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Visual Database Design


DTTA Tunis- Carthage Intl Airport

Tunis, Tunisia



Contract Number: Insert number, if needed

© 2021 Adacel Inc. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. This
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cannot be used or disclosed without the express written permission of Adacel™ Inc. This
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The data contained herein may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the
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The products or architecture names mentioned in this document are registered trademarks,
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Printed in Canada.

Adacel™ Inc.
895 De La Gauchetière W., Suite 300, P.O. Box 48, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3B 4G1
TEL.: (514) 636-6365 FAX.: (514) 636-2326
Table of Contents

1. Scope 1

2. Purpose 1

3. Overview 1

4. Document History 3

5. Referenced Documentation 3

6. Tower Location 3

7. Ground 4
7.1 Database Center ..................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Runways ................................................................................................................................. 4
7.3 Runway Latitude/Longitude .................................................................................................... 4
7.4 Runway Displaced Threshold/Blast Pad ................................................................................ 4
7.5 Runway Markings ................................................................................................................... 5
7.6 Taxiways ................................................................................................................................. 5
7.7 Taxiway Shoulders.................................................................................................................. 5
7.8 Taxiway Centerline Markings ................................................................................................. 5
7.9 Aprons ..................................................................................................................................... 6
7.10 Apron Centerline Markings ................................................................................................ 6
7.11 Hold Bars ........................................................................................................................... 6
7.12 Helipad ............................................................................................................................... 6
7.13 Car Parking ........................................................................................................................ 6
7.14 Bodies of Water ................................................................................................................. 7
7.15 Roads/Highways ................................................................................................................ 7
7.16 Other Significant Ground Features .................................................................................... 7

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8. Cultural Features 7
8.1 Significant Building Structure Features .................................................................................. 7
8.2 Billboards/Panels .................................................................................................................... 8
8.3 Urban Areas ............................................................................................................................ 8
8.4 Wind Direction Indicators/Windsocks ..................................................................................... 8
8.5 Signs ....................................................................................................................................... 8
8.6 Arrester Cable System ............................................................................................................ 9
8.7 Other Cultural Features .......................................................................................................... 9

9. Lights 9
9.1 Controllable Lights .................................................................................................................. 9
9.1.1 Runway Lights......................................................................................................................... 9
9.1.2 Taxiway Edge Lights ............................................................................................................. 10
9.1.3 Apron Lights .......................................................................................................................... 10
9.1.4 Helipad Lights ....................................................................................................................... 10
9.1.5 Beacon Light ......................................................................................................................... 10
9.2 Fixed Lights ........................................................................................................................... 10
9.2.1 Obstruction Lights ................................................................................................................. 10
9.2.2 Environment Lights................................................................................................................ 10
9.3 Other Lights........................................................................................................................... 10

10. Lighting Panel 11

10.1 Adacel Standard Lighting Panel ...................................................................................... 11

11. Special Scenes 12

12. Acronyms and Abbreviations 13

13. Sign-Off Sheet 14

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Airport Layout AD2DTTA_18.pdf ..................................................................................... 15
Figure 2: Aircraft Parking AD2DTTA_20.pdf .................................................................................. 16
Figure 3: Sample of the Adacel™ Standard Lighting Panel .............................................................. 17
NOTE: This refers to the caption procedure on page 11. DO NOT TYPE OVER THESE

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Visual Database Design

1. Scope
The scope of this document is the specification of the key features that shall be
included in the static visual database. Where appropriate specific entities are
identified and their size, location and characteristics are described. The source data
used in each case is stated.
Dynamic simulation events, both visual and non-visual, are not in the scope of this

2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to explicitly itemize all visual database
requirements, so that the details may be agreed upon before work commences.

3. Overview
The 3D visual database is a graphical model of an airport environment and is
designed for the specific Adacel ATC training simulator supplied. The document’s
sub-sections represent included entities and are general across Adacel 3D visual
databases. The details however are specific to the database delivered.
The design of the 3D visual database, inclusion, exclusion and representation, is
based on several contributing factors such as importance of feature, value added to
the overall simulation, proximity to the tower eye-point and the performance and
limitation of the intended platform. These factors provide a balance, uniformity and
a consistent fidelity across the entire 3D database, that adhere to internal and
simulation industry standards.
The 3D visual database broadly consists of the ground, cultural features and airfield
The ground extends to a radius of 20NM and includes one or more runways,
taxiways, aprons and the terrain immediately surrounding the airfield. Airfield
tarmac is accurately rendered with respect to length, width and markings.
Any distinct cultural features visible from the control tower are included to enhance
database realism.

