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1019721, 825 aM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi27201*7 lesson_id=12346205§ion Id Code 028- Adv Tech Comm WEEKS 7 and 8: Midterm 7C's of Communication Lesson: Business Letters 7€ of Business Communication; Direction of Communication; Importance of Business Wing Skil, Topic: ‘Business Letters and its parts anc Formats ofa Business Leter Learning Outcomes: | At the end of tis module, you are expecte to: 1. Identify 7 of business communication; 2. Analyze direction of communication within an organization through the given ilustrations; 3. Tustrate the different letter styles and pats of business letter; and 4 Analyze samples of business letter |when your communication is cleat, you are able to convey your thoughts more precisely. You wil also be able to ge the job done and incase of job Interviews, you may algo be able to land your dream Jab, As for every form of leaning, business communication also has some principles which make Your ‘communication more effective, ‘These 7 C's of communication must be folowed by every business entity and Individuals so that the workplace communication can be effective. ‘Communication holds @ very important role in any business. Without clear and precise communicaton, a business cannot stand. Its the foundation for any busness, ‘2C's of Business Communication CONCISE Being concise means being able to convey your messages in shortest possible words. But this doesnt mean that you provide the information less but articulating In sucha possible way that you get to spread the message across everyone and that too in fewer words. Tt is a necessity for business communication as this C does nat invalve the vague words and this the message is cleay sent to everyone. Because of ‘conclseness, you save time as well as you save alt of costs, | this C excludes the needless and excessive words it makes the main idea or the message more understandable, For audience also this form is more ‘convenient and appealing. CLEAR lear or cay is very important in business communication. Through this, you are able to emphasize a speciic message or a goal at that time. n 2 business communication, you cannot achieve too much in one go. Thats why you need to clear about your ideas. Because of clay, the Understanding of ideas becomes easier AS the clarty is achieved for ideas and thoughts, the meaning of the words is lenanced. The message becomes more appropriate and exact. ‘coRRECT “The uncerstanaing of your audience Is decly proportional to the correctness of your ideas, Because correct communication of thoughts and ideas Is also an erorree form of communication. There are many ways to achieve this correctness in your sentences. ‘One Is through technical understanding of your thoughts and ideas. Further, the names and tiles that you have mentioned should be correct Because of correctness the confidence level of yours as well as your aucience increases, Tt has more impact htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 Mlesson_ld=123462058soction_id=49647033 2 1019721, 825 aM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=123462055ion_Idt3 CONCRETE CConcreteness refers to the idea of being clear and particular It avoids the basi fuzziness and general in your ideas and thoughts. Often, concrete ‘communication is fortined by facts, igus, illustrations and examples ~ anything that can help caify a message so that itis not misinte-preted, It leaves nothing to chance ard lass tothe imagination COMPLETE 'A message or an idea fs complete when the audience has everything that they want to be Informed. Also, ths gives an authority to them to move to call of action, ‘The complete communication generally involves the call to action, which helps the readers understand what you want to imply to them. Tt also Incluges all the facts and figures in the sentences. couRTEoUS Courtesy is the respect that we show to others and in business communication als t means the same thing. You should show respect to your reader by having courteous communication. The individual while sending the message shouldbe pot, sincere, enthusiastic, and reflective, Being courteous means that you have taken into consideration the feeling receiver as well as your own. It also shows that you are positive and your focus i on the auclence, COHERENT “The messages that you send should be logical and that Is why coherent communication Is important. The message Involves certaln ideas and ‘thoughts and thus wrten they are coherent than only they are able to convey the main idea ofthe message, Al the points that you have mentioned should be relevant tothe topic and connected htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346205&soction_id=49647033 22 1019721, 825 aM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi27201*7 lesson_id=12346205§ion Id Code 028- Adv Tech Comm WEEKS 7 and 8: Midterm Directions of Communication DIRECTIONS OF COMMUNICATION Communication travels within an organization in three different directions, and often the channels of communication are prescribe by the direction in which the communication Is flowing, Lets take a look atthe thee different crections and types of communication channels Used. Vertical Communication ‘Vertical communication canbe broken down into two categories: dawnverd communication and upward communication, Downward Communication Downward communication can be defined as a transmission of information and messages from the top level executives to the low-level employees. “This means that the communication is intiated by the highest level of management in the corporate ladder, to convey orders, instructions, warnings o¢ responses tothe subordinates working inthe organisaton, Downward communication might be used to communicate new organizational strategy, highlight tasks that need to be completed, or they could even bea team meeting run by the manager ofthat team. (gure 1. Downward Communication) Upward Communication When the flow of information in an organisation, Is from lower levels