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Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance – the Need

of the Hour
Rupanjana De, ACS, Director, Nandi Resources Generation Technology Pvt. Ltd.,

Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance is relatively a new concept in India though
it has its existence for long in the western countries. While emphasizing the
importance of such insurances the article goes in to further explain its scope, coverage,
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formalities, etc.

THE IMPORTANCE OF INSURANCE Some insurance companies have even come up with the
Independent Director Liability Insurance (IDLI) policy which
Risk management is an important component of corporate
is a welcome development. It goes a step further and protects
governance practices and efficient management of the risk
that key persons in a company are exposed to is therefore vital the Independent directors’ personal assets as conventional D&O
for every company. Insurance is the best tool for risk policy might not suffice for their total protection. It is slowly
management. The recent years have seen a lot of developments gaining popularity in the US. The importance of such a policy
in the insurance market in terms of products and services. to protect the independent directors of companies was felt
Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) liability insurance is one such consequent upon the major recent corporate scandals of Enron,
product which has now become an important part of WorldCom, HealthSouth etc. all of which came to light with
management liability insurance. Globally, in most of the the dawn of the new millennium. Another new product in this
countries in Europe and America, majority of the large market is the Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
corporations maintain D&O liability insurance today. In which provides coverage in respect of certain claims relating
general, the D&O liability insurance claims are more from to employment made by employees.
larger companies, whether listed or unlisted, but for that matter
it is erroneous to conclude that private or smaller companies
and their directors are immune to such an insurance product. INSURANCE
Even in the latter type of companies litigation possibilities are Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance, often referred to
not completely ruled out and there are numerous instances of as just D&O Insurance, is one type of liability insurance whose
litigation between members of the family or once-upon-a- beneficiaries are the directors and key officers of a company
time friends who mutually agreed to start a company. These or the company itself. The payment of this liability insurance
apart, companies, big or small, listed or not always stand open is made in order to cover various costs of a lawsuit like
to the risk of litigations from creditors, customers, employees, damages, defense costs, lawyers’ fees, consequent losses etc.
banks, vendors, competitors and other public institutions. resulting from the wrongful acts and deeds of directors and
officers of a company in their capacity as such. Such wrongful
SOME NEW AGE CONCEPTS IN INSURANCE acts might be omissions, errors, misstatements, misleading
MARKET statements, neglect or breach of duty by such directors or
Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) liability insurance might be a officers. Suits can be brought for various reasons by various
relatively new concept in the Indian market but the western stakeholders like the shareholders for insider trading, or
countries have seen its presence across the last several decades. shareholder derivative suits, by the creditors for

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rticles Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance – the Need of the Hour

