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● Mescaline is a schedule 1 controlled subsidence

Which is extracted from the peyote cactus.

● The process of extraction includes,

Placing a large amount of the cactus into a pressure
Cooker and extracting the liquids.
Effects Of Mescaline
● Mescaline is a hallucinogen which had effects similar
to LSD and Psilocybin

● The chemical composition of mescaline is


Common effects after use may include:

● visual hallucinations and radically altered states
of consciousness
● open and closed eye visualizations
● euphoria
● dream-like state
● slowed passage of time
● laughter
● a mixing of senses
● pupil dilation
Potential For Addiction
● Regular users easily develop
tolerance for the drug’s effects,
this tolerance is temporary. There
is little evidence that physical
addiction to Mescaline is possible.
However, psychological
dependence certainly is. Someone
with Mescaline dependence will
feel cravings for the drug which
compel them to habitually use it.
Cultural Use

Mescaline is primarily used by native

american people and in adolescents. Use
was legalized for the native american
church back in the 1990s. In native
american circles for cultural-spiritual use,
which can be the same in adolescents, but
also to just be on something.
Science Behind The Drug
● The drug interferes with the 5-HT2a
serotonin receptor (shown in image) to
create visual and auditory

● Mescaline was first isolated and

identified in 1896 by the German
chemist Arthur Heffter and first
synthesized in 1919 by Ernst Späth,
who converted
3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid into
the respective aldehyde,
subsequently reduced to mescaline

Img: 5-HT2a receptor

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