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State 34,000
weighs LAUSD
water KIDS
waste LACK
fines SHOTS
As West tips toward
crisis, California could In January, students
usher in a wave of without the jab face
usage regulations. independent study or
leaving the district.
By Hayley Smith
By Howard Blume
As California descends Andriy Dubchak Associated Press
deeper into drought, offi- RUSSIA’S military buildup at its border with Ukraine has sparked fears about an invasion. Above, a About 34,000 students
cials are growing increas- Ukrainian soldier on the front lines of the conflict with pro-Russia rebels in the Donetsk region. have not yet complied with
ingly troubled by dwindling the COVID-19 vaccine man-

Biden presses Putin on

water supplies and the date in the Los Angeles Uni-
public’s lackluster response fied School District — and
to calls for conservation, there’s no longer enough
with residents in recent time for students who have
months falling short of Gov. not gotten their first shot to
Gavin Newsom’s request be fully vaccinated by the
for a voluntary 15% reduc-
tion in usage.
Now, as the West tips
toward crisis, state water
regulators are considering
adopting emergency regula-
diplomacy with Ukraine Jan. 10 start of the second se-
mester, portending signifi-
cant disruption to their edu-
cation as they will be barred
from campus.
The high number of stu-
tions that will prohibit cer-
tain actions in an attempt to Russia, which has mobilized troops, wants guarantees on NATO dents who will not be able to
meet the full inoculation
curtail water waste and help deadline is likely to force dif-
conserve supplies. ficult decisions on leaders of
If approved, the proposal By Eli Stokols the second-largest U.S.
could usher in a wave of school system, which has en-
water regulations that WASHINGTON — President acted among the strictest
hearken back to previous Biden warned Russian counterpart vaccine mandates in the na-
droughts while underscor- Vladimir Putin during a videocon- tion. Students who are not
ing the seriousness of the ference Tuesday that invading fully vaccinated — or exempt
current one. Ukraine would result in stiff econo- — will be forced into the dis-
On Tuesday, Lake Mead mic sanctions from the U.S. and sev- trict’s independent study
— the nation’s largest reser- eral European allies. program or will have to leave
voir and a lifeline for water in The virtual meeting, the second the Los Angeles public
Los Angeles and the West — time the two leaders have held di- school system.
was at 1,065 feet, or about rect talks since their June summit in Shifting 34,000 students
34% of its capacity, a near- Geneva, arose after Putin mobilized 12 and older into independ-
historic low. Much of Califor- about 100,000 Russian forces on the ent study would be challeng-
nia on the U.S. Drought country’s border with Ukraine, ing — especially as the dis-
Monitor map was painted in sparking new fears about an inva- trict’s independent study
worrisome shades of red. sion. program, called City of An-
“These regulations are “President Biden voiced the gels, has been beset by
kind of no-brainers at this deep concerns of the United States staffing shortages and
point,” said Doug Parker, and our European Allies about Rus- confusion after it was inun-
director of the California In- sia’s escalation of forces surround- dated at the start of the
stitute for Water Resources ing Ukraine and made clear that the Mikhail Metzel Sputnik school year with about 10,000
at UC Davis. “They probably U.S. and our Allies would respond AT THEIR meeting, President Biden urged Russian leader Vladi- students, a number that
should have been done a lit- [See Russia, A4] mir Putin to consider the U.S. response to an invasion of Ukraine. grew to 16,000. The 34,000 to-
tle while ago.” tal by itself would make up
Among the activities that one of the 25 largest school
may be prohibited are wash- systems in California.
ing vehicles with hoses that There’s no indication

Spray of bullets cut off young life

do not have shut-off nozzles; that L.A. Unified is backing
hosing down sidewalks, down — with no leniency or
driveways or patios “except extended deadlines under
in cases where health and public discussion.
safety are at risk”; watering “Our schools have some
landscapes in a manner Had he made it to Christ- the playground of Wilming- cated a purposeful attack. of the strongest safety
that causes excessive runoff; A shooting Monday mas week, Alexander would ton Park Elementary during “At first I thought it was standards in the nation and
and watering lawns within have turned 13. Instead, the an after-school program fireworks,” said Jackcel Fon- we plan on keeping it that
48 hours after measurable left a 12-year-old boy boy was shot to death out- called Beyond the Bell. seca, a classmate of the way,” interim Supt. Megan
rainfall. dead and kids on a side an elementary school in Law enforcement offi- wounded girl who is also 9. Reilly said in a video broad-
For many, the measures Wilmington, a port neigh- cials have not identified the Jackcel was on the play- cast during Tuesday’s
feel like déjà vu as California playground fleeing. borhood filled with industry, woman, who is in her 30s, or ground near the girl when a school board meeting. De-
again faces the prospect of working-class families and the 9-year-old girl. Both bullet slammed into her lit- spite the determined state-
dwindling water supplies. By Cindy Carcamo, gang problems that ebb and were taken to hospitals, tle back. Teachers told the ment, the video message
In 2014, then-Gov. Jerry Kevin Rector, flow like the tides. where they remained Tues- children “to run inside the was mostly a soft-sell, with
Brown introduced similar Richard Winton His stepmother was in- day. No suspects are in cus- cafeteria and use your smiling students urging
bans on watering at the start and Maria L. La Ganga jured too. A fourth-grade tody and no motive has been Chromebook,” Jackcel said their peers to be vaccinated
of an impending drought. girl also received a gunshot offered — though the Los Tuesday. “I was scared, so I “like me,” as they said, one
Within a year, Brown had in- Alexander Alvarado did wound in the late-afternoon Angeles Police Department went on my Chromebook after another.
stituted mandatory water- not live to see his teens. A incident; she was hit by a has suggested that the sheer and watched YouTube.” The L.A. school system is
use cuts statewide — a move blast of gunfire Monday stray bullet as she watched volume of shell casings re- Alexander’s death com- one of the few in the nation
[See Water, A6] afternoon saw to that. her brother play kickball on covered from the scene indi- [See Shooting, A6] [See Schools, A9]

COLUMN ONE Afghans adjust

to life on bases

Their best trick of all: Bonding on boards Refugees at U.S. mili-

tary facilities learn
English and Zumba on
the way to being reset-
We could learn from skaters, Council district
whose culture makes diversity remap approved
After weeks of debate,
and inclusiveness totally cool L.A. finalizes its politi-
cal boundaries for the
next 10 years.
By David Wharton
Melrose area to
he women keep their distance. At first. Dressed install cameras

T in T-shirts and sneakers, skateboards in hand,

they stand by a chain-link fence, talking,
laughing, waiting to make their move.
The Aunt Skatie crew, as they call themselves,
has traveled east of downtown Los Angeles to convene just
outside a community skate park outfitted with all manner of
concrete stairs, banks and ledges for doing tricks. On a gray
Neighborhood raised
$30,000 for license
plate readers to help
combat rise in crimes.

Sunday morning, they can see the space is filled mostly with Mostly sunny.
guys. L.A. Basin: 65/53. B6
Killing a few minutes on an adjacent tennis court, the
Printed with soy inks on
women ride in lazy circles as a portable speaker blasts rap partially recycled paper.
music, its heavy beat mixing with the scuffle of urethane
wheels. One of the men inside the park stops to peer
through the fence at them; Maggie Bowen, the Aunt Skatie Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
leader, is used to this. MAGGIE BOWEN of the Aunt Skatie crew rides at the South Pasadena Skate
“Going into a skate park as a [See Skateboard, A7] Park. Skateboarding has attracted more women and the LGBTQ community. 7 85944 00200 5

BUSINESS INSIDE: West Hollywood aims to be a global destination for pot tourism. A8
A2 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M


Pull the plug on Cadiz water project

MICHAEL HILTZIK roadblocks, in part because agency came in December advising the court it was

Desperation Cadiz Inc. stock price of the opposition of Sen.

Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.),
During all this time,
incompetent, erroneous
and illegal.
over water who was determined to Cadiz has been notable “This is not a case where
Dollars per share
scarcity has protect the desert ecology. chiefly as a stock-trading BLM conducted an appro-
produced any 500 Cadiz also has faced law- device, rather than as an priate level of analysis, in
number of suits from environmental operating company. In 2020, which the court might find
schemes to groups, as well as adverse Cadiz Inc. lost $37.8 million some technical legal errors,”
relieve the 400 rulings by the Bureau of on revenue of $541,000, they wrote. “Instead, BLM
crisis. But few Land Management, an arm mostly from some agricul- failed to prepare the re-
are as of the Interior Department tural operations on its land quired analyses altogether.”
chuckle- 300 with oversight of federal holdings. From 2017 through Most egregiously, they
headed as a plan to pump lands, including those the last year, its losses came to observed, Trump’s BLM
groundwater from beneath proposed pipelines would $127.5 million. The company approved the pipeline right
the Mojave Desert and 200 Dec. 1, 2021: cross. says its future is tied up with of way without establishing
transport it 200 miles to Enter the project’s most the “ultimate implementa- the source of Cadiz’s water;
urban Southern California. recent patron: Donald tion of the Water Project.” therefore it could not have
This is the Cadiz water 100 Trump’s Interior secretary, Meanwhile, Brackpool assessed “the potential
project, which has been David Bernhardt, one of has continued to pull down impacts on the environment
percolating since the turn of several Cabinet secretaries an annual salary of $275,000, or historic properties of
the century. 0 Trump put in place with the plus bonuses ranging from drawing down the water at
I’ve been following this evident purpose of under- $200,000 to $300,000 and its source.”
scheme almost since its 1990 2000 2010 2020 mining the agencies they stock awards. Slater re- Cadiz said Sunday that it
inception, starting with an were supposed to run. ceived $600,000 in salary and will fight in court to pre-
investigative article in 2002 Bernhardt came to the bonus last year, plus about serve the old BLM approv-
that made the case for the Interior Department from 198,000 shares of stock. als and that the process of
Metropolitan Water District Los Angeles Times the law firm Brownstein The company’s share converting the pipeline for
of Southern California to Hyatt Farber Schreck, price doesn’t seem to be water will continue in the
bail on a proposed partner- up to now not because it has an investment promoter which represented a sheaf of associated with any actual meantime.
ship with its promoter, any practical value. It named Keith Brackpool, clients in the natural re- business performance, since The company continues
Cadiz Inc. The MWD did so, doesn’t. who — as I reported in 2002 sources industry that had for the most part it doesn’t to exploit the California
which should have killed the As proposed by Cadiz — came to the U.S. after paid the firm “millions of have much of that. Indeed, drought to push a project
plan. Inc., the idea was to store pleading guilty to criminal dollars in legal and lobbying after the price slid by about that experts have long held
But it has continued to surplus Colorado River charges relating to securi- fees,” as my colleague Bet- 35% from $14.55 on Aug. 17 to to be useless as a drought-
stalk water policy ever since. water under a desert tract ties trading in Britain. tina Boxall reported. $9.42 on Sept. 13, Cadiz fighting measure.
Now, finally, the Biden ad- owned by the company, While he was pushing the (Among Bernhardt’s goals issued a news release stat- Last week, after state
ministration may have pump it out during dry deal at the MWD, Brackpool at Interior was the eviscera- ing that it couldn’t explain water authorities advised
driven a stake through its spells and transport it by served as a contributor and tion of the Endangered the activity, as there had Central Valley farmers that
heart for good. pipeline or canal to South- fundraiser for then-Gov. Species Act, a bête noire of been “no new material they shouldn’t expect any
On Friday, officials at ern California urban users. Gray Davis, a political ad- some of those clients.) developments nor pending water next year from the
Biden’s Interior Depart- Among the problems is versary of the MWD who Cadiz had paid the announcements.” On Tues- State Water Project, Cadiz
ment petitioned a federal that there isn’t any surplus named his friend to two Brownstein firm $2.75 mil- day, the shares closed at issued a statement calling
judge to throw out project water in the Colorado. The statewide water commit- lion in lobbying fees and $4.18. the pipeline plan “an imme-
approvals issued in 2020 by basin is in a long-term tees. 200,000 shares of stock while That brings us back to diate opportunity” to ad-
the same agency under drought, and for the foresee- Former Rep. Tony Bernhardt was there. One of the government’s court dress “supply inequalities
President Trump; a hearing able future California will be Coelho of California, an Bernhardt’s partners at the petition. and infrastructure chal-
on the petition is set for lucky to get its full statutory important Democratic firm, Scott Slater, serves as The specific issue raised lenges.”
March. apportionment of river Party fundraiser, served on the Cadiz chief executive. in the BLM petition was the The Cadiz plan was
Even if Cadiz is killed, the water. the Cadiz board. Bernhardt is now back at agency’s approval for Cadiz never likely to work, and
problem of ill-conceived Furthermore, there’s In 2005, the company the firm, serving as a senior to convert an old 200-mile notwithstanding the com-
solutions to water scarcity considerable disagreement paid then-Public Utilities counsel in its Washington natural gas pipe right of way pany’s claims about the
won’t go away. The best over how much ground- Commissioner Susan Ken- office. to carry water across the current drought, it’s more
illustration of how despera- water could be pumped nedy, soon to become Gov. When Bernhardt was desert. Under Trump and fatuous today than ever. It’s
tion affects water policy is before neighboring aquifers Arnold Schwarzenegger’s initially appointed as depu- Bernhardt, BLM came up time to bury it in the desert
the More Water Now ballot become contaminated with chief of staff, a $120,000 ty Interior secretary in with a series of excuses to grave where it belongs, and
initiative, which I described carcinogenic minerals. consulting fee. In 2009, while August 2017, he committed avoid performing an envi- with any luck, the BLM’s
a few days ago as a danger- Then there’s the diffi- Kennedy was working for to recusing himself from ronmental analysis required new court filing will finish a
ously ill-conceived measure. culty of transporting the Schwarzenegger, he en- matters related to those by federal law, the agency long-overdue job.
The proposal’s backers are water, which would require dorsed the Cadiz scheme as clients for one year after his now says.
now collecting signatures to pipelines crossing delicate “a path-breaking, new, appointment, which ran out In their court petition, Keep up to date with
place it on the November desert ecosystems. sustainable groundwater in mid-2018. He was nomi- the current BLM officials Michael Hiltzik. Follow
2022 ballot. No, what has kept the conservation and storage nated to the top job in Feb- charitably stop short of @hiltzikm on Twitter, see
The Cadiz plan is, if scheme alive has been polit- project.” ruary 2019, succeeding Ryan calling their predecessors’ his Facebook page or
possible, even worse. The ical pull. This was exerted Despite all that, the Zinke. The BLM decision prior approval dishonest. email michael.hiltzik
proposal has remained alive chiefly by Cadiz’s conceiver, project kept running into now being disavowed by the They settle, instead, for

Afghans adjust
to temporary
lives on bases
2,000 personnel who operate
By Andrea Castillo the village of 11,100 Afghans
— referred to as “guests” —
JOINT BASE MC- awaiting resettlement. “Our
GUIRE - DIX - LAKE- unwavering goal has been to
HURST, N.J. — A new father make their life in this tempo-
stopped Col. Soleiman Ra- rary location better every
hel as he walked through the day.”
old soldiers’ barracks, now The federal government
dormitories for thousands of has evacuated 83,000 people
people evacuated after the from Afghanistan to the
U.S. withdrawal from Af- U.S., including nearly 75,000
ghanistan. Afghans and 8,000 U.S. citi-
“I want you to know I zens and green card holders.
named my son after you,” An additional 3,200 evacuees Barbara Davidson Pool Photo
the man told him. are waiting for U.S.-bound AFGHAN children play soccer last week with U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Scott Nussel, a cultural awareness
The gesture stands out flights at military bases in specialist, outside temporary housing in Liberty Village at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.
for Rahel as a symbol of the the Middle East and Europe,
significance of his work as- according to Homeland Se- lish class, two Afghan volun- Though she loves art and been resettled, said Katy Villagers ask if they could
sisting the largest U.S. reset- curity. teer teachers stood before a writing, Khairi said she Swartz, an acting team lead someday join the military
tlement effort in half a cen- Homeland Security Sec- few dozen children. On a dreams of being a surgeon — with the State Department. like he did. (Of course, he
tury. For Rahel, it’s personal retary Alejandro N. May- whiteboard, they had writ- something that felt impos- Among all evacuated tells them.) Children ask if
— 35 years ago, he too ar- orkas told lawmakers last ten the vocabulary words of sible in Afghanistan because Afghans, more than 40% are he is Afghan or American.
rived from Afghanistan as a month that the timeline to the day: stand, sit, hot, cold, of limited education and op- eligible for special immi- (He explains he is both.) The
refugee. complete resettlement is be- table, chair. portunities for women. grant visas that are given to hardest questions are from
When the Taliban tween December and Febru- In unison, the students At Liberty Village, a lin- those who worked directly people asking how to bring
stormed Kabul in August, ary. The short-term spend- chanted sentences using guist helped her translate with the U.S. government, over additional family mem-
Rahel temporarily left his ing bill that President Biden their new words. “This is a some of her poems into Eng- she said. bers who are stuck in Af-
wife and home in Sacra- signed last week to keep the chair. That is a table.” lish to share with military The others, who got out ghanistan, including thou-
mento and moved across the government running into Jeff Drumtra, who leads personnel. One, written amid the chaotic U.S. with- sands of Afghan government
country to Joint Base Mc- February includes $7 billion social programming for the Sept. 1 at a military base in drawal, will face a case-by- workers, teachers, journal-
Guire-Dix-Lakehurst. for Afghan resettlement ef- refugees at McGuire, said Germany, is called “I Am a case determination of their ists and others at risk of per-
Afghans there know him forts. some children are working Refugee.” eligibility to stay. Many will secution under Taliban rule
as “the governor” of their The refugees are desper- though their trauma and “O motherland, your sea- seek refugee status or asy- and unable to move freely.
new village. ate to get off the bases and loss in drawings. son changed. Your treas- lum, while others will seek “It’s heartbreaking be-
Flights of up to 300 find jobs so they can start “You see the colors of the ures, unseen. Your children, green cards through imme- cause there isn’t much we
Afghans arrive at the base a sending money back home. Afghan flag, either as a flag buried. Your flag, lowered. diate relatives who are U.S. can do,” he said. He tries to
couple of times a week. Afghanistan’s economy is or in a heart. Some drawings You have been abandoned. citizens or residents. All ar- get people to focus on re-
Three housing complexes collapsing and people are have blood droplets coming O motherland, you are for- riving Afghans were tempo- building their lives — the
make up Liberty Village. It is facing starvation. Many of from the heart,” he said. gotten. I packed for a jour- rarily admitted to the U.S. quicker they can transition
the largest of seven “safe ha- those who have arrived want Among those young art- ney. I don’t know its destina- with protection from depor- to normality after resettle-
vens” on military bases to end up in places with large ists is Sana Khairi, 18, who tion. My dreams like torn tation for two years. ment, the quicker they can
around the country where Afghan communities, such had been at the base for 47 pages fall from your sky, and More than 100 babies — get jobs and assist their
the federal government is as Washington, D.C., and days. In that time, she had you fell in the hands of un- including baby Rahel — loved ones.
working to process some California, but those regions finished 15 pieces in ink, col- kind.” have been born since the After Liberty Village goes
35,000 evacuees — and the have high rents. ored pencil and oil paint. Families like Khairi’s are first Afghans arrived at Mc- back to just being Joint
only one still accepting new On Thursday, many fam- Her favorite depicted four screened before they arrive. Guire on Aug. 24. Just under Base McGuire-Dix-Lake-
arrivals. ilies were out for a brisk Afghan soldiers struggling Homeland Security reviews half of the guests are chil- hurst, Rahel said, his work
During the facility’s first, morning walk, several push- to raise their country’s flag. fingerprints, photos and bio- dren younger than 14. on Afghan resettlement will
closely supervised media ing strollers. Six boys in tra- “We never want to let any- metric and biographic data Each housing complex is continue.
tour, Department of De- ditional tunic shirts and body think that we’re going for all Afghans before they overseen by a lieutenant col- Rahel’s wife recently took
fense and Homeland Securi- pants kicked around a soc- to let the Afghan flag drop on are permitted to board a onel who is identified as the in three Afghan women after
ty officials showed reporters cer ball, cheering when one the floor,” she said in Dari flight to the U.S. Upon ar- “mayor” and holds weekly her husband met two of
a children’s English class, an scored a goal. Those on the through an interpreter. rival, guests are taken for town halls with residents. them at the base and they re-
impromptu soccer game, a base can also opt for daily Khairi said her father was medical screening and vac- Two “governors,” including located to California. He
dining hall serving halal legal counseling sessions, in the Afghan military and cinated against COVID-19 the elder Rahel, oversee the connected a 12-year-old boy
meals and a sprawling Zumba sessions, English worked with U.S. troops. and other illnesses. Dari, entire village. who was a gifted soccer play-
tented medical facility with classes and cultural orienta- When she and her parents Pashto, Persian, Tajik and Rahel came to the U.S. at er to a team in the Bronx,
capacity to see 400 patients tion classes with topics in- arrived at the Kabul airport, Urdu interpreters are on age 15 after the Soviet inva- N.Y. The couple plan to be-
per day. cluding sexual consent and he couldn’t make it safely hand. sion of Afghanistan in 1979. come foster parents for
“We have built a small how to navigate police inter- through Taliban check- Just 3,500 of the 14,000 Assisting Afghans in a simi- Afghan children who were
city,” said Gen. Adrian actions. points and was left behind. people housed at Liberty lar position feels like his life’s evacuated without parents
White, who is in charge of the At a conversational Eng- Now he is in hiding. Village since it opened have purpose, he said. or guardians.
L AT I M E S . C O M WSCE W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 A3


Merkel’s Lawmakers’ visit

16-year to shrine raises ire
era ends China and the Koreas
neatly decry Japanese group’s
trip to site honoring
the nation’s war dead.
associated press
German leader wins
praise for deft crisis TOKYO — A group of
management, defense about 100 Japanese lawmak-
ers prayed Tuesday at a
of Western values. controversial Tokyo shrine K. Fukuhara Kyodo News
viewed by China and the ABOUT 100 prayed at
By Geir Moulson Odd Andersen Pool Photo Koreas as a symbol of Japa- Yasukuni Shrine, seen as
GERMAN CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel watches a farewell ceremony at the nese wartime aggression, a symbol of militarism.
BERLIN — Angela Defense Ministry in Berlin, including a military parade and marching band. 80 years after Japan’s attack
Merkel was assured of a on Pearl Harbor. said in a statement that
place in the history books as global financial crisis, Eu- the euro debt crisis and disa- Merkel’s body language Many of the lawmakers, Japan instead should show
soon as she became Germa- rope’s debt crisis, the arrival greeing with Hungary, Po- and facial expressions some- including nine vice ministers “humble reflection and sin-
ny’s first female chancellor of vast numbers of refugees land and others over their times offered a glimpse of and special aides in the Cab- cere remorse” about its
Nov. 22, 2005. in Europe in 2015-16 and the refusal — unlike Germany — her reactions that went be- inet of Prime Minister Fu- wartime past to win back the
Over the next 16 years, COVID-19 pandemic. to host migrants arriving in yond words. She once la- mio Kishida, are members of trust of the international
she was credited with rais- “It’s undeniable that Europe. mented that she couldn’t Kishida’s conservative rul- community.
ing Germany’s profile and she’s given Germany a lot of At home, her record is put on a poker face: “I’ve giv- ing party. Hidehisa Otsuji, a senior
influence, working to hold a soft power,” said Sudha also a mixed bag. She leaves en up. I can’t do it.” Japan’s attack on Pearl member of Kishida’s party,
fractious European Union David-Wilp, the deputy di- Germany with lower unem- She was never the most Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, said the group prayed to the
together, managing a string rector of the Berlin office of ployment and healthier fi- glamorous of political op- brought the United States spirits of the war dead to
of crises and being a role the German Marshall Fund nances, but also with well- erators, but that was part of into World War II. In Japan, protect Japan from the
model for women. of the United States. “Un- documented shortcomings her appeal. Merkel contin- the date was Dec. 8. COVID-19 pandemic.
Now she is ending her doubtedly, she’s elevated in digitization — many ued to take unglamorous Victims of Japanese ag- It was the first time the
near-record tenure, leaving Germany’s image in the health offices resorted to fax walking holidays, was occa- gression during the first half group has prayed at Ya-
office at age 67 amid praise world. machines to transmit data sionally seen shopping at of the 20th century, espe- sukuni since the pandemic
from abroad and enduring “When she first came during the pandemic — and the supermarket and lived in cially those from China and began early last year.
popularity at home. Her des- onto the scene in 2005, a lot what critics say was a lack of the same Berlin apartment Korea, see the Yasukuni The lawmakers are mem-
ignated successor, Olaf of people underestimated investment in infrastruc- as she did before taking the Shrine as a symbol of bers of a parliamentary
Scholz, is expected to take her, but she grew in stature ture. top job. Japan’s militarism because group that has regularly
office Wednesday. along with Germany’s role in After announcing in 2018 Named “the World’s Most it honors its war dead, in- paid tribute at the shrine on
Merkel, a former scientist the world,” David-Wilp add- that she wouldn’t seek a fifth Powerful Woman” by Forbes cluding convicted war the anniversary of the end of
who grew up in communist ed. Others in Europe and be- term, Merkel failed to secure magazine for the last 10 criminals. World War II on Aug. 15 and
East Germany, is bowing out yond “want more of an active a smooth transition of power years, Merkel steps down Visits and donations to during the shrine’s spring
about a week short of the Germany to play a role in the in her own party, the CDU, with a legacy of breaking the shrine by Japanese polit- and autumn festivals.
record for longevity held by world — that may not have which slumped to defeat in through the glass ceiling of ical leaders are seen by crit- Otsuji told reporters that
her onetime mentor, former been the case before she was September elections. male dominance in politics ics as a sign of a lack of re- he wished Kishida would vis-
Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in office necessarily.” The incoming governing — although she also has morse over the country’s it the shrine soon.
who reunited Germany dur- At Merkel’s final Europe- coalition under Scholz, a So- faced criticism for not push- wartime actions. Kishida and Cabinet
ing his 1982-98 tenure. an Union summit in Octo- cial Democrat, says it wants ing harder for more gender Chinese Foreign Ministry ministers did not join the
While Merkel perhaps ber, former President to see “more progress” for equality. spokesperson Zhao Lijian group visit Tuesday. The
lacks a spectacular signa- Obama thanked her via vi- Germany after years of stag- “Angela Merkel brought said the lawmakers’ visit was prime minister donated
ture achievement, the cen- deo for “taking the high nation. class and dignity to a very a “deliberate move and prov- religious offerings called
ter-right Christian Demo- ground for so many years.” But Germans’ overall important position and ocation.” masakaki to observe the
crat came to be viewed as an “Thanks to you, the cen- verdict on Merkel appears to made very hard decisions ... “The Japanese digni- shrine’s autumn festival.
indispensable crisis man- ter has held through many remain favorable. During and did so based upon prin- taries’ visit to the shrine Japanese leaders have
ager and defender of West- storms,” he said. the September election ciple,” former President again shows Japan’s wrong avoided visiting the shrine
ern values in turbulent Appreciation from her campaign, from which she George W. Bush told Ger- attitude towards the history while in office after China
times. counterparts over the years largely was absent, Merkel’s man broadcaster Deutsche of aggression,” Zhao said. and the Koreas reacted
She served alongside was genuine, although there popularity ratings out- Welle in July. He described South Korea’s Foreign with outrage to a visit by
four U.S. presidents, four was plenty of friction as well. stripped those of her three her as “a compassionate Ministry expressed “deep Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
French presidents, five Merkel always sought to would-be successors. Unlike leader, a woman who was concern and regret” Tues- in 2013.
British prime ministers and keep the EU as tightly knit as her seven predecessors in not afraid to lead.” day over the “large-scale” Earlier this year, Defense
eight Italian premiers. Her possible but strongly de- postwar Germany, she is visit to a shrine that “beauti- Minister Nobuo Kishi, who is
chancellorship was marked fended Germany’s interests, leaving office at a time of her Moulson writes for the fies Japan’s colonial pillage Abe’s younger brother, vis-
by four major challenges: the clashing with Greece during choosing. Associated Press. and war of aggression.” It ited the shrine.

The John Nelson Collection, Part II

Preview by appointment
Thursday-Saturday, 9, 10 & 11 December, 10am - 5pm
Auction Sunday, 12 December, 10am

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Los Angeles, CA 90007
A4 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 WSCE L AT I M E S . C O M

Biden urges Putin to de-escalate tensions

[Russia, from A1]
with strong economic and
other measures in the event ‘Things we did
of military escalation,” ac-
cording to a readout of the
not do in 2014
call released by the White
House after the conference.
we are prepared
During their two-hour
meeting, Biden reiterated
to do now.’
his support for Ukraine’s — Jake Sullivan,
sovereignty and called for U.S. national security advisor,
de-escalation and a return suggesting a Russian invasion
to diplomacy. “The two pres- of Ukraine would incur more
idents tasked their teams to severe sanctions than the
follow up, and the U.S. will do seizure of Crimea
so in close coordination with
allies and partners,” the
statement said.
The two world leaders but so far has not attempted
also discussed U.S. and Rus- to halt. Noting that “gas
sian long-term work on arms is not currently flowing”
control, ransomware and through the pipeline, Sulli-
joint efforts on regional is- van even hinted that the U.S.
sues such as Iran. could still sanction the proj-
Putin has sought assur- ect, which allows Russian
ances that NATO won’t gas to flow directly to Eu-
make Ukraine a member of rope, if Putin were to invade
the long-standing alliance, Ukraine.
which has 30 member coun- “If Putin wants to see
tries, including the United gas flowing through that
States. Membership would pipeline, he may not want to
essentially guarantee the take the risk of invading
former Soviet republic’s mil- Ukraine,” Sullivan said.
itary defense. Several Republicans, in-
“President Biden was di- cluding Sen. Ted Cruz of
rect and straightforward Texas, have called for sanc-
with President Putin, as he tions against the pipeline.
always is,” said Jake Sulli- President Trump soft-
van, Biden’s national securi- Andriy Dubchak Associated Press ened America’s posture
ty advisor, after the meeting. UKRAINIAN soldiers walk at the line of separation in the Donetsk region, where they are fighting pro-Russia toward Putin, who U.S. intel-
“There was no finger-wag- rebels. The mobilization of Russian troops has fueled fears that President Vladimir Putin is planning to invade. ligence officials say con-
ging, but the president was ducted a misinformation
crystal clear about where sia, since it is NATO that is appeared wary of the U.S. ments changing?” Pifer said. et Union in 1991. It has since campaign to help Trump in
the administration stands.” making dangerous attempts taking on additional global “And how does the Kremlin sought to strengthen ties the 2016 election. In 2019,
He added: “We still do not to conquer Ukrainian terri- defense responsibilities as portray the call, and do the with Europe. After the oust- Trump pressured Zelensky
believe that President Putin tory and is building up its he focuses on shoring up the Russians tone down the er of Russia-friendly Ukrain- to announce a corruption in-
has made a decision” about military potential at our bor- American economy and re- really over-the-top rhetoric ian President Viktor Yanu- vestigation into Hunter Bid-
whether to launch an inva- ders.” Moscow, the readout orienting alliances around they’ve been issuing about kovich, Putin seized the en’s business dealings in
sion. “We will see in the days continued, “is seriously in- the containment of China. Ukraine in recent days?” Black Sea peninsula of Kyiv, in an attempt to smear
ahead through actions, not terested in obtaining reli- But he is hoping to dis- Before the discussion Crimea in 2014, and tensions his father, the eventual
through words, what course able, legally fixed guaran- suade Putin from escalating with Putin, Biden conferred have remained high. Democratic nominee. That
of action Russia chooses to tees excluding the expan- the simmering military with top European allies Sullivan suggested the effort led to Trump’s first
take.” sion of NATO in the eastern conflict along the Russia- Monday evening about the economic sanctions could impeachment by the House
The Kremlin’s official direction and the deploy- Ukraine border. far-reaching economic sanc- be more far reaching than in 2019.
readout of the meeting ment of offensive strike “This is one of the last, tions any invasion would those imposed after the an- Since taking office, Biden
blamed Ukraine for the weapons systems in the best chances to affect Krem- trigger. nexation of Crimea, al- has sought to return U.S. for-
buildup of Russian forces states adjacent to Russia.” lin thinking,” said Steven And Biden spoke again though he declined to go into eign policy to its more tradi-
and offered a defensive re- Although Biden has pub- Pifer, a former U.S. ambas- with the top four European specifics publicly. tional position of skepticism
sponse to Biden, whom it licly rejected any of Putin’s sador to Ukraine who is now leaders on another call “Things we did not do in toward Russia and support
characterized as having “red lines” and expressed the William Perry fellow at Tuesday afternoon to up- 2014 we are prepared to do for the fledgling democra-
emphasized “the allegedly support for Ukraine’s terri- Stanford University. Putin’s date allies on the nature of now,” he said. cies that emerged after the
‘threatening’ nature of the torial sovereignty, he has response in the coming his talks with Putin, the He also challenged the Soviet Union was dissolved.
movements of Russian shown little interest in fully weeks and months, he con- White House said. He is idea that Russia’s leverage He welcomed Zelensky at
troops,” and his threat of backing its potential mem- tinued, will make it clear scheduled to speak with had increased from the near the White House in Septem-
sanctions. bership in the North At- whether Biden made any in- Ukrainian President Volo- completion of the Nord ber and has reaffirmed the
Putin, the Kremlin said, lantic Treaty Organization. roads. dymyr Zelensky on Wednes- Stream 2 natural gas pipe- importance of NATO while
“stressed that the responsi- The president, even as he “The big questions to be day. line between Russia and still hedging on the question
bility should not be shifted has sought to strengthen answered are: Do we see the Ukraine won independ- Germany, a project the Bid- of Ukraine’s potential mem-
onto the shoulders of Rus- democratic alliances, has Russian military deploy- ence after the fall of the Sovi- en administration opposed bership.

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with a barrage of criticism China of human rights nist Party’s notoriously and said the ministry had
from China. abuses against Muslim opaque Central Commis- not received any request
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 The Biden administra- Uyghurs in the northwest re- sion for Discipline Inspec- from its ally not to send offi-
Vol. CXLI No. 5
tion’s decision not to send gion of Xinjiang, suppress- tion issued a response in the cials.
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motto ‘More united.’ ” its internal affairs and challenge to all people who made the decision earlier
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annually. Year in Review 12/26/21. Dates are subject to
change without notice. day, Zhao vowed that China can politicians whom it re- ment.” travel restrictions.
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts. would respond with “reso- gards as anti-China. People on the streets of The country told China in
lute countermeasures” but Zhao warned the U.S. to Beijing were dismissive of October about its plans not
offered no details. “stop politicizing sports” the U.S. move. to send government min-
“The U.S. will pay a price and to cease what he said “I don’t think it matters isters, Deputy Prime Min-
for its practices. You may were actions undermining at all if they would come or ister Grant Robertson said.
stay tuned for follow-ups,” the Winter Olympics. “Oth- not. The Olympic Games are “But we’ve made clear to
Zhao said. erwise, it will undermine the not about one country or a China on numerous occa-
On Monday, White House dialogue and cooperation couple of countries,” said sions our concerns about
Press Secretary Jen Psaki between the two countries in coffee shop employee Deng human rights issues,” Rob-
told reporters that the Bid- a series of important areas Tao. ertson said.
en administration would and international issues,” he “Such remarks from Australia, whose rela-
fully support U.S. athletes said. someone we never invited tions with China have grown
competing at the Games but The Chinese Embassy in are simply a farce. And I increasingly tense, has yet to
An outdoors newsletter would not dispatch di- Washington tweeted that don’t think it will have much say whether it will send dig-
The Wild newsletter brings Southern California’s
plomats or other officials to politicians calling for a boy- impact on the holding of the nitaries.
outdoors right to your inbox. Get inspired to attend. cott were “doing so for their Winter Olympics,” said Lu The dispatching of high-
explore everywhere from secret local parks Psaki said that the U.S. own political interests and Xiaolei, who works in trade. level delegations to each
to 10,000-foot peaks. There’s a lot to do out has a “fundamental commit- posturing.” It wasn’t clear whom Olympics has been a tradi-
there and we’re eager to be your guide. There’s ment to promoting human “In fact, no one would Washington might have sent tion among the U.S. and
no better way to discover the region’s natural rights” and that the U.S. care about whether these in an official delegation to other leading nations. Then-
world and plan your next outdoors escape. “will not be contributing to people come or not, and it the Games, and Zhao on President George W. Bush
the fanfare of the Games.” has no impact whatsoever Monday said no invitations attended the opening of the
Sign up now at
The diplomatic boycott on the #Beijing2022 to be had been extended by 2008 Beijing Summer
comes as the U.S. attempts successfully held,” the em- China. Games. First Lady Jill Biden
to thread the needle be- bassy said. Amid the calls for a boy- led the American contingent
tween stabilizing difficult re- China’s mission to the cott, Japanese Prime Min- to the Tokyo Olympics, and
lations with Beijing and United Nations called the ister Fumio Kishida on Second Gentleman Doug
maintaining a tough stance boycott a “self-directed po- Tuesday said Japan would Emhoff led a delegation to
on trade and political con- litical farce.” make its own decision “from the Paralympic Games.
L AT I M E S . C O M WSCE W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 A5


Harris seeks better maternal care

White House points
to racial disparities in
high U.S. death rates
linked to childbirth.
By Erin B. Logan
and Marissa Evans

President Kamala Harris
urged Congress on Tuesday
Evan Vucci Associated Press to provide $3 billion more for
PRESIDENT BIDEN and the first lady pay their maternal healthcare and ex-
respects at the National World War II Memorial. pand postpartum Medicaid
coverage to one year as part
of the proposed social safety

Pearl Harbor fallen net and climate package

now before the Senate.
Harris’ entreaty came at Jim Watson AFP/Getty Images

are not forgotten the White House’s first Ma-

ternal Health Day of Action
event, held to draw attention
to the U.S. maternal mortal-
VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris, at the White House’s Maternal Health Day
of Action event, called for more money for maternal and postpartum care.

ing that coverage would en- pressure and pulmonary the nation of how to de-
ity rate, which is more than sure mothers have access to embolisms. crease maternal deaths.
touched a wall, where she double that of most other care during the crucial one- Black women had the The rate of maternal
Bidens visit World and the president spent a developed nations. year postpartum period. highest maternal mortality deaths in California in 2006
moment. The bouquet was “In the United States of States are now required rates in the nation, with was 16.9 per 100,000 live
War II Memorial on in honor of her father, Don- America, in the 21st century, to provide only 60 days of around 42 deaths per 100,000 births, according to the
the 80th anniversary ald Jacobs, who served as a being pregnant and giving postpartum coverage under live births between 2014 and California Maternal Quality
U.S. Navy signalman in the birth should not carry such Medicaid. 2017, according to the CDC. Care Collaborative, which
of the attack. war, the White House said. great risk,” Harris said. The $1.7-trillion social Latinas had the lowest was formed that year to
The Bidens then paused Black mothers are three safety net and climate pack- rates, with about 12 deaths bring state agencies, hospi-
associated press
at the Pacific arch on the to four times more likely age being negotiated in the per 100,000 live births in the tals and health provider
southern side of the memo- than white mothers to die Senate would require states same period. groups together to find pre-
WASHINGTON — Presi- rial plaza for one last mo- of pregnancy complications. to provide a year of postpar- Black mothers with ventive solutions for preg-
dent Biden and First Lady ment of reflection before de- Native American women are tum coverage under Medi- health insurance and above- nancy complications and
Jill Biden on Tuesday parting. twice as likely as white wom- caid. The House passed a average incomes who re- deaths.
marked the 80th anniversa- Joe Biden, in a White en to die before, during or version of the bill last month. ceive timely medical care By 2016, California’s
ry of the Japanese attack on House proclamation issued after childbirth. Harris urged states to ex- can even encounter prob- maternal mortality had de-
Pearl Harbor with a somber last week to recognize Na- Harris said investing in tend coverage on their own lems. The issue gained clined by 65%.
visit to the National World tional Pearl Harbor Remem- pregnant women and new rather than waiting on Con- heightened attention in 2018, In October, Gov. Gavin
War II Memorial in the na- brance Day, gave “thanks to mothers would stimulate gress, saying that doing so when tennis star Serena Newsom signed into law an
tion’s capital. the Greatest Generation, the economy. The direct “will save lives, and it will Williams and Grammy-win- extension of new parents’
The Dec. 7, 1941, attack on who guided our nation medical and indirect non- change lives.” ning singer Beyoncé publicly benefits to 12 months after
Pearl Harbor and other loca- through some of our darkest medical costs of poor mater- The Democrats’ package spoke about nearly dying in birth under Medi-Cal, the
tions in Hawaii killed 2,403 moments and laid the foun- nal healthcare amount to would also provide $3 billion childbirth. state’s Medicaid program.
service members and civil- dations of an international more than $30 billion a year in funding to expand the Allyson Felix, an Olympic The law also adds doulas
ians and was a defining mo- system that has trans- in the U.S., according to the perinatal workforce, im- track star who participated as eligible Medi-Cal pro-
ment that led to the U.S. en- formed former adversaries Commonwealth Fund, a pri- prove collection of maternal in Tuesday’s White House viders; maternal health ad-
try into World War II. into allies.” vate healthcare foundation. health data and address the event, said in a statement vocates have long promoted
Joe Biden touched a Biden made the Tuesday “A healthy economy re- social factors that contrib- that her pregnancy compli- the benefits of doulas’ extra
wreath and saluted. The morning visit just hours be- quires healthy mothers and ute to poor maternal health cations risked her and her emotional and physical sup-
wreath contained a wild sun- fore he was to hold a highly healthy babies,” Harris said. outcomes. daughter’s lives. port for mothers before, dur-
flower, the state flower of anticipated video confer- The maternal health Nationally, nearly 700 “After my traumatic ex- ing and after birth.
Kansas, in honor of former ence call with Russian Presi- event is part of the Biden ad- women die each year of perience, I decided to use my In addition, the law up-
Sen. Bob Dole, a war veteran dent Vladimir Putin. ministration’s effort to call pregnancy complications, voice to call out racial injus- dates data collection and
who was a driving force in Biden used the call to ex- out healthcare inequities according to the federal tice in our healthcare sys- protocols for counties par-
getting the memorial built press concern about Rus- and racial health disparities Centers for Disease Control tem,” said Felix, who is also ticipating in the Fetal and
on the National Mall and sia’s troop buildup near its as well as to push more and Prevention. Black. “I am proud to fight ... Infant Mortality Review
who died Sunday at age 98. borders with neighboring states to extend Medicaid In recent years, the CDC to make sure maternal Process and establishes a
The first lady laid a bou- Ukraine and to make clear to coverage for mothers up to a has found that common health equity is a reality for fund for midwife training
quet of flowers at the base of Putin that an invasion would year after they give birth. complications include infec- all women and girls.” programs that prioritize ad-
the memorial below the New lead to economic sanctions Maternal health experts tions, cardiovascular issues, Experts have long seen mitting underrepresented
Jersey pillar and softly against Russia. and advocates say extend- bleeding out, high blood California as an example to groups.

