4, Jobs

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JOBS, 35. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Létod azt a férfit ott? 2. Sajnos, nem érek ra, dolgoznom kell. 3. Megnézhetem az ij nyomtatédat? 4. Mikor négyéves voltam, még nem tudtam tiszni. 5. Nem sziikséges kicseréIned az elemet, még mikédik a zseblimpa. 6. Meg kell majd egyezniink vele. 7. Meg kellene nézniink a bankszémlankat. 8. Gyakran elengeded ket diszkéba? 9. Nem sikeriilt felhivnom a munkahelyén. 10. Nem szabad ragondolnod. Stage 2. Jeff is a self-employed grocer. He started his business a year ago. Previously I worked at a big supermarket. I didn't like it at all. I was always told what to do, I sometimes had new ideas but nobody listened to me. My boss was a terrible woman, She was very bad at her job and she liked to order me about. Besides, the job I was doing was quite hard. I had to carry heavy boxes, load and unload trucks that transported the goods to the shop. It was a job that didn't require any talent, so I decided to leave. By that time I'd managed to save up some money so I was able to rent a little grocer's shop. Though the rent was very high and there were few customers at the beginning, after a while I could get along. I sell everything, even some curiosities. I'll never become a millionaire but at least it's my own business. This summer is the first one that I can afford a holiday. We are going to the Mediterranean. Of course, I do have some future plans but much more money is needed to fulfill them. Fortunately, both my wife and I are ambitious and would like to make a living of our own. Give detailed answers to the following questions with the help of the vocabulary below. What are the fashionable jobs these days? What would you like to do? What education do you think you need to do that job? Where do you have to make inquires when looking for a job? What picture do you have of an ideal job? Why do languages play a more important role in different jobs? Why are there so many unemployed in Hungary? Why do so many people work abroad? Why do you think so many firms go bankrupt nowadays? Would you prohibit smoking in your office? 36 What do you do for a living? How do you eafn your living? profession plant shift do, did, done shift work limited - Itd enterprise enterpreneur joint-stock company joint venture share personnel department head of department accountant decent job hit, hit, hit casual work Situations Vacant job centre redundant redundancy pay is employed employer employee skilled worker semi-skilled worker unskilled worker flexible working hours fixed working hours social benefits income tax manual worker intellectual worker probation self-employed self-made man tax adviser foreman temporary job steady job white-collar worker blue-collar worker JOBS Mit dolgozol? Mivel keresed a kenyered? hivatas tizem miiszak tébb miiszakban dolgozik korlatolt felelésségii tarsasag - kft vallalkozas vallalkoz6. részvénytarsasig kézésvallalat részvény személyzeti osztaly osztalyvezetd kényveld megfelelé alas sijt alkalmi munka Ures Allasok /sajtéban/ munkakézvetité iroda létszam feletti végkielégités alkalmazva van munkaltaté alkalmazott szakmunkas betanitott munkas segédmunkas kétetlen munkaid6 kététt munkaidé szocialis juttatasok jovedelemadé fizikai munkas szellemi dolgozé probaidé maszek Snerejébél lett az, aki adétanacsad6 miivezetd atmeneti munka biztos allas szellemi munkat végz6 fizikai dolgozé JOBS responsibility a job of high responsibility vacancy occupied job is appointed to a post is promoted promotion resign,-ed,-ed is on the dole raise,-d,-d salary bonus commission cost of living give, gave, given sy a notice hand,-ed,-ed in one's notice is out of work retrain,-ed,-ed sy go bankrupt capital 37 feladatkér, feleldsség felelésségteljes munka iiresedés betéltstt allas kinevezik egy poziciéba eldléptetik el6léptetés visszavonul segélyen van fizetést emel potlék jutalék megélhetési kéltség felmond vkinek beadja a felmondasat munka nélkiil van atképez vkit cesédbe jut toke Grammar Review - Practise the Modal Verbs - Intermediate. Choose the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives. 1... for long when my younger brother acquired it. a. could swim c. were able to swim b, 've been able to swim d. 'd been able to swim 2. Who ... come in first? a. was let c. was allowed to b. was may to d. might to 3. It... Itwas very rude. a. shouldn't have been done —_c. mustn't have been done b. can't have been done d. mayn't have been done 4. He ... be the man we saw yesterday. I am not really sure, a.can c. could b. may d. might

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