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Computers are Your Future, 10e (Coyle)

Chapter 4 System Software

1) All of the following are functions of the operating system EXCEPT:

A) managing applications.
B) providing the user with ways to communicate to the computer.
C) creating drivers for devices such as printers and scanners.
D) managing memory.

Reference: The Operating System

2) The set of programs designed to manage the resources of a computer is the:

A) operating system.
B) resource manager.
C) utility set.
D) boot strap set.

Reference: The Operating System

3) Memory that is very fast but is erased when the power goes off is:
A) non-volatile.
B) secondary.
C) volatile.
D) high capacity.

Reference: Starting the Computer

4) The process of loading the OS to memory is:

A) installing.
B) repudiation.
C) authentication.
D) booting.

Reference: Starting the Computer

5) Starting a computer that is not already on is called a:
A) cold boot.
B) warm boot.
C) fast load.
D) cold load.

Reference: Starting the Computer

6) Starting a computer that is already on is called a:

A) cold boot.
B) power on.
C) warm boot.
D) warm load.

Reference: Starting the Computer

7) Which is the correct sequence for what happens when you turn on a computer?
A) Authentication, BIOS, POST, loading the OS, system configuration, and loading the system
B) BIOS, POST, system configuration, loading the OS, loading the system utilities, and
C) BIOS, POST, loading the OS, system configuration, loading the system utilities, and
D) POST, BIOS, system configuration, loading the OS, loading the system utilities, and

Reference: Starting the Computer

8) One way to initiate a warm boot is to press which of the following keys?
A) Ctrl+Alt+Ins
B) Ctrl+Boot
C) Restart
D) Ctrl+Alt+Del

Reference: Starting the Computer

9) The central part of the OS that starts applications, manages devices and memory, and
performs other essential functions is the:
A) kernel.
B) core module.
C) critical data set.

Reference: Starting the Computer

10) Portions of the OS that are stored on the hard disk and retrieved as needed are called:
A) optional.
B) nonresident.
C) class B OS.
D) virtual OS.

Reference: Starting the Computer

11) The first OS function is:

A) scanning the hard disk for errors.
B) loading the applications.
C) starting the computer.
D) prompting the user for an id and password.

Reference: Starting the Computer

12) The OS is most often found on a hard disk, although on some small handheld computers it is
on a(n):
A) secondary device.
B) memory chip.
C) offline disk.
D) tape cartridge.

Reference: Starting the Computer

13) The kernel:

A) moves in and out of primary memory as you perform your computer operations.
B) resides in primary memory all the time.
C) is a container for all of the operating system files.
D) is a part of the operating system that requires considerable space in the memory.

Reference: Starting the Computer

14) The BIOS:
A) contains the instructions the computer needs to perform keyboard input and display screen
B) is temporarily written in the computer's ROM.
C) is permanently written in the computer's RAM.
D) displays input and output information on a graphical screen.

Reference: Step 1: The BIOS and Setup Program

15) When you first turn on or reset a PC, the ________ resets itself and searches for the BIOS.
A) entire motherboard
C) hard drive
D) monitor

Reference: The BIOS and Setup Program

16) While the BIOS information is displayed on the screen, you can press a special key such as
F8 to access the:
A) operating system source code.
B) kernel.
C) setup program.
D) list of software application programs.

Reference: Step 1: The BIOS and Setup Program

17) Which of the following statements about the setup program is NOT true?
A) You can access the setup program by pressing a special key when the BIOS information is
B) Any alterations to the setup program should be done by a technical support person.
C) The setup program includes the settings the computer needs to use the hardware.
D) The registry settings can be modified by using the setup program.

Reference: Step 1: The BIOS and Setup Program

18) Which of the following checks to see that the hardware is operating appropriately?

Reference: Step 2: The Power-On Self-Test (POST)

19) On most computers what happens after the operating system's kernel is loaded into the
computer's memory?
A) The BIOS determines where the operating system is stored.
B) The setup program displays to allow the user to make changes.
C) The system configuration information loads.
D) The computer reboots.

Reference: Step 3: Loading the Operating System

20) All of the following are involved in loading the operating system EXCEPT:
A) searching for the operating system.
B) loading the kernel into the computer memory.
C) loading system configuration information.
D) adjusting the setup program in the BIOS.

Reference: Step 3: Loading the Operating System

21) Which of the following statements about CMOS is true?

