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ABOUT THE AUTHORS 30 lterent flelds simltaneoudy. Hence, the editor ofan early collection of Blak papers entitled the book The Broad Scape of Psychaanalyis (Spence, 1967), which Bella (1983) farther demonstrates in his presentation of experimental esearch en psyehounaltie concepts and of the psychoanalytic treatment processin Prycho-analysis as a Sclence. ‘When he was Chief of Psychiatry at Ehnhurst Hospital in New York City, Bellak established thefts 24-hour emergency psychiaty service. His continued contsbu- tions in emergency psychiatry, erisis intervention, and community mental health include 11 filllength books Bella, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1987, 1992). Another field in which he is one ofthe major pioneer i socil gerontology, geropsycholegy, o gviatic psychiaty, to which he (1975) con rbuted the first handbook forthe general public and one ofthe frst handbooks in setiatic pryehintry (Bellak & Karas, 1976). Both lend increased authority to his development ofthe Senior “Apperception Technique (S.A‘T), Bellak isthe author ofever 37 popular, technical, and research books; over 200 poblished papers and esher unpublished psychological tests, inventions, unpublished papers; and an unpublished play bout the inventor of dynamite, Alfed Nobel. The autobiography of his youth, Confrontation in Vienna (Bella, 1993), “a compelling account of the worst sides of Viennese prejuaice and tarberity" (Rowzen, 1996), provides dramatic contrat tothe many later decades of open ined an endlessly creative contributions to clinical psychology, psychiatry, and psychounalysis. His unusual practice and high level of eadership of tree active professions caused the psychologist-psychoanalystBrich Fromam fos, when he frst met him, "Oh, [now the other Bellak” Among his ‘many honors are the Annual Mert Award fom the New York Society of Clinical Psycholegiss in 1964, the Ficda Fromm Reichmann Awatd by the American Academy of sychoanalysis for cutstanding contributions toward a better understanding schizophueni in 1981; the Brano Klopfer Award fom the Society for Projective Assessment in 1990, the Award for Distinguished Professor Contributions to Knowledge fom the American Psychological Association in 1993, and an honorary doctorate in psychology, the Honoris Causa, fom the University of Parisi. 19%, David M. Abrams, Ph.D. (Witten by Leopold Bellak) David M. Abrams has collabceated with Bellak since 1980-1983, when Bellak was his supervisor inthe Pestdoctoral Training Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy ‘of New York University’s Department of Clinical Psychology, Abxams (1977) bad cair applied an ego psychology and folklore analysis to cadres native fantasies in his doctoral dissertation at Cohumbia University under Professor Brian Suttn-Smith, an expertin the developmental psychology of cildrens expressive behavice (such as storytelling, symbole play, games, an humor), and Professor Resalea Schonbar, an expert inclinicel psyeholosy esearch on dream narratives.

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