misrepresentation of financial health of the company, by insurance and pays the insurance premiums although the sole
competitors for unfair trade practices, by consumers for defect beneficiary may be the directors and officers in most cases.
or deficiency of product and services and by public However, sometimes in order to avoid problems like that of
organizations for various issues like pollution and other health income tax etc. the premium is split up and a portion is paid
hazards. Lawsuits covered may range from both civil and by the company while the remaining part is borne by the
criminal suits to regulatory investigations and trials. directors and officers themselves.
The Directors of a company are bound by their fiduciary duty
towards the company and the shareholders. There is a principal- THE INSURING CLAUSES
agent relation between the shareholders and the directors, and the Traditionally D&O policies had three insuring clauses viz., Side-
directors, as agents are bound to act in the best interest of the A or Insuring Clause 1 provided insurance coverage to individual
shareholders. In this age of corporate governance, the scope of directors and key officers of a company when because of the
directors’ duties have been enhanced so much so that in most legal provisions or financial constraints of the company, the
cases the term ‘shareholder’ is replaced by the term ‘stakeholders’ indemnity against any losses are not or cannot be provided by
and it is believed that the directors are bound by their duty of the company, examples are in case of the company being bankrupt
care not only to shareholders but also to creditors, employees, (financially incapable) or for derivative suits brought against
suppliers, customers and so on. They can therefore be liable for such insiders by shareholders on behalf of the company (legally
breach of contract or breach of duty, non-disclosure of interest, incapable); Side-B or Insuring Clause 2 provided insurance
negligence, mismanagement of assets etc. to all stakeholders. This coverage not to individuals but to companies when the latter
substantially enhances their risk. In countries like the United States, indemnified its directors and key officers and thereby incurred
corporate law makes it mandatory for companies to indemnify cost or losses and in this way it protected the company’s balance
their directors and key officers against risk of personal liability sheet; and Side-C or Insuring Clause 3 which provided coverage
arising by virtue of their position in the company. The idea behind to the companies for losses incurred by it, e.g. when any claims
is to encourage qualified and capable people to take up these are made against the company itself.
important positions in the companies and for the companies to be
able to retain them. However, there are numerous situations in EVOLUTION OF THE INSURING CLAUSES OVER
which the companies are not allowed to indemnify its directors TIME
or officers in which cases the D&O insurance comes in handy.
For many decades, there existed only side-A and side-B policies
Following is a brief note on the possible ways to relieve with hardly a thin line of differentiation with the result that
directors from liability: much depended upon interpretation of clauses when actual claims
 Ratification by shareholders: Certain breach of duty by were to be made. To resolve this ambiguity the ‘presumptive
directors can be ratified by an honest disclosure of the indemnification’ clauses were introduced much later in the mid
same in a shareholders meeting and the latter deciding 1980s and then permanently built into the policies thereafter. It
to ratify the directors by passing the required resolution. started with a Philadelphia based NYSE listed company that
 Indemnification by company: While the company cannot had taken a Side-B policy of $5 million and that was the
enter into contract with directors to exempt them from maximum they could take at that point of time. A class action
any liability arising out of negligence, fraud etc. towards suit followed shortly after naming all directors as defendants
company, the company can definitely indemnify directors and the cost was much higher than the policy retention. The
against liability arising out of their dealings on behalf policy was ambiguous on when the Side B would apply and
of the company with third parties. when side A would be applicable. It followed that the lawyers
 Business Judgement Rule: Next comes the business creatively deduced that if the company simply refused to
judgment rule which the courts might apply when a suit indemnify its directors, the Side-A would be applied and the
is brought against the directors and none of the above is company would be saved of the high cost. Since the wording
applicable. This is the essence of section 633 of the was vague on this issue, the courts upheld the interpretation and
Companies Act, 1956. this was how simply because of inappropriate and exclusive
language of the policies, the company could shift a Side-B claim
 D&O liability insurance: When all the above fails then to a Side-A claim and managed to get a $5000 million in place
comes the D&O insurance cover for protecting directors. of a mere $5 million as originally taken in the policy. Taking
this case as a precedent, the ‘presumptive indemnification’
clauses were introduced and all future policies were endorsed
It is conventionally the company that purchases the D&O with the same. This clause stated that Side A would apply only

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Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance – the Need of the Hour

