USPS RFP Billboard Outdoor Advertising

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Solicitation Number 1099804-11-A-0002

Attachment #1


Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services

1. LOCATION OF WORK - Various locations throughout the United States of America.

2. SCOPE - .The Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contractor

("Contractor") shall have the organization, capability, and expertise to provide outdoor advertising
management services for simultaneous projects at multiple locations throughout the nation or
region as identified by the Postal Service during the term of the contract. The Contractor's
services will include, identifying properties within the USPS portfolio and evaluating the properties
for potential use as an outdoor advertising site. The outdoor sites may have existing structures in
place or the structures will have to be constructed to provide for "signage" that may include
various types of outdoor formats, such as but not limited to, digital billboards, wallscapes,
bulletins and posters. The Contractor will be responsible for soliciting the license agreements
(license, sign structure and permit) of the identified sites to potential billboard tenants and fully
developing the management process of the identified sites, including soliciting for and
evaluating advertisers, obtaining permits, meeting with local stakeholders and regulatory
agencies, acquiring and managing contractors, and coordinating construction with the local
Facilities Services Office.

3. SUPERVISON BY USPS - Performance of the work shall be subject to supervision by the

Postal Service. This shall include instructions to contractors concerning work orders and
associated scopes of work.

The USPS shall have the sole discretion to accept or reject any proposed license agreement,
advertising or any term or condition as stated in a proposed license agreement.

4. STATUS REPORTING - The Contractor will provide the USPS with remote access to real-time
data reports on the collection of gross rent, percentage rents, payments to the USPS, signing
bonuses, deduction of net fees, site inspections, inventory and any other periodic written status
reports to the USPS Contracting Officer, or other reports which may be required by the USPS
Contracting Officer on request.

5. AUTHORITY - The Contractor has the authority to perform the functions outlined in the
contract but does not have authority to bind the Postal Service to contractual agreements or
monetary or legal obligations. Only an authorized USPS Real Estate Contracting Officer, acting
within the scope of his or her authority, may bind the USPS to legal, contractual, or monetary
obligations. The Contractor must avoid situations where the Contractor may give the impression
that it has the authority to bind the USPS.

6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR - This is a non-personal services contract. It is therefore

understood and agreed that the Contractor and/or Contractor's employees shall perform the
services specified herein as independent contractors and not as employees of the USPS. The
Contractor shall be responsible for management and administration of the work required and shall
bear sole responsibility for performance of the contract, and shall be free from control by the
USPS, but shall be subject to the USPS' right to inspect, accept, or reject work, and shall comply
with such general direction of the USPS Contracting Officer as necessary to accomplish the
services ordered by the USPS.

7. INDEPENDENT MANAGEMENT - The Contractor shall provide independent management of

all commercial outdoor advertising sites. The Contractor must ensure that there are no "conflicts
of interest" between industry relationships and the Contractor's ability to manage the USPS
outdoor commercial advertising assets. The Contractor must not operate any outdoor advertiSing
signage or billboards within the USPS markets. .

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Solicitation Number 1099804-11-A-0002
Attachment #1

8. ADVERTISING STANDARDS - All advertisements shall be commercial in nature, promoting a

product or service. Prohibited advertising shall include: (i) an advertisement that is indecent or
obscene; (ii) an advertisement that depicts violent or sexual material that would be harmful to
minors; (iii) an advertisement that is unlawful or legally actionable; (iv) an advertisement for
alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or weapons; (v) an advertisement for a product or service that
competes with a Postal Service product or service; or (vi) an advertisement that takes a position
on government, public policy, morality, politics or religion .

9. WORK TO BE PERFORMED - The services to be provided under this contract include but are
not be limited to:

a. Site Planning/Economic Analysis

• Evaluate USPS properties for use as an outdoor advertising site;
• Estimate the fair lease value for the identified site to include advertising
rates, traffic volume comparisons, demographics, media market rankings
and other industry data;
• Develop marketing strategy and perform market studies;
• Provide cash flow and financial analysis for each recommended site.

b. Evaluate and Manage Entitlement Process

• Evaluate state statutes as well as local billboard ordinances and
other land use restrictions imposed by law, rule, regulation or
• Investigate, describe, and manage entitlement process, including
cost, timeline, and necessary resources;
• Evaluate and manage permitting process including timeline;
• Ensure compliance with all permitting requirements;
• Determine if outdoor advertising can be permitted As-Of-Right or
whether a variance is required;
• If variance is required, determine feasibility and strategy.

c. Transaction Management Services

• Develop and manage advertiSing solicitation process;
• Conduct site investigations;
• Perform site studies;
• Perform site location analysis;
• Evaluate offers/proposals;
• Prepare and negotiate the license agreement;
• Prepare recommendations and economic analysis of proposals and
evaluation of offers;
• Negotiate deal pOints;
• Submit license agreements to the USPS for consideration and
acceptance or rejection;
• Coordinate subsequent activities (construction and installation of
• Administer and manage the license agreement, which shall include
collecting rent and other charges payable by the tenant and ensuring
that the tenant complies with the terms of the license agreement.

d. Construction Management
• Acquire billboard construction contractor(s);
• Supervise on-site construction and installation of the billboard

e. Property Management

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Solicitation Number 1099804-11-A-0002
Attachment #1

• Provide management of on-going maintenance of the billboard;

• Provide inspection of the condition of the billboard structure.

f. Valuation
• Prepare estimate of value;
• Provide valuation recommendations .

g. Manage Advertising Content

• Provide initial review of the proposed advertising content before
submitting to the USPS Contracting Officer for final review and
• Monitor compliance with established USPS advertising content
guidelines (see paragraph 8 above for a discussion of the advertising
content guidelines) for each site;
• Provide reports of any violation of advertisement content immediately
to the USPS Contracting Officer;
• Comply with instructions from the USPS to reject or remove
advertising displays, which in the Postal Service's judgment are not
consistent with its advertising standards.

h. Collection of Revenue and Reporting

• Collect rental and other charges payable by the tenant;
• Provide real-time data reports on the payments to the USPS,
collection of gross rent, percentage rents, signing bonus, and
deduction of net fees for the Contractor's services (the Contractor
shall provide USPS with remote access to database system to
retrieve real-time reports);
• Provide real-time data of site reviews, site inventory, and site
vacancy (the Contractor shall provide USPS with remote access to
database system to retrieve real-time reports);
• Provide reports on regulatory compliance issues or violations or
material default with state statutes and local billboard ordinances,
and other land use restrictions imposed by law, regulation, rule or
• Provide monthly reports of site reviews, marketing efforts, and
potential tenants.

i. Disposition Services
• Develop strategy and manage decommissioning, disposition and site
restoration process;
• Review license for opportunities/impediments related to disposition.

