Redlands Virtual Ensemble Guidelines

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(Please read thoroughly so we end up with the best product possible!)

1. Practice carefully with your backing track EVERYDAY. Pay attention
especially to TIME and PITCH.

2. When you’re ready to record, consider the following:

1. If you have high-quality audio recording equipment (Zoom
recorder or external mic), please use that! You will submit a video of
you playing and a separate HQ audio recording. The audio and video
recordings do not necessarily need to be from the same take or exactly
synced up. 

2. Record in the driest environment available. It is best to record in a
dead room, it will be easier to mix the sounds together. 

3. Test out your recording device (external mic, smartphone, Zoom
recorder, etc.). Play the softest and loudest passages to test the levels
and check for any “peaking” or distortion. Anything you can do to
eliminate background noise and distortion in the recording, please do!

3. For the VIDEO: please wear concert dress! Consider a nice outside
location for the video (not for recording audio). The University of
Redlands campus would be wonderful if it’s convenient for you.
4. Film in landscape. 

Your video framing should look as close to this as possible:

Please spend a little time matching your framing up to this example.

5. ALWAYS record using headphones!

6. Upload your recordings/videos here by Sunday, October 11th, 2020. 

If you run into any issues or have questions, please don’t hesitate to
email me at:

Thank you for working on all the details to make this something we all will
be proud of!!!
Audio suggestions:


• If you have access to an external microphone, that will usually yield

better quality audio. 

Video Suggestions

• Use a well-lit area so we can see your face and your instrument. 🎷

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