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Assignment 2: Target Market and Positioning

Daria Hryhorovych, Leonardo Fasullo, Ericka Castillo,

Humber College
MKTG 111
Professor Fabian Marks
October 21, 2021
Assignment 2: Target Market and Positioning
Your Assignment:
Your group is required to work together to complete a target market profile and positioning strategy for your
product’s consumers. You should use the inputs from your research in Assignment 1, your Environmental Scan,
Competitive Analysis and SWOT Analysis to guide your target market selection and positioning strategy.

In this assignment, you will be required to develop four (4) key marketing strategy components:
1. Target Market Profile
2. Persona
3. Positioning Statement
4. Positioning Map

Assignment Requirements:
● This assignment must be completed in groups of 3-4 students.
● Assignment weighting is as per your course schedule.
● No late reports will be accepted. Late reports will receive a 0% grade.
● All reports must include a title page including:
o Name and section of this course, title of the assignment, Instructor’s name, Names and
student numbers of each group member, Due date.
● All reports must be typewritten. No hand-written sections will be evaluated.
● All reports must employ proper English standards for grammar, spelling, punctuation and
sentence structure.
● Please ensure proper headings are used throughout the report.
● Please note that all group members are responsible for the full content of the assignment submitted.
No student will be exempt for the reason that he/she was not the person responsible for completing
that portion of the assignment.
● Your Group Assignment Submission must include the Peer Assessment to confirm the group members
who have contributed to this assignment.
PAGE 1: Your report must have a title page (including Team Member names, Assignment &
product name, course number and name, professor name, date)

PAGE 2: Target Market Profile

Purpose Knowing your consumer precisely is key to the success of your marketing plan.

Assignment Identify your target market profile for your product’s target consumers.

DEMOGRAPHICS Include information on:

What is the basic factual ● Can be used by both genders but mostly used by females
census-type information on ● Ages 20-40
the target market as a ● Any marital statuses
whole? ● Middle class to High class income earners
● Entrepreneurs
● High education level
GEOGRAPHICS Include information on where the target market resides such as:
Where does the target ● Ontario, Nova Scotia, Alberta, British Columbia (main regions)
market live and work? ● Medium/Large
● Urban
PSYCHOGRAPHICS Clearly describe the target market’s general approach to living:
● Social, Extroverted, Judgemental, Confident
What are the prevailing ● Сaring, confident, materialistic, independent, optimistic,
attitudes, values, interests, environmental activists
habits, opinions, and ● Enjoys sports, music, the arts, fashion, wellness, fitness, food,
approaches to life that this the environment, movies, self-care
● Uses media a lot (Internet sites, social media sites, apps,
target market shares?
magazines, TV)
● Active technology user (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, e-
book, smartwatch etc.)

BEHAVIOURISTICS Include information on how and why consumers will buy the product as

How does this target ● Main occasion for product use are personal, home and family
market use and interact ● Main product benefit sought: specific product traits - reusable,
with the product? vegan, environmental friendly, self-improvement, fashion,
personal status
● Use less plastic in their everyday life and personal care/hygiene
● Use product everyday but refill monthly
● Strong loyalty to the brand
PAGE 3: Personas
Purpose To practise building a positioning statement for your brand or company which would guide the
development of your advertising creatives and promotional activities.

Assignment Complete your target persona for your brand / company (Use PPT, Canva or whichever
platform you prefer). You may need 1 or 2 personas to cover your target market.

Persona example

● Age 30
● Living in the city
● Single
● $65,000/year
● Owns an apartment
● Loves fashion and self care
● Lives healthy and actively
● Environmental activist
● Choose retailers who take social and
environmental issues seriously
● Uses social media a lot
● Yoga, baking and likes to watch T.V
● Education: college or university
● Very confident and independent
● “Small steps lead to big changes”
PAGE 4: Positioning Statement
Purpose To practise building a positioning statement for your brand or company which would guide the
development of your advertising creatives and promotional activities.

Assignment Prepare a positioning statement (one sentence) that clearly and uniquely identifies the image
of the product / brand in the market. Your statement must identify a core benefit that your
brand delivers to its target market and differentiates your brand from the competition.

For environmental activists who desire to reduce plastic waste, the body shop is the medium
priced care product that offers sustainable refillable bottles.