10. INDEFINITE QUANTITY. This contract is an indefinite quantity contract and the
minimum quantity to be ordered by the USPS shall be one (1) billboard opportunity and the
maximum quantity shall be five thousand (5,000) billboard opportunities.

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


The Postal Service intends to select the most highly qualified contractor to perform the preceding Scope
of Work. RFP Statements will be evaluated by a panel appointed by the Contracting Officer.

• Completing the RFP Statement.

• Read this package carefully to make sure you understand what is required.
• Ask questions if you do not understand
• Complete all required sections
• Provide information on the format provided or in a similar format
Do not leave blanks, indicate N/A if not applicable
• Provide examples showing comparable experience as identified in the RFP Proposal
Statement. Experience listed must meet the definition of comparable services as stated
herein .
• Provide three references (name, telephone number and address) for each example of
comparable experience. The evaluation team must be able to contact the reference(s) listed
to verify experience and performance, or reference(s) will not be considered .
• Complete all sections of the RFP Statement:
• Part I - Entity's Background Information
• Part II - Entity's Client Services and Customer Satisfaction Information
• Part III - Entity's Capability and Capacity to Perform
• Part IV - Entity's CSA Market Areas of Interest and Relevant Experience
• Part V - Entity's Work Management Plan
• Part VI- Entity's Price Proposal, including Professional Fees: Offer and Award, and
Representations and Certifications (Provision 4-3)


This is not a public procurement and proposals will not be publicly opened. All questions concerning this
solicitation shall only be directed (in writing, and if submitted electronically, in WORD format) to: Stephen
C. Roth at Questions raised during the proposal process will only be
considered from the entities which were issued the RFP. Questions from subcontractors or other parties
will not be given a response . NO QUESTIONS will be answered over the phone.

Questions should 1) identify the entity submitting the question; 2) must be dated; 3) shall reference the
section of the solicitation or other provision which the question concerns; 4) be numbered sequentially. If
questions are asked at different times, then the questions shall continue the sequential numbering from
previous questions.

Do not attempt to contact anyone else during the RFP process. Answers issued by Stephen C. Roth will
be provided to all offerors. If an Amendment to this RFP Proposal Statement is required , the Amendment
will be issued to all entities that were issued the RFP.

Debriefing: Unsuccessful offerors will be provided a debriefing if requested . A debriefing is an opportunity

for offerors to understand how the Postal Service assessed the strengths and weaknesses of their
submission. Request for a debriefing must be submitted in writing no later than three (3) calendar days
after receiving notice of the status of a response to the RFP from the USPS.

1 Combined Statistical Area - See reference material attached to PART IV Relevant Experience

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011

Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract

for Various Locations throughout the United States of America



1. Award will be based on "Best Value" to the USPS.

2. The Postal Service reserves the right to make multiple awards as a result of this RFP and to
award similar work to other firms during the contract period.

3. Entities not selected will be notified within sixty (60) days from the response date of this request

4. Requirements described in the Scope of Work are designated as mandatory requirements.

Failure to meet a mandatory requirement is considered non-compliant and will disqualify the
proposal from further consideration . If multiple Offerors fail one or more mandatory requirements,
then the USPS will determine which Offerors may still compete. This determination is at the
discretion of USPS and will be based on a review of responses on the basis of: the fewest
failures; nature of failure; and flexibility of the solution .

5. There will be no public opening of offers and all proposal information received will remain
confidential. Award(s) may be made with or without discussions. The Postal Service reserves
the right to reject any or all offers.

6. Offerors must submit a fully completed Request for Proposal (RFP) Statement Package.
Statements/Proposals will not be maintained or returned . Entities will not be reimbursed for any
expense(s) incurred in developing their Statement/Proposal.

The RFP Statement must be submitted in two separate, sealed packages:

(1) Technical/Performance Qualification Package. Label the Technical/Performance

Qualification Package as follows :

US Postal Service
Attn: Stephen C. Roth
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Room 6670
Washington DC 20006-1861

Technical Proposal from (Name of Offeror)

RFP- Outdoor Advertising Management Services
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002

(2) Price Proposal Package. Label the Price Proposal Package as follows:

US Postal Service
Attn: Stephen C. Roth
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Room 6670
Washington DC 20006-1861

Price Proposal from (Name of Offeror)

RFP- Outdoor Advertising Management Services
Solicitation N um ber 109804-11-A-0002

Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

The Statement/Proposal should be indexed into sections and tabbed as follows:

• Part I - Background Information

• Part II - Client Services and Customer Satisfaction Information
• Part III - Capability and Capacity to Perform
• Part IV - CSA Market Areas of Interest and Relevant Experience
• Part V - Work Management Plan
• Part VI - Price Proposal

Offeror's shall submit one (1) bound original and (4) bound copies of the RFP Statement along with
five (5) copies on a PC (WINDOWS) formatted (CD). DO NOT INCLUDE PRICING INFORMATION


1. The Postal Service is seeking Commercial Outdoor Advertising Services Manager(s) capable of
providing services in support of a facilities program to include all 50 states as noted in the
attached Scope of Work. The contractor may joint venture or partner with other entities to
supplement their own in-house capabilities. Whether in-house or through joint ventures, the
contractor must be able to provide the Postal Service with all of the services described in the
attached Scope of Work.

2. The contractors selected will support Facilities Headquarter located in Washington DC and
Facilities Service Offices located throughout the United States.

3. Contract duration will be for a base period of five (5) years with two (2) - three (3) year renewal


1. The successful Offeror must be a multi Combined Statistical Area (CSA) Commercial Outdoor
Advertising Services Management entity with comparable experience providing significant and
numerous services for national corporate clients and/or Federal government entities during the
past five (5) years.

2. "Comparable" experience includes providing Commercial Outdoor Advertising Services

generating annual revenues in excess of $50,000,000+ across the United States and U.S.

3. An entity must have in-house services and/or strategic relationships with entities experienced in
providing comparable services as a primary business function and purpose of the entity.

