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Educational sponsorship is referred to the provision of support for a person or community’s
education or in other words, educational sponsorship is when an organization or individual
invest in a society’s educational related programme in order to eradicate illiteracy rate as well
as giving better opportunity to everybody
Educational scholarship or tuition free scholarship will have a greater impact in the life of the
citizens and the country as a whole. Education, actually has the power to change lives. With
over 24% of Ghanaians living below the poverty line, education is often one of the first
expenses sacrificed as struggling families try to make ends meet. Most of the secondary
school graduates are regularly seen across Ghana working in the market, some idle, and
others engaging into social vices as a result of financial constraints faced by their parents to
support them with their career aspirations which in turn leads to school dropout or teenage
When resources are invested into in educating the society, it equip them or us with essential
knowledge and broadens our future. It will also keep as safe and reduce the incidence of
human exploitation. It is the desire or hope of everyone or citizen to achieve knowledge,
values, skills, beliefs and moral habits, but as a result of financial barriers, “they forgo “all
these cost to make ends meet instead.
There are brilliant but needy ones out there but as a result of expensive tuition fees, lack of
support, couldn’t further their career aspirations. To eradicate illiteracy level in the society,
there should be grant or bursaries to support or be available to support them. These takes off
the financial burden from parents. Student loans can also be alternative to aid in paying their
fees. There must also be tuition free policies. These presumably helps or allows more people
to gain their professional certificates and degrees aiding them to enter into the workforce,
hence reducing unemployment rate.
“SPONSOR MY EDUCATION” an advocate of the tuition free program presumes that
removing the financial barriers to tertiary enrolment will result to a higher number of people
entering tertiaries and attaining their diploma, HND and degrees.
People need to get higher level of awareness about the importance of knowledge now more
than before. Education is necessary for each and every one in other to improve knowledge,
way of living, as well as social and economic status throughout one’s life. Getting educated is
needed which is why “education is the ultimate key to eliminate all problems” - Nelson
The research method used in getting the information are questionnaire and interviews. The
questionnaire used in conducting the research were both opened and closed ended
respectively whereas the interview was semi structured and unstructured. In our research, we
engage or utilize the direct contacting as a medium to reach out to the people. We were able
to reach fifty (50) people of which thirty (30) were convinced to enrol or participate.

We encountered many challenges in reaching out to the respondent or participants. To mention but a
few difficulties faced during distributing the questionnaires for feedback as follows;

 Some participants needed much explanations regarding the questionnaire which was actually
was time consuming
 Responses provided were not adequate.
NB: Tsakpo, please compile all the necessary challenges you faced whilst distributing
your questionnaires.

Not everyone participated or enrolled, some rejected our interviews based on the following
 The overall research design was not attractive.
 Information was not detailed.
 Some of the information were too sensitive and however caused some of the respondent to
recall psychological upsetting memories.


The data analysis indicates that if affordability was taken care of, majority would like to
further their education. The data collected indicates that twenty (20) would further their
education and five (5) wouldn’t of which some respondent are of self-doubt, discouraging
environment etc. An objection was raised some participants that if only the institution would
grant them the opportunity to study on Sundays instead which is as a result of their busy
schedules and working situations.
It has also been examined that twenty (20) would like to be sponsored. Other things being
equal ……………………………………. Would like to pursue their diploma course
……………………….… HND and ………………………………… and higher diploma


Education has a greater impact in changing the lives of the society and which is why
“SPONSOR MY EDUCATION” is here to invest its resources by providing tuition free
scholarship to those who would like to upgrade their previous level, couldn’t make it to the
tertiary as a result of financial difficulties and to those who would like to pursue professional
courses in order to become useful human resources as well.
This is an absolute opportunity for every citizen to embrace in order to achieve their career
aspirations. I would therefore recommend this tuition free scholarship dubbed “SPONSOR
MY EDUCATION” to each and every one.



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