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City Council promises h&cca

action on flyover HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD

330 people signed the petition, our local Neighbourhood Partnership sup-

Spring 2011
ported the project enthusiastically and a small team of Hotwells residents and
our local Councillors relentlessly chipped away at official complacency. Now
there is the makings of a partnership between local people and the City coun-
cil to work on a plan to improve Hotwells largest open space.
A major problem with progressing our campaign to renovate the site has been getting
anyone to make decisions when responsibility is split between several Council depart-
ments. A recent meeting of Service Directors heading departments of Environment & Lei-
sure, Traffic and Transport, Planning and Neighbourhoods has now agreed “that each of
us would ensure that we support and put forward officers who can enable and work with
the community to take forward the Envi-
ronmental Improvements”. They also
agreed to review the progress of the work
and “if needed, provide any further sup-
port”….. “I hope this re-assures you that
we are all fully committed to providing an

Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4QW

enabling role to help the community take
forward the improvements”.
We couldn’t ask for a stronger endorse-
ment, so the community Association now
needs to ensure that a joint working group
is set up and it is effective in developing a London’s Westway—how to turn an eyesore
scheme that meets the needs of local resi- into an asset
There is no expectation that a partnership with the Council will raise large sums of money
to swiftly transform Cumberland Piazza but we know our own attempts to raise funds
from grant-giving trusts or the National Lottery will fail without the active support of the

Published by Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association, 3,Charles Place,

City. We are currently working, through the Neighbourhood Partnership, to identify
Council officers who have a responsibility for the site and requesting that they respond to
our proposals.

Clifton Vale residents’ queue-up to complain about traffic

Local Councillors organised a meeting of Clifton Vale residents at Holy Trinity
Church on March 15th to discuss the ongoing and perhaps worsening traffic on
the hill.
Some residents reported incidents of road rage and damage caused by the high volume of
traffic using the road as a rat-run. The meeting came up with many suggestions including
use of road-tables, speed and weight restrictions, limiting the ability of traffic to turn left
from Hotwell Road at peak times and more double-yellow lines. Surprisingly, many resi-
dents were even ready to consider the idea of one-way working on all or part of the road,
in spite of the inconvenience it might cause. A long term traffic study has been promised
for the area but Councillors were anxious to explore the possibility of some simple solu-
tions that could be implemented quickly and cheaply. However, as with the earlier meet-