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Cultural features include significant buildings on the airfield, prominent structures

on the skyline, tree lines, cityscapes and mountains all as viewed from the control
Airfield lighting includes runway approach, center, edge, end, threshold and
taxiway according to ICAO standards.
The database shall be suitable for the appropriate simulation of environmental
conditions including night/day conditions.
The database shall be modeled using WGS-84 datum.

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4. Document History
The revision history of this document is as follows:

Revision Number Description Date

00 Initial Release June 2021

5. Referenced Documentation
The following reference documentation has been used to build the DTTA database:

• ICAO Aerodromes - Aerodrome Design and Operations (Annex 14-Volume I, July
• ICAO Aerodromes - Heliports (Annex 14-Volume II, July 2020)

Source data from: Office de l’Aviation Civile, République Tunisienne, Ministère du

• AIP Tunisie, AD2_DTTA_8.pdf (DTTA, AD2 DTTA-8, 01 May 2018).
• AIP Declared Distances, AD2_DTTA_9.pdf (DTTA, AD2 DTTA-9, 01 March 2018).
• Other lighting – Secondary power supply, AD2_DTTA_10.pdf (DTTA, AD2
DTTA-9, 01 March 2018).
• Aerodrome Chart _ICAO, AD2_DTTA_18.pdf (DTTA, AD2 DTTA-9, 01 August
• AIP Aircraft Parking Charts, AD2_DTTA_20.pdf (DTTA, AD2 DTTA-20, 01
August 2020).

Other Data
• Site Survey Pictures.
• Google Earth as reference only
• Bing Map as reference only.

6. Tower Location
The center of the tower shall be located at the following location. The Lat/Longs have
been provided by the customer:

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• Tower 36°50’50.7” N / 010°13’19.7” E

• Tower offset (from 0,0) x = -451.970 ft, y = 3066.251ft
The airport scene shall be viewed from the tower location at the following height:
• 110 ft AGL

7. Ground
The purpose of this section is to create an accurate representation of the target area
terrain (aerodrome) and a general representation of the terrain surrounding the
target area. All terrain is built according to the data collected and the ICAO
In addition to be the base of the visual database, the ground data is exported in a
format used by the simulator data preparation tools to create ground routes for
training exercises. The export file is termed the ‘2D map’.

7.1 Database Center

The database shall be modeled with the center (0,0) at the following location:
• Runway end 01 at 36°50’20.67”N / 010°13’25.47”E and the flat ground set at an
elevation of 20 ft AMSL.

7.2 Runways
The following runways shall be modeled as per AD2 DTTA-8:
• Runway 01/19 (10500 × 200ft / 3200 × 45m)
• Runway 11/29 (9350× 200ft / 2850 × 45m)

7.3 Runway Latitude/Longitude

The following Latitude/Longitude of the runways shall be used as per AD2 DTTA-8:
• Runway 01: 36°50’20.67” N / 010°13’25.47” E (x = 0 ft, y = 0 ft)
• Runway 19: 36°52’02.09” N / 010°13’53.08” E (x = 2238.23 ft, y = 10276.86 ft)
• Runway 11: 36°51’15.32” N / 010°13’03.70” E (x = -1765.10 ft, y = 5537.67 ft)
• Runway 29: 36°50’42.46” N / 010°14’42.52” E (x = 6247.93 ft, y = 2208.65 ft)

7.4 Runway Displaced Threshold/Blast Pad

• Runway 01: blastpad ((200× 200 ft / 60 × 60m)
• Runway 19: blast pad ((200× 200 ft / 60 × 60m)

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• Runway 11: blast pad ((200× 200 ft / 60 × 60m)

• Runway 29: displaced threshold (670 ft/ 204 m) / blast pad ((630× 200 ft / 200 × 60m)

7.5 Runway Markings

The following runway markings shall be modeled as per ICAO standards as per
Google Earth and as per AD2 DTTA-18:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
• Runway 01: THR, TDZ (2,1,2), fixed distance, centerline, edge, runway
• Runway 19: THR, TDZ (2,1,2), fixed distance, centerline, edge, runway
• Runway 11: THR, TDZ (2,1,1), fixed distance, centerline, edge, runway
• Runway 29: THR, TDZ (1,2,2), fixed distance, centerline, edge, runway
designation, blastpad chevrons, displaced threshold arrows.