when an insured company is legally or financially incapable of CLAIMS THAT ARE COVERED UNDER D&O
indemnifying its directors and officers and that the company POLICY
has no right to simply refuse to indemnify and thereby change
a Side-B claim into a Side-A one. For the purpose of claims things that are typically covered by
the definition of loss are damages, settlement cost and defense
It was not until mid 1990s that Side-C insuring clauses came cost. Punitive and exemplary damages may be included only
into being. Historically the concept of D&O insurance has if specifically mentioned in the policy taken. Losses from
primarily been individual protection and so whenever the wrongs that are legally uninsurable are not covered. Also not
company was named as a co-defendant in suits along with the covered are penalties, fines and taxes. There are certain
directors and officers, there invariably was a great difficulty exclusion clauses that might be there in the D&O insurance
in making a fair allocation of defense and other costs between policy taken. These are:
the companies and individuals and those by far led to further
(a) Exclusion of coverage of dishonesty or intentional wrong
disputes. This dilemma was finally resolved in the case of
by a director or officer
Nordstrom v. Chubb in 1995. Post this decision, the insurers
were made to add a new Side-C insuring clause thus putting (b) Exclusion of coverage of an insured person against
an end to the entire confusion. another insured person (e.g. a company cannot claim
against a director in a case when both are insured)
Though introduction of Side-C policy, solved one problem, it
gave rise to some new problems. One such problem related to the (c) Exclusion of coverage of liability arising from
fact that consequent upon the increase in exposure, the insurance professional services (e.g. doctors)
companies could not do much about increase in premium pricing. (d) Exclusion of claims arising out of acts committed on a
Almost for the same premiums the insurers were now insuring date prior to a specified date (ideally the date of taking
both individuals and companies. Consequently the risk to the the policy).
underwriters increased many folds. Another problem related to (e) Exclusion of claims already pending at the date the policy
the limit of liability purchased by companies. After addition of is taken
companies in the insured list, the insurance policy limit were not
(f) Exclusion of claims resulting from insider trading
consequentially increased implying that the directors’ and officers’
individual protection got substantially reduced as they now shared (g) Exclusion of claims relating to bodily injury, mental
it with their employer companies as co-insured. This is one of distress, sickness, death etc.
the reasons that have led to a renewed interest in Side-A only
policies, the others being factors like increased cases of companies’
financial bad health, increased number of litigation and higher INSURANCE
defense and other related costs. The companies tend to prefer not The basic principle that governs the D&O insurance regime is
to indemnify its directors and officers and get an insurance the economic concept of risk aversion and its effects. Risk aversion
coverage instead. implies the unwillingness of a person to accept a proposition
which has an uncertain result and instead opt for another
EFFECT OF D&O INSURANCE COVERAGE ON proposition that guarantees a certain result even if it be lower
THE INSURED’S BEHAVIOUR than the highest expected result in the first case. This concept of
It would be erroneous to deduce that D&O insurance makes economics would apply to a highly knowledgeable individual
directors or officers negligent to their duties and that it who might be unwilling to take up the position of a director
encourages them to undertake unauthorized activities simply because he is afraid of ending up with personal liability.
intentionally. While unintentional wrongs are covered by most D&O insurance provides a shield in these cases. Such insurance
D&O liability insurance, intentional, unlawful and can make a director or an officer risk-neutral if not risk-loving,
unauthorized acts by directors and officers of companies both of which will benefit the company ultimately. By being risk
howsoever high positions they hold are not covered by D&O neutral they can take important decisions for the company based
insurance policies. In order to be so covered, the wrongful act upon all necessary information available at hand at the time of
should come under the definition of “wrongful acts” in the taking decision and in this manner they can give their 100% to
concerned policy, and ideally it includes those acts, omissions, the company. In addition to the above, purchase of a D&O
commissions or mis-statements made by such directors or insurance policy by a company will also give it the signaling
officers in good faith in their capacity as such director or strength by which it can claim to be a good employer in the job
officer of the company. This does not imply that D&O market. It can have an edge over its competitors. A liability arising
insurance would cover fraud, illegal and unlawful activities. from their position in the company might not only cause financial

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rticles Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance – the Need of the Hour

