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Area elementary
schools hosted Royal
Wedding luncheons for
students April 29,
including wedding cake,
re-enactments and
event Queen Mum. See
An edition of The Times Leader Page A8.

Clarks Summit, Pa. Serving the Greater Abington Community since 1947 MAY 4 TO MAY 10, 2011 50¢


School Board
candidates speak
Abington Journal Reporter feels this experi-
Protestors against natural gas Gregory C. Madensky and ence will be an
drilling assemble prior to an Eric M. Weinberg have both asset to him if
area meeting. See Page A5.
thrown their hat in the ring for elected.
the open Region 3 seat on the “These are
Abington Heights School Board difficult economic times for
SCRANTON Gregory C. Madensky everyone,” Madensky wrote.
After attending several school “We must reduce spending,
An evening with Oscar Levant board budget meetings and particularly our contractual
reading about financial chal- obligations. If elected, I believe
lenges facing all Pennsylvania my financial and industrial
schools, Madensky said he felt background will enable me to
compelled to be part of the help steer our school district
solution and decided to run for through these difficult times.”
the South Eric Weinberg
Abington Twp. As a father of two school
seat on the children attending the Abington
Abington Heights schools, Weinberg said
ETC presents ’At Wit’s End,’ Heights School he has a vested interest to make
starting May 4. See Page A9. Board. sure his children, and all the
Madensky children of Abington Heights,
holds a receive the best
Madensky M.B.A. in education pos-
CLARKS SUMMIT finance from sible. “My ob-
the University of Scranton and a jectives are
Support for schools B.S. in mechanical engineering simple: Main-
from Penn State University. He tain the quality
also has more than 25 years of of education
operational experience as a top students receive
manager with multi-internation- Weinberg in our district
ABINGTON JOURNAL/JOAN MEAD-MATSUI al consumer electronics compa- and continue to

tudents enrolled in Keystone College Instructor Phileshia Dombroski’s class, nies and a non-woven manu- improve it; control our costs
“Organizational Aspects of Community Recreation” at Keystone College, La facturing facility. See School, Page 5
Plume, had the opportunity to tour the Abington Area Community Park located

Nine vie for

on state route 307 at the intersection of Winola Road and West Grove Street in S.
Abington Township, April 26, according to Diane Vietz, Abington Area Joint Recre-
Abington Heights Educational ation Board. Dombroski said, “Nothing can replace visiting a playground that does
Improvement Organization meet current ADA requirements and provides play places for not just the person with
hosts awards. See Page C3. the disability, but the whole family. ” Shown, Jeffrey Bobich, a Keystone College stu-

C.S. council
dent, on one of the sliding boards at the Abington Area Community Park. Find out
more about an upcoming park fundraiser on Page A5.

From mom,
Best of the best
BY SHAUNA MCNALLY I am most proud of is securing
Abington Journal Reporter medical insurance coverage for
In the primary race for four borough employees. The bor-
open Clarks Summit Borough ough was able to provide its

with love
Council seats, two Republicans employees with the same cov-
who have previously served, erage, but at a much reduced
Robert A. Bennett and Don rate.”
Moyer are running against three Todd Dixon
political newcomers: Todd As a lifetime resident of The
Abington Journal presented
Dixon, David Jenkins and Jo- Abingtons, and a Clarks Sum-
Readers Choice Awards April seph Sadowski. Kathy Drake, mit business owner, Todd Dix-
BY ABINGTON JOURNAL STAFF through her own actions or David Dzurec, Herman Johnson on said he wants the best for this
29. See Page C4 for photos.
Most people, no matter her guidance to you. and Patty Lawler are all running town. He stated, “The borough
their age, realize the impor- In honor of Mother’s Day, as Democratic candidates for is a business and
tance of their mother, or the May 8, and in tribute to moms
INSIDE prominent maternal figure in everywhere, The Abington
the positions.
Robert A.
needs to be run
more like one.
their lives. Maybe she taught Journal invited a few mem- Marie Fitzgerald with her daugh- Bennett No borough
ArtsEtc. ............................A9 you to pitch a baseball or to bers of the community to ter, Gerrie Carey, circa 1965. Robert Ben- should be al-
Calendar...........................A2 drive a car. She might have share the best advice they nett served on lowed to spend
Classified ...........................B1 shared her secret recipe for received from their mothers. Mom: Marie Fitzgerald the council for taxpayers’ mon-
cake frosting or carted you to Also, we included the moms Best advice: “When you’re a year and a ey on items or
Crosswords.......................A7 piano lesson every week for of our staff members as well. independent, you’re not de-
Obituaries.........................C3 half previously. Dixon services that
years. More importantly, she Gerrie Carey, Clarks pendent; when you’re depend- He said,
School ........................A8, C3 most likely helped mold the Summit Borough Council Bennett “The one thing See Council, Page 5
Sports ...............................C1 person you are today, whether President See Mom, Page 4

