Frith Haggard 18 Volition and The Brain

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Series: Seminal Neuroscience Papers


Science & Society relations between an action, the neural

processes that precede it, and the subjec-
left a long-lasting mark on these debates,
and has been referred to frequently in the
Volition and the Brain – tive experience of initiating it. Libet et al. decades since its publication.
found a neural precursor of voluntary
Revisiting a Classic action, namely the ‘readiness potential’ The Importance of the Outcome
Experimental Study (RP), which began on average 635 ms of an Action
(but with a range from 1200 to A frequent criticism of Libet’s paradigm
Chris D. Frith1,2,* and 225 ms) before action. Nevertheless, has been that the action involved – lifting a
Patrick Haggard1,3,4,* the subjective experience of willing the finger – is relatively trivial. This is an exam-
action occurred only some 200 ms before ple of an action without any substantial
In 1983 Libet et al. demonstrated the action. Because causes must precede consequences. Outside laboratory set-
that brain activity associated with effects, Libet et al. argued that this tempo- tings, most actions are undertaken so
a voluntary act precedes con- ral order rules out the possibility that con- as to produce outcomes. Actions are
scious experience of the intention sciously willing the action caused the RP the only means by which we can influence
and the initiation of action. This leaves open the world and the people in it. It is this
to act by several hundred millisec-
the possibility that the RP causes the sub- aspect of action that makes volition
onds. The implication that it is the
jective experience of will (but see [3]). important. The phenomenology of volition
brain, rather than ‘free will’, that
has been characterised as ‘thin and elu-
initiates voluntary acts has been Why Does It Matter? sive’, but we have a vivid sense of agency
discussed ever since by philoso- Libet’s conclusion may seem unsurpris- – the experience of controlling the world
phers and lawyers, as well as by ing to the modern materialist neuroscien- through our actions.
scientists. We show here how tist, who views conscious experience as a
Libet’s original study gave rise to consequence of brain activity and not as Follow-up studies have used the same
an entire research field of experi- some extrinsic cause of brain activity. The techniques to investigate the experience
mental investigations of volition. result has been replicated, with several of actions and their outcomes. This work
similar studies reporting similar values discovered a phenomenon of intentional
What Was Done in the Study? for the time of conscious intention. Nev- binding in subjective experience. The time
The 1983 study by Libet et al. [1] investi- ertheless, the result contrasts dramati- between an action and its outcome is
gated the brain processes underlying the cally with the notion of voluntary action perceived as being shorter than the
awareness of intending and initiating vol- that dominates in folk psychology, in objective time interval. When we inten-
untary, endogenous actions. Participants modern western culture [4], in philosophy, tionally press a button to cause a sound
were asked to make a simple manual and in the law [5]. Indeed, the legal defi- some 250 ms later, the interval seems to
movement at a time of their own choice. nition of action involves both a physical be shorter than when our finger is pas-
Neural activity preceding the initiation of movement event (actus reus) and a con- sively moved by an external force to press
action was recorded by averaging electro- scious intent (mens rea) that stands in the button. This binding experience
encephalography (EEG) traces over sev- appropriate causal relation to the act. depends on the extent to which we
eral trials to produce an event-related Conscious intention is considered to be believe that the outcome is being caused
potential (ERP). In addition, Libet and col- a prerequisite for voluntary action, and by our action [6]. The more we care about
leagues asked their participants to report thus for responsibility. Libet et al. claimed the outcome the greater the binding and
the time at which they ‘first felt the urge to to demonstrate that voluntary actions are, the associated sense of agency. Further,
act’. The participants noted and reported in fact, initiated unconsciously. This view interestingly, binding increases for deci-
the moment at which they experienced the has profound implications for philosophi- sions with a moral rather than an eco-
subjective ‘urge to act’ by looking at an cal, political, and legal theories of individ- nomic component [7]. The different
oscilloscope spot rotating like a clock ual autonomy and consciousness. The components of agency – the intention
hand. The study thus continued a long paper provides a striking example of the and its outcome – can be linked
tradition of ‘mental chronometry’ – investi- impact of neuroscience on concepts of with specific brain regions. The pre-
gating the content of subjective experience human nature. Perhaps unsurprisingly, supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) is
by measuring the timing of experience [2]. both the methods and interpretation of concerned with the representation of the
This surprisingly simple method yielded the study have been hotly debated, but, intention to make a specific movement,
important insights into the temporal despite its shortcomings, the work has while inferior parietal cortex is concerned

