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=== AJAX Login and Registration modal popup + inline form ===

Contributors: kaminskym
Tags: login, registration, register, lost password, modal, popup, ajax, form
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 5.6
Requires PHP: 5.5
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features.

== Description ==

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features + inline form using
shortcode. Compatible with any theme.

[DEMO >>](


1. Easy to integrate (as modal or inline via shortcode)

2. Well customizable
3. 100% responsive
4. Beautiful coded
5. Compatible with other plugins (WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Ultimate Member, WPML,
6. Tested with latest WP version
7. Compatible with the Gutenberg
8. Possible to replace wp-login.php with a custom "Login", "Registration" and
"Reset password" pages
9. Skins support (1 default skin + 2 new in PRO version) + possible to customize
Skins colors via WP Customizer
10. Powerful after-login/registration/logout actions (reload, redirects, etc)
11. Role based redirects (in PRO)
12. In-build reCaptcha & MatchCaptcha (in PRO)
12. Google Authenticator plugin & Wordfence 2FA support (in PRO)
13. Developer support (via forums or personal via email for PRO users)

**Customization options:**

1. You can add your custom CSS selectors to attach modal

2. All texts/messages can be edited/translated in settings
3. Emails (for registration and lost password) can customized in settings7

**Free version compatible with (and other, this is 100% tested):**

1. [Login LockDown]( (limit login

attempts count)
2. [WP Facebook Login](
3. [WP Foto Vote contests]( (photo
contest plugin from author of this plugin ☺)
4. [All In One WP Security & Firewall](
security-and-firewall/) (tested with "Renamed Login Page")
5. [Eonet Manual User Approve](
approve/): review user before they an sign in - [tutorial](https://docs.maxim-
6. [WPML]( Multi-language support - [tutorial]
7. [s2member]( plugin: tweaks for login
8. [New User Approve ]( plugin:
review approve new users registrations


* Allow include form to page content (without modal) (done in version 1.41)
* Colors/styles customizer [implemented via WP Customizer]
* Documentation and Videos [done] -
* WooCommerce Login/Registration form integration (done in PRO version 1.28)
* Registration Form builder
* Settings Import/Export [done]

= PRO features =

* 6 months personal support from developer via Email

* Troubleshooting problems and conflicts with other plugins/themes
* Unlimited plugin updates
* Compatibility with other popular plugins (list below)

**The PRO version extra features:**

1. Allow user set custom password (not random generated) during registration
2. Redirect user to specified page after login/registration/logout (for example to
the User Profile)
3. User verification via click on the link in registration email
4. Email only registration - hide username filed from registration form
5. Customize buttons color in [WP Customizer](https://docs.maxim-
6. [Request other feature >>](

**The PRO version is 100% tested and are compatible with a following plugins:**

1. **[Wordfence & Wordfence Login Security]

(** (2 factor login - [example]
2. **[WooCommerce](** (show modal when
clicked "Add to cart" in list or single product or in Cart when click "Process to
Checkout", option to replace WC account login/registration form to plugin ajax
3. [WooCommerce Sensei]( (fix for Login
4. **[WP reCaptcha Integration](
5. **[Invisible reCaptcha](** -
6. **[BuddyPress](** ([replace default
registration form with BuddyPress one >>]
7. **[UltimateMember](** ([replace
default registration form with UltimateMember one >>]
8. [Captcha](
9. [Really Simple CAPTCHA](
10. [Captcha bank](
11. [WordPress Social Login](
(social login buttons below login/register form)
12. [Social Login WordPress Plugin – AccessPress]
( (social login
buttons below login/register form)
13. [WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin – Super
Socializer]( (social login buttons
below login/register form, social share, etc)
14. [Jetpack - SSO login]( [ login
button >>](
15. [WC Vendors & WC Vendors Pro]( [Apply
to become vendor checkbox >>]
16. [MailChimp for WordPress](
[Subscribe to newsletter checkbox >>]
17. [Google Authenticator](
[Google Authenticator field during the login](https://docs.maxim-
17. [Gravity Forms + Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On]
( [Replace with Gravity
Forms registration form](
18. Math Captcha - soon
19. Easy Digital Downloads - soon
20. [Request other plugin >>](

[GET PRO >>](


[PRO DEMO >>](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/ajax-login-registration-

modal-popup` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
3. Use the 'Settings' -> 'Login/Register modal' screen to configure the plugin

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How to integrate this plugin to my website? =

**As modal:**
Just add class `lrm-login` to the `<button>` or `<a>` element for show login tab or
`lrm-signup` for registration tab.