A) CMOS is volatile memory that keeps track of the amount of memory installed in the
B) CMOS stands for certified metal-oxide semiconductor.
C) CMOS is a special type of memory used to store essential startup configuration options.
D) CMOS is an area in ordinary primary memory used to store important startup configuration

Reference: Techtalk sidebar

22) PnP is an abbreviation for which of the following terms?
A) Package-and-Protect
B) Plug-and-Play
C) Peripheral-and-Plugin
D) Passive-and-Predictive

Reference: Step 4: System Configuration

23) An operating system with PnP capabilities means that the system:
A) recognizes new peripherals that were attached before you turned the computer power on and
then installs the appropriate drivers and checks for driver compatibility.
B) automatically downloads drivers from the Internet for new peripherals that you installed.
C) can record and play sound files.
D) can install the appropriate driver for a newly attached piece of hardware as long as the
operating system was released before the hardware model was first produced.

Reference: Step 4: System Configuration

24) A utility program that makes a peripheral device function correctly is a:

A) specialized OS.
B) peripheral OS.
C) standalone program.
D) driver.

Reference: System Configuration

25) System utilities:

A) have to be accessed through applications.
B) perform functions such as protecting your computer from viruses.
C) include features such as a word-processing program.
D) are loaded before the operating system is loaded.

Reference: Step 5: Loading System Utilities

26) To accommodate the computer personal preferences for more than one user, you can:
A) set up a profile for each person.
B) change the registry to specify how many users are using the computer.
C) adjust the setup program to accommodate different preferences.
D) interrupt the power-on self-test so that users can make their own choices.

Reference: Step 6: Authenticating Users

27) All of the following are needed to access your computer in a multiuser environment
EXCEPT a(n):
A) user name.
B) home directory.
C) password.
D) Internet address.

Reference: Step 6: Authenticating Users

28) An operating system that requires you to quit one program before starting a different
program is referred to as a ________ operating system.
A) single-tasking
B) multitasking
C) foreground
D) background

Reference: Managing Applications

29) Multitasking operating systems:

A) consider the background application to be the active application.
B) consider the foreground application to be the inactive application.
C) switch between applications.
D) are still too new to be considered common.

Reference: Managing Applications

30) Preemptive multitasking:

A) means that all open programs will shut down if one of the programs stops working.
B) allows the operating system and other applications to run.
C) is available in older versions of Microsoft Windows.
D) allows you to save your work and close the program if the program crashes.

Reference: Managing Applications

31) The operating system function that most dramatically affects an operating system's overall
quality is:
A) the boot process.
B) fragmenting.
C) managing applications.
D) real-time bug detection.

Reference: Managing Applications

32) If one running application invades another's memory space, one or both will:
A) become unstable.
B) crash.
C) Both A and B.
D) Neither A nor B.

Reference: Managing Applications

33) Virtual memory is an enhanced way to utilize the main memory by:
A) using a part of ROM as an extension of RAM to conserve the main memory.
B) using a hard disk swap file when memory is full.
C) dividing data and instructions into multitasking units.
D) creating pages of variable size to use when the swap file is full.

Reference: Managing Memory

34) The ________ is responsible for managing memory.

A) operating system
B) firmware
C) embedded memory program
D) buffer

Reference: Managing Memory

35) In virtual memory, program instructions and data are divided into units of fixed size called:
A) blocks.
B) segments.
C) pages.
D) modules.

Reference: Managing Memory

36) Although virtual memory enables users to work with more memory than the amount installed
on the computer, ________ slows the computer down.
A) the operating system
B) segmentation
C) memory-scrubbing
D) paging

Reference: Managing Memory

37) The best way to improve the performance of your computer is to:
A) increase the use of virtual memory because the paging technique increases the speed of the
B) increase the size of the swap file so that you can use variable pages.
C) install more RAM in the computer because the random access memory works faster than the
hard disk.
D) install a larger hard disk in the computer so that you can store more swap files.

Reference: Managing Memory

38) Drivers for frequently used input and output devices are:
A) often included with the operating system provided the device was on the market before the
operating system was created.
B) programs that enable the user to install the system utilities faster.
C) no longer needed if the computer has Plug-and-Play capability.
D) interchangeable because input and output devices can now use the same information to enable
them to work.