4. Be capable of providing all of the services required and supporting these services through "in-
house" personnel, strategic relationship and/or or through joint ventures. Key personnel cannot
be changed without the prior written permission of the primary contracting officer.

5. This is a competitive process. The USPS intends to consider award to only the most highly
qualified entities. The composition of an entity cannot be changed without the written approval of
the contracting officer.

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


The Postal Service will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the offeror(s) whose offer(s) is in
conformance with this solicitation and is deemed to offer the Postal Service the best overall value, price
and other factors as specified considered. Award will be determined by comparing the difference in the
value of Technical and Management features with differences in cost to the Postal Service. In making
these comparisons, the Postal Service is more concerned in obtaining superior technical or management
features than with making an award at the lowest overall cost to the Postal Service. However, the Postal
Service will not make awards at a significantly higher overall cost to the Postal Service to achieve slightly
supplier technical or management features.

The following performance evaluation factors will be used in the evaluation of offers:
• Entity's Background Information (Part I)
• Entity's Client Services and Satisfaction Information (Part /I)
• Entity's Capability and Capacity to Perlorm (Part 11/)
• Entity's CSA Market Areas of Interest and Relevant Experience (Part IV)
• Work Management Plan (Part V)
• Price Proposal (Part VI)

Relative Importance of Factors and Selection Procedures

When combined, the non-price factors are significantly more important than price. Keep this in mind
during preparation of your proposal. However, the relative influence that any of the factors will have on
the source selection decision will depend on the differences among the offerors.
Basis for Selection
To reach a source selection decision, the Postal Service will rank the competing proposals from best to
worst on the non-price factors. The Postal Service will then make tradeoffs between the differences in
the non-price factors and the proposed prices, with the objective of identifying the proposal offering the
best overall value to the Postal Service. As the distinction between non-price factor ratings narrows, price
will become more important in the overall source selection decision.


The completed RFP Statement should be delivered via one of the many services provided by the United
States Postal Service or hand delivered to:
Stephen C. Roth
USPS Facilities
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Room 6670
Washington, DC 20260-1861
Statements must be received at the above address no later than June 3,2011 at 3:00 PM EST. Identify
your submission by including the following information on the outside of your package.
Entity's Name:
Solicitation N0109804-11-A-0002
Location: Headquarters
Project: Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services
Due Date: June 3,2011 at 3:00 PM EST

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America
PART I - Background Information
(see submittal form for Part 1- next 3 pages)

This measure is on a PASS/FAIL basis. Only proposals receiving a PASS evaluation on all aspects of
this factor will be considered further.

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


(Complete all sections on all 3 pages)

A. Entity Name:

Street Address:


Main telephone # _ _ - _ __ Fax #

B. Identify up to two (2) authorized negotiators within the entity:

Name Title Phone Number Email Address

c. Provide Other Information concerning the entity making this submittal:

Subsidiary _ _ _ (Identify Parent Company) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Division _ __

Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

D. Identify Type of Entity:

Corporation _ _ Partnership* _ _ Joint Venture*


*If your proposed entity is a joint venture, each company must complete Part H

E. Year Entity was established: _ _ _ __

F. Name, address, and telephone number of parent company (enter N/A if not applicable).

Provide former names or other business names (enter N/A if not applicable).

G. Is the entity a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Owned Business (WBE), or Small
Business Enterprise (SBE)? FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY (Provide evidence that the
stated designation is legally recognized)

SBE: no_, yes_; MBE: no _ , yes_; WBE: no _ , yes_

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Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management. Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


(Continued - page 2 of 3)

H. Joint Venture: If RFP Statement is submitted by a Joint Venture, please indicate each partner in the
Joint Venture. If not a Joint Venture, please indicate that this section is Not
Applicable: (N/A).



I. Judgments, Claims, and Lawsuits

Are there any judgments, claims, and/or lawsuits pending or outstanding against or involving your
entity or partners comprising your entity? No _ _ , Yes _ _ .
If "Yes," Attach and submit details of all judgments, lawsuits or claims.

J. Provide a list of officers. If a privately held, provide a list of Partners and/or Owners



K. Is the entity or partners comprising the entity under suspension or debarment by any Federal,
state or local agency?

No _ , Yes _ . If "Yes," Attach and submit details on a separate sheet.

L. Has the entity or partners comprising the entity been terminated for default, poor
performance, non-performance or for cause by customers within the past five years?
Yes__ No__ If Yes, provide the details/circumstances on attached sheet.

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Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


(Continued - page 3 of 3)

L. Affirmation: I , hereby certify that I am the authorized

representative of the entity submitting this RFP Statement, and that the following statements are true
to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief:

I affirm that neither the entity, nor any officer, controlling shareholder, partner, or principal, nor any
other person substantially involved in the contracting activities of the entity has in the past five (5)

(1) Been convicted under state or Federal statutes of a criminal offense incident to obtaining or
attempting to obtain or performing a public or private contract. .

(2) Been convicted under state or Federal statutes of fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, falsification
or destruction of records, or receiving stolen property.

(3) Been found civil liable under state or Federal antitrust or other statutes for acts or omissions in
connection with submission of bids or proposals for or performance of a public or private contract.

(4) Been criminally convicted of any violation of a state or Federal antitrust statute.

(5) Been convicted under the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code for violation of the
Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act, 18 USC, Section 1961 et seq . or the Mail
Fraud Act, 18 USC, Section 1341 et seq., for acts arising out of the submission of Bids or
Proposals for a public or private contract.

(6) Been criminally convicted of conspiracy to commit any act or omission that would constitute
grounds for conviction or liability under any statute described in paragraphs (10), (2), (4), or (5)
above; or

(7) Admitted in writing or under oath, during the course of an official investigation, or other
proceeding, acts or omissions that would constitute grounds for conviction of liability under any
statute described above.