ing with Granby Hill residents the warn-

ing that kept being reiterated by Traffic
Department officers was that finding a
solution for one road would inevitably
mean displacing the problem to another
part of the neighbourhood. A point also
emphasised in the Hotwells Traffic Strat-
egy produced by HCCA (see page 2).
The meeting was informed with some
confidence that Bridge Valley Road
would re-open again by June. Days later,
that date was put back to the Autumn;
the latest of several revisions. 1
Community News
Hotwells Traffic Strategy Ballast Garden sinks without
O117 9291883 achieves official recognition trace
Early this year, after an unfortunate The City is still pursuing a route for
April marks a turning point in delay in progressing the Strategy we cyclists and pedestrians across Cum-
the gradual shift of control of got the full backing of the Neighbour- berland Basin as the last step in its
Council services towards ser- hood Partnership. ‘Festival Way’ project.
vice-users. Neighbourhood Meetings were then held with officers from Construction of a path from the entrance
Partnerships made up of Planning and Traffic, together with Cllr. lock, along the river bank to the B Bond
Councillors and people repre- Trevor Blythe, to discuss how the City Record Office is due to begin during April.
senting local communities are might “accept” the Strategy. We are Meanwhile, funding for the Arnolfini ‘Ballast
starting to have a direct influ- pleased that it now forms part of the Garden’ project, which would have been
ence on how money is spent “expression of community views” on the created alongside the path, has collapsed.
on their behalf. Now at least a Central Area Action Plan and will be taken The superb view of the Avon Gorge re-
third of the funds arising from into account in relation to this Plan. It can vealed from this vantage point will now
so-called ‘Section 106’ plan- now even be downloaded direct from the have to suffice to inspire passing cyclists
ning agreements with devel- Council’s own website. and walkers.
opers will be controlled di-\centralarea. The final link in this troublesome route is
rectly by Neighbourhood Part- We are greatly indebted to Richard Walker the Brunel Swivel Bridge, still languishing on
nerships. We have long com- and Paul Walker-Jones for devising the blocks and partly dismantled, having been
plained about the secretive methodology and presenting it so profes- poked and prodded in a full structural sur-
way spending decisions were sionally, which has been a major factor in vey by Fenton Hollway engineers. The City
made by Council Officers achieving credibility with has some
without any consultation with City officers. money to
the affected people. Already, the value of a restore it
Neighbourhood Partnerships traffic plan has proved but this is
are here to stay and if you its worth in negotiations short of
care about improving things in about cycle path routes what is nec-
your area -pavements, clean- around Cumberland essary (in
sing, alcohol licensing, polic- Basin and more re- the region
ing, parking and planning is- cently, the traffic prob- of £0.5 mil-
sues and the like. There is lems on Granby Hill and lion). No
now a way in which these Clifton Vale. This is not the historic Swivel Bridge at Entrance Lock longer can it
matters can be dealt with lo- the end of the story. There is much more be operated by one man turning a handle. It
cally and real change effected to be working on to try and achieve the will need to comply with all current EU
without losing them in the benefits proposed in the Report. We now safety regs. ( barriers, flashing lights etc.)
black hole of the Council need to decide the most realistic next steps and will need a new hydraulic power source
House bureaucracy. that could be taken to make further im- like the recently renovated lock gates. All
See page 7 for meeting dates provements. Your Committee will be con- this doesn’t come cheap. The City is pur-
of the Neighbourhod Forum sidering this at their May meeting. This is suing an application to the Heritage Lottery,
and Partnership. your Strategy, so all suggestions/comments and the Brunel Swivel Bridge Restoration
are welcome. Group hope to organise an appeal to the
With your help we shall try and ensure that great and the good for some cash. More
CONTACTS we make progress each year on some as- details of this in due course.
pect of the Plan. Ray Smith
Hotwells & Cliftonwood Dennis Gornall
Community Association
3 Charles Place, Hot-
wells, Bristol, BS8 4QW
tel: 0117 9291883
Typical Isn’t it ? - You wait years for a new bus stop….

Management Committee
Dennis Gornall (Chair)
Brenda McLennan (Treasurer)
Rosemary Stibbon Administrator
Ray Smith Communications
Mike Timmins Open spaces
Stephen Perry
vacant CHASE
Anthea Bruges Community Links
Merchants Road Mardyke inbound
Community News green light
from Transition Hotwells & Cliftonwood