Example: `<a href="/wp-login.php" class="lrm-login">Login</a>`

**Inline mode:**

Use shortcode `[lrm_form default_tab="login" logged_in_message="You are currently

logged in!"]`
You can pass to **default_tab** params: "login", "register" or "lost-password".
Param **logged_in_message** will be displayed if used is logged in (html is

= How can I attach modal to menu item? =

Use this tutorial to add class from text above for your menu element -

= Class "lrm-hide-if-logged-in" is not working in GeneratePress theme? =

site/](Add this custom css):
body.logged-in li.lrm-hide-if-logged-in a { display: none; }
body.logged-in li [class*='lrm-hide-if-logged-in'] a { display: none; }

Thanks to Kash Monsefi for a report.

= How can I add log out link/button? =

Please read this post:


= How can I call modal from Javascript? =

Look at "Developer hooks" section below.

= Developer hooks =


For add your hook when user successful logged in/registered use action
jQuery(document).on('lrm_user_logged_in', function(response, $form) {
// Your JS code

For call from From JS modal with login tab:


For call from From JS modal with registration tab:


Example for load Modal after page load (this will work only if user not logged in):

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){

= Login issue with Adminize plugin =

If you have login issue with Adminize plugin - go to Adminize plugin settings and
enable option "Allow page access".
== Screenshots ==

1. Login tab + Icomoon Icons

2. Registration tab + Material Icons
3. Lost password tab
4. Inline example
5. Integration link or button element
6. Integration to menu item
7. Admin settings - General
8. Admin settings - Advanced
9. Admin settings - Emails
10. Admin settings - Expressions
11. Admin settings - Skins
12. Admin settings - Actions/Redirects
13. Admin settings - Auto-trigger [PRO]
14. Admin settings - Auto-trigger (post settings) [PRO]
15. Admin settings - Integrations [PRO]
16. Admin settings - Pages
17. Admin settings - Registration user role [PRO]
18. Admin settings - Security (captcha) [PRO]
19. Registration with Password field [PRO]

== Known issues ==

- With Theme my login (TML) plugin (3 Password fields on the Create Account tab, if
enable password field in LRM and TML)

== Changelog ==

= VER 2.18 and 2.19 - 02/02/2021 =

- Fxi for password reset

= VER 2.17 - 31/12/2020 =

- Small WP 5.6 tweaks

= VER 2.16 - 27/10/2020 =

- Fixes for the New User Approve plugin:

- New filter for the mail body: $mail_body =
apply_filters( 'lrm/mail/mail_body_filter', $mail_body_templated, $mail_body,
$subject, $mail_key, $to );

= VER 2.15 - 27/10/2020 =

- "redirect_to" param can be passed to the inline shortcode

- Warning if the WP settings & browser url Scheme or Domain doesn't math

= VER 2.14 - 15/07/2020 =

- Limit Login Attempts Reloaded tweak (each login attempt decrease limit count to
- Added some styles for the "MailChimp for WordPress" checkbox

= VER 2.13 - 27/04/2020 =

- Restored registration with a WP-Recall plugin active
- Login Security Improvements
- Limit Login Attempts Reloaded -
- Hash param to trigger modal:
- Fix for the "Confirm use of weak password" checkbox on the Password reset page

= VER 2.12 - 8/04/2020 =

- Integrated the Polylang plugin -

- Config files for the Loco Translate plugin

= VER 2.11 - 23/03/2020 =

- Fixed issue - submit button shows like the Full width even if should have default

= VER 2.10 - 04/03/2020 =

- Fixed issue - on any page list of all WP pages is fetched from the Database
(thanks to @nexlaa)
- Fixed issue - tags {{FIRST_NAME}} & {{LAST_NAME}} aren't working in the
lostpassword email