(8) I certify that I have read and understand the instructions for completing the RFP Statement and if
I am unable to make the above Affirmation, I will provide a complete explanation on a separate
sheet and submit as an attachment to this document

Name (Printed) Date



Entity Name

Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

PART II - Client Services and Customer Satisfaction:

(see submittal form for Part 1/- next page)

This measure assesses the degree to which you have served and satisfied your customers in the past.
The Postal Service's assessment of your past performance will be subjective and based on the review of
the summaries submitted with your proposal, your reputation with your customers and others, and the
checking of references.
At minimum, the Postal Service will contact the references provided to ask whether or not they believe
you (1) met and/or exceeded revenue and schedule/milestone expectations; (2) you were capable,
efficient, and effective; (3) conformed to the terms of your contract; (4) were able to offer creative, yet
realistic and feasible solutions to problems; and (5) analytical, communicative, etc. The Postal Service
may consider other sources of information such as other customers; federal, state, and local government
agencies; published media; and electronic databases.
The Postal Service will use its assessments of your experience and past performance to develop a
summary level-of-confidence rating. The rating will reflect the Postal Service's subjective assessment of
the likelihood that you will keep the promises outlined in your proposal. The Postal Service will use this
assessment when comparing your proposal to those submitted by other offerors.

eSA Market Areas of Interest

A. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware and the Washington DC Tri- State Metro Area
B. New England and the Boston Tri-State Metro Area
C. Connecticut & New York City Tri-State Metro Area - excluding New Jersey Counties
D. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Upstate New York and the Philadelphia Tri-State Area
E. Texas & Oklahoma
F. Illinois and the Chicago Tri-State Metro Area
G. Ohio, Indiana and Michigan
H. Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia
I. Intentionally Left Blank
J. Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama & Mississippi
K. Georgia and the Carolinas
L. Florida
M. Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa
N. California and Nevada
O. Intentionally Left Blank
P. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah
Q. Wisconsin and Minnesota
R. The Dakotas, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming
S. Washington and Oregon

Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America


COMPARABLE EXPERIENCE - Provide three examples that best demonstrates the entity's experience
in providing similar services to clients comparable to the USPS. Examples must be recent (in progress or
completed during the past five (5) years) . Provide one complete sheet in this format for each example.
Provide three (3) examples per CSA Market Area of Interest you are submitting for.

Example #: _ of _ for CSA Market Area of Interest #, Description :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Client's Identifying Contract Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Client's Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ __

Number of Assignments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Type of Assignments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Key Personnel:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Value of Assignments under this contract: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t.o $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Contract Duration: (NTP Date) _ _, _ _, _ _ Contract completion (Date) _ _, _ _, _ _

Original Contract Duration (Years) _ _~Actual Contract Duration (Years) _ _ _ __

Provide Three (3) Client References:

NAME: ________________ TITLE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

NAME: ________________ TITLE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

NAME: ________________ TITLE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Add~ss: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

••••••••••• ***** •••••••••• **** ••••••••• ***** •••••••••••• ****••• ****** •••••••••••• ************ •••••••• ******* •••
Describe the services furnished under this contract in attachment (Use no more than five pages):

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Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

PART III - Capability and Capacity to Perform:

(see submittal form for Part 1/1.0 next page)

This measure assesses the extent to which your personnel, your company's financial strength and your
other resources can perform the scope of work - including your ability to take on this additional work.
The USPS will assess your organizational structure, office locations, key personnel, their technical skills
and other qualifications so as to assure that the USPS receives excellent performance for the full range of
services sought under this solicitation.

A. Organization/Past performance -
Attach a statement to Part III of your submittal describing the organization's capabilities including:
a. An organization chart that clearly identifies the specific organizational elements and/or member
companies that will be participating in the contract.
b. Locations of all participating units under this contract throughout the United States and its
c. Reporting relationships and functions to be performed by each unit.
d. Examples of the organization's internal and external relationship management systems and
control structures.
e. Description of the entity's expertise, capability, structure, and resources
f. Description of the entity's past excellence in performing comparable tasks throughout the United
States and its territories.
g. Description of the specific resources that would be dedicated to the contract
h. Office locations and physical resources that are to be dedicated to this contract.

B. Adding Value for Customers

Attach a narrative to Part III of your submittal describing how the entity has provided added value for
customers, by generating revenues and controlling costs, improving efficiency, process improvement,
or other similar efforts with verifiable examples showing reduced costs and/or improvements to
schedule or quality.

C. Workload/Capacity:
Attach information to Part 11/ of your submittal concerning current capacity and ability to assume the
responsibilities contemplated in this RFP.

Provide by attachment to Part III of your submittal information concerning recent transaction volume,
using common industry metrics, for the past five years, and projected for the next two years, with and
without this contract.
Provide information concerning recent workload, using common industry metrics, for the past five
years, and projected for the next two years. Provide a brief explanation regarding how the USPS
workload would be incorporated into the company's existing workload

D. Financial Capacity (pass/fail):

Attach your financial statements for the past two years to the "D. Financial" portion of the Part III
submittal, including the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income, Statement of Cash Flows, and notes to
the financial statements. These statements must be AUDITED by an independent, licensed CPA.
Include and attach your audited financial to the "D. Financial" portion of the Part III submittal.
Please make sure you provide your Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS #) at the bottom of
the "D. Financial" portion of the Part 1/1 submittal.

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Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America
Also attach your financial statements for the past two years, including the Balance Sheet, Statement of
Income, Statement of Cash Flows, and notes to the financial statements. These statements must be
AUDITED by an independent, licensed CPA.
Financial statements must be for the entity making the submittal, not the parent company, unless a
guarantee of the subsidiary's obligations is provided. A TTACH THE AUDITED FINANCIAL
STA TEMENTS. Failure to submit audited financial statements may result in the disqualification of
your submittal because a determination of financial responsibility can NOT be made without this
information. In addition, if the firm's last fiscal year-end precedes the date of this submittal by more than
six (6) months, complete the following "Contractor's Interim Financial Data" form for the cor.npany's most
recently completed quarterly fiscal period. If the entity's most recent fiscal year-end fell within the last six
months; completion of this form is not required.





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--I TOTAL LlAB+ NET WORTH


' - - - - - - I NET INCOME
Provide your Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS #): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

12 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

PART IV - CSA Market Areas of Interest and Relevant Experience:

(see submittal form for Part IV - next page plus attached CSA 1 reference material)

This measure assesses depth of experience and success in accomplishing work rel,evant to scope
described in this RFP. The Postal Service will assess your company's relevant experience based on its
breadth (how many of the contemplated contract tasks you have performed in the past) and its depth
(how many times you have performed each task).

The Postal Service will also assess your success in obtaining variances, the methodology used to obtain
those variances and the degree to which you were effective, efficient in doing so.