Trends in Neurosciences, July 2018, Vol. 41, No. 7 405

with a predictive internal model of the This period, during which people are of cooperation the advantages accruing
upcoming movement. Damage to both choosing which response to make, is from group living and mutual cooperation
pre-SMA and inferior parietal cortex can associated with activity in dorsolateral could dissipate [14]. However, we only
alter the experience of agency [8]. prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) [11]. However, punish individuals who we consider to
to be clear – this does not imply that this be responsible for their actions, and we
Libet’s original paradigm also neglected brain region is the origin of free will. dlPFC recognise exemptions, including children
the process of choosing between alter- is part of the outermost of a series of and some patients with mental health
native possible actions. Most real-life sit- action loops involving the basal ganglia, conditions.
uations involve a decision between two enabling choices to be made in the widest
or more different actions with real con- possible context. What Role for Conscious
sequences. Before choosing which Intention?
action to initiate we should reflect on Regret and Responsibility The actions associated with regret and
which outcome we want to achieve Our recollection of thinking about which responsibility are typically pre-planned.
and which action will best achieve that action to choose can give rise to regret – In their paper Libet et al. reported that,
outcome. Once the action has finally the feeling ‘I wish I had chosen otherwise’ although some actions involved ‘pre-
been chosen it can then be initiated. when an unsatisfactory outcome is planning’, others were experienced as
There is evidence that the time of ‘the revealed. The feeling of regret emerges ‘spontaneous’ and ‘freely capricious in
urge to move’ is associated with the relatively late in human development (9 origin’. This distinction seems to have
point in this decision-making process years of age), and is impaired after frontal been both part of Libet’s instructions
at which the action has been chosen. lobe lesions [12]. The feeling of regret is to participants and also part of the
For example, when the choice is closely related to the feeling of responsi- reports by the participants, and its sig-
between using the left or the right hand, bility – I could have chosen otherwise and nificance for interpreting the data is
the time of the ‘urge’ relates to the time therefore I am responsible for making a therefore unclear. Endogenous actions
of the emergence of the lateralised read- bad choice. can be pre-planned and deliberate to a
iness potential, the neural signal which greater or a lesser degree. RPs before
reflects which hand is about to be used Perhaps the belief that we could have pre-planned actions, which Libet termed
([3], but see [9]). chosen otherwise is an illusion. Neverthe- ‘type I’, had earlier onsets and larger
less, assignment of responsibility is an amplitudes than RPs preceding more
But what is happening before this final important aspect of human society, being spontaneous actions, termed ‘type II’.
choice is made? Matsuhashi and Hallett crucial for the allocation of blame and This distinction is made nowhere
[10] proposed that people may be latently punishment. For example, in law, children else in the literature, as far as we
aware of an intention to move. They may be under a specified age are not considered know, and seems to be have been largely
thinking about moving, but lack the higher to be responsible for their actions, pre- forgotten or ignored by Libet’s readers.
level meta-conscious awareness that this sumably because they are not considered Nevertheless, both forms of RP
is what they are thinking about. Such meta- to have sufficient capacity for rational began before conscious intention, sup-
conscious awareness may be necessary to deliberation about their actions. People porting Libet’s argument about temporal
make a report. Latent awareness can be may also be judged not to be responsible precedence.
demonstrated by delivering an interrupting for their actions in situations where they
probe signal before becoming fully aware. act while they are unconscious [4] – for Most subsequent work on volition has
Participants were asked to suppress their instance during some types of epileptic focussed on Libet’s ‘type I’ actions in
action if they were thinking about moving seizures or while sleep-walking. In these which pre-planning is involved because
when they heard the probe (a randomly cases, an absence of consciousness is participants are required to choose
occurring tone). The distribution of tone taken to imply a lack of control. In law, this between actions with different outcomes.
times relative to actions suggested that relation is used to justify the defence of
people start thinking about moving about automatism [13]. Libet et al. chose to focus on more spon-
1.4 s before the movement occurs. This is taneous voluntary actions (type II) that
well before the time of the ‘urge to move’, in The belief that people are responsible for presumably have greater ‘randomness’.
Libet’s original data, although still their actions has an important role in This links to another line of research using
slightly later than the typical onset of the maintaining social cohesion. Unless we tasks in which participants are explicitly
readiness potential. punish those among us who flout norms asked to respond at random (e.g., [12]).

