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Charts in Spreadsheet:

Excel allows you to create charts based on information and data within your spreadsheets. Let’s create a
chart from the subject Marks data.

Exam Results - Subject Marks

Student Name English Science Mathematics
Supun 70 75 58
Nirmala 52 65 79
Shanika 26 88 42
Jeewan 82 59 76

1. First, highlight the exact data that you want to enter in to the chart.

2. Next, select “Chart” from the “Insert” menu (or Click the Chart Wizard icon on the
Standard toolbar.)A new window will appear asking which type of chart you would
like to create.

3. Select the type that you want to create your chart from the “Chart Type” in the left side.
(Column Chart, Bar Chart.. etc…..)

4. Click “Next.”, Then you’ll be asked to select your “data range”; this is the area of your
spreadsheet that you wish to generate a chart from. (Since you’ve already selected the
area, it should already be entered into the appropriate area.) “Series in” allows you to
choose by which value you want to arrange the chart. arrange it as you want;

5. Click “Next.” Then you can give a name for the chart (“Chart Title”), label the X and/or
Y axis, etc.

6. Click “Next.” The final step will ask whether you want the chart as an object in your
current spreadsheet or in a new one; generally, you will place it within the same
7. Click “Finish,” and your chart will appear in your spreadsheet!

Exercise 01
Here are some details about sales of a Company
1. Create a Bar chart using given details
I. Format the chart title to font Verdana, font size 14 and font color black
I. Format the background colour of chart as yellow
II. Format the legend placement to bottom of the chart
III. Format the Y axis as the currency (eg. dollar symbol ($).
IV. Format the X axis to fill color blue.
V. Modify the color of the January Data series as colour Red.
VI. Save your chart as an object in a new worksheet.

Filtering in Spreadsheet:

Auto filter
The AutoFilter feature makes filtering, or temporarily hiding, data in a
spreadsheet very easy. This allows you to focus on specific spreadsheet

To Use AutoFilter:
 Select Data from the Main menu.
 Select Filter AutoFilter.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to the heading you would like to filter.
 Choose the data you would like to display.
 Click the drop-down arrow again and select “All” to display all of your
original data

Exercise 02
Here are some details about salaries of a Distributing Company

Pay Roll - Month of January -2011

Emp:N Service House Rent
  o Name Period Basic Salary Allowance Bonus Total Salary
1 DH002 Lathika Wijerathne 5 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
2 DH050 Sanka Jasena 2 8,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
3 BC005 Dinithi Weerakoon 4 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
4 DH048 Shanika Neelamani 10 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
5 BC009 Amith Jayasanka 9 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
6 BC090 Binara Nirmal 3 8,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
7 CF044 Chandani Weerasinghe 6 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
8 DH003 Eranda Gamage 3 8,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
9 CF009 Chaminda Gamlath 6 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
0 CF023 Charuni Wijekoon 4 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
1 BC014 Jeewan Mihiranga 10 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
2 BC007 Fareena Mohomed 5 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00
3 DH089 Geetha Mohandas 12 17,500.00 3,500.00 4,000.00
4 BC067 neela Mahara 13 17,500.00 3,500.00 4,000.00
5 DH003 Taniya Martines 9 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

i. Get the Total Salary Amount to Total Salary Column

ii. Use Auto filtering to display data that Names begin with “S”
iii. Apply Auto filtering to display data that Basic Salary amount equal or greater than 10,000
iv. Use Auto filtering to display details that Total Salary amount between 14,500 and 25,000
Advanced Filter....

 Select Data from the main menu.

 Select Filter Advanced Filter.
 This causes the Excel Advanced Filter options box to pop up.
 Enter the data that should come in to list range text box and criteria range text box

If you want to display the list in same place, simply click OK.
(If you wish to copy the result of the filter in to a new location, this can also be specified at this
stage. The result of the Excel Advanced filter is shown in the spread sheet on the right). As
expected the rows will be display satisfying given criteria.

Sorting Lists
Sorting is a common spreadsheet task that allows you to easily reorder your data.
The most common type of sorting is alphabetical ordering, which you can do
in ascending or descending order.

To Sort in Ascending or Descending Order:

 Select Data from the main menu.

 Select Sort. The Sort dialog box will appear.
 Select the category you would like to Sort by.
 Select Ascending to sort in alphabetical order from A to Z.
 Click OK.

To sort in reverse alphabetical order from Z to A, select Descending.

To Sort Multiple Categories:

 Select Data from the main menu.
 Select Sort. The Sort dialog box will appear.
 Select the category you would like to Sort by.
 Select Ascending to sort in alphabetical order from A to Z.
 In the Then by section, select the second category you would like to sort.
 Click OK

Exercise 03
Use the above given dataset (in Exercise 02) to fulfill this exercise

i. Display employee names according to Descending Order – where two or more

names start with same letter, they should appear with total salary from smaller to
ii. Extract employees who have a service period equal or greater than 5 years to
separate place.
iii. Display employee details who received Total Salary more than 12,000.
iv. Get employee details whose name starts with “A” and Emp:No starts with “BC”.
v. List employees whose name starts with “C” and Emp:No Starts with “CF” or
vi. Display Name column and Total Salary Column.

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