The USPS will also assess your past compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and

eSA Market Areas of Interest

A. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware and the Washington DC Tri- State Metro Area
B. New England and the Boston Tri-State Metro Area
C. Connecticut & New York City Tri-State Metro Area - excluding New Jersey Counties
D. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Upstate New York and the Philadelphia Tri-State Area
E. Texas & Oklahoma
F. Illinois and the Chicago Tri-State Metro Area
G. Ohio, Indiana and Michigan
H. Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia
I. Intentionally Left Blank
J. Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama & Mississippi
K. Georgia and the Carolinas
L. Florida
M. Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa
N. California and Nevada
O. Intentionally Left Blank
P. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah
Q. Wisconsin and Minnesota
R. The Dakotas, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming
S. Washington and Oregon

1 Combined Statistical Area - See reference material attached to PART IV Relevant Experience

Note: Combined Statistical Area (CSA) and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
information per the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and for reference only

13 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Company Name:
City/State/Zip I I
Contact Name & Title:
Email & Telephone #: I
Using the attached list, determine the "Area of Interest" (indicated by letters "A thru R")
Then enter "Area of Interest" letter here ~
(letters I and 0 intentionally omitted)
How many years have you operated within this MSA

Total number of structures managed / number that are

Cal. days from Contract award needed to determine if
a site can be permitted "As of Right" or will require
If Property is determined an "As of Right" site (in calendar days from execution of contract
with your company unless otherwise noted)
Time needed to prepare, submit permit application
(copies to USPS)
Expected time needed to receive permit (from
submittal of application)
Time needed to receive vendor offers

Time needed to execute license agreement (from

receipt of vendor offer)
Time needed to construct "free standing structure"
(from rcpt. of permit)
Start receipt of revenue

If Property is determined an "Variance" site (in calendar days from execution of contract with
your company unless otherwise noted)
Time needed to meet with officials and determine
variance permit strategy and submit strategy, in writing
Time needed to prepare and submit permit application
(copies to USPS)
Expected time needed to receive permit (from
submittal of application)
Time needed to receive vendor offers (from receipt of
vendor offer)
Time needed to execute license agreement (from
receipt of vendor offer)
Time needed to construct "free standing structure"
(from rcpt. of permit)
Start receipt of revenue

NOTE: Copy page if submitting for more than 5 Areas of Interest

14 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Combined Statistical Areas Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets of
(CSA)18l (MSAs) that comprise CSAs~ operation with interest with
"X" "X"
A. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware and the Washington DC Tri- State Metro Area
Washington-Baltimore-Northern Washington-Arlington-Alexandria. DC-VA-MD-WV MSA - 7
Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV CSA Baltimore-Towson, MD MSA - 20
(4) Winchester, VA-WV MSA -299
Lexington Park, MD uSA -NA
Culpeper, VA uSA -NA

Salisbury. MD MSA - 307

Salisbury-Ocean Pines, MD Ocean Pines, MD uSA - NA
CSA (104)

Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC MSA - 36

Richmond, VA MSA - 43

B. New England and the Boston Tri-State Metro Area

Boston-Worcester-Manchester, Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH MSA - 10
MA-RI-NH CSA (5) Providence-New Bedford-Fall River, RI-MA MSA -37
Worcester, MA MSA - 67
Manchester-Nashua, NH MSA - 129
Springfield. MA MSA - 76
Concord. NH uSA - NA
Laconia, NH uSA - NA

Portland-Lewiston-South Portland-South Portland-Biddeford, ME MSA - 101

Portland, ME CSA (60) Lewiston-Auburn, ME MSA - 334

Claremont-Lebanon, NH-VT Lebanon, NH-VT uSA - NA

CSA (94) Claremont. NH uSA - NA

C. Connecticut & New York City Tri-State Metro Area - excluding New Jersey Counties
New York-Newark-Bridgeport, New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT MSA - 56
New Haven-Milford, CT MSA - 60
Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY MSA- 78
Trenton-Ewing, NJ MSA - 138
Kingston, NY MSA - 224
Torrington, CT uSA - NA

Hartford-West Hartford-
Willimantic, CT CSA (34) Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT MSA - 45
Willimantic. CT uSA - NA

15 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America
D. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Upstate New York and the Philadelphia Tri-State Area

Harrisburg-Carlisle-Lebanon, PA
CSA (56)

York-Hanover-Gettysburg, PA CSA 1Y2I!S:.t:!JmID~EBl!i!§8


Sun bu ry-Lewisbu rg-Sel insg rove,

PA CSA (102)

Pittsburgh-New Castle, PA CSA


Williamsport-Lock Haven, PA CSA II':'===~"':"":'=~

(111 )

Fairmont-Clarksburg, WV CSA

Beckley-Oak Hill. WV CSA (118)

Buffalo-Niagara-Cattaraugus, NY
CSA (39)

NY CSA (40)

Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls,
NY CSA (41)

Syracuse-Auburn, NY CSA (52)

Ithaca-Cortland, NY CSA (112)


16 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Combined Statistical Areas Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets of
(CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with "X" interest with "X"
E. Texas & Oklahoma
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX CSA (7)

Lubbock-Levelland, TX CSA (86)

Longview-Marshall. TX CSA (87)

Tyler-Jacksonville, TX CSA (89)

Oklahoma City-Shawnee, OK CSA II==""""->=.Lo..-"<.U...=


Tulsa-Bartlesville, OK CSA (45)

Houston-Baytown-Huntsville, TX
CSA (9)

Austin-Round Rock-Marble Falls,

TX CSA (27)

Corpus Christi-Kingsville, TX CSA


Raymondville, TX CSA (79)

Midland-Odessa, TX CSA (88)

17 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

F. Illinois and the Chicago Tri-State Metro Area

Chicago-Naperville-Michigan City,

I'-""="-"'-'-.!.!=....e'-'>!'-' - 144
Rockford-Freeport-Rochelle, IL
Ilill~1!!.!<.....!.!:...I.!2!:1 - NA
CSA (72)
II'-'-'=~=.t~ - NA

Peoria-Canton, IL CSA (80)

11~lI!Q.!J~:ill!1...!.bJ:!.i;!B - NA
Carbondale-Marion-Herrin, IL CSA
(119) - NA

G Ohio I Indiana and Michiaan

Cleveland-Akron-Elyria, OH CSA Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, OH MSA - 28
(16) Akron, OH MSA - 72
Ashtabula, OH uSA - NA

Mansfield-Bucyrus, OH CSA (105) Mansfield, OH MSA - 308

Bucyrus, OH uSA - NA

Youngstown-Warren-East Liverpool, Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA MSA - 90