7.6 Taxiways
The following taxiways shall be modeled (Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1):
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, H, J, L, N, R.

7.7 Taxiway Shoulders

High-resolution shoulders shall be modeled on the following taxiways, as seen from
the ATC Tower and to the limitation of the delivered system:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, H, J, L, N, R.

7.8 Taxiway Centerline Markings

Taxiway centerline markings shall be modeled on the following taxiways as a
continuous yellow line, as seen from the ATC Tower and to the limitation of the
delivered system:
Refer to Google Earth and Fig 1.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, H, J, L, N, R.

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7.9 Aprons
The following aprons shall be modeled:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
Main Apron, Tunisavia Apron, Former Apron, VIP Apron, Military Apron,
Maintenance Apron.

7.10 Apron Centerline Markings

The following apron centerline markings, to and from the parking positions, shall be
modeled, as seen from the ATC Tower and to the limitation of the delivered system.
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
Main Apron, Tunisavia Apron, Former Apron, VIP Apron, Military Apron,
Maintenance Apron.

7.11 Hold Bars

The following taxiway and runway hold bars shall be modeled on the ground as
seen from the ATC Tower:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, H, J, L, N, R.

7.12 Helipad
The following helipad shall be modeled:
Refer to Google Earth and AD2 DTTA 18:
One on VIP Apron (lit), three on Military Apron.

7.13 Car Parking

The following parking areas shall be represented as textured 2D:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
Car park west of Main Apron, Car park west of Tunisavia Apron, car park south of
VIP Apron and the main parking lots visible from the tower.

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7.14 Bodies of Water

The following bodies of water shall be modeled as 2D textured representations, as
seen from the control tower and out to a maximum 5NM from the airport:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 4.
Lake of Tunis, Sabkhet Arina, Gulf of Tunis, Mediterranean Sea. Retention basin in
the airport.

The 5NM limitation does not apply to coastlines within the radius of the 3D Visual

7.15 Roads/Highways
The following major roads/highways shall be modeled as 2D textured
representations, as seen from the control tower and out to a maximum 5NM from
the airport:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 4.
RN8, N8, N9, N10, R 21, Boulevard Mohamed Bouazizi, Rue des Entrepreneurs, and
the main roads visible from the tower.

7.16 Other Significant Ground Features

The following ground features shall also be modeled:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
Note: Some areas (Military area and VIP area are generic as asked by the customer.

8. Cultural Features
The purpose of this section is to give depth and realism to the database, as per data
collected, essentially by extruding cultural features and applying suitable textures
within the target area (aerodrome).

8.1 Significant Building Structure Features

The following buildings shall be modeled in 3D:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
• ATC Tower
• Terminals
• Hangars
• Vor

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• Hangars
• fire station
Note: Some areas (Military area and VIP area are generic as asked by the customer.

8.2 Billboards/Panels
The following shall be modeled as textured 2D billboards/panels to the limitation of
the delivered system.
• A blend of generic and site-specific representations of tree line
• A blend of generic and site-specific representations of skyline
• A blend of generic and site-specific representations of mountains
• Note: Some areas (Military area and VIP area are generic as asked by the customer.

8.3 Urban Areas

The following urban areas shall be modeled as 2D textured representations, as seen
from the control tower:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
Tunis urban areas.
Note: Some areas (Military area and VIP area are generic as asked by the customer.

8.4 Wind Direction Indicators/Windsocks

Generic library wind direction indicators/windsocks shall be modeled at the
following locations as seen from the control tower:
Refer to Appendix A, Figure 1.
One lit NE of the intersection of rwy 01/19 and 11 /29.

8.5 Signs
Taxiway or runway designation signs shall not be modeled.
As stipulated in MDL-FSD-IB-VDB-00.pdf
Modeling Visual Database Functional spec section 7.5

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Signs and Markers

Representations of Distance-To-Go-Markers are modeled on runways, where
applicable. These signs are not necessarily identical in size and location to the
specific airport.
Other vertical signs and markers including, but not restricted to, the following are
NOT represented:
• Mandatory instruction signs
• Information signs
• VOR aerodrome check-point signs
• Aircraft stand identification signs
• Unpaved runway and unpaved taxiway edge markers
• Taxiway edge markers
• Boundary markers

8.6 Arrester Cable System

The following arrester cable systems shall be modeled:

8.7 Other Cultural Features

The following cultural features shall also be modeled:

9. Lights
Lights included in the database are either controllable or fixed. A lighting panel is
supplied from which controllable lights may be turned on or off and their intensity
may be changed.
Lights shall be created as per data collected and ICAO standards and as seen from
the control tower.