On December 23, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. (CST) at the offices of Vedder Price P.C., 222 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2600, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and via
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A6 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M

Boy’s killing is latest tragedy in L.A.

[Shooting, from A1]
pounds the horror and anger
already roiling Los Angeles
after a high-profile homicide
in Beverly Hills on Dec. 1 and
other recent crimes. And it
lays bare the deep inequities
that plague urban America
today, as the country strug-
gles through the second year
of a global health crisis and
the economy zigs and zags
its way back to health.
When philanthropist
Jacqueline Avant was shot
to death in her Trousdale
Estates home last week, for-
mer President Clinton,
Oprah Winfrey and Magic
Johnson, among others,
tweeted their condolences.
Avant’s death followed a
rash of smash-and-grab rob-
beries at upscale boutiques
and celebrity home-invasion
robberies. Those incidents
received national attention
and sparked an outcry over
rising crime.
The reaction to Alexan-
der’s death has been far
more subdued. It was fol-
lowed by another double ho-
micide just two hours later in
an equally beleaguered
neighborhood about 14 miles
away, according to LAPD
Chief Michel Moore. Two 25-
year-old men who had been
living in a homeless encamp-
ment were shot to death at 7
p.m. Monday.
Mike Lansing, executive
director of the Boys & Girls
Clubs of the Los Angeles
Harbor, said crimes commit- Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
ted in the neighborhoods his WILMINGTON RESIDENTS and elected officials gather for a candlelight vigil after a shooting Monday that left a 12-year-old boy dead,
organization serves too his mother wounded, and a 9-year-old girl with serious injuries. Police said they recovered dozens of rounds at the scene.
often do not get the same
outrage and attention. The exander’s stepmother was charged in a series of armed was shot while he was in a “They were innocent by- bated by COVID. More peo-
group runs an after-school shot in the stomach, and attacks on law enforcement parked vehicle with his cous- standers,” said Gipson, who ple are home.”
program at Wilmington that he believed the 12-year- officers dating to 2008. in — who was also killed. has held anti-gun violence Criminals, she said, “are
Park Elementary. old was shot in the head. Gang violence in the re- “Why does this keep hap- rallies and written legisla- getting more brazen. It’s
“They get short shrift,” Moore said he could not gion, which is part of the pening?” she asked in Span- tion targeting so-called happening in the afternoon.
Lansing said. share more information LAPD’s Harbor Division, ish. ghost guns. “To be at the People are getting stabbed
After the attack, Lansing about how the family was has declined markedly over Meza said her communi- Boys & Girls Club hours be- and shot in broad daylight....
said, a Boys & Girls Club positioned in the black the last three decades. How- ty is largely forgotten and fore this happened brings up “The neighborhood
staff member rushed to the Dodge Durango, the mo- ever, as in other areas blames “government offi- those vivid memories as a wasn’t like this a few years
young girl’s side on the tives of the gunmen or if throughout the country, vi- cials who don’t help the parent, the horror. Your ago.”
school playground and ap- there was any sort of interac- olent crime has increased in neighborhood.” world stops.” During a candlelight vigil
plied pressure on her gun- tion or familiarity between recent years. “They need to do some- Gipson said he was en- at Wilmington Park Elemen-
shot wound to help stop the the woman and the gunmen There have been 21 homi- thing to stop all of this,” she raged to hear about Mon- tary on Tuesday evening, the
bleeding until paramedics before the shooting. cides so far in 2021 in the divi- said. day’s shooting. crowd was filled with fam-
arrived. “The amount of vi- sion, compared with 17 last Meza has lived in Wilm- “Some people say, ‘Well, it ilies and children.
On Tuesday, Moore said olence,” Moore said, “it bog- year, a jump of 23%, accord- ington since 1978 and said happens to that community Alicia Baltazar, who at-
“easily dozens” of bullet cas- gles your mind, when you ing to the LAPD. Violent Tuesday that she has wit- all the time,’ ” he said. “I tended the event, said she
ings were recovered from the think about an afternoon crime is up 8.2%, while prop- nessed its slow decline. want to say, I cannot get knew the young boy who was
scene in front of the school outside of a school.” He said erty crime has dropped by “We’ve been abandoned,” used to it.... We have too killed; he went to the same
from at least two different he expected more informa- 4.4%. she said. many guns on our streets, middle school as her son,
caliber firearms, indicating tion on the case to be made When Guadalupe Meza Assemblyman Mike Gip- and we have to do something Jeremy Hill.
multiple gunmen opened available Wednesday. heard about the shooting son (D-Carson) was touring to reduce the guns that peo- Jeremy has been taking
fire and a level of intent on Wilmington and the sur- just blocks away from her a Boys & Girls Club facility ple have access to.” classes online, she said, for
their part to cause substan- rounding area have long Wilmington home Monday, across the street from Wilm- Mayra Zamora, who lives which she is eternally grate-
tial harm. been haunted by gang vi- she couldn’t help but think ington Park Elementary a block from Wilmington ful.
“This was a brazen as- olence. of her 18-year-old grandson, School just two hours before Park Elementary, said crime “I can’t imagine how this
sault in the middle of the In 2016, more than two who was shot to death near gunmen opened fire there. in her community had de- is impacting the rest of the
day,” he said. dozen members and associ- his home in September of Gipson’s district includes clined through the years, but students,” Baltazar said,
During a news confer- ates of the Wilmas street last year. The young man Wilmington, Watts and recently it has escalated “boys and girls who had to be
ence from his L.A office, gang, who were named in a also lived in Wilmington. Compton, among other again. in class with [the victim]
Moore also said one of the federal racketeering indict- “The violence continues,” areas. Eighteen months ago, “In the past three to four yesterday and not tomor-
guns “was a very powerful ment, were arrested on sus- she thought to herself. his son and his son’s fiancee years, in Wilmington and row.”
one by the nature of the cas- picion of murder, attempted Meza, 74, said her grand- were shot while visiting fam- San Pedro and Harbor City,
ings we’ve recovered,” but he murder, narcotics traffick- son, Jesse Adrian Meza, was ily in the Gramercy Park more and more shootings Times staff writer Christian
declined to specify the type ing, robbery and witness in- studious and had just grad- neighborhood of Los Ange- are happening,” the 36-year- Martinez contributed to
of weapon. Moore said Al- timidation. They were also uated from high school. He les. old said. “It’s been exacer- this story.

California considering fines for water wasters

[Water, from A1] The governor this year also
widely seen as successful, called on all residents to vol-
with water use dropping by untarily reduce their water
nearly 25%. Amid the cuts, usage by 15%, but early re-
desiccated lawns and short- sults indicated a sluggish
er showers became com- response to that request.
monplace across the region. Californians in Septem-
“Moving forward with ber decreased water use by
these prohibitions now 3.9% compared with the
makes sense,” said Eric same month in 2020. The
Oppenheimer, chief deputy numbers improved in Octo-
director of the State Water ber, with residents saving
Resources Control Board. “I 13.2% more water than in the
think it’s the right next same month last year, offi-
step.” cials said during a Tuesday
Under the proposed meeting of the state water
rules, violators could face board. But cumulative sav-
fines of up to $500 a day. En- ings are still far from where
forcement would come from they need to be, conserva-
cities, counties and local tion supervisor Charlotte
water agencies. Ely told the board, adding,
Notably, the regulations “We have to stay vigilant,
would prevent homeowners and we ask for Californians
associations and local gov- to keep on conserving.”
ernments from taking ac- Ellen Hanak, vice presi-
tion against residents who dent and director of the
do not comply with land- Water Policy Center at the
scaping policies, such as Frederic J. Brown AFP/Getty Images Public Policy Institute of
those that require lush REGULATORS are weighing measures such as a prohibition on watering lawns within 48 hours after rainfall. California, said voluntary
lawns. calls to reduce water use this
Calling the proposed pro- ban area like Los Angeles plies vary vastly. regulations in the state’s snowpack — one of Califor- year have been more chal-
hibitions “common-sense uses about 7 million acre- But most California proposal. nia’s primary sources of lenging than in the past, in
measures,” Oppenheimer feet per year, he said. water agencies are on board “LADWP has a long- water — could significantly part because “this time
said the activities under More restrictions are with the latest proposal, ac- standing history of requiring diminish in the state in as around, people have a lot of
consideration simply “don’t likely, Parker added, but “it’s cording to Dave Eggerton, our customers to use water little as 35 years. other things on their mind
make sense during the easier to sort of implement executive director of the efficiently,” agency spokes- “We can’t conserve our besides drought.”
drought.” them in stages rather than Assn. of California Water woman Ellen Cheng said. way out of our challenges,” Hanak noted that recent
“I think most people hit everybody too hard, too Agencies, which represents When asked whether rev- said Adel Hagekhalil, gen- surveys found that the
would agree we shouldn’t be fast.” more than 460 organiza- enue losses would be passed eral manager and chief exe- state’s residents are most
watering lawns when it’s Yet even incremental re- tions. Eggerton said many to consumers, Cheng said cutive of the Metropolitan concerned about the
raining,” he said. strictions are not always local agencies and munici- those who save water should Water District of Southern COVID-19 pandemic, hous-
Experts said the new welcome. The latest propos- palities have voluntarily im- see a reduction in their bills. California, which declared a ing costs and homelessness,
regulations could follow the al spells out a potential $100- plemented some of the pro- While the measures are a drought emergency in No- among other issues.
same pattern as those of the million revenue loss for state posed standards or taken logical first step, Eggerton vember. “We need bold ac- “So if it ends up being the
previous drought, leading to water agencies. Many of them even further. Some and others said the state tions and investments in re- case that this coming year
further restrictions if condi- those losses trickle down to areas never removed the needs continued investment cycling and reuse, local wa- does turn out to be a dry
tions do not improve. consumers in the form of previous restrictions in the in “a full suite of actions” be- ter supplies, rain-capture one,” Hanak said, “you can
“I think it’s a matter of surcharges or extra fees, offi- first place. yond conservation efforts, systems and storage, reme- be sure that there’s going
timing, and I think we will cials said. “Measures like this are including the development diation and recharge of to be a lot more public mes-
be asking more of people be- In 2016, water suppliers pretty straightforward and of water storage systems groundwater basins and saging about [the drought]
yond this,” Parker said, not- successfully campaigned for make sense in this context,” and conveyance facilities. projects to build connectiv- — because there’s going to
ing that even a rainy winter the relaxation or removal of he said. “The reality is, the im- ity and flexibility in how we need to be.”
may not be enough to end Brown’s restrictions after Officials at the Los Ange- pacts of climate change are move water.” The state water board is
the drought. the arrival of rain and snow, les Department of Water here, and we need state and In September, Newsom accepting written public
The proposed restric- with some arguing that a and Power said their emer- federal partnership in in- allocated more than $5 bil- comments on the proposed
tions would save an esti- one-size-fits-all approach gency water conservation vesting, in really strength- lion of his $15-billion climate regulations until Dec. 23
mated 100,000 acre-feet of doesn’t work in a state where plan, first enacted in 1990, ening our systems,” he said. package toward drought re- and will vote on the measure
water, but a residential ur- regional sources and sup- includes nearly all of the A recent study found that sponse and water resilience. Jan. 4.
L AT I M E S . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 A7

Skaters solving the problems of the world

[Skateboard, from A1] led to a career in modeling, taking
woman can be kind of intimi- her from Boyle Heights to Austral-
dating,” she says. “Especially if ia, then New York. She fell in with a
you’re a beginner, guys look at you group of friends — other Black
weird.” women — who coaxed her back
Their sport is not immune to onto a board after 12 years away.
cultural issues of race, gender and “I was scared of the experience
sexual orientation, and Bowen boys had given me,” King says.
says “for women and queer peo- “Then I saw people like me and
ple, it’s easier if you skate as a thought, ‘OK, here’s my time.’ ”
group.” Still, the increasing popu- Within a year, a major skate-
larity of crews like hers has sociol- board company was paying her to
ogists wondering whether skaters travel the country and hold clinics
might teach the rest of us some- for women and LGBTQ skaters,
thing about inclusivity. most of them beginners.
The Tokyo Olympics helped “I just tell them that we’re in a
show the world that skating is not safe place when we’re together,”
just for white kids in the suburbs. she says.
People of color have risen to the This new chapter in her life
highest levels of competition and owes to yet another development
the vibe is distinctly urban, fueled in skating — the influence of social
by hip-hop music and street fash- media and the “meet-up.”
ion. Now more women and the In a sport where online content
LGBTQ community are joining is king, YouTube and Instagram
in. are crucial in giving skaters a
“No one owns skateboarding, it chance to post videos, get seen
is not made up of institutions that and attract sponsors. For people
formulate policies,” says Neftalie of color, women and gays, these
Williams, a USC scholar and outlets serve an additional role.
visiting fellow at Yale. “It just Underrepresented skaters can
happens organically with people find one another, arrange meet-
who come together to do this ings and form crews. At Skate Like
thing they love.” a Girl, an Oregon nonprofit, execu-
Skating legend Tony Hawk tive director Kristin Ebeling says
calls it “safety in numbers.” fledgling groups can quickly ac-
The recent Aunt Skatie meet- complish what used to require
up puts this notion to a test as the years of networking and publi-
crew ventures — a bit nervously — cizing. “Throw a couple of hash-
inside El Sereno Skate Park. This tags on it and, right there, you can
might be the best way to under- connect with 100 people in your
stand the culture, through tales of community,” she says.
people and places around South- A few shy, nervous beginners
ern California, the birthplace of usually show up at King’s sessions
skateboarding. and she gravitates toward them,
happy to start slowly, holding their
The Scholar hands as they grow accustomed to
The kid noticed something standing on a board.
different. Growing up in Massa- Some old-timers complain
chusetts — years before he be- about skipping a rite of passage —
came an academic — Williams the awkward, frightening part of
saw that skateboarding didn’t starting alone. But the sport is still
have rules or coaches like Little grappling with misogyny and
League and youth soccer. reports of sexual assault in the pro
“Nobody was in charge,” he ranks. Meet-ups have helped
recalls. “It was just everyone nurture diverse crews such as
deciding they wanted to learn this Board 2 Tears and GRLSWIRL in
thing on their own.” Los Angeles, froSkate in Chicago
Becoming an avid skater in his and the Skate Kitchen in New
teens, Williams attended USC, in York.
part because Southern California The new way suits King, who
weather allowed for more days learned to use Instagram in her
outside on his board. Public di- modeling career. Seeking to at-
plomacy classes got him viewing tract women and LGBTQ skaters,
his passion through a different she asked skateboard companies
lens. for funding and went online to
If you showed up at a skate promote her meet-ups.
park or a street spot with a new “There are usually like 60 peo-
trick, or merely an eagerness to ple minimum,” she says. “The
learn, strangers tended to accept majority feel very comfortable
you. Cooperation was the best being around women and nonbi-
way to improve and this, he real- nary or queer people.”
ized, fostered diversity. This sense of security works
“Young people were building both ways. Though King’s reper-
communities,” he says. “It was toire now includes enough tricks
such a great way to be social as an to hang around the pros, she feels
individual or a collective.” jittery when skating on her own,
By then, the sport had experi- especially if she is the only Black
enced a series of evolutions in its woman.
relatively brief history. Surfers “I need a bigger gang of
started the whole thing around friends,” she says. “I’ll have more
the 1950s, looking for something to girls to skate with.”
do when the ocean lay flat. Down-
hill cruising morphed into trick Aunt Skatie
riding inside empty pools and The Aunt Skatie crew files
skate parks and big jumps off vert through a gate in the chain-link
ramps. The 1990s brought a return fence, leaving the tennis court
to the streets with an emphasis on behind and entering the El Sereno
using curbs and stairs as props. Photographs by Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times Skate Park. Bowen asks them:
People of color had long been AUNT SKATIE crew member Daze Cornejo, top, turns off the rim on a halfpipe at South “What’s your goal for today?”
part of the scene in small num- Pasadena Skate Park, where she and other young people met up last month to ride. Many are The 22-year-old began skating
bers — Williams recalls Black beginners. Aunt Skatie crew member Dan Haase, bottom, rolls down a quarterpipe. as a teenager in Michigan — “I’d
kids, whites and Latinos skating bomb the hills in my neighbor-
together in his hometown — but hood” — and needed a new crew at
Hawk says urbanization super- way for kids of different ethnicities larger and larger.” decades because of its embarrass- USC. She decided to start her own,
charged this dynamic: “That’s and socioeconomic backgrounds ment of riches, all those ledges and handing out fliers, posting invita-
where you saw more kids from to interact. Church in session a few gentle ramps and curved tions on social media, even chas-
different backgrounds.” In those days, skaters wanted You can hear it from a block columns for wall rides. The prop- ing down other women who rode
Black people and Latinos now to emulate the feel of surfing, away, the echo of rattling wheels erty owners cracked down for a their boards on campus.
account for nearly a third of an looking for gently curved banks and thwacking boards, shaking while, but things opened up during Many of the Aunt Skatie mem-
estimated 9 million skaters in the that could be ridden like concrete Koreatown’s drowsy streets on a the coronavirus shutdown. bers are beginners, sticking to
U.S., according to Sports Market- waves. This suited Grimes, who Sunday morning. Now, the action begins early, basics at first, riding flat spaces
ing Surveys, an international learned to surf at an early age but Skaters flock to this plaza in everyone hoping to clock a few and easy obstacles. Isabelle Sher-
research agency. The number of switched sports because he had no front of an office building because hours before security guards man ponders trying the perimeter,
female skaters has similarly risen reliable transportation to the of its checkerboard of granite arrive to shoo them away at noon. negotiating the up-and-down of
to about 2.7 million and an esti- beach. ledges — like planter boxes with- The crowd is diverse, including a ramps in each corner.
mated 7.4% of respondents who Old photographs show him as a out foliage — perfect for grinding. few women and a transgender “I’m probably overthinking
identify as LGBTQ are skate- spindly teenager in T-shirt and The official name is Liberty Park regular. “Nobody messes with this,” she says.
boarders. shorts, crouched super low on his but regulars call it “JKwon.” Or, him,” Cooley says. “It’s all love.” Bowen tells her: “You’ve defi-
This diversity has brought board, carving graceful cutbacks. more simply, church. As team manager for DGK, a nitely got the vibe.”
more attention to the work He and his crew would start in “This is it,” Don Cooley says. skateboard brand whose name is “It’s just so much harder than it
Williams and his colleagues are Brentwood, switch to Kenter “You have reached the spot.” short for “Dirty Ghetto Kids,” the looks.”
doing at USC. Their 2019 survey of Canyon Elementary and then to Standing beside the plaza, 43-year-old carries enough weight “OK,” Bowen says. “I’m going.”
nearly 6,000 skaters nationwide Bellagio Road Elementary School dressed in a stylish black-and-red to keep everyone in line, talking No one pays much attention as
found that race, gender and sexu- across the 405 Freeway. sweatsuit, Cooley serves as unoffi- rapid-fire, punctuating his the pair works on technique, and
al orientation don’t seem to mat- “We were going to neighbor- cial host. With specks of gray in his thoughts with a quick laugh or tap that’s a good thing. For women,
ter as much when kids skate. hoods where the adults didn’t beard and a tiny skateboard tat- on the shoulder. dirty looks from men are not the
With his dreadlocks and per- want to see us,” Grimes says. tooed above his right eyebrow, he “Nobody has to fight over a only bad part about skating alone;
petually excited demeanor, “Grown men would be leaning out welcomes new arrivals, trading ledge they want to skate; it ain’t there’s also the unsolicited advice.
Williams is writing a book on of their cars, saying ‘Hey, N-word, jokes and stories. going anywhere,” he says. “Of Lily Alonso says some guys “try to
“skateboard diplomacy” and get the hell out of here.’ ” “There’s enough room for course we get some jerks, but we slide in and make conversation in
working with the Smithsonian White skaters often were sur- everybody,” he says, with a sweep also have people like me, so they a flirty way. Or they start
Institution to bolster its archives prised to see Black kids roll up but of his arm. “You can pick up a get scolded.” mansplaining.”
on the sport. He believes the more treated them well enough, espe- board and start skating around The rules are important to a The different factions at El
we know about skating, the more cially when Marty and Clyde and you are part of it.” man who showed promise as a Sereno keep to themselves ini-
we can build inclusion into all Grimes showed their stuff. Marty This is another of the sport’s young skater, then fell into trouble tially, falling into a quiet, familiar
types of shared environments. recalls: “They were like, ‘These advantages — boundless re- with the law and served prison rhythm. Groups stand along the
“Skaters are working through guys are ripping. Let’s see what sources. time. Returning to the sport, he edge, waiting for a chance to go,
the problems of the world,” he they can do so we can do it too.’ ” Pick-up basketball players says, “literally saved my life.” When then do their tricks and reconvene
says. Jay Adams, a star in those must win to stay on court and security guards come on duty, he at the other side.
days, spotted the brothers riding surfers compete for a finite num- urges skaters to leave without a But as time passes, they begin
The Explorer outside the Santa Monica Civic ber of good waves. With countless fuss. to interact. Someone yells “Nice!”
Before Tony Alva made a name Auditorium and recruited them parking lots and school yards and “Treat people like you want to in response to a well-executed
for himself as a Latino member of for his pro team — an unusual public squares at their disposal, be treated,” he says. “I get the trick. Someone else needs to bor-
the famed Z-Boys, before Nyjah move in a sport dominated by skaters face no such limitations. security coffee at Starbucks. Oh, row a tool to adjust the trucks on
Huston became a Black superstar whites at the time. Though Hawk’s Skatepark Project you want a latte this morning?” their board. People start chatting.
on the pro circuit, Marty Grimes Fifty years later, Grimes is a has raised more than $10 million to “It’s friendly,” Alonso says. “It’s
was a kid getting up early on member of the Skateboarding Hall build hundreds of skate parks The Teacher honest.”
Saturday mornings, leaving his of Fame and founder of Hood- across the country, he says, “The It took awhile before the boys By early afternoon, gray skies
Midtown home to go exploring. Wood skateboards, one of a grow- urban landscape can be a skate let a girl skate with them. Briana have turned blue and El Sereno is
It was the early 1970s and there ing number of Black-owned busi- park. You can do it anywhere.” King was 12 years old, skinny and crowded. The temperature is just
weren’t many skaters of color like nesses in the industry. He thinks For every spot that might be inexperienced, but obsessed with warm enough that everyone works
him. Grimes, his brother and back to those formative years, a crowded or guarded by territorial riding a board she got at a swap up a good sweat.
some friends would catch a bus to weekend routine that included locals, there are a dozen more meet. Eager to prove “valid The Aunt Skatie crew has
West Los Angeles, then start stopping along Sunset Boulevard nearby. Most skaters observe an enough,” she took on a set of logged a couple of hours and some
pushing up Bundy Drive. They and at Paul Revere Middle School, unwritten etiquette, taking turns stairs. are getting tired. Bowen and Sher-
embodied a fundamental truth in then circling back to Pico Boule- on ledges and ramps. Beginners “Broke my leg,” she says. man don’t want to leave just yet.
skating: Mobility equals diversity. vard for the bus home. ride the easy sections, leaving the That pretty much ended her They make a few more runs, navi-
The same boards used for “Nothing could stop us,” he tougher stuff to veterans. first try at skating. gating those ramps, growing more
tricks also serve as transporta- says. “We just kept skating and That is how it works at JKwon. In the decade that followed, her confident with each loop around
tion from one spot to another, a skating and our world kept getting The spot has been popular for willowy figure and striking looks the park.
A8 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 S L AT I M E S . C O M

West Hollywood has sky-high aspirations
Federal law still consid-
Tiny city aims to be ers cannabis an illegal sub-
stance, which means most
the Amsterdam of the banks are staying clear of
far West. Its pot push working with marijuana
businesses for fear of run-
has A-list backers. ning afoul of the federal gov-
ernment. Still, many canna-
By Hugo Martín bis businesses are now able
to use new financial proc-
During the days of Pro- esses such as Point of Bank-
hibition, West Hollywood ing, also known as cashless
hosted speakeasy bars and ATMs, and Automated
gambling joints. Clearing Houses to allow
During the rock revolu- customers to pay with credit
tion of the 1960s, the night- and debit cards.
clubs on the Sunset Strip “We are miles ahead of
welcomed groundbreaking where we were a few years
bands such as the Doors and ago,” said Elizabeth Ash-
Led Zeppelin. ford, a spokesperson for
And when the AIDS epi- Eaze, the state’s largest can-
demic hit in the 1980s, the nabis delivery company.
city opened some of the na- State cannabis laws pro-
tion’s first medical marijua- hibit advertising on bill-
na dispensaries. boards and anywhere near
Now West Hollywood is schools, among other re-
aiming for a new distinction, strictions, making any ad-
as a sort of Amsterdam of vertising blitz a challenge.
the far West, fusing Califor- For now, the cannabis op-
nia’s recreational weed cul- erators in West Hollywood
ture with the city’s own fun have tried to promote Emer-
and creative vibe. ald Village through social
Home to six cannabis dis- media influencers, an Insta-
pensaries, the tiny city plans gram account and at large
to approve as many as 40 gatherings such as the Palm
cannabis permits over the Springs Pride Festival.
next year or so, part of a Mara Stusser, general
drive by a group of cannabis manager of Calma, the all-
operators to promote the female-run dispensary that
city as a global destination Jay-Z’s company bought,
for pot tourism under the said opening more dispen-
moniker Emerald Village. saries in West Hollywood
Bolstering the effort is Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times will help eliminate the
the star power of a handful of THE ARTIST TREE in West Hollywood is a cannabis dispensary and art gallery. The city has six dispensa- stigma still attached to can-
A-list investors, including ries and plans to approve up to 40 more permits in hopes of becoming a global destination for pot tourism. nabis. Tour buses loaded
rapper Jay-Z, actors Patri- with tourists already stop at
cia Arquette and Woody wood. The city received West Hollywood Chamber of the store on a regular basis.
Harrelson, and comedian more than 300 applications Commerce President Gene- “When they come in, they
Bill Maher. for eight licenses to operate California collects from cannabis vieve Morrill. are overwhelmed by how
“People who wouldn’t retail dispensaries in 2018, he “We are bringing in some much products we have,”
Cultivation tax Excise tax
otherwise come to West Hol- said. really high-end, wonderful Stusser said.
lywood will come for the ce- There has been almost no concepts,” she said, adding
lebrity factor,” said Scott opposition by residents, that Arquette’s proposed
Schmidt, executive director West Hollywood Mayor Lau- lounge will host gatherings
of the trade group behind ren Meister said in an inter- 150 for the LGBTQ community,
the project.
Part of the distinction
will come from the city’s
view. “We have always been a
little edgy, and I think this
fits in with our personality,” 100
among other events.
The timing seems right:
Cannabis sales in California
highly concentrated ambi- she said. have been on the rise since
tion: With only 35,000 resi- Eric Avila, a historian of pandemic lockdowns began
dents in less than two square urban culture at UCLA, said 50 last year and the state de-
miles, West Hollywood is ex- the city’s “permissiveness, clared dispensary staff “es-
pected to have one of the
highest numbers of canna-
bis businesses per capita in
the world, Schmidt said.
experimentation and some
would say progressiveness”
are features that “play into
West Hollywood becoming
sential workers.” The state
collected $817 million in
taxes from cannabis busi-
nesses in fiscal year 2020-21,
Today, the city has one
cannabis retailer for every
5,959 residents, according to
the new Amsterdam of the
U.S. in terms of cannabis.”
City and business leaders
Combined excise and cultivation taxes are $817 million for the last fiscal year.
California Legislative Analyst's Office
55% higher than the total for
the previous year.
The number of licensed
pulls out
a Times calculation based hope the brand refresh will Los Angeles Times distributors, growers and re-
on city data. By comparison, draw big-spending tourists tailers in the state has more
Los Angeles has one canna- and upscale locals to the luminates art that is dis- learn about the latest canna- than doubled in the last two
bis retailer for every 18,528 planned businesses, where played on the walls and bis brands in a private set- years, from 5,715 in the fall of Facing harsh attack,
residents. visitors will be able to smoke, hangs from the ceiling, a ting. 2019 to 12,169 today, accord-
The Parent Co., a canna- eat or imbibe their weed of gallery curated to be enjoyed “If people know about it, ing to the state Department Saule Omarova asks
bis enterprise backed by choice in a range of settings. best while under the influ- they will come and benefit all of Cannabis Control. not to be considered
Jay-Z, recently purchased MedMen Enterprises, a ence of cannabis. of us,” Fontein said of the Cannabis businesses
Calma, a West Hollywood publicly traded company The store, among the city’s cannabis-capital aspi- now generate about $2.2 mil- for comptroller post.
dispensary. Arquette is an headquartered in Culver first to open as an Emerald rations. lion a year in taxes for West
investor in a cannabis City, hopes to add a lounge to Village destination, is also a West Hollywood was one Hollywood. City officials ex-
lounge set to open soon, and its West Hollywood store, dispensary: Among the art, of the first cities in the state pect to collect up to $6 mil-
Harrelson and Maher are which was one of the city’s display cases and cabinets to approve licenses for retail lion once all 40 licensed busi- President Biden’s pick to
backing a dispensary and first retail outlets, said Chief offer 850 cannabis-related cannabis outlets after Cali- nesses open. lead a key U.S. banking regu-
lounge that is under con- Financial Officer Tracy Mc- products, including balms, fornia voters in 2016 ap- “It should also be noted lator has withdrawn her
struction, city officials said. Court. edibles, pipes, tinctures and proved Proposition 64, al- that the city has not seen a name from consideration,
Celebs aren’t the only Barely a mile away on cannabis plants. lowing the sale and use of significant decrease in tax according to a statement
ones jumping into the pot Santa Monica Boulevard, in The Artist Tree is in the cannabis for recreational receipts from existing [can- from the White House.
mecca campaign. a three-story building be- process of opening an open- purposes. nabis] businesses as new Biden accepted Saule
“Applicants have been tween a bank and a sand- air patio lounge, with a food The proposed new addi- ones have opened, indicat- Omarova’s request to no
lining up for these licenses,” wich shop, the Artist Tree and cannabis menu, said co- tions will be high-end busi- ing that there is capacity in longer be the nominee to
said John Leonard, commu- looks more like an art gallery founder Lauren Fontein. nesses tailored to fit in with the market for continued lead the Office of the Comp-
nity and legislative affairs than a pot shop from its en- The business already has a the city’s trendy restaurants growth,” according to a city troller of the Currency, ac-
manager for West Holly- trance. Dramatic lighting il- VIP lounge where clients can and boutique shops, said report issued in April. cording to a statement
Although Biden’s choice
of an outspoken Wall
Street and cryptocurrency

Amazon deliveries idled by AWS outage critic delighted progressive

groups and lawmakers such
as Sen. Elizabeth Warren
(D-Mass.), the choice ap-
peared to be too controver-
sial to win backing from
pany’s cloud computing eastern North America re- moderate Democrats that
Setback could cause arm, Amazon Web Services. gion. the candidate would need in
By 1:45 p.m., the reported Amazon, in an update on the evenly divided Senate.
lasting logjams. Sites outages had declined by its AWS dashboard, said it Omarova’s detractors
of Netflix, Disney and about half for AWS and two- still hadn’t completely fixed have highlighted her origin
thirds for Amazon. the issue by 6 p.m. Eastern in Soviet Union-era Kaza-
others are affected. Multiple popular web- time, although “many serv- khstan, her studies in Mos-
sites were also affected, in- ices have already recovered.” cow and her academic re-
cluding those operated by Multiple Amazon cloud- search advocating for a fun-
Coinbase, Robinhood, Dis- computing services had damental overhaul of the fi-
An Amazon Web Services ney and Netflix, according been affected, including Am- nancial system.
outage wreaked havoc on to DownDetector. azon DynamoDB and Ama- Her defenders say that
the e-commerce giant’s de- Disney said that al- zon Elastic Compute. the personal attacks on
livery operation, preventing though people were able to Streaming service Net- Omarova are unfair and that
drivers from getting routes get into its theme parks, flix experienced a 26% drop she’s a well-qualified nomi-
or packages and shutting they were having difficulty in traffic after the AWS prob- nee. Omarova would have
down communication be- checking in online and pay- lems were reported, showing been the first woman and
tween Amazon and the Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times ing for purchases. Webcast how quickly outages can rip- nonwhite person to hold the
thousands of drivers it relies SOME drivers were unable to make deliveries. Above, presentations from Com- ple outward, said Doug job.
on, according to four people an Amazon facility in Moreno Valley in September. cast and Altice USA at UBS’ Madory, an analyst at the At her confirmation
familiar with the situation. Global TMT Conference ex- network monitoring firm hearing, moderate Demo-
Three delivery service caused some network devic- Wednesday. perienced disruptions Tues- Kentik in San Francisco. crats such as Jon Tester of
partners said an Ama- es in the US-EAST-1 Region Two delivery partners in day, and the Charter Com- “It gets more and more Montana and Mark R. Warn- Inc. app used to to be impaired,” the com- earlier time zones said driv- munications presentation complicated with software er of Virginia expressed con-
communicate with delivery pany said on its AWS ers who already had routes was rescheduled for running these services, so cerns about Omarova’s
drivers was down. dashboard just before 6 p.m. were instructed to put their Wednesday. when something goes side- views.
Vans that were supposed Eastern time. “We are seeing phones in airplane mode Some Amazon services, ways it can take a long time For her part, Omarova
to be on the road delivering improvement in availability and not log out of the Ama- including music and video to figure out what went has said that she rejects
packages sat idle with no across most AWS services.” zon routing app so they streaming, the voice-acti- wrong and fix it,” he said. communism as “deeply
communication from the The company didn’t could continue making vated Alexa platform and se- “Complexity has risks. You flawed” and called herself a
company, one person said. comment on the issues with stops, but drivers who curity arm Ring were af- introduce unknown errors.” “free-market idealist.” She
Amazon Flex drivers, inde- its delivery operation. hadn’t already been as- fected too. AWS is the leading cloud- said she was surprised by
pendent delivery people The problems came amid signed routes were side- Just after 1 p.m. Eastern computing provider, en- the “depravity” of the at-
who carry parcels in their Amazon’s crucial holiday lined. time, Amazon said it had abling companies to pur- tacks on her nomination.
own cars, couldn’t log in to shopping season, when the The outage began about identified the root cause of chase computing power and She has also praised the U.S.
Amazon’s app to get assign- company can ill afford de- 10 a.m. Eastern time, accord- the issue and was working to software services on de- banking system as the best
ments, another person said. lays that could potentially ing to DownDetector. At the fix it. Meanwhile, the com- mand rather than maintain- in the world and insisted
Amazon said late Tues- create lasting logjams. One height of the outage, the web pany directed customers to ing their own data centers that her academic writings
day afternoon that much of delivery business owner on monitoring site reported alternative servers in its and teams in-house. Its cus- were thought experiments
its web service was working the West Coast said the com- more than 20,000 com- western region that weren’t tomers include a wide range that weren’t necessarily
again. “We have mitigated pany halted deliveries Tues- plaints for Amazon and experiencing problems. The of industries and the federal meant as a practical blue-
the underlying issue that day and planned to regroup more than 11,000 for the com- increased errors were in the government. print.
L AT I M E S . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 A9

Striking Kellogg
workers reject
contract offer
Dan Osborn, president
Company proposes of the local Omaha union,
said the company’s offer
3% raises. The main wouldn’t let enough workers
sticking point is a move up to the higher pay
level quickly, so some newer
two-tiered pay system. workers might have to wait
as many as nine years to
By Josh Funk reach the higher legacy pay
Kellogg Co. workers The proposed contract
turned down a contract offer would have limited the num-
Tuesday that would have ber of workers who could
provided 3% raises, so 1,400 move up in pay each year to
workers at the company’s 3% of a plant’s total head-
Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times four U.S. cereal plants will count.
DOLORES GUZMAN, center, of Los Angeles protests LAUSD’s vaccine mandate at district headquarters remain on strike. “Ultimately, we don’t
last month. Protesters said they want more trials for the COVID vaccines before inoculating their children. The Bakery, Confection- want to leave anyone be-
ery, Tobacco Workers and hind. And we want a secure

District isn’t backing down

Grain Millers International future,” Osborn said.
Union said an overwhelming Union members would
majority of workers voted also like to see the company
down the five-year offer that offer bigger raises to its me-
would have also provided chanics and electricians so
cost-of-living adjustments Kellogg can better compete
[Schools, from A1] campus classes and sched- The teachers union terminated few, if any, class- in the later years of the deal for those workers, Osborn
with a student vaccine man- ules have to be reshaped wants the district to hold room teachers for refusing to and preserved workers’ cur- said.
date — and also among a overnight? firm. get vaccinated. rent healthcare benefits. Victor Chen, a sociologist
small number with an em- “Do we have a hard dead- “It is simply the right Employees in other jobs The workers have been at Virginia Commonwealth
ployee vaccine mandate. line as to when we’re going to thing to do,” union Vice Pres- or members of other unions on strike since Oct. 5 at University who studies la-
The employee mandate has get answers on this?” an ad- ident Juan Ramirez told the have not been so lucky. The plants in Battle Creek, bor, said he understands
already taken effect, with ministrator asked senior school board Tuesday. “It is district on Tuesday said Mich.; Omaha; Lancaster, why the union is taking a
relatively modest disrup- district managers. “When the responsible thing to do.” that 496 employees — out of Pa.; and Memphis, Tenn. stand against the two-tiered
tion, because an overwhelm- are we going to know, re- He added that the man- about 73,000 — have lost They make all of the compa- wage system, because it is a
ing majority of workers com- spectfully?” date should be extended to their jobs. Those released in- ny’s well-known brands of divisive issue within its
plied. Employees could re- The answer was: Maybe privately operated, district- cluded seven with a teaching cereal, including Apple ranks.
quest an exemption for per- by Friday. authorized charter schools, credential, although it was Jacks and Frosted Flakes. “A union depends on the
sonal beliefs; students will Parents opposed to the which serve about 1 in 5 L.A. not immediately clear if they “The members have spo- solidarity of its members,”
not have that option. mandate have similar ques- Unified students. Charters are classroom teachers. ken. The strike continues,” Chen said. “When you have
The compliance rate, so tions. have to abide by the student “Vaccinations are a term union President Anthony two-tiered systems — which
far, of nearly 85% for stu- “It would be a significant mandate only when they op- or condition of employ- Shelton said. “The Interna- have become popular in cor-
dents has improved since equity issue for thousands of erate on a district campus ment,” the district said in tional Union will continue to porate America — you’re
Nov. 22, when it was 80% and students to be forced back shared with a district school. a statement. “If separated provide full support to our weakening that solidarity. It
about 44,000 students were into the distance learning It is unclear how much employees do get vacci- striking Kellogg’s mem- turns workers against each
not on track. The district that has already been prov- higher the student compli- nated, they may be eligible bers.” other.”
has waged an intense public- en to be a failure,” said Shar- ance numbers will grow. for reemployment.” Kellogg said it would At times during the
awareness campaign and on McKeeman, founder of It could be that many “We care deeply about all move forward with plans to strike, the disagreements
there is widespread avail- Let Them Choose, a San Di- families have simply not yet of our employees,” Reilly start hiring permanent re- between the company and
ability of vaccines on cam- ego County-based group uploaded documentation. said. “Parting ways with in- placements for the striking the union have been bitter.
pus. About 450,000 pre-kin- that is spearheading litiga- When that happens, thou- dividuals who choose not to workers. The company has Kellogg went to court in
dergarten through 12th- tion against student COVID sands more students could be vaccinated is an ex- already been using salaried Omaha in November to se-
grade students are enrolled vaccine mandates. “Even af- be on track. On the other tremely difficult, but neces- employees and outside cure an order that set guide-
in L.A. Unified. ter asserting both pressure hand, the current student sary decision to ensure the workers to keep the plants lines for how workers be-
“We have to give credit to and rewards, LAUSD does compliance rate of nearly safety of all in our school operating during the strike. haved on the picket line be-
the district for taking on the not seem to be on track to 85% is based on students communities.” “While certainly not the cause the company said
vaccination mandate and meet its accelerated vacci- who have received at least Already, about 515 of the result we had hoped for, we striking workers were block-
embracing the challenges nation deadline.” one shot. Many students will unvaccinated teachers have must take the necessary ing the plant’s entrances
that came with offering vac- Two lawsuits against the need to follow through and been transferred to City of steps to ensure business and intimidating replace-
cinations at schools,” said L.A. Unified student man- get a second shot on a timely Angels to oversee the 16,000 continuity,” said Chris ment workers.
Ana Ponce, executive direc- date are pending. So far, liti- basis to remain on track. students currently enrolled. Hood, president of Kellogg Union officials denied
tor of Great Public Schools gation against San Diego Students are considered The Pfizer-BioNTech North America. “We have an any improper behavior dur-
Now, a locally based advo- Unified’s student mandate in compliance if they get the vaccine is the only one avail- obligation to our customers ing the strike and said police
cacy group. “And I think we has not prevailed. But the vaccine, receive a medical able to students 12 and older. and consumers to continue never cited workers for caus-
need to be fair and not hold mandates in the two dis- exemption or obtain a rare The second shot is not ad- to provide the cereals that ing problems.
the district completely ac- tricts are not identical. The deadline extension based on ministered until at least they know and love.” Employees have been
countable for vaccine hesi- requirement in San Diego extenuating circumstances. three weeks after the first. Rutgers University pro- holding out for higher wages
tancy.” Unified, the second-largest As the district braces for Maximum immunity is fessor Todd Vachon, who because they believe worker
All the same, she said, district in California, for ex- a surge of independent- achieved about two weeks teaches classes about labor shortages across the coun-
“What’s the Plan B?” ample, applies only to stu- study students, one source after the second shot — a relations, said he was not try give them an advantage
Principals and other ad- dents 16 and older. for needed teachers would five-week time frame. Stu- sure the company would be in the negotiations.
ministrators posed that Parents and students op- be those who declined to dents who are 18 or older able to hire enough workers Workers at the cereal
same question after a dis- posed to the mandate have comply with the district’s have the option of taking the in the current economy to re- plants have said they de-
trict presentation Monday called in to every recent employee vaccine mandate. one-dose Johnson & John- place the ones who are out serve significant raises be-
night to their union, Associ- school board meeting — The district has held on to son vaccine, followed by a on strike, and Kellogg may cause they routinely work
ated Administrators of Los pleading their cause, threat- 808 instructors “with a quali- two-week period to achieve have a hard time finding more than 80 hours a week,
Angeles. What will happen ening litigation. But a qui- fying medical condition or maximum immunity. people willing to cross a and they kept the plants
after an exodus of students eter pro-vaccine majority sincerely held religious be- L.A. Unified also is offer- picket line. running during the
move to an online setting? might be just as upset to see lief eligible for reasonable ing vaccines to students 5 “By voting ‘no,’ the work- COVID-19 pandemic.
How many teachers would the district back down from accommodation,” as the dis- and older, but not mandat- ers are making a strong This year, about 600 food
have to follow them? Would its deadline. trict puts it. The district has ing them. statement that they are not workers went on strike at a
satisfied by the agreement, Frito-Lay plant in Topeka,
but they are also signaling Kan., and 1,000 people
they believe they have the walked off the job at five Na-
MARKET ROUNDUP leverage that’s needed to win bisco plants across the U.S.
more,” Vachon said. At meatpacking plants