Hotwells Pride of Place plete the course using just the momentum The shared allotment is looking
The opening of the New Museum of generated by the initial down hill run. good, with broad beans, peas,
Bristol in July will include an exhibi- Consultation has been minimal and HCCA garlic and onions all growing in
tion about each Neighbourhood trustees are concerned that no informa- the good weather. Looking fur-
Partnership area, put together by tion has been offered about ongoing main- ther ahead there is likely to be
people in those communities them- tenance or identifying a user group to local household participation in
selves. ‘take ownership’ of the facility. However, the 9th June "Solar Saturday", on
We have asserted our right not to be bun- if that can be clarified we would support it domestic solar energy, planned
dled up with Clifton and will resist the as a worthwhile project from the Cycle by Bristol Green Doors.
easy option of pinning pictures on display City budget. (application ref: 11/00668/
boards. We in Hotwells are going to do FB). A sustainability session was held
digital media. We don’t know how yet but as part of the Neighbourhood
Partnership "Better Clifton and
if anyone has skills we could use please be
Two Chairs run for the loos Cabot" event. Participants appar-
a Good Fairy now and help us bring our
Sarah Gornall, Chair of Trustees at ently inspired to investigate in-
unique (and oppressed) neighbourhood to
St. George’s Bristol, is running in creasing home insulation and
life for the thousands of expected visitors.
Bristol’s 10k race to help raise reducing plastic bag use. Support
Contact Ray Smith (
money to improve the public loos at has been provided for the "Green
St George’s. Randall Road Challenge" - a se-
New cycling development Sarah says “I’ve never run a road race be- ries of neighbourly chats, open
Confirming this area as an important fore, so it’s a case of sustained hard work homes/gardens, film showings
hub for cycling in the City, the Coun- till May 15. The range of music at St and pledges to increase sustain-
cil has submitted a planning applica- George’s is amazing – and we’d like to ability in Randall Road. Projects
tion for a ‘Pump Track’ in the space improve facilities for our valued audiences. include secondary glazing and
between Brunel Way and allotments We need to raise £50,000 for all the im- herb-growing without a garden.
just a pedal turn or two away from provements we plan to make this year, so
the end of Ashton Swing Bridge. my aim is to raise £3,000 or more by set- Campaigning against the pro-
Pump tracks are circuits of humps and ting myself this personal challenge.” If you posed "palm oil" electricity plant
bumps for mountain bikes, formed by are interested in music, please sponsor me for Avonmouth continues. These
landscaping a semi-natural surface. If de- and tell your friends to do so too.” plants should not receive renew-
signed properly, they allow a rider to com- “If you’re a keen runner, join me on May ables subsidies as they are more
15th and get your friends and colleagues environmentally damaging than
to sponsor you. Dennis, our HCCA using natural gas! You can add
Chairman, is already out there training your voice by writing to Chris Hu-
with Sarah and will be helping to raise hne at Department for the Envi-
money. ronment and Climate Change
It’s all in aid of improving the public (
facilities at St Georges; the biggest One of us attended the inspiring
source of audience complaints at this talk at the Watershed in March by
fantastic world class concert venue New Economics Foundation re-
right on our doorstep. searcher Nic Marks about meas-
Donations can be made on-line at ures of progress which are more realistic than GDP. One is the
Gornall or direct to St. George’s, "Happy Planet Index" comparing
layout of proposed ‘Pump Track’ cheques endorsed on the reverse for levels of well-being (length of life,
Chairwoman Runs. reported satisfaction etc) and
CO2 emissions in different coun-
Smart seats, real-time infor- tries. The UK comes in at 74, 30
....then 3 arrive together! mation displays, raised kerbs places behind the Netherlands.
and an end to that ugly tin More information from
shed. Enjoy your share of a and
£70 million investment in bus
travel, It might be the last for
some time. All country ser- If you would like more involve-
vices and the BCC supported ment with Transition Hotwells
500, 586, 587 buses now
and Cliftonwood e-mail:
stop at the new Mardyke.
Our bus shelters are but 3 out, or
of 81 new shelters and 27 real come to one of the monthly
time displays along the A370 "Lion" sessions.
‘showcase’ route as well as Richard Hancock
numerous minor road and
Mardyke outbound pavement improvements. 3
Do we need a Community Centre?
For 25 years up until 2001, your Community Association operated a successful community centre at what is
now Hope Chapel. As well as various clubs and classes meetings and local-brewed entertainment, for much of
that time it offered a programme of professional music and theatre which earned Hope Centre a reputation
as a performing arts venue far beyond our immediate neighbourhood.
Before we get too dewy-eyed about past glories, it is worth pointing out
that Hope Centre flourished in an era when the Government paid many
voluntary sector organisations to employ people. It also attracted grant-
aid for maintaining the building from Bristol City Council and money
from South West Arts for the shows that were promoted; all sources
of funding that are nowadays either non-existent or extremely hard to
attract if you do not operate in a socially ‘deprived’ area.

