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Hail all those who are able,

any mouse can,

any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.
—Mouse Proverb

his chapter details the history and role of the Mouse Guard in the Territories. As you read
through, you’ll find a history of the Guard; a description of their home base, Lockhaven;
the Guard’s Oath; and a description of the Guard’s various duties.
After that, we break down a Mouse Guard character, describing the elements used in play and
giving the basic game mechanics for each bit. This chapter is a primer for play. Many of the rules are
described in detail later, but all of the basics of play are provided in the following section. You don’t
need to read ahead if there’s something you don’t understand. The rules are introduced bit by bit.

A Brief History of prosperous, had formed in the wild. They were
reluctant to leave what they had begun, despite
the Mouse Guard their precarious positions.
In the distant past, mice lived in tree hollows, There was a debate within the ranks of
under logs, in stone cracks and other wayward, Lockhaven’s guardians. What should be done
forgotten places. They lived scattered across about these other settlements? Should they be
the wild without community or support. They forcibly moved? Should they be abandoned?
were hunted by predators and subject to harsh In the end, the guardians decided there was
weather. They had few supplies to sustain them only one true answer: Lockhaven must use
in the face of calamity. In fact, these mice were her strength to defend and support these
far more likely to perish from depredation, communities. All mice must prosper, or all mice
exposure, illness or starvation than live a long, will fail.
prosperous life.
Therefore, these guardians struck out to the
Against the overwhelming forces of nature, a few distant settlements, marking paths and noting
disparate groups made a stand. They staked a which approaches gave them more cover, better
claim on a handful of safe patches of wilderness. viewpoints and quicker routes.
As word of these safe havens traveled, other mice
flocked to them. The most famous settlement These brave, selfless mice quickly became
grew quickly from a hiding place to an outpost known as the Mouse Guard. As their numbers
to a fortification and finally to a citadel—fortified grew and their protection was extended, the far-
walls surrounding a prosperous town, defended flung settlements did indeed prosper.
by a dedicated guard. This place is now called Lockhaven itself changed as well. It became less
Lockhaven, and it is the center of what is known of a bustling city and more of a central hub for
as the Mouse Territories. the Guard. Eventually, the Guard took over the
As Lockhaven became more and more secure, administration of the citadel completely.
its guardians reached out to other settlements. The first mouse to organize the defense of
At first, the Lockhavenites tried to bring Lockhaven was female. Thereafter, it has
everyone they found back to the safety of their remained tradition that the Guard be commanded
city. Many came, but many also would not. by a female mouse given the rank of Matriarch.
Other communities, perhaps less safe but still The Matriarch is in charge of internal affairs,


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