9.1 Controllable Lights

9.1.1 Runway Lights
The following runway lights shall be modeled as per AD2DTTA-18 (lighting diagram)
and ICAO standards:
• RUNWAY 01: THR, end, PAPI, edge, center.
• RUNWAY 19: APCH (Cat 1), THR, end, PAPI, edge, center.
• RUNWAY 11: THR, end, PAPI, edge.
• RUNWAY 29: THR, end, PAPI, displaced THR (red), edge.

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The PAPI/VASI lights are visual representations only and are not functional. These lights
are not created be used as visual guidance for pilot training.

9.1.2 Taxiway Edge Lights

Representation of the low intensity blue edge lights shall be modeled on the
following taxiways:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, H, J, L, N, R.

9.1.3 Apron Lights

Representation of the low intensity blue edge lights shall be modeled on the
following aprons:
Main Apron, Tunisavia Apron, Former Apron, VIP Apron, Military Apron,
Maintenance Apron.

9.1.4 Helipad Lights

Yellow edge lights shall be modeled on the following helicopter landing pads:
One in VIP area.

9.1.5 Beacon Light

A generic airport beacon alternating green and white shall be modeled at the
following location:
None. As per (see AD2 DTTA – 10.pdf)

9.2 Fixed Lights

9.2.1 Obstruction Lights
Representation of red obstruction lights shall be placed on major airport
buildings/hangars and obstructions, as applicable.

9.2.2 Environment Lights

Representation of environment lighting shall be modeled in the following areas, as
Urban areas around the Airport.

9.3 Other Lights

The following other lights shall also be modeled:

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10. Lighting Panel

The lighting panel layout shall be represented as a graphical user interface and be
suitable for use on either a touch screen or monitor. The interface will be created using
the airport 2D layout, with the main runway running horizontally across the screen as
viewed directly out the tower cab, and lighting control buttons. Each button on the
lighting panel shall control features in the 3D visuals.

10.1 Adacel Standard Lighting Panel

The Adacel™ Standard Lighting Panel consists of the following controllable features:
Refer to Appendix A Figure 2, for the layout and format of the Adacel™ Standard Lighting
Standard controls:
• Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) with Intensities
• Sequence Flashing Lights (SFL) with Intensities
• Runway Threshold Lights with Intensities
• Runway Edge Lights with Intensities
• Runway End Lights with Intensities
• Runway Touch Down Zone Lights with Intensities
• Runway Centerline Lights with Intensities
• Airport Beacon
• Taxiways Edge Lights
• Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI)
• Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)
• Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL)
• Helipad Lights
• Arrester Cables/Barriers
Intensity levels:
• High Intensity (Level0 to Level5)
• Medium Intensity (Level0 to Level3)
• No Intensities (On/Off)

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As an alternative to the Adacel™ Standard Lighting Panel, a simulation of a site-specific

lighting panel shall be available as an option. Site-specific lighting control requirements
must be defined prior to commencement of the modeling.

11. Special Scenes

Scene Yes / No

Night Scene Yes

Wet Ground State Scene Yes
Snow Accumulation Ground State Scene Yes (minimum coverage)
Slush Ground State Scene Yes (minimum coverage)
Ice Ground State Scene Yes (minimum coverage)

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12. Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms and abbreviations may appear in this document:

Acronym Meaning

2D Two Dimensional Representation

3D Three Dimensional Representation
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
APCH Approach
CAD Computer Aided Design
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
ft Feet
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ILS Instrument Landing System
m Meters
MSL Mean Sea Level
N/A Not applicable
NM Nautical Miles
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
REIL Runway End Identifier Lights
TDZ Touchdown Zone
THR Threshold
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator

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13. Sign-Off Sheet

Adacel™ Representative:

The preceding Visual Database Design was accepted at ____________________.

This Visual Database Design was signed on ____________________.



Customer Representative:

The preceding Visual Database Design was accepted at ____________________.

This Visual Database Design was signed on ____________________.



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Appendix A: Charts

Figure 1: Airport Layout AD2DTTA_18.pdf

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Figure 2: Aircraft Parking AD2DTTA_20.pdf

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Figure 3: Sample of the Adacel™ Standard Lighting Panel

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