What we miss without one

Undoubtedly the neighbourhood lost a great asset when Hope Centre
closed. The number of community-sponsored events and activities de-
clined; largelydue to the lack of a suitable venue. It is difficult even now
to arrange meetings of more than a handful of people anywhere in Hot-
wells or Clifton. The annual Hotwells Pantomime, which began life as a
fund-raiser for Hope Centre only survives because Hope Church is gen-
erously prepared to tolerate having its building overrun for a week once
a year.
Is a community centre still relevant today?
In spite of the difficulties, many people feel there is a Hope Centre
shaped hole at the heart of this community and would love to see a new
‘facility’ of some kind, operated by and for local people. Somewhere that could be used by
groups wanting to meet and people wanting to learn or have fun. However, the world has
changed since the days of Hope Centre and we probably need to think about a new model
for a community building. Do people still want to go to small scale theatre shows in Hot-
wells with nearby Tobacco Factory and the The Brewery filling that niche so successfully? Fewer people are prepared to turn
out for public meetings when most of that networking role has been taken over by the internet. We mustn’t forget, also, that
many of the people who threw their energies into creating and sustaining Hope Centre are now retired or moving towards
retirement. Is there a new model for a community centre that will capture the imagination of a younger generation prepared
to put in the effort to make it work?
A new model for a community-run building
Rather than a large public hall, perhaps a more flexible range of smaller spaces would
be more useful, where clubs and classes could afford to operate for a realistic charge,
including activities for older people and teenagers. This might be combined with a
bar, café or shop operated to provide an income to maintain the building and provide
a core centre for social life that is open most days and evenings. A heritage exhibi-
tion or art gallery might bring in visitors from a wider area. With care, we could ar-
rive at a formula which encourages more people to find entertainment and relaxation
locally in the neighbourhood and complements, rather than competes with ex-
isting local shops, pubs and restaurants.

Some questions to ask of you

Whether you are someone who’s lived here for years or relatively new to the
area, a family with children, a couple or a one person household; if it were pos-
sible to set up, would a community building work? What should it be offering?
How do we make it financially sustainable with little or no public funding?
Would it actually help to improve life for people in this neighbourhood?
This is not an entirely theoretical debate. Your Community Association
could work actively to make something happen if it seems likely to receive
broad support. Your views are critical. It would be good to hear them and
publish some of your ideas in a future edition of this newspaper.
Please take a couple of minutes to complete a short question-
naire at:
return by email to
or print and post to 3 Charles Place, Bristol BS8 4QW
Open Spaces
Friends of Brandon Hill Panto fund can support local projects
Brandon Hill is one of Bristol’s most dramatic open The Hotwells Panto Committee is looking for bids
spaces. All the more important for being located in from individuals/groups in the Hotwells & Clifton-
the heart of the City and the nearest ‘green lung’ for wood areas for community projects.
many people in Cliftonwood. There is an active sup- HCCA has already received £1180 towards running costs
port group for the Park and some interesting pro- and a further £2000 is available for other projects.
jects looking for your support. Grants were made out of last year’s Panto funds to: HCCA
for running costs, Trinity Daycare, Puppet Place, money to
Renovation of the old bowling green area provide local noticeboards and the cost of a special Newslet-
Friends of Brandon Hill have been working on a design for ter.
the renovation of the old bowling green area on Brandon If you are interested, please send details of your project to
Hill. After the completion of questionnaires, talking to people Sue Otty (email or write to 6 The
in the park, and receiving feedback from many throughout Polygon Bristol BS8 4PW by 31st May.
the community, it is apparent that they wish is to keep the
only flat area on the hill available for as many activities for as Hotwells remembered
many people as possible. An outline plan for improving the at new Museum
area has been produced based on the feedback received to The Hotwells Pantomime
date. (see details on page 7 of an open air ‘Midsummer has been a feature of com-
Nights Dream’ in this space in May). munity life here for more
than 25 years so Di Steeds
has created this beautiful
miniature treasure chest for
installation in the new Mu-
seum of Bristol to com-
memorate the pleasure it
has brought so many peo-
ple both on stage and in
the many audiences over
the years. Look out for it
when you visit after the
Museum opens in July.