Changing landscape of Clarks Summit

and mail to The Abington Journal, 211 S. State St,, Clarks Summit, PA, 18411

BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI State Street on Routes 6 and11. the garden center, locals con-
Abington Journal Correspondent According to Bernie Palazzi’s stantly coming and going, catch-
Please enclose this label with any address changes,

CLARKS SUMMIT- When the daughter, Lynne Palazzi, who ing up on news and gossip. ”
The Abington Journal

movie “The Godfather” was resides in Irvington, N.Y., “I The Clarks Summit location
released, the late Bernie Palazzi, worked at the garden center of Palazzi Garden Center grew
manager of Palazzi Garden most weekends, ringing up out of an existing garden center
Center put out his road sign customers, pricing the merchan- in Dunmore started by the late
which read: “Lawn giving you dise, carrying flats of flowers to Augusto Palazzi who emigrated
trouble? Come in and see the cars. To this day, the smell of from Fano, Italy and settled in
sodfather- he’ll make it an offer peat moss is oddly comforting to New London, Conn. in1908,
it can’t refuse.” me.” where he worked as an iron Palazzi Garden Center, formerly located on North State Street .
In1962, Palazzi became the She added, “Like many small- molder and a part-time gardener. and while working full -time for Gardening.
manager of Palazzi Garden town family-run businesses, Augusto Palazzi and his family a landscaping business, Augusto Augusto Palazzi’s sons, Lou
Center, formerly located on N. there was a huge social aspect to relocated to Dunmore in1921 established Palazzi Landscape See Landscape, Page 4

May 4, 1967 - Farmers were reminded that May 5, 1966 - On May 8, 1966, Dr. May 5, 1966 - Agway of May 6, 1965 - The Abington Journal reported that six mem-
May 1 was the loan maturity date for price Kurt Knonietzko of Philadelphia Clarks Summit adver- bers of the Abington Heights field hockey and basketball
support loans on 1966 crops of wheat, bar- was scheduled to present “Rational tised Preplanted Potted teams accompanied physical education instructor Miss Kris
ley, oats and rye. Ira LaCoe, Clarks Summit, Living or How Not to Make Your Hybrid Tea Roses for Hansen to Lake Placid, New York for a three-day weekend
was chairman of the Agricultural Stabiliza- Child Neurotic,” to the Abington $1.75 during “Mother’s April 30. The girls ice skated on the Olympic Arena, visited
tion and Conservation County Committee. Woman’s Club in Clarks Summit. Day Weekend Only.” the Master Ski Jump and swam in the Golden Arrow Pool.

