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What is Oxford English Dictionary (OED)?

Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is an online dictionary like no other with 600,000
words from the English speaking world, pronunciation guide, etymology (the origin and the
historical development of a word), definitions with thesaurus and categories, examples of
words used in sentences and links to definitions in other dictionaries
It is written by dictionary editors specialist authors and widely regarded as the authority
on the English language. In addition, It started life more than 150 years ago and updated
every quarter with about 7,500 new and revised meanings, from the major research and
editing project that is rewriting the OED. Lastly, it covers British, American, and other
varieties of English, and all types of use, from formal to slang

History of OED
 How it began-1857: The Philosophical Society of London calls for a new English
 More work than they thought-1884: 5 years into a proposed ten-year project, the
editors reach ‘ant’
 One step at a time-1884-1928: The dictionary is published as fascicles
 Keeping it current-1933-1986: Supplements to the OED
 Making it modern-1980s: The Supplements are integrated with the OED to produce
its Second Edition
 Into the Electronic age-1922: The first CD-ROM version of the OED is published
 The future has begun-The present: The OED is now being fully revised with new
material published in parts inline

The Oxford English Dictionary is a living document that has been growing and changing
for several years. Oxford English Dictionary is an irreplaceable part of English culture. It
not only provides an important record of the evolution of our language, but also documents
the continuing development of our society. It is certain to continue in this role as we enter
the new century.


Philippine English is the variety of English used in the Philippines. In Philippines,

English is taught in schools as one of the two official languages of the country

The language was introduced in the country by American colonization. In the
implementing 1987 Constitution, English is regarded as one of the two official languages of
the Philippines. Most importantly, English plays a major roles in Philippines

Characteristics of the Philippine English:

 Many Filipinos write and speak in fluent English, although there might be differences
in diction and pronunciation
 Philippine English follows American English spelling and grammar
 Philippine English vocabulary is influences by other languages, like in the words
veranda for a terrace or porch, carabao for a water buffalo, or siesta for an afternoon
 Certain words are defined differently in Philippine English compared to American
English such as ‘traffic’ and ‘salvage’
 Other unique words in Philippine English
o Accident-prone
o Ancestral house
o Cultural group
o Cultural show
o KJ
o Oldtimer
o Officemate
o Peacetime
o TY

 Animism was he central based religion that Filipinos practiced during pre-colonial
 Their official language was Tagalog
 Women were active participants in important events in society
 Early Filipino ancestors valued education very much, though informal and
 Filipino men and women knew how to read and write using their own naïve alphabet
called alibata, which consisted of three vowels and fourteen consonants

 Spaniards
 To colonize the Philippines to set a place in trade, connection to Japan/China,
and spread Christianity
 The Indios had wholeheartedly embraced Catholicism but just as
wholeheartedly rejected Spanish rule
 Americans
 Means of attack was not religion, but mass education
 Less than half century later…
o Adopted the American form of government
o Embraced the American dream
o Spoke the American language
o Were content to be called “little brown Americans”

Effect of Imperialism
 Spaniards
 The majority of the population of the Philippines is Christian, mostly Catholics.
 The Spanish Language has been relegated to a college elective
 Americans
 The government is a republic with a constitution quite similar to the US
 English later become more important and widespread, and remains an official
language of the Philippines

Beneficial or harmful?
 Spanish rule was harmful to the country. They placed hard labor on the citizens, yet
took all the profit.
 American rule was beneficial to the Philippines. They helped establish a working
government in the Philippines. Public education was put into place with the


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