Learning Outcomes

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I gained knowledge about Mexican American history, I learned about different social
movements for immigration and other social events. I learned different conflicts that immigrants
face and the struggles they go through to stay in the U.S. Learning these makes me more aware
of what is going on around me, I am able to have a conversation with someone about these topics
and have more knowledge and research than I did before. I better understand inequalities among
others and different social movements that I can speak about.
LO3. I was able to participate and speak up about different topics, I was able to use my voice
and be heard. I was able to research different leaders that have impacted Mexican culture,
someone I chose was musician Richie Valens. I was also able to use art in this class as well to
create different viewpoints of culture like the 3 murals project. I really enjoyed being creative
and using my skills to share my ideas.
LO4. I created a variety of presentations about different issues going on today. I used some of
my background learning and issues I’ve faced to be a part of the community as well. I was able
to hear others stories and where they came from, such as having presentations about a
contemporary issue that Chican* faces, and a presentation about movements that have created
who we are now like the Labor Appropriation act of 1924. I educated myself more everyday by
researching these issues.
LO5. I gained knowledge by examining current political issues impacting Chican* and Latin*
communities. An issue still going on today is employment, some people have a hard time finding
jobs to better themselves. I was able to speak up about this topic in my final paper. I talked about
more issues going on about this and how this can have solutions. Being able to research
something and trying to come up with a solution was something I liked doing. This opened my
eyes and made me realize that there can be a solution if we all worked together.

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