Reference: Handling Input and Output

39) Printers, scanners, monitors, speakers, and the mouse all need ________ to operate.
A) drivers
B) interrupt handlers
C) USB ports
D) battery backup

Reference: Handling Input and Output

40) Most personal computers have how many interrupt request lines?
A) 2
B) 8
C) 16
D) 25

Reference: Handling Input and Output

41) Signals that inform the OS that something has happened are:
A) operating system diversions.
B) drivers.
C) interrupts.
D) program defects.

Reference: Handling Input and Output

42) If two devices are configured to use the same IRQ but aren't designed to share an IRQ line,
the result is a failure called:
A) IRQ mis-configuration
B) IRQ defect
C) interrupt conflict
D) IRQ conflict

Reference: Handling Input and Output

43) Miniprograms that immediately kick in when an interrupt occurs are called:
A) program exits.
B) interrupt diverters.
C) interrupt swappers.
D) interrupt handlers.

Reference: Handling Input and Output

44) Which of the following computer interfaces is the most popular?

B) Menu-driven
C) Command-line
D) Shortcut keystrokes

Reference: Providing the User Interface

45) User interfaces enable you to do all of the following EXCEPT:
A) start applications programs.
B) process operating system interrupts.
C) manage storage devices.
D) shut down the computer.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

46) All of the following are types of user interfaces EXCEPT:

A) graphical.
B) menu-driven.
C) intuitive.
D) command-line.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

47) The desktop environment on PC and Macintosh computers:

A) displays computer resources as icons that you can activate by clicking.
B) uses a command-line user interface for communications.
C) lets you have only one program active at a time.
D) is unable to display pull-down menus within an application program.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

48) The following is an example of which type of user interface?

copy A:\mypic.jpg c:\mypic.jpg
A) Menu-driven
B) Command-line
C) Instruction-driven
D) Directive-based

Reference: Providing the User Interface

49) Which of the following statements about Microsoft Windows is T ?

A) It is the most commonly used operating system today.
B) It is interchangeable with Linux.
C) It uses a command-line interface for complex operations.
D) It has the same graphical interface used in UNIX.

Reference: Microsoft Windows

50) Windows Vista was released to the public in what year?
A) 2006
B) 2007
C) 2008
D) It has not been released yet.

Reference: Microsoft Windows

51) Which popular operating system did Windows Vista replace?

A) Windows CE
B) Windows NT
D) Windows XP

Reference: Microsoft Windows

52) Windows Vista has how many different versions?

A) only 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5

Reference: Microsoft Windows

53) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is designed to support what type of computing in a
corporate environment?
A) Wireless
B) Centralized
C) Mobile
D) Client/server

Reference: Microsoft Windows

54) Windows Server 2008 shares many similarities with which other operating system?
A) Windows Vista
B) Windows XP
D) Linux

Reference: Microsoft Windows

55) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Windows Server 2008?
A) Security
B) Interoperability with Linux and UNIX
C) Administration
D) Virtualization

Reference: Microsoft Windows

56) Which Microsoft operating system is designed for smartphones and PDAs?
A) Windows XP
B) Windows Lite
C) Windows Mobile
D) All of the above

Reference: Microsoft Windows

57) Which operating system first introduced the graphical user interface?
A) Windows 95
B) Linux
D) Mac OS

Reference: Mac OS

58) Linux is an example of open source software, meaning:

A) users can see and modify the source programming code.
B) the software has not been perfected sufficiently to be of professional value.
C) it has to be configured to your computer system.
D) the software must be purchased from a vendor who markets products on an open commercial
Web site.

Reference: Linux

59) Why is the Linux operating system so popular today?

A) It provides the personal computer with the strengths of UNIX.
B) The Microsoft Office suite runs under Linux.
C) It was developed by Microsoft as a companion to the Windows operating system.
D) It is a robust, expensive operating system that people feel is well worth the money in return
for its many networking features.

Reference: Linux

60) Who created Linux?
A) Steve Jobs
B) Bill Gates
C) Linus Torvalds
D) Paul Allen

Reference: Linux

61) Many CIOs shy away from adopting Linux because:

A) it doesn't have a stable company behind it.
B) it's free.
C) it's powerful.
D) it has not been properly tested.

Reference: Linux

62) Which of the following statements about MS-DOS is T ?

A) The syntax and commands required to use the interface are easy to learn.
B) Microsoft also markets a version of MS-DOS called PC-DOS, which does not use a
command-line interface.
C) MS-DOS uses a command-line interface.
D) Home computer users prefer to use MS-DOS because it is a graphical user interface.