= VER 2.09 - 16/02/2020 =

- Do not allow registration with the mismatch passwords

= VER 2.08 - 1/12/2019 =

- Options to hide the tabs in modal & full-width submit button style

= VER 2.07 - 10/10/2019 =

- Fixed issue with nickname used and a display name in WooCommerce and Buddypress
- Added a few password reset missing messages to translations
- Added option to send admin notify email to the custom email
- Compatibility with a Simple History plugin
- Updated the screenshots

= VER 2.06 - 18/08/2019 =

- Match Captcha small tweaks

= VER 2.05 - 10/08/2019 =

- Fixed issues with "<>" characters in the user password

- Removed deprecated function screen_icon()
- Updated WC form template to the WooCommerce 3.6
- Small fix for the Admin Redirects configurator

= VER 2.04 - 26/04/2019 =

- Stop executing wp_redirect during login process instead of showing error

- Fix for WooCommerce 3.6.2 (WC emails style broke the registration process)

= VER 2.03 - 07/04/2019 =

- Fixed a bug during Registration that happens with disabled "Terms" box
- Added "Debug" section to the "Advanced" tab to simplify debug AJAX errors
- Redirect logged in user from the plugin Login/Register pages to the "redirect_to"
GET param - useful if user is logged in on the another tab

= VER 2.01 - 07/03/2019 =

- "Hide Password" text replaced with Icon

- Lazy load script "zxcvbn.min.js" with 800 kb size

= VER 2.00 - 11/02/2019 =

- Added option to select custom "Login", "Registration" and "Reset password" pages
- Complete rewritten after-login/registration/logout actions (reload, redirects,
- Added skins support
- Added new emails tags: {{EMAIL}}, {{HOME_URL}}, {{FIRST_NAME}}, {{LAST_NAME}}

= VER 1.50 - 05/01/2019 =

- Complete rewritten [

support-via-wpml/](WPML support), for make compatible with WPML 4.1+
- Added filter "lrm/users_can_register" to allow override global Wordpress option
- Tweaks for Eduma WP theme
- Fix - do not possible to hide review message on plugin settings page
- Scroll to the errors text on form submissions errors

= VER 1.41 - 02/11/2018 =

- New option - use WooCommerce emails templates, so your emails will looks the same
(useful for WC stores)
- Tweaks for password managers
- Put the cursor in the first field on modal open
- Restrict submit form if request in process (so a user can't continuously submit
it many times)
- Added new translations from
- Added new option for remove plugin data on deactivation

= VER 1.40 - 10/10/2018 =

- Tweak for (stop reset

password during user approval)
- A lot of JS & CSS updates - so please test your modal forms design and
functionality after update!!
- Inline mode with shortcode [lrm_form default_tab="login"], where default_tab can
be set as 'login', 'register', 'lost-password'

= VER 1.37 - 06/10/2018 =

- Added new email - for admin about new user registration (please note - in case of
using Social login this email will be not triggered)
- Added html template field to simplify email templates customization -

= VER 1.36 - 05/10/2018 =

- Tweaks for s2member plugin + tweaks that can fix possible issues wih any other
plugins that tried to redirect after login
- Fixed a bug with the "Forgot Password" link in modal

= VER 1.35 - 20/09/2018 =

- Fixes for a Polylang plugin

= VER 1.34 - 18/09/2018 =

- Tweaks for PRO compatibility with the [Invisible reCaptcha]

( plugin- [tutorial]
- Tweaks for CSS & JS selectors for make them working even with prefixes, like
"divi-lrm-login", that can be added by some themes in menus
- Added [predefined list](
of menu items

= VER 1.33 - 07/09/2018 =

- Small tweaks for LRM Pro to allow the user create account with email only
- Return user ID after login/registration to JS
- Full compatibility with [WPML]( plugin for [multi-language