PAGE 2A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

The Abington Heights
They are providing their
children with all the essen-
REMINDERS school board should not tial necessities that are their
Overeaters Anonymous meet- eliminate programs that will duty to provide.
ings, First Presbyterian Church, hurt our children. The school district is here
201 Stone Ave., Clarks Summit, While I understand that for one reason: to educate
weekly, Mon. and Wed., 7 p.m.; the district faces a very dif- our children. There is noth-
Tue. and Thu., 9:30 a.m. and ficult budgetary situation, I ing more essential that this
Sun., 4 p.m. Info: 587.4313. ask that budget cuts be made district can provide. As such,
in nonessential areas that when faced with the choice
May 4: Mustache May, Bene- will not affect the quality of of making difficult adminis-
fits Lupus Foundation. Growers the education that we pro- trative cuts or eliminating
will recruit volunteers and seek vide to the children of the computer teachers, we
donations . Info: www.first- Abington Heights School should choose to teach our and type in Mustache District. children how to use the com-
May.‘Meet the Candidates The school board must puter. When faced with fill-
Night’ at Shadowbrook Resort, look at the administrative ing an administrative posi-
starting at 6:30 p.m. Candidates budget of the district before tion or taking away our chil-
will have up to one minute to
it looks toward cutting mon- dren’s librarians, we should
make opening remarks about Shown, from left: Leah Rudolph of the Abington Community Library and Sara Grande of Euro
why they want to be County
eys allocated to academics. ensure that our libraries have
Cafe will host ABPA speed networking event at the library May 26. Just as families throughout librarians to teach our chil-
Commissioner, then given an
opportunity to respond to ques- the district have personally dren how to do research.
tions submitted by those in at-
tendance. Cost: free. Info:
ABPA hosts speed networking, mixer made cuts in their own bud-
gets, the district must make
When faced with spending
nearly a quarter of a million
836.7755 or 836.2123. cuts in its. For the last sever- dollars on two coordinator
Great Chefs XXI: 5:30 p.m., The Abington Business and Professional Association will be holding its annual speed network- al years, families have cut positions and an athletic
Radisson Hotel at Lackawanna ing event May 26 at the Abington Community Library. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will the nonessential parts of director or eliminating es-
Station, 700 Lackawanna Ave. in also feature a complimentary continental breakfast courtesy of Euro Cafe. The cost of the event is their budget: they are eating sential programs for our
Scranton. Fundraiser for Wom- $10 for ABPA members and $15 for non-members. Space is limited to the first 40 paid reserva- out less; they are canceling most vulnerable children,
en’s Resource Center. It is a cake tions. All participants will be called at random order and given two minutes to introduce them- their cable service; they are such as transitional first
decorating contest by best bakers selves and describe their business or ser- going to less sporting events, grade, we should provide for
in NEPA. Info: 346.4460. vice to the other attendees. concerts and movies. But at our children. The education
South Scranton Lions Club Participants are also welcome to bring
the end of the day, they are of our children must be our
annual pasta dinner at Dante marketing materials and giveaways along
not feeding their children number one priority.
Club on Prospect Ave from 5 to 7 with their business cards. For details, con-
tact the ABPA at 570.587.9045 or LauraAB- less food or sending them to Tom Brogan
p.m. Cost: Adults $8.50, Chil- school without clean clothes. South Abington Twp.
dren $4, under 7 free. Call
