Miss. Holthus' Classroom Rules and Procedures

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Holthus’ Classroom Rules and Procedures

>Behavior Expectations:

● Be RESPECTFUL of all people and property.

● Act in a POSITIVE and MOTIVATED manner

● Come to class PREPARED to learn

● Be RESPONSIBLE for making up missed assignments.

● ADVOCATE for yourself and COMMUNICATE about needs appropriately.

● UTILIZE time wisely and come to class ready to work from the beginning of the class to
the end of class.

>Technology Procedures:
We won’t always use technology in the classroom, but when we do here are the rules:

School Chromebook Expectations:

● Only access sites that are part of the classroom instruction (all other sites should not be
accessed without permission).
● Use both hands when removing, returning, or handling the laptops.
● Make sure that you have your assigned laptop number.
● Return your laptop to the correct slot in the cart.
● Always plug in the laptop to ensure proper charging for the next user.
● Do not change any of the settings (including desktop backgrounds) to your laptop
● Do not drag files that are not your own to the trash.
● Do not empty the trash on your laptop.
● You are liable for the laptop while it is in your possession.

Cellphone Expectations
● Upon entering the classroom, students will be responsible for placing their phones in the
shoe organizer on the wall.

● Cellphones must be in silent mode.

● If it is necessary for a student to contact parents or guardians, the student must

communicate with the teacher to explain the situation at hand. If it is an absolute
emergency, the student may retrieve their phone and talk to the teacher after class.

● Students will be told at the beginning of class whether or not they can use their
cellphones for the classroom activities.
>Discussion Procedures:

We will be having daily discussions, and sometimes there will be disagreements amongst
students, and it is important to treat each other with love and respect.

Teacher Commitments, I promise…

● To treat you with respect.’
● To NEVER intentionally embarrass you.
● To value you and your opinion.
● To do all I can to make being in our classroom and having me as a teacher a fun,
valuable, and effective experience for you.
● To be available to help you if you are having problems before and after school.
● To stay positive and to NEVER give up on you.
● To prepare you to successfully transition to success in college.

Student Commitments:
● The discussion will be orderly with only one person speaking at a time.

● Students must raise their hands if they wish to speak.

● No person will denigrate (put down) another, no matter what opinion he/she expresses
there must be an understanding that class discussions will often be lively with students
having different and perhaps controversial points of view.
○ Disagreement with one’s point of view is acceptable and even encouraged.
○ Personal attacks will not be allowed.

● Share responsibility for including all voices in the conversation.

○ If you tend to have a lot to say, make sure to leave sufficient space to hear from
others. If you tend to stay quiet in group discussions, challenge yourself to
contribute so others can learn from you.

● Listen Respectfully.
○ Don’t interrupt or engage in private conversations not pertaining to the discussion
material, while others are speaking. Use attentive, courteous body language.
Comments that you make (whether asking for clarification, sharing critiques, or
expanding on a point) should reflect that you have paid attention to the previous
speakers’ comments.

● Be open to changing your perspectives based on what you learn from others.
○ Try to explore new ideas and possibilities. Think critically about the factors that
have shaped your perspectives.

● Understand that others will come to these discussions with different experiences
from yours.
○ Be careful about assumptions and generalizations you make based only on your
own experience. Be open to hearing and learning from other perspectives.

● Students must complete the discussion’s graphic organizer prior to the beginning of
the class discussion.
○ Laptops must not be used during discussions unless specified.

>Missing/Late Assignment Protocol

● It is each student's responsibility to ask for any missing assignments or makeup work due
to absences from the class. Students will be given one day for each day's excused absence
to complete missing work. All missing work will receive an incomplete.

● Late work will be accepted up to 5 days after the due date. After 5 days, students will
receive a zero. However, the assignment must still be completed.

● Tests missed due to an excused absence can be taken at a reasonable time mutually
agreed upon by teacher and student.

● Extensions for circumstances thought to be significant will be given. I reserve the right to
determine if the circumstances were sufficient (e.g., illness, family emergency, computer
died the day before the assignment was due, etc).

● If missing homework assignments become a pattern, the student will be required to meet
with me after school for a one-on-one conference to determine how to handle the

>Bathroom Passes:
● Bathroom passes will be the lanyards located at the back of the classroom by the door.
● Students must notify the teacher before leaving the classroom.

● Rule #1:
○ Only one student can be gone at a time.

● Rule #2:
○ The lanyard must be taken with you to notify other teachers that you have
permission to exit the classroom during class time.

● Rule #3:
○ Students will not be allowed to sign out during the first five minutes of class or
the last five minutes of class

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