ofthe corporate ladder tothe upper levels, Is named as upward communication Often, ths type of communication provides feedback to organizational leaders about curent problems, or even progress on goals. On the ather hand, this form of communication can alsa help employees, to express ther views, ideas or grievances withthe top management, 1f property utiized, upward communication is potentially one ofthe most useful managerial practices, Upward communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about their jobs, co-workers and the organization in general, Managers also rely on upward communication for ideas on how things can be improved! hntpssust-tuguogarao.noolms com/student losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346205&soction_id=49647034 2 1019721, 825 aM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips us-tuguegaraa.neolms.convsudentlessonvshowi2720117esson_id=123462055ion a3 a t see t 3 seeeee (Figure 2, Upward Communication) Horizontal Communication 1 lateral communication, the sender and receiver(s) are atthe same level in the hierarchy. Formal communications that travel laterally involve employees engaged in carrying out the same or relates tasks, “This type of communication can be seen taking place between persons operating at the seme level or working under the same executive, Functional managers operating at the same level, in ifferert departments, through their communication, present a good example of lateral communication, The main Use ofthis dimension of communication is ta maintain coordination and review actives assigned ta various subordinates. (igure 3, Horleontal Cornmunication) htpssust-tuguegarao.noolms com/studont losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346205&soction_id=49647034 22 1019721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi27201*7 lesson_id=12346205§ion Id Code 028- Adv Tech Comm WEEKS 7 and 8: Midterm Business Letters Its asad fact of Me that not everyone can write good and effective business letters, However, the good news is that anyone can learn the tricks and trades of business letter wring as long asthe eagerness and interest to learn and improve are present as metivational forces In the world of professionals, one of the inevitable tasks that individuals perform is business letter writing, Be it in the realm of business, education, commerce, Indust, public menagement or private sector, the writing of business letters play a major role inthe communication process among agencies and among incivguals within thase agences. When you need a jo, ou wrt an application lett. When you want to Inqulre, you use a letter of Inqury. If ‘yu are not satisfied with a product or service, you wrte a leter of complaint. When you need a capital, you utlize a letter oF cect, and so on and so forth, When you have developed the skis in writing, thus making yourself wellversed with the inticades of business letter wring, you are unconscious making a competitive edge ove others, making yourself row an asset as you lead your Ife to the corporate worl. ‘BUSINESS LETTERS Business Is an act of buying and selling, Any written report done on this commercial act Inside or outside the place of business becomes a technical writen work called a Business Report, Tiss so because the content of this technical reports refers mainly to a special area of knowledge called business, [ts only ts content or subject matter that makes Ia technical wetten work but is format and language as well. Unike other types of wring that are open tw all kinds of expressions, business letter has its ovn set of special words or expressions exclusively for buying and sling acts. (Lehman, 2005) While any format - formal, informal, mene, E-nal, blank form, or letter format is used in business, the letter is the mast prefered format by the people in the business worl, Those engaged inthe other felcs af knowledge like scence, engineering, architecture, computer, medicine and so on likewise Use letars In presenting knowledge and ifarmaton on investigation results, technical proposals, feasbilty stucles, work progress, laboratory findings and in other technical reports. Owing to te frequent use of letes in techrical wring, the princples behind effective business letter writing must therefore be well understood and well apolied by any technical report writer. These business letter writing principles from (Davis, 2005; Brusaw, 2005) Adler (2040) and from ther reading materials on business corresponcence Isted on this material are clearly explained by the succeeding paragraphs, PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER ‘A normal business leter has eight parts, In the order of thelr appearance, they are: Letterhead, Date Line, Inside Address, Salutation, Body, Closing or Complimentary Clee, Signature Line, and Notations. “The Letterhead is found atthe uppermost part of the letter. Letenese 7 Sratee Sins, Roa ey2,2010 Shyer st cam te ‘Geum Gay Moron 15, tb, Our mer owe Samoan et ot Seer he gone Lt enna Range Hod wncoe se upped mata sant a pret you cocina eon ‘Tuy yu, Pope Se erare een ‘This topmost part of the letter glves these pleces of information: full name, complete address, contact numbers, and the nature ofthe company sencing the leer, The secondary information are: names of one or more offices, telefax number, logo, and corporate subsidiaries. htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms com/student losson/showi2720117 lesson_ld=123462058&soction_id=49647035 no 1079721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips /ust-tuguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=12346205§ion_d3 With the many artistic design of the leterheads, some consider this letter part as an information-siving portion and an omamental feature of the letter: However, the best kind of a letterhead Is one that follows a simple design. An elaborate letterhead tends to grab the reader’ attenton from the central message of the letter Since the letterhead projects a corporate and somehow affects the reader’ understanding