342.5390 for tickets. Bring un- The Abington Business Professionals
Association Men in Black Finale and Mem- Editor, academic excellence that is a
wanted eyeglasses or nonperish-
bership Mixer will be held May 17, from In the Abington Heights hallmark of Abington Heights
able goods for donation.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Patsel’s in Clarks School District we have two at while maintaining fiscal re-
Family Ministry Bereavement
Support Group, in the Parish Summit. Each association member is en- large seats open and at least sponsibility.
Center at 10 a.m. Also one on couraged to bring one non-member. There three candidates to fill them. As a registered Independent
May 15 at 2 p.m. Call Nettie at will be complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a The candidates are: I have no ties to either politi-
Rosemary Nye, ABPA President, Dan Santaniello, cash bar. Reservations are required and Tom Brogan, a retired dis- cal party and cannot even vote
586.1741 for details. Bereave- Fidelity Bank and April Loposky, Marley’s Mis-
ment support for parents call Sue can be made by calling 570.587-9045 or trict teacher who was, until in the primary. However I do
sion Founder, Director. e-mailing by May 14. the filing of his nominating believe those who can, should
at 586.2162.
NEPA 101, at Greater Carbon- petitions, a co-chair of the have as full and understanding
dale Chamber of Commerce, 27 union’s grievance committee. of the candidates who will be
N. Main St., Carbondale from Mike Fleming and Frank nominated and possibly, for
8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Info: 282.1690 annual spring cleanup. Contin- Clarks Summit beginning at 6 in the parking lot of the Alliance Santoriello, who are running all intents and purposes elect-
Breakfast Seminar ‘Communi- ues May 7. Residents are asked p.m. Open to everyone, bring Community Center located at as a team. ed on May 17.
cating Effectively in the Work- to place clean-up items curbside item for auction. Info: 587.3206 . 360 S. Keyser Avenue, Taylor. Fleming and Santoriello David Kveragas
place,’ hosted by University of for pickup by 5 a.m. May 6. Spring Rummage Sale, at Info:contact have no political agenda, and Newton
Scranton Women’s Business Metals must be kept separate Dalton United Methodist Church RiverFest 2011, hosted by The are seeking to maintain the
Center and Small Business De- from other items. Items that will from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The sale Lackawanna River Corridor
velopment Center. At the uni- not be picked up include: Regu- continues on May 7 from 8 a.m. Association (LRCA). Regis-
versity from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Cost: lar household trash, recyclables, to noon with bags available for tration opens at 8 a.m. Launch- Editor: his tuition costs, contrib-
$20. Info: 941.7588 or e-mail grass or leaves, non-compactable $2.00 and $3.00. Donation drop ing begins at 10 a.m. Register: Union official seeks uted to his pension and items such as brick, block and off days are May 4 and 5, from 9 Rental regis- school board seat. Tom paid for a health care plan.
concrete, cast iron, auto parts, a.m. to 7 p.m. trations must be completed and Brogan the retired middle Today, Mr. Brogan is re-
May 5: Agave Cantina and tires, batteries, motor oil or lubri- First Trail Rotary Club Chess received by the LRCA no later school teacher and former tired and enjoying the ben-
Tequila Bar grand opening and cants, paint, paint thinners or Club meeting, from 3:30 to 5:30 than May 4 for people who are Grievance Committee efits of the taxpayer fund-
ribbon cutting beginning at 5 turpentine, pesticides, hazardous, p.m. Info: Don Demarest at renting canoes or kayaks. Volun- Chairman for the Abington ed pension and the same
p.m. at Agave Cantina and Te- noxious, caustic, or acid chem- or 687.3711 teers needed. Info: 347.6311 Heights teachers’ union is health care plan. Now, he