Stocks have biggest rally in 9 months One of the sticking points

in the negotiations has been
the company’s two-tiered
system of wages that gives
across the country, labor
unions have been success-
fully negotiating significant
raises for employees.
newer workers less pay and In another recent strike,
With possible head winds fewer benefits. As much as more than 10,000 John Deere
Optimism about the Major stock indexes
ahead, George Pearkes, 30% of the workforce at the workers secured 10% raises
global macro strategist at cereal plants has been re- and improved benefits, but
Omicron variant’s Daily Daily % YTD % Bespoke Investment Group, ceiving the lower wages. those gains came after work-
Index Close change change change
effect on the global said the tech rally “feels The Battle Creek-based ers remained on strike for a
Dow industrials 35,719.43 +492.40 +1.40 +16.71 really extreme.” company said the new con- month and rejected two of-
economy fuels gains. S&P 500 4,686.75 +95.08 +2.07 +24.78 “Mostly this just feels like tract would allow all workers fers from the company.
Nasdaq composite 15,686.92 +461.76 +3.03 +21.71 a counter-trend move after with at least four years’ ex- The offer that Kellogg
S&P 400 2,802.06 +46.16 +1.67 +21.48 some big negative catalysts perience to move up to the workers rejected was the
and sentiment challenges higher legacy pay level im- first one they’ve voted on
Russell 2000 2,253.79 +50.31 +2.28 +14.12
U.S. stocks staged the hit the market over the past mediately, and some addi- since the strike began.
biggest rally in nine months, EuroStoxx 50 3,748.86 +85.75 +2.34 +20.61 couple of weeks, but I’m sur- tional workers would move
with major averages climb- Nikkei (Japan) 28,455.60 +528.23 +1.89 +3.69 prised it’s as large as it is,” he up in later years of the con- Funk writes for the
ing on optimism the co- Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 23,983.66 +634.28 +2.72 -11.93 said. tract. Associated Press.
ronavirus’ Omicron variant Associated Press
won’t derail global growth.
Treasuries fell, sending two- been notably more upbeat “This morning’s rally is
year yields to their highest
level since March 2020.
this week after several
health experts across the
being fueled by the belief
that the Omicron variant
LA Times
Technology shares that globe, including the U.S.’ Dr. will not create many prob-
led last week’s decline paced Anthony Fauci, have said lems for the global economy Deposit & Loan Guide Check rates daily at
the rebound. The Nasdaq Omicron symptoms appear and that China has pledged
100 index surged 3%, an ETF milder, so far,” said Fiona measures to support econo-
that tracks newly public Cincotta, senior financial mic growth,” said Matt Ma- Int Chking Money 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 18 mo 24 mo 36 mo 60 mo
Acct Mkt Acct CD CD CD CD CD CD CD
companies jumped 5% and markets analyst at City In- ley, chief market strategist Institution Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Phone / Website
small-cap stocks climbed dex. “Whilst it is still early for Miller Tabak & Co. “If
2%. days, the encouraging news those were the reasons why
The Standard & Poor’s sparked bargain hunters the market has seen such a NA NA 0.05 0.15 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.60 0.75
500 index erased all the into action. Who would want big increase in volatility
NA NA 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 909-450-2050
losses suffered after Fed to miss out on the possibility since Thanksgiving, we’d Community
0.58% APY 30 mos. CD Special - $100K Minimum to open - Member FDIC
Chair Jerome H. Powell’s that a milder variant could agree the worst is likely over Commerce Bank
hawkish tilt a week ago and accelerate natural immunity and that investors should
was just 0.3% below its last to COVID?” jump back into the market 0.05 0.30 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.70
close before the Omicron On the data front, the with both feet.”
variant rocked markets. The U.S. trade deficit narrowed However, equity markets
100 50,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 714-730-5662
Tustin Community Bank
CBOE Volatility Index while third-quarter produc- could still be in for further
plunged 5 points to 22. The tivity fell. Private consump- turbulence amid new re-
Savings Update
dollar fell and crude oil rose tion was the largest contrib- strictions to stem the spread
above $71 a barrel in New utor to the euro area’s most of Omicron and resurfacing How dollar-cost averaging can help you sleep at night
York. recent economic expansion. geopolitical tensions. The Sabrina Karl
An age-old piece of investment advice is to buy low and sell investing the same amount each month, when the stock or asset
Risk assets are recover- United Kingdom house threat of sanctions still high. This would be all well and good if any of us had a crystal you’re buying is expensive, you’ll buy fewer of the expensive
ing this week after initial prices hit an all-time high. looms if Russia invades ball. But since we don’t, the more modern advice to not bother shares. In contrast, when the price is lower, your $500 goes
data showed the surge in And China’s exports grew Ukraine, after a call between trying to time the market is more useful. further and you acquire more of the bargain shares.
Omicron cases hasn’t over- faster than expected to a U.S. and Russian leaders Timing the market refers to carefully deciding when precisely The result is that your average share price is blended to
whelmed hospitals and as record on external demand Tuesday. China threatened to buy a stock, bond, or mutual fund. The problem is that the essentially smooth over the major market swings, because
China moved to expand sup- and an easing power crunch. the U.S. with retaliation for markets are wildly unpredictable over short terms, so the timing you’re buying over time and at different prices.
decision you choose could easily turn out poorly.
port for the economy. Additionally, research its decision to declare a dip- While it’s true that if you invest all $5,000 at once and prices
Among the riskiest assets, a showed that a COVID-19 lomatic boycott of the Win- Dollar-cost averaging is one solution, as it spreads out the risk later move higher, you would earn more by investing all at once.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. vaccine from GlaxoSmith- ter Olympics. And Treasury of buying high while increasing the odds of buying low. Let’s But the odds are just as likely that prices could move lower, in
say you have $5,000 to invest. Instead of investing all at once, which case all your shares are in the red.
basket of nonprofitable tech Kline and Canada’s Medi- Secretary Janet L. Yellen which would put all your eggs in one basket based on the price
firms jumped nearly 6% on cago Inc. was effective said that U.S. reliance on for- that day, dollar-cost averaging instead has you invest, say, $500 Dollar-cost averaging is an excellent method for many investors
a month until you’ve invested the full $5,000. to sleep peacefully at night, knowing their strategy minimizes
Tuesday, clawing back al- against multiple variants of eign supply chains has the risks and market bumps.
most half of last week’s the disease. Congress also proved a vulnerability, What’s advantageous about this is that, because you’re always
losses. reached a deal to raise the boosting policies that may Rate Criteria: Rates effective as of 12/06/2021 and may change without notice. RateSeeker, LLC. does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing above
“The market mood has nation’s debt ceiling. be considered protectionist. or the availability of rates in this table. Banks, Thrifts and credit unions pay to advertise in this guide. NA means rates are not available or not offered at the time rates
were surveyed. All institutions are FDIC or NCUA insured. Yields represent annual percentage yield (APY) paid by participating institutions. Rates may change after
the account is opened. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. To appear in this table, call 773-320-8492.
A10 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fix Justice Dept. oversight Texas gerrymandering is about

Lawyers serving under the
attorney general should be subject
Nonsense. That’s like arguing that only
politicians can investigate politicians or
only police can investigate police. What the
keeping a grip on white power
current and previous attorneys general
to independent investigation, too. really object to is outside scrutiny. And who LZ GRANDERSON predominantly Latino. Since 2010, Latino
wouldn’t do without someone looking over growth has outpaced that of white resi-
their shoulder if they could get away with Whenever I find myself dents 11 to 1, and this new map is Abbott’s
n the post-Watergate era, Con- it? thinking, “I can’t believe response. Or how about this: Texas is

I gress shored up the integrity and

transparency of the executive branch
by creating inspector general offices
and charging them to ferret out mis-
conduct and abuse and report it to the pub-
lic. The offices were correctly deemed an es-
sential supplement to the traditional
But accountability demands an inde-
pendent investigator. The Office of Profes-
sional Responsibility is no such thing. It re-
ports directly to the attorney general, who
can direct an investigation or squelch it. Its
conclusions are rarely made public. It is
more akin to an advisor than a watchdog.
Texas would do that,” I
remember that former Gov.
Rick Perry used to invite
lawmakers to his family’s
hunting camp. A place
fondly known by some
locals as “N—head.” According to the
home to the largest Black population in
the country, and not one of the 38 congres-
sional districts in the state will be predom-
inantly Black. What’s happening in Texas
isn’t underrepresentation by happen-
stance, it is deliberate suppression.
State Sen. Joan Huffman, who oversaw
checks and balances engrafted by the Inspectors general are appointed by the Washington Post, the name was painted the redistricting, said, “We drew these
founders into American democracy, in that president and confirmed by the Senate, “in block letters across a large, flat rock maps race-blind.”
they could bring to light abuses that the leaving them perhaps not wholly independ- standing upright at its gated entrance.” Yes, Huffman wants you to believe that
president or his appointees might other- ent, but far more so than an office like OPR. As you may recall, this piece of informa- in a year when Texas lawmakers intro-
wise cover up. Presidents are not often fond of inspectors tion became a bit of a sore spot in 2011 for duced and passed two bills targeting criti-
The U.S. Department of Justice was ar- general. President Reagan fired 16 upon en- Perry, who, you know, was running for cal race theory — one of which initially
guably the agency most in need of inde- tering office, but because of political pres- president at the time. sought to remove the history of slavery
pendent scrutiny, but it took 10 years before sure was forced to relent on some of them. A decade later we have another Texas from the list of required classroom learn-
the law was updated to include it. Even President George H.W. Bush tried to fire his governor, Greg Abbott, whose name is ing — these same lawmakers drew up a
then, the department’s new inspector gen- inspectors general, but he too backed off. being mentioned as a potential candidate map without considering race.
eral’s purview did not extend to key agen- Obama fired the AmeriCorps inspector for the White House. And similarly, he And even if you gave such a preposter-
cies under the department’s umbrella, such general, and Trump fired five IGs. Still, it is faces accusations of racism, too. ous claim the benefit of the doubt, the
as the Drug Enforcement Administration a rare enough event that it makes head- On Monday, the Department of Justice lawmakers were repeatedly informed of
or the Federal Bureau of Investigation. lines, giving inspectors general a layer of in- sued Texas over its new the racist implications of
The Aldrich Ames spy scandal of the dependence and administrations a degree redistricting plan, accus- the maps and Abbott
1990s motivated Congress to include the
DEA and the FBI. But still, to this day, In-
of accountability.
Attorneys general dislike inspectors
ing the state of illegally
undermining minority
The new political signed them into law
spector General Michael E. Horowitz lacks general even more — “like the Devil hates groups’ voting rights. map intentionally White Texas lawmak-
jurisdiction over Justice Department law-
yers, which includes the 93 U.S. attorneys ,
holy water,” U.S. Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-
Ill.) said last year at a hearing on the bill.
The result of the latest
U.S. census has Texas
weakens the power ers want all the political
power that comes from
the more than 300 lawyers who work under They hate them because they are effective gaining two seats in the of voters of color, being the nation’s third
them, and all the other lawyers who work and bring scrutiny and accountability. We House because of popu- fastest growing state but
directly under the attorney general or the need more of that in government, not less. lation growth, 95% of who make up 95% none of the political
various other offices of his department.
That’s a huge loophole. It unwisely al-
Earlier this year, Rep. Adam B. Schiff
(D-Burbank) reintroduced a bill to correct
which is attributable to
people of color. However,
of population changes from being the
nation’s second most
lows the attorney general to shield his legal some of the government structures that al- the map Abbott signed growth in Texas. diverse.
staff — and himself — from independent in- lowed Trump to abuse his power, and it in- into law increases the So in Texas you have
vestigations into their suspected miscon- cludes a requirement for the attorney gen- number of districts with the enslavement of Afri-
duct. The result is a Justice Department, eral to maintain a log of communications majority white voters while intentionally can Americans until after the Civil War,
ostensibly independent, that is too subject between the Justice Department and the diminishing the power of Latino and Black Confederate Heroes’ Day, N—head. In
to the political machinations of either the White House and to produce information to voters by attaching their communities to 1998, three white men in Jasper kidnapped
attorney general or the president who ap- independent oversight authorities. It’s im- heavily white districts. For example, 60% of James Byrd Jr., a Black man, chained him
points him. portant legislation, but it is polarizing be- new state Senate districts are majority to a pickup truck and dragged him to
That potential for politicization exists in cause of abiding loyalty to Trump among white despite white residents making up death. His body was buried at the Jasper
any administration, Republican or Demo- many Republican members of Congress. less than 40% of the population. City Cemetery, near the bottom of the hill.
cratic. Perhaps that’s why bills to close that The Inspector General Access Act by There really is no other way to say this: Only white people were buried up top.
gaping loophole have been embraced by contrast has bipartisan support, and has Texas’ current governor is engaged in a “We have the same cemetery, but we
most members of both parties during mul- passed in the House and could clear the brazen attempt to increase white power don’t mix the white and the Black graves.
tiple administrations, including those of Senate — if only Garland lifts his ill-consid- after the previous one had to explain why a They’re separate. Put a Black up here? No,
Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden. ered objections. racist slur greeted visitors to his family’s no, we wouldn’t do that. That would be
But the legislation always seems to hit a Two companion pieces of legislation are property. against our custom, against our way of
roadblock — erected by the attorney gen- likewise worthy. The Securing Inspector And while Democrats have certainly doing things.” That was a 2012 quote from
eral, again, regardless of party or adminis- General Independence Act of 2021 would done their share of gerrymandering — for a white retired schoolteacher, who was also
tration. And besides, attorneys general (in- limit a president’s ability to replace inspec- example, some new districts that progres- a member of the cemetery board.
cluding current Atty. Gen. Merrick Gar- tors general with temporary appointees sives in Illinois recently drew up look more Yes, a retired teacher.
land) argue, we’re talking about lawyers, not subject to Senate confirmation. The IG like a satellite image of an oil spill than a And Abbott and company want you to
who because of complex rules of profes- Testimonial Subpoena Authority Act community — they don’t give the middle believe those redistricting maps are color-
sional responsibility require special han- would eliminate ex-employees’ exemptions finger to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. blind. They just happen to fortify white
dling by an Office of Professional Responsi- from subpoena, so that they could not Consider this: Latino Texans make up power by accident.
bility that understands their particularly avoid testifying by quitting their jobs. All nearly 40% of the population, but just
difficult jobs. three bills deserve approval. seven of the 38 congressional districts are @LZGranderson


party, because the other two would not pay me for the suspend their businesses
have made a mess of things. first 45 days of electricity without compensation? If
Marty Foster after its go-ahead. we check on nations of the
San Francisco We home solar producers European Union and China,
are still liable for monthly the governments there are
:: connection charges, which assisting in the transition
in my case average about away from carbon produc-
I am socially progressive, $30 per month. At the end of ing energy.
but I think it’s wrong to each 12-month cycle, Edison It is no surprise that our
classify “smash and grabs” is supposed to compensate capitalist economy is so
and “follow-home rob- us for the excess power. The inflexible as to be indifferent
beries” as simply “property last time I saw a check, the to the benefit of society. The
crimes.” They are destroy- rate was about two cents U.S. has not caught up with
ing the lives of business per kilowatt hour. modern times. President
owners and citizens. Any changes that are Biden’s “Build Back Better”
When many businesses made to net energy meter- agenda would address many
are begging for workers, it’s ing will effectively legalize of these issues.
disingenuous to blame theft by the utilities on a Lillian Laskin
“economic desperation” or a wide scale. Mar Vista
lack of jobs. When mobs of Burt Hermey
people conspire to attack Costa Mesa

MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI and LAPD Chief Michel Moore, seen in 2019, put
Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times stores, show up in fancy
SUVs and take off in 30 ::
Rep. Nunes’
some of the blame for a recent spate of thefts on justice reforms. seconds, this is more akin to
terrorism. Thank you for your edito-
risky decision
Beating up on bail reform Michael Schaller
Temple City
rial supporting urban solar.
Along with residential
property, Los Angeles has
Re “Nunes to resign and join
Trump,” Dec. 7

Re “Arrests made in rash of retail heists,” Dec. 3, and “Brazen crimes step up debate over acres upon acres of rooftops Did Rep. Devin Nunes
policies,” Dec. 4 Don’t steal from on warehouses, parking
lots, convention centers,
(R-Tulare) talk to Michael
Cohen about what might
t amazes me that even L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti seems to confuse bail with actual
solar customers airports, stadiums, mini- happen before he sold his

malls, schools and busi- soul to former President
imprisonment of a guilty person. Bail exists for one reason: to ensure that the ac- Re “Don’t undermine nesses. Most could support Trump? Being a media boss
cused will show up in court. rooftop solar,” editorial, solar panels. for a serial liar doesn’t come
As The Times has reported, most of the suspects arrested in connection with Dec. 6 We have no need to string across as a particularly
recent robberies in Los Angeles posted bail or were later released without bail. What massive transmission lines smart career move.
difference is there between those who posted bail or those who were released? There is I installed a rooftop solar through our tinderbox Rep. Nunes, just make
none. They are all capable, if they wish, to commit crimes, bail or not. system in January 2019 and forests to bring electricity to sure the check has cleared
I agree with Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón that our system of money have enjoyed the benefits the city from faraway power before you jump ship.
bail is broken. Take a situation where an innocent person with few assets is arrested and since. It hasn’t always been plants. We could use some of Bob Duncan
easy, though. the state’s $31-billion sur- Diamond Bar
given a bail amount. This person must give 10% of that amount to a bondsman, which they
It took Southern Cali- plus to bring Los Angeles to
will never get back. If even this 10% cannot be procured, this person sits in jail and likely
fornia Edison more than net-zero emissions and save ::
loses employment. three months after it signed the desert tortoise too.
Meanwhile, a person of means can post bail without a bondsman. Upon showing up to off on my installation to Sarah Starr My response regarding
court or dismissal of charges, the entire amount is returned. How is such a person less begin net energy metering Los Angeles the decision by Nunes to
dangerous than someone who cannot afford bail and is stuck in jail awaiting trial? (paying me for the excess resign and work for Trump
Garcetti wants to look tough on crime, but associating bail with justice is foolish. energy I send back into the :: is this: How will we know the
Chris Pisano, Rancho Palos Verdes grid). Ultimately, I had to go difference?
to the state Public Utilities The problem we have Stu Bernstein
Commission in order to get transitioning to rooftop Santa Monica
Addressing her 43 mil- Jacqueline Avant, Oprah fornia already being upside some action. solar and other forms of
lion followers on Twitter Winfrey said that the “world down on crime prevention All that time, I was pro- green energy is not the
about the recent rash of is upside down.” for decades now, we’re all viding free electricity to consumer. The government HOW TO WRITE TO US
violent smash-and-grab Well, that certainly sums left to live with one eye in Edison that it could sell at needs to help subsidize the Please send letters to
robberies and other horrible it up quite succinctly. front of us, the other looking premium rates. The PUC’s cost. For
violent crimes, including the With seemingly no end in back. actions got Edison to come How can we expect exist- submission guidelines, see
home-invasion killing of sight and nary a nod from Maybe it’s time for Cali- up with a reimbursement, ing utility companies to or call
81-year-old philanthropist Washington, and with Cali- fornia to switch to a third but even then the utility unilaterally curtail and 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

News: Executive Editor Kevin Merida • Managing Editors Shani O. Hilton, Scott Kraft • Deputy Managing Editors Shelby Grad, Julia Turner • Creative Director Amy King •
Executive Sports Editor Christian Stone • Assistant Managing Editors John Canalis, Angel Jennings, Loree Matsui, Samantha Melbourneweaver • Opinion: Acting Editorial Page Editor
Terry Tang • Deputy Editorial Page Editor Mariel Garza • Business: President and Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri • Chief Human Resources Officer Nancy V. Antoniou •
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Chief of Staff; Head of Strategy and Revenue Anna Magzanyan • Chief Information Officer Ghalib Kassam • General Counsel Jeff Glasser • V.P., Communications Hillary Manning
L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 A11


Unfair travel bans for

Africa didn’t stop Omicron
new travel rules to help protect Yet now, South Africa has be-
The variant has reached Americans, but there was no men- come a scapegoat in the latest
tion of lifting the travel ban from chapter of COVID-19.
dozens of countries, yet the southern Africa, even though the Outside the U.S., countries in
U.S. is barring entry only variant has now been detected in Europe, the Middle East and Asia
dozens of countries, including the closed their borders to southern
from some. U.S. The ban also exempts U.S. citi- African travelers. South Africa’s
zens and permanent residents, president, Cyril Ramaphosa,
which is clearly discriminatory to quickly rebuked global leaders for Ashley Landis Associated Press
By April L. Raphiou Africans. On Sunday, Dr. Anthony their discrimination. Instead of ac- TRAVELERS at Los Angeles International Airport.
Fauci, President Biden’s chief med- knowledging the ingenuity of

hile the world’s ical advisor, admitted that he feels South African scientists who iden-
scientists are “very badly” about the restrictions, tified the new variant, the U.S. and reportedly amid COVID fears. The cron. Currently, only 11% of the
scrambling to un- which the U.S. is reviewing and he others chose to isolate the south- Biden administration could have population in Africa has received at
ravel the inner hopes will “be able to lift … within a ern Africa region. set a good example in working pro- least one dose of vaccine, com-
workings of the quite reasonable period of time.” Banning travel from a wide ductively with South Africa, Afri- pared with 72% in the U.S. and Can-
Omicron variant, not enough peo- This overreach in the pandemic swath of Africa feeds the single ca’s third-largest economy, and its ada and 63% in Europe.
ple are talking about the elephant response was a fruitless effort to story that novelist Chimamanda neighbors, in sharing valuable pub- Now that the variant has
in the room: the southern Africa keep out the Omicron variant — Adichie warned about in her fa- lic health information globally. reached America, it is incumbent
travel ban that remains in place. the first U.S. case was reported in mous speech about the dangers of Instead, our leaders missed a upon the U.S. to set the record
When South African scientists California on Dec. 1. And it shows telling a simplified narrative about prime opportunity to give South straight by lifting the senseless
identified a new coronavirus var- again the pernicious and persist- the continent. Many still think of Africa its due credit while changing southern Africa travel ban immedi-
iant in their country, the Biden ad- ent stereotypes of Africa that can Africa as one country, defined by the stereotypical narrative. ately. Help tell a new story — one re-
ministration’s immediate response do enormous damage. having the poorest people in the As the pandemic has shown the jecting racism to praise South Afri-
was to ban travel from eight Afri- For generations, many outsiders world. Despite African nations’ re- world, we are all in this together. cans for their efforts to protect not
can countries: South Africa, Leso- have viewed the continent as one cent economic growth and positive Rather than distancing ourselves only their country, but all of hu-
tho, Eswatini, Botswana, Namibia, homogenous land of people whose portrayals in popular culture, the with each new case or variant, manity. That’s an attitude other
Malawi, Mozambique and Zimba- lives are plagued with famine, war travel bans reinforce old views that countries need to team up to devel- countries would do well to emulate
bwe. At that time, only two of the and disease — stereotypes perpetu- Africa is an inferior place that op a coordinated global response amid a global crisis.
countries — South Africa and ated by Western media emphasiz- should be avoided. that provides quicker and equita-
Botswana — had confirmed cases. ing African conflict and corruption. From the outset, the pandemic ble access to vaccines, combined April L. Raphiou is
And a week after South Africa’s re- Only in recent decades has there has been laced with nationalism with adequate tracing and vaccine communications director at the
port, news broke that Europe had been a shift toward a new “Africa and racism, from Trump stoking mandates — particularly since Duke Center for International
confirmed cases before South Afri- rising” narrative, with Africans re- fears of the “China virus” to local large populations of unvaccinated Development in the Sanford
ca identified the variant. claiming their stories and owner- authorities in Guangzhou, China, people make it easier for COVID to School of Public Policy at Duke
Last week, Biden announced ship of their economic growth. forcing Africans from their homes, mutate into new variants like Omi- University.

The perfect job for a

loyal Trump flunky
ROBIN ABCARIAN peace in the Middle East. Kushn-
er’s stunning success in executing
Oh, this is his portfolio — not! — should put
going to be fun. to rest any notion that Trump
U.S. Rep. prizes competence above loyalty.
Devin Nunes, Nunes, whose qualifications for
the thin- a top media job include refusing to
skinned dairy speak to reporters who do not
farmer who has work for Fox News and an unfail-
filed defama- ingly poor grasp of the 1st Amend-
tion lawsuits against the Washing- ment, is merely formalizing the
ton Post, CNN, Hearst, NBC, employment arrangement he has
McClatchy and someone pretend- had with Trump for years: chief
ing to be his cow on Twitter, is lackey.
quitting Congress to run former After a promising start as
President Trump’s new social a rational, moderate Republican
media company. who denigrated tea party extrem-
Paul Sancya Associated Press “Recently,” wrote the man who ists as “lemmings in suicide vests,”
A MAKESHIFT memorial to the four students who died in a school shooting in Michigan. co-sponsored the “Discouraging Nunes discovered his inner rodent.
Frivolous Lawsuits Act, “I was He spent most of the Trump
presented with a new opportunity years aiding and abetting the

No child kills in a vacuum to fight for the most important

issues I believe in.”
What might those be? He didn’t
bother to say.
My guess is there are only two:
president’s impeachment-worthy
Most famously, he repeatedly
slammed “as a hoax” Russia’s
well-documented efforts to help
1) the restoration of the Trump Trump’s 2016 campaign and

How charging a
he latest school with a search warrant. administration; and 2) maintain- stepped down as head of the
shooting tragedy, in The Oxford school shooting ing employment, since he may be House Intelligence Committee’s
Michigan on Nov. 30, case could be a catalyst for federal redistricted out of his comfortable Russian interference inquiry
shares many common suspect’s parents legislation to sew up this patch- Republican seat and actually have because, in his zeal to defend
traits with those that work quilt of policies. A majority of to work for votes, something he Trump and undermine the FBI, he
came before it. The suspect was a could help prevent gun owners admit they do not has not had to do much in recent was accused of revealing classified
young male student at the school safely store all of their firearms. Ac- years. information obtained during his
in the midst of a noticeable crisis. future school cording to a 2015 national study, “You are more likely to be sued infamous “midnight run” to the
He had communicated intent to do about 1 in 5 gun-owning house- by Devin than see him at a town White House. (He was cleared
harm. He got a firearm from a fam-
ily member who had failed to store
shootings holds with children under 18 stores
at least one weapon in the least
hall,” Andrew Janz, his 2018 Demo-
cratic challenger, once told me.
after an ethics investigation.)
In 2019, during the first success-
it securely. safe manner — loaded and un- Nunes has not held a town hall for ful Trump impeachment, Nunes
But one crucial thing is different By James Densley locked. more than a decade. When he is and his fellow future Medal of
— the suspect’s parents have been and Jillian Peterson And that was before record gun home in his district, which in- Freedom recipient, Ohio Republi-
criminally charged for their role in sales and the rise of homemade cludes parts of Tulare and Fresno can Rep. Jim Jordan, attempted to
the crime. This decision is a power- ons when children are in the house- “ghost guns,” like the one used last counties, he appears on the radio turn the proceedings into a clown
ful reminder that no child kills in a hold. In some mass school shoot- week by a 13-year-old who allegedly with right-wing talk show host show as they tried in vain to dis-
vacuum, and it might be key to un- ings, there have been no parents to trafficked in ghost guns and acci- Ray Appleton, or makes private tract the world from Trump’s
locking legislative action that could prosecute because their children dentally shot and killed his sister. A appearances before friendly audi- scandalous behavior by attacking
help prevent school shootings. had also killed them with guns the 16-year-old also used such a gun in ences. Democrats.
The 15-year-old boy’s father pur- parents owned. 2019 to kill two students at Saugus The Trump company’s primary Nunes, in particular, became
chased a semiautomatic pistol four The Michigan attack was the High School in Santa Clarita. venture will be a Twitter-like plat- obsessed with Alexandra Chalupa,
days before the shooting as a gift first mass shooting at a school An estimated 4.6 million Ameri- form called Truth Social, which, a Democratic political staffer he
for his son. Over the weekend, the since 2018, when 17 people were can children live within reach of a according to its website, aspires to falsely accused of working with
boy and his mother both posted killed in Parkland, Fla., and 10 were loaded gun. But the charges in the be “America’s ‘Big Tent’ social Ukrainian Embassy officials “to
about the gun on social media. Af- fatally shot in Santa Fe, Texas. In Oxford shooting case are about media platform that encourages spread dirt on the Trump cam-
ter the boy was caught at school our database of mass public more than firearm safety. They are an open, free and honest global paign.” (And then I became ob-
Monday searching for ammunition shootings in the U.S., it is the 12th about shining a light on the sys- conversation without discrimi- sessed with his obsession because
on his phone, his mother texted, school shooting with four or more temic failure to take the warning nating against political ideology.” “chalupa” is also a Mexican snack
“LOL I’m not mad at you. You have fatalities since 1966. signs of violence seriously. You know, just like Trump did popularized in the U.S. by Taco
to learn not to get caught.” School shooters are nearly al- Time and again, our research when he was in office. Bell. But I digress.)
The Tuesday morning of the ways too young to legally own a shows, adults have denied that an Tim Miller, a GOP strategist For my “Irony is Dead” file,
shooting, the suspect drew a pic- weapon or take it outside the eventual school shooter is capable and fierce Trump critic, noted that which I began compiling as soon
ture of a gun pointing at the words home. Of all the common-sense of serious violence or have failed to if Republicans win back the House as Trump announced his 2016
“the thoughts won’t stop. help me.” gun laws typically proposed after act on warning signs — and a in 2022, Nunes was forsaking the presidential campaign, I will be
He also drew a bullet with the school shootings — universal back- child’s explicit cries for help. chance to chair the powerful watching to see how Trump and
phrases “blood everywhere,” “my ground checks, extreme-risk pro- Shootings and threats of shootings House Ways and Means Commit- Nunes talk about their bête noire,
life is useless” and “the world is tection orders, an assault weapons in schools are only rising. Our chil- tee just so he could run “Friend- Section 230 of the Communica-
dead.” When his parents were sum- ban — safe storage is the most di- dren are under fire. ster for bigots.” tions Decency Act. The law shields
moned to the school and told to rectly applicable. In our research, One painful lesson from the Other critics pounced on Truth websites from being held liable
send their son to counseling, they around 60% of the 37 guns brought Michigan attack: Cameras, securi- Social’s terms of service, which for what users post. It has been
allegedly resisted the idea of im- to the scene of the 12 school mass ty guards and active-shooter drills include a weird ban on one of called “the most important law
mediately taking him out of school shootings came directly from fam- don’t prevent school shootings. We Trump’s favorite orthographic protecting free speech online.”
and left without him — and the gun ily members. Only four of the 14 need a nationally funded mandate styles: “excessive use of capital (For the record, my first entry
in his backpack. The gun had been shooters didn’t get a gun from that would create multi-agency letters.” dates to Oct. 17, 2016, when
kept in an unlocked drawer in their home. threat assessment and crisis re- Now, it may seem odd to put a Trump promised to “drain the
bedroom. Proposals requiring secure sponse teams in every school and man with no real corporate experi- swamp.”)
Their son is now accused of storage at home are generally community so that children in cri- ence in charge of a company that Naturally, Trump abhorred it
killing four students and injuring popular among gun owners and sis feel seen and heard, and can be claims to have raised a billion because it meant he couldn’t sue
seven other people at Oxford High non-gun owners alike. Research immediately connected to the help dollars from unnamed investors any social media companies,
School, about 45 miles north of De- shows they can help prevent gun and support they need. and is already under investigation which kicked him off their plat-
troit. His parents have been thefts, suicides and accidental We also need to make sure those by the Securities and Exchange forms after he encouraged the Jan.
charged with four counts of invol- shootings, in addition to school children can’t grab a gun left lying Commission. But inexperience 6 insurrection amid efforts to
untary manslaughter, which shootings. One study found that around — or worse, use one that an has never been a hurdle on Planet overturn the 2020 election.
means there was no premeditation keeping firearms locked up can re- adult handed to them. Trump. I am sure Nunes realizes that
or intent to kill, only that they duce shootings in the home by 75%. After all, he came very close to Trump is a litigious executive with
acted in a reckless manner. The Thirty-one states have child ac- James Densley is a professor of putting his daughter Ivanka, a a record of stiffing creditors, and
couple pleaded not guilty and face cess prevention laws, but only 11 criminal justice at Metropolitan onetime model and handbag that he is going to work for a guy
up to 60 years in prison if convicted. states have any sort of safe storage State University. Jillian purveyor, in charge of the World whose post-presidency blog,
It’s rare for adult gun owners to legislation. Michigan isn’t one of Peterson is a professor of Bank. “From the Desk of Donald J.
be charged in relation to school them. In California, parents can be criminology and criminal justice at He charged his son-in-law, Trump,” flamed out after a month
shootings because parents of criminally charged if they keep an Hamline University. They are Jared Kushner, with overseeing because no one read it.
shooters have a constitutional unlocked firearm on their property co-founders of the Violence Project the U.S.-Mexico border wall, man- Good luck, Devin. You’re going
right to own a firearm and most where children can get hold of it, research center and coauthors of aging the country’s medical stock- to need it.
states don’t have laws requiring but it is nearly impossible to en- “The Violence Project: How to pile in the early days of the
gun owners to secure their weap- force without going door to door Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic.” COVID-19 pandemic and finding @AbcarianLAT


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CALIFORNIA W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 2 1 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

map gets final
approval from
City Council
African American Museum
After contention, — moved out of Price’s dis-
trict and into his own. On
unanimous vote sets social media, Harris-Daw-
political boundaries son said his district lacks
major economic assets, de-
for the next 10 years. scribing the issue as a mat-
ter of “Black equity, repre-
By David Zahniser sentation and fairness.”
Harris-Dawson’s district,
The Los Angeles City which also takes in a portion
Council voted Tuesday to of South Los Angeles, is the
finalize its new set of district only one in the city with a
maps for the next 10 years, voting population that is
bringing a quiet end to a majority Black. On Tuesday
frequently contentious re- morning, he urged his
districting process. constituents on Instagram
On a 13-0 vote, council to call in to the council
members approved a redis- meeting, saying he was
tricting ordinance that “fighting for the future of all
places Koreatown in a single of South LA.”
council district, reworks Once the redistricting
Photographs by Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times political boundaries in the plan came up, however,
KARLA STINE, her husband, Anthony, and daughter Byrdie, 15 months, shop for a Christmas tree at a lot San Fernando Valley and en- Harris-Dawson voted with
in Sherman Oaks. The lot owner expects to sell most of his inventory even after raising prices 5% to 10%. sures that USC and Expos- his colleagues to approve
ition Park remain in the the ordinance. No one on the
South Los Angeles district council brought up Expos-

It’s the nightmare before

represented by Councilman ition Park or any other facet
Curren Price. of the redistricting map.
Councilman Marqueece Councilman Joe Buscaino
Harris-Dawson has pushed was absent.
without success in recent Harris-Dawson did not
weeks to have Exposition respond to The Times’ in-

Christmas for shoppers Park — which includes the

Los Angeles Memorial
Coliseum, Banc of California
Stadium and the California
quiries about his “yes” vote.
Price, whose district
stretches from Staples Cen-
[See Districts, B4]

Prices for trees (artificial and real) and holiday decorations

head north. Blame a familiar grinch: supply chain issues. Melrose group set
By Christian Martinez

It was late Thursday morning

to install cameras
and Aldik Home was bustling with August.
dozens of shoppers perusing the Neighborhood raised City Councilman Paul
showroom decked out with thou- Koretz, who represents the
sands of Christmas lights and doz- $30,000 for license area, donated $10,000 from
ens of trees hung with all manner of plate readers to help his discretionary accounts
ornaments and ribbons. to the project.
The six-decade-old Van Nuys combat rise in crimes. Peter Nichols, a Melrose
retailer’s Christmas displays have Action co-founder, said he
gained some notoriety in the past, By Christian Martinez has been disturbed by the re-
with the Kardashian family filming cent crimes in the area.
a holiday episode of its reality TV Spurred by a series of “We went through a ho-
show inside. robberies, shootings and micide cycle. Then we went
(In a tense exchange at the other crimes in the Melrose through an armed robbery
store, Kim accused Kris of at- Avenue area in recent cycle that lasted for several
tempting to copy her Christmas months, a neighborhood months,” Nichols said. “Now
decorations purchased at Aldik.) group has raised $30,000 for the latest is the smash-and-
But this year, Aldik customers license plate readers that grabs.”
will have to open their wallets wider will be installed beginning As of Nov. 27, total violent
to purchase a 7.5-foot-tall Deluxe this week. and property crimes in the
Flocked Arctic tree or a 32-foot Melrose Action, a group LAPD’s Wilshire Division,
strand of cool white LED lights. that tracks crimes and which includes the Melrose
Prices for some items have in- breaking news in the busy area, were down 12.4% year
creased by as much as 25%, as the shopping corridor and sur- to date from 2019 and up 2%
retailer has run into a mix of supply rounding neighborhoods from 2020, according to
chain issues, said store owner between La Cienega Boule- police statistics. Property
Larry Gold. vard and La Brea Avenue, crimes, including burglaries
The store has faced increased CHARLES ELLIS helps Stephen Clark and Melissa Enright. A “tree spearheaded the fundraiser, and vehicle thefts, were
[See Decorations, B4] doesn’t make or break the holiday ... but it is nice to have,” Clark said. which was launched in [See Readers, B5]

Desalination firm seeks gusher of public money

Critics slam $1.1-billion request
for Huntington Beach plant
STEVE LOPEZ If we know anything by
now about Poseidon Water,
We all know whose parent is a Canadian
we’re in the company that controls $650
midst of a billion in assets globally, it’s
terrible that these people are not
drought in shy about asking for public
California. financial incentives to build
And we all desalination plants in Cali-
know we’ve fornia.
got an 1,100- It happened with the
mile coast- company’s Carlsbad plant,
line. to the tune of several hun-
Is desalination the an- dred million dollars, and it’s
swer to our problems? happening in Huntington
No. It comes after water Beach.
conservation and recycling, But critics are aghast at
and is just one tool among Poseidon’s nerve in request-
many that might prevent ing $1.1 billion — from a bond
the state from going dry. fund used largely to finance
But not all desalination affordable housing in Cali-
plants are created equally, fornia — to help finance the
nor do all of them maximize company’s controversial
environmental protection. attempt to pump 500 million
And there may be no more gallons a day out of the
controversial project than ocean.
the one proposed for Hunt- “I’d like to highlight the Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
ington Beach. [See Lopez, B2] POSEIDON WATER wants to build a desalination plant in Huntington Beach and is seeking state money.