406 Trends in Neurosciences, July 2018, Vol. 41, No. 7

Interestingly, however, it is fairly difficult for involuntary actions and effects. Conscious. Cogn. 21,
eventually find and connect with their
humans to behave randomly. One strategy 7. Moretto, G. et al. (2011) Experience of agency and sense appropriate targets. Also, in complex ner-
that might overcome this problem is to rely of responsibility. Conscious. Cogn. 20, 1847–1854 vous systems like the human brain, this
8. Brass, M. et al. (2013) Imaging volition: what the brain can
on stochastic noise, which is present in the tell us about the will. Exp. Brain Res. 229, 301–312
process somehow has to be coordinated
brain, as in all biological systems. Schurger 9. Schlegel, A. et al. (2013) Barking up the wrong free: readi- for billions of neurons, by a program
and colleagues [15], for instance, suggest ness potentials reflect processes independent of con- encoded in the genome. In the early
scious will. Exp. Brain Res. 229, 329–335
that, given a weak imperative to move, the 10. Matsuhashi, M. and Hallett, M. (2008) The timing of
1990s, some of the basic mechanisms
precise moment at which the decision the conscious intention to move. Eur. J. Neurosci. 28, by which growing axons are guided had
threshold for movement is crossed is been worked out but the molecules
11. Frith, C.D. (2000) The role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
largely determined by spontaneous fluctu- in the selection of action as revealed by functional imaging. involved were largely unknown.
ations in neuronal activity. Is it possible that In Control of Cognitive Processes (Monsell, S. and Driver,
J., eds), pp. 549–565, MIT press
people can somehow take account of such 12. Frith, C. (2013) The psychology of volition. Exp. Brain Res.
Painstaking work in a variety of model
fluctuations and use them to generate 229, 289–299 systems had revealed that growing axons
‘spontaneous’ actions? In this case, the 13. Rolnick, J. and Parvizi, J. (2011) Automatisms: bridging respond to surface-bound and diffusible
clinical neurology with criminal law. Epilepsy Behav. 20,
observation that brain activity precedes 423–427 cues from surrounding cells, that such
the conscious ‘urge to act’ would no longer 14. Fehr, E. and Gächter, S. (2002) Altruistic punishment in cues can be either attractive or repulsive
humans. Nature 415, 137–140
be inconsistent with our beliefs about the for specific axons, that axons navigate
15. Schurger, A. et al. (2012) An accumulator model for spon-
nature of volition. taneous neural activity prior to self-initiated movement. using a series of intermediate targets,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, E2904–E2913 and that they selectively fasciculate with
Acknowledgements each other based on their respective rep-
P.H. is supported by a grant from the Leverhulme ertoires of adhesion molecules.
Trust (RPG-2016-378), by European Research Coun-
cil (ERC) advanced grant HUMVOL (agreement Series: Seminal Neuroscience Papers Many of the underlying principles were elu-
323943), and by a Chaire Blaise Pascal of the Région 1978–2017 cidated by Corey Goodman and his col-
leagues, using the simple nervous systems
Institute of Philosophy, University of London, Senate Science & Society of grasshopper and fruit fly embryos as
House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK models. The embryonic ventral nerve cord
Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging at University
College London, 12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG,
Revealing the Genetic of these species is bilaterally symmetric
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College
Instructions for and segmentally repeated, comprising
about 200 neurons in each hemisegment.
London, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, Département
Nervous System Wiring Early work led by Goodman and Michael
d’Études Cognitives, École Normale Supérieure, 29 Rue
Kevin J. Mitchell1,*,@ Bate described the origins and projection
d’Ulm, Paris 75005, France patterns of many of these neurons [1]. Fur-
*Correspondence: Why did the axon cross the midline? ther studies using electron microscopy, (C.D. Frith) and
A 1993 paper by Corey Goodman immunohistochemistry, and targeted cell (P. Haggard). ablation highlighted the roles in guiding and colleagues described a genetic
growing axons of cellular interactions with
screen in fruit flies that pioneered
specialised glial cells or with previously pro-
References the discovery of conserved families jecting axons [2–4].
1. Libet, B. et al. (1983) Time of conscious intention to act in
relation to onset of cerebral activity (readiness-potential). of axon guidance cues and recep-
The unconscious initiation of a freely voluntary act. Brain
106, 623–642
tors, highlighting fundamental pro- The Midline Screen
2. Dennett, D.C. and Kinsbourne, M. (1992) Time and the cesses underlying wiring specificity All of this work laid the foundation for a
observer: the where and when of consciousness in the
brain. Behav. Brain Sci. 15, 183–201
in the developing nervous system. genetic screen to try to identify the molec-
3. Haggard, P. and Eimer, M. (1999) On the relation between ular cues that guide growing axons and the
brain potentials and the awareness of voluntary move-
ments. Exp. Brain Res. 126, 128–133
Guiding Growing Axons receptors that determine their responses
4. Shepherd, J. (2012) Free will and consciousness: experi- Growing neurons face a daunting task: [5]. This idea was directly inspired by the
mental studies. Conscious. Cogn. 21, 915–927 they must extend their axon along a pre- tremendous success of the genetic
5. Hart, H.L.A. (2008) Punishment and Responsibility: Essays screens conducted by Christiane Nüs-
defined trajectory through the complex
in the Philosophy of Law, Oxford University Press
6. Dogge, M. et al. (2012) When moving without volition: terrain of the developing nervous system, slein-Volhard and Eric Wieschaus, which
implied self-causation enhances binding strength between navigating a series of choice points, to had discovered so many of the

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