Reference: MS-DOS

63) Which operating system first offered preemptive multitasking to the user?
A) Microsoft Windows 2000
B) Linux
C) Macintosh OS X

Reference: UNIX

64) The UNIX operating system was developed by:

B) AT&T.
C) Microsoft.
D) Apple.

Reference: UNIX

65) What is considered a major advantage of UNIX?
A) The various versions of UNIX are compatible with each other.
B) It is easy to use.
C) It doesn't allow preemptive multitasking.
D) It works efficiently in secure computer networks.

Reference: UNIX

66) System utilities are used for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to:
A) protect your computer from viruses.
B) organize and find files on your computer.
C) create backups of system and application files.
D) serve as an Internet interface with your Internet browser.

Reference: System Utilities: Housekeeping Tools

67) Programs that are used to keep the computer system running smoothly are called:
A) system utilities.
B) housekeeping programs.
C) operating system add-ons.
D) file managers.

Reference: System Utilities: Housekeeping Tools

68) Backup software:

A) is used for the purpose of creating duplicate copies of your document files so that you can edit
them without destroying the original copy.
B) is used to make duplicate copies of your hard drive files for emergency purposes and stores
them on the hard drive for easy accessibility.
C) allows you to create and save a file containing the data and program files on your computer to
another disk or storage location for the files to be used for data recovery.
D) is rarely used today because operating systems and computers have increased their reliability
to the point that files are seldom lost.

Reference: Backup Software

69) Backup software is classified as a(n) ________ program.
A) application
B) utility
C) antivirus
D) operating system

Reference: Backup Software

70) In Windows Vista the ________ option allows users to schedule the time and backup
location in advance.
A) Complete Backup
B) Incremental Backup
C) Fail Safe Backup
D) Automatic Backup

Reference: Backup Software

71) Drive imaging software creates a(n) ________ of the hard disk.
A) mirror image
B) full backup
C) incremental backup
D) snapshot

Reference: Backup Software

72) All of the following are forms of malware EXCEPT:

A) viruses.
B) utilities.
C) Trojan horses.
D) adware.

Reference: The Making of Malware

73) Which of the following statements regarding viruses is NOT true?
A) A virus is able to cause destruction as soon as it is copied to your computer disk.
B) A virus can remain inactive on your computer disk until a designated time to perform its
C) Viruses are slow to replicate.
D) A virus that has not been identified in your antivirus software database will remain
undetected unless the antivirus software includes a program that monitors system functions.

Reference: Antivirus Software

74) Antivirus software uses ________ to examine files for virus signatures.
A) imaging
B) destruction-detection
C) pattern-matching
D) security tools

Reference: Antivirus Software

75) A file manager utility program allows you to perform all of the following EXCEPT:
A) manage how files are stored.
B) delete files you no longer want to keep.
C) create a backup file of the entire contents of your computer.
D) make copies of files.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

76) The search utility program in Microsoft Windows helps you to locate a file by using which
of the following methods?
A) Specifying the name of the file and letting the software locate the file for you
B) Manually scrolling through the list of file names until you locate the one you need
C) Grouping the files by file size and then manually scrolling through the list until you locate the
one you need
D) Arranging the files by date so that you can locate the file by the date you think you created it

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

77) A disk scanning program is used to:
A) reduce the size of a file when the computer disk is full.
B) locate files by the date they were last saved.
C) detect and resolve problems that may occur when files are stored on a disk.
D) move files into logical folders.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

78) The system utility that locates and marks bad sectors on a computer disk is a(n):
A) disk scanner.
B) file compression.
C) search utility.
D) antivirus software.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

79) It is important to defragment your computer disk because fragmented files:

A) harm the surface of the computer disk.
B) reduce disk performance.
C) are not recognized by the computer's tracking system.
D) cannot be opened because the fragmented portions are not linked.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

80) What system utility should be used to correct disk performance problems caused by scattered
portions of files on the computer disk?
A) Search
B) File manager
C) Disk defragmentation
D) Disk scanning

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

81) A file compression utility program:

A) is seldom necessary because most computers have sufficient storage.
B) saves disk space by exchanging long, often repeated data patterns in a file with shorter codes.
C) cannot be used to create archive files.
D) will endanger the data if you try to reduce the file size by more than 50 percent.