OH-PA CSA (55) East Liverpool-Salem, OH uSA - NA

Toledo, OH MSA - 81
Toledo-Fremont, OH CSA (51)
Fremont, OH uSA - NA

Lima-Van Wert-Wagakoneta, OH Lima, OH MSA - 337

CSA (101) Wapakoneta OH uSA - NA
Van Wert, OH uSA - NA

Findlay-Tiffin, OH CSA (117) Findlay, OH uSA - NA

Tiffin, OH uSA - NA

Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA MSA -90

Cincinnati-Middletown, OH-KY-IN MSA - 27
Wilminaton OH uSA - NA

Columbus, OH MSA 32
Columbus-Marion-Chillicothe, OH
Chillicothe, OH uSA - NA
CSA (24)
Marion, OH uSA - NA
Mount Vernon, OH uSA - NA
Washington Court House, OH uSA - NA

Dayton-Sgringfield-Greenville, OH Dayton, OH MSA - 61

CSA (42) Springfield, OH MSA - 280
Greenville, OH ySA - NA
Urbana OH uSA - NA

I nd ianagolis-Anderson-Col umbus, Indianapolis-Carmel, IN MSA - 34

IN CSA (23) Anderson, IN MSA - 293
Columbus, IN MSA - 363

18 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Kokomo-Peru, IN CSA (115)

Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn, IN
CSA (61)
1W!!.!~.l.!.!.><..o....!!-'--!.=- NEW
I===..!!..!....I=:!..!- NA

I~"'-'-""""'-'-"c..!!.!.!>=="'--'!..!="'-= - 150
South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-
MI CSA (64)
Lafayette-Frankfort, IN CSA(91)

19 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Combined Statistical Areas Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets of
(CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with "X" interest with "X"
H Kentuckv I Tennessee and West Virainia
Louisville/Jefferson Count~- Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN MSA - 42
Elizabethtown-Scottsburg, KY-IN Elizabethtown, KY MSA - 314
CSA (32) Scottsburg, IN uSA - NA

Lexinaton-F avette KY MSA - 106

Richmond-Berea, KY uSA - NA
Richmond, KY CSA (54)
Frankfort KY uSA - NA
Mount Sterling, KY uSA - NA

Paducah-Mayfield, KY-IL CSA (114) Paducah KY-IL uSA Mayfield, KY uSA - NA

London, KY uSA - NA
Corbin-London, KY CSA (121)
Corbin, KY b!SA - NA
---- Mem(2his, TN-MS-AR MSA - 41
Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro- Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin, TN MSA - 38
Columbia, TN CSA (30) Columbia, TN b!SA - NA

Knoxville-Sevierville-La Follette, TN Knoxville, TN MSA - 75

CSA (44) Morristown, TN MSA - 285
Sevierville, TN b!SA - NA
Harriman, TN b!SA - NA
La Follette, TN b!SA - NA
New(2ort, TN b!SA - NA

Chattanooga-Cleveland-Athens, TN- Chattanooga, TN-GA MSA - 97

GA CSA (53) Cleveland, TN MSA - 319
~thens, TN b!SA - NA

Jackson, TN MSA - 321

Jackson-Humboldt, TN CSA (107) Humboldt, TN b!SA - NA

Kings(2ort-Bristol-Bristol, TN-VA MSA - 151

Johnson Cit~-Kingsl2ort-Bristol (Tri-
Johnson City, TN MSA - 214
Cities), TN-VA CSA (70)
Union City, TN-KY b!SA - NA
Union Cit~-Martin, TN-KY CSA (124)
Martin, TN b!SA - NA

--- Mem(2his, TN-MS-AR MSA -41

--- Clarksburg, IJIN b!SA - NA

--- Fairmont, IJIN b!SA -NA

Becklev. IJIN uSA -NA

--- Oak Hill, IJIN b!SA - NA

20 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11 -A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Combined Statistical Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets

Areas (CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with of interest with
"X" "XU
J. Louisiana. Arkansas. Alabama & Mississippi
New Orleans-Metairie- New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner, LA MSA - 46
Bogalusa, LA CSA (37) Bogalusa. LA uSA - NA

Baton Rouge-Pierre Part, LA Baton Rouge, LA MSA - 65

CSA (49) Pierre Part, LA uSA - NA

fort Polk South, LA uSA - NA

Fort Polk South-De Ridder, LA
De Ridder. LA uSA - NA
CSA (122)
Lafayette, LA MSA 169
Lafayette-Acadiana, LA CSA Opelousas-Eunice. LA uSA - NA
(66) New Iberia. LA uSA - NA
Crowley, LA uSA - NA
Abbeville, LA uSA - NA

Shreveport-Bossier City. LA MSA - 130

Shreveport-Bossier City- Minden, LA uSA - NA
Minden, LA CSA (76)
Lake Charles, LA MSA - 213
Jennings, LA uSA - NA
Lake Charles-Jennings, LA
CSA (92) Monroe, LA MSA - 229
4 Bastrop, LA uSA - NA
Monroe-Bastrop, LA CSA (96)
Birmingham-Hoover-Cullman, Birmingham-Hoover, AL MSA - 49
AL CSA (38) Cullman, AL uSA - NA

Mobile-Daphne-Fairhope, AL Mobile, AL MSA - 124

CSA (62) Daphne-fairhope-foley. AL uSA - NA

Huntsville-Decatur, AL CSA Huntsville. AL MSA - 120

(65) Decatur. AL MSA - 258

Montgomery. AL MSA - 136

Montgomery-Alexander City,
Alexander City, AL uSA - NA
AL CSA (77)
Dothan. AL MSA - 270
Dothan-Enterprise-Ozark, AL Enterprise-Ozark, AL uSA - NA
CSA (90)
Jackson-Yazoo City, MS CSA Jackson, MS MSA - 96
(63) Yazoo City. MS uSA - NA

Gulfport-Biloxi-Pascagoula, MS Gulfport-Biloxi. MS MSA - 186

CSA (83) Pascagoula, MS MSA - 243

Columbus-West Point. MS CSA Columbus, MS uSA - NA

(123) West Point. MS uSA - NA
Little Rock-North Little Rock-Pine Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway. AR MSA - 74
Bluff, AR CSA (47) Pine Bluff. AR MSA - 343
Searcy, AR uSA - NA