losses to directors and officers, but at the same time their personal policies in place. It gave this product a strong foothold that
goodwill might also get tarnished. There is no denying the fact was to stay for many decades to come.
that they have a large specific investment involved. So, with the
right D&O coverage in place, a company will be able to attract FORMALITIES TO BE COMPLIED WITH BY A
the most efficient and able candidates on board and key positions. COMPANY BEFORE PURCHASING D&O
In the long run, the shareholders will be benefitted in the form of COVERAGE
getting better returns and the society at large will also be better
D&O policies from various insurance companies do have the
off in the sense that there will be increased productivity and
similar structure and may appear to be the same, but they do
increased job security. For companies, therefore, it is a cost- have different composition, terms and conditions as well as
benefit analysis. The better you pay for insurance, the more benefits and language and clauses differ from insurer to insurer.
qualified people you get. A company interested in taking coverage needs to closely
LEGAL PRINCIPLE BEHIND D&O INSURANCE scrutinize exactly what kind of coverage it is looking for and
who would be the best insurer. In the absence of proper care
D&O liability insurance policies promote the concept of Business before taking the policy, companies are likely to end up in
Judgment Rule which states that law presumes that directors of trouble. In purchasing the right policy, an attempt should be
companies have bona fide regard for the interest of stakeholders made to get the most favorable terms and conditions and for
of a company in running the management of the company and that the underwriter has to have a proper idea of the insured
in taking important decisions. Under this rule, in plain language, company’s nature of activities, its financial position, its
it is to be presumed that in taking any decision about the company shareholders, mergers and acquisitions in the past or probable
management, the directors pay utmost regard to the interest of in the near future, any changes in business activity, kind of
all the stakeholders. The intent of legislation is to encourage risks that it is exposed to etc. For this the important documents
just and well informed decisions by the company management to be consulted are the company’s audited balance sheet and
without fear of personal liability and thereby to help the business profit and loss statement and income tax returns for the last
to progress and to ensure that the shareholders’ wealth is few years, current quarterly or half yearly unaudited results
multiplied. D&O insurance is just another assurance of putting as applicable, the prospectus or information memorandum if
into practice the business judgment rule and protecting the there has been a share issue, details of loans, list of
directors who work in the best interest of the company. In running shareholders, creditor information, details of shareholder
a business, if a gap is created due to lack of express legal grievances over the past few years and a basic understanding
provisions, D&O insurance would fill the gap. The ultimate of the competitors and any likely suits from their side.
objective is to have the best business decisions.
INSURANCE The Companies Act, 1956 makes directors and company secretary
the officer in default. The Act specifies several provisions that,
The history of D&O insurance dates back to the 1930s when if contravened, can lead the liability and expose them to heavy
the first policy was introduced by the British insurance and penalty or even land them in jail. There are other enactments
reinsurance provider Lloyd’s of London. They foresaw the need also that make the directors liable for contravention by the
of such a product in the face of the great economic depression of company and the directors may be prosecuted under those acts
1930 that upset the economies of the United States and many like the environmental laws, tax laws, labour laws, anti-trust
other countries in a major way. However, despite the vast laws, securities laws etc. Apart from statutory duties, there are
consequences, the product did not sell well with the directors also many common law duties of directors that have not been
and officers of corporations and the D&O insurance policy failed codified by any statute but are conventionally considered as
to gain the required popularity. The law did not empower binding on them. India being a common law country, these
companies to indemnify their directors at that time. duties find special importance. Such duties are duty to take care
A decade later, the popularity of this new product in the insurance and exercise diligence, duty not to be negligent, duty of loyalty
market began to gain and laws were passed in the US that to the company, duty to put the interest of the company first,
empowered companies to indemnify their directors and officers. duty to avoid conflict of interest, duty to act in good faith, duty
During the 1960s there were several mergers and acquisitions not to make any secret profit, duty to make proper disclosure,
that led to litigations against companies and their directors duty to abide by the company’s articles and memorandum of
and officers exposing their personal liability which only association, duty not to delegate (delegatus non potest delegare)
reconfirmed the need for companies to have D&O insurance and so on. If the director fails to take care of his duties, depending