Reference: File Compression Utilities

82) Compression enables faster downloads, but then you have to ________ the files after
A) encrypt
B) decrypt
C) decompress
D) zip

Reference: File Compression Utilities

83) Compression utilities are able to store several hundred individual files in a special format
into one file known as a(n):
A) folder.
B) container.
C) library.
D) archive.

Reference: File Compression Utilities

84) System updates can include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) service packs.
B) new billing options.
C) version upgrades.
D) security updates.

Reference: System Update

85) A boot disk:

A) is an emergency disk that loads the entire operating system.
B) provides a way to troubleshoot computer start-up problems.
C) contains special files from the computer manufacturer and therefore cannot be created by the
D) should be present when the computer starts up normally.

Reference: Troubleshooting

86) Which is the Windows Vista tool that can be used to diagnose the cause of system
A) Performance Tracking
B) Systems Diagnostics
C) Response-Time Tracker
D) Reliability and Performance Monitor

Reference: System Update

87) You can locate devices that are not working properly by starting a Windows computer in
________ mode.
A) safe
B) reduced
C) open
D) active

Reference: Troubleshooting

88) An alternative to completely shutting down your system is to put it in ________ mode.
A) locked
B) power-save
C) sleep
D) safe

Reference: Troubleshooting

89) Which of the following should NOT cause a change in the system performance?
A) Computer viruses
B) Installation of additional memory
C) Fragmented files
D) Storing files on a Zip disk

Reference: Troubleshooting

90) System software includes the operating system and the ________.

Reference: The Operating System

91) The term ________ means to transfer data from a storage device to memory.

Reference: Starting the Computer

92) The computer is performing a(n) ________ when you start a computer that is NOT already

Reference: Starting the Computer

93) The ________ program contains settings that manage computer hardware.

Reference: Step 1: The BIOS and Setup Program

94) A special type of memory that stores configurations such as the amount of memory on the
computer is called ________.

Reference: Techtalk sidebar

95) The registry stores configuration information on installed peripherals and software in a(n)

Reference: Step 4: System Configuration

96) An operating system with ________ capability can immediately detect a newly added
peripheral and provide the appropriate device driver.

Reference: Step 4: System Configuration

97) The process of entering a user name and password is called authentication or ________.

Reference: Step 6: Authenticating Users

98) ________ allows you to switch between programs without having to close one of the

Reference: Managing Applications

99) Virtual memory involves the use of a(n) ________ file on the hard disk to store copies of
pages when the memory is full.

Reference: Managing Memory

100) ________ enables users to work with more memory than is actually installed on the

Reference: Managing Memory

101) In virtual memory, programs and data are divided into fixed size units called ________.

Reference: Managing Memory

102) A(n) ________ is a program that contains information about a specific device and how the
operating system communicates with it.

Reference: Handling Input and Output

103) Input and output devices communicate with the central processing unit (CPU) through the
use of ________ lines.

Reference: Handling Input and Output

104) The small picture on a desktop that represents a computer resource is called a(n) ________.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

105) Icons are used in a(n) ________ interface.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

106) The ________ operating system was released in 1984 and contained the first graphical user

Reference: Mac OS

107) The open source operating system created to work on PCs is called ________.

Reference: Linux

108) MS-DOS stands for Microsoft ________.

Reference: MS-DOS

109) A(n) ________ is determined by the combination of microprocessor chip and OS used by a
distinct type of computer.

Reference: PC Versus Mac Versus Linux

110) Previously, Macs used a Motorola or IBM chip, but they have switched to the ________

Reference: PC Versus Mac Versus Linux

111) A(n) ________ backup includes all the files and data on the hard disk.

Reference: Backup Software

112) A(n) ________ backup only copies those files that have been created or changed since the
last backup.

Reference: Backup Software

113) Drive imaging software creates a(n) ________ of the entire hard disk.

Reference: Backup Software

114) Full backups should be made at least one time each ________.

Reference: Backup Software

115) ________ should be stored away from the computer system in case of a fire or flood.

Reference: Backup Software

116) ________ protects a computer from viruses.

Reference: Antivirus Software

117) Antivirus software uses pattern-matching technique to examine files for telltale virus code

Reference: Antivirus Software

118) Many ________ offer free antivirus protection to their subscribers.

Reference: Antivirus Software

119) The system utility that you would use to organize the data stored on your computer is called
a(n) ________.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

120) The utility program that deletes unneeded files is called a(n) ________ utility.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

121) To reorganize data stored on a computer disk so that all portions of each file are stored
together, you should use a(n) ________ program.