SPORTS ON THE BACK: Lakers’ Big Three lead them to big win over Boston. B10
B2 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 SS L AT I M E S . C O M

Chutzpah is firm’s request for $1.1 billion

[Lopez, from B1]
level of entitlement these
[company] officials seem to
have,” said Marce
Gutiérrez-Graudinš, found-
er of Azul, a marine conser-
vation and environmental
justice nonprofit with em-
phasis on Latino communi-
Susan Jordan, of the
California Coastal Protec-
tion Network, called the
sum “outrageous,” saying it
would constitute more than
25% of a pool of funds that
would be better spent on the
state’s catastrophic housing
The obscure California
Debt Limit Allocation Com-
mittee — made up of the
state treasurer, state con-
troller and state director of
finance — is scheduled to
meet Wednesday in Sacra-
mento to discuss how to
allocate roughly $4 billion
next year in tax-exempt
private activity bonds.
The point is to jump-
start “private projects that
have a qualified public
benefit.” The committee
lists intended beneficiaries
in this order: residential
rental programs, first-time Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
home-buyer programs, CRITICS argue that the proposed desalination plant in Huntington Beach is bad for the environment and a misuse of public money.
waste/recycling facilities
and pollution control facili- And there’s been all this support? I will say there is a lot of housing crisis continues to
It might be a stretch to
panhandling despite the
fact that there is no specific
“No decision has been
made on how the project
support for this project
across the political spec-
‘I’d like to burden low-income commu-
nities of color.
file a desalination plant water shortage in northern will be financed,” Poseidon trum, and from labor, de- highlight the level And she added that San
under one of those head- Orange County, which has executive Scott Maloni told spite its many negatives. Diego, part of which drinks
ings, but another obscure ample groundwater re- me by email. “Some (but not Why is that? of entitlement desalinated water from the
state entity — the Pollution
Control Financing Author-
Which might explain why
all) of the programs you
listed that the project is
Hard to say, but if you
recall Gov. Gavin Newsom’s
these [Poseidon Carlsbad plant, “has one of
the most expensive water
ity — recommended approv- no water agency has raised a eligible for might be pur- French Laundry gaffe — Water] officials rates in the country.”
al of Poseidon’s $1.1-billion hand and said, we really sued.” when he dined in style while Is there any state author-
request in December 2019. can’t wait to buy your water. Poseidon has touted the telling people to stay home
seem to have.’ ity that can put a stop to
Meanwhile, Poseidon Poseidon, to put it another jobs the project would cre- and take cover from — Marce Gutiérrez- this, or at least show the
has asked the Metropolitan way, hasn’t lined up a cus- ate, but Maloni framed the COVID-19 — you may re- Graudinš, gumption to require modifi-
Water District for a $400- tomer. project in more existential member that the dinner was founder of an cations of the design?
million subsidy, and it got I’m no financial wizard, terms. for a buddy of his who has environmental nonprofit Yes. The California
$585 million in credit assist- but if the plant’s cost is “The realities of climate been a Poseidon lobbyist. Coastal Commission.
ance through a low-interest estimated at $1.4 billion, why change make seawater And you may recall that But on Oct. 16, Posei-
loan from the Trump ad- the requests for roughly $2 desalination a must in Cali- when thoughtful questions lination project were raised don’s Maloni posted a link
ministration. billion in taxpayer-funded fornia,” he said. about the need for the desa- by a member of the Santa on his Facebook page to an
Ana Regional Water Quality effort to gather 1 million
Control Board, Newsom signatures for a snake oil
tossed the skeptic over- ballot measure called the
board. Water Infrastructure Fund-
There are more than ing Act of 2022, whose back-
16,000 desalination plants in ers include Poseidon desali-
the world, and the technol- nation proponents.
ogy is improving all the My colleague Michael
time, helping to bring down Hiltzik described the
air pollution and mitigate measure as a water and
harmful impacts on marine money grab primarily by
habitats. Big Ag. He argued that it
But Jordan and a slew of would shred regulatory
other environmentalists authority and environmen-
have argued that given the tal protections and stick
proposed design of the taxpayers with the bills for
Huntington Beach plant, water projects that benefit
thousands of microscopic agribusiness, among other
organisms will be killed off interests.
daily and the food chain It would also neuter the
damaged. Much of which Coastal Commission.
could be avoided if the in- Developers of a desalina-
take was beneath the ocean tion plant could ignore a
floor, as it is with some permit denial and go
desalination projects. straight to the governor’s
Andrea León-Grossman secretary of natural re-
of Azul said drought is sources to request an over-
caused in part by air pollu- rule.
tion, and building huge Did I mention that Posei-
desalination plants pow- don has applied for a permit
Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times ered by fossil fuels doesn’t from the Coastal Commis-
help. She also called the sion to build its desalination
R EAL CHILL, FAKE SNOW proposal “a $1.1-billion boon- plant but has refused to pay
doggle that privatizes wa- the $326,000 permit fee, even
A pedestrian passes a painted storefront at the San Fernando Mall on Tuesday. A weak storm brought ter” and would benefit a as it grabs whatever public
light rain and lower temperatures to the Southland. The high in downtown Los Angeles was 64 degrees. wealthy company while the funds it can get its hands
The word is chutzpah.
The governor and his
minions can roll over, but

Human skull is linked to the rest of us don’t have to.

grisly guillotine death Lottery results

Tonight’s SuperLotto Plus
Ross allegedly spent police, Ross described the Jackpot: $9 million
Sales close at 7:45 p.m.
Police say a squatter months living with Enger’s guillotine and how he had
remains — on occasion invit- found Enger’s body. An ex- Tonight’s Powerball Jackpot:
tampered with human ing others to the house to amination of the device was $291 million
remains in a house. party and take metham-
consistent with his descrip-
Sales close at 7 p.m.
For Monday, Dec. 6, 2021
“It was just absolutely “Robert Enger placed
By Hayley Smith filthy and just filled with de- himself under that contrap- Powerball
Powerball number is bold
bris, trash, foods, piles of tion, manipulated it, was
A human skull found in a stuff,” Santa Rosa Police killed, and then his body was 3-21-38-50-59—Powerball 6
Santa Rosa garden has been Det. Anthony Turner told manipulated later by Robert Jackpot: $280 million
linked to a grisly guillotine the Press Democrat. “There Ross and others,” Turner Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times California winners per category:
death and an alleged squat- were buckets of urine and fe- said. THE ZZYZX Road overpass, looking south along I-15 No. of Amount
ter accused of tampering ces inside the house.” Ross was charged with in Baker, Calif., about 60 miles from Primm, Nev. winners of prize(s)
with human remains, the Police were called to the unlawful handling of human 5 + P-ball 0 —
Santa Rosa Press Democrat house multiple times begin- remains, removal or pos- 5 0 —

Wider I-15 will ease

4 + P-ball 3 $10,445
reported. ning in late 2020, mostly by session of a memento from
4 28 $559
The case unfolded after a neighbors reporting the human remains and un-
3 + P-ball 86 $189
woman in the Luther Bur- squatters. The house, which authorized entry into a 3 2,269 $8
bank neighborhood found sits behind a white wooden dwelling, according to the

jam south of Nevada

2 + P-ball 1,977 $8
the skull in her bushes this fence, was becoming in- Sonoma County district at- 1 + P-ball 15,903 $5
year. creasingly run-down and torney’s office. P-ball only 38,665 $3
The skull was confirmed overgrown. An attorney for Ross did Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other
to be that of Robert Enger, a Santa Rosa Police De- not respond to a request for states: None
longtime resident of the area partment spokesman Chris comment Tuesday. border will be made into a
For Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021
who lived in an unassuming Mahurin said officials never A court-ordered psychol- The freeway will gain third lane for use during
house on Hendley Street. had cause to enter the home, ogical exam this year found peak hours. Mega Millions
Enger was last seen in July and no one knew that En- that Ross was mentally com- a third lane 5 miles The Las Vegas Review- Mega number is bold

2019, when he was 62.

Police determined that
ger’s body was lying inside
beneath a pile of debris.
petent, according to court
from the state border. Journal reports that the
project will cost about
1-7-40-43-68—Mega 1
Jackpot: $122 million
Enger — who was described But one person who had In November, he pleaded $12 million. Fantasy Five: 1-21-23-33-37
associated press
in the Press Democrat as a attended a party at the no contest to possession of a Newsom said existing
friendly, helpful person who house later told police that memento from human re- money will be used to com- Daily Four: 5-2-1-3
suffered from mental health he had seen the decompos- mains, but he later asked to LAS VEGAS — The gov- plete the project and it will Daily Three (midday): 8-3-4
issues — had killed himself ing remains and that Ross rescind his plea. He is sched- ernors of Nevada and Cali- be done by next summer.
using a makeshift guillotine. had at one point “proceeded uled to appear for sentenc- fornia said Sunday that they Newsom said a more per- Daily Three (evening): 9-6-3
Instead of a sliding blade, to remove the skull” from the ing and a hearing to with- have a plan to bring some manent solution to I-15 traf- Daily Derby:
the device had a large metal body and scrape it with a draw his plea Dec. 20. immediate relief to traffic fic woes is still needed, how- (10) Solid Gold
spike, about 10 inches long, knife, according to the Press Ross remains in custody congestion on Interstate 15 ever. (5) California Classic
which he used to impale Democrat. in lieu of $30,000 bail, accord- at the border of the two According to the Review- (2) Lucky Star
himself, police said. By the time the skull was ing to Sonoma County Sher- states. Journal, Las Vegas Mayor Race time: 1:48.34
After his death, the house discovered in the neighbor’s iff ’s Office records. In a joint announcement Carolyn Goodman has been Results on the internet:
sat dark and abandoned un- garden, Ross was already in The cause of Enger’s with Nevada Gov. Steve calling on California and fed-
til Robert Melvin Ross III, custody on separate death is still listed in the cor- Sisolak, California Gov. Gav- eral officials to step in to de- General information:
25, moved in toward the end charges, Mahurin said. oner’s report as “undeter- in Newsom said the shoulder velop a fix to I-15 traffic back- (800) 568-8379
of 2020, authorities said. During an interview with mined,” officials said. about five miles south of the ups. (Results not available at this number)
L AT I M E S . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 B3


Huge cache of
knockoffs seized
officials said the rise of e-
Officials find more commerce has made it eas-
ier for sellers to hide behind
than 13,000 fake what look like legitimate
Gucci, Chanel, other listings on well-known web-
goods in a shipment. “Bad actors exploit e-
commerce operations by
By Gregory Yee selling counterfeit and un-
safe goods through online
Federal authorities platforms, particularly dur-
seized more than $30 million ing the holiday season when
in counterfeit designer shoppers are looking for
handbags, backpacks and deals,” said Donald R.
other goods at the ports of Kusser, CBP’s port director
Los Angeles and Long at the Los Angeles-Long
Beach. Beach port complex.
U.S. Customs and Border “If the price of the prod-
Protection officers inter- uct seems too good to be
cepted 13,586 counterfeit true, it probably is. Counter-
items that arrived in a ship- feit goods are often of poor
ment from China. The prod- quality and can even be
ucts included handbags, unsafe for you and your fam-
Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times tote bags, shoulder bags, ily.”
cross-body bags, backpacks, The agency recommends
PUSHING BACK AGAINST VACCINE shirts and pants being shoppers take the following
passed off as genuine items steps to protect themselves
Rosalba Villanueva, an elementary school teacher with the L.A. Unified School District, joins a demon- from Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, from counterfeit goods:
stration against the district’s vaccination mandate at LAUSD headquarters Tuesday in downtown L.A. Yves Saint Laurent and 8 Make purchases di-
Louis Vuitton, officials said rectly from the trademark
Thursday. holder or from authorized
Customs officers and retailers.
U.S. Homeland Security In- 8 Read seller reviews

Cool temperatures, rain on tap vestigations special agents

seized the shipment Nov. 9,
officials said. If the items
were genuine, they would
have a total estimated value
and check for a working
U.S. phone number and ad-
dress that can be used to
contact the seller if shopping
of $30.4 million. 8 Review CBP’s E-Com-
After dry November, “CBP commits substan- merce Counterfeit Aware-
tial law enforcement re- ness Guide for Consumers.
forecasters say more sources to keep counterfeit Common signs that an
precipitation could and pirated goods out of U.S. item is not legitimate are
supply chains, markets and poor or uneven stitching,
be coming to L.A. streets,” said Carlos C. Mar- and fragile fabric and logos
tel, the agency’s director of that aren’t the right size or
By Hayley Smith field operations in Los Ange- don’t match the official
les. “Now more than ever, brand design, authorities
Angelenos on Tuesday CBP officers remain vig- said.
received a much needed bit ilant, committed and fo- In the fiscal year that ran
of rain after one of the driest cused on disrupting these from Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30,
Novembers in recent memo- smuggling operations.” 2020, CBP seized 26,503 ship-
ry. Counterfeit products ments of counterfeit goods,
“We opened the door and have historically been sold officials said. If genuine, the
can confirm very light sprin- on illegitimate websites or in items would have been
kles here at our office!” the underground markets, but worth about $1.3 billion.
National Weather Service in
Los Angeles said in a tweet.
“Let’s keep those good vibes
for more of that liquid gold
this week!”
Downtown Los Angeles
received zero inches of pre-
Costa Mesa salutes
cipitation in November, offi-
cials said. The last time that
happened was 1992.
The area has received a POLLY AURITT AND CLEO take a run through Burton Chace Park in Marina
Al Seib Los Angeles Times
WWII vet, 100
scant 0.71 inches since the del Rey Tuesday, as a weak storm sprinkled the Southland with precipitation.
water year began Oct. 1, By Sara Cardine
compared with the normal about 0.15 inches of precipi- bringing cooler tempera- roads.
1.68 inches for this time of tation, with snow possible at tures that are expected to Though the storms won’t For many, turning 100
year, according to David elevations above 9,000 feet. linger through the weekend. make a dent in the region’s years old may be a quiet
Sweet, a meteorologist with A second, stronger storm Daytime temperatures in ongoing drought, many lo- event. But not for Costa Me-
the weather service in Ox- slated for Thursday will the Los Angeles area will cals posted on social media sa’s Merl Cornelius, who was
nard. bring additional rain and hover in the high 50s and low to celebrate the arrival of never the quiet type to begin
The rain marks the start snow, with forecasts calling 60s for several days. even the smallest bit of mois- with.
of a pattern shift that will for up to half an inch of Sweet said another ture. Cornelius who goes by
bring cooler, wetter weather rain in some areas, and snow storm is possible next week. “I feel so happy to wake the nickname “Bus,” after
through at least Thursday, levels dropping to 5,000 Officials reminded resi- up to beautiful rain, fog and the early 1900s comic strip
Sweet said. feet. dents to be wary of winter cool weather,” one person character Buster Brown,
Tuesday’s light rain was The weather system, hazards that could come wrote on Twitter. was honored Saturday in an
delivered by a weak storm which is moving in from the with the incoming rain and Another summed it up outdoor ceremony at his
that was expected to drop Pacific Northwest, is also snow, including slippery more simply: “RAIN!” Tanana Place residence by City of Costa Mesa

city officials and employees, MERL CORNELIUS

who turned out to celebrate gets a proclamation from
a World War II veteran and Mayor John Stephens.
local legend.

‘Antifa’ counterprotesters charged Members of the Costa

Mesa Police and Fire depart-
ments joined in the festiv-
ities, and a shiny red fire en-
the 1973 expansion of Costa
Mesa’s South Coast Plaza.
An associate of the Seger-
strom family, Cornelius was
ist, or otherwise right-wing lieu of $200,000 bail. White shirt, including one man gine was joined by four vin- employed by C.L. Peck and
At least seven are extremists” and whose ad- faces charges of conspiracy, who spit on him and sucker- tage jeeps — a reminder of tasked with completing the
herents “frequently blend assault with a deadly weap- punched him — the district Cornelius’ service in the U.S. work on a tight timeline.
accused of conspiracy anarchist and communist on, use of tear gas not in attorney’s office said most of Army Ordnance Corps — A European firm estimated
to riot at pro-Trump views.” Anti-fascists typi- self-defense and animal cru- the violence was carried out courtesy of the nonprofit the center’s signature
cally don’t shy away from elty. by the counterprotesters. Noble Cause Foundation. stained-glass dome would
rally in San Diego. clashes, instead using what A Los Angeles-based vi- “Video evidence analysis From 1941 to 1946, Corne- take a year. But that wasn’t
they call “direct action” to deographer captured a shows that overwhelmingly lius kept vehicles and equip- an option.
By Alex Riggins confront the systems, nearly two-minute-long at- the violence in this incident ment running like well-oiled “I said, we don’t have a
groups and individuals they tack by counterprotesters was perpetrated by the An- machines. During his serv- year to give away — we’ll do
SAN DIEGO — Prose- view as their political ene- involving the use of pepper tifa affiliates and was not a ice, he reportedly adapted a the plaza, the dome and the
cutors charged at least sev- mies. spray, a wooden folding mutual fray with both sides jeep for use by President fountains all at the same
en people, whom they de- According to a criminal chair, sticks, punches and crossing out of lawful First Franklin D. Roosevelt, was time,” recalled Cornelius,
scribed as self-identified complaint, the defendants kicks. Prosecutors detailed Amendment expression into in the presence of Gen. who would go on to become
anti-fascists, in connection charged Monday began their an identical attack in the riot and violence,” Dist. Atty. George Patton on three oc- operations manager.
with eight alleged assaults criminal conspiracy “by lik- complaint. Summer Stephan’s office casions and once bunked Cornelius found another
that occurred in January ing and sharing” a Jan. 2 so- Those arraigned Mon- said in a news release. with actor Mickey Rooney in subcontractor and person-
during a San Diego “Patriot cial media post that called day, according to the San Di- Stephan’s office said in Paris. ally guaranteed the work,
March” organized by sup- for a counterprotest against ego County district attor- the release that prosecutors Costa Mesa Mayor John said Nate Wendt, his live-in
porters of then-President the pro-Trump rally, “in es- ney’s office, were White; Luis file charges when evidence Stephens and Councilman caregiver.
Trump. sence agreeing to take part Francisco Mora, 30; Joseph supports the allegations be- Loren Gameros spoke to the “He got it done in six
Those arraigned Monday in the ‘direct action.’ Others Austin Gaskins, 21; Faraz yond a reasonable doubt, re- small audience and pre- months and under price,
in San Diego County Superi- agreed by showing up in Pa- Martin Talab, 27; Bryan Ri- gardless of the political affili- sented an official city procla- and that dome is still the
or Court were among a cific Beach on January 9th, vera, 21; Brian Lightfoot, 25; ation of victims, because mation to mark the occa- cherry on top of South Coast
group arrested Thursday in 2021 and participating in and Jesse Merel Cannon, 31. “the right to peaceful protest sion. Plaza,” Wendt said.
raids by police officers and the violence” detailed in Also facing charges, ac- must be protected.” “He worked for South Daughter Bette Bell, 70,
sheriff ’s deputies across the complaint, prosecutors cording to a spokesperson Stephan’s spokesman Coast Plaza, and he’s been a started organizing her
Southern California. said. for the office, are Alexander Steve Walker noted that in member of the Orange father’s celebration well in
Prosecutors allege the They’re accused of using Akridge-Jacobs, 31; Chris- August of last year two men County Freedom Commit- advance of his Dec. 4 birth-
defendants “are self-identi- pepper spray, small flag- tian Martinez, 23; and Sam- were charged in connection tee for decades, so he’s been day, working with city offi-
fied to be affiliated with poles, sticks and other items uel Howard Ogden, 24. with an attack on Black very involved in the veterans cials to pull off the big day
Anti-fascists or Antifa,” ac- to attack the pro-Trump A $250,000 arrest warrant Lives Matter protesters in community,” he said of Cor- and organizing a birthday
cording to a criminal com- crowd on the streets and has been issued for Erich Imperial Beach. During the nelius. “He’s a terrific guy — card campaign that netted
plaint, and began organizing boardwalk near Crystal Pier. Louis Yach, 37, according to June 2020 demonstration, a he’s a World War II vet, he’s more than 100 greetings.
themselves — with one Demonstrators at that rally the district attorney’s office Black man who was record- got all kinds of stories, and The event went off with-
group originating in San Di- held signs and flags adorned and county Sheriff ’s Depart- ing the event was sucker- he’s a character, still crack- out a hitch, she said Monday.
ego and the other in Los An- with “Stop the Steal,” ment records. punched, and protesters ing jokes.” “He absolutely had a
geles — a week before the “Trump 2020” and other Information about de- were insulted and had eggs Scott Williams, president blast,” Bell said. “It was
pro-Trump rally in the Pa- similar messages just days fense attorneys for the de- thrown at them. of the Freedom Committee, amazing — everybody
cific Beach neighborhood. after the Jan. 6 insurrection fendants was not available One of the defendants joined in Saturday’s event to stayed around for a while
The case is believed to be at the U.S. Capitol. Monday. An attorney who pleaded guilty to felony as- honor longtime member and shared stories.”
one of the first to use con- Several of the attacks de- represents one of the de- sault and the second Cornelius, a friend of Pearl Though he understands
spiracy charges — in this tailed in the complaint ap- fendants in two other crimi- pleaded guilty to felony bat- Harbor survivor and former the symbolic importance of
case conspiracy to commit pear to match incidents that nal cases did not immedi- tery. Costa Mesa Mayor Jack reaching the personal mile-
riot — to target people with were recorded and shared ately return phone and Both men also pleaded Hammett. stone, Cornelius said being
ties to “antifa,” a term often online, such as a video of an email messages seeking guilty to hate crime allega- Cornelius has deep ties to 100 doesn’t feel too much dif-
used to describe the anti- anti-fascist counter- comment. tions. They were sentenced Southern California land- ferent from being 99.
fascist movement. protester pepper-spraying a Though reporters and to probation in April. marks. When asked what advice
The Center for Strategic dog and its owner. bystanders also docu- In his decades overseeing he’d give youngsters today,
and International Studies Prosecutors said that act mented violence committed Riggins writes for the San the construction of large- given his long and varied life
describes antifa as a “decen- was committed by Jeremy by the pro-Trump rally-go- Diego Union-Tribune. U-T scale structures, including experience, the ordinarily
tralized network of far-left Jonathan White, 39, one of ers — one video showed a staff writer David the landmark Zenith Build- talkative Costa Mesan an-
militants who oppose what the defendants who re- group attacking a barefoot Hernandez contributed to ing on Los Angeles’ Wilshire swered matter of factly.
they believe are fascist, rac- mained jailed Monday in man in a George Floyd T- this report. Boulevard, a key project was “Work hard,” he said.
B4 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M

more costly
than ever
[Decorations, from B1] ongoing saga of its artificial
shipping and import costs, Christmas trees.
with rates jumping as high Aldik imports about
as 600% and months-long 2,000 trees from China,
delays stemming from on- transporting them in 10 40-
going issues at the Port of foot shipping containers.
Los Angeles. Usually, the store books the
Prices at Aldik are 10% containers during summer
higher on average over last for about $3,000 each. The
year’s, Gold said. store begins its Christmas
The issues have rocked preparations, building out
nearly every industry in the displays and setting out
country, with price increases merchandise, months be-
and delays on everything fore the holiday season kicks
from toys and video game off.
consoles to clothing and ex- This year, Gold said, it
tension cords. took six weeks to book the
And the price increases shipping containers at a
are not just hitting decora- price of $18,000 apiece. Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times
tions and artificial trees: A “Not only was it six weeks CRYSTAL SOLORZANO of North Hollywood shops for Christmas decorations at Aldik Home in Van Nuys.
variety of factors including to try and get them booked, The store’s owner says he has faced increased shipping and import costs, with rates jumping as high as 600%.
fires and extreme heat have they all got on different ships
upped the prices on domes- and when they got here, the “I haven’t noticed short- into the backs of pickups, or said he increased wages for
tically produced natural
trees as well.
harbor was crowded so the
ships had to sit out in the wa-
‘Usually we ages in Christmas trees, but
I have noticed that the
even delivered.
Los Angeles residents
his staff by about 20%.
Rohlfs’ business is verti-
Gold’s customers, how- ter for a couple of weeks,” forget, then it’s prices are higher,” she said. Stephen Clark and Melissa cally integrated: He farms
ever, don’t seem to mind, at Gold said. For Williams’ family, in- Enright shopped the lot his trees in Oregon, then
least not yet, with the park- “When they finally got in, mid-December cluding her mom and sister, Thursday for a tree for their harvests them specifically
ing lot full and Gold expect-
ing a busy December.
the harbor was a mess and
containers got put in re-
and it’s only up Christmas decorations, and
Christmas trees specifically,
apartment. A few years ago,
the New York state trans-
for his lot in Los Angeles,
which has insulated him
Dressed in a button- stricted areas.” for 15 days, so we are important. plants were living in a studio from many of the supply-
down shirt and a mask, Gold “We have two containers “It’s very important to apartment with little room chain concerns that his big-
oversaw his sales floor still that we have not re- keep it up until have it done beautifully and for a tree. box and non-grower com-
Thursday morning. As busy
as it seemed, he hoped the
ceived,” he said, adding that
one was put in a restricted
February.’ done how we’d like to have it
done,” she said.
They discovered the
Santa & Sons lot in 2017
petitors may be facing this
season, despite the fact that
weekend would bring lines area of the harbor. — Melissa Enright, “Don’t touch my Christ- when they bought a wreath. his crop is still recovering
out the door. “I don’t know when I’m shopper, on her annual mas tree,” Kesha said. Now in an apartment with a from fires and extreme heat
But as good as business getting that one,” he said. Christmas tree hunt But that commitment to little more space, Clark and in the Pacific Northwest this
was, managing the supply Gold has increased the a handcrafted tree can add Enright have opted for the summer.
chain issues has become the prices of his Christmas trees up. tree. “In a normal situation,
nightmare before Christ- by 10% to 12%, although that or buying a real one. “It’s getting kind of pricey The pair were hoping to there’s some surplus that
mas. has done little to dampen Williams was accompa- this year,” Trisha said. get their tree early — not out gets generated when you’re
“I’ve never seen disrup- demand for trees that can go nied by her sister, Kesha “Demand is great and of fear that inventory would farming,” he said, explaining
tions like this,” said Gold, for as much as $1,850. Most of Williams, and Kesha’s 3- sales are up,” Gold said. run out, although Clark had that the surplus would be
who has run Aldik for more the trees that do get deliv- year-old daughter, Marie, “There’s pent-up demand heard news reports of short- wholesaled to other retail-
than 30 years. His father, ered to the store are spoken who was dressed for the sea- because they couldn’t do ages, but simply to enjoy it ers.
Richard Gold, started the for by the time they get off son with a mask featuring anything” last year. longer. “That’s sort of vanished
shop as Aldik Artificial the truck. Elsa from Disney’s “Frozen.” “The challenge is getting “Usually we forget, then with the [2020 Holiday Farm
Flowers in 1951. Trisha Williams of Bur- Artificial trees “do last stuff out on the floor.” it’s mid-December and it’s fire], and then the heat wave
When not dressed up as a bank examined one of forever,” Trisha noted. A few miles away, in a only up for 15 days, so we this year damaged about
winter wonderland, the Aldik’s trees Thursday, She said she felt a sense parking lot at Los Angeles keep it up until February,” half the crop.”
store specializes in artificial thoughtfully turning over of urgency to make a deci- Valley College, hundreds of Enright said. But even the trees and
plants and flowers and the tag in her hand and sion within the next few real trees stood under tarps “If they ran out it would seedlings damaged in the
home decor. touching the branches. She days, but wasn’t concerned at the Santa & Sons Christ- be a shame, but it’s not the summer heatwave, which
But the store’s holiday is- was trying to decide between with low inventory as much mas tree lot, ready to be tied end of the world. A Christ- brought temperatures of 117
sues are exemplified by the investing in an artificial tree as high prices. to the roofs of cars or tossed mas tree doesn’t make or degrees to Oregon in July,
break the holiday season, are expected to recover
but it is nice to have,” Clark within a year.
said. “I liken it to getting a bad
Lot owner and tree sunburn at the beach. You’ll

Mexican kidnapping ring indicted grower Mark Rohlfs said he

expected to sell most of his
inventory even after increas-
ing prices by 5% to 10% be-
cause of inflation and an in-
be fine, but you’ll be ugly for
a while,” Rohlfs said.
The trees “are tough,
they’re resilient. They can
endure these kinds of
as the alleged ringleader of ments, according to the in- was in trouble and call an- crease in labor costs. Rohlfs things.”
Group abducted nine the group, prosecutors said. dictment. Once payment other person to arrange for a
The other defendants are was set up, prosecutors said, $25,000 ransom payment,
people and killed six, Gilberto Omar Avila Lopez Yera would instruct an un- the indictment said.
including U.S. citizens, (also known as Luis Enrique named co-conspirator to go The victim’s mother sent
prosecutors say.
By Gregory Yee
Avila Moreno and Omar), 27;
Aylin Estrada Reyes, 24; Joel
Eduardo Mascorro Delgado,
22; Victoria Camila Es-
to one of several set loca-
tions in the U.S. to collect the
money. A second unnamed
co-conspirator would help
$400 and eventually negoti-
ated to pay $1,000 and give
the kidnapping ring her
son’s vehicle as a final pay-
L.A. City Council
Members of a violent kid-
nap-for-ransom ring based
in Tijuana were indicted
pinoza Ballardo, 22; and
Oscar Bautista Valencia, 30.
Yera, Lopez and Ballardo
each face an additional
with processing the ransom
Three of the victims did
not have family members
ment, the indictment said.
The first unnamed co-
conspirator traveled to a
Lowe’s home improvement
approves final
Tuesday by a federal grand
jury after they were accused
of abducting nine people
and killing six of them, in-
count of hostage taking re-
sulting in death and an addi-
tional count of extortion,
prosecutors said.
who could pay ransom, and
they were killed, prosecutors
In other cases, ransom
store in Norwalk on April 13,
2020, to collect the payment
and vehicle but got a mes-
sage from the second co-
redistricting map
cluding three U.S. citizens. According to the indict- payments were made. Three conspirator saying the vic- [Districts, from B1] Valley, a change aimed at
All six defendants face ment, the ring was active of the remaining six kidnap- tim’s parents “weren’t well,” ter south to 95th Street, said giving that region’s voters
one count each of conspiracy last year from January to ping victims, including one according to the indictment. he wasn’t surprised that the more political clout.
to commit hostage taking April. Ballardo, Valencia from San Diego, were killed “I think that they are vote went so smoothly, given As part of that proposal,
resulting in death, conspira- and other members would despite relatives sending going to kill him,” the first the calls from his constitu- the commission recom-
cy to commit extortion and arrange to meet the victims money, according to the in- co-conspirator wrote. ents for Exposition Park to mended major changes to
extortion, according to the under false pretenses so that dictment. “Well yes, looks like they stay in his district. districts represented by
U.S. attorney’s office for they could be taken hostage, Members of the ring don’t want him,” the second “My constituents worked council members Paul Kre-
the Central District of Cali- according to the indictment. surveilled one victim, a replied. very hard to express their korian, Bob Blumenfield
fornia. The defendants held the vic- Norwalk resident who was The victim was killed lat- points of view, and I think my and Nithya Raman.
All six are Mexican citi- tims at gunpoint, tied them visiting a relative in Tijuana, er that day, according to the colleagues recognized that,” Neighborhood leaders in
zens, prosecutors said. They up and often brutally beat because they believed he indictment. said Price, whose district is the Valley quickly rebelled.
were arrested in Mexico and them, prosecutors said. had a large amount of mon- If convicted of all charges, overwhelmingly Latino and Martinez led the coun-
also face charges filed by After each abduction, ey, the indictment said. the defendants face manda- considered the city’s most cil’s effort to rework the com-
local authorities. members of the ring would After kidnapping him, the tory life sentences or the impoverished. mission proposal, restoring
German Garcia Yera contact the victim’s family group forced the victim to death penalty, prosecutors Tuesday’s unanimous portions of those three dis-
Hernandez, 37, was named and demand ransom pay- call his mother, tell her he said. vote may have been a reflec- tricts. Still, even with those
tion of the council’s recess changes, Raman is expected
schedule. Had any member to lose about 40% of her cur-
cast an opposing vote, a sec- rent constituents as her dis-
Your exclusive guide ond vote on the redistricting trict moves deeper into the
to SoCal real estate ordinance would have been Valley and takes in all or a

MARKETPLACE listings. required next week, when portion of Encino, Studio
To place an ad call 1.800.234.4444 the council is scheduled to City and Reseda.
Advertise Today
be on its holiday recess. Like Harris-Dawson,
JOBS · REAL ESTATE · MORE The new maps are ex- Raman voted against the re-
LA Times
(800) 234-4444
pected to go into effect in districting plan last month.
the coming weeks. Sophie On Tuesday, however, she
Gilchrist, a spokeswoman sided with the rest of her col-
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek for Council President Nury leagues.
Unscramble these Jumbles,
Martinez, said her boss had “The councilmember
one letter to each square, been prepared to schedule a had made her objections to
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

Employment to form four ordinary words. special meeting for next the map clear in previous
week if the redistricting vote meetings,” Raman spokes-
Mechanical Engineer for
Precision Cutting Tools, BHAIT was not unanimous. woman Stella Stahl said in
LLC. (Jobsite: La Palma, CA)
to design & develop high The council creates new an email. “As we head into
performance cutting tools. boundaries for its 15 districts the new year, she is excited
Mail resume & ad: HR Mgr,
PCT, LLC 5572 Fresca Dr., La every 10 years, following the to meet her new constitu-
Palma, CA 90623 UEQNE release of U.S. census data. ents who can expect a knock
To ensure equal representa- on their door very soon!”
tion, each of L.A.’s council The new map also consol-
districts must have around idates Koreatown into a sin-
CENRHD 260,000 constituents. gle district — whose voters
The tug of war over Ex- elected Councilman Mark
position Park was a subplot Ridley-Thomas, who is cur-
of this year’s redistricting rently suspended while he
RUYPIF process, but it was fre- fights corruption charges.
quently overshadowed by On Tuesday, Koreatown
debates over how to recon- civic leaders praised council
Now arrange the circled letters figure council districts in members for working to
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. the Valley. keep the area from being po-
In October, a 21-member litically divided.
“ ” citizens commission recom- Koreatown’s boundaries
mended a map that would were also a major issue dur-
(Answers tomorrow)
place five and two-thirds ing the city’s redistricting
Answer: He wanted to change the channel to watch the
council districts within the decisions of 2002 and 2012.
game but didn’t have a — REMOTE CHANCE
L AT I M E S . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 B5

R ICHARD LERNER , 1938 - 2021

Place a paid notice
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ADLER, Dr. Louis

Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076

LEIB, Charlotte Ruth MCBAY, Shirley M

May 8, 1929 - December 6, 2021 May 4, 1935 - November 27, 2021
Charlotte Leib Shirley Ann Mathis (McBay) was
born in 1935 in Bainbridge, GA, the
May 8, 1929 – December 6, 2021 daughter of Annie Bell Washington
Charlotte Leib (nee Munitz) passed (Stevens Williams Pringley).
San Diego Union-Tribune
away at the age of 92. Born in Los She attended Hutto Elementary
Angeles and raised in Milwaukee, and excelled in Mathematics early on
‘HE WAS A VISIONARY’ Wisconsin she returned to California (including beating older students in
Richard Lerner helped turn the La Jolla institute he led into a biomedical titan. and graduated from Fairfax High Math competitions). For the 4th grade,
COHEN, Robert Neil School in 1947. Charlotte was a well- she attended A.O. Sexton Elementary
August 2, 1947 - December 1, 2021 trained pianist and was a piano teacher in Chicago, IL while staying with her

Biochemist who raised

Robert Neil Cohen passed away on in her 20’s. She married Norman Leib grandmother’s niece Alberta Smith
December 1, 2021, at the age of 74. in 1948 (divorced 1972) after briefly (Norman) returning to Bainbridge
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, attending UCLA. Their union brought because she was homesick. For the
he was raised in Longview, Texas and four sons which became her world. 7th grade, she attended Kalamazoo
attended Longview High School where She was an excellent den mother, Junior High while staying with her

Scripps institute’s profile

he was Vice-President of the Class carpool organizer, PTA volunteer, cook, uncle Tom Washington in East Lansing,
and President of the Key Club. Upon Halloween costume maker and piano MI again returning to Bainbridge being
graduation, he attended Northwestern teacher. She became an accredited homesick. She graduated from Hutto
University where he graduated in 1969 Medical Records Technician, working High School at age 15. From there, she
and went into the Peace Corps in South at Sherman Oaks Community Hospital attended Paine College in Augusta, GA,
Korea. and The Los Angeles Jewish Home which she graduated as a Chemistry
western University and as a medical student Following his time in Asia, Bob in Reseda. Charlotte believed in major at age 19. She immediately
By Gary Robbins at Stanford. He considered becoming a neu- returned to Texas where he met the self-sufficiency, respect for others and attended Atlanta University where
love of his life, Nancy Sher Cohen, loved nature. She encouraged all four she earned Masters degrees in both
rosurgeon, but he changed his mind in 1965, of her boys to be Boy Scouts and to live Chemistry and Mathematics. After
ichard Lerner, the masterful bio- accepting a position as a postdoctoral scien- and obtained his M.A. degree in Film

from the University of Texas in Austin a life of honesty, integrity and service marrying Professor (of Chemistry)
chemist who helped build the tist at Scripps Clinic and Research Founda- in 1974. Bob and Nancy were married to others. Henry McBay and starting a family,
Scripps Research Institute into tion, which became Scripps Research. in 1973 and together in 1974 went to Charlotte was a longtime member she began pursuing a Ph.D. at the
an elite center for biomedical sci- He briefly left for a job in Philadelphia, Japan for two years where Bob became of Valley Beth Shalom and was a University of Chicago but transferred
the Museum of Modern Art Film Center proud member of the VBS Counseling to the University of Georgia to be closer
ence and helped develop the then returned to Scripps in 1970, where he Center and Sisterhood. Charlotte’s to home. At UGa, she became the first
breakthrough drugs Humira and Benlysta, served on the faculty for the rest of his life. He scholar and studied Japanese cinema.
Upon their return to the United greatest joys were relishing in the Woman to earn a Ph.D. in Mathematics
has died at age 83. became the institute’s president in 1987 and States, Bob received a Ph.d from accomplishments of her children, and the first African-American to earn
Lerner died Thursday at his home in San decided to make Scripps as big a power in UCLA in Film, specializing in Japanese daughters in law and grandchildren. a Ph.D. of any kind at the school.
Diego’s La Jolla neighborhood, the private chemistry as it was in biology. cinema, a subject upon which he She loved her trips to Israel, She was Professor of Mathematics
nonprofit announced. Biologists routinely figure out how health wrote extensively and whose work participating in Jewish life, music, at Spelman College for many years
was continued to be published even in reading, and gardening. She will be and also served in the Administration,
The news comes at an eventful time for problems develop in humans. The entrepre- deeply missed by all who she touched ultimately rising to be Chair of the
recent years.
Scripps, where Lerner nearly tripled the size neurial Lerner reasoned that many chemists Bob spent several years as an through her 92 years. Charlotte is Division of Natural Sciences. In
of the institute during his 24 years as presi- spend their lives trying to create substances academic teaching at UCLA and UC survived by her brother Richard Munitz 1975, she began working for the
dent, partly through ties with the pharma- to fight afflictions. So he created a chemistry Santa Barbara and ultimately as the of Agoura Hills, son Robert (Felice) National Science Foundation (N.S.F.)
ceutical industry that helped produce Hu- department to move things forward. first resident scholar at the American of Mequon, Wisconsin, son Samuel in Washington, DC reviewing grant
Film Institute. But he yearned to enter (Rosalie) Leib of Bayside, Wisconsin, proposals. In 1980, she became Dean
mira, which fights rheumatoid arthritis, and Colleagues say Lerner had a gift for spot- son Mitchell (Stacy) Leib of Malibu, of Students at Massachusetts Institute
the film business in Los Angeles, first as
Benlysta, a treatment for lupus. ting and recruiting talent, pointing to the the development director for Lawrence son Daniel (Judy) Leib of Beverly Hills; of Technology (M.I.T.) in Cambridge,
Benjamin List, one of Lerner’s former moment in 1991 when he hired chemist Barry Schiller Productions and ultimately as 11 grandchildren; Melissa (Brian), MA where she spearheaded an
postdoctoral researchers, and Ardem Pat- Sharpless, who a decade later won a Nobel a screenwriter when he won the Nichol Rebecca, Stephen, Ted (Elizabeth), institution-wide self-study of the
apoutian, one of the institute’s current schol- Prize for his insights about the nature of mol- Fellowship in Screenwriting from the Brenden, Andrew, Rachel (Joe), obstacles Minority students were
Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Matthew, Mason, Jordan, Kate, and 5 having in allowing them to be
ars, won Nobel Prizes this fall. ecules, work that is key to drug discovery. great grandchildren, niece Risa (Don) successful. From that report came
Sciences for his screenplay “The Good
Patapoutian will receive the prize for Lerner’s own research heavily focused on Ole Boy,” the story of the relationship and nephew Benjy (Nicky). Charlotte recommendations that led to the
physiology or medicine Wednesday in Irvine; the immune system and involved making the of a black musician and Jewish boy is preceded in death by sister in law creation of the QEM (Quality Education
some laureates are being honored there be- most of antibodies and DNA to treat or de- growing up in East Texas. Judith Munitz and daughter in law for Minorities) project at M.I.T. In
cause COVID-19 issues have mostly shut tect such things as arthritis, cancer and dia- After working on multiple Barbara Leib. In lieu of flowers, please 1990, she left M.I.T. to found QEM
screenplays, Bob ultimately decided make a donation in Charlotte’s name Network in Washington, DC for which
down the traditional ceremonies in Stock- betes. This fundamental research led others to Jewish Home and Care Center she served as President to further the
to follow another life-long passion:
holm. List, who is German, will pick up the to create Humira, which generated $20 bil- photography. Bob’s photographs Foundation 1400 N. Prospect Ave. aims of promoting the achievement
Nobel in chemistry in his home country. lion in revenue last year, and Benlysta. were featured in shows in Los Angeles Milwaukee, WI 53202. Services will and development of Women and
“Richard had a tremendous influence on “He was a visionary,” Sharpless said in a and Kansas City and his photographs be held Thursday December 9, 2021 underrepresented Minority students,
science, the institute, and the lives and work statement. “He saw what chemistry could do of Jewish cemeteries is part of the at 2:00 p.m. at Hillside Memorial Park faculty and institutions nationwide.
permanent collection at the Briscoe 6001 Centinela Ave. Los Angeles, Ca. She retired in 2016 and moved
of many of us at Scripps Research,” Peter for medicine and biology.” 90045 (310) 641-0707. Vaccination to Las Vegas, NV as the housemate
Schultz, the institute’s president and chief Lerner stepped aside as president in 2011, Center for American History at the
University of Texas at Austin. and mask required. Live stream upon of her lifelong best friend, Audrey
executive, said in a statement. “He was truly but he continued doing research, following a Bob was an amazing father of Aaron, request; charlotteleibfuneral@gmail. Forbes (Manley). In 2018, due to
a giant and his vision, leadership and pas- single-minded belief in original work to im- now 37 years of age, spending years com deteriorating health, she moved to
sion for science will be deeply missed.” prove the human condition. when Aaron was young as the only Los Angeles, CA and lived with her first
In 2017, the journal Nature described the “There are scientists, some successful, Dad in the car pool line and involving LIPTON, Millicent Audrey son, Michael McBay.
himself in Aaron’s education and Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - She died peacefully on November
institute as the most innovative center of its some not, who run after the latest hot thing,” 27th. She was 86. She is survived
serving on the Board of Trustees of the Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
kind in the world. Lerner told the San Diego Union-Tribune in Valley Beth Shalom Day School during by her eldest son Michael McBay of
Lerner was a self-described “lab rat” 2016. “My attitude is, if somebody else is do- Aaron’s school years. He was a member Los Angeles, CA and her youngest
son Ronald McBay of Atlanta, GA
whose career spanned more than 55 years. In ing it, I cheer them on. I sure as hell don’t of the Henry and Emma Rogers Society MALTSEVA, Danielle and “daughter from another mother”
that time, he developed a reputation as want any part of it.” at Northwestern University and Frances
remained in contact with other Nichol Laura-Lee Davidson of Washington, DC
something of a wizard for manipulating mol- Lerner is survived by his wife, Nicky, and Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - as well as caregiver Suzanne Slayton of
winners over the years. Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
ecules and DNA for medicinal purposes. three children, Danica, Arik and Aaron. Bob is preceded in death by his Los Angeles, CA.
Born Aug. 26, 1938, in Chicago, Lerner be- Condolences may be left at
parents, Rosalie Harris Cohen and Dr.
came interested in chemistry early in life, Robbins writes for the San Diego Ralph Cohen, his stepmother, Lucy Westwood Mortuary in Los Angeles, CA
Cohen, and his sister, Patty Cohen. ( https://www.dignitymemorial.
pursuing it as an undergraduate at North- Union-Tribune. com/obituaries/los-angeles-ca/
He is survived by his sisters and their
husbands, Nan Gold and Bo Von Der shirley-mcbay-10468556 ).
Ahe, Dr. William Meyers and Lynn In lieu of flowers, please donate
Meyers, and Dr. Armond Schwartz and to the Shirley McBay Fund at QEM
Cindy Schwartz, along with 8 loved Network in Washington, DC ( https://
nieces, nephews and 7 great nieces ).
and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be ROSKOWICK, Michael
made in Bob’s memory to Valley Beth James
Shalom. Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Simi Valley 800-600-0076 SALAZAR, Sister Regina
GRANT, Jane January 5, 1928 - November 30, 2021
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
To place Sister Regina Clare
Salazar, C.S.J. age 93,

an obituary passed away on Tuesday
November 30, 2021 in
Los Angeles, CA. Born January 5, 1928
December 25, 1928 - October 19, 2021
Keltus, Sister Joan, SSS (93)
ad please go in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a Sister of St.
Joseph of Carondelet since March 19,
Sister Joan died of natural causes on
October 19, 2021. Born in Torrance, she
online to: 1946. Her early years in ministry were
dedicated to education at all levels and
was first employed by the U.S. Army then she was asked to go into hospital
in post-war Germany as a Recreation administration. Beginning in 1983
Director, then as a Refugee Worker as President/CEO of Daniel Freeman
by the National Catholic Welfare
Conference. Upon her return to the Hospital, Sister Regina Clare served
in many capacities for the hospital,
President of Carondelet Health Care
U.S., Joan taught elementary school
for the next eight years. placeobituary Corporation, Corporate Vice President
Sister Joan began her 60 years as a of Sponsorship/Mission and Vice
Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times Sister of Social Service in 1961, with President for Mission and Philosophy,
MELROSE AVENUE has been hit with a series of robberies, shootings and other the majority of those years of ministry until 2007. Regina Clare was always
spent in Southern California. She able to make people feel welcomed
crimes in recent months, leading a neighborhood group to look for solutions. and valued. Her sense of presence was
began by coordinating the religious
education program at St. Gerard tangible.