ofthe message of the letter, same firms take much care and time in finalizing the appearance ofthe letterhead to represent the campany. In fat, some companies launch money-spending contests on a company ago and letterhead designing “The second part of a business letters the Date Line, which is type two or four spaces below the letterhead, There are two standard ways of writing the date: the American way (May 8, 211) and the British way (May 2 2012), More way are used by other business correspondents, but whatever style you choose, the usual procedure calls for one punctuation mark ~ the ‘comma after the éay (August 8, 2011) and forthe nan-abbreviation af the name ofthe month, “The address ofthe writer i found in the heading; that of the recipient is in the Inside Address. This third part of the letter, Inside Address, is writen four or eight spaces below the date line on the left margin. Normally, I this consists of Urge to Tour nes, the fist Ine presents the name of the person or compary and the Indvidual or afical corprate tte ofthe lke: Mss, Mrs, Ary, Dr, President, Maneger, For example: Mrs. Fely R. Zamora, Manage Atty. Alex B. Solis Hope Enterprises Maxim Steel Corporation 38 Quirino Avenue, Quezon City 17 Taff Avenue, Manila ‘The following are some reminders on the prover way of writin titles: 1. Address an individual the way he usually signs is name, 2. old abbreviating Chistian names, corporation, company, and offcial positions or ranks, ke: Sergeant, Treasurer, Secretary, Sales Manager director, and the like 3, You may abbreviate titles lke Honorable, Reverend, Professor. But informal eters, tis preferable to write them in fl 4 Include the article "The" before the company name Ike ~ The Dean's Café, or the Pauinian Ladies Circe 5. White the ttles ~ Honorable, Reverend in ful f the article "The" precedes them like The Reverend Jose P. Gomez, not The Rev. Jose P. Gomez. 6. "Use the tle Honorable, Reverend, Professor, and Superintendent before full names, not before a last name, lke ~ Profesor lle J. Sales, Honorable Orly D. Pecson, not Professor Ramos, Honorable Daz, 7. Use small letters in writing the article "The in the Reverend Lina V. Paterno” or “the Honorable Nestor . Cortez” ifthe artide is preceded by other words in the sentence, such as ~ Everybody stood upto greet the Honorable Jose P. Laurel. ‘The fourth partis the Salutation or Greeting. This is writen on the left margin, two or four spaces below the Inside Address. Since Is purpose isto cheer up or greet the adcressze with the use of postive words lke Dear, Dearest, My dear It is aso called the Greeting. However, you cannot just use any greeting you want. The degree of formality tells you which greeting to use. The mast formal saltations for top-ranking government officals are Sic and Madam. Lower than these are Dear Sir or Dear Ma‘zm, and for fiendly intimate and informal relatonships, you may use My dear Cora, Dear Peter, and so {Informal business letters, the Salutation is followed by a colon; Informal or friendly letters, by a comma, These two ~ colon and comma ~ are the only Punctuation marks used after the Salutation of a business leter. Gentlemen isthe salutation for letters addressed toa company, club, committee, and other organizations composed of males or both males and females, The salutation, Ladies, is for organizations exclusively for females. However, if there is a patticular person whom you want to read the letter addressed to the company, yoU can write this persons name in the Attention Line, a letter part considered as an extension of the inside Address and can be placed between the Insde Address and the Salutation or opposite the Salutation Examples: extension of the Inside Address and can be placed between the Inside Address and the Salutation GONZALES ENTERPRISES 23 Yolo Street CCubao, Quezon City Gentlemen: htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudont losson/showi2720117 lesson_id=123462058&soction_id=49647035 28 1019721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=123462055ion_Idt3 + opposite the Salutation GONZALES ENTERPRISES 23 Yulo Street Cubao, Quezon City Gentlemen: Attention: Engr. Hector N. Nolasco “There are also Salutations, ke To Our Dearest, To the PTA Members, Dear Customers, that are situated at the upper center ofthe bond paper. These kinds of Salutations are good for formal lettes making an announcement 9 @ group of people. ‘Another secondary part of @ business letter found inthe area of the salutation isthe Subject Line placed two spaces below the Greeting. In a mosified block letter, tis usually centered, and in a fll block style, it a the left margin. Serving asthe ttle ofthe letter, te Subject Line states the purpose or topic of ‘the letter in a short sentence. Here are examples of the how the Subject Line is writen Engr Nick F Lanuza, Presicent APEX Home Bullers 12 Toft Avenue, Manila Dear Engr. Lanuza Subject: Repainting of the Del Fun House. Please, comply with our agreement on the repainting of the DEL Fun House before the end of Summer 2011. It is surprising that, soon, May none of your men is coming to see us regarding this matter Nova Hills dani 28 Pawie Streot Fairview, Quezon City Gentlemen: Subject: Repainting of the DEL Fun House Please, comply with our agreement on the repainting of the DEL Fun House before the end of Summer 2011, Its surprising that, 000, May one of your men i coming to see us regarding tis matter htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms com/studont losson/showi2720117 Mlesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 3a 1079721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=123462055ion_Idt3 ‘The fifth and the biggest part is the Body of the business letter. This begins two spaces below the Salutation. The spacing is double between the Paragraphs ofthe eter It sin this part where you may convey all the messages you want your reader to understand. The Closing oF Complimentary Close comes asthe 6" part. I's typed two or four spaces below the body. Unlike the Salutation that