PAGE 4: Positioning Map

Purpose To clearly identify a unique space / segment for your brand or company. Positioning maps are
also used to identify gaps in the market where competitors do not have an offering.

Assignment Create a positioning map for your product in relation to the four main competitors in your
competitive analysis. See page 161 of your text book for an explanation and an example of a
positioning map. Label each axis with parameters that are important to the purchase decision
of consumers for your product, noting that price is rarely one of these primary decision-making
variables and any quality attribute must be defined. Clearly identify each competitor as well as
your own brand.

More popular

Revlon Sephora Bath&Body Works



Less environmental The body shop More environmental


Less popular
MKTG 111
Assignment 2 Grading Rubric

Group Members: Daria Hryhorovych, Leonardo Fasullo, Ericka Castillo

Company / Brand: The Body Shop Refills
Group Contract

Group Project Brand / Company: The Body Shop Refills

Group Members: Daria Hryhorovych, Leonardo Fasullo, Ericka Castillo

1. How will the group will communicate with
each other (eg. Specify Email addresses, Whatsapp, Phone numbers
Phone numbers, Google Drive, Whatsapp)?
2. Expected communication response
timing? Less than 10 hours
3. Agreed action if a Group member does
not respond within expected timing? Eg. It depends, but preferably they will get reduced peer
Reduced peer evaluation mark? Advise evaluation mark or we will take an advice from professor
professor? Removal from Group?

1. Specific Group Member roles? By
section? Eg. Final editing? --

1. Work quality / standards? Research?
Writing Quality? Average / high quality
2. Specify Delivery times
Last steps have to be done at least few hours before due date
3. Agreed action if a Group member does
not deliver within expected timing? ? Eg. It depends, but preferably they will get reduced peer
Reduced peer evaluation mark? Advise evaluation mark or we will take an advice from professor
professor? Removal from Group?


1. Work expectations? Organization?

Scheduling? Time constraints? Working as a group. All questions can be solved with a talk.
Everyone is making some contribution, otherwise they will get
bad marks at the beginning, or the situation will be brought to
the attention of the Professor. Meeting all the deadlines, trying
not to leave everything to the last minute.

2. How will decisions be made? Consensus

or majority? Preferably majority

3. How will disagreements be handled? How

will we compromise? We’ll try to find a better solution to make everyone happy
Daria Hryhorovych 21.10.2021
Leonardo Fasullo 21.10.2021
Ericka Castillo 21.10.2021
Team Feedback Report Peer Evaluation

Group Brand / Company: The Body Shop Refills

Agree Group Norms at Start of Project

1. COMMUNICATION: How will the group will communicate with each other (eg. Specify Email addresses,
Phone numbers, Google Docs, What’s App)? 3. Agreed action if a Group member does not respond within
expected timing? Eg. Reduced peer evaluation mark? Advise professor? Removal from Group?
2. ROLE ASSIGNMENTS: Including Final review and editing.
3. DELIVERY: Work quality / standards? Research? Writing Quality? Timing?
4. HOW WE WORK: Work expectations? Organization? Scheduling? Time constraints? How will decisions be
made? Consensus or majority?

1. Each group member must complete and sign this peer evaluation to receive a final mark. Assess how your
team worked together on this assignment. Consider the member’s demonstrated ability to meet the five
2. This feedback will be used to reduce marks for members who did not contribute as much, according to the
team. For example, if the team got 70% on the assignment, and the team member’s contribution was rated
at 80%, then that team member will receive a grade of 70% x 80% = 56%.
3. It is greatly preferred that all members do equal work and that each team member contributes 100%, so
giving a team member lesser percentage should only be done in extreme cases. Do not be punitive. Please
keep in mind that each person has different skill levels, so consider their level of effort.
4. Submit the completed form in class on the assigned due date (1 per group).

Name Name Name

Daria Leonardo Ericka
Delivery – On Time 20/20 20/20 20/20
Delivery – Quality 20/20 20/20 20/20
Delivery – Quantity 20/20 20/20 20/20
Communication – Responsiveness 20/20 20/20 20/20
Team Commitment – Collaboration 20/20 20/20 20/20
Total (100%) 100/100 100/100 100/100


Completed and delivered allocated work fully and on time October
Completed and delivered allocated work fully and on time October
Ericka Completed and delivered allocated work fully and on time October

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