Amid crimes, Melrose area Majella Parish, and eventually served She is survived by her cousins Diana,
as a pastoral minister in two other Charotte and Clara Baca and other
parishes in Los Angeles – Assumption family members.
and St. John. In the mid-1980’s Joan’s Funeral arrangements are:
ministry turned to teaching once or call Graveside Service at Burial at Holy

to get license plate readers again, when she began teaching

English as a second language (ESL) to
adult learners.
Sister Joan earned a Bachelor of
1-800-234-4444 Cross Cemetery on December 14th
at 10 AM. Service of Remembrance
will be January 5th at 2PM on zoom.
Zoom links will be sent to anyone who
requests a link and provides an email.
Arts in Education from Cal. Berkeley
in 1952, and a Master’s Degree in You can do this by notifying sharon@
[Readers, from B1] undated. state auditor said that the Religious Studies from Immaculate
down 17% from 2019 and up “And then that leads to Los Angeles Police Depart- Heart College in 1978. She also served Donations in memory of Sister
less than 1% from 2020, al- disappointment from the ment and three other Cali- her SSS community in a variety of Regina Clare Salazar may be sent to:
though vehicle thefts have residential reporter or the fornia law enforcement settings, including formation of new Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet,
members and teaching ESL at the 11999 Chalon Road, Los Angeles, CA
surged 70% over numbers merchant who said some- agencies had not provided 90049. Please visit the mortuary’s
seen in 2019 and 25% over one’s harassing them and sufficient privacy protec- Sisters’ residence in Zacapu, Mexico.
Her religious community will website, to send
2020 figures. they’ve got pictures. Every- tions for the millions of im- especially miss Sister Joan’s down-to- the family messages, share memories,
Violent crimes were up one wants a police car to ages captured by their read- earth personality and care for those or to obtain directions to the services.
12.3% from 2019 and up 6.8% come out and take their re- ers and shared with other in need.
from 2020. port,” he said. “It’s statisti- agencies. Viewing and remembrance service
The division saw 13 homi- cally impossible.” Melrose Action has con- will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Friday
December 10th, and Funeral Liturgy
cides as of Nov. 27, up from Nichols was told by offi- tracted with Flock Safety for to follow immediately. Both services
five in 2020 and one in 2019. cials with the San Francisco its cameras, which will be will be held at the Sisters of Social
Nichols said he and other Police Department that li- mounted on private proper- Service, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino. YAMADA, Emiko “Em”
members of Melrose Action cense plate readers were ty, including residences and Following a light lunch, a graveside
service will be held at 1:30 at Calvary Emiko “Em” Yamada passed away
wanted to find a method of helpful in identifying vehi- businesses, Nichols said. peacefully on November 19, 2021.
Cemetery. To assist with planning, we
helping investigators that cles. According to Flock Safe- ask that you respond to 818.285.3364 She was beloved wife of late husband
went beyond doorbell and “Part of what also at- ty’s website, the company by noon Monday, December 6th with Henry “Tak” Yamada. Mother of
security cameras and wit- tracted us to it is that provides license plate reader your name and the number of persons Merilynn and Ron (Emiko) Yamada.
coming with you. Grandmother of Donji T. Yamada-
ness statements. they don’t use facial recogni- equipment and services to Dessert and Jacob “JT” Yamada.
“I give everybody credit tion. These cameras are neighborhoods and law en- Sister-in-law of Jean Tomiko Urushima
In lieu of flowers, donations may be
that we’re all thinking that aimed at the rear of the car,” forcement agencies and made to the Sisters of Social Service. and Akiko Kato. She is also survived
our cameras installed on our he said. stores information for 30 Bastian & Perrott, Oswald Mortuary by many nieces, nephews, and other
houses, in front of our But license plate readers, days before deleting it. relatives.
Due to Covid, there are no plans for
houses or at our doors are and the data they capture, The recordings can be ac- To place an obituary ad
services at this time.
going to help catch a crimi- have come under fire as they cessed by an administrator please go online to:
nal and that the police want have gained prevalence who must submit a reason (213) 626-0441
this stuff,” Nichols said, “un- among law enforcement for the search, such as a or call Ms. Phillips
til we research and simply agencies. crime or warrant, according
Ext. 77242
realize they’re just being in- Last year, the California to Flock.
B6 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Turning out mostly sunny: A weak offshore flow will limit the marine influence today, but there will be areas Stormy in the Southeast: Heavy rain and thunderstorms will drench
of low clouds and fog briefly this morning before sunshine prevails the rest of the day. A storm system drop- areas from the Carolinas to northern Florida. To the north, areas of light
ping down from the north will bring several hours of intermittent rain and drizzle late tonight and Thursday snow will reach from Michigan to New England. Heavier snow will blan-
morning before pushing to the south of L.A. County early Thursday afternoon. ket the Cascades and northern Rockies.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 65/53 64/51 61/53 49/25 75/54
Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny; cool Mostly sunny Mostly sunny
Thursday A little rain 57/42 Morning rain 54/40 Morning rain 56/44 Snow, 1-3” 33/15 Showery 63/46
Friday Mostly sunny 59/41 Mostly sunny 57/40 Mostly sunny 58/39 Cold 37/10 Mostly sunny 65/45
Saturday Mostly sunny 60/42 Mostly sunny 58/39 Mostly sunny 59/40 Mostly sunny 43/16 Mostly sunny 66/44
Sunday Partly sunny 58/47 Partly sunny 60/41 Partly sunny 57/46 Partly sunny 46/17 Mostly sunny 69/47

Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available
SANTA VENTURA CO. Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 66/49 Hesperia
Santa Ojai 62/51 LOS ANGELES CO. 66/46
Barbara 62/49 Simi Valley
61/48 64/50 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 64/52
66/52 65/51
58/51 64/51 Pomona/ Yucca Valley
UCLA 65/49
Westlake 63/54 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino
61/52 Woodland 65/53 64/52 64/50
Village 65/52
Hills Whittier
62/50 Chino
Santa Monica Hills 67/53 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
61/53 64/54 Fullerton 65/50
Surf and sea Torrance 64/54
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO 66/54 Santa Ana U.S. cities
Inner waters: Wind variable, becom- Long 67/57 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm
ing west 10 knots. Wind waves 1-2 Beach Newport Irvine 66/49 Springs High 86 in Tamiami, Fla.
feet. Swell west 1-4 feet. 64/55 Beach 65/57 75/54 Low –22 in Babbitt, Minn.
Surf zone: The potential for strong Mission Viejo
63/57 Temecula Tuesday Today Tuesday Today
rip currents is moderate at Ventura Laguna 65/56 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
County beaches and low at and Los 66/51
Beach San Albany 37 33 Tr 37 26 Sn Seattle 48 43 .13 45 37 Cy
Angeles, S.B., Orange and San Diego 62/58 Clemente Albuquerque 53 38 -- 56 35 Pc Tampa 80 67 -- 80 68 Fg
county beaches.
64/56 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 32 31 .10 14 14 Cy Tucson 76 46 -- 74 47 Su
Oceanside Aspen 37 26 Tr 40 28 Sf Tulsa 47 28 -- 59 50 Su
Atlanta 52 36 -- 59 40 R Washington, D.C. 45 34 -- 45 30 Cy
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 66/55 Austin 69 40 -- 77 57 Su Wichita 44 30 -- 56 40 Su
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 8 sec W 60 Baltimore 43 31 -- 45 26 Cy
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 10 sec W 60 Escondido Ramona Boise 44 33 .09 49 27 Cy World
Los Angeles 1-3’ 8 sec W 62 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 65/51 64/46 Boston 43 38 .16 40 30 Cy Acapulco 86 72 -- 87 73 Su
Orange 1-3’ 8 sec W 63 Sun 6:46a/4:44p 6:45a/4:43p 6:51a/4:47p Buffalo 30 27 .02 33 25 Sf Amsterdam 42 36 .88 43 37 Cy
Moon 11:11a/9:44p 11:09a/9:43p 11:16a/9:47p Poway
San Diego 1-3’ 8 sec W 63 Burlington, Vt. 35 31 Tr 31 23 Sn Athens 60 54 .24 59 49 Su
64/52 Charleston, S.C. 62 58 Tr 65 42 Ts Bangkok 86 70 -- 87 71 Su
Charlotte 53 40 Tr 55 33 R Barcelona 59 43 .03 56 43 Sh
Tides San Diego Chicago 24 13 Tr 36 24 Pc Berlin 32 28 -- 34 28 Cy
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 65/57 Cincinnati 29 21 .01 43 25 Pc Cabo San Lucas 82 62 -- 82 61 Pc
Dec. 10 Dec. 18 Dec. 26 Jan. 2
Today 1:10a 3.9 Hi 5:24a 2.8 Lo Cleveland 28 22 Tr 35 23 Cy Cairo 67 61 -- 66 54 W
11:33a 5.8 Hi 7:11p -0.5 Lo Columbia, S.C. 58 51 -- 57 36 R Dubai 80 61 -- 85 64 Su
Thu. 2:22a 4.1 Hi 6:54a 3.0 Lo
Almanac Columbus 28 20 -- 38 22 Cy Dublin 47 36 .45 43 37 R
Tuesday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 59 35 -- 66 55 Su Havana 86 67 -- 87 65 Su
12:42p 5.1 Hi 8:13p -0.1 Lo Denver 53 27 Tr 58 35 Pc Ho Chi Minh City 88 72 -- 90 74 Pc
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Detroit 25 20 Tr 34 22 Cy Hong Kong 73 61 -- 73 64 Hz
UV index High/low 64/57 67/57 66/55 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.01 0.01 0.01 El Paso 70 39 -- 67 44 Su Istanbul 64 56 .29 54 46 Sh
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 68/49 68/46 67/45 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.72 0.52 0.79 Eugene 59 48 .13 49 36 Sh Jerusalem 64 54 -- 56 49 W
High/low a year ago 76/46 80/46 76/50 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 0.11 0.18 0.21 Fort Myers 84 62 -- 83 67 Pc Johannesburg 78 57 .56 73 57 Ts
Las Vegas, 60 Phoenix, 60
Record high/date 88/1940 84/2006 85/1979 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 1.74 1.57 2.30 Hartford 43 34 .12 38 27 Sn Kuala Lumpur 91 77 .03 94 74 Cy
Los Angeles, 60 San Francisco, 60 Record low/date 32/1978 32/2017 30/1953 Humidity (high/low) 83/57 83/58 89/64 Honolulu 78 56 7.31 80 71 R Lima 72 63 -- 68 64 Cy
Houston 65 54 Tr 74 63 Fg London 46 36 .35 45 39 Sh
California cities Indianapolis 26 17 -- 41 25 Pc Madrid 54 34 .18 49 37 Sh
Tuesday Today Thursday Tuesday Today Thursday Tuesday Today Thursday Jacksonville, Fla. 74 57 -- 78 54 Ts Mecca 91 64 -- 88 66 Cy
Kansas City 42 27 -- 51 41 Su Mexico City 75 48 -- 75 48 Su
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 45 29 -- 54 30 Pc Milan 46 28 -- 37 30 R
Anaheim 68 56 .02 66 56 58 44 L.A. D’ntown/USC 64 57 .01 65 53 57 42 San Diego 62 59 Tr 65 57 61 53 Las Vegas 60 54 .05 67 51 Su Montreal 25 21 .05 24 17 Sf
Avalon/Catalina 64 56 -- 57 49 54 45 L.A. Int’l. Airport 65 57 .01 63 55 58 46 San Francisco 60 52 .07 58 50 58 45 Louisville 36 29 .01 47 30 Pc Moscow 32 23 .58 17 5 Cy
Bakersfield 59 44 Tr 63 49 52 39 Laguna Beach 64 58 -- 62 58 59 50 San Gabriel 65 55 .02 65 53 56 44 Medford 46 41 .10 46 34 Cy Mumbai 91 71 -- 92 76 Su
Barstow 64 53 .01 69 51 58 35 Lancaster 68 51 Tr 66 48 54 31 San Jose 58 52 .03 59 49 55 38 Memphis 48 33 -- 57 43 Su New Delhi 75 49 -- 72 50 Hz
Big Bear Lake 47 36 .03 49 25 33 15 Long Beach 64 56 .02 64 55 59 45 San Luis Obispo 67 51 Tr 64 49 60 40 Miami 85 69 -- 83 69 Pc Paris 46 37 .16 44 37 Pc
Bishop 62 48 Tr 63 37 52 20 Mammoth Lakes 43 32 -- 52 27 38 9 Santa Ana 66 61 .01 67 57 63 49 Milwaukee 24 10 Tr 32 24 Pc Prague 34 28 .08 31 29 Cy
Burbank 65 56 .03 66 52 58 43 Mission Viejo 62 54 .01 65 56 58 46 Santa Barbara 64 54 .01 61 48 58 39 Minneapolis 17 3 .12 25 21 Pc Rome 54 37 -- 60 46 R
Camarillo 65 55 .02 64 51 58 41 Monrovia 63 53 -- 65 51 54 42 Santa Clarita 64 49 .02 66 49 55 38 Nashville 45 29 -- 53 33 Pc Seoul 54 31 -- 53 34 Pc
Chatsworth 65 55 .03 64 52 54 39 Monterey 68 53 .10 60 50 56 41 Santa Monica Pier 64 56 .02 61 53 56 44 New Orleans 65 59 .30 68 61 Ts Singapore 87 77 .03 87 77 R
Chino 64 51 .02 67 53 57 42 Mt. Wilson 51 40 -- 52 37 40 31 Santa Paula 65 52 .01 62 51 57 40 New York 42 36 .09 42 31 Sf Taipei City 71 63 -- 74 65 Pc
Compton 64 57 -- 66 54 58 42 Needles 69 57 -- 73 52 64 45 Santa Rosa 59 46 .01 56 41 56 33 Norfolk 46 42 -- 46 36 R Tokyo 59 52 1.24 53 49 R
Dana Point 62 56 .01 63 58 60 50 Newport Beach 61 59 -- 63 57 60 47 Simi Valley 65 53 .02 64 50 56 35 Oklahoma City 49 24 -- 61 47 Su Vancouver 44 37 .18 44 34 W
Death Valley xx xx xx 74 52 61 38 Northridge 65 54 .01 66 51 55 42 Tahoe Valley 46 34 .13 47 27 34 9 Omaha 44 16 -- 45 35 Pc Vienna 37 32 .02 38 30 W
Del Mar 62 57 .01 62 55 60 49 Oakland 60 50 .06 57 49 57 40 Temecula 59 53 .01 66 51 53 37 Orlando 81 62 -- 83 66 Fg
Escondido 60 54 .02 65 51 56 44 Oceanside 65 57 .01 66 55 60 45 Thousand Oaks 61 53 .02 62 51 56 36 Philadelphia 44 36 Tr 43 31 Sf Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Eureka 57 47 .02 51 41 50 38 Ojai 66 50 -- 62 49 56 39 Torrance 66 55 .04 66 54 62 43 Phoenix 75 53 -- 71 52 Cy foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy Sh
Fallbrook 62 54 -- 65 50 57 41 Ontario 61 53 .02 65 52 54 42 UCLA 67 56 .02 63 54 56 43 Pittsburgh 29 22 -- 36 25 Cy showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fresno 53 46 -- 60 49 53 41 Palm Springs 68 55 -- 75 54 63 46 Van Nuys 65 55 .03 66 52 59 44 Portland, Ore. 52 44 .12 49 38 Sh trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fullerton 67 57 .01 64 54 58 44 Pasadena 65 54 .04 64 52 53 43 Ventura 66 55 .01 58 51 57 44 Providence 45 36 .16 42 29 Cy and Hawaii. Missing data indicated by “xx”.
Hemet 57 50 -- 66 49 52 39 Paso Robles 63 49 .01 64 48 55 32 Whittier Hills 68 56 .01 64 54 55 43 Raleigh/Durham 51 41 Tr 49 29 R
Hesperia xx xx xx 66 46 52 31 Redding 71 42 .09 55 44 57 32 Woodland Hills 66 53 -- 66 50 58 40 Reno 53 42 .06 55 35 Pc
Huntington Beach 68 58 .01 63 56 59 46 Riverside 59 45 Tr 65 50 54 35 Wrightwood 54 38 .01 52 35 36 27 Richmond 49 33 -- 43 27 R Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Idyllwild 47 38 .05 55 45 50 32 Sacramento 54 47 .06 56 48 55 34 Yorba Linda 64 54 -- 65 54 56 42 St. Louis 32 24 -- 50 37 Su
Irvine 66 58 .01 65 57 59 47 San Bernardino 61 52 -- 64 50 52 40 Yosemite Valley 58 39 -- 52 35 42 19 Salt Lake City 52 34 -- 52 35 Cy

Medina Spirit legacy rife with controversy

[Medina, from B10]
thing is covered. But, we’ll
also be sending samples out
to other labs, just for a sec-
ond and third set of eyes.”
One of those will be at the
University of Minnesota,
which has a specialty in
cardiovascular diagnosis.
Though the likelihood is
that the initial diagnosis was
correct, it’s not a certainty. A
2011 study of sudden deaths
on almost 300 horses
showed that the cause of
death was definitively deter-
mined in 53% of the cases,
and presumed in 25% more.
Of the 53% of definitively di-
agnosed sudden death
cases, a cadiovascular or
cardiopulmonary cause oc-
curred 56% of the time.
“We just have to rely on
the science and the process,”
Blea said.
There is no timetable for
the results, but sudden
death necropsies can take
two to three months or long-
Medina Spirit was not
the first Kentucky Derby
winner to experience a sud-
den death in the same year
as his win. In 1984, Swale col-
lapsed and died nine days af-
ter winning the Belmont
Stakes and a month after
winning the Derby. Immedi-
ately, there was unfounded
speculation of foul play, but Michael Conroy Associated Press
it was determined the colt MEDINA SPIRIT , with John Velazquez aboard, leads the field around the first turn on the way to a surprise win in the Kentucky Derby.
died of heart failure.
While the answers will
rest with the science, the fu-
ture of the sport may well
‘He’s a fighter. ... Every time I asked him for more, he kept for more, he kept going more
and more. That’s all you can
ask for a horse.”
rest with finding a definitive
cause of death as the indus-
going more and more. That’s all you can ask for a horse.’ The jubilation of the
Derby win was loud and long
try and fans wrestle with the — J OCKEY J OHN V ELAZQUEZ , until a week later when Baf-
loss of one of its biggest before Medina Spirit was the unexpected winner of the Kentucky Derby in May fert was informed that the
stars, albeit one draped in colt tested positive for be-
controversy. tamethasone, a legal anti-in-
Baffert, who told The down there and we just tonico, whose stud fee was training, he was gaining ning against older horses. flammatory that is not al-
Times on Tuesday that he talked for two hours while he only $5,000. By comparison, more attention than such a He earned a little more than lowed on race day. What has
had nothing to add beyond was waiting for his flight. He Authentic, Baffert’s 2020 low-purchase horse nor- $3.5 million. ensued has been challenges
Monday’s statement of said, ‘I was thinking, maybe Kentucky Derby winner, was mally gets. He was an unexpected to the testing, challenges to
“deeply mourning his loss,” I’ll get back in and maybe we sired by Into Mischief, who “I have him down at Los winner of the Kentucky the rules, lots of lawyers and
has talked in the past about can get together and win the goes for $250,000 a mating. Alamitos,” Baffert recalled. Derby, with most of the pre- a Kentucky Horse Racing
the Cinderella stories that Derby.’ And I go, ‘Yeah, It’s partly because of an un- “My assistant down there race attention going to Es- Commission that still has
can come from racing. Amr right, sure.’ dervalued sire that Medina says, ‘You know that horse sential Quality, Hot Rod not set a hearing for Baffert
Zedan, Medina Spirit’s “Then all of a sudden, he Spirit was still in training they didn’t give much for? I Charlie and Rock Your or addressed the issue of
owner, was an owner in hooks up with Gary Young, and not retired after his 3- think he’s OK.’ And sure World. Medina Spirit went to whether Medina Spirit will
search of a miracle when he the [bloodstock] agent, and year-old career, as was Au- enough he broke his maid- the lead and was expected to remain the winner of the
had an unexpected meeting Taylor Made [Farm] and thentic. Medina Spirit was en.” give it up in the stretch of the Kentucky Derby.
with Baffert. Frank Taylor. … They find being pointed to the San An- Medina Spirit won five of 1¼-mile race, but he How this plays out, and
“I ran into him at an air- this little horse. We looked tonio Stakes on Dec. 26 at his 10 lifetime races includ- wouldn’t yield. how Medina Spirit is re-
port in Dubai on my way to at him, and, hey, we liked Santa Anita. The goal was to ing the Grade 1 Awesome “He’s a fighter,” his jockey membered, most likely will
the Saudi Cup,” Baffert said him.” run him in the $20-million Again and, of course, the John Velazquez said in May. be decided by scientists and
in May. “[I hear someone That horse was Medina Saudi Cup on Feb. 26 in Kentucky Derby. His last “I know he was going to fight lawyers. How the public will
say] ‘Hey. Bob,’ in the air- Spirit, a $35,000 Florida- Saudi Arabia. race was a second in the anybody who would come to view things is much more
port and it was him. We sat bred purchase sired by Pro- After the horse started Breeders’ Cup Classic run- him. Every time I asked him complicated.
L AT I M E S . C O M S W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 B7

Standings have been arranged to reflect how the teams will be
determined for the playoffs. Teams are ranked 1-15 by record. Divi-
sion standing no longer has any bearing on the rankings. The top six
teams in each conference qualify for the playoffs. Teams seven
Big Three lead a win over Celtics
through 10 will participate in a play-in tournament with the top-
seeded team playing the lowest qualifying play-in team. The next- [Lakers, from B10]
lowest qualifying team would play the second, etc. Head-to-head him seem like he was still at his
competition is the first of several tiebreakers, followed by conference
record. (Western Conference divisions:S-Southwest; P-Pacific; N- peak instead of starting to fall from
Northwest; Eastern Conference divisions: A-Atlantic; C-Central; S- it. Westbrook had 24 points and 11
assists, helping the Lakers lead by
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. “The energy he plays with is al-
1. Golden State 20 4 .833 8-2 P1 ways good for your group,” coach
1. Phoenix 20 4 .833 9-1 P2 Frank Vogel said.
3. Utah 16 7 .696 31⁄2 8-2 N1 Even a bad start from Anthony
4. Memphis 14 10 .583 6 7-3 S1 Davis, in which the Lakers’ third
5. CLIPPERS 13 12 .520 71⁄2 4-6 P3 star spent more time on the wrong
5. LAKERS 13 12 .520 71⁄2 5-5 P4 end of Robert Williams III high-
7. Dallas 11 12 .478 81⁄2 2-8 S2 lights than posting his own, turned
7. Denver 11 12 .478 81⁄2 2-8 N2 in the second half. Davis finished
9. Minnesota 11 13 .458 9 6-4 N3 with 17 points and 16 rebounds, and
10. Portland 11 14 .440 91⁄2 4-6 N4 the Lakers outrebounded the Celt-
ics 51-34.
It started offensively for the
11. Sacramento 10 14 .417 10 4-6 P5
Lakers as James matched Jayson
12. San Antonio 8 15 .348 101⁄2 4-6 S3
Tatum (34 points) shot for
13. Houston 7 16 .304 121⁄2 6-4 S4
shot early, showing that he still
13. Oklahoma City 7 16 .304 121⁄2 2-8 N5
could get to that place where it
15. New Orleans 7 19 .269 14 5-5 S5 didn’t matter who stood between
EASTERN CONFERENCE him and the basket. Tatum’s 14
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. quick points were outdone by 16
1. Brooklyn 17 7 .708 7-3 A1 from James.
2. Chicago 17 8 .680 1
⁄2 7-3 C1
It was much needed for the Lak-
ers, a team that traded its best and
3. Milwaukee 16 9 .640 11⁄2 9-1 C2
most consistent defensive players
4. Miami 14 11 .560 31⁄2 4-6 S1
for more firepower. Still, scoring
4. Washington 14 11 .560 31⁄2 4-6 S2
has been a challenge, the Lakers
6. Philadelphia 13 11 .542 4 5-5 A2
struggling to find the right spacing
7. Charlotte 14 12 .538 4 5-5 S3 and right lineups to play with
8. Atlanta 13 12 .520 41⁄2 7-3 S4 James, Davis and Westbrook.
8. Boston 13 12 .520 41⁄2 6-4 A3 Defensively, things still have
8. Cleveland 13 12 .520 41⁄2 4-6 C3 been a struggle, the Lakers rein-
serting Avery Bradley into the
11. New York 12 12 .500 5 4-6 A4 starting lineup for defense and the
12. Toronto 11 13 .458 6 4-6 A5 Celtics quickly scoring 20 points in
13. Indiana 10 16 .385 8 4-6 C4 the first seven minutes.
14. Orlando 5 20 .200 121⁄2 1-9 S5 It was Tatum doing the dam-
15. Detroit 4 19 .174 121⁄2 1-9 C5 age, forced into an even bigger role
with the Celtics’ No. 2 scorer,
Jaylen Brown, still out nursing a
TUESDAY’S RESULTS hamstring injury. Like James,
at LAKERS 117, Boston 102 Brooklyn 102, at Dallas 99 Tatum cooked whichever defender
New York 121, at San Ant. 109 tried to stop him, too tall and too
smooth for Bradley, Westbrook or
TODAY’S GAMES Talen Horton-Tucker.
Favorite Line Underdog Time Needing him more off the ball
at CLIPPERS OFF Boston 7:30 p.m. than on it, the Lakers started the
at Indiana 41⁄2 New York 4 p.m. game hiding James on Al Horford
Philadelphia 7 at Charlotte 4 p.m and letting him be a key part of ro-
at Cleveland 21⁄2 Chicago 4 p.m tation. After the slow start, the
Washington 51⁄2 at Detroit 4 p.m Lakers’ defensive energy picked
at Toronto 7 Oklahoma City 4:30 p.m
up, James squatting low to guard Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
at Miami OFF Milwaukee 4:30 p.m
at Memphis OFF Dallas 5 p.m.
former teammate Dennis ANTHONY DAVIS holds on to a rebound against Boston’s Josh Richardson and Grant Williams.
at Minnesota OFF Utah 5 p.m. Schroder before forcing an offen- Davis overcame some early struggles to help the Lakers win the rebounding battle 51-34.
Denver 21⁄2 at New Orleans 5 p.m. sive foul and getting the turnover.
Brooklyn 61⁄2 at Houston 5 p.m. With the ball headed the other
at Golden State OFF Portland 7 p.m. way, James celebrated the stop,
at Sacramento 7 Orlando 7 p.m. pointing toward the offensive end
as he slowly walked down the floor LAKERS 117, CELTICS 102 Knicks 121, Spurs 109 Nets 102, Mavericks 99
into the next possession. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
It’s a scene that’s not been too Horford..............................30 3-9 0-0 1-8 2 0 7 Barrett...............................38 11-20 3-4 1-5 2 3 32 Bembry .............................14 2-3 0-0 0-1 0 4 4
frequent, James keying a defensive Tatum................................33 13-22 3-5 2-8 3 2 34 Randle ..............................35 5-12 2-2 0-7 7 3 15 Durant...............................40 10-22 3-3 2-7 3 1 24
CLIPPERS stop. And it’s been not too frequent
Williams III.........................24 5-7 3-4 3-4 1 1 13
Schroder............................31 1-6 8-10 0-1 5 2 10
Noel..................................25 1-1 0-0 5-9 3 4 2
Burks ................................36 6-15 3-3 0-4 5 3 18
Aldridge.............................23 7-12 1-1 1-5 1 3 15
Harden ..............................41 7-13 6-7 0-9 12 2 23
TONIGHT for a few reasons. One, James was Smart................................33 2-7 2-3
Langford ............................16 2-3 1-1
1-4 6 3 6
0-1 1 1 5
Fournier.............................20 3-8 0-0 0-3 1 2 7
Quickley ............................26 5-12 4-4 0-5 2 3 16
Mills .................................33 4-11 0-0 0-4 2 0 10
Johnson.............................25 5-7 0-0 0-4 4 5 12
playing in just his 13th game this Richardson.........................15 4-9 2-4 0-0 2 2 11 Robinson ...........................22 4-6 3-4 8-14 0 1 11 Claxton..............................20 3-4 0-2 2-9 1 4 6
VS. BOSTON season. And two, the defenders Nesmith.............................14 4-8 0-0 0-0 0 3 9 Rose .................................21 4-11 2-2 1-2 2 0 12 Thomas .............................17 3-8 0-0 1-5 0 0 6
Williams ............................13 0-2 1-2 0-1 0 2 1 Toppin ...............................12 4-6 0-0 2-3 0 0 8 B.Brown.............................14 1-2 0-0 1-3 2 3 2
When: 7:30 he’s starred around are mostly in Pritchard............................12 2-6 0-0 0-1 5 0 6 Grimes ................................0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Carter .................................5 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0
different uniforms. Freedom..............................8 0-0 0-0 0-3 1 0 0 Totals 43-91 17-19 17-52 22 19 121 Millsap ................................3 0-1 0-0 1-3 2 0 0
On the air: TV: Bally Sports The results have been some Hernangomez .......................5 0-3 0-0 0-3 1 0 0 Shooting: Field goals, 47.3%; free throws, 89.5% Totals 42-83 10-13 8-50 28 22 102
SoCal; Radio: 570, 1330 ugly numbers for James. With him
Totals 36-82 20-29 7-34 27 16 102 Three-point goals: 18-38 (Barrett 7-8, Randle 3-5, Burks 3-8, Shooting: Field goals, 50.6%; free throws, 76.9%
Shooting: Field goals, 43.9%; free throws, 69.0% Rose 2-2, Quickley 2-8, Fournier 1-6, Toppin 0-1). Team Rebounds: Three-point goals: 8-26 (Harden 3-6, Johnson 2-3, Mills
Update: Paul George’s on the court, the Lakers’ defensive Three-point goals: 10-33 (Tatum 5-7, Pritchard 2-5, Nesmith 1-3, 4. Team Turnovers: 1. Blocked Shots: 5 (Robinson 3, Noel, Randle).
2-8, Durant 1-4, Aldridge 0-1, Bembry 0-1, Thomas 0-3).
shot-making late during Richardson 1-4, Horford 1-5, Williams 0-1, Smart 0-2, Hernangomez Turnovers: 10 (Barrett 2, Fournier 2, Noel 2, Burks, Randle, Rob-
rating (points allowed per 100 pos- 0-3, Schroder 0-3). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: None. inson, Rose). Steals: 7 (Barrett 2, Robinson 2, Quickley, Randle, Team Rebounds: 4. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots:
Monday’s win in Portland didn’t sessions) entering the game was a Blocked Shots: 4 (Freedom, Tatum, Williams, Williams III). Turnovers: Rose). Technical Fouls: None. 4 (Bembry, Durant, Harden, Johnson). Turnovers: 12 (Hard-
surprise the Clippers (13-12). In 13 (Tatum 5, Smart 3, Williams 2, Pritchard, Schroder, Williams III). SAN ANTONIO en 5, Durant 3, Aldridge, Carter, Claxton, Millsap). Steals:
team-worst 112.3. Among all NBA Steals: 8 (Smart 3, Horford 2, Schroder, Tatum, Williams III). Techni- 3 (Bembry, Durant, Johnson). Technical Fouls: None.
36 “clutch” minutes — games Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
players averaging more than 30 cal Fouls: None. Johnson.............................15 2-5 1-4 2-5 1 1 5 DALLAS
when the score is within five minutes, only nine were worse. LAKERS McDermott.........................25 5-11 0-0 0-0 3 3 13 Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
points in the last five minutes — Two years ago, when the Lakers
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Poeltl ................................29 6-11 1-3 4-8 5 4 13 Finney-Smith ......................37 5-10 1-2 2-6 2 2 15
Horton-Tucker .....................34 5-14 2-3 0-6 4 3 12 Murray...............................34 6-15 1-1 0-7 7 1 15 Porzingis ............................31 6-17 4-4 2-12 5 2 17
George has turned the ball over
won the NBA title, James also was James ...............................36 13-19 2-2 2-4 5 2 30 White ................................34 9-18 5-5 0-6 7 2 26 Powell ...............................22 3-3 4-4 2-6 0 1 10
only twice while making 11 of 21 Davis ................................35 7-13 3-4 4-16 3 3 17 Forbes...............................20 4-9 2-2 1-1 1 1 12 Bullock..............................28 3-10 0-0 1-2 0 0 6
among the Lakers’ best-rated de-
shots. The new starting lineup Bradley..............................24 2-6 0-0 1-3 0 1 5 Walker IV ...........................16 1-7 0-0 1-2 2 0 3 Doncic ..............................36 9-21 7-8 1-6 9 5 28
used Monday that included guard fenders. Westbrook..........................35 9-16 5-6 1-3 11 2 24 Bates-Diop.........................15 3-7 3-3 2-5 1 1 9 Hardaway Jr. .......................27 5-14 1-1 1-3 1 1 11
Vogel largely dismissed those Anthony .............................21 4-11 1-2 3-8 0 3 9 Eubanks ............................15 2-4 0-0 3-7 0 1 4 Brunson.............................23 4-8 1-1 0-1 3 0 10
Luke Kennard has played Monk ................................19 4-6 0-0 0-2 2 3 10 Primo ................................15 0-1 0-0 0-1 2 1 0 Kleber ...............................13 0-3 0-2 1-1 0 3 0
together 32 minutes this season early numbers before the game. Ellington ............................13 2-4 0-0 0-1 0 3 6 Jones ................................12 1-2 2-2 0-1 1 2 4 Ntilikina.............................11 0-3 0-0 0-2 1 0 0
and outscored opponents by “He’s giving his all. He’s been in Howard..............................12 2-4 0-0 2-8 0 1 4 Landale ...............................2 2-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 5 Green..................................6 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 2
Bazemore ............................3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Wieskamp............................2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Totals 36-90 18-22 10-39 21 15 99
three points on 45% shooting. … and out of lineups. Like our team, Reaves ................................3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Totals 41-92 15-20 13-43 30 18 109 Shooting: Field goals, 40.0%; free throws, 81.8%
Since a season-low eight-point, had some strong nights and some Totals 48-93 13-17 13-51 25 21 117 Shooting: Field goals, 44.6%; free throws, 75.0% Three-point goals: 9-46 (Finney-Smith 4-9, Doncic 3-
two-for-16 shooting night Nov. 28, nights where it wasn’t there,” Vogel Shooting: Field goals, 51.6%; free throws, 76.5% Three-point goals: 12-31 (White 3-6, McDermott 3-7, Murray 2-5, 11, Brunson 1-3, Porzingis 1-5, Kleber 0-2, Ntilikina 0-3,
Three-point goals: 8-27 (Monk 2-3, Ellington 2-4, James 2-5, Forbes 2-6, Landale 1-1, Walker IV 1-5, Primo 0-1). Team Rebounds: Bullock 0-6, Hardaway Jr. 0-7). Team Rebounds: 9. Team
Boston’s Jayson Tatum was said. “But he’s been great for us.” Bradley 1-2, Westbrook 1-4, Anthony 0-4, Horton-Tucker 0-5). Team 7. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 4 (Poeltl 3, Eubanks). Turn-
Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 2 (Bullock, Porzingis).
averaging 31.3 points, 10.7 Tuesday, James really was — Rebounds: 12. Team Turnovers: 2. Blocked Shots: 4 (Davis 2, Horton- overs: 10 (White 3, Walker IV 2, Eubanks, Forbes, Johnson, Jones,
Turnovers: 4 (Porzingis 2, Doncic, Finney-Smith). Steals: 6
Tucker, Howard). Turnovers: 14 (Westbrook 4, Davis 3, Horton-Tucker McDermott). Steals: 5 (Bates-Diop, Eubanks, Forbes, Johnson, Mur-
rebounds and 3.7 assists in his playing with a pace, energy and 3, James 3, Bradley). Steals: 7 (Davis 2, Horton-Tucker 2, Anthony, ray). Technical Fouls: None. (Finney-Smith 3, Green, Hardaway Jr., Porzingis). Technical
last three games entering spirit that the Lakers have cap- Monk, Westbrook). Technical Fouls: None. New York 28 34 33 26— 121 Fouls: Doncic, 3:24 third.
Tuesday’s matchup against the tured in their championship past Boston 33 22 20 27— 102 San Antonio 28 28 25 28— 109 Brooklyn 21 29 25 27— 102
LAKERS 31 29 31 26— 117 Dallas 27 35 24 13— 99
Lakers. and are chasing to add title No. 18 A—14,698. T—2:03.
— Andrew Greif A—18,997. A—19,559. T—2:22.
to their future.