the old bowling green on Brandon Hill Gromit Gardeners gather

We are still awaiting confirmation that the open
Community Orchard space, on the corner of Cumberland Place and
Would you like to be part of a city centre orchard; help with Granby Hill, has been formerly acquired by the City
the planting and maintenance of the trees and benefit from from the bankrupt Edward Ware Homes.
the fruit of your labours? Friends of Brandon Hill are cur- Neighbours have got together to produce a sketch plan
rently planning an orchard and looking for people interested showing some alterations and improvements we would like
in getting it up and running. We have secured some initial to see. HCCA noticeboards should be showing this soon. It
funding for the project. We intend to purchase trees over includes the part which the Council have temporarily fenced
the next couple of months so they can mature over the sum- off, for safety reasons. We are arranging a meeting with
mer. We are looking for help in determining species and va- Parks Department to discuss improvements and future man-
rieties of fruit trees that will do well in the park. The plant- agement, including community involvement. We want to
ing is planned for November. leave the Granby Hill end as a wildflower space. It is acciden-
Herb Garden tally rich in wildflowers. So do look for flowers there
More funds are being sought to create the herb garden. The through the summer.
first two meetings are planned for those interested in helping If you would like to get involved in managing this space con-
with the project on Tuesday 12th April and Tuesday tact Lynda Stahl. 0117 9291804
10th May at 18:30 next to the depot on Brandon Hill.
If you have an interest in orchards or their produce and
would like to be part of this exciting city centre project then
please contact the Friends.

Throughout the year Friends of Brandon Hill have regular

volunteer days. The Friends help out with border planting,
bramble bashing, pond clearing and other activities to make
the Hill a better place. If you are interested in taking part on
these days or would like to organise a group to help on
Brandon Hill at times to suit yourself or your group please
contact the Friends or speak to Darren the park keeper. or Fraser on 0791 901 5774.
Fraser Bridgeford ‘gromit gardens’ –next to Wallace Place (geddit?) 5
Art Under the Flyover - June 4th-5th th
We are teaming up this year with Upfest ( the live art exhibition e i based at the
Tobacco Factory, to bring a weekend of weird, whacky and wonderful events to the un- yo usual set-
ting of the Cumberland Piazza. Alongside the Art, we want to try out some of the ideas for ur i m prov-
ing this space in the longer term –creating a garden and a play area. For that we need your dia help!
As we go to press the programme is still being developed but here are some of the things we hope to include: ry
Cardboard City Voices of the Pillars.
A recyclable installation by the local community, led by A composition of music/poetry/sound by Bob Walton &
artists. Elizabeth Purnell
A pile of cardboard boxes or homes for people in cities What have the 70+ concrete columns that support the
all over the world? This installation will be devised and flyovers seen in their time? Think of them as being like
created with members of the local community and those huge sculpted heads on Easter Island, as silent
school and create a striking impact, growing as the witnesses to the life of the place, or see them as to-
weekend proceeds. tems, or as the trunks of trees in a (concrete) jungle.

Pedal Power By Spoke n Chain Reflections of Hotwells

Video Projections by Anna Wilson
A 4-bicycle pedal powered PA and cinema system.
Projected onto the underside of some of the flyovers will
Short films will be made during the event end then pro-
be moving images that reflect some of the day-to-day
jected at The Create Centre Gallery from 15th June.
details of Hotwells. This piece explores the beauty and
Come and have a go!
function of the area and it’s role as an entry to the city
See for
and a travelling through place.
more details

Piazza Planters
Large plastic containers will be scattered around the Urban Jungle Crocodiles
site. A chance for families and friends living locally to 6 life-size crocs made from car tyres. They're good-
adopt a box and grow what you like through the sum- natured, love to give kids rides. Create a graffiti jungle
mer. Swap and share seeds and plants with theme around the crocs.