uses two punctuation marks, comma, and colon, the closing uses only one marl the comma, Ifthe closing is of several words, only the inal world should be capitalized Choosing the kind of complimentary close also considers the degrees of formality. Below are some ofthe most commonly used Closings ranging from formal to informal ways: Very respectfully yours, Respectuly yours, Very tat yours, Try yous, Sncerely yours Corday yours, Best wishes, Kindest regards, ‘The seventh part is the Signature Line, In business letter, two signatures are needed ~ the printed or typewritten signature, and the penned signature. The prntec signature is typed four spaces below the Closing. It's four spaces because the ather two spaces are forthe penned signature ofthe walter and for the fully captalized name ofthe company represented by the writ Ifthe name of the company isn the letterhead, you may do away with ‘your typewritten signature. With regaré to the signature of a woman writer, consider the folowing assumptions: 1's assumed that a surname preceded by initals belong to a man. Baample: Yours truly, MS. Lopez Its assumed that a name not preceded by Mss or Ms. always Means a Ramie Of an unmarried woman. (Rosario C. David) Respectfully yours, Myrna S. Lopez ‘The eight part, which isthe last partis Notations. The follwing are the notations that come two spaces below the Signature Line + Identification Initials, These are the intials ofthe wrter or cictator and the typist or transcribe. colon, 2 slash mark, or 2 diferentiation in eter ze used to separate the two kinds ofits. (eg. KMLLY, KM/LY, KM hy) + Enclosure, Sometimes, there are some important documents or papers thatthe writer would ke to atach to the letter. This inclusion of papers in the letler wauld eventually be ciscovered by the reader through the exp statement ofthese documents inthe body ofthe leter and inthe Endasure Enclosure is @ notation written two spaces below the intials of the detator and the typist and appearing in fll wrd, Enclosure arn an abbreviated form, En. Bxample VM:CG Enc. Birth Certificate + Carbon Copy. This notation is found two spaces below the lst line ofthe signature Is purpose Isto let the reader know that a copy ofthe letter s sent to another person or recipient whose name isnot mentioned inthe adcress, The term Carbon Copy or the symbol CC may then be writen for this htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms com/studont losson/showi2720117 Mlesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 40 1079721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-uguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=123462055ion_Idt3 kind of notation, and the writen after CC or Carbon Copy is the full name and official corporate postion ofthe other recipent. ample: ‘Sincerely yours, Miss Loma L. Robles ‘Manager, Purchasing Department CC. Atty. Jose P. Gamboa + Blind Copy. Ifthe writer, confidence, decides to give a copy ofthe letter to 2 person not referred to inthe address, he may note tis as blind ‘eatbon capy" or "bee" an the ogy forthe secret” recipient. This "bec isnot reflected inthe original. Actually, though they are not noted as carbon ‘copies, they may not be, at all mes, carbon, but may be photographic or Xeroxed copies, + Postscript or PS, This may be added after the last notaton, t serves 2s a device for emphass, Two spaces below the Téentifcation Initials or two ‘spaces below the Enclosure ar CCis where you can write the symbol PS. FORMAT OR STYLES OF A BUSINESS LETTER Based on a certain letter format, you may position the parts of your letter in the following ways: FULL BLOCK STYLE 6 Sona ne MODIFIED BLOCK STYLE htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudont losson/showi2720117 lesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 se 1019721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips /ust-tuguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_id=12346205§ion_d83 6 Sosa ine [SEMI-BLOCK STYLE 6 Sonate ine INDENTED OR TRADITIONAL STYLE htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudont losson/showi2720117 lesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 oe 1079721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips ust-tuguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi27201*7?lesson_id=12346205§ion_Id=43, 5 conpinrtay Ce 6 Srauere HANGING STYLE rma 5 Ome See (MEMORANDUM STYLE htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudont losson/showi2720117 lesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 18 1079721, 826 AM ‘Code 028- Adv Tech Comm - hips us-tuguegaraa.neolms.convstudentlessonvshowi2720117lesson_jd=12346205§ion_d3 Peres Smee tons) “The fist three styles ~ Fullblock, Modified Block, and Semi-Block ~ are the modern forms of business letters. Among the three, the Ful-Block is the mast widely used form because is layouts easy'to make. Since alts parts begin atthe lft margin, the typist need not worry about the indention of parts. To a certain extent, ths advantage i ikewsse Vue forthe Modified and Semi-lock forms, There i however one disadvantage of the Ful block {orm This the lopsided or imbalanced appearance of the letter due tothe concentration and begining of al parts atthe left margin. Looking atthe Tayouts well and depencing on these crtevia for evaluating letter forms: me for typing, need for space, nature of the message, kind of ‘occasion, and the position of the write, you may conclude that some pattems are good or bad. END of LESSON 7 and REFERENCES Beracoo,€. (2091). Tecnica! Whting in tis Ere of Gobazaton and Modem Tochnaogy. Mania: Rex Book Store -Abslne. E200), tegrated Business and Technical Communication. Mana: Rex Bok Store ppt, J. 2008). Wing Business Lote. Man: Rox Bok Store onine References tos te topprcomigusestuinessconmarieation-andathcsintoo-bisbest-comunaonpinples-hsness-cnmunicton tose yourariclbrary.comusines-conmuricaon4-ypos-ofrecton-nforakconmuricain 25014 tpsitourses aman srg comanvorgenzstonsbenavrchaptrdrectons--conmuncaton’ pte aisdomjo come