Metropolitan W L OL Pts GF GA

Calgary 15 6 5 35 84 56 Washington 16 4 6 38 92 65
DUCKS 14 8 5 33 89 78 NY Rangers 17 4 3 37 74 59
Edmonton 16 8 0 32 87 74 Carolina 17 6 1 35 79 54
San Jose 14 11 1 29 71 71 Pittsburgh 12 8 5 29 75 68

back Vegas
New Jersey

with win
Vancouver 9 15 2 20 64 80 NY Islanders 6 10 5 17 43 64
Central W L OL Pts GF GA Atlantic W L OL Pts GF GA
Minnesota 18 6 1 37 96 72 Florida 17 4 4 38 96 71
St. Louis 13 8 4 30 84 73 Toronto 18 7 2 38 85 66
Nashville 14 10 1 29 73 70 Tampa Bay 16 5 4 36 84 67
Colorado 13 7 2 28 92 76 Detroit 13 10 3 29 73 83
Zegras earns his 16th Dallas
assist and Anaheim Chicago 9 14 2 20 56 81 Ottawa 7 16 1 15 63 93
extends point streak Arizona 5 18 2 12 44 93 Montreal 6 18 3 15 61 96
Note: Overtime or shootout losses worth one point.
to five games a night
after shootout loss. RESULTS
DUCKS 2 Trevor Zegras flipped a pass over the net to set up the
DUCKS 2 AT BUFFALO 0 go-ahead goal, and Anthony Stolarz made 25 saves.
BUFFALO 0 AT TORONTO 5 Auston Matthews scored twice, and defenseman Morgan
COLUMBUS 4 Rielly set up four goals for the Maple Leafs.
associated press
TAMPA BAY 3 Ondrej Palat scored with 38 seconds left in the third
AT MONTREAL 2 period, giving the Lightning a win over the Canadiens.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Trev- N.Y. ISLANDERS 5 Anders Leehad had two goals and the Islanders ended an
or Zegras flipped a pass over AT OTTAWA 3 11-game losing streak with a win over the Senators.
the net to set up the go-
ahead goal, Anthony Stolarz Jeffrey T. Barnes Associated Press NASHVILLE 5 Predators’ Roman Josi beat four Detroit defenders for a
made 25 saves, including 15 DUCKS CENTER Trevor Zegras passes the puck from behind the net during the AT DETROIT 2 first-period goal; Ryan Johansen scored on a power play.
in the final period, and the second period against Buffalo. Sonny Milano batted the puck in for a goal. AT ST. LOUIS 4 Pavel Buchnevich scored a wrap-around goal 53 seconds
Ducks beat the Buffalo Sa- FLORIDA 3 (OT) into overtime and the Blues beat the Panthers.
bres 2-0 Tuesday night. 16 assists. The 20-year-old night of a back-to-back set DUCKS 2, SABRES 0 CAROLINA 4 Martin Necas and Vincent Trocheck scored power-play
Zegras scooped the puck was drafted ninth overall in opening their five-game DUCKS ....................................0
1 1 — 2 AT WINNIPEG 2 goals, leading the Hurricanes to a victory over the Jets.
onto the blade of his stick be- 2019 by the Ducks and has Eastern trip. Buffalo ....................................0
0 0 — 0
hind the net and lobbed it eight assists in four Decem- Luukkonen stopped 21 FIRST PERIOD—Scoring: None. Penalty—Carrick,
N.Y. RANGERS 6 Artemi Panarin had two goals and two assists, passing
over goalie Ukko-Pekka ber games, most in the shots in his season debut for DUCKS (tripping), 9:50. AT CHICAGO 2 500 career points and helping the Rangers to victory.
SECOND PERIOD—1. DUCKS, Milano 8 (Zegras,
Luukkonen’s head. Sonny league for the month. the Sabres. Buffalo has lost Rakell), 5:14. Penalty—Dahlin, BUF (hooking), MINNESOTA 4 Cam Talbot made 38 saves against his former team and
10:10. the Wild earned their seventh straight victory.
Milano was waiting on the Sam Carrick also scored five in a row and fell to 1-8-1 THIRD PERIOD—2. DUCKS, Carrick 5 (Manson), AT EDMONTON 1
right edge of the crease and for the Ducks, who extended over its last 10 games. 17:52. Penalties—Shattenkirk, DUCKS (hooking), AT SAN JOSE 5 Tomas Hertl had his fourth career hat trick and the Sharks
1:48; Terry, DUCKS (tripping), 10:21.
batted the feed past their point streak to five Carrick deflected in Josh SHOTS ON GOAL—DUCKS 6-9-8—23. Buffalo 7- CALGARY 3 scored three goals in the second period.
Luukkonen’s glove for his games (3-0-2), responding Manson’s shot from the 3-15—25. Power-play conversions—DUCKS 0 of 1;
Buffalo 0 of 3.
eighth goal 5:14 into the sec- from a 4-3 shootout loss in point for the Ducks’ second GOALIES—DUCKS, Stolarz 4-2-1 (25 shots-25 TODAY’S GAMES
ond period. Washington on Monday. goal with 2:08 left in the third saves). Buffalo, Luukkonen 0-1-0 (23-21).
Att.—8,133 (19,070). T—2:18. Colorado at N.Y. Rangers, 4 p.m. Philadelphia at New Jersey, 4 p.m.
Zegras leads rookies with They won on the second period.
Boston at Vancouver, 6 p.m. Dallas at Vegas, 7 p.m.
B8 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Two months of
London’s best
better than rest
lected as a return specialist.
Despite missing a They were joined on the sec-
ond team by two Trojans:
month of the season, linebacker Drake Jackson
the USC receiver wins and kicker Parker Lewis.
No Pac-12 player was as
Pac-12 offensive player crucial as London, who
of the year honors. carried USC’s offense over
his eight games as the Tro-
jans’ lead target. In spite of
By Ryan Kartje missing the final month,
London was the only Pac-12
USC receiver Drake receiver to exceed 1,000
London was in the midst of yards (1,084). His 88 catches
his star turn when an Arizo- also paced the conference
na defender rolled over his while ranking 12th in the na-
right ankle during a game in tion. His total contested
late October, stopping an ex- catches (19) led the nation,
traordinary season in its according to Pro Football
tracks with four games left Focus.
to play. At the time of his injury,
Yet even a broken ankle he led all Power Five receiv-
and a month away wouldn’t ers in yards and receptions
keep London from being rec- and seemed assured of run-
ognized by the Pac-12 as the ning away with the Bilet-
Ringo H.W. Chiu Associated Press conference’s offensive player nikoff Award, given to the
USC FORWARD ISAIAH MOBLEY , shooting against Eastern Kentucky forward Jannson Williams during of the year, an honor that ne- nation’s top receiver.
the first half, scored a season-high 23 points and added 13 rebounds. Mobley said he was feeling it early. ver has gone to a player who London wound up only a
missed as much of a season semifinalist for that award.
as London. Yet the conference’s

Trojans off to perfect start London is the eighth

USC player to receive the
honor and first since Mar-
qise Lee in 2012.
London was one of two
USC players to be selected to
coaches, who vote on the All-
Pac-12 teams, still believed
London to be the best offen-
sive player in the conference.
Only three other receiv-
ers have won the award. Of
[USC, from B10] their outside shooters.” the All-Pac-12 first team Washington’s Mario Bailey
“I had to slide my feet to- NO. 16 USC 80, E. KENTUCKY 68 Eastern Kentucky ended along with defensive line- (1991) and USC’s Keyshawn
day so I didn’t get any cheap PAC-12 E. KENTUCKY
Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T up 10 of 39 from three-point man Tuli Tuipulotu. UCLA Johnson (1995) and Lee,
fouls,” said Mobley, who was STANDINGS Moreno.............22 1-7 0-0 0-4 1 1 3 range (25.6%) and stayed in had three players chosen: none played fewer than 11
a career-best five of six from Williams............22 3-6 2-2 2-5 1 3 10 the game in part by shooting wideout Kyle Philips, tight games.
Conf. Overall Beverly .............25 5-15 2-2 1-2 4 2 16
long range. “I was feeling it Robb ................30 3-11 0-0 2-5 2 2 8 12 of 12 from the free throw end Greg Dulcich and offen- No conference player,
early, I saw a couple go down TEAM W L W L Blanton.............32 1-7 4-4 2-5 2 1 6 line and getting 11 steals. sive lineman Sean Rhyan. however, had a more out-
Lewis................25 3-12 4-4 2-6 1 1 11
and we got on a run. We fig- USC 2 0 9 0 Cruickshank.......19 4-7 0-0 0-1 0 2 8 USC outrebounded the Col- Five Bruins made the sized offensive impact in
ured out how to attack their UCLA 2 0 8 1 Wardy ...............18 3-3 0-0 2-3 1 2 6 onels 47-32. second team: quarterback such a limited amount of
Jackson ..............7 0-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
full-court pressure and as Arizona 1 0 7 0 Totals 23-71 12-12 11-31 12 14 68
Off the bench, Morgan Dorian Thompson-Rob- time.
time went on we got to our Shooting: Field goals, 32.4%; free throws, 0.0% had eight points and Reese inson, running back Zach With London the lone
spots to beat the trap and Utah 1 1 6 2 Three-point goals: 10-39 (Beverly 4-9, Williams Dixon-Waters had six for Charbonnet, defensive line- bright spot in an otherwise
Washington State 1 1 6 2 2-4, Robb 2-9, Moreno 1-5, Lewis 1-6, Blanton 0-1,
that led to easy dunks.” Jackson 0-2, Cruickshank 0-3). Team Rebounds: 2.
USC, which was outscored man Mitchell Agude and de- dark season, USC didn’t win
USC began the night as Colorado 1 1 6 3 Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: None. Turn- 43-39 in the second half. Al- fensive backs Quintin Lake again after his injury, finish-
one of only 12 unbeaten overs: 7 (Cruickshank 2, Beverly, Blanton, Jackson, though Beverly had the hot and Qwuantrezz Knight, ing the season on a four-
California 1 1 4 5 Lewis, Robb). Steals: 11 (Beverly 3, Lewis 3, Moreno
teams remaining in Division Arizona State 1 1 3 6 2, Blanton, Jackson, Wardy). Technical Fouls: None. hand, two other Colonels fin- while Philips also was se- game losing streak.
I college basketball this sea- USC ished in double figures —
Oregon 0 1 5 4
son and was determined to Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T Curt Lewis with 11 and Jann-
Stanford 0 1 4 3 Agbonkpolo .......30 5-11 1-3 1-4 5 2 12
keep its perfect record intact Goodwin ...........21 6-6 2-6 1-7 2 1 14 son William with 10.
in the Trojans’ first-ever Washington 0 1 4 5 Mobley .............34 8-10 2-2 3-13 5 0 23 “We knew they would give
meeting against the Colo- Ellis..................26 0-10 0-0 0-5 5 3 0 us issues with their three-
Oregon State 0 2 1 8 Peterson ...........31 6-11 1-1 1-6 2 0 15
nels, who were playing their Anderson ..........22 1-2 0-0 0-1 3 4 2 point accuracy — and they
first game in California since TUESDAY’S RESULT Morgan .............16 4-4 0-0 1-5 1 0 8 did,” Enfield said. “They’re a
Dixon-Waters .....11 2-3 1-1 0-1 0 3 6
a 98-83 loss at Cal State Ful- at No. 16 USC 80, Eastern Kentucky 68 Johnson ..............7 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 very dangerous team, they
lerton in 1999. The Trojans WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Thomas...............1 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 like to spread you out, we’re
Totals 32-59 7-13 7-42 23 13 80
(9-0) are off to their best Eastern Washington at Colorado, 5 p.m. big and long and were chas-
Shooting: Field goals, 54.2%; free throws, 53.8%
start since winning their Utah at Texas Christian, 5 p.m. Three-point goals: 9-25 (Mobley 5-6, Peterson 2-5, ing their guards. We got four
first 14 games to begin the Wyoming at No. 11 Arizona, 7 p.m. Dixon-Waters 1-2, Agbonkpolo 1-5, Ellis 0-7). Team or five charges which is un-
Rebounds: 4. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 3
2016-17 campaign. Weber State at Washington State, 7 p.m. (Johnson, Morgan, Peterson). Turnovers: 19 (Anderson characteristic for us, but on
“Tonight was my night Idaho State at Cal, 7 p.m. 3, Ellis 3, Goodwin 3, Mobley 3, Peterson 2, Thomas 2, the plus side we ended up
but we’re building chemistry Agbonkpolo, Dixon-Waters, Morgan). Steals: 5 (Ellis 2, with 23 assists and four guys
THURSDAY’S GAME Agbonkpolo, Dixon-Waters, Johnson). Technical Fouls:
and sometimes it’ll be me or None. had at least three, so we
Grand Canyon at Arizona State, 6:30 p.m.
Boogie or Ethan or Max or Eastern Kentucky 25 43— 68 shared the ball.”
Drew,” Mobley added. “Com- FRIDAY’S GAME USC 41 39— 80

ing off an Elite Eight appear- Milwaukee at Colorado, 6:30 p.m. A—2,608 (10,258). UP NEXT
ance last season we have Sunday, vs. Long Beach
high expectations again, but action Dec. 30 when they closer. State, 2 p.m., Galen Center,
we understand it takes time. host Arizona State. “Isaiah was playing great Pac-12 Networks — The Tro-
I’m always looking for ways Braxton Beverly led the tonight. He was hitting jans will play Big West Con-
to impact the game anyway I Colonels (5-5), who had everything,” Peterson said. ference opponents in their Young Kwak Associated Press
can.” made 13 or more three-point- “We don’t have a centerpiece next two games, starting DRAKE LONDON, celebrating a touchdown, led the
Though more of the hype ers in seven of their first nine like Evan was last year, but with the 49ers (2-6). They Pac-12 with 88 catches and 1,084 yards in eight games.
in the Southland this season games, including a season- anyone can step up on any are led by 6-foot guard Joel
has centered on the Trojans’ high 18 at Western Kentucky given night. We have so Murray, who plays 30 min-
crosstown rivals in West- on Dec. 4. Three consecutive many weapons on this team utes a game and averages 17.1
wood, USC is ranked No. 16 three-pointers with under and everyone’s getting bet- points on 49.5% shooting.
in the country in the Associ-
ated Press poll. The Trojans
resume their three-game
five minutes cut Eastern
Kentucky’s deficit to 12 and
prompted USC coach Andy
ter. They were something
like four of 30 from three at
one point. Besides that
Forward Joe Hampton and
guard Colin Slater also score
in double figures at 11.7 and
Five players, a coach
homestand Sunday after-
noon against Long Beach
State. They resume Pac-12
Enfield to call timeout. The
Colonels crept to within 10
with 1:30 left but got no
stretch at the end where [the
Colonels] caught fire we did
a pretty good job defending
11.5 points, respectively. USC
then plays UC Irvine on
Dec. 15.
plan to leave USC
under Lincoln Riley, as the
After Riley is hired, new coach works to rebuild
TOP 25 MEN’S BASKETBALL ROUNDUP the roster of a team that fell
some announce intent to 4-8 this season, its worst

Texas Tech upsets Tennessee to enter the transfer

portal or declare for
the NFL draft.
record in 30 years.
An entirely new staff
could also be in the works, as
Riley had already brought a
defensive coordinator (Alex
its first 23 three-point at- By Ryan Kartje Grinch) and receivers coach
associated press
tempts overall. (Dennis Simmons) with him
from Oklahoma. Tulsa of-
Texas Tech might want No. 6. Villanova 67, Syra- The inevitable exodus fensive line coach Zach Han-
to petition to play in the cuse 53: Justin Moore scored has begun at USC. son is likely to join the group
Jimmy V Classic every sea- 18 points, Collin Gillespie Edge rushers Hunter as a tight ends coach, while
son. The unranked Red had 14 and the Wildcats beat Echols and Juliano Oklahoma outside lineback-
Raiders make a habit of the Orange in the Jimmy V Falaniko, defensive tackle ers and defensive ends
rankling the ranked teams Classic. Jermaine Samuels Jake Lichtenstein and coach Jamar Cain is also ex-
in New York. added 13 for Villanova (7-2) kicker Alex Stadthaus en- pected to join USC’s staff.
Terrence Shannon Jr. in its 22nd win at Madison tered the NCAA transfer So’oto is the first of sev-
had 18 points and 12 re- Square Garden since 2014. portal on Monday, while of- eral assistants expected to
bounds, and Texas Tech Jimmy Boeheim led Syra- fensive tackle Jalen part ways with USC in the
continued its run of Jimmy V cuse (5-4) with 21 points and McKenzie announced he coming days. In a post on so-
Classic shockers in an offen- Joe Girard III had 11. would forgo an extra season cial media, the defensive line
sively anemic 57-52 overtime of eligibility to enter the NFL coach wrote that he was “ex-
win over No. 13 Tennessee on No. 8 Kansas 78, Texas El draft. tremely excited for the next
Tuesday night. Paso 52: Ochai Agbaji Defensive line coach Vic chapter of my career and the
“In OT, we knew the scored 23 points, Christian So’oto also announced on challenges that lie ahead.”
tougher team was going to Braun added 20 and Kansas Monday in a social media “I am disappointed I will
win,” Shannon said. tuned up for this weekend’s post that he would not be re- not be able to finish the last
The Red Raiders (7-1) return of the Border War tained as part of USC’s new year of my contract as a USC
were also unranked when with a blowout of UTEP in staff. Trojan,” So’oto wrote. “The
they knocked off No. 1 Kansas City, Mo. The five departing play- peaks and valleys of this pro-
Louisville in 2019 at Madison ers are likely just the begin- fession are what make it spe-
Square Garden. at No. 10 Kentucky 76, ning of major turnover cial.”
Tuesday’s game was clas- Southern 64: Oscar
sic in title only. Want of- Tshiebwe scored 18 of his 23
fense? You wouldn’t find it at points after halftime despite
MSG, where the Vols (6-2) being in foul trouble, TyTy
missed a whopping 34 of 40 Washington Jr. added 14 SOUTHLAND
three-point attempts overall points and both Wildcats
and shot only 27% overall keyed small runs to help MEN
from the floor. John Fulker- Kentucky top Southern for Loyola Marymount 60, at Tulsa 55: Eli Scott had 19 points
son led the Vols with 10 its seventh consecutive vic- and 11 rebounds for the Lions (6-3), who’ve won four of five.
points. The Vols went eight Adam Hunger Associated Press tory. Dameane Douglas added 18 points and 11 rebounds.
for 16 from the free-throw TEXAS TECH guard Terrence Shannon Jr. is fired
line. up during his team’s victory over No. 13 Tennessee. at No. 12 Arkansas 86, Boise State 74, at Cal State Northridge 48: The Matadors
“I don’t know if we can be Charlotte 66: J.D. Notae re- (3-5) shot 34%, missed nine of 10 three-pointers and were out-
any worse on offense and we four needed for a run to pos- go Vescovi buried the tying corded his first career dou- rebounded 37-16 in their second straight lopsided loss.
were in the game,” coach sibly hold off the Red three-pointer with 1:55 left to ble-double and Arkansas at California Baptist 89, North Dakota 71: Daniel Akin
Rick Barnes said. “One or Raiders. make it 41-41. Josiah-Jordan rolled over Charlotte. Notae scored 16 points and Taran Armstrong had 15 assists as the
two more and maybe we Tennessee missed 14 James hit another tying finished with 23 points and Lancers (8-1) improved to 8-0 at home.
would have got the lid off it straight shots over a 10-min- three-pointer with 31 sec- 10 rebounds as the Razor-
it.” ute stretch in the second half onds left and sent the game backs (9-0) took control of MEN TONIGHT
Those one or two makes and had missed 27 three- into overtime tied at 44. the game in the first half and Cal State Fullerton at San Diego State........................................ 7
never became the three or point attempts until Santia- Tennessee missed 20 of never let up. Bethesda at Long Beach State........................................................7
L AT I M E S . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 B9

Bueckers out 6 to 8 weeks Cleveland Browns tight pended for six games with-

wire reports
end David Njoku was placed out pay by the NHL for knee- NEXT: MONDAY AT ARIZONA, 5:15 P.M., ESPN
on the COVID-19 reserve list ing Winnipeg Jets defense-
Connecticut star Paige and could miss Sunday’s man Neal Pionk. ... The RAMS
Bueckers suffered a fracture crucial matchup against Dallas Stars sent goalie Ben
just below her left knee and AFC North-leading Balti- Bishop on a conditioning as- N.Y. GIANTS
will be sidelined for up to two more. Njoku leads Cleveland signment in the minor 1
months, the school said with 407 yards receiving and leagues as their former CH. 11
Tuesday. he scored the Browns’ only starter continues a long re- CHARGERS
Last season’s women’s touchdown in a 16-10 loss to covery from a knee injury....
at at
college basketball player of the Ravens on Nov. 28. Chicago Blackhawks for- ORLANDO
Memphis Okla. City
the year was dribbling up the ward Jujhar Khaira was 6:30
5 5
court with under 40 seconds Ohio State hired defen- stretchered off the ice after SpecSN SpecSN
left in Sunday’s 73-54 victory sive coordinator Jim he was leveled by Jacob LAKERS
over Notre Dame when she Knowles away from Okla- Trouba in the second period
stumbled and came down homa State. ... Pittsburgh of the New York Rangers’ 6-2 BOSTON ORLANDO
awkwardly. She had to be offensive coordinator Mark victory. The Blackhawks 7:30 12:30
carried off the court. Jessica Hill Associated Press Whipple resigned after three said Khaira suffered an “up- BSSC BSSC
The school said an MRI PAIGE BUECKERS (5) seasons. per-body blow.” CLIPPERS
and CT scan showed she suf- suffered a tibial plateau
fered a tibial plateau frac- fracture Sunday. Roy Jones Jr., Miguel Ash Barty’s Wimbledon DALLAS MINN.
ture, which is a break of the Cotto and James Toney title and hold on the No. 1 7:30 7:30
tibia bone that extends into Each of the teams nomi- were elected to the Interna- ranking helped her win WTA BSW BSW
the knee joint. It has a recov- nated one player for the hon- tional Boxing Hall of Fame player of the year for the sec- KINGS
ery time estimated at be- or named for the late Pay- along with three-division fe- ond time. ... French Open di-
tween six and eight weeks. ton, a Hall of Fame running male champions Regina rector Guy Forget, whose at at
Columbus Pittsburgh
Connecticut coach Geno back for the Bears. Halmich and Holly Holm. contract was to expire at the
4 4
Aureimma said the school The award recognizes a Also selected for induc- end of the year, has resigned,
will not rush Bueckers back player for community serv- tion were publicist Bill Cap- citing communication is- DUCKS
to the court. ice and excellence on the lan in the nonparticipant sues with the new head of
Bueckers is averaging field. It has been given annu- category and journalist Ron the French tennis federa- Shade denotes home game.
21.2 points, 6.2 assists and 5.5 ally since 1970 and will be pre- Borges and historian-pro- tion.
rebounds for No. 3 Connecti- sented at NFL Honors, the ducer Bob Yalen in the ob-
cut. TV show during which the server category. Post- The Minnesota Lynx’s
Associated Press reveals its humous inductees an- Cheryl Reeve will be the
individual seasonal award nounced include junior- next USA Basketball na- TODAY ON THE AIR
ETC. winners. lightweight champion Tod tional team coach, a person TIME EVENT ON THE AIR
Previous winners among Morgan in the old-timer cat- with knowledge of the situa-
Finalists for NFL active players are Seattle egory and ring announcer tion told the AP. ... The GMS
4:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Miami TV: ESPN, ESPND
quarterback Russell Wilson Chuck Hull in the nonpar- Racing majority purchase of
man of the year in 2020; Baltimore defensive ticipant category. Richard Petty Motorsports
7 p.m. Portland at Golden State
7:30 p.m. Boston at Clippers
TV: BSSC R: 570,
linemen Calais Campbell Because of the cancella- will be called Petty GMS
Tennessee Titans run- (2019 with Jacksonville) and tions of the two previous in- Motorsports going into
ning back Derrick Henry Arizona’s J.J. Watt (2017 with duction weekends because next season and NASCAR COLLEGE BASKETBALL
and Kansas City Chiefs safe- Houston). of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hall of Famer Richard Petty 3:30 p.m. Ball State at Xavier TV: FS1
ty Tyrann Mathieu, 2020 All- The Chargers nominated the Classes of 2020 and 2021 will be chairman of the new 4 p.m. Connecticut at West Virginia TV: ESPN2
Pro players, are among the center Corey Linsley, and also will be honored June 9. two-car Cup Series team. ... 4 p.m. North Florida at Florida TV: SEC
32 men chosen as finalists the Rams nominated offen- Amanda Cromwell was 4 p.m. Women, Iowa at Iowa State TV: ESPNU
for the Walter Payton NFL sive tackle Andrew Toronto Maple Leafs for- hired as coach of the Or- 4 p.m. Indiana at Wisconsin TV: Big Ten
Man of the Year award. Whitworth. ward Jason Spezza was sus- lando Pride. 4 p.m. Lipscomb at Miami TV: ACC
5 p.m. Eastern Washington at Colorado TV: Pac-12
5:30 p.m. Maryland Baltimore County at Georgetown TV: FS1
6 p.m. Marquette at Kansas State TV: ESPN2
6 p.m. Towson at Ohio State TV: ESPNU
6 p.m. Michigan State at Minnesota TV: Big Ten
6 p.m. Cornell at Virginia Tech TV: ACC
7 p.m. Wyoming at Arizona TV: Pac-12
4 p.m. Colorado at New York Rangers TV: NHL
7 p.m. Dallas at Vegas TV: TNT
9 a.m. Trackside Live! TV: TVG
9:45 a.m. UEFA Champions League, Zenit vs. Chelsea TV: KFTR, TUDN,
9:45 a.m. UEFA Champions League, Juventus vs. Malmo FF TV: Gala
Noon UEFA Champions League, Bayern Munich vs. TV: TUDN, Univision
Barcelona R: 1330
4 p.m. CONCACAF Champions League, Motagau vs. TV: FS2
6 p.m. Friendly, Mexico vs. Chile TV: TUDN, Univision
3 a.m. Florianopolis, Maia ATP challengers, early rounds TV: Tennis
11:30 a.m. Florianopolis ATP Challenger, early rounds TV: Tennis

Subscribers get free access to the daily digital replica
of The Times print edition that includes a bonus
sports page. Today, Kevin Baxter covers a milestone
in women’s soccer.

U.S. water polo

BROTHERS Trevin (4) and Kaden (5) Adams watch from the sideline during California School for the Deaf’s
Luca Evans For The Times coaches retained
playoff win on Nov. 6. The Cubs lost 74-22 in the Southern Section Division 2 eight-man title game.
through 2024
Historic season comes to end Krikorian, Udovicic
back to lead women,
paved with our coaches re-
maining in place.”
Krikorian, 47, a former
player and coach at UCLA,
[CSDR, from B10] winning record in 2011 and of the team’s top receivers, [they] would’ve had no men at Paris Games. has built the women’s pro-
said of watching the team’s never made it to a champi- was knocked out. So was game this week … the energy gram into a juggernaut since
first game Tuesday night. onship game. It was a dream backup quarterback Kaden was just not there.” taking over in 2009. In addi-
“Seeing them all on the field, story, and one the team was Adams, also the coach’s son. The fact that CSDR By Kevin Baxter tion to the three consecutive
and now I’m sitting back. happy to embrace, given its Any spark of a comeback made it so deep into the foot- Olympic titles, the U.S.
Doing nothing.” goal of trying to dispel the quickly was snuffed out. ball playoffs — where no Adam Krikorian, who has women have won four FINA
It’s a small school, so all hearing community’s oft-bi- As time ran out, hands Cubs had gone before — cre- coached the U.S. to an un- World Championships
but two of the football play- ased or unfavorable percep- went to foreheads or to ated the short turnaround. precedented three consecu- (2009, 2015, 2017, 2019), three
ers are also on the basketball tion of the deaf. runny eyes and players were Trevin said most of the tive Olympic gold medals in FINA World Cups (2010, 2014,
team, Adams said. Practice But that attention led to left to pick up the pieces of schools for the deaf around women’s water polo, will go 2018), three Pan American
started two days after that distraction, Adams says. He broken hearts. the country reached out to for a fourth in Paris after Games titles (2011, 2015, 2019)
Saturday loss in the title told his players to ignore it, “It was really hard to sit CSDR to offer their support. USA Water Polo extended and 11 FINA World League
game. The world keeps turn- but they really couldn’t. there and just watch,” The season might’ve ended his contract through the Super Final crowns (2009 to
ing. “I think they were feeling Trevin said of being injured. in disappointment, but the 2024 Summer Games. 2012, 2014 to 2019, 2021). The
more pressure in their “Especially when you’re on overall body of work served Men’s coach Dejan team also set the modern-
:: championship game,” Ad- the outside, knowing what as inspiration. The Cubs lost Udovicic also had his con- day record for consecutive
ams said. you could be doing. It was a battle, but they won a war. tract extended through Par- wins in women’s water polo
There was a line of cars Trevin doesn’t really hard — it was quite the dis- “Hearing families with is. The men finished sixth in with 69.
with media members every agree with his dad on that. appointment.” deaf family members were Tokyo last summer, equal- “The opportunity to
day over the last two weeks What was most frustrating, able to see our example, and ing their second-best finish coach these remarkable
of the season, Adams said. that Saturday, were the in- :: that was probably the in an Olympic tournament women and the honor I feel
CNN. ESPN. NBC. CBS. juries. coolest thing, being able to in the last 25 years. in helping lead this program
They all started blending to- After the game, CSDR el- really be a representative for “USA Water Polo is ex- forward is not something I
gether. Adams knew it was :: ementary, middle and high the deaf community,” Trevin cited to announce the return take for granted,” Krikorian
good PR for the school but school students came over said. “I definitely feel like we of our two national team said in a statement. “With
said his players were getting In the third quarter to congratulate the players have changed the perspec- head coaches. Stability is the shortened time frame to
a little tired of the redun- against Faith Baptist, on their season. tive of realizing, like, ‘Deaf important in team building, Paris 2024 and an eye on Los
dancy of interviews. Trevin pulled the ball down All year long, as wins can do it.’ ” and keeping the leaders of Angeles 2028, the work
With the exposure came for a run and took a hard piled up, they’d been chasing The quarterback said our programs intact will ahead will be extensive and
recognition. Adams’ son shot to the head. Off the the goal of a championship. he’s actually grateful the only help build from the ef- undoubtedly stimulating.”
Trevin, the team’s gritty field, he was evaluated for a To have a concrete title that basketball season started so forts of the last quadren- Udovicic, 51, a former Ser-
quarterback who accounted concussion and ruled out for would stand forever — to soon after the loss, so there nial,” John Abdou, USA Wa- bian player and coach, will
for 75 — not a typo — touch- the rest of the game. make the deaf community wasn’t much time to stew ter Polo’s chief sport per- be looking to give the U.S. its
downs on the season, said The Cubs had gotten proud. without an outlet. Basket- formance officer, said in a first men’s water polo medal
strangers would ask for pic- punched in the mouth to “We were that close,” ball coach Matt Cerar said statement Tuesday. since 2008. In eight years in
tures with him. start the game. Faith Bap- coach Adams said. he hasn’t felt the loss hang- “Professionally, they are charge, he has taken the
“We would go out to eat, tist jumped out to a 28-0 lead The basketball team lost ing over the team’s head, experts and leaders in their team to gold medals at the
and people would recognize as CSDR made a ton of mis- its first game 54-44 to Loma even though the players field and deeply tied into our 2015 and 2019 Pan American
us, and they would be like, takes, Adams said. But he Linda Academy and has might still be hurting. game internationally. Per- Games and silver medals at
‘Oh, let me pay for your was optimistic the team started the season 1-3. Instead, they’re using it sonally, they are men of in- the 2016 and 2021 FINA
meal,’ ” Trevin said. “It’s a could come back, and told Watching the Loma Linda as fuel. tegrity and character who World League Super Final.
little weird to have random the players so. In the second game from the stands, Ad- “Right now, they’re un- have taught me a great deal The next major events for
people act like they know quarter, they’d cut the Con- ams said, his players didn’t satisfied,” Cerar said. “The and have made themselves the men’s and women’s
you.” tenders’ lead to 28-22. look healed after the quick chip on their shoulder as a available as a resource to teams are the FINA World
Heading into the final But as the game went on, turnaround. result of the championship coaches and athletes all Championships, set for May
week of the season, the Cubs players started dropping “I felt bad for the play- — OK, so bring that with across the country. The 2½- 13-29, 2022, in Fukuoka,
were 12-0. CSDR last had a like flies. Jory Valencia, one ers,” Adams said. “I wish you.” year road to Paris is well Japan.

W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 2 1 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

up in air
Necropsy will reveal
Medina Spirit’s cause
of death. Uncertain is
how his death will
affect the sport.
By John Cherwa

Few horses have had as

short yet newsworthy a ca-
reer as Medina Spirit. And, a
day after his sudden death
following a workout at Santa
Anita, many are wondering
how his story eventually will
be told.
Will he be the underdog
horse that brought trainer
Bob Baffert his record-set-
ting seventh Kentucky
Derby win? Or will he be the
second horse ever disquali-
fied post-race in the 147-year
history of the Derby? Photographs by Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
Regardless of the out- AVERY BRADLEY, reinserted into the starting lineup to slow Boston’s Jayson Tatum, had little success early against the star.
come, his 3-year-old life
started with an unexpected

Fueled by green energy

meeting and ended with a
tragic and unforeseen out-
Up next will be a necrop-
sy, an autopsy performed on
animals, which will zero in
on the cause of his death
Monday morning. Indica-
tions point to a cardiovascu-
lar event, but in this case,
nothing will be left to guess-
James and Westbrook star as Lakers’ Big Three lead win over Celtics
Scott Chaney, executive
director of the California Like everything, getting
Horse Racing Board, says LAKERS 117 LeBron James back to do-
this might be the most im- BOSTON 102 ing as much as what he’s
portant necropsy the CHRB used to will be the key. And
has commissioned, but he By Dan Woike having this version of Rus-
says it with a qualification. sell Westbrook?
“It certainly will be the These franchises, maybe That was always the
most scrutinized, but every more than any other two in hope.
fatality is important,” the NBA, take the court “I just like the way we
Chaney said. “Sudden with the ghosts of the pasts competed tonight on both
deaths are always more surrounding their iconic sides of the floor. A lot of in-
complicated and difficult colors. tensity,” James said, calling
than musculoskeletal ones.” It’s why veteran public- the 117-102 win maybe the
The body of Medina Spir- address announcer Lakers’ best performance of
it was shipped to the UC Lawrence Tanter stretched the season.
Davis laboratory in San Ber- out the last syllable of “sev- The Lakers got the best
nardino on Monday, while enteen” when talking about versions of James and West-
tissue, blood and urine sam- the championship banners brook, the veteran Lakers
ples were sent to the Maddy the Lakers were playing slicing through the Boston
Lab at the main campus of under Tuesday night at Sta- defense and bulldozing the
UC Davis. ples Center. Celtics if someone tried to
The necropsy will be re- That is, after all, the stand his ground.
ceiving heightened atten- same number of titles won James set the tone early,
tion including additional by the hated Boston Celtics keeping the Lakers from
samples sent to labs outside — their green uniforms falling behind by a lot, and
of California, according to beautifully clashing against Westbrook dominated the
Jeff Blea, equine medical di- the Lakers’ purple and gold. third quarter, slamming
rector of the CHRB. But since the Lakers as- home dunks, dancing after
“The Maddy Lab is the sembled their roster full of threes and dishing out as-
gold standard in this coun- yesterday’s biggest stars in sists.
try, if not the world,” Blea an attempt to win tomor- James finished with 30
said. “So, we are very lucky row’s championship, the points, five assists, four re-
to have it here. And we will be balance between who they bounds and plenty of defen-
using multiple departments were and what they need to sive energy and attention,
at Davis to make sure every- be has been impossible to the kind of game that made LeBRON JAMES helped offset the early offense by Tatum, coming out
[See Medina, B6] strike. [See Lakers, B7] aggressively en route to 30 points, and provided energy on defense.

Flexing Trojans CSDR didn’t win

remain perfect a title, only hearts
Eastern Kentucky made season, undefeated through
Mobley leads way just three of 17 attempts Cubs came up short 12 games. CSDR lost in the
from beyond the arc (17.6%) Southern Section eight-
with 23 points, 13 in the first half while USC of Southern Section man Division 2 champi-
rebounds against outscored the Colonels 22-6 championship but onship game 74-22 to Can-
in the paint and won the bat- oga Park Faith Baptist on
Eastern Kentucky. tle of the boards 26-14 in the proved ‘deaf can do it’ Nov. 27. Heartbreak. The
first 20 minutes. The Tro- in historic season. narrative ran out of words,
NO. 16 USC 80 jans enjoyed a 41-25 lead at one chapter short.
E. KENTUCKY 68 intermission. The stream of articles
Isaiah Mobley led the way By Luca Evans and television crews has run
By Steve Galluzzo with a career-high 23 points dry. It’s basketball season
and 13 rebounds, Drew The football field lights now at CSDR.
Figuring the opponent’s Peterson added 15, Joshua turned off for the last time Keith Adams doesn’t
best chance was to bomb Morgan had 14 and Max Ag- this season. The cameras, stand on the sidelines any-
away from behind the three- bonkpolo scored 12 for the shutters chirping through- more, eyes popping out of his
point line, the USC men’s Trojans, who won by double- out game nights like an army sockets as his hands craft
basketball team employed digits despite 18 turnovers. of crickets, are gone. The re- deft instruction through
tight perimeter defense and Morgan’s alley-oop dunk porters went home. The American Sign Language to
pounded the ball inside at off a perfectly timed lob pass pads and the helmets are his players. The football
every opportunity for easy from Memphis transfer Boo- tucked away in storage. coach sits in the school gym-
layups to build a comfort- gie Ellis ballooned USC’s No fuss. California nasium’s stands now, watch-
able halftime lead before set- lead to 18 early in the second School for the Deaf in Riv- ing his players trade green
tling for a sloppy 80-68 non- half and the margin grew as erside had its greatest grass and pigskin for hard-
conference victory over visit- wide as 24 points with 10 Ringo H.W. Chiu Associated Press season in program history, wood and leather. Passive.
ing Eastern Kentucky on minutes left. USC’S DREW PETERSON shows who is the big drawing national attention “It was bizarre,” Adams
Tuesday at Galen Center. [See USC, B8] man after dunking against Eastern Kentucky. along the way in a storybook [See CSDR, B9]

We could learn from skateboarders USC’s London wins Pac-12 award Ducks extend point streak to five
The sport’s mostly young practitioners have created a Receiver is recognized as the offensive player of the Trevor Zegras gets his 16th assist, the most among
culture of inclusiveness, kids bonded by boards. A1 year despite missing the last third of the season. B8 rookies in the NHL, in 2-0 victory over Buffalo. B7
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 DD1


Richard Heathcote Getty Images

SAM KERR, right, led the Chelsea women’s team to a 3-0 victory over Jennifer Beattie and Arsenal in the Women’s FA Cup final in London’s Wemb-
ley Stadium on Sunday, on the 100th anniversary of the English Football Assn. ban on women playing in its stadiums. The ban lasted 50 years.


