Wakanda's Lemonade Stand Full Business Plan (1) - 1444459739

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Wakanda's Lemonade Stand Business Plan

● Honesty: Our business believes in honest living both in our business and in our
community/ neighbourhood.
● Self-Reliance: Our business is a model that for us to achieve a stronger neighbourhood
each must be self-reliant.
● Health: We care about the health not only of ourselves but of those we serve.
● Service: We believe in helping the community grow and to make it a better
neighbourhood to live in.

Mission Statement
Wakanda's Lemonade Stand was created to provide the best healthy thirst quenching drink to
our neighbourhood, to be enjoyed by both the young and the old.

Wakanda's Lemonade Stand was made to provide a healthy thirst quenching drink in our
neighbourhood by realising the community's needs of a healthy affordable drink. We achieved
that by opening a stand in the neighbourhood park where it will be visible for all to see and

Possible Risks
● Will the weather affect our sales
● Being outside we cannot stay open late
● Lemons are available year round but prices will fluctuate during seasons
● Will people prefer organic or normal lemons?
● Legalities, do we need a company to prepare a legal document?
● Is our lemon supplier reliable, what backup supplier will we use. Will we use local
● Will people enjoy our product and not give bad reviews on the internet which can
jeopardize our business
● Not effective marketing strategy.
● Will we have an open stand or closed stand
● Will we open at night or only during the day
● Will we offer delivery services

Deal-killer risks
● The weather potentially affecting our sales. Lemonade is a hot day drink. In winter
especially people will want something to warm them up. In winter, rainy and windy days
we have a potential of not making any sales which will result in a loss and shutting down
of the business. We can eliminate this risk by potentially offering a healthy hot beverage
(healthy soup) in winter or other days that are not hot. This will guarantee customers and
money coming in in all seasons.
● A marketing strategy that is not effective could make the business loose customers.
Which could lead to the business shutting down because of limited customers. We can
eliminate this risk by doing research on what strategies have worked for similar
successful businesses and implement something similar. Alternatively give a door to
door free tasting as a form of marketing and making sure everyone is reached.

Path-dependent risks
● The choice between choosing organic or normal lemons could be a potential risks
because people have different preferences. We can eliminate or reduce the risks by
raising awareness before we open shop on the importance of organic products in our
health so that by the time people buy they know what to expect. People general accept
anything which has to do with improving their health.
● Suppliers could also cause a risk, choosing where we'll use a farmer as a supplier or a
store. Can we trust a store to tell to give organic or they can give us whatever because
of money. If we choose a farmer, can we find a farmer close by as to reduce the cost of
transportation. We can eliminate or reduce risk by starting our own vegetables and
lemon garden. To supply our own organic lemons and veggies for soup days.

Operational risks
● Deciding whether to have an open stand or a closed stand could be a potential risk. If we
choose an open stand, if the wind comes dust would affect our business. We might not
afford a closed stand. We can eliminate or reduce this risk by maybe opting for buying
material which will be cheaper and building the stand ourselves.
● Operational times also can have an impact on our business. Will we sell whole day or at
peak times when most people are getting back from work and kids from school. If we
operate the whole day chances are we will not have business during the day because
parents are at work and children at school. We can eliminate or reduce this risk by
offering delivery services of lemonade to local businesses in the neighbourhood to keep
up with the sales.

● We can measure if our healthy lemonade is really enjoyed by the the young or old as our
mission suggests by having a short survey for regular customers about what they like
about our product and how to improve.
● We can measure our strategy if it's working or not by reviewing our sales on a monthly
basis to check if there is an increase in sales or not since our business will be at a
neighbourhood park. Make changes accordingly.
● The measures mentioned above will be evaluated on a monthly basis. So as to keep us
on our toes on always improving our product. For the strategy measurement, if we see a
pattern of increasing sales then we stay in that location if not we try to offer free
workouts for those interested since our stand will be at a park, that will be to draw the
crowd. With that option also measuring it on a monthly basis to check improvement.

Strategy Adjustment
1. We do not need to change our market
2. It would not be easy for someone to copy our strategy because we believe in our idea.
For us it's not about making profits but helping the community achieve healthy living.
They can copy some aspects but they can not copy our plan and direction for the

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