= VER 1.32 - 01/09/2018 =

- Small tweaks for LRM Pro BuddyPress integration - option to disable BuddyPress

= VER 1.31 - 27/08/2018 =

- Small tweaks for LRM Pro BuddyPress integration

= VER 1.30 - 15/08/2018 =

- Since this version if New Users Registration is Off in settings - Registration

Tab will be hidden

= VER 1.29 - 09/08/2018 =

- Loading spinner html moved from php to JS to avoid issues with the W3C Total
Cache plugin

= VER 1.28 - 01/08/2018 =

- Added filter "lrm/mails/registration/is_need_send" that allows stop sending

registration email
- Partial Russian translation added (thanks to @raccoon72)

= VER 1.27 - 30/07/2018 =

- Integrated auto-updater for PRO version

= VER 1.26 - 26/07/2018 =

- Small admin instructions tweaks

- Optionally you can disable Browser validation (in Advanced section)
= VER 1.25 - 21/07/2018 =

- Fixed Critical issue if PRO version is installed and version < 1.17

= VER 1.24 - 20/07/2018 =

- Fixed password reset issues with WooCommerce installed

- Fixed issue with slashed quotes after saving in Emails section
- Minor fixes

= VER 1.23 - 30/06/2018 =

- Fixed issues with HTTPS and Login (when try open to /wp-admin/ wordpress require

= VER 1.22 - 18/06/2018 =

- Message about disabled user registration now displayed only on Plugin settings
page (not site-wide)
- Fixes for "All In One WP Security & Firewall" plugin

= VER 1.21 - 14/06/2018 =

- Fixed issue with Reset password: not possible use username to reset, only email

= VER 1.20 - 10/06/2018 =

- Warning if New Users Registration is disabled in WP Settings

- Possible Hide First & Last name fields (Registration Form) in plugin Settings
- Small settings fix: (default "true" values for checkboxes is added in a wrong
- Changed "password reset" way: before after password reset request password was
immediately changed, now email will be send with change password link

= Update instructions from 1.1x to 1.20: =

**Open "EXPRESSIONS" tab and find "Lost password" section**

**"Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive mail with
new password."**
**"Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive mail with
link to set new password."**

**Open "Emails" tab and find "Lost password" section**

Replace "Body" field text with following (or similar):

`Someone has requested a password reset for the following username: {{USERNAME}}' .
"\r\n\r\n" .

If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.

To reset your password, visit the following address: {{CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL}},`

= VER 1.18 - 30/05/2018 =

- New: added Username field to registration form, to avoid issues if user with
equal First and Last exists

= VER 1.17 - 25/05/2018 =

- Fix: fixed issue with modal display in Safari for Windows

- Tweak: scroll to error message, if error happens

= VER 1.16 - 07/05/2018 =

- Tweak: temporary fix for Cache: disable nonce verification if cache enabled

= VER 1.14 - 02/05/2018 =

- Bugfix: doesn't possible to put Html into Terms text field + possible submit form
without checking Terms box.
- New: Added ability to change Email format: plain or html

= VER 1.13 - 27/04/2018 =

- Bugfix: On some sites Modal can't work because form html is loaded after script

= VER 1.12 - 25/04/2018 =

- Bugfix: Registration "Terms box" it's displayed even if not disabled in settings
- Tweak: Option "Auto-login user after Registration" replaced with "User must
confirm email after registration?"
- Wording tweaks - thanks to @Paul from

= VER 1.11 - 23/04/2018 =

- Notice if newer PRO version exists

= VER 1.10 - 23/04/2018 =

- Added German translation

- Finally implemented support for
- "Show" and "Hide" password labels can be translated in admin
- "Expressions" now escaped in admin and public to avoid issues with splashing
quotes in FR and other languages
- Other tweaks

= VER 1.05 - 05/04/2018 =

- Added French and Spanish translations (thanks to @EricMangin from

= VER 1.04 - 30/03/2018 =

- Implemented get-text calls to allow add default translations for all languages.
registration-modal-popup to translate plugin.
- Make password hidden **** by default

= VER 1.01 - 11/03/2018 =

- Added integration tutorial

- Added `.lrm-show-if-logged-in` and `.lrm-hide-if-logged-in` classes

= VER 1.0 - 03/03/2018 =


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