Kerr and Chelsea helped smash soccer gender bias on a historic day in England
game is attractive, entertain-
ing, competitive and well
played and the public is again
embracing it. FIFA says 1.12
Australian Sam Kerr, who is billion viewers watched broad-
on the shortlist of the best cast coverage of the last wom-
women’s soccer players in the en’s World Cup in 2019. More
world, led Chelsea to a 3-0 than 260 million viewers tuned
victory over Arsenal in front of in for the final between the U.S.
a crowd of 40,942 at Wembley and the Netherlands, the
Stadium in the FA Cup final on highest live audience for a
Sunday with a pair of second- women’s match.
half goals. It was Chelsea’s first In September, England’s
domestic treble — FA Cup, Women’s Super League signed
League Cup and Women’s a three-year television deal
Super League titles. worth more than $30 million,
But there’s a much bigger largest for a women’s soccer
reason why Sunday’s game league. Sky Sports and the
was important. BBC immediately were re-
The final, originally set to warded when the league drew
be played last spring, was a record cumulative audience
delayed by the COVID-19 pan- of more than 1.5 million for the
demic. And in an attempt to three matches broadcast live
right a century-old wrong, the on the weekend of Nov. 13-14.
English Football Assn. — the Other major companies are
FA — rescheduled the game in lining up to get involved. Bar-
London’s iconic stadium for clay’s bank, which paid $5.2
Dec. 5, a date which has long million a year to become the
lived in infamy in European WSL’s title sponsor in 2019, is
soccer. also funding a program to
On that day 100 years ago, entice girls to get involved in
the FA banned women’s soccer the sport at the grassroots
from being played in its stadi- level. Toolmaker Stanley is a
ums. Because virtually every major sponsor of Barcelona’s
team in England was governed women’s team while the
by the FA, the ban essentially NWSL, the top U.S. league, has
forced women to play in deals with MasterCard, Bud-
smaller venues outside the weiser, Nationwide, Verizon
media spotlight. The women’s and Secret Deodorant.
clubs, not long able to support Given how quickly the
themselves through ticket things have advanced in the
sales, quickly disbanded. last few years begs the ques-
The FA justified the sta- tion of where the women’s
dium ban with sexist and game would be if it hadn’t been
misogynistic tropes that set back by the FA a century
claimed kicking was too jerky a ago. It’s unlikely it would be
movement for women and equal to the men’s game in
women were too frail and terms of popularity but, given
delicate for the rigors of the the fact the men had a five-
sport. decade-long monopoly on the
Others, however, believe sport, it’s not inconceivable
the reason was far more sinis- the women would be a worthy
ter. rival.
In her 2017 documentary Kamil Krzaczynski Associated Press In sports from gymnastics,
“When Football Banned Wom- JILL ELLIS, the former U.S. coach, couldn’t play soccer in her native England tennis and figure skating to
en,” Clare Balding suggests the while growing up. She didn’t get the chance until her family moved to the U.S. surfing, track and field and
FA — which was run by men for swimming, women often draw
men — was motivated more by a larger TV audience than their
fear of the women’s game followed with Germany, the club team. that the five countries that male counterparts. Who can
becoming too popular and Netherlands, Italy and France Chelsea coach Emma banned women’s soccer in the say definitively that wouldn’t
challenging the dominance of all stopping women from Hayes said her thoughts Sun- first half of the 20th century — have happened in soccer?
the men’s game. playing soccer. The language day were with players like Ellis England, France, the Nether- After all, the largest domestic
In 1920, a Boxing Day game differed slightly by country, and others whose dreams were lands, Italy and Germany — all TV audience for a soccer game
at Everton’s Goodison Park but the justification generally dashed by the FA. That made made the quarterfinals of the in the U.S. was for a women’s
drew a crowd of 53,000, a record was the same: The game was the match far more meaning- last Women’s World Cup. game, the 2015 World Cup final.
for a women’s club match. An too tough for girls and would ful than the final score. There are thriving pro English international Fran
additional 14,000 fans were make them masculine. “I said to the girls before the leagues in France, Spain and Kirby, who scored Chelsea’s
turned away. Many of those bans, which game, ‘Today we play for ev- England. In Italy, the Serie A first goal in the FA Cup final,
The FA responded to the weren’t lifted until the 1970s, eryone who’s made the wom- will become fully professional acknowledged the significance
threat almost immediately, went well beyond the profes- en’s game what it is,’ ” she told next season, a designation of the game and the progress
releasing a draconian list of sional game. Jill Ellis, who reporters. “Women’s football is Spain’s women’s league re- of her sport.
restrictions that ostensibly coached the U.S. to two Wom- our livelihood, but it’s also our ceived this year. “It’s a massive day for wom-
were meant to protect the en’s World Cup titles, grew up passion and today that win Irene Lozano, president of en’s football,” she told report-
women but, in reality, were in England at a time when even was for every woman who’s Spain’s Sports council, said ers.
designed to stop them from organized youth soccer was been involved in women’s the government recognition “Today was about not
playing. When the women unavailable for girls. After her football in this country.” will allow the league to become forgetting the trailblazers who
refused to take the hint, the FA parents moved the family to Only now is the women’s independent and make it helped us get here. Hopefully
locked its stadiums and the U.S., Ellis captained her game in Europe beginning to eligible for better resources the performance today made
quickly got what it was looking Virginia high school team to a regain the popularity and while “put[ting] an end to this everyone proud and hopefully
for. state title and won a U-19 na- respect it had in the days just injustice.” more people want to get in-
The rest of Europe soon tional championship with her after World War I. Consider At its top level, the women’s volved in women’s football.”

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CALENDAR W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 2 1 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R


Streamer removes a
few stand-ups’ albums
over a royalty issue.
So what’s the deal?
By Ryan Faughnder

To take a page from

Spotify Wrapped — the
audio streaming giant’s
year-end viral marketing
campaign — one of The
Wide Shot’s top genres is
“copyright disputes.”
So, of course, I’m fasci-
nated by the recent beef
between Spotify and a num-
ber of famous comedians
whose recordings were
taken off the platform amid
an effort by artists to ex-
tract more money from
Daniel Ek’s Swedish
Albums by Jim Gaffigan,
John Mulaney, Kyle Kinane
and Kevin Hart have disap-
peared from Spotify as a
group of comics seeks roy-
alties for the words under-
lying their recordings. In
other words, they want to be
paid for their material itself,
as well as their recordings of
To understand what
exactly the comedians want
from Spotify, it helps to
know a bit about how music
compensation works. There
are two main types of roy-
Photographs by Francine Orr Los Angeles Times alties in recorded music —
MARTIN CHALIFOUR , the Philharmonic concertmaster, is soloist for a concerto by Julia Adolphe, below. Xian Zhang conducts. those for performers and
those for songwriters and
MUSIC REVIEW The go-to illustrative
example is that when you

Reach out and connect

stream the Whitney Hous-
ton version of “I Will Always
Love You” on Spotify, the
[See Comedians, E4]

In its final concert of 2021, the L.A. Philharmonic shares hopeful messages
BY MARK SWED MUSIC CRITIC >>> Sunday was commissioned for the occasion and fea-
afternoon the Los Angeles Philharmonic gave tured concertmaster Martin Chalifour as so-
its last concert of a very confusing year. Janu- loist, as well as violist and composer
ary 2021 produced the pandemic’s most trou- Nokuthula Endo Ngwenyama — who is of
bling surge in L.A., but by the beginning of De- Zimbabwean and Japanese descent — have
cember, the L.A. Phil in Walt Disney Concert been nurtured over the years by the orchestra Neon

Hall was seemingly in its comfort zone. and its players. The Chinese conductor, Xian A portrait of
Most remarkable of all, what to the rest of Zhang, has been a familiar presence since displacement
the orchestra world would seem a notable ef- 2015. Afghan refugee Amin,
fort in promoting diversity is simply L.A. Phil Comfort zone doesn’t necessarily mean above, confronts his
traumatic past and
business as usual. The program included new comforting. The ambitious new concerto, ti-
finds healing in the
and recent music by women and featured a tled “Woven Loom, Silver Spindle,” wasn’t ex- doc “Flee.” Review, E3
ADOLPHE acknowl-
woman conductor, not to mention a composer edges applause at
actly that, despite Adolphe’s stated intention
What’s on TV .......... E5
of color. Julia Adolphe, whose violin concerto Sunday’s performance. of evoking “the delica- [See L.A. Phil, E5] Comics ................... E6-7


Get thee to this nunnery, go BTS ARMY’s

Paul Verhoeven’s
style statement
you receive a commemora-
‘Benedetta’ is sexy, The K-pop band’s fans tive cup sleeve and other
scatological and showed their love for freebies, while socializing
with other fans and shop
wickedly satirical. the group with fashion vendors and showing off
your BTS style. Manimbo’s
JUSTIN CHANG at recent L.A. shows. latest event, held at Almond
Haus Café in Garden Grove,
By Christine Terrisse celebrated the anniversary
In the first five minutes of of the “Permission to Dance”
“Benedetta,” Paul Verho- Lailani Manimbo draws single ahead of the group’s
even’s winking biographical plenty of inspiration in her sold-out, four-night run at
fiction about the life and life from BTS — even when it SoFi Stadium, which con-
transgressions of a 17th cen- comes to her fashion sense. cluded Thursday night. Fri-
tury Italian nun, a bird defe- Several times throughout day, the band ended its L.A.
cates on a man’s eyeball and the year, the 32-year-old stint with a performance
a street performer merrily neurosurgery registered during the iHeartRadio Jin-
lights his farts on fire. It’s nurse from Torrance hosts a gle Ball tour at the Forum.
gross. It’s funny. It’s oddly re- cup sleeve event (with Whether making their
assuring. COVID-19 precautions in own high-end, unofficial
Different directors have place), called Boba With merch or just dressing like
different kinks, and Verho- Luv, named after the popu- the band’s members, BTS
even’s taste for the scatologi- lar BTS song “Boy With fans from across the world
cal has been one of his au- Luv.” In K-pop culture, cup converged on L.A. to show-
teurial signatures; he is, af- Guy Ferrandis SBS Productions sleeve events are typically case their style. Manimbo
ter all, the filmmaker who in- VIRGINIE EFIRA plays “Benedetta,” who beholds visions of a studly Jesus but hosted at a boba teahouse. said being a part of the BTS
[See ‘Benedetta,’ E5] ultimately surrenders herself to the pleasures of the flesh with a young novitiate. With a drink purchase, [See BTS, E4]
E2 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


Immersed in rhythm of light and space

Finding a sliver of
Hanukkah in Strokes
drummer Fabrizio
Moretti’s installation.
By Deborah Vankin

I guess I was searching for

Hanukkah. Somewhere
between March 2020 and
November 2021, I seem to
have misplaced my Jewish-
ness. I’d long ago tired of
Zoom Seders and holiday
light drive-throughs, even
religious services in back-
yards and parks. With family
back east and still working at
home 21 months into the
pandemic, I’d fallen into
something of a social slump;
my world had gotten uncom-
fortably small.
“Who were my Jewish
friends, again?” I thought,
scrolling through my phone.
“There must be something
going on for Hanukkah,”
(which had admittedly snuck
up on me the Sunday after
It was dusk and the view
looking into my backyard felt
symbolic: worn string lights
tangled in the trees, with
bulbs burnt out or shattered.
But then I found a little
sliver of Hanukkah — the
lights, at least — visiting with Photographs by Sotheby’s

the Strokes’ drummer, Fab- STEP INSIDE Fabrizio Moretti’s sculptural installation, “Kube,” with the artist at Sotheby’s in Beverly Hills. “It’s a melted cube,” he says.
rizio Moretti. At Sotheby’s in
Beverly Hills, of all places. landed inside Sotheby’s softly. “But it can also be a New York’s Dia Beacon.
Moretti, who accepted a clinically white gallery. It’s point of self-reflection. You “I was going for a kaleido-
Grammy with his bandmates mirrored on the inside, the kind of see yourself outside scopic effect, not just infinity
this year for rock album, is glass a patchwork of squares yourself, one of many per- on three planes, I wanted the
also a visual artist — he stud- and elongated triangles, and haps. [Pause.] And being vectors to change,” he says.
ied sculpture at the State it’s lined with fluorescent able to see yourself and the “In terms of Light and
University of New York at tubing. Viewers on the out- relationship you have with Space, it’s a homage — in the
New Paltz for three years side can peer in, but not vice the artwork kind of sanctifies way the Light and Space
before dropping out to pur- versa. Resting inside, in the that moment — I’m hoping.” movement was an attempt
sue music full-time. He cre- eye of a storm of angular With his narrow frame, at harnessing the effects of
ated an immersive sculptural reflections and shadows, is a shaggy curls and blazer over physics through an artistic
installation now on view at work by Anish Kapoor, a skinny pants, there’s a lens. It’s really about har-
Sotheby’s. It’s part of a larger lacquered, stainless steel disc schoolboy eagerness to nessing the environment.”
exhibition featuring work by glowing gold and green. Moretti. His celebrity is no Moretti has always been
Light and Space artists such “It’s a melted cube,” the doubt a way to draw foot obsessed with art, he says —
as Robert Irwin, Helen Pash- Brazil-born, New York-raised traffic to the space, where all he “drew everything” as a kid
gian, Mary Corse, Peter Moretti, 41, says of his work. the works are for sale. But growing up in Manhattan.
Alexander, Larry Bell and As he tours the gallery, his Moretti’s installation is none- He was making sculptural
Gisela Colon. tone becomes increasingly theless thoughtful and lively. assemblage works in his 20s THE WORK was partly inspired by Yayoi Kusama’s
The work is a 9-foot-tall hushed the more excited he The work, Moretti says, is when the Strokes took off. Infinity Mirror Rooms at the Broad, the artist says.
hollow cube — or “Kube,” as gets, until he’s speaking in a inspired by Yayoi Kusama’s He often sketches his band-
it’s titled — made of polished barely audible whisper under Infinity Mirror Rooms, which mates on tour, and he always and recurring patterns as
steel and glass, with two his face mask, punctuating he discovered at the Broad makes a point of visiting rhythms.
corners cut out and tipped on thoughts with long pauses. museum; it’s also informed museums in other cities. “Punctuation is what ‘Kube’ in ‘Light
its side. It looks like a glowing “The mirror can be a by Bruce Nauman’s work, He was inspired to create notes are,” he says. “In pat-
spaceship that has crash- source of vanity,” he says with which he was smitten at “Kube” during a 2019 exhib- terns, you see the similarities
& Space’
ition at Sotheby’s New York, and the distortions.”
“Fabrizio Moretti x Fabrizio At this — as if embodying Where: Sotheby’s, 350 N.
Moretti: In Passing,” for a staccato drum solo — Camden Drive, Beverly
which the Strokes drummer Moretti gestures around the Hills
partnered with an Italian art room, pointing out some of When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For ten years we have dealer of the same name (no
relation — Sotheby’s paired
his favorite works, his voice
still hushed but mounting
weekdays; noon to 5 p.m.
Saturdays; Sundays by
appointment. Ends Jan.
celebrated the power them). For that show, the
elder Moretti, then 45, se-
with intensity. There’s De
Wain Valentine’s sea foam- 29.

and beauty of live lected Renaissance paint-

ings and sculptures to exhib-
green resin circle, from 1970
— boom; Laddie John Dill’s
performance. it and the younger Moretti
created immersive installa-
early-’70s fluorescent instal-
lation — swoosh; and his
Join us to tions, which played with light
and physical space, to guide
favorite, a recent three-
dimensional painting by Lita interpretive. And a festival of
the viewer through the ex- Albuquerque, a cobalt blue- lights may be found even via
hibition. encased white circle — bada an indie rock drummer at a
LISTEN. FEEL. TRANSFORM. The younger Moretti
conceived of “Kube” for the
boom — that toys with per-
tony auction house gallery,
where the streets outside are
2019 show, but it required “It urges you to look lined with Christmas decora-
intricate wiring and was too closer,” Moretti says. “Your tions shimmering in the
complicated to get off the eye is tricking you.” 76-degree sun.
ground at the time, he says. So what does all this have I stood inside Moretti’s
Instead, he worked with a to do with Hanukkah? Noth- work, a million fractured
friend, welder and artist ing, really. versions of myself shrinking
Franco V, and his artist “Oh, snap! Of course,” into infinity until they disap-
girlfriend, Gabriella Corey, Moretti says, when reminded peared, swallowed up by that
over the last two years to that the show would be milky white light.
finish the piece. opening on the sixth night of Somehow, this version of
Peering into “Kube,” the holiday. my Hanukkah, this year, felt
Moretti says he sees light But art is nothing if not appropriate.


10TH ANNIVERSARY Yeim Bronfman Grant Stewart Quintet A federal judge made
EVENT Friday, January 21 with Carl Saunders
Saturday, March 26 the call against actor
Danny Elfman Stephen Kovacevich
Percussion Concerto Sunday, January 30
Rose McGowan’s
with Paciic Symphony Garrick Ohlsson/
OPERA RICO lawsuit.
Sunday, April 24 Kirill Gerstein Parnasses Opera
By Stacy Perman
North American Friday, March 4 “Love, Betrayal, and
premiere of percussion Vengeance”
Conrad Tao A federal judge dis-
concerto co- Sunday, March 27
Sunday, April 10 missed actor Rose Mc-
commissioned by Soka Gowan’s racketeering law-
University. With Colin LEGENDS suit against disgraced movie
Currie on percussion. producer Harvey Weinstein
Judy Collins
Academy of St Martin in and his team of high-pow-
Brian Greene, Sunday, February 13
the Fields: Joshua Bell ered lawyers on Monday.
Theoretical Physicist Los Lobos
Friday, March 11 In October 2019, Mc- View Press / Corbis via Getty Images
“Beyond Einstein: The Saturday, February 26 Gowan filed a RICO suit McGOWAN had sued Harvey Weinstein, his lawyers
Fundamental Nature of Edgar Meyer with
against Weinstein — who is and Black Cube on RICO and fraud allegations.
Space and Time” Scottish Ensemble Paul Williams
currently serving a 23-year
Saturday, February 19 Saturday, April 9 Sunday, April 3
prison sentence for rape and “Harvey Weinstein was most of McGowan’s claims
Karla Bonof/David sexual assault — and his at- able to perpetrate and cover in the 2019 lawsuit but al-
CHAMBER MUSIC BLUES Lindley torneys David Boies and up decades of violence and lowed her to pursue two
Saturday, February 5 Lisa Bloom, as well as Black control over women because fraud complaints and
Hub New Music Booker T Jones Cube, a private investiga- he had a sophisticated team amend her RICO allega-
Saturday, January 22 Saturday, January 15 tion firm that was allegedly working on his behalf to sys- tions.
SUNDAYS AT SOKA hired to dig up dirt on Mc- tematically silence and dis- However, on Nov. 9, the
Andrew Janss Elvin Bishop &
Project Music Heals Us Charlie Musselwhite Paciic Symphony Gowan in order to silence credit his victims,” Mc- judge ruled that the
Saturday, January 29 Chamber Orchestra her. Gowan said in a statement amended complaint did not
Saturday, February 12
Sunday, January 16 and The 72-page complaint, at the time. “My life was up- reach the standard for rack-
Escher & Dover Quartets March 20 filed in U.S. District Court in ended by their actions.” eteering or organized crime.
Sunday, February 27 JAZZ Los Angeles, alleged Mc- The lawsuit focused Two weeks later, Mc-
Mike Garson with Hubert Gowan’s career as an actor mainly on a series of events Gowan’s attorney informed
Ray Chen WORLD and author, as well as her over several months in 2017 the court that the actor had
Saturday, March 19 Laws
Rocky Dawuni mental health, “suffered tre- as McGowan prepared to fired her and withdrew from
Sunday, January 23
mendously” because of We- publish a memoir, in which the case.
Saturday, March 5
GREAT PIANISTS Delfeayo Marsalis instein’s efforts. It sought she says Weinstein raped After McGowan, who
& the Uptown Orchestra Angelique Kidjo unspecified damages for an her in 1997. Weinstein has de- represented herself in court,
Emanuel Ax Saturday, April 2 array of offenses, including nied the allegation. missed a Dec. 3 deadline,
Saturday, March 12
Sunday, January 9 allegations of fraud and con- Last December, Judge Judge Wright dismissed all
spiracy. Otis D. Wright dismissed claims.
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 E3

Thomas Guide
returns, driven
to succeed
Hate your traffic app?
Check out the paper
map book that many
Angelenos relied on.
By James Bartlett
The Thomas Guide

For decades a Thomas THE 2022 Thomas

Guide was a driver’s well- Guide is due Dec. 15.
thumbed tool for survival in
the freeway-heavy, ever-ex- Thomas Guide had seven or
Neon panding sprawl of Southern eight distributors in Califor-
THE HYBRID Danish documentary “Flee” explores Amin Nawabi’s past traumas as an Afghan child refugee. California — as essential as a nia alone and printed a
spare tire, at least until traf- Spanish-language edition
MOVIE REVIEW fic apps made paper books too.
seemingly obsolete. Only the L.A./Orange

Poignant refugee portrait

Younger Angelenos may County and San Diego/Im-
never have heard of them, perial counties guides are
but the Thomas Guide lives still produced today, but
on. The 2022 editions — the Thomas is expecting good
first in three years — are due sales.
out next week. “Private car owners are a
was placed into foster care as Guidebooks and fold-out very small part of our busi-
A gay Afghan faces his a teenager — that fuel some maps were first published by ness now,” he said. “But Cali-
of the most urgent and indeli- ‘Flee’ For your safety three Thomas brothers in fornia state legislation says
past and finds healing ble images, including a Oakland in 1915. Their first that every police and fire ve-
in this animated doc, shocking display of cruelty on
Rated: PG-13, for thematic The Times is committed to city map, Los Angeles, came hicle must have a Thomas
a march through snowy reviewing theatrical film in 1946. San Francisco and Guide on board. Fire roads
a winner at Sundance. woods and a gutting memory
content, disturbing images
releases during the other California cities fol- often aren’t on GPS, and am-
and strong language
involving a boat filled with COVID-19 pandemic. lowed a few years later, and bulances can’t get lost, as ev-
By Jen Yamato Running time: 1 hour, 30
hopeful refugees and a pass- Because moviegoing the operation expanded to ery second could be life-sav-
ing cruise ship. carries risks during this cover regions across Ameri- ing. They often buy lami-
Amin Nawabi sits for the “Flee” is a work of great Playing: AMC Sunset 5, time, we remind readers to ca and Canada. nated copies too, as they get
West Hollywood; the follow health and safety
camera and closes his eyes in empathy for the refugee ex- L.A.’s Central Library has so beat up.”
Landmark, West Los guidelines as outlined by
the Danish hybrid documen- perience, bringing audiences the only known complete col- That accounts for 1,000 to
Angeles the Centers for Disease
tary “Flee” — an intimate close up to the fears of vi- lection of the rectangular, 1,500 sales a year. As a distrib-
portrait of the lasting trau- olence and repression that Control and Prevention ring-bound guides. Recently utor for Rand McNally and
mas of displacement and one drove Nawabi’s family from recognize his own handwrit- and local health officials. retired map librarian Glen other map and atlas brands,
of the most humane films of their home and the abuse ing in his native language as Creason recalled how the li- Thomas also supplies cus-
the year. He breathes in and apathy he describes that he revisits the detailed ac- camera captures silent fis- brary offered free photo- tom maps with “extreme de-
deeply and the distant mem- they faced once they left. count he wrote of the family sures in the otherwise loving copies of the Hollywood and tail” for transit agencies, hos-
ories start trickling out, More poignantly it illustrates he lost in Afghanistan, al- home life that Nawabi shares downtown pages because pitals, animal control and
punctuated in long-ago feel- how deeply the invisible scars though he doesn’t reveal the with his partner Kasper, they were so often torn out by others.
ings and details. can remain etched in those true breadth of his emotions whom he admits to the cam- cheap (or maybe lost) motor- Thomas said he was “in
First he’s a young boy violently fractured from fam- until much later. era doesn’t yet know all of the ists. the right time and place” to
dancing through the streets ily, home and the promise of For Nawabi, the ingrained dark and painful secrets of Then came GPS and traf- start his career as a distribu-
of 1980s Kabul, carefree as safety, even long after the instinct to repress his iden- his past. The more Kasper fic-beating apps. tor about 30 years ago — and
Western pop music blasts journey is complete. tity in the name of self-pres- pushes for them to put down Despite its huge data- that his last name was a
from pink headphones on his As he and his family fled ervation ran even deeper: As roots, the more Nawabi puts base, the Thomas Guide lucky factor.
ears. Later he sits rapt in the from country to country a young man, afraid he’d be up walls. stumbled in the digital age, “I got the blessings of the
backyard of his family home putting their lives into the rejected by the only family he That reluctance, he and owner Rand McNally re- original owners, the Thomas
listening to tales of his father, hands of human traffickers, had if they knew he was gay, comes to understand, is tan- placed cartographers and brothers, who said that my
who’d been taken by the Nawabi learned to keep his he’d kept the truth obscured gled up in his sense of guilt cut costs. The guides seemed last name wouldn’t infringe
Communist government and head down, be wary of au- — a memory he recounts to over the sacrifices his family destined to be lost to nostal- their copyright,” he said, “so I
would never be seen again. thority figures and stay alert great dramatic effect in one made for him to survive. gia, yet they didn’t disap- could legitimately call myself
Some time after that, he at all times. Even in animated of the film’s most surprising In the film’s gentle final pear. Thomas Maps.”
recalls the shock of fleeing form, the grief for what was scenes. frame, Rasmussen lifts a veil From his office outside Angelenos complain
war-torn Afghanistan in 1989 lost along the way is palpable But that kind of lifelong that suggests that his friend, San Antonio, Larry Thomas, about how a glitch in their
with his mother and siblings in Nawabi’s voice. It’s notice- knife’s edge anxiety can be in speaking truth to the past, now the majority owner of traffic app made them late.
— only to be stuck in limbo able as he reads from his exhausting and destructive. has finally begun to carve his the Thomas Maps brand, Could the Thomas Guide be
with expired immigration pa- teenage diary, struggling to Elsewhere, Rasmussen’s own path forward. said that at one time the poised for a vinyl-like revival?
pers in desolate post-Soviet
Russia, watching dubbed
Mexican telenovelas to mark
the time before mounting
ever more harrowing at-
tempts toward a better fu-
All the arts, all the time
Decades of lingering anxi- “PITCH PERFECT!
ety, fear and buried pain re-
veal themselves as Nawabi,
To advertise here go to
Such a celebration of love, the holidays,
now an academic living in Co-
penhagen with his boyfriend, and the movie itself that it’s hard to not
recounts his experiences as
an Afghan child refugee to di- fall in love, actually.”
rector and longtime friend
Jonas Poher Rasmussen in –Entertainment Weekly
“Flee” (the film, which won
the Sundance Grand Jury
Documentary Prize earlier
this year, is also Denmark’s
“If you are a fan of the original
official Oscars entry.)
Rasmussen first met
movie, seeing Love Actually Live is
Nawabi (a pseudonym for the
subject and co-writer of the
an absolute necessity.”
film) as middle school stu- –The Hollywood Times
dents. The film includes his
own animated memory of
first seeing the guarded
young Amin, then a quiet im-
“WOW! Love Actually Live is once
migrant kid in a strange land
trying hard not to be noticed. again December’s most scrumptious
Now, after decades of close
friendship, Rasmussen at- theatrical treat.”
tempts to record the story of
his friend’s early life. He ends
–Stage Scene LA
up bearing witness to painful
truths Nawabi had kept
locked deep inside from ev-
eryone around him, the film
becoming not only testimoni-
al but catalyst for catharsis.
Interspersed with archi-
val news footage and pre-
sented mostly in expressive
2-D color animation se-
quences, “Flee” grounds
Nawabi’s recollections in the
contexts of the geopolitical
clashes that left him, his fam-
ily and thousands of fellow
refugees displaced and des- THE WALLIS & FOR THE RECORD PRODUCTION OF
perate enough to risk danger,
separation and worse for bet-
ter lives.
Animating interview ses-
sions conducted over several
years and Nawabi’s descrip-
tive memories, “Flee” utilizes
the freedom of its format to
paint a more complete pic-
ture of its subject, his lived ex-
periences and his emotions
than might otherwise have
been possible. The choice
gives buoyance to moments
of humor and tenderness, as
when Nawabi admits to his
boyhood crush on Jean-
Claude Van Damme (who, in
animated flashback form,
winks to him from the poster
on his bedroom wall) and re-
visits a sweet bond with an
DEC 31, 2021
older boy that bolstered a
lonely and perilous episode in
his life.
But it’s his vivid memories
as a trafficked refugee —
smuggled first to Russia,
then to Denmark, where he | 310.746.4000
eventually arrived alone and
E4 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

But seriously,
about Spotify
and comedians
[Comedians, from E1] bums an “aggressive” tac-
company pays a royalty tic. Not being on Spotify is
that goes to the late Hous- bad for comedians because
ton’s estate and a separate they’re missing out on a
cut for Dolly Parton, who giant platform and royalties
wrote the song. as the two sides work out
The comedians argue their differences.
that Spotify, as well as This controversy is fa-
companies including Sirius miliar ground for Spotify.
XM and Pandora, should be Royalties in the music
paying them similarly as business are notoriously
the writers of the jokes, not complicated, and that has
just as the people perform- led to blow-ups over who
ing the bits. gets paid what and how
Primarily leading the much. As the biggest sub-
charge in this skirmish is scription-based music
Jim King, CEO of the Nash- streaming company, Spo-
ville-based company Spo- tify has been at the center of
ken Giants, which was many such disputes.
founded in 2019 to adminis- As Spotify was filing for
ter royalties for spoken its IPO in 2018, it was sued
word artists. King used to for $1.6 billion by a music
be an executive at the big publisher over so-called
performance-rights organi- mechanical royalties, a type
zation BMI, one of the of payment with roots dat- Melody Kim
groups that collects and ing to the early 20th century JENNIFER KIM VAN NGUYEN and Richard Tran pose in their BTS-inspired fashion at SoFi Stadium.
distributes pay for music and the reproduction of
publishers. musical compositions on
He argues that the so-
called literary rights of
comedians have always
existed under U.S. copy-
right law but have histori-
player-piano rolls (I told
you these things were
weird). That lawsuit was
In 2019, Eminem’s pub-
Fans channel BTS faves
for SoFi Stadium shows
cally not been a big enough lisher filed a copyright
potential revenue stream infringement lawsuit
for a company like his to against Spotify, alleging
bother demanding pay- that the streamer did not
ment. have the proper license to
That has changed, he host about 250 of the rap-
said, as streaming services per’s songs. Earlier this [BTS, from E1]
and satellite radio provide year, hundreds of K-pop ARMY made her more confi-
increasingly massive plat- songs were removed from dent in expressing her femi-
forms for comedy routines, Spotify amid a dispute with nine-meets-preppy aes-
podcasts and speeches. the artists’ distributor. thetic. “Just seeing [BTS]
“This is a right that has “Spotify has done to dress with ease but remain
existed for decades and comedians what it did to stylish has always been
decades,” he said. “Now songwriters who com- something I’ve looked up
we’re exercising it on behalf plained that the company to,” she said. “I think when
of our members.” was unlawfully profiting you begin to love yourself
Spoken Giants is also from their works — close more ... you become more
seeking back payments on the door after the horse has comfortable while also wear-
behalf of artists for their left the barn with a take- ing styles that make you feel
literary rights. King said down,” said music attorney your best.”
the rates for comedy bits Christian L. Castle in an As the global megastars
should be similar to the email. dominated L.A., creative
revenues for songwriters, The frequent fights types showed up to every gig
which are set by the U.S. reflect an ongoing tension with get-ups referencing the
government. for Spotify. The company is band in some way, ranging
Spotify said in a state- credited with popularizing from the cute BT21 and
ment that it “has paid sig- a subscription model that TinyTan characters’ official
nificant amounts of money has basically saved the merchandise to inside-joke
for the content in question, music industry from ruin DIY outfits to the sleek suits
and would love to continue and built $44 billion in stock and colorful pastels the
to do so.” market value in the process. group members are known
“However,” the company But artists, naturally, want to sport, whether in their lat-
continued, “given that their fair share. est music videos or in their
Spoken Giants is disputing Now comedians are off-duty “airport” fashion.
what rights various licen- getting a taste of what mu- Their growing influence Christine Terrisse
sors have, it’s imperative sicians have dealt with for caught the eye of late fashion MOTHER-AND-DAUGHTER fans in looks from the band’s “Dynamite” video.
that the labels that distrib- years. visionary Virgil Abloh, artis-
ute this content, Spotify tic director for Louis Vuit- covering the band’s style de-
and Spoken Giants come This article is taken from ton, who appointed them as livered a shot of adrenaline
together to resolve this the Dec. 7 edition of The brand ambassadors for the into their closets during the
issue to ensure this content Wide Shot, a weekly French luxury label before pandemic. Newer fans like
remains available to fans newsletter about everything he died last month from can- Toshiko Kadir have fun
around the globe.” happening in the business cer. hunting down the real labels
King called Spotify’s of entertainment. Sign up at Manimbo and other BTS worn by their icons. The 57-
takedown of comedy al- event holders select creators year-old real estate agent
to showcase high-end BTS from Singapore flew out for
fan-made fashion pieces. the L.A. shows and said the
These wares are coveted by BTS Twitter fashion ac-
those who still wait in line to count under the handle
buy official merch but also @Bangtan_Style07 has
desire clothes and acces- helped her find designer
sories beyond the standard pieces the group wears. She
fare. Many items celebrate recently tracked down a
BTS with fresh apparel straw Ruslan Baginskiy hat
that’s hard to replicate on a Huey x Solange member V sports in the
mass scale — stuff refer- A STRAW BAG with a BTS-inspired scarf by Huey x “Butter” video and the sheer
encing “Namjooning” (the Solange’s SoCal-based accessories brand Kyootpop. Casablanca top worn by
art of chilling out like BTS Jungkook at both online and
member RM) in stylish fonts be sad to see these inde- inspired scarves, pins and the SoFi concerts.
and on-trend prints. pendent shops be affected,” mask chains, giving options “I’m not a totally fashion-
However, speaking on Manimbo said, noting wear- to people in search of a more able person,” Kadir said.
the condition of anonymity, ing homemade or small-cre- mature, understated look. “But, ever since BTS, I have
makers of the unofficial ator-made merch makes Especially since, as late- elevated my fashion. ... Dur-
merch told The Times that fans more excited to buy offi- night host James Corden ing the pandemic, I started
BTS’ parent company, cial items and participate in found out the hard way, BTS to [dress up] for myself, and
Hybe, has started to crack concerts. fans are of diverse ages and I would prance around the
Nicole Vas Los Angeles Times; Chris Pizzello AP;
Photo illustration by down on merchants for po- “I think one of the big is- might want some profes- room with makeup on. I
Richard Shotwell Invision / AP; Robert Gauthier L.A. Times
tential copyright infringe- sues, too, is that I feel like sional-looking swag to rep at went to buy a Louis Vuitton
STAND-UPS Kevin Hart, left, John Mulaney and ments via the third-party Hybe doesn’t really cater to the office. handbag,” she said. “And I
Jim Gaffigan are among those Spotify has removed. “It would kind of plus sizes, and I think that’s “For us, it’s BTS’ deep was curious about what
also a big thing,” Manimbo lyrics, dedication to their items BTS members wore.
said. “I bought a plus-size craft, and love for their mu- Now, only the men’s sales
fan-made shirt for my friend, sic that inspires us,” Kyoot- section will call me.” A mem-
and she was just so happy to pop said via email. “Our de- ber of the BTS ARMY Over
OF SUBTITLES represent BTS because she signs are subtle,” they went 40 Club Facebook page,
finally felt included.” on to say, “so ARMY can eas- Kadir so appreciated the in-
Info Line 310.478 .3836 In the past, BTS them- ily incorporate it into their jection of joy BTS gave her
selves were no strangers to style and everywhere they during the shutdown that
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino 673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood wearing off-label brands — go.” she later started a project
BENEDETTA BENEDETTA even with a dash of lowbrow Ahead of the SoFi shows, with the online group to
1:00 4:00 7:00 GORILLAZ: SONG MACHINE LIVE FROM KONG humor thrown in. creators Melody Kim, Kris- send thank-you notes to the
DEATH OF A 7:00 PM In a recently circulated tine Le and Jennifer Kim band’s pro stylists.
1:10 PM 7:00 PM
TELEMARKETER E ENCOUNTER E SILENT NIGHT meme featuring honey- Van Nguyen of Montebello- On the other end of the
7:30 PM 1:30 4:30 4:00 7:10 voiced member Jimin, the based fashion company age and gender spectrum, a
TRY HARDER! HIM & HER 4:10 7:15 WOLF E band member is pictured Daebop wanted to create the fashionable young trio
1:00 PM 4:30 PM 1:30 4:20 7:00
HOUSE OF GUCCI E sporting a sweater with the perfect concert and festival talked outside the stadium
LADY BUDS 1:00 4:00 7:00 ENCOUNTER E ENCANTO B Chanel font in an early photo bag. Their tote is designed the first night of the resi-
4:20 PM 1:30 4:20 1:20 4:30 7:30
C’MON C’MON E circa 2013. But instead of for stadium compliance and dency. The BTS influence
I WAS A SIMPLE MAN 1:20 4:10 7:30 Chanel, the logo on his has inserts so you can show was clear, especially from
THE POWER OF THE DOG E 1:00 4:00 7:00
7:10 PM 7:40 PM knockoff threads says off your photo card or pin one whose elegant tan coat
IN TIME BELFAST C C’MON C’MON E “Channel,” and in place of collections. For BTS ARMY, and LV belt evoked member
1:10 PM 4:25 PM TRY HARDER! 1:40 4:40 the iconic interlocking C’s Daebop created an “I Purple V’s off-duty style.
1:00 PM
Y TU MAMA TAMBIÈN E GLENDALE BELFAST C logo are two circles. The ad- You” strap, as both the Brothers Karan Bhogal
207 N. Maryland Ave Glendale
7:00 PM WOLF E
1:00 4:30 jacent photo is of today’s phrase and the color purple and Preet Bhogal, 20 and 21,
5:30 7:40 1:20 4:00 7:10 THE FRENCH DISPATCH E Jimin: a fully realized global hold significance for the fan- both from Diamond Bar,
1332 Second Street Santa Monica CASTLE FALLS 1:20 7:30 icon, complete with chiseled dom. along with their best friend,
3:10 PM HOUSE OF GUCCI E jawline, wearing the authen- “We made Daebop be- Ryan Chang, 20, from San
1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 DEADLOCK E 1:00 4:00 7:00 450 W. 2nd Street Claremont tic version of the high-end cause all fans come in differ- Jose, confirmed as much.
1:30 PM
THIS GAME’S CALLED ENCANTO B brand. The caption reads: “If ent shapes and sizes and “I’m influenced by V and
MURDER 1:00 4:00 7:00 1:10 4:10
1:15 4:25 7:30 you didn’t love me in my they have unique styles. We Jungkook to look cleaner,”
1:20 4:10 7:00 C’MON C’MON E Channel...then you don’t de- wanted to create a bag that said Karan. “In a way that’s
WOLF E 1:20 4:20 7:30 THE POWER OF THE DOG E 1:00 4:00 7:00 serve me at my Chanel.” could be inclusive to all me as well.” Preet added, “I
1:30 4:20 7:10 THE POWER OF THE DOG E 1:10 4:20 While trading and craft- ARMY,” Le said. “We made a definitely feel they help us be
1:10 4:15 C’MON C’MON E
1:30 4:30 7:30 ing have long been a part of blank canvas. The clear bag more comfortable in the way
1:00 4:00 7:00 BELFAST C K-pop tradition, upscale is actually not just for BTS we look and have style in a
C’MON C’MON E THE FRENCH DISPATCH E small-batch items like those but all types of K-pop fans. ... way we can feel more confi-
1:10 4:25 7:30 7:30 PM 1:20 4:15 7:20 made by Huey x Solange, the We wanted to make a bag for dent. A key concept for BTS
BELFAST C 1:15 7:30 THE POWER OF THE DOG E design team behind SoCal- any type of concert so you is diversity and to love your-
4:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:10 7:10
BONGEE BEAR AND THE based Kyootpop, help ex- don’t have to spend so much self. I think the ‘Love Your-
THE FRENCH DISPATCH E KINGDOM OF RHYTHM Y TU MAMA TAMBIÈN E THE FRENCH DISPATCH E pand the band’s reach. money.” self ’ theme and message
1:30 7:20 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:20 PM Kyootpop makes BTS- For others, simply dis- transcends.”
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 E5

TV Highlights
The prime-time TV grid is
on hiatus in print. You can
find more TV coverage at:
Jay Leno’s Garage (season
finale) Dwight Yoakam and
Paul Reiser. 7 and 10 p.m.
Survivor (N) 8 p.m. CBS
Chicago Med (N) 8 p.m.
The Masked Singer (N)
8 p.m. Fox
Crossroads Brett Young
hosts this holiday episode.
8 p.m. CMT
Tough as Nails (N) 9 p.m.
Chicago Fire (N) 9 p.m.
Alter Ego The winner is
chosen in the season finale.
9 p.m. Fox
Tyler Perry’s Sistas Karen
(Ebony Obsidian) confronts
Fatima (Crystal Renee
Hayslett). 9 p.m. BET
The Real Housewives of
Orange County (N) 9 p.m.
CSI: Vegas (N) 10 p.m. CBS
Chicago P.D. (N) 10 p.m.
Francine Orr Los Angeles Times NBC
MARTIN CHALIFOUR is soloist for Julia Adolphe’s “Woven Loom, Silver Spindle” at the Los Philharmonic’s final concert of 2021. Twenties Nia (Gabrielle
Graham) weighs her op-
tions in movie roles and in
dating. 10 p.m. BET

Philharmonic makes connections It’s Always Sunny in Phila-

delphia Dee (Kaitlin Olson)
is excited to head off for
Hollywood in the first two
new episodes of the raunchy
[L.A. Phil, from E1] Those rhythmic and melo- ver Spindle,” her third L.A. bols of loom and spindle do big sound and did so with comedy. 10 and 10:30 p.m.
cy and strength required of dic numerical manipula- Phil commission (the pre- act as musical metaphors. overwhelming energy. In FXX
motherhood.” Nor was tions sounded, if not primal, miere of her second, a cello The violin spins, the orches- even the dullest of hands,
Zhang’s volcanic perform- like meaningful little mes- concerto, fell victim to pan- tra interlaces musical Beethoven’s symphony is a Hard Knocks in Season:
ance of Beethoven’s Seventh sages among the different demic cancellations and will threads and occasionally rhythm machine. In Zhang’s The Indianapolis Colts (N)
Symphony after intermis- string instruments, punctu- be rescheduled). In her new looms over the soloist. But dancing hands, phrases 10 p.m. HBO
sion. ated by harp and percus- concerto, the solo violin the messages remain frag- swelled and dotted rhythms Intergalactic Ash (Savan-
But the program did be- sion, pervaded by sweet- sends out her own little mes- mentary, rather than weave, quickened with propulsive nah Steyn) gets the cold
gin with Ngwenyama’s “Pri- ness. The sounds get along sages, primal perhaps in the value being in the explo- force, sonic gravity be shoulder from the rest of the
mal Message,” which should not necessarily through tra- their own right, to different ration rather than fulfill- damned. crew. 10 p.m. Syfy
be the last word in comfort- ditional harmonic conso- instruments in the orches- ment. COVID-19 restrictions re-
giving. Originally written as nance (although there is tra, which are more like feel- For this, Adolphe has the quire L.A. Phil players who
a chamber piece in 2017, the plenty of that), but through ers that set off a host of mo- perfect protagonist in Chali- can to wear masks while Nickelodeon’s Treasure
brief score for strings, harp a kind of rightness of being. mentary repercussions. four. He makes “silver spin- playing. Conductors, who Truck Four families com-
and percussion takes its in- “Primal Message” can The concerto begins with dle” audible, gleaming depend on facial expres- pete in three rounds of
spiration from the “Arecibo” turn a little soupy, but that tentative pizzicati. A through an orchestra that sions, are typically ex- holiday-themed challenges.
message, a friendly greeting hardly matters. Ng- plucked solo violin amid or- has long known him and he, cepted. Zhang kept hers on. 7:30 p.m. Nickelodeon
from Earth to aliens sent wenyama is showing our chestral mists, the rustles it. There can hardly be any- Her arms vehemently Christmas Around the
from a radio telescope into global good side to us, not and some glitter from a dis- one in the L.A. Phil with swooped like that of a Pros- World Dean Cain and Laura
outer space in 1974. Instead the universe; her reason to tant piano ends 20 minutes whom he has not played pero commanding the McKenzie host this new
of a digital representation of save the planet being be- later in soft, ethereal shim- chamber music, which weather. She needed noth- holiday special. 8 p.m. The
our DNA, however, Ng- cause we are, in fact, worth mer. Once the initial fog makes every interaction in ing more. CW
wenyama seemed to won- saving. Still, if whatever lists, the violin gingerly sug- Adolphe’s concerto feel like If a symphony could be a
der: What if our “primal funny, advanced creatures gests melodic shards of fascinating conversation. space ship launched into CMT a Tennessee Kind of
message” were to be sheer that possibly inhabit globu- ever-varying character. A If Zhang remained an en- space with a primal mes- Christmas Country music
gorgeousness? lar cluster M13, where the solo cello takes the bait and thusiastic, detail-oriented sage, this Beethoven Sev- artists perform their favor-
More accurately, she original primal message is enters into a brief dialogue. facilitator of “Primal Mes- enth was it. The orchestra ite Christmas songs. 9 p.m.
wondered whether she headed, somehow tune in to A bassoon and groups of sage” and “Woven Loom,” played gloriously and CMT
might play around with this musical version, there winds take their turns inter- she became the astonishing looked happily dazed after- SPORTS
some mathematical musi- just might be hope. acting. Metallic percussion primal messenger of Bee- ward, which may well sum
cal relationships and come Adolphe is also explor- has a say. thoven’s Seventh. She used up its past year. Comfort NBA Basketball The Bos-
up with a musical DNA map. atory in “Woven Loom, Sil- Now and then the sym- a big orchestra, produced a zone. What’s that? ton Celtics visit the Clip-
pers, 7:30 p.m. BSSC
immerses us in a cloistered CBS Mornings Michael J.

