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E is = ==

Cc) | slowed down so that the car behind us could overtake.

d) She whispered in his ear so that nobody could hear what she was saying.
according to (de acordo com, segundo)
Noesta Unidade serão apresentadas várias expressões Úteis paira a compreensão
de in accordance with (em conformidade com, conforme)
dequer tipo de literatura, principalmente a técnica, objetivo leste livro,
Às estruturas e expressões são importantes ferramentas para o entendimento de a) According to lhe weather forecast it will rain cats and dogs tomorrow night.
bos, desde os que tratam de contabilidade húsica até os manuais de manutenção
usinas muckeares. Em toc essa gama de assuntos, expressões cho tipo “tals como”,
b) According io our manager the company intends to invest USS 1,000) on
modo que”, “devido a”, “a fim de" e muitas outras uestão constantemente
mas bextes,
Asia, but all steps must be followed in accordance with the board of dire«Ld,s
Soncentramos essas estruturas em ua só Unidade, porque será muito mais Excil,
nho e prático consultá-las, para suas futuras presequisas, com una liga de estruturas
X| APL Es E am
€) Thera are some procedures that are not in accordance with tha last memo,
CTT bs
4 d) You'll have to do your tasks in accordance with the procedures.

É. Look at the following expressions. Read the examples and then

tranthe exercises.
slat e

due to = because of (devido a, em virtude de)

a) Due to lack of money our government can't construci à bridge between

or those
2. Look at the following structure:

but (exceto)
b) She couldn't come on time dus to a traffic jam.
e) Our production was halted last wesk dus to our blue-collar workers” strike.

a) Don't love anybody else, bul me. (Não ame ninguém, exceto amém)
so that (de modo que, para que)
b) She said nothing, but nonsense. (Ela não disse nada, exceto Imesteiras.|
e) | could walk across the street. | found nothing, but closed stores.
a) Ihurriad so that | could arrive on time.
d) She hasn't encounterod anything, but rudenoss.
b) Thomas is leaming English so that he can get a better position in a multinational
company in the future,
Tipo um ache per outro ladoy ” dera. (O ser io indir
ERR Detie
Dep(O art
ntoiroa.)coda Ferrera; Cha LUTO
3. Read the examples below, F = k
then translate therm,
A palavra formarhy quer dizer “anteriorm ente, outrora. antigamente. a
aj puto Era e dou: om the one hand the
the way tha... (o modo qu.
but on the other hand they supra have ciano procu
deliver lhem ón tim, cis,

bj Due to Sunny meather fhe

pilot decided to take of, but 5, Road and translate,
Should have chocker the wealhor on the other hand ha
aj The way that people write refliecis lheir parsonalitias.

bj The may that some people ear thair livings is seally easy, in my opinion.
d) On the one hand they
need mon e) This is the way dhat | would prótar to solve tha problam
have do pay high interest

every other day (dia sim, dia não)

coitas. Veja os exemplos quando estamos mencianando duas

abaixo e traduza BE Sentenças.
a) The manager and lho
Frankiurt and the latter went business. The former wend
o Chicago.

bj We have to travel on business every other month.

by han bue broghars, Richard and
Ronald. The former Prefe
lattor anjos Swimming. rs soccer.
cj Every other week tha postman brings us more bis to be paid,
E) These are two em gineg
rs working there, Jam
electroniz engineer and es and FrThe
ed form
.er is an di) Tusualiy cal my mother every other day.
the lattor sa mecha
mica cry
a) Every other yoar we must paint the housa.
Former também Possim
cuira utilização. Esta
dente, artigo, passado, palavra algnifica “anterior,
ax”, Veja 05 eme mplos proca-
* The former president, a seguie suas traduçõe
Fernando Color, te alten s:
||) Every other Monday 1 have to go to work
this nah [O antigofex-presid ding a convention im Brasi
ento Fera ndo Coder está lia by bus.
Cinvonção em Brasilia
esta Semana j
participando deuma

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