niveriypinples-tnaragemes-and-orgasalonl tahavau-luorak Jbldrectone o-camnuncaonsnchaarganlzaon= ‘12780 hl toxi-Dracon’i200"k20Comaunicaer%sZMow"s 20". upward 20ateral/s20hor zona), text-DonrwarZ0conmuncator%s20PvoWos%208% 20m htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms com/studont losson/showi2720117 Mlesson_|d=12346205&soction_id=49647035 oy 118121, 646 AM (Code 028- Adv Tech Comm -hipsfus-uguegaraa.neolns.comstudent_lessorVshowi2720117 lesson _id=12346207Sion | Home Code 028 Adv Tech Comm WEEK 10: Midterm A Step-by-Step Guide in the Job Application Process [A Stop-by-Step Guide tothe Job Application Process; Supporting Documents for Job Application and Des “opie: ‘and Don'ts in Job Application {Learning Outcomes: [tthe end ofthis module, you are expected to: |. Identfy the steps in jb hing process; 2 Enumerate the diferent supporting documents for job application; 5 Internalize the afferent DOs and DON'Ts in jod appleaton; and ‘6 Create an essay ofa career that you are interested in pursuing Lesson: Job Application ‘hen you'e inthe mide of, hej aplication proces can seem both mysterious ad fustalng. What shoul yu inde in a ob aplication, resume, ar cover eter? How many itervews shold you expect to paredpee I~ and haw man inerviewers willbe at each one? And lly, Mow can YoU Know when youre aporeaching te end ofthe process and a pessBle job offer? [tS easier to deal with the walting ~ and te possible anxiety — when you know how the job application process works, While every company does things @ Ite diferent, most employers use some varaton an the standard. Ths step-by-step guide wil tel ou everything you need to Know about the Job application process. [A Step-by-Step Guide to the Job Application Process » Get your Resume Ready Many companies require @ resume and a cover letter in addition to a job application, When you submit a resume with your job application, It is important ‘that your resume is well-organized and polishee. "You also want tobe sure that your resume is a match for te job you are applying for. Personalize your resume for every job application htpssust-tuguegaran.noolms.comistudent lesson/show27201177Iesson_h '2346207&soction_|d=49647042 u 1118721, 648 AM Coe 028 Ady Tech Comm -htps:/lusl-tuguegarao.neolms.comistudent_lesson'show!27201177lesson_ld=12946207Sion_id=496. © Write a Cover Letter [A cover letter is a document that explains why your sklls and experiences make a good fit for a job. This document may be required as pat ofthe job application process. IF i's optional inuding a cover letter i the best way to pitch your case for an interview, ‘Again, make sure that your cover lets tailored to the specific job listing, © Job Applications You can apply for jobs onlin, via email, o in person, No matter what job you are applying for, be sure to follow the company's specific direction for filing out the application. hitpsust-tuguegarao.nealms.com/student lasson/show'2720117 Mlesson_id=12346207&saction_jd=49647042 26 1118721, 648 AM Coe 028 Ady Tech Comm -htps:/lus-tuguegarao.neolms.comistudent_lessonishow/27201177lesson_ld=12946207i0n | © Job Application Screening Companies often use applicant tracking software (ATS) to recruit screen, bit, track, ané manage applicants for employment. Therefore, your application is likely to be screened to determine Ifyou are a match forthe job. “The software wil match up the information inthe job applications that are submited with the postion requirements for the job, Those candidates who are the closest match wil be inteviewed. © Employment Tests Employers often use pre-employment tests and other selection procedures to screen applicants for hire. The types of tests and selection procedures uilized induce alsa assessment isis, cognitive tests, personality tess, medical examinations, credit checks, and background checks, ‘Some tests are conducted as part ofthe job application proces, and others will take place further along inthe hiring process, ater the interview and prior to aod offer. hitpsust-tuguegarao.nealms.com/student lasson/showi2720117 Mlesson_id=12346207&secion_jd=49647042 1118721, 648 AM Coe 028 Ady Tech Comm -htps:/lus-tuguegarao.neolms.comistudent_lessonishow/27201177lesson_ld=12946207i0n | ° Interview Process If you are selected for an Interview, you wil be invited to tak to a recut hiring manager, or employer on the phone or in person (or both). The company ‘may conduct several interviews prior to offering the leading candidate the Jb, Some interviews are one-on-one, while ters are in small groups. © Hiring Process From the time you apply for a job until te time you accept a jb offer, you will go through 2 series of steps as you progress through the hiring process. “The ist step inthe hiring process i, of course, to apply for jobs and to get your application into contention forthe jobs you ae interested in, Depending on the organization and the job, you may apply online, email a resume and cove eter, or aply in-person. '2346207&soction_|d=49647042 htpssust-tuguegaran.noolms.comistudent lesson/show27201177Iesson_h ‘118121, 6:45 AM Code 028- Adv Tech Comm -htpslusl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson'show!2720117 lesson » Job Offers 1212346207S)0n 16436, When you receive a job offer, you're dose to the end of the process. However, you don't need to accent the Job, at least right away, If you're not sure whetner it's the best opportunity for you. 1s important to take the time to evaluate the offer carefully, so you are making an educated decison to accept, decline, or renegotiate the offer htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346207&soction_id=49647042 55 ‘11821, 6:47 AM_——_Code 028- Adv Tech Comm -htpslusl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson/show!2720117 lesson Home 1212346207S)0n 16436, Code 028 Adv Tech Comm WEEK 10: Midterm Supporting Documents for a Job Application and DOs and DO! SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR A JOB APPLICATION \’Ts in Job Application \When you're applying for a job, an employer may want more information