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Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance – the Need of the Hour

upon the breach, he may incur liability for breach of fiduciary Bhopal gas tragedy a non-executive chairman was sentenced
duties, for ultra vires act, for wrongs committed by co-directors, to two years’ imprisonment. While many have opined that the
for breach of contract, for wrongful act or acts mala fide, for sentence is very less compared to the magnitude of the effects
negligence or statutory negligence. He may incur both civil and of the tragedy, others do also show concern about the law
criminal liability. While for non-statutory liabilities the courts being so strict on a non-executive director. In the wake of
might apply business judgment rule to protect the directors, huge emphasis on corporate governance in Indian companies
statutory liabilities will be dealt with according to statutory now where even non-executive directors can be brought to
provisions. Statutory penal provisions provide for fines, penalties trial, D&O insurance seems all the more imperative for Indian
or even imprisonment depending upon the gravity of the offence companies at present. This would not only come handy for
or contravention and the director may also incur unlimited directors and officers not willing to take risk, but at the same
personal liability under certain provisions under the Companies time would also imply new business of vast magnitude for
Act, 1956. general insurance companies. While for most top ranked
companies abroad, D&O insurance is either mandatory or
In countries like US, directors and officers are very much
suggestive, in India, it was never so popular. However,
conscious of the D&O insurance programme of the employer
consequent upon the Satyam scam, highly capable directors are
company. This serves as an important consideration before
now pressing upon companies to take D&O insurance cover
joining the board. In India, barely one-tenth of companies
before they join the board. The Companies Bill, 2009 if enacted,
listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange seem to have proper
will bring enhanced risk to directors as it provides for class
D&O liability insurance in place. The coverage limit is also
action law suits by shareholders against companies and the
much narrower and the insurance claims for directors and
management. Such litigation might be very expensive and in
officers can generally be made for liability arising from
the absence of D&O insurance cover to protect the directors,
misleading financial statements and mismanagement of funds
companies would have a tough time convincing qualified people
only. Companies are indemnified against cost of litigation that
to join the boards. What follows from the above discussion is
it bears on behalf of its directors and officers. Considering the
that D&O insurance is the need of the hour in Indian companies.
benefits and necessity, of late the Securities and Exchange
Board of India has been considering making it compulsory In India, the D&O insurance policy is provided by
for all listed companies to have proper D&O liability insurance  National Insurance Company Ltd. (NIC)
cover to protect their directors and officers from exposure to  The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. (OIC)
personal risk arising from corporate frauds and scandals. While  United India Insurance Company Ltd. (UIIC)
mutual funds and insurance brokers in India are compulsorily
 The New India Assurance Company Ltd. (NIAC)
required to take liability insurance cover, there is no such
mandate for companies as of now.  Some other private parties


INDIAN COMPANIES Government regulations for running the companies are becoming
In the wake of the Satyam scandal that shook the Indian tougher and stricter day by day with the result that the risk of
corporate sector, D&O insurance policies need all the more directors’ and officers’ personal liability is extending. This makes
attention. It was initially stated to be a Rs. 7000 Cr. scandal the D&O liability insurance coverage the need of the hour for
and now the fresh estimates by CBI show that the scandal is to corporate houses in order to enable them to attract and retain
be valued much higher at Rs. 24000 Cr. We all know that for big brains and talents in their boards and important positions to
many years the senior management of Satyam under the steer them to success. At the same time, corporate scandals are
leadership of its founder Chairman had been cooking the books on the rise, so are shareholder derivative lawsuits. This has
of the company under close attention of unsuspecting directors resulted in premiums soaring higher and higher over the years.
and executives many of whom were men of great reputation There is a dire need to strike a balance. Also the D&O insurance
and goodwill. The scam almost terrorized many directors across products by different insurance providers in India have much
companies and a few hundreds of such directors across the narrower scope than their western counterparts. The products
country on boards of elite companies decided to step down need to be made more mature by inclusion of more clauses and
due to fear of possible consequences in case there were any bringing more ‘losses’ under the scope of claimable losses. Last
frauds in companies they were serving. This sudden wave of but not the least the general understanding of the various new
risk averseness amongst the corporate elite was fueled by this products in the insurance market needs to be enhanced in order
ground breaking corporate scam. In recent verdict on the to take more benefit out of them. 

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