4983410 and 491(0)124 7101600 for further assistance 21. For any queries, you may call us anylime at 91 (0)124 4983410 and +81 (0)124 7101600 or connect with our chat bot, Ms. Pepper on our wobsite wwu.caraarate,coicajaicom, or trough our WhalsApp number 6000000006 22, This Booking ie governed by ine Fare Rules and Terms of Cariage accaptad atthe time of Booking and alo available at 23, 198 and applicable regulatory approvals. 24, Certain fares could carty a restriction related to changofeaneellation and palley. In cage you do not wish to opt for resteieted fare, you can book two soparato PNR¢ for each sector without the Denefisirostrictions of the return far 25. Passengers aro advised to compulsorily retain the boarding pass unl! exiting tho torminal for securily "easons. Passengers on ‘ia and connecting fights shoula keep their boarding pass handy for physical check at iransit points 28. Cartiage of Samsung Galaxy Note 71s prohibited in checked-in and hand baggage. 27, Dangerous Gooes Regulations: be he-— DOOO”® urwium, POWER LIGHTERS, FLAMMABLE —«-TOXIC_-—=—«CCORROSIVES PEPPER BATTERIES BANKS MATCHES LIQUIDS ‘SPRAY Loose or spare ithium batteries and power banks aro NOT pormitted in checked! baggage! ‘They must be eared in hand ba ‘00907; FLAMMABLE BLEACH INFECTIOUS RADIOACTIVE EXPLOSIVES, GAS SUBSTANCES “MATERIALS AMMUNITION 28, nthe event Spicejet ‘2. propones the Tight by sixty (60) minutes oF more: or B postpones ihe Might By one hundred and twenty (120) minutes or more, the affected passengers shall be entitled either for: i full refund of the amount paid by them: or li to be accommodated on alternate Tighi(s) for the same sector for next or pracading seven (07) days from the original date of Journey, subject fo availabilty and Spicedets discretion In ihe event Spicedel 28. Add-on services like Meal, SpiceMax, Excess Baggage, Lounge, Priority Check:in, Preferred Bag Out are non-cancellable in isolation 30. As per the orders from the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Food and Beverages are only available on flights with duration of 2 hours and above, In case you have pre fbeverages, the amount pald by you will be maintained in a Credit Shell, which will be valid for one your 31. Know your rights hilns:!/cornora‘ pdt SpicoJet Limited 319, Udyog Vihar, Gurugram - 122016, Haryana Emallcustrlatons( Reservations Helpline No +91 ()124 4983470, +91 (0)124 7101600 Click nee for T&CS Sean the code © ist AeSewa poral

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