Reference: Searching for and Managing Files

122) A(n) ________ is a file that can contain hundreds of other files saved in a special format.

Reference: File Compression Utilities

123) You should use an emergency or ________ disk if your computer fails to start normally.

Reference: Troubleshooting

124) Starting your computer in ________ mode lets you check to see what computer devices are
in conflict.

Reference: Troubleshooting

125) A helpful place to look for troubleshooting guidance in Microsoft Windows is the
________ utility.

Reference: Troubleshooting

126) Microsoft provides an OS update service called ________.

Reference: System Update

127) To diagnose problems associated with system slowdown, use the ________ Monitor.

Reference: Troubleshooting

128) Command-line user interfaces are very popular.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

129) Menu-driven interfaces enable you to avoid memorizing keywords and symbols.

Reference: Providing the User Interface

Match the following terms to their meanings:

130) Microsoft Windows

Reference: Exploring Operating Systems

131) Mac OS

Reference: Exploring Operating Systems


Reference: Exploring Operating Systems

133) UNIX

Reference: Exploring Operating Systems

134) Linux

Reference: Exploring Operating Systems

A) An operating system for personal computers that uses open-source software

B) Operating system developed by Microsoft that requires the use of a command-line interface
C) Operating system used on most personal computers
D) Many computer users prefer it for its security, stability, and ease of use
E) Operating system developed by AT&T that initiated the use of preemptive multitasking and
other sophisticated uses in a computer network

Match the following terms to their meanings:

135) Boot

Reference: Starting the Computer

136) Warm boot

Reference: Starting the Computer

137) Cold boot

Reference: Starting the Computer

138) Kernel

Reference: Starting the Computer

139) Nonresident

Reference: Starting the Computer

A) Restart a computer while it is still running
B) Does not reside in memory
C) Core portion of the operating system that is loaded into memory at startup
D) Load the operating system into memory
E) Start a computer that is not already on

Match the following terms to their meanings:

140) PnP

Reference: Starting the Computer

141) Registry

Reference: Starting the Computer

142) Authentication

Reference: Starting the Computer

143) Crash

Reference: Starting the Computer

144) POST

Reference: Starting the Computer

A) A database of information relating to the installed peripherals and software

B) Discontinuation of a program operation because of a malfunction
C) The capability to detect a newly added peripheral and load the appropriate device driver
D) Providing a user name and password to gain access to a
computer system
E) A sequence of tests to verify that the computer and peripherals are working correctly

Match the following terms to their meanings:
145) Single-tasking operating system

Reference: Managing Applications

146) Multitasking operating system

Reference: Managing Applications

147) Background application

Reference: Managing Applications

148) Foreground application

Reference: Managing Applications

149) Preemptive multitasking

Reference: Managing Applications

A) Ensures that all applications have access to the CPU in case a program stops working
B) Allows more than one program to run at a time
C) Allows you to have only one program running at a time
D) The open application program that is currently active
E) The open application program that is currently inactive

Match the following terms to their meanings:

150) Interrupt

Reference: Handling Input and Output

151) Interrupt handler

Reference: Handling Input and Output

152) Interrupt request

Reference: Handling Input and Output

153) IRQ conflict

Reference: Handling Input and Output

154) PnP

Reference: Handling Input and Output

A) A mini-program that activates as soon as an interrupt occurs

B) A line that handles the communication between input or output devices and the computer's
C) A failure that occurs when two devices try to use the same IRQ line but are not designed to
share the line
D) An operating system feature that has reduced IRQ conflicts
E) The signal that informs the operating system that something has happened

Match the following terms to their meanings:

155) Archive

Reference: Various

156) Bad sector

Reference: Various

157) Boot disk

Reference: Various

158) Account

Reference: Various

159) Profile

Reference: Various

A) A record of the user's preferences that is associated with the user's name and password
B) An area on the disk surface that is damaged
C) A file that contains two or more files
D) Used to start the computer in an emergency
E) Contains the user's name, password, and home directory location

Match the following terms to their meanings:

160) Operating system

Reference: Various

161) Open source software

Reference: Various

162) System utilities

Reference: Various

163) Search utility

Reference: Various

164) Disk cleanup utility

Reference: Various

A) Invites users to scrutinize the code for errors

B) A utility that helps you locate a file on your computer disk
C) Tools used to keep your computer running smoothly
D) Coordinates the interaction between application software and computer hardware
E) Eliminates any unneeded files


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