than just a copy of your resume and cover ltte: The company may request what Is known as “supporting documentation” to complete your application, Knawing what to include ané how to include i wil help you stay In the runing for the ale, What Are Supporting Documents? Supporting documentation for 2 job application can include @ resume, a cover letter, educational transcripts, writing samples, Veterans! Preference document, portfolios, certifications @ reference Ist, letters of recommendation, and other documentation as specified in the Job posting. The information ‘thats required varies depending on the job and the employer's hiring requirements. Note: Generally, employers wil specty which documents they would Ike you to Include with your application. If at, fel free to ask the hing manager or HR representative what kind of supporting documentation to send. Be sure to fellow all thr instructions about wit to send and how to send it (For example, offical transcripts would usualy be sent directly from the scnool or institution concemed.) Why Do Employers Request Supporting Documentation? Getting supporting documentation from candidates helps companies evaluate applications, For many employers, a resume (or a resume and cover letter) provides all the information they require. Other employers need more information to determine which applicants they wil interview and eventually he, “The reason for requesting Information isto get a fll picture of you as a candidate, or to provide confirmation ofthe deals sted in your resume or ob application. For instance, requiring a transcrstas supporting documentation allows employers to confirm that you graduated, as well as your GPA, Requesting documentation can also be atest of whether or not applicants can follow instructions, Ifa job posting states that candidates must submit a list of references with their application, hiring managers can immediatly eliminate all applicants who did not submit references List of Supporting Documents Below i a Ist of supporting documents that you may need to submit along with an employment application Resume Cover Letter Reference st Letters of Recommendation Transcript Portal Wirting Sample (Essay, articles or other writing samples) Employment Certieate Certifications (e.g. Teaching or computer certifications) How to Submit Supporting Documentation Gathering up allthis information atone time, whether I's during the application process or after an intial interview, I hugely helpful to employers. It allows the hiring manager to have all the pertinent information about candidates to hand, and cuts back on follow-up emails and phone calls to request ‘more documents Bringing Documentation to a Job Interview If the company asks for supporting documentation to be brought tothe Interview, bring a photocopy of each of the requested documents with you to leave withthe hiring manager. ‘Also be sure that you have everything else you need ready to bring with you tothe interview. htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346207&soction_id=49647043 2 ‘118121, 6:47 AM_——_Code 028- Adv Tech Comm -htpslusl-tuguegarao.neolms.comistudent_lesson'show!2720117 lesson DOs and DON'Ts in Job Application 1212346207S)0n 16436, Do's 1, Prepared with what you wll need Resume, soil security card, driver’ eense, ete "Names and addresses of previous employers, as well as starting dates and salary information © Names, adéresses, and phone numbe's of references © Black and blue pens (have extras) 2, Read and follow instructions carefully Review the entire application before you begin © Be sure to write your answers on the correct lines and in the right spaces 3. Complete the application thoroughly and neatly © Print clearly ~ do not be ina rush © Think about your answers before you write them in © Keep your informaton consistent with your resume 4, Answer truthfully, but don't provide negative information © Turn “negatives” into “postves” (suchas “ob ended” instead of "got fred") Don'ts |, Dont leave blank spaces. 2. Dont be undear. Ifa question requires specific information, don't try to dodge it by being vague 2 Dont write in seit 4.As much as possible, donot use correction fui END of LESSON 10 REFERENCES ‘Abuhnca, E2001). negated Gusinees and Techni! Communicate. Mana: Rex Book Store hitpsuhwwu.thebalancecareers.comjob-application-pracess-2061600 htpsiiwwa:thebalancecareers.comidecuments-you-may-need4o-submitsvith-2job-appication-2062110 pew laurel. k12 ky. usluserles!787/Classes/50814ljobapos. pa htpssust-tuguogarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 esson_id=12346207&soction_id=49647043 22 ‘121, 647 AM (Code 028- Adv Teoh Comm -hipsifus!uguegara0.neolms.comstudent_lessonvshow'2720117?Iesson_} Home 12123462086)0n 16436, Code 028 Adv Tech Comm Week 11-12 Learning Resourees and Assessments Resume Writing/Application Letter ‘CORRESPONDENCE LEARNING MODULE Engish 1028 (Advance Tochncal Communication) nv 2020-2021 Lesson 11-12: The Application Letter and Résumés ‘Tople: The Appleton Latter and Résus Learning Outcomes: Attho ond of this modula, you are expected io Dotarmine the diferet ypes of resume and hair lorats Iaentty the mporant key points tobe considered in wring an application eter plain the importance of having an impressive resume and aplcton eter, Fotow the guidelines n wraiig a resume and appeaton le: and Wit your sample resume ard apacation leo. 2 LEARNING CONTENT Introduction we Ryjctonis. ew ep Introduction: Having a jt isnot as easy 28 you think. I's not just ke looking fora job vacancy, pass your resume and application ltr, and here comes the ob for you No, thats no the case. In the compattive world of workplace, your skis ang abies are your greatest weapon. And the fst stop and your best eke fo get htpssust-tuguegarao.noolms com/studont losson/showi2720117 esson_id=123462084soction_id=49647047 no ‘118121, 6:47 AMC 028- Adv Tech Comm -htpslusl-tuguegarao.neolns.comstudent_lesson'show!2720117 lesson jab, and impress your futura employer, sto have an impressive resume and application latter. 