quila Bar, 223 Northern Blvd. icals, asbestos, metal drums, Breakfast, Business, and Bugs, running for an at-large wants a seat on the very
Chinchilla. propane tanks, oil/gas containing May 7: Griffin Pond Animal at Penn State Worthington, 120 Abington Heights school board that must negotiate
Cinqo de Mayo day, at Moe’s items, explosives of any type Shelter volunteer meeting, 11 Ridge View Drive, Dunmore. director position in the with his union brothers and
Mexican Restaurant, Rt 6 &11, including gun loading materials. a.m. at the Lackawanna Junior Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. May primary election. As a sisters. Does that seem like
Clarks Summit at 6 p.m. Contact Refrigerators/freezers/air condi- College, 501 Vine Street, Scran- Event 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Info: civics teacher, Mr. Brogan a conflict of interest to
Janine L. Port at 570.586.2619 tioners must be certified Freon ton. 963.6842 . must know that voters elect you?
and Dennis Martin at free with a tag containing the The Lackawanna Astrono- 14th Annual Walk for Mental school directors to serve When I confronted him
570.586.2599. technicians ID number and dat- mical Society hosts an Astrono- Health Awareness, at Schimelfe- the best interests of par- about his lack of transpar-
Dalton Fire Co. Ladies Auxil- ed. my Day event at 7 p.m. at Keys- nig pavilion in Nay Aug Park in ents, their children, and the ency in a public meeting,
iary will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the The Commonwealth Medical tone College’s Thomas, G. Cu- Scranton at 10:30 a.m. Hosted by taxpayers of the district. he was quite proud of his
Dalton Fire Hall. College will host Visit Day, for pillari Observatory, Fleetville. Scranton Chapter of the National Teachers’ union officials record as Grievance Com-
United Methodist Women of those interested in the Masters of Cost: Free. Alliance on Mental Illness. Cost: are elected by their union mittee Chairman for the
the Clarks Green United Metho- Biomedical Sciences (MBS) Lackawanna County Spring Free. Info: 342.1047
members to represent past 20 years. Think back
dist Church Spring Rummage program from 4 to 7 p.m. at Fishing derby 11 a.m. to 3:30
union interests. Whose and recall what happened
sale, at the Church, 119 Glenburn Lackawanna College in Scran- p.m. at McDade Park. Cost $5. May 9
ton. Info: Registration forms are available
interests do you think Mr. during the last 20 years of
Road, Clarks Green in the Fel- : St. Joseph’s Senior
lowship Hall from 9 a.m. to 2 Factoryville Shade Tree Com- at McDade Park or at www.lack- Brogan will he serve as we contract negotiations with
Social Club Bus Trip to Holly-
p.m. and May 6 from 8:30 a.m. mission meeting, at 2 p.m. at 161 Info: wood Casino. Cost: $23 with a approach a new contract the teachers’ union. Re-
to 11 a.m. College Ave., Factoryville Bor- 963.6764. $25 rebate and $5 off the buffet. with our teachers in the member? This May 17 is
May meeting of the Abington ough Bldg. The University of Scranton’s One rider will win $100. coming months? Can he do primary election day.
Council of Governments, in Countryside Community Students in Free Enterprise Joseph W. Hall Memorial this? It certainly defies Choose wisely.
Clarks Green Borough Bldg. at Church Warm Hugs Outreach, (SIFE) team and Waste Manage- Auxiliary meeting, at the Clarks common sense. Ken Heron
7:30 p.m. held in the fellowship hall of ment’s Alliance Landfill will Summit Fire Co. at 7 p.m. New For 30 years the tax- Abington Heights School
Countryside Community Church present a community electronics members welcome. Info: There- payers paid Mr. Brogan’s Director
May 6: Glenburn Township at 14001 Church Hill Road, recycling event: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. sa 654.2967. teacher’s salary, reimbursed Clarks Summit

