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Maestra: Crescencia Guadalupe Ibarra

Grupo: 108 Equipo: 3


Lopez Cortez Luis Carlos 2012050

Pérez Carrazco Erick Horacio 2014908
Martínez López Kevin Jahir 2019084
Lozano García Ana Laura 2012319
Martínez Cabrera Lucía Monserrat 200366
López Martínez Mariana Elizabeth 2024724

KEVIN: Hi guys! Imp. going to tell you that yesterday I was going to my aunt's house, when
I noticed a taxi approaching, she stopped and got on, rushed to take me to my
destination, I paid her and left. The next day I realized that I did not bring my cell phone, I
felt really bad, just thinking that my cell phone had been lost, at that moment someone
knocked on the door and what was my surprise, wow! The man in the taxi gave me my cell
phone and said he wanted to give me the phone back, he says he found it under the seat
and told me that he doesn't like being a dishonest person.
ERICK: Wow Angel, that would really scare me! Good thing this man was honest and I'll
give it back to you.
ANA: And think of all the situations that are heard every day about people who do not
return lost things. Anyone would have preferred to keep the cell phone, either to get
money or simply because they like it, or because of evil.
LUIS: Something similar happened to me, but it hurts me to say that in my case, the end
was not what I expected, because that man decided not to contact me to give me my cell
phone, how good for you Kevin! I'm glad they got it back.
KEVIN: Yes! I am very grateful to the gentleman of the taxi, well, you have said it, another
story could have been, but, Hawever, it was not like that.
LUCIA: It is very comforting to realize that there are still people in the world with a lot of
honesty, it would have been so easy for her to stay with him, but she decided to act
correctly; I think that situations like these are worthy of recognizing the act, because as
Ana said out of evil she would have saved it.
MARIANA: Luis! And you didn't see that man again, did you?
LUIS: No! Until today I have not seen it again, hopefully and that my cell phone has been
useful, and that I really need it, because personally, with a lot of sacrifice I bought it, so I
hope I have given it a good use.
ERICK: You are very right Luis, because like you, in the same way, our parents also play a
very important role, because they have also made the sacrifice many times to give us the
things that are essential for us
ERICK : Very true! Because thanks to them, we can continue to attend high school, so,
although it was not pleasant what happened to you, Luis , let's try to see it as a life lesson
for everyone.
ANA: Yes, that's right, and I think things happen for a reason.
MARIANA: Yes, of course! Besides, I think that something good came out of all this, like
the event that happened to Kevin.
ANA: Yes it's true! How nice to know that Angel was able to get his cell phone back.
LUCIA: And what is most gratifying, knowing that there are still people in the world willing
to help.

ERICK: Guys, now I have something to tell you about respect, since a while
ago something related to this value happened to me.
ANA: Tell us erick what happened to you

ERICK: Well, what happened was that some time ago when I was a little younger,
my mother told me that I should always treat all people with the de respecto that is given and
that not because I saw them differently than those people did not deserve the same. I try
because my mother told me that we were all the same although each one had a different quality
of life and that is what I wanted to tell you
MARIANA: Your mother Erick is very right since there is no reason to belittle others
LUIS: And all of this that they comment is true because a long time ago I saw a video on
social networks that it was about an elderly man who asked for food because he had no
money and a family gave him food but when he gave him the food he It was about kibble
for dogs and the treatment they gave him is not fair and well, the good thing was that
many people found out about this case and many helped the man
LUCIA: I don't understand how people can see like this, but it's good that everything was
solved and the man is already better, and that's where he also showed a treatment of
solidarity between the community and the respect that all people deserve
KEVIN: the truth is good to know that there are many people willing to show solidarity
with others and give due respect

And then there are many cases like these, that is why the UANL is
in charge of promoting different values to young people and adults
so that each person has the commitment to help and serve those
who need it most.

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