12123462086)0n 16436, Lesson Proper: Source: ipsam robarta conan vesura- rose wings WHAT IS A RESUME? Itis an Advortsement seling a product...YOU! (ski, experiences, and atibutes,) -Itis your fst meeting between you and the employer ~ Overall i's your FIRST STEP towards employment BASIC CONCEPTS: + Key skills are employability skis that you need forthe world of work + By developing employabilly skill, youl improve your chances of gettng ajob and thriving in your career. Top 10 Skils Employers Seek in College Graduates |, Leadership 2 Ability to workin team 3. Communication skils (writen) 4 Problem solving sks 5 Analytical skis 6. Oral communication kis 7. Flexbilty! adaptability Stang work ethies 9, Teennical skis ro. tniatve Top 10 Skills Needed for a Job in Business Administration |. Finanelal Management 2. Markotng, Sates and Customer Service 3. Oral communication and negotiation 4 Leadership 5 Project management ang planning 6 Delegation ‘weiing skis Proolem solving Time management Networking ‘+ SQETSKILLS: skils required of applicants regardiess ofthe industry they are personal altibutes and social abilites. Soft sls refer ‘o capabilities that are either naturally presentinceriain people or are developed through relations and experience more often than through official courses. Also known 35 facial sil, those ables are considered personal attrbutes which are positive for opseckers to bring toa professional situation. + HARD SKILLS are the mere tangible sklls you neato succeed ina particular job or industry. Technical and computor skis are examples of hard skills that employers lock for in recent graduate. How long do you think an employer looks at each resume? (The average employer looks at a resume between 10-15 seconds. This Is the time they decide to elthor KEEP IT or TOSS IT) TYPES OF RESUMES : Chronological + Presents your education followed by aur work experience hntpssust-tuguegarao.noolms com/studont losson/show'2720117 lesson_id=123462084soction_id=49647047 28 Code 028- Adv Teoh Comm -hipsfus!uguegaraa.neolms.comstudent_lessonvshow/2720117?lesson_id=123462086)0n 16436, + Ideal for people wth extensive experience and no gaps in work history + Shows a steady jb progression + Works weil for those obtaining @ similar postion doing similar work + Includes dates Funetional + Highlights relevant skits and accomplishments {Used wien you hava a varity of work experience + Includes skis and no dates Combottiybrid ‘+ A balance between the functional and chronological resume sive + Ithightignts your skis, folowed by a ist of relevant experiance and education + Works well or those with Ite formal experience + The most commonly used resume SECTIONS OF A RESUME: |. Header (Name; Address; Tlephone!Cell phone Number; E-mail address) 2 Objective + Introduces you tothe employer + Provides focus by toling the employer what you want + Slates clearly fo emplayer what you have to offer Note: To make it through tis step, it's essential to include in these few ines the most important skils shat candidates will bring tothe postion, making sure louse keywords from the job deseipton, a relerence to thelr relevant experience and i applcadle, ther credential Example: To apply the knowledge that have accumulate fromm the experiance and training offered in aur school to achiove advanced ski regarding new technologies applied in our industry ‘Summary of Qualifications ‘+ What makes you the best person forthe job? List the tp four a five skills & qualifeations he Include skils mentioned in the job posting applicable, Examole © Proven working experience in business administration © Excellent knowledge In sales, marketing, and Customer Service © Experionce in Financial Management © Experience in projecl management and planning 4. Skills and Atibutes In entry-level resumes, the skils section is vial. It helps lo market a candidate and allows potential employers to understand each individual profi. It ig essential to make this part of an entry-level resume because an applicant needs to highlight hishher sutabliy for the postion through hisiher olives In his section, enty-level candidates can showcase thei technical and practical skis inclusing IT programs, languages and ‘sot ski which allure ‘ore to the indiidusl character, professional manner and thei working methods. Iti also important to include Keywords rom the job descriplon and vacancy advert as well as adapt the top skis to fithe role adequately 5. Education andior Certification © Tertiary © Post-secondary (senior high) © Secondary Junior High) © Certifeates (6-9. computer programming: TESDA certfcation) « Professional Development (e.g. Workshops, seminar, trainings) In an entryevel resume the education section plays an important role as the candidate may have ite to no professional experience and thus calles ‘more heavily on thelr academic achievements Each degree, course or diploma should be separated and detailed inchvidually with corresponding names, dates, awarding bodies and grades, beginning withthe most recent and folowing a chronological order. (Reverse chronology) htpsstust-tuguogarao.neolms or sssonishow/2720117lesson_id=125462088secton_K ftudent (Code 028- Adv Teoh Comm -hipsifus!