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Philippine Literature (Midterm Task)

I. Read the selection and answer the following questions

Why the Sun Shines More Brightly Than the Moon
Long, long ago there lived a fairy with two very beautiful daughters. Araw,
the older daughter, was very amiable and had a kind disposition; Buwan, unlike her
sister, was dishonest, cruel, and harsh. She was always finding fault with Araw. One
night, when the fairy came home from her nocturnal rambles and saw Buwan badly
maltreating her elder sister, she asked God for help against her unruly daughter.
Before this time, God had prepared very valuable gifts for the two sisters.
These gifts were two enormous diamonds that could light the whole universe. When
God heard the prayer of the fairy, he descended to Earth disguised as a beggar.
Upon learning for himself how bad-tempered Buwan was and how sweet and kind-
hearted Araw was, God gave the older sister her diamond as a reward. Buwan was
greatly angered by this favoritism on the part of the Almighty, so she went to the

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heavenly kingdom and stole one of God's diamonds. Then she returned to earth

with the precious stone, but there she found that were jewel was not as brilliant as

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When God went back to heaven and learned what Buwan had done, he sent two
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angels to punish her. But the angels abused their commission; they seized both
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sisters and hurled them into the sea. They they threw the two stones upward into
the sky and there they stuck. But Araw's diamond was bigger and brighter than the
one Buwan stole. Thereafter, the bigger jewel was called Araw ("day" or "sun") and

the smaller one, Buwan ("moon").

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1. What is the setting of the story?

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God had prepared very valuable gifts for the two sisters. These gifts were two
enormous diamonds that could light the whole universe. When God heard the
prayer of the fairy, he descended to Earth disguised as a beggar
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2. Who are the characters? (Characterize each)

Araw and Buwan. Araw is the older daughter who is very amiable and kind while
buwan is the sweet and kind-hearted.

2. Why does the sun and the moon shine at different times of the day?

the sun and the moon are on different sides of the Earth and the Earth rotates facing one and then
the other.

3. Why does the sun shine more brightly than the moon?

The Moon absorbs most of these gamma rays, but some of them escape. the Moon is actually brighter
than the Sun. Brighter colors indicate greater numbers of gamma rays.

4. Why are there spots on the face of the moon, and the sun?

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The spectacle is called synchronous rotation. In all, about 59%of the moon is visible from Earth over the
progression of an orbit. Those spots are called maria, from the Latin word for sea.

5. What is the origin of the stars?

The Origins of Stars and Planets. Like the massive galaxies in which they appear, stars and their planets
form when masses of gas and dust bond to much smaller sizes.

7. What is the theme of the myth?

The myth of this story is the kindness and honesty of each and everyone else. Don’t
steal from someone that you didn’t own because it will have a huge problem for you
then you will have a karma.
II. Enumerate the following
1. Genres of Literature:
Poetry and Drama

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2. Give the types or examples of the said each Genre:

In poetry genre it has the lyrical poetry that is given to the story it has a strong line

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and strong impact for the reader to know what is happening

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And in Drama it gives as the story the tragedy because it happens that it has a very
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sad story a sad ending.
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III. Essay. Explain your views in 5 meaningful sentences.

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1. What is your thought about studying Philippine literature?

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We study literature so we can all the more likely appreciate our artistic legacy. We can't value
something that we don't comprehend. Through an investigation of our literature, we can follow the rich

legacy of thoughts gave over to us from our ancestors. At that point we can comprehend ourselves
better and invest heavily in being a Filipino. It gives nostalgic sentiments and satisfaction to rethink the

comedies, misfortunes and motivation of the excellent Filipino sonnets, stories, expositions and plays.
Going over them is an extremely superb encounter. It empowers you to amplify your enthusiasm for
artistic determinations and see the job they play in the public arena and even develop and advance

through your abstract excursion. The genuine attestation of patriotism during the American pilgrim time
frame is the looking for of veritable opportunity and popular government.

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"Literature always anticipates life. It does not copy it but molds it to its purpose.
The nineteenth century, as we know it, is largely an invention of Balzac." -Oscar

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