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xvi ABOUT THE AUTHORS not as «single enlty but a including several subtypes. He later (1952, 1988, 1969, 1973, 1979) published five ‘additional books on this systems approach to sehizoplenia, affective, and slated disorders, Along the same lines, he (1979) contributed one ofthe first books on the diagnosis of attention deficit cisorder in adults, catinuing to bring a systems perspective to this disorder (1983, 1984, 1986) and a subtype analysis with his identification of ADD psychosis” (1994), Since Bellak studied psychoanalysis during Freud’ last years in Vienna, he brought to Harvard University in the euy 1940s de latest thinking in psycho- analysis bused on Freud (1920, 1923) more sophisticated theory of ego psychology. Most U.S. mental health practitioners and academic psychologists at that ime knew Freud primarily fom his book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), an primarily applied Preuds frst libido thecr, which views the libido, or sexual drive, asthe main motivater of man experienee, Murray's approach tothe T.A.T. was pri ‘marily inuenced by Freuds libido or dive theory and that of other early psycho analysts, such as Alfied Adler's emphasis on the aggressive drive andl the poster motive, Otto Rank’ eroplasis on the eteuive dive, and Cal Jung's cemplasis on sel realization and other motivators. Murray broadened the early psychoanalytic drive notions toa berate of internal “nazds and envitonmental "presses" Bellak, on the other hand, chose as his doctoral dissertation the aforementioned experimental stl ofthe ego defense of projection on the'T.AT (1944), wrote thefts paper on how ogo defense mechanisms are seen on thematic tests (1950), and developed an ego prychology scoring system for the'T-AT. (1947 und this ext). Bellak is equally well known in the fields of psychoanalysis and psychiatric diagnosis for his identification and clarification of 12 ego fiancions, which has become & majoe component of diagnestic cevalisaion by all mental health practitioners, particularly psychiatrists, whhen they conduct a psychiatic evaluation to evaluate patent for admission to an inpatient hospital, s pat of treatment planning for psy- ehotherapy, and prior to prescribing medication. He (1973) published a major research study on schizophrenics, neurotic, and normals, which established his ego function assessment as an invaluable tool in clinial assessment that has been used by many other reseatliers and clinicians (Bellak & Goldsmith, 1984) and that Bellak (1989) futher clatified in his popular Handbook of Ego Function Assessment Bellak's ego function assessment is as important in the fields of social eork and psychiatric evaluation asthe curent book on theAT. i in psychology. Bella's 12 ego functions are an established art of what is Known in-mental health asthe Meru Staus, There is not a psychiatrist today who would make a diagnosis ofa patient without utilizing Bellak’s ego fanctons, such as reality testing, judgement, sense of realty, object ‘lations defensive functioning sfimalus berrct, synhctic funtion, othe Heyl of the inivic's adaptive functioning. Bellak is especially appreciated for this ability to translate contemporary mental health concepts into _methods of assessment tat are clear, cect, and practical, He has developed simple scoring forms that facilitate scoring a T.A.T. (Bella, 1947, and this tex), writing up the overall psychological report (Th Psychodagnostie Test ‘Report Blank, 1965), anu conducting @ Mental Stafus evaluation in psychiatry and other fields (Bellak, 1989). Undoubtedly, his training in eliieal and research psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis helped him apply an {interdisciplinary, systems approach to several

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