A.H. to host fair COVERAGE AREA: The Abington Journal, a weekly community newspaper ISSN. NO. 1931-8871, VOL. 85, ISSUE NO. 18

A Health and Wellness fair THE ABINGTON that is part of the Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company in Wilkes-Barre, PA, covers POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Abington Journal, 211 South

the “Abingtons” area of Lackawanna and Wyoming counties. This includes but State St., Clarks Summit, PA 18411.
will be held May 13, from 10 is not limited to Clarks Summit, Clarks Green, South Abington, Newton, Ran- ©COPYRIGHT 2009: Entire contents copyrighted. All rights reserved. No
som, Glenburn, Dalton, La Plume, Factoryville, Waverly, Tunkhannock and the part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the express
a.m. until 2 p.m. at Abington Abington Heights, Lackawanna Trail and Lakeland school districts. written consent of the publisher.
Heights High School, for Our circulation hovers between 2,000 and 3,000 readers. We try to get to as
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Men’s Haircut, is Stephen J


Blocks help
playground Trees topic
Abington Journal Correspondent
WAVERLY - Children and
young adults ages five to16 are
in borough
encouraged to break out their BY SHAUNA MCNALLY
building bricks for the Waverly Abington Journal Reporter
Community House’s LEGO CLARKS SUMMIT - The Clarks Summit Borough
Building Contest. The contest Council meeting April 26 began with a moment of
was conceived of to raise funds silence for former council member, Ray Davis, who
for The Comm’s Playground died April 24.
Project, while encouraging Warren Watkins was on hand to discuss cutting trees
imagination and creativity. at The Abington Senior Center for safety reasons. He
Contest age divisions are 5-8, ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN said the trees were planted too close together, and now
9-12 and13-16. Contestants may they are blocking the view of the senior center.