Sex, scatology in convent life world that nonetheless re-

buffs our usual assumptions
about the oppressive joy-
lessness of monastic life,
Fox; Paola Pimienta. (N)
7 a.m. KCBS
Today Cynthia Nixon. (N)
7 a.m. KNBC
and not just because of all
[‘Benedetta,’ from E1] the sex. Good Morning America
dulged a scene of rectal There may be hard ma- Zachary Levi; Kurt Warner;
torture in “Soldier of Or- nual labor and a little self- David Rose; Shaggy per-
ange” and dumped a vat of flagellation, but sardonic forms. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
feces onto his World War II- laughter sometimes erupts Live With Kelly and Ryan
era resistance heroine in within these walls, as do wit- Cynthia Nixon; Heather
“Black Book.” tily barbed negotiations Graham. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
And so no one should be over money. (“A convent is The View Gov. Gavin New-
shocked when his latest re- not a place of charity,” dead- som; Penn & Teller. (N)
sistance heroine, Benedetta pans Sister Felicita, who de- 10 a.m. KABC
Carlini (Virginie Efira), and mands an awfully high
a fellow nun get acquainted dowry for each “bride of The Drew Barrymore
side by side in a convent out- Christ.”) Even the fluidity Show Ben and Erin Napier;
house, complete with realis- and mobility of the camera- Kristin Chenoweth. (N)
tically muffled sound ef- work in these shadowy envi- 2 p.m. KCBS
fects. It’s a veritable meet- rons (the movie was shot by Kelly Clarkson Sandra
toot. Verhoeven clearly the gifted Jeanne Lapoirie) Bullock; Yvonne Orji;
wants us to laugh; the mov- feel like a rejection of auster- Robert Plant and Alison
ie’s a gas. But he doesn’t ity. Krauss. (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
mind if we think too — about So does Efira’s decidedly The Ellen DeGeneres Show
the earthy realities of the IFC Films modern glamour, one of Rosario Dawson; Ed
body, the higher abstrac- “BENEDETTA,” starring Virginie Efira, is loosely based on Judith C. Brown’s many reminders here that Sheeran. (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
tions of the soul and all the 1986 book, “Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy.” “Benedetta” is all too aware
thornily ambiguous ways of its own artifice. Although Amanpour & Company (N)
they do and don’t connect. leader, dispensing practical with more parochial sen- less sustained or surprising 11 p.m. KCET
“Your worst enemy is your wisdom and sometimes sibilities in the audience. than Verhoeven’s previous The Daily Show (N) 11 p.m.
body,” a nun tells the young ‘Benedetta’ overzealous punishment. I doubt that too many of feature, “Elle” (2016), the Comedy Central
Benedetta when she first ar- She might also be a prophet, those viewers will stumble movie similarly centers on The Tonight Show Nicole
rives at the convent. “Best In French with English anointed by God to receive onto “Benedetta” unawares, an extraordinarily intelli- Kidman; Úrsula Corberó;
not to feel at home in it.” subtitles his strange, often violent vi- though if they do, they will gent and imaginative hero- Stromae performs. (N) 11:34
Eighteen years later, the Not rated sions, some of which resem- not be alone in taking of- ine who finds herself in an p.m. KNBC
adult Benedetta will both Running time: 2 hours, ble Monty Python sketches fense. Benedetta’s rise to impossible position — and
accept and reject this ad- and leave her marked with power ignites the indigna- who responds by flouting Jimmy Kimmel Live! Rob
6 minutes McElhenney; Ariana De-
vice. She’s prone to frequent Playing: In general release stigmata. Before long the tion of Sister Christina sexual norms, interrogating
out-of-body experiences, force of these visions has (Louise Chevillotte), who her own desires and ulti- Bose; Sting performs. (N)
beholding visions of a studly swept her to the top of the tries to out her as a charla- mately threatening the stat- 11:35 p.m. KABC
Jesus (Jonathan Couzinié) it is). Verhoeven, now 83 and convent hierarchy, displac- tan and a heretic. The im- us quo. Both movies derive The Late Late Show With
who is her savior, protector still operating with his ing the longtime abbess, Sis- posing Sister Felicita, whom much of their intrigue not James Corden Mariah
and, on occasion, seducer. trademark slipperiness of ter Felicita (Charlotte the ever cliché-resistant only from Verhoeven’s film- Carey. (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS
But she also surrenders her- theme, tone and genre, Rampling). Rampling invests with sar- making dexterity — for all Late Night With Seth Mey-
self to the flesh, especially treats “Benedetta” itself as a Efira, a gifted actor donic wit and moving vul- that flatulence, he has a ers Brian Cox; Wet Leg
once she sets eyes on Bar- demonstration of this prin- (“Sibyl”), submits to these nerability, seeks out an ally marvelously soft touch — performs; Nikki Glaspie
tolomea (Daphne Patakia), ciple. Is it a takedown of reli- tribulations with wit, poise in the local nonce (a su- but also his inscrutability. with the 8G Band. (N) 12:37
a battered urchin who, in gious patriarchy, an act of and surprising equanimity, premely punchable Lamb- He can blur seriousness and a.m. KNBC
one of Verhoeven’s wittier cinematic blasphemy or a given that she spends a lot of ert Wilson), who swiftly de- irony until they seem almost
visuals, is swept into the sincere portrait of Christian her time bellowing like Mer- scends on the church with indistinguishable. Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m.
convent amid a flock of devotion? A love story, a his- cedes McCambridge in “The armed guards and genital- Close followers of Verho- KABC
sheep. Bartolomea herself tory lesson, a psychothriller Exorcist” and bleeding from torture devices at the ready. even’s career will know him
may be something of a wolf, or a sex farce? Si to all of the her wrists and ankles. Hap- The arrival of all these pow- as an obsessive Christ schol-
given the half-feral, half- above — or rather, oui. (It’s pily, she does none of those erful men on the scene ar, having co-authored a
mischievous twinkle in an Italian-set drama but a things during the movie’s opens Pescia up to the book about the life of Jesus
Patakia’s eyes and the French production.) abundant sex scenes, which threat of the plague that and spent many years trying
hunger with which she turns Benedetta herself ap- are as candidly explicit as happens to be ravaging the to make a movie about him.
Benedetta’s body into a ves- pears to be one of the Middle you’d expect from the direc- Italian countryside. (Yes, That project never came to
sel for pleasure as well as a Ages’ great multitaskers. In- tor of “Basic Instinct,” “Benedetta” is also a pan- fruition, but the director’s
temple of the spirit. troduced as a precocious no- “Showgirls” and “Starship demic movie.) spiritual curiosity lives on in
The assumption of “Ben- vitiate (played by Elena Troopers,” here operating It also upsets the delicate “Benedetta.” He has found a
edetta,” by turns transgres- Plonka) at a Theatine con- well beyond the jurisdiction balance of the matriarchal heroine whose genuine fer-
sive and matter-of-fact, is vent in Pescia, Tuscany, she of Hollywood censors. power structure that Verho- vor, though hardly beyond
that sexual and spiritual turns out to be a radiantly Benedetta and Bar- even has spent much of the the reach of parody, also
epiphanies can be cut from gifted actor, as we see from tolomea awaken and gratify movie so carefully observ- awakens his sympathy and
the same cloth. Two things the lead role she’s assigned each other’s desires, at ing. Loosely inspired by Ju- his generosity. It takes a par-
can coexist. Three things in a theatrical pageant. times making strategic use dith C. Brown’s 1986 book, ticular deftness for a movie
can coexist, if the concept of (That talent will come in of a sacred figurine retooled “Immodest Acts: The Life of to wear its intelligence and Syfy

the trinity is to be believed useful down the road.) She’s to heighten their pleasure a Lesbian Nun in Renais- its irreverence so lightly. You SAVANNAH STEYN in
(and full disclosure, I think a devoted sister and a born and, of course, offend those sance Italy,” “Benedetta” might even call it grace. “Intergalactic” on Syfy.
E6 W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


count. He takes the king of aces, you must cooperate.
By Frank Stewart trumps at Trick Two, then Cue- bid four diamonds.
leads a club: three, jack, Even if he signs off at four
Cy the Cynic showed me king. East wins the heart re- hearts, you can cue-bid four
his list of New Year’s resolu- turn and forces dummy to spades next.
tions: ruff a heart. Cy loses a sec- North dealer
1. Stop making lists. ond club to West, ruffs the Both sides vulnerable
B. Be more consistent. club return, leads a trump to
4. Learn to count. dummy and ruffs a club. ♠KQ43
That last item should be Then Cy knows that East ♥Q5
at the top of Cy’s list; he had two trumps, six hearts ♦K93
often neglects to count the and four clubs, so one dia- ♣Q742
defenders’ distribution. Cy mond. Cy can take the ace WEST EAST
♠62 ♠ 10 5
played at today’s four and confidently lead to dum- ♥84 ♥ K J 10 9 7 6
spades after North opened a my’s nine. ♦Q87652 ♦ 10
barren assortment of high You hold: ♠ A J 9 8 7 ♥ A 3 2 ♣K98 ♣ A 10 6 3
cards. West led a heart: ♦ A J 4 ♣ J 5. You open one SOUTH
queen, king, ace. Cy drew spade, your partner re- ♠AJ987
trumps, shrugged, led a dia- sponds two hearts, you raise ♥A32
mond to dummy’s king and to three hearts and he bids ♦AJ4
returned a diamond. four clubs. What do you say? ♣J5
When East discarded, Cy Answer: Hearts is the NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST
had four losers. agreed trump suit, so part- 1 ♣(!) 2 ♥ 2♠ Pass
“It was partner’s fault,” ner’s four clubs is an ace- 3♠ Pass 4♠ All Pass
the Cynic grumbled, “for showing cue bid to show Opening lead — ♥ 8
opening that junky hand.” slam interest. If he can try
KENKEN Cy must try to get a for slam when you have three Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

A jab to their holiday plan

Dear Amy: I am struggling His behavior isn’t ma- three different times be-
with the fact that my hus- ture, or kind, or hewing to cause I wasn’t being affec-
band’s family refuses to get the holiday spirit, yet this tionate enough, and I was
vaccinated. sort of conflicted behavior very boring. I’ve taken care
My husband under- forms the main plot of many of her for years, paying all the
stands that we shouldn’t cel- of our favorite holiday-in- bills including her child sup-
ebrate the holiday with his spired stories, songs and port. She can’t survive on
unvaccinated family mem- movies. The basic theme is: her own. She just got a job
bers, but he says that in turn, “I’m feeling hurt and disap- and doesn’t make enough
we shouldn’t see my widow- pointed, so I can’t do Christ- money.
ed 75-year-old mom who, mas this year.” Recently, I’ve had feel-
like us, is fully vaccinated. In the movie version, you ings for someone, but it was
12/8/21 He and I routinely see my would be very understand- only for a short time. I know
mom, but he says that if we ing and patient, and — just I’m all over the place, but I
don’t have a meal with his before it was too late — he guess I feel like our relation-
family, then we can’t have would come around. I vote ship will always be abnor-
HOROSCOPE one with my mom, even for the movie version. mal. What do you think?
though they have a great re- Don’t trash his family or Confused
how it works. Remove each game is a gift. lationship! comment on their choices.
By Holiday Mathis element one by one to see Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. I’ve even suggested that Plan something simple Dear Confused: Your fi-
what’s lost or gained. 18): If you didn’t have the it doesn’t have to be a full tra- with your mother. Tell your ancée can survive on her
Aries (March 21-April 19): Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): things that make your life ditional dinner and that we husband, “We really wish own. She just doesn’t. And
There’s noise in your head Why does today’s peaceful, full and interesting, you’d could do something differ- that you would join us, but you two can be faithful to
that’s too cacophonous to easy feeling seem like it may pay a lot to acquire them. In ent this year, but he doesn’t understand if you don’t want each other instead of weap-
sort. You’ll do better to listen have all the qualities of pris- fact, you already have. Enjoy seem responsive. to. I know this is a tough year onizing your mutual infidel-
for the silence around it. tine goodness? The only flaw them like it’s your first time. I am so confused, as he for you.” ity — but you aren’t.
Taurus (April 20-May is it doesn’t go on forever. Pisces (Feb. 19-March and I both agree about how My basic point is that you
20): As for those things you Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): What was exciting can frustrating it is that people Dear Amy: My fiancée and two can either behave like
feel you must or mustn’t do, You need someone to agree be, in another season, quite carry this mentality of “not I have been together for al- goldfish — bumping end-
your obedience won’t apply to your plan, or to choose you taxing. Familiarity can ease my responsibility to care most 10 years. Unfortu- lessly into the sides of your
to today’s puzzle. You’ll have over the others. A direct ap- the way or complicate it. about anyone but myself.” nately, during that time, bowl — or you can be a com-
to forget there were rules. proach won’t work. Employ You’ll dance between polar- I just lost my job, which there has been a lot of infi- mitted couple and attack
Gemini (May 21-June 21): principles of attraction. izations, delight in ironies. provided health insurance delity. your lives as a team.
You’ll glimpse a gap in your Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Today’s birthday (Dec. for both of us, so we cannot I was spending time talk- If your pattern of 10 years
knowledge. There is no You don’t know enough to 8): You give the love you get sick! I don’t know how to ing to girls on Facebook after is based on goldfish drama, I
shame in ignorance — only make your next move, and want to receive, attracting handle this. Can you help? I said I wouldn’t, even don’t hold out a lot of hope
in pretending to know. That not everything you’re told is your brand of attention and Upset though I didn’t really feel as for you as a couple, but I
keeps people from learning. the truth. Keep observing. affection. Your triumphs are though I was doing anything hope that you as an individu-
Cancer (June 22-July 22): Sagittarius (Nov. 22- feted. What you care about is Dear Upset: Your husband wrong at the time. Obvi- al can change.
The hours with people you Dec. 21): Meditations and supported, and people go is sad and frustrated, for a ously, saying I wouldn’t do it
do not enjoy can be like long mantras that focus on de- out of their way to accommo- variety of reasons, and he is and then doing it, I was do- Send questions to Amy
roads that lead to the wrong taching from stressful situa- date your wishes or spend taking it out on you (and ing something wrong. Dickinson by email to ask
place. You like to exercise ex- tions will be helpful. Mantra time with you. Cancer and himself). She has cheated on me
citing options when the “Let it go” will do wonders. Scorpio adore you. Lucky
company is your choice. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. numbers: 3, 10, 33, 1, 38.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): People want what they FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
This scene you’re a part of is can’t have. Is it mean to offer Mathis writes her column
in tenuous balance. You’ve a reason to reach out and for Creators Syndicate Inc.
an urge to test to under- then pull it away? Maybe. Or The horoscope should be
stand what’s important and maybe setting up such a read for entertainment.

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Ed Beckert © 2021 Tribune Content Agency

1 Midday tide-me-over
6 Landlocked African
10 Acrimony
14 Common wrist
15 Tatting fabric
16 Geometry calculation
17 Execs who only look the
19 Pics for docs
20 Stephen Colbert’s
network ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
21 Jury makeup
22 Beyond heavy
23 Burden
24 Screwdriver, e.g.
25 Ostentatiously nice sort
31 MLB game-ending
32 Tomatoes used to make
33 Guest beyond a velvet
35 Pac-12 squad
36 Shrink in fear
37 Spreadsheet input
38 Debussy’s sea
39 Expert 9 __ Moines 47 Rubik creation
40 More delicate 10 Panda’s diet 48 Reveal
41 Pompous types 11 Of no consequence 49 Almost never
44 High-flying mil. group 12 Parts of Hawaiian 50 Protest singer Phil
45 __ museum greetings 51 Children’s author
46 Land divisions 13 Get (into) carefully Blyton
48 Hard stuff 18 Attention-getting, in a 52 Returning GI’s
51 Pollution watchdog org. way diagnosis
54 Designated money 22 Reactions to fireworks 53 Pallid BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
55 Pretentiously elegant 23 Little piggies 55 Considerable, as a
one 24 Winter Palace monarch bonus
57 Help in a bad way 25 Starting spots for some 56 “Where __ you now?”
58 Puckish races
59 Type of coffee or 26 Reversed on appeal ANSWER TO
whiskey 27 Treasure __ PREVIOUS PUZZLE
60 Start from scratch 28 Blew away
61 Simple tops 29 Dark clouds, maybe
62 Tot’s tea party guest 30 Internet destinations
31 What a capital sigma
DOWN symbolizes, in math
1 Project detail 34 Course standard
2 Without feeling 36 Informal London eatery
3 European range 37 Gossip
4 Wisconsin winter hrs. 39 Degs. for
5 Security system choreographers
components 40 Campsite staple
6 Game with rooms 42 Familiar with
7 Rapunzel’s “ladder” 43 Unclear
8 Play divisions 46 Off in the distance 12/8/21
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 E7


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

The “9 Chickweed Lane” comic that we syndicated comic strips we publish.
published Dec. 1 included an ethnic The Comics pages should be a place
slur and did not meet our standards. where our readers can engage with
We regret that it was published and societal issues, reflect on the human
apologize. We have decided to discon- condition, and enjoy a few laughs. We
tinue publication of “9 Chickweed intend to maintain that tradition in a
Lane” and to review all of the other way that is welcoming to all readers.

LIO By Mark Tatulli BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz





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L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 21 EE1
Wednesday, December 8, Prime-time: Broadcast
Wednesday TV Highlights 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
CBS Entertainment Survivor (TVPG) Castaways Tough as Nails (TVPG) The CSI: Vegas (TV14) Hodges News Å The Late Show:
Tonight “West need to alter their plans final crew members compete goes missing, the team Stephen Col-
Side Story”; after the winner of the im- in a series of challenges that
searches for evidence that bert (TVPG)
James Cord- munity challenge throws test their life skills and phys-
can help locate him, clear (11:35) Å
en; Alicia a wrench in their next big ical strength. (N) Å his name and save the lab’s
Keys. (N) Å move. (N) Å reputation. (N) Å
NBC Access Holly- Chicago Med (TV14) The out- Chicago Fire (TVPG) Gallo, Chicago P.D. (TV14) With the News Å Jimmy Fallon
wood (TVPG) come of Halstead’s investi- Violet and Ritter debut their FBI closing in on the Roy (TV14) Nicole
(N) Å gation weighs heavily on his microbrewery business at Walton investigation, Voight Kidman;
mind as he works with Scott Winterfest; Brett prepares and Halstead strategize a actor Úrsula
to save an infant; Hammer to present her paramedicine way out; after a city bus Corberó;
and Taylor both struggle to program to an oversight driver is shot by a passenger, Stromae per-
keep their secrets. (N) Å panel; Firehouse 51 gets in the team investigates a pos- forms. (N) Å
the holiday spirit. (N) Å sible abduction. (N) Å
CW 2 & 1/2 Men Christmas Around the World A look at the history of how News Å Sports Final News Å Friends
(TV14) Å Christmas is celebrated around the world; special Christ- (N) (10:45) (TVPG)
mas performances; Dean Cain and Laura McKenzie host; Å (11:35) Å
Elizabeth Stanton and Montel Williams co-host. (N) Å
ABC Wheel of For- Olaf’s Frozen Toy Story That The Conners Home Econom- The Chase (TVPG) Three new News Å Jimmy Kimmel
tune (TVG) Adventure Time Forgot (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å contestants compete. Å Live! (TV14)
(N) Å (2017) Voice (TVG) Ani- (N) (11:35) Å
of Josh Gad. mated. Å
Syfy KCAL Family Feud News Å News Å News Å Sports Central black-ish Å black-ish Å
IMOGEN DAINES, left, and Savannah Steyn in the FOX TMZ (TVPG) The Masked Singer (TV14) Alter Ego (Season finale) The News Å You Bet Your You Bet Your
science fiction series “Intergalactic” on Syfy. (N) Å (N) Å final four contestants com- Life With Jay Life With Jay
pete and one is crowned the Leno (TVPG) Leno (TVPG)
champion. (N) Å (N) Å Å
MyNet Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å The Simpsons Dateline
Jay Leno’s Garage In the season finale, Leno rides a me- KCET Visiting Å Celtic Woman: Postcards From Ireland (TVG) Å Yellowstone Symphony Å Amanpour and Company Å
chanical bull with country icon Dwight Yoakam. Then Leno UNIVISION Fútbol (6:50) Vencer el pasado (N) La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Å Noticias Noticiero
and Paul Reiser ride a pair of Johnny Carson’s Corvette-pow-
KOCE Ken Burns: The National Parks (7) Å Memory Rescue With Daniel Amen, MD (TVG) T Å Longevity Paradox (TVG) Å
ered swan boats. 7 and 10 p.m. CNBC
KDOC News (N) Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Dateline (TVPG) Å Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å
Crossroads This holiday episode features Darius Rucker, KLCS The Seaside Guilt (TV14) No Second Chance (TV14) Å Sustaining Us Everybody L.A. County Board of Supervi-
Colbie Caillat, Gavin DeGraw, Maddie & Tae, Boyz II Men Hotel (7) Å sors Meeting Å
and Chris Tomlin. Brett Young hosts. 8 p.m. CMT Wednesday, December 8, Prime-time: Premium Cable Channels
Alter Ego The final four contestants compete and the 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
winner is chosen in the season finale. 9 p.m. Fox Cinemax The King of Kill Bill: Vol. 1 ››› (2003) Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. Awak- Kill Bill: Vol. 2 ››› (2004) Uma Thurman, David Carradine.
Staten Island ing from a coma, an assassin seeks vengeance against her Before confronting her former boss, an assassin goes after
Tyler Perry’s Sistas Karen (Ebony Obsidian) confronts ››› (2020) former boss and his ruthless gang. (R) Å the man’s younger brother and her one-eyed counterpart.
Fatima (Crystal Renee Hayslett) while Maurice (Brian Jor- (5:41) Å (R) (9:53) Å
dan Jr.) agrees to meet Que (Mackenro Alexander) at the po- Encore Narc ››› (2002) Ray Liotta, Jason Patric. Legally Blonde ›› (2001) Reese With- Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde ››
A policeman and a tough veteran try to erspoon, Luke Wilson. A sorority queen (2003) Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field.
lice station as he turns himself in. Devale Ellis also stars in solve the murder of the latter’s undercover enrolls in Harvard to prove to her former Fired from her firm, a young Boston lawyer
this new episode. 9 p.m. BET partner. (R) (7:14) Å boyfriend that she has more than good heads to Washington, D.C., to fight for ani-
looks. (PG-13) Å mal rights. (PG-13) (10:40) Å
Twenties Nia (Gabrielle Graham) weighs her options in
movie roles and in dating. Also, Marie (Christina Elmore) EPIX Condor The Fighter ››› (2010) Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale. Crazy Heart ››› (2009) Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal.
(TVMA) Having earned a shot at a world championship, boxer Struggling with the reality of his declining career, an aging
challenges the premise of Ben’s (Alex Alomar Akpobome) (7:10) Å Micky Ward reunites with his estranged brother to train for country-music star finds unexpected inspiration with a
idea for a movie. 10 p.m. BET the fight and become the new Pride of Lowell. (R) Å small-town reporter and her young son. (R) Å

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dee (Kaitlin Olson) is HBO Landscapers Space Jam: A New Legacy › (2021) LeBron James, Don Hard Knocks in Season: The Succession (TVMA) At a
(TVMA) (7) Cheadle. Live action/animated. Trapped in digital space by Indianapolis Colts (TV14) wedding in Italy, Roman airs
excited to head off for Hollywood while Charlie and Mac’s Å a rogue AI, LeBron James teams up with Bugs Bunny and Following the Colts as they suspicions; Gerri draws a
(Charlie Day, Rob McElhenney) jobs at the roller rink are in the rest of the Looney Tunes gang for a high-stakes bas- navigate the challenges of an line, and the Waystar team
jeopardy in the first two new episodes of the raunchy comedy. ketball game against digitized champions of the court — a NFL season and battle for a grows concerned over rogue
powered-up roster called the Goon Squad. (PG) Å playoff berth. (N) Å tweets. (10:50) Å
10 and 10:30 p.m. FXX
Showtime Silver Linings Dirty Tricks (2021) Documentary. When a Casino ››› (1995) Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone. A New York bookie and
Intergalactic Ash (Savannah Steyn) gets the cold shoul- Playbook competitive bridge player is accused of his pal turn a Las Vegas casino into an empire, then one’s money-hungry
der from the rest of the crew over her suspected betrayal of ››› (2012) cheating, the ensuing scandal confounds wife helps bring it down. (R) (9:45) Å
Bradley Coo- experts, criminal science, celebrities and
Dr. Grieves (Natasha O’Keeffe). Meanwhile, Candy (Eleanor per. (5:55) Å basic belief. Å
Tomlinson) is devastated over her mother’s death in this Starz Power Book II: Ghost (TVMA) Captain Phillips ››› (2013) Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener. In 2009, Somali Power Book II: Ghost (TVMA)
new episode of the science fiction adventure. 10 p.m. Syfy Diana grows wary of Cane’s pirates storm a U.S. containership and hold Capt. Richard Phillips and his Diana grows wary of Cane’s
motives. (7:40) Å crew captive. (PG-13) (8:42) Å motives. Å
SPECIALS TMC Young Adult Forces of Nature ›› (1999) Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. A The Hollars ›› (2016) John Krasinski, Made in Italy
››› (2011) bridegroom hurries by plane to his wedding, but he and his Margo Martindale. A man returns home to (2020) Liam
Nickelodeon’s Treasure Truck Four families compete in (R) (6:25) Å seatmate must find other modes of travel. (PG-13) Å his dysfunctional family after learning that Neeson. (R)
three rounds of holiday-themed challenges for the chance to his mother has a brain tumor. (PG-13) Å Å
win a truckload of presents. 7:30 p.m. Nickelodeon Wednesday, December 8, Prime-time: Cable News Channels
Christmas Around the World Dean Cain and Laura Mc- 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
Kenzie host this new holiday special that showcases how the Bloomberg Markets: Asia Technology (TVG) Å Paid program Paid program Daybreak: Europe (TVG) Å Bloomberg Markets: Europe
holiday is celebrated around the world, including what vari- CNBC Jay Leno’s Jay Leno’s Garage Sugar Ray The News With Shepard Smith Jay Leno’s Garage Dwight Dateline (TVPG) Å
ous cultures regard as Christmas foods. 8 p.m. The CW Garage (7) Leonard; Ray Liotta. Å Å Yoakam; Paul Reiser. Å
CNN Don Lemon (7) Don Lemon Tonight (N) Å Anderson Cooper (TVPG) Å CNN Tonight Å Don Lemon Tonight Å
CMT a Tennessee Kind of Christmas Country music art-
CSPAN Politics and Public Policy Today (7) Å Politics and Public Policy Today Å
ists share holiday traditions, personal memories and per-
form their favorite Christmas songs in this holiday special. CSPAN2 Public Affairs Events (4:30) Public Affairs Events
9 p.m. CMT Fox B American Gold The Pursuit The Pursuit American Gold Bear Gulch Paid program Paid program Paid program Paid program
Fox News Ingraham (7) Gutfeld (N) Å News Å Tucker Carlson Å Hannity Å
SPORTS MSNBC Last Word (7) The 11th Hour (N) Å The Rachel Maddow Show Last Word Å The 11th Hour Å
College Basketball Ball State visits Xavier, 3:30 p.m. FS1; NEWSNTN Banfield (7) On Balance With Leland Vittert Dan Abrams Live Å NewsNation Prime Å Banfield Å
Connecticut visits West Virginia, 4 p.m. ESPN2; Maryland- SN-1 News News News News News News
Baltimore County visits Georgetown, 5:30 p.m. FS1; Mar-
Wednesday, December 8, Prime-time: Cable
quette visits Kansas State, 6 p.m. ESPN2
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
NBA Basketball The Milwaukee Bucks visit the Miami A&E Court Cam Å Court Cam Å Court Cam Å Court Cam Å Court Cam Å Killer Cases (TV14) (N) Å Court Cam Å Court Cam Å
Heat, 4:30 p.m. ESPN; the Portland Trail Blazers visit the AMC Vegas Vacation National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ››› (1989) Chevy Chase, Beverly National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ›››
Golden State Warriors, 7:05 p.m. ESPN; the Boston Celtics (6) Å D’Angelo. (PG-13) Å (1989) Chevy Chase. (PG-13) (10:15) Å
visit the Clippers, 7:30 p.m. BSSC Animal P Alaska (7) Å The Last Alaskans (TV14) The Last Alaskans (TVPG) The Last Alaskans (TVPG) The Last Alaskans (TV14)
NHL Hockey The Dallas Stars visit the Vegas Golden BBC A L&O (7) Law & Order (TVPG) Å Law & Order (TVPG) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å
Knights, 7 p.m. TNT BET Sleepless ›› (2017) Jamie Foxx, Michelle Tyler Perry’s Sistas Karen con- Twenties Twenties After Tyler Perry’s Sistas (TV14)
Monaghan. (R) (6:30) Å fronts Fatima. (N) Å (TV14) (N) Å Show (N) Å Karen confronts Fatima. Å
TALK SHOWS Bravo Housewives of The Real Housewives of Orange The Real Housewives of Orange County (TV14) The Real Housewives of Orange Sex and the
Atlanta (7) Å County (TV14) (N) Å (N) Å County (TV14) Å City Å
CBS Mornings Michael J. Fox; Paola Pimienta. (N) 7 a.m.
KCBS CMT Jeff Dunham’s Crossroads (TVPG) Christ- CMT a Tennessee Kind of Crossroads Christmas: Brett Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14)
Christmas Spe- mas: Brett Young. Featuring Christmas Country music art- Young & Friends. Featuring Å Å
Today Cynthia Nixon. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC cial (TV14) Darius Rucker, Colbie Caillat, ists share holiday traditions, Darius Rucker, Colbie Caillat,
(7) Å Gavin DeGraw, Maddie & personal memories and per- Gavin DeGraw, Maddie &
Good Morning America Zachary Levi; Kurt Warner; Tae, Boyz II Men and Chris form their favorite Christmas Tae, Boyz II Men and Chris
Tomlin. (N) Å songs. (N) Å Tomlin. Å
David Rose; Shaggy performs. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Comedy South Park (TV14) (7:45) Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å Daily Show South Park Å
Live With Kelly and Ryan Cynthia Nixon; Heather Gra- Discovery Moonshiners Moonshiners (TV14) (N) Å Moonshiners: Master Distiller Moonshiners: Deck the Stills (TV14) (Season premiere) (N) Å
ham. (N) 9 a.m. KABC (7) (TV14) (N) Å
The View Gov. Gavin Newsom; Penn & Teller. (N) 10 a.m. Disney Big City Greens Big City Greens Big City Greens Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Big City Greens Big City Greens Miraculous Å Miraculous Å
KABC E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Bradshaw Clash of the Cover Bands The Nightly Pop (N) (10:45) Å Access Holly-
(TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å Bunch (TVPG) music of Dolly Parton and wood (TVPG)
Rachael Ray Vanessa Lachey (“NCIS: Hawai’i”). (N) (N) Å Carrie Underwood. (N) Å (N) (11:45) Å
10 a.m. KTTV Food Guy’s Grocery Guy’s Grocery Games (TVG) A Guy’s Grocery Games (TVG) Å Guy’s Grocery Games (TVG) Å Guy’s Grocery Games (TVG) Å
Games (7) Å holiday cook-off. Å
The Wendy Williams Show (N) 11 a.m. KTTV Freeform Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch ›› (2018) (PG) Å The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Å The 700 Club (N) Å
The Talk Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Ashley Williams. FX Jurassic World: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood ››› (2019) Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood ›››
(N) 1 p.m. KCBS Fallen Kingdom An investigative journalist who receives an assignment to profile Mr. Rog- (2019) Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys. A jour-
(5) Å ers. (PG) Å nalist profiles Fred Rogers. (PG) Å
Tamron Hall Debbie Allen; Cameron Mathison. (N) FXX The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy It’s Always It’s Always It’s Always It’s Always
1 p.m. KABC (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å Sunny in Sunny in Sunny in Sunny in
Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia
The Dr. Oz Show Patricia Heaton (“Everybody Loves (TVMA) (N) (TVMA) (N) (TVMA) Å (11:35) Å
Raymond”); a cold vs. RSV vs. COVID-19. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV Hallmark Never Kiss Crown for Christmas (2015) Danica McKellar. After getting Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday (2021) Kimberly Wil-
a Man in a fired from her job as a maid at a ritzy New York City hotel, liams-Paisley, Ashley Williams. Two sisters find a new
The Drew Barrymore Show Ben and Erin Napier Christmas a woman accepts a temporary job as governess to a young sense of purpose and discover what they both truly need in
(“Home Town”); Kristin Chenoweth. (N) 2 p.m. KCBS Sweater (6) Å girl who is part of a powerful European family. Å life during the holidays. Å

The Kelly Clarkson Show Sandra Bullock; Yvonne Orji; HGTV Property Property Brothers: Forever Property Brothers: Forever House Hunters House Hunters Flipping Showdown (N) Å
Brothers (7) Home (TVG) (N) Å Home (TVG) Å (TVG) (N) Å International
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss perform. (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
History Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (TVPG) Å Forged in Fire (TVPG) (N) Å Forged in Fire (TVPG) Å
Dr. Phil Human trafficking; sexting; what to look for on a IFC Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond (TVPG) (9:42) Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å
child’s phone. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS Lifetime A Sweet Christmas With a Crown (2020) Lisa Durupt. When a suc- Miracle in Motor City (2021) Tia Mowry, Mark Taylor. A
Christmas Ro- cessful woman returns to her hometown to revive her fami- woman takes charge of her church’s annual Christmas
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Rosario Dawson; Ed mance (2019) ly’s Christmas festival, she meets a dashing stranger who’s pageant and unintentionally promises to deliver a special
Sheeran. (N) 3 p.m. KNBC (6) Å on a quest to find the holidays’ true spirit. Å performance by Motown legend Smokey Robinson. Å
The Real Porsha Williams; Surgeon General Dr. Vivek MTV Ridiculousness The Challenge (TV14) (N) Å Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness
Murthy. (N) 3 p.m. KCOP Nat Geo To Catch a To Catch a Smuggler: Peru Å Trafficked With Mariana van Zeller (TV14) (N) Trafficked With Mariana van Airport Securi-
Smuggler (7) Å Zeller (TV14) (10:15) Å ty Peru
Amanpour & Company (N) 11 p.m. KCET Nickelodeon Treasure Truck (TVG) (N) Å Despicable Me 2 ››› (2013) Voice of Steve Carell. (PG) Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (N) 11 p.m. Comedy OWN 20/20 (TV14) A Sisterly Christmas (2021) Deborah Joy Winans, Lisa Mi- Baking Christmas (2019) Tim Reid, Aloma Wright.
Central (7) chelle Cornelius.
Paramount My Cousin Vinny ››› (1992) Joe Pesci. (R) (7) Å Forrest Gump ›››› (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright. (PG-13) (9:40) Å
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Nicole Kid- Sundance Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (TV14) Å Criminal Minds (TV14) Å Criminal Minds (TV14) Å Criminal Minds (TV14) Å
man; Úrsula Corberó; Stromae performs. (N) 11:34 p.m.
Syfy Back to the Future Part III ››› (1990) Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd. Intergalactic (TVMA) Emma Back to the Future Part III ›››
KNBC A young man takes a DeLorean time machine to the Old West, where his deals with the death of her (1990) Michael J. Fox, Chris-
inventor friend is courting a schoolmarm. (PG) Å mother. (N) Å topher Lloyd. (PG) Å
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 11:35 p.m. KCBS
TBS Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Samantha Bee Samantha Bee Young Sheldon
Jimmy Kimmel Live! Rob McElhenney; Ariana DeBose; TCM For Whom the Bell Tolls ››› (1943) Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman. (7:15) Å Stromboli ›› (1950) (10:15) Å
Sting performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC TLC Pimple (7) My 600-Lb. Life (TVPG) (N) Dr. Pimple Popper (TV14) 1000-Lb. Sisters (TV14)
The Late Late Show With James Corden Mariah Carey. TNT NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Vegas Golden Knights. From T-Mobile Arena in I Am Legend ››› (2007) Will Smith. After a man-made
(N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS Las Vegas. (Live) (7) Å plague transforms Earth’s population into bloodthirsty vam-
pires, a lone survivor desperately searches for a cure. Å
Late Night With Seth Meyers Brian Cox; Wet Leg per- Toon Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad American Dad
forms; Nikki Glaspie with the 8G Band. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC (TVPG) (TVPG) (8:45) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å

Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC Travel Ghost Adven- Ghost Adventures Zak and the crew confront an extremely Portals to Hell (TV14) (N) Å Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Å
tures (7) Å hostile entity at the infamous Goatman’s Bridge. (N) Å
MOVIES TruTV Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14)
Christmas With a Crown When Cassie (Lisa Durupt) TV Land Andy Griffith Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens King of Queens
travels home to help revive her family’s traditional Christ- USA L&O: SVU (7) Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å
mas festival she works with Nicolas (Marcus Rosner), a char- VH1 The Equalizer ›› (2014) Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas. A former Mayor of Kingstown (TVMA) Brothers Mitch and Mike Mc-
commando comes out of retirement and puts his special skills to work to Lusky navigate Kingstown, home to multiple prisons, as
ismatic stranger who has volunteered his service. She has no rescue a girl who is under the control of ruthless Russian mobsters. (R) they act as the liaisons between prisoners and the commu-
idea he is actually a prince, going incognito and hoping his (7) Å nity. (N) Å
masquerade will help him get into the Christmas spirit. Teryl
Wednesday, December 8, Prime-time: Cable Sports Channels
Rothery, Michael Lazarovitch, Dianne Mahoney and Jesse
Gervais also star in this 2021 holiday romance. 8 p.m. Life- 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
time BSSC NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Clippers. (Live) Postgame Clippers NBA Basketball
BSW Ninja (7) Å American Ninja Warrior Å Shogun Fights Shogun Fights Poker
Dirty Tricks Director Daniel Sivan’s 2021 documentary ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) (7:05) SportsCenter (N) (9:35) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter
takes viewers inside the world of elite competitive bridge to ESPN2 Basketball (6) SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter Relentless Around Horn Interruption NBA Basketball (N)
examine a cheating scandal. The story focuses mainly on
FS1 NFL Films Huddle Skip and Shannon: Undisputed Å TMZ Sports NFL Films College Basketball Å
Lotan Fisher, an Israeli prodigy with a photographic memo-
ry who with Ron Schwartz, swiftly rose through the ranks un- NFL Football (5) NFL Total Access (TVG) Å NFL Fantasy Live Å NFL Football (Tape) Å
til a former teammate accused them of cheating. 8 p.m. NBC Sports Chess Å Mecum Auto Auctions Å
Showtime SNLA Dodgers Rewind From Aug. 20, 2021. (6) Dodgermentary: 1988 World Series Connected Fernandomania


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