NP WD 3 Wireless TarinSearle Report 1

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New Perspectives Word 2019 | Module 3: Textbook Project

Tarin Searle

SUBMISSION #1 | SCORE IS: 40 OUT OF 100 GE Ver 10.0.0-rc0000

1. Working with Headings in the Navigation Pane

To use the Navigation pane to reorganize text in the document 5/5
2. Non-graded - Collapsing and Expanding Body Text in the Document
3. Inserting a Blank Table
To insert a page break and insert a blank table 5/5
4. Entering Data in a Table
To enter information in the header row of the table 5/5
To continue entering information in the table 5/5
5. Non-graded - Selecting Part of a Table
6. Sorting Rows in a Table
To sort the information in the table 5/5
7. Inserting Rows and Columns in a Table
To insert a column in the table 5/5
8. Non-graded - Deleting Rows and Columns
9. Changing Column Widths and Row Heights
To change the width of the columns in the table 5/5
10. Formatting Tables with Styles
To apply a table style to the Expenditures table 5/5
11. Non-graded - Adding Formulas
12. Non-graded - Merging Cells
13. Setting Tab Stops
To enter the list of consultants using tabs 0/5
The text "Cade Blake Senior Consultant" was not found in the document.
To add a new tab stop to the horizontal ruler 0/5
The text "Project Manager" was not found in the document.
14. Hyphenating a Document
To turn on automatic hyphenation in the document 0/5
The document should be formatted using automatic hyphenation.
15. Formatting a Document into Sections
To insert a section break below the table 0/5
A page break should be inserted after the table.
To format section 2 in Landscape orientation 0/5
Section 2 should be formatted using the Landscape orientation.
16. Creating SmartArt
To create a SmartArt graphic 0/5
A Converging Radial SmartArt should be inserted on the last page.
To add text to the SmartArt graphic 0/5
The Converging Radial SmartArt was not found in the document.
To adjust the size of the SmartArt graphic 0/5
The Converging Radial SmartArt was not found in the document.
17. Adding Headers and Footers
To create a footer for the entire document 0/5
The document should contain a footer with the Accent Bar 2 page number.
To separate the headers for section 1 and section 2 0/5
The section 1 and section 2 headers should not be linked.
18. Inserting a Cover Page
To insert a cover page at the beginning of the report 0/5
A Grid cover page should be inserted into the document.
19. Working with Themes
To change the document's theme 0/5
The document should be formatted using the Facet theme.
This report summarizes a plan to conduct a wireless site survey, also called a radio frequency (RF) survey,
in the corporate offices of Spruce & Cooper. This survey will generate recommendations for maximizing
network security, coverage, and capacity.

Help from Norris-Blain Network Consulting

Earlier this year, the leadership team asked me to propose a plan to improve wireless coverage
throughout the Spruce & Cooper campus, including public areas, offices, meeting spaces, the
warehouse, the cafeteria, and outdoor terraces. To make sure I proposed the most effective plan
possible, I decided to seek the advice of wireless professionals. I contacted one of the area’s top experts
in wireless networking, Marshall Norris, president of Norris-Blain Network Consulting. I met several
times with the following personnel from Norris-Blain Network Consulting:

Cade Blake

Our conversations focused on ways to improve network connections for the company’s staff and visitors.
I also studied information obtained from leading hardware manufacturers and software distributors. This
research suggests that our first step is to conduct a site survey of our entire facility.

Conducting a Wireless Site Survey

What is a wireless site survey? It is an analysis of a facility’s wireless networking needs that evaluates the
site’s floor plan, size, building composition, available cabling, and all sources of potential interference,
both indoors and outdoors. The ultimate goal of the survey is to identify the ideal positions for the
network’s access points, as well as the type of access points required. With the survey results in hand,
we can make informed decisions about equipment purchases for this fiscal year.

A properly conducted wireless site survey helps ensure the uninterrupted flow of secure, wireless data
throughout a networked facility. A site survey is especially important in urban areas, which are typically
rich in RF transmissions from countless sources, including cell phone towers, microwave ovens, and a
wide array of wireless devices. According to the engineers at Norris-Blain Network Consulting, recent site
surveys in our area have turned up sources of RF interference that are likely to affect the wireless
network at Spruce & Cooper in the coming years.

A site survey is conducted primarily via a laptop or smartphone. The networking engineer typically
carries the laptop or smartphone throughout the site, using special survey utility software to analyze the
existing wireless signal. The engineer also studies a diagram of the facility, and conducts a visual
inspection to look for barriers to RF signal propagation. The engineer uses the results of the survey to
generate a list of recommendations for access point placement, as well as recommendations for
antennas and other networking hardware. The list of recommendations also includes proposed upgrades
for network computers and other wireless-enabled devices.

In its early days as a startup company, Spruce & Cooper relied on a less-than-optimal wireless network.
Now, as the company moves into national markets, a high-availability, secure wireless network is
essential. Lighting and sound systems in our meeting rooms increasingly rely on wireless signaling, as do
our warehouse facilities. Furthermore, employees consider a secure wireless network essential for a
variety of purposes, including the ability to move around the company campus and work on laptops that
are connected wirelessly to the company network. I recommend hiring a professional networking
engineer to conduct a wireless site survey of Spruce & Cooper’s entire facility, including the seating areas
on the outdoor terraces, where employees like to work or eat lunch in good weather.

The network engineers at Norris-Blain Network Consulting suggest we obtain bids from five networking
firms. Ideally, we would accept a bid and complete the site survey by the end of March. That would leave
us time to evaluate the surveyor’s list of suggested wireless network improvements and seek funding for
the most crucial improvements before the end of this fiscal year.

Survey Costs
Norris-Blain Network Consulting estimates the total cost of the survey at approximately $10,000. This
typically includes testing recommended improvements in a real-world setting after the survey of our
premises is complete. The company we hire to conduct the survey should also provide software to
simulate wireless VoIP and streaming media to ensure they will work properly in the redesigned
network. The survey and recommendation results should be backed by a guarantee that includes free
monitoring and adjustments for one year after the survey is complete.

The wireless hardware purchases suggested by the survey results will involve upgrading the quality and
number of the company’s wireless access points. The cost associated with these purchases will be
relatively small. Also, Norris-Blain will probably recommend upgrading our network server, several office
computers, and some sound equipment in the meeting rooms. The cost of these improvements will of
course be significant, but will immediately result in improved network connectivity and greatly enhanced
network security.
Norris-Blain Network Consulting provided some estimates of probable expenditures resulting from the
wireless site survey. These figures are presented in the following table.

Item Installation Cost Cost

Access points $600 $850
Sound equipment $1,000 $7,500
Workstation computers and server $900 $25,500

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