Pavement Art Perspective of the Pillars

A painted pillar installation by the local community, de-
A safe, supervised children’s area for playing and chalk-
signed by local artists.
ing pictures on the pavement and a larger area for
A selected set of these pillars will be painted to change
adults to experiment with paint and chalk. Share your
the physical perspective. The grey anti graffiti paint that
ideas for the area in paint, chalk, video or draw your
currently dominates the site will be subtly altered on
own plans! All ideas and dreams are welcome.
each pair of pillars with the effect of retreating pillars
Size is not a limitation here!

We have some support from the Clifton & Cabot neighbourhood Partnership but the budget for this is, of
course, very limited. To make it happen we need volunteers to help as stewards, gardeners, rigging crew,
litter pickers as well as people participating on the weekend to make it a really memorable community event
and reclaim this neglected space as an asset for the neighbourhood. If you wish to exhibit or can help, contact
Ray Smith on 0117 9297673 email or Anna Wilson


To submit entries to go in the diary
please e-mail:

Events Diary
DIARY when what where
Apr 6th- Exhibition of Paintings by CREATE Centre gallery
May 24th Samuel Miller

Mon May 18:00 Community Links Meeting 3, Charles Place, Hotwells


Thurs May 19:00- Friends of the New Cut meet outside Louisiana
12th 20:30 ‘Redcliff Evening Stroll’ pub at Bathurst Basin
led by Roy Gallop £1.50 (no need to book)
Sun May Bristol 10K road race City Centre & Hotwells
Sat May 12:00- Christian Aid & Fairtrade Holy Trinity Church, Clifton
21st 16:00 Fair incl. Fashion Show at Vale
14:00. Food,tea & coffee
Sun May 10:00 Clifton Rocks Railway Sion Hill, Clifton
(with vintage bus rally at ELECTRICAL SERVICES
(no children under 14)
Canons Marsh)
Mon May 19:30 HCCA Management Com- 3, Charles Place, Hotwells
23rd mittee ELECTRICIAN

Fri May 19:30 Midsummer Night’s Dream The Bowling Green, Bran- ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN
27th The Lord Chamberlain’s Men don Hill NIC EIC REGISTERED
Box Office 0117 9020344
Adult £14.50 Child £8.50 T: 0117 927 3541
May Paint Our World CREATE Centre gallery 07799 252451
28th— exhibition of art by street E:
June 11th children in Kolkata, India
Sat-Sun 11:00- Art Under the Flyover Cumberland Piazza
June 4th- 16:00 (see page 6 for details)
Mon Jun 18:30 Clifton & Clifton East Clifton High School,
6th Neighbourhood Forum College Road CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC
Alison Archibald & Associates
Thurs June 19:00- Friends of the New Cut meet at Gaol Ferry Bridge
9th 21:00 ‘Wildflower Discovery (Cumberland Rd. end)
Registered with the British
Walk’ (no need to book)
Chiropractic Association & the
led by Pam Millman £2
General Chiropractic Council
June ‘Under the Flyover’ exhibi- CREATE Centre gallery
15th—July tion -Hotwells quest for back and leg pain
7th green space sports injuries
neck shoulder and arm pain
Wed June 18:30 Clifton & Cabot Neighbour- Jack’s Brasserie, Han- postural advice
29th hood Partnership nover Quay, Canons headaches
Marsh free chiro checks
ergonomic products
Mon July 18:00 Community Links Meeting 3, Charles Place, Hotwells available
11th Perrin technique also available

Sat July 15:00- Street Party—Cliftonwood Cliftonwood Crescent MEDICAL INSURANCE

16th 23:00 & Southernhay Crescents APPROVED
fun & Frolics—stalls & games—
cakes & tea
Tel: 0117 929 8384
3 Dowry Place, Hotwells, Bristol
Mon July 19:30 HCCA Management Com- 3, Charles Place, Hotwells
25th mittee (also at Taunton 01823 412489)

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