Jonesboro-Paragould, AR CSA Jonesboro, AR MSA - 312

(108) Paragould, AR uSA - NA-

fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO MSA -109

21 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

K Georaia and the Carolinas
Atlanta-Sandy S!;1rings- Atlanta-Sand~ S!1rings-Marietta, GA MSA - 9
Gainesville, GA-AL CSA (10) Gainesville, GA MSA -
LaGrange GA uSA - NA
Cedartown, GA uSA - NA
Vallev. AL uSA - NA
Thomaston, GA uSA - NA

Macon-Warner Robins-Fort Macon, GA MSA-

Valley, GA CSA (81) Warner Robins GA MSA
Fort Vallev. GA uSA - NA

Savannah-Hinesville-Fort Stewart, Savannah, GA MSA-

GA CSA (78) Hinesville-Fort Stewart, GA MSA -

Columbus, GA-AL MSA -

Columbus-Auburn-O!;1elika, GA- Auburn-O!1elika, AL MSA -
AL CSA (73) Tuskeaee AL uSA - NA

Augusta-Richmond Count~, GA-SC MSA - 95

Charlotte-Gastonia-Salisbu[Y, NC- Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, NC-SC MSA - 33

SC CSA (20) Statesville-Mooresville, NC I,!SA - NA
Salisbury, NC I,!SA - NA
Shelb~, NC I,!SA - NA
Lancaster, SC I,!SA - NA
Lincolnton, NC uSA - NA
Albemarle, NC uSA - NA
Chester SC uSA - NA
Raleigh-Durham-Ca[y, NC CSA
(29) Raleigh-Cary, NC MSA - 48
Durham-Cha!1el Hill, NC MSA - 102
Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Dunn, NC I,!SA - NA
Point. NC CSA (31)
Greensboro-High Point, NC MSA - 71
Winston-Salem, NC MSA - 105
Thomasville-Lexington, NC I,!SA - NA
Burlington, NC MSA - 264
Asheville-Brevard, NC CSA (75) Mount Airy, NC I,!SA - NA
Lumberton-Laurinburg, NC CSA Asheville, NC MSA - 117
(106) Brevard, NC I,!SA - NA
Lumberton, NC I,!SA - NA
Laurinburg, NC I,!SA - NA

Greenville-S!;1artanburg-Anderson, Greenville-Mauldin-Easle~, SC MSA - 83

SC CSA (36) S!1artanburg, SC MSA - 163
Anderson, SC MSA - 222
Seneca, SC I,!SA - NA
Gaffne~, SC I,!SA - NA
Union, SC I,!SA - NA

Columbia-Newber[y, SC CSA (50) Columbia, SC MSA - 70

Newberry, SC I,!SA - NA

Myrtle Beach-Conway- M~rtle Beach-North M~rtle Beach-Conwa~, SC MSA - 171

Georgetown, SC CSA (84) Georgetown, SC I,!SA - NA

--- Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville, SC MSA -79

22 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29. 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America
Combined Statistical Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets
Areas (CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with of interest with
"X" ux u

L. Florida
Orlando-Deltona-Daytona Beach. Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent. FL MSA -109
FL CSA (17) Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford. FL MSA - 26
Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach. FL MSA - 103

Palm Coast. FL MSA -

The Villages, FL uSA - NA

Bradenton-Sarasota-Venice. FL MSA - 73
Punta Gorda , FL MSA - 248
Gorda. FL CSA (48)
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater. FL MSA -19

Cape Coral-Fort Myers. FL MSA -85

Lakeland-Winter Haven. FL MSA -87

Jacksonville. FL MSA -40

Port St. Lucie-Sebastian-Vero Miami-Ft. Lauderdale-Pompano Beach. FL MSA - 8
Beach. FL CSA (67)
Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL MSA -95

Port St. Lucie. FL MSA -118

Sebastian-Vero Beach, FL MSA - NA
M. Kansas. Missouri. Nebraska and Iowa
Kansas City-Overland Park- Kansas City. MO-KS MSA - 29
Kansas City, MO-KS CSA (22) Warrensburg, MO uSA - NA
Atchison. KS uSA - NA

Wichita-Winfield. KS CSA (57) Wichita. KS MSA - 84

Winfield. KS uSA - NA
St. Louis-St. Charles- St. Louis, MO-IL MSA - 18
Farmington. MO-IL CSA (15) Farmington. MO uSA - NA

Cape Girardeau-Sikeston- Springfield. MO MSA -112

Jackson, MO-IL CSA (116) Cape Girardeau-Jackson, MO-IL MSA -350
Sikeston, MO uSA - NA
Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont. Omaha-Council Bluffs. NE-IA MSA 59
NE-IA CSA (46) Fremont. NE uSA - NA
Des Moines-Newton-Pella. IA Des Moines-West Des Moines. IA MSA - 88
CSA (58) Newton, IA uSA - NA
Pella. IA uSA - NA
Sioux City-Vermillion. IA-NE-SD
Sioux City. IA-NE-SD MSA - 273
CSA (110) Vermillion. SD uSA - NA

Ames-Boone. IA CSA (120) Ames, IA MSA -356

Boone. IA uSA - NA

23 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

Combined Statistical Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets

Areas (CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with of interest with
"X" "X"
N. California and Nevada
San Jose-San Francisco- San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont. CA MSA - 11
Oakland, CA CSA (6) San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA MSA - 31
Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA MSA - 104
Vallejo-Fairfield, CA MSA - 123
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA MSA - 175
Napa, CA MSA - 286

Sacramento-Arden Arcade-Roseville, CA MSA -24

Yuba City. CA MSA - 239
Sacramento-Arden Arcade- Truckee-Grass Valley, CA uSA - NA
Yuba City, CA-NV CSA (19) Gardnerville Ranchos, NV uSA - NA

Stockton, CA MSA -77

Modesto, CA MSA -100

Los Angeles-Long Beach- Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA MSA - 2
Riverside, CA CSA (2) Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA MSA -13
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura. CA MSA - 63

San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA MSA - 17

Fresno-Madera, CA CSA - (43) Fresno, CA MSA - 55

Bakersfield. CA MSA - 62
Las Vegas-Paradise-Pahrump, Las Vegas-Paradise, NV MSA - 30
NV CSA (25) Pahrump, NV uSA - NA
Reno-Sparks-Fernley, NV CSA Reno-Sparks. NV MSA - 116
(71) Fernley. NV uSA - NA
P. Arizona. New Mexico. Colorado and Utah
Santa Fe-Espanola, NM CSA Santa Fe. NM MSA - 271
(98) Espanola. NM uSA - NA