-uguegaraa.neolms.comstudent_lessonvshow/2720117?lesson_id=12346208§)0n 16436, [Aso this isthe best area to show off your academic awards and accolades that you've gained through research, investigation or patcipation in school or colege societies or through extra curteular activites, 6, Employment / Volunteer! Work Experience (summer jobs, inferships, volunteer work) Within the Work Experience section af an erty evel resume, candidates should dotal any paid or unpaid previous jobs they have held, whether full ‘or part-time, temporary or permanent contracts as well as Internships and voluntary pesitions, inécaing the dates, ole, companies and locations foreach, Adsionaly,an entry-level applicants should include in teir resume any leadership postions they have undertaken and describe the responsiiltes, achievements and improvements accomplished through ther participa, ACCOMPLISHMENT STATEMENTS © Write proof of what you have accomplished (use numbers if applicable) ‘A success story fom your past work experience © Shows how you are unique or what value you can bring HARD ACCOMPLISHMENT STATEMENT © Uses numbers, percentages and facts Eg. Managed a team of six sales associates and increased store sales by 25% forthe month of Dacember SOFT ACCOMPLISHMENT STATEMENTS © Uses words and descriptions Eg. Implemented new employee raining program that dramatically Increased productivity and morale VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Example Golden Pruss March 2017 = Present Responsibilties: Web ste design and maintenance, image editing, and content creation dune 2017 - Present Responsibilties: Web site management, newsletter and email communications with staf, volunteers, and applicants. Deleon Hospital une 2017 - March 2018 Responsibilties: Volunteering in the Maternty Unit - assisting nurses with medical dutes and dally tasks, watching over infants in the nursery, fling and chart wor, stocklng nursery Supplies, compiling necessary paperwork for patents, binging Infants to and from alent rooms and checking for correct identical, 7. References + Provides employer with background information + S4 references are enough Typos of Roferoncos: © Work — most acet job (supervisor or manager) ® Academie ~ professor o”teacner who knows if ou are capable Personal/Gharacter ~ adult whois able fo vouch for your good character and desirable personality rats Example: ALICIA. TULIRO, MBE ‘Academic Dean Scheal of Accountancy, Business and Hospitalty University of Saint Louis, Tagegarao Cry, 2500, Cagayan Valley Phone: 09171234567 ‘Your resume is your most important job search tol. It's meant fo leave a lasting impression on a prospective employer. It must be able fo highight your achievements n'a compeling and concise manner, In most cases, having the best resume often gets you hired htpsstust-tuguogarao.neolms or Code 028- Adv Teoh Comm -hipsifus!-uguegaraa.neolms.comstudent_lessonvshow/2720117?lesson_id=123462086)0n_ 16436, Tho overal objective of a resume is to provide you with the opportunity to interview for a jab. Employers are looking for people who will both ft into the cuifure of their company and bring value fo their organization, An-Example of 2 Resume: onsecrive, Tobie ajo at tesher ving hace ile he stint gird pinay fr th bei of thse in tems oft agli bj an agi Langage, SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS cel knowlege in Mos excel wor and Powe Pot Expercosin comeing sca es confer ‘gl profettoh ia Woes an pote langue, cpr Heat, emote, gourd ad eset adal, nd eager o eas new hogs. Canali a espns and EDUCATION ane? ‘ou Lady f Loud Seto AFILLIATIONS IN COLLEGIATE ORGANIZATIONS. hitpssust-tuguogarao.neolms or ‘118121, 6:47 AMC 028- Adv Tech Comm -htps/lusl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson'show!2720117 lesson CHARACTER REFERENCES 1=123462086)0n [6-496 ‘ur Lady of Lourdes High Seo Ma Mare Dating cove Taher (ur Lay of Leds ih Sel "hry ele that he above nfrmsion attr en ae Whiting Job-Application Lottors : Sauce: hos hn carrot soitone.comtnings to: Source: pst careradlet.comjob application Jeter consider bfoe-wrting-2job- ppc Altrough the job-application letter (sometimes called a cover leer) may seem obsolete, many experts agree tha itis stil important. Applicants can explain ‘more clearly Ina letter than ina résumé how their qualifications match the employer's requirements. They can explain thei professional reatonship with Someone in the employers organization or gaps in thor omnployment history, Perhaps most important, applicants can show that they can write wll [At a minimum, the cover latter serves as the applicants introduction fo the hiring manager, identifying the postion being applied for and providing an ‘overview of qualifications. The leter cant include as mary detals asthe résumé, nuit can emphasize a few key points can also include @ specie request Tor an interviow. Parts of Application Letter: |. Senders information address ofthe writer 2. side! otter adress htpsxust-tugugarao.noolms comstudent losson/show'2720117 esson_id=123462084soction_id=49647047 oe ‘118121, 6:47 AM_——_Cae 028- Adv Tech Comm -htpslusl-tuguegarao.neolms.com/student_lesson'show!2720117 lesson name of the employer, positon, company 3. Salutation known asthe groetng 4. Body -there are four basic parts Paragraph 1 entity the purpose of your letter -be speci -ellthe employer what job you want Paragraph 2 Broly deserve your professional and academic qualifications that are relevant tothe position Paragraph 3 Emphasize what you can do tothe company. Request Action - Inglcate your deste for a personal interview and that yore able to meet with the employer al their convenience. 5, Closing Finish your eter with an appropiate complimentary closing 6. Name and Signature 12123462086)0n 16436, Lnvaraty Prescot vera of Asaya0 ana Aaya Ila my hones and sneer dese to op ora escing ebm your potiiusneton htpssust-tugugarao.noolms comstudent losson/showi2720117 esson_id=123462084soction_id=49647047 18 Code 028- Adv Teoh Comm -hipsfus!uguegarao.neolms.comstudent_lessonvshow/2720117?lesson_Id=123462086)0n_ 16436, ary Rovelyn 8. Ban, gto of Bacher of Scione mn Seconday Eduction, major Eralth a Unies of Sit Lai, Tague 1 Cty ast Apa 1, 2075. | passed the For my tacheg sxpeoncs| had my fe year sching a ur Lady of Lourdes gh Schaon Kabugao ban he Jur and Senor Han Scho Dsparnant. was ab employed ‘Univer of Sant Lous Tegugeao afl le See High Sool Facuy lrba consecuve scl eas fern. response and aca ache: nm wing unsrga na saree rnin fs unharimpovement ceo pteonalinervaw al your os onvarian! ne My cat nun Respect Yous, * END of LESSON‘ REFERENCES hitpeiwwa:pe-book-search.comicommuicationtechnical-communication-12tmediton-dawmloac-ree-epubhiml retrieved; November 3, 2020 Learning Materia |, Worksheets (teacher-made) 2. Powerpoint (teacher-made) hitpssust-tuguogarao.neolms or

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