submit only one piece, created Clarks Summit Borough Council member Herman Johnson, shown above, “They also cause problems with lighting because
of their own LEGO building was on hand for the ground breaking of the new Abington Area Veterans they’re so huge that they block the front … and they’ve
materials, to be judged. En- Memorial Monument April 29. Johnson said, “This is something that we’ve just gotten way out of hand,” said Watkins
trants, working alone, must needed in the borough for a long time, a Veterans Monument to celebrate all Council Member Herman Johnson said that he wor-
build an original creation of
their own design, and not simply
complete a design kit. Rules
stipulate that only LEGO brand
deep of our veterans in the Abington area that sacrificed their life during war time,
and the people that assisted on the home front too.” Planning began two years
ago. Despite delays, Johnson said he is confident the monument will be com-
pleted by target date May 28. The monument is proposed to be 6 feet in
ries one of the trees will fall on the Center and causing
significant damage.
Council , is seeking a professional for the job.
The creation of a new Knox Box ordinance was
building pieces may be used, height, located across from First National Bank on North State Street. discussed. Borough Manager Virginia Kehoe has
along with any glues or ad- described a Knox Box at previous meetings as a box
hesives and supportive plat- located outside of businesses which, in case of an
forms necessary. The theme emergency, can be opened by a communications cen-
may be anything the child or ter. The council wants Knox Boxes to be optional.

Secrets of service, sauce

young adult wishes. The com- However, Council Member Pat Williams suggested
pleted pieces must not exceed that there should be stipulations for businesses that opt
dimensions of18 by18 by18 in.
inches, and must arrive at The Council President Gerrie Carey asked, “Do we have
Comm fully assembled May18, to actually go through with an ordinance if it’s option-
where they will be displayed BY RAFAEL PIMENTEL and Abington Little League. scale. Pagnani listed several al? If someone wants a Knox Box on the property of
between10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Abington Journal Correspondent “The rotary raises money and local organizations the Rotary the business, can’t they just get it?”
The public is invited to vote in CLARKS SUMMIT - “It’s a gives it away,” said Pagnani. has helped, as well as some Carey is concerned about liability issues. Solicitor
a special Viewer’s Choice cate- great way to help the communi- “The pasta dinner does very larger scale projects. Pat Rogan is going to report back on the liability at the
gory, while a panel of jurors will ty. Eating is a good way to do well, and it’s always better than “We’ve set up scholarships for next council meeting.
select winners from each age anything,” said Joe Pagnani, year before. It’s one of the larger Abington Heights students going The council discussed passing an ordinance banning
division in the following cate- chairperson for the Abington pasta dinners in the area. The into college, supported Boy bath salts in Clarks Summit. Borough Manager, Vir-
gories: Most Creative/Original Heights Rotary Club’s pasta food is great and all of the sauce Scout troops, set up a radio sys- ginia Kehoe said, “With an ordinance banning it, if the
Design, Most Complex Design dinner. is homemade.” tem and tower for area police police pull someone over to give them a ticket, and see
and Most Colorful Design. “The The Rotary Club of the Schiavone and son will make and the after-school program at it sitting there on the seat, it gives them probable cause
entries will be judged by a secret Abingtons will hold its annual their homemade sauce at the Abington Heights Middle to then do a search.”Council decided that Kehoe is
panel, just like our coffee cake pasta dinner from 12:30 to 5 dinner. Although both Schia- School,” said Pagnani. “We’ve going to prepare a draft for member review.
competition,” said Comm Exec- p.m. May 15, at the Abington vones no longer cook profes- helped out with local parks and Council is currently seeking two temporary mem-
utive Director Maria Wilson. Heights High School cafeteria in sionally, they still help with the trails and we maintain part of bers for the Sewer Authority; one may turn become
“Winners will be revealed at our Clarks Summit. Takeout will dinner, cooking all day. Chef Route 6-11. We are responsible permanent. Council is going to interview for the posi-
Annual Meeting, to be held that also be available. Tickets are Schiavone, a retired chef of local for the flower pots along State tions. Candidates should have strong financial and/or
evening at 6 p.m.” available from any Abington fame will make sauce for 13 Street, fireworks on the Fourth engineering background. Those interested are asked to
The required $7 entry fee will Rotarian, Marley’s Mission or hours, according to Pagnani. His of July at the middle school, and contact Clarks Summit Borough Council.
benefit The Comm’s Play- Abington Little League mem- son Sam has worked with his we gave dictionaries to every Bids were discussed by council as part of the work
ground Project. “The ground- bers or by calling 570.947.2705. dad from a very young age, and third grader, public or private. that council is doing through the Sewer Authority for
breaking for the Playground The price is $8 for adults and $4 although he’s a successful bro- We are the largest donators to Department of Environmental Protection. They have a
Project is August 24, said Wil- for children under 12. ker, he still has a passion for Salvation Army.” 10-year goal they are working toward evaluating and
son. “And we couldn’t be more The dinner will consist of the cooking. Pagnani added, “We’ve also upgrading the sewer system; the first phase for this
excited. It’s very well organized. meatballs, which Pagnani raved Pagnani said this year the funded a water well in Kenya year is to clean, smoke test and have manhole inspec-
We have many volunteers but about, as well as Chef Joseph Rotary is donating to all youth- and the Rotary is the only ser- tions on almost1,200 feet of sewer main.
we’re still looking for more. We Schiavone and son Sal’s home- oriented organizations. vice to help eradicate a disease- Kehoe said the bids came in much better than ex-
need people to do everything made special recipe sauce. There “We are putting together a polio. The Rotary helped distrib- pected. The low bid was $17,631, and the high bid was
from swinging a hammer to will also be salad, dessert and scholarship at the DePaul ute Faulk’s vaccine. Our next big $24,995. The company needs to be NASCO certified
serving food.” beverages. Dinners will be School, an organization that project is to provide pure water within ten days of the bid being awarded.
The official contest entry served by Rotarians and Little helps students with dyslexia for the whole world. Everything CareGivers America is requesting to demolish the
form and details on both the League and Marley’s Mission assimilate back into the school we do and raise goes to benefit residential home they own next to their building and
Lego Building Contest and the member. All proceeds made program.” people in need. Rotarians are put in another building. The planning commission set
Playground Project are available from the dinner will benefit area The Rotary Club has been very generous in this area, with the recommendation. Council has until June to vote.
at and youth programs in the Abing- very active in both the local both their money and their time The Clarks Summit Borough Council will meet May
by calling 570.586.8191. tons, as well as Marley’s Mission community and on a global and services.” 4 at 7 p.m.