Clovis. NM uSA - NA
Clovis-Portales, NM CSA (125) Portales. NM uSA - NA

Albuguergue. NM MSA -57

Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale. AZ MSA -14

Tucson. AZ MSA -52

Denver-Aurora-Boulder. CO CSA Denver-Aurora-Broomfield. CO MSA - 21
(14) Boulder. CO MSA - 160
Greeley. CO MSA - 179

Colorado Springs. CO MSA -83

Salt Lake City-Ogden-Clearfield, Salt Lake Citv. UT MSA - 50
UT CSA (28) Ogden-Clearfield. UT MSA - 94
Brigham Citv. UT uSA - NA
Heber. UT uSA - NA
Provo-Orem. UT MSA -98

24 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America
Combined Statistical Metropolitan Statistical Areas Note markets of Note markets
Areas (CSA) (MSAs) that comprise CSAs operation with of interest with
"X" "X"
Q. Wisconsin and Minnesota
Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI MSA - 39
WI CSA (26) Racine, WI MSA - 217

Appleton-Oshkosh-Neenah, WI Appleton, WI MSA - 194

CSA (83) Oshkosh-Neenah, WI MSA - 238

Eau Claire-Menomonie, WI CSA Eau Claire. WI MSA - 245

(95) Menomonie, WI uSA - NA

Fond du Lac-Beaver Dam, WI Fond du Lac. WI MSA - 341

CSA (99) Beaver Dam. WI uSA - NA

Wausau, WI MSA - 290

Wausau-Merrill. WI CSA (109)
Merrill, WI uSA - NA

Madison. WI MSA· 89
Madison-Baraboo, WI CS (59)
Baraboo. WI uSA - NA
Minneapolis-St. Paul-St. Cloud, Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington . MN-WI MSA - 16
MN-WI CSA (13) St. Cloud . MN MSA - 221
Faribault-Northfield. MN uSA - NA
Red Wing, MN uSA - NA
Hutchinson. MN uSA - NA
Little Rock-North Little Rock-Pine Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway. AR MSA - 74
Bluff, AR CSA (47) Pine Bluff, AR MSA - 343
Searcy. AR uSA - NA

Jonesboro-Paragould, AR CSA Jonesboro, AR MSA - 312

(108) Paragould. AR uSA - NA-

Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO MSA -109

R. The Dakotas. Idaho. Montana and Wyoming
Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN CSA Fargo, ND-MN MSA - 204
(93) Idaho Falls, ID MSA -295
Wahpeton. ND-MN uSA - NA

Blackfoot. ID uSA - NA
Idaho Falls-Blackfoot. ID CSA
(103) Boise City-Nampa, ID MSA -86

S. Washington and Oregon

Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA MSA -15
CSA (12) Olympia. WA MSA -181
Bremerton-Silverdale, WA MSA - 183
Mount Vernon-Anacortes. WA MSA - 317
Oak Harbor. WA uSA - NA
Shelton, WA uSA - NA

Albany-Corvallis-Lebanon, OR Corvallis. OR MSA -358

CSA (97) Albany-Lebanon, OR uSA - NA

Bend-Prineville, OR CSA (100) Bend. OR MSA - 251

Prineville, OR uSA - NA
Spokane, WA MSA -107
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro. OR-WA MSA - 23

U.S. Census 2010 data is not yet available

25 of 27
Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

PART V - Work Management Plan:

This measure assesses the extent to which your proposal demonstrates a clear and comprehensive
understanding of the work to be performed. Using Microsoft Project or other similar software program
provide as a separate Attachment your "EXECUTIVE LEVEL" schedule of activities by key
milestones, their dependencies and the strategies you would employ in order to permit, license and
begin receiving advertising revenue from each location as well as meet quality, schedule and revenue
performance expectations. This measure will also assess the analytics you intend to employ in order
to determine a site's highest and best value, site assessment criteria relative to a property's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, strategies for leveraging the property's strengths
and mitigating its threats and weaknesses. Finally, the evaluation of your project management plan
will included an assessment of your communications with the USPS and other stakeholders regarding
status, cash flows, etc. Plans should be tailored to each CSA Market Area of Interest you are
submitting for.

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Solicitation Number 109804-11-A-0002 April 29, 2011
Attachment #2
Commercial Outdoor Advertising Management Services Contract
for Various Locations throughout the United States of America

PART VI - Price Proposal including Professional Fees

(Submit In Separate Sealed Package)



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Contract No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Pursuant to the terms of and in consideration of the sum of

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which has been or is to be paid under the said contract to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (hereinafter called the Contractor) or its assignees, if any, the
Contractor, upon payment of the said sum by the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. (hereinafter called the
Postal Service), does remise, release and discharge the Postal Service, its officers, agents and employees, of and from
all liabilities, obligations, claims, and demands whatsoever under or arising from the said contract except:

I. Specified claims in stated amounts, or in estimated amounts where the amounts are not susceptible of exact
statement by the Contractor, as follows:

2. Claims, together with reasonable expenses incidental thereto, based upon the liabilities of the Contractor to third
parties arising out of the performance of the said contract, which are not known to the Contractor on the date of the
execution of this release and of which the Contractor gives notice in writing to the Contracting Officer within the
period specified in the said contract.

3. Claims for reimbursement of costs (other than expenses of the Contractor by reason of its indemnification of the
Postal service against patent liability), including reasonable expenses incidental thereto, incurred by the Contractor
under the provisions of the said contract relating to patents.

The Contractor agrees, in connection with patent matters and with claims which are not released as set forth above, that
it wiII comply with all of the provisions of the said contract, including without limitation those provisions relating to
notification of the Contracting Officer and relating to the defense or prosecution of litigation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this release has been executed this,_ _ _ day of_ __

Name of Contractor

Title,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


I, _----:-_----:-____ certify that I am the _ _ _ _----:-_ _---,_ofthe corporation named as Contractor in the
foregoing release; that who signed said release on behalf of the Contractor was then
- - ; - - - ; - - : : 7 ' " - - - - , : - - of said corporation; that said release was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by
authority of its governing body and is within the scope of its corporate powers.

PS Form 7307, October 2004

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