Ready, set… REEL

Ashley Blasi,
left, puts a
purple streak
in Elizabeth
Pattaras’ hair
as a way to
show support
for the Amer-
Dalton Derby set for May 22 volunteers help during the event, assist-
ing the children with everything from
baiting their hooks to measuring their
ican Cancer BY ANTONIA CASTRO trophies, all of which are supplied by fish.
Society at the Abington Journal Correspondent Superior Trophy and Engraving in The McGraths purchase the fishing
2010 event. DALTON – Eight years ago, Dalton Scranton. The overall winner is award- poles for the event and order fish from
ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO resident Bill Montgomery and Dalton ed a trophy plus $100. A number of Beaver Kill Trout Hatchery near Tunk-
business owner Joe McGrath of local businesses donate refreshments, hannock to stock Ackerly Creek for the

16 hours of activity
McGrath’s Pub and Eatery started prizes or their time to the cause. Re- derby.
thinking of a way to give the children of freshments are donated by businesses “When you see an 8-year-old catch a
the community something fun to do. all across the area: Dalton Country 15- inch trout, and his eyes become as
BY ANTONIA CASTRO will be held in addition to They decided a fishing derby was the Store, Schiff’s in Dickson City, wide as saucers, it’s all worth it,” said
Abington Journal Correspondent fingernail and face painting. answer. Since then, the Dalton Fishing McGrath’s Pub and Eatery, Mayur Patel McGrath.
CLARKS SUMMIT - Abing- Beautiful Lengths will be in Derby has become an exciting way for of Dalton Pharmacy and Mid-Valley For information about the fishing
ton Heights High School will attendance to cut hair for do- families from as far away as Tunk- Beverage, Gander Mountain in Dickson derby at Dalton Streamside Park at
hold its annual Relay for Life nations in order to make wigs hannock and Scranton to participate in City, Farmland Dairies and Cookies. Ackerly Creek on May 22, call
June 4 and 5 in support of for those who have lost their this outdoor activity. The first fishing McGrath said that approximately 25 570.563.2668.
cancer awareness. Each year hair to chemotherapy. derby attracted approximately 65 chil-
the school hosts a Relay for A DJ will participate all dren and raised about $1,000, according
Life event on its track to raise night with a 1 a.m. dance and to McGrath. He said that dollar amount
awareness and offer support 3 a.m. cross-dressing contest. doubled the following year.
for those suffering from can- On May 22, the eighth annual Dalton
cer, their families and survi- What: 2011 Relay for Life of Fishing Derby will be hosted at Dalton
vors. the Abingtons. Relay for Life is Streamside Park at Ackerly Creek.
“There are 10 subcommit- an overnight event to help Registration will begin at 11 a. m. and
tees and each team has two raise money for cancer fishing from noon to 3 p.m. Children 15
chaperones,” said Chrissy research. All donations benefit and under are able to participate in
Krut, co-chair for this year’s The American Cancer Society. catching the biggest fish.
Relay, about the teams partici- All donations benefit The The concept of the derby is basic:
pating. American Cancer Society. Children 15 and under compete by
This year’s theme, “Relay There are several teams trying to catch the biggest fish.
around the World in 16 formed and members take McGrath said he has the creek stocked
Hours,” will consist of Zum- turns walking the high school with approximately 400 fish, many of
ba, a Latin-inspired fitness track at all times. which are in the 15- to 20-inch range or
dance program that blends When: June 4 to 5, 2011 larger. Fish are measured by the official
music and dance steps to cre- Where: Abington Heights High “fish measurer,” Tom Davis, who
ate a workout. There will also School track. serves as derby president.
be a frozen T-shirt contest, Info: Visit Three trophies are given out for three ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
which is an event where par- to separate age groups for a total of nine Attendees at the 2009 Dalton Fishing Derby.
ticipants wear ice-cold soaked start a team or call
T-shirts in order to raise mon- 1.800.ACS.2345
ey. A game of capture the flag

PAGE 4A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011


BBQ for park

Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1
Sr. and Bernie remained active in the
ent, you’re not independent.” business, carrying on the family tradi-
tion of gardening and landscaping ser-
Herman Johnson, Clarks vices.
Summit Borough Council BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI most part don’t have access to that According to Lou Palazzi Jr., son of
Member/EMA Director Abington Journal Correspondent funding, so we have to be very dili- Lou Palazzi Sr., who currently operates
Mom: Livey Johnson Best CLARKS SUMMIT - Those who gent to fund those special needs.” Palazzi Landscape Gardening, “Lou
Advice: “Always give elders Clockwise, from top left: Dalton, visited the Abington Area Communi- He added “We have received grant Palazzi, Sr. “retired” from teaching after
respect and respect your veter- Shu, Sylvan and Penn Qiu. ty Park recently, located on state support from Lackawanna County eight years to help his father, Augusto,
ans.” Herman Johnson said, route 307 at the intersection of Wino- Commissioners Corey O’Brien and with the overflow of landscaping and
“That’s why I went into the la Road and West Grove Street in S. Mike Washo, and from our state retail at the Dunmore store.”
service at an early age, because Abington Township and bordered by reps. For this next phase, we need to Lou Palazzi Jr. added, “…After a
I had so much respect for them.” the Clarks Summit State Hospital raise some additional local dollars six-month search, the property on Route
and the Scranton Country Club, may and State Street Grill has graciously 6 was rented and renovated and in
Laura Ancherani, Abington have noticed some additions to the offered to sponsor and host the BBQ early1962 it was opened. It was an im-
Business and Professional park. These include a new pavilion, as a means to raise additional money mediate success and business grew so
Association Executive Direc- park benches, a handicapped -acces- from actual residents and park us- fast in both retail and landscaping that
tor sible playground and restroom facil- ers.” Lou’s younger brother, Bernie Palazzi,
Mom: Leslie Gleason ities. The 100-acre park is managed by became the manager very soon after the
From a very early age my State Street Grill, 114 S. State St., the Abington Area Joint Recreation opening. His family relocated to Clarks
mom has always instilled in me Migdalia and Rafael Pimentel is sponsoring a Kick-Off Summer Board, “a non-profit, intergovern- Summit from Dunmore soon after and
to be myself no matter what. BBQ May 24, from 5:30 to 7:30 mental agency” which is “comprised they did the majority of work in running
Don’t do what others are doing p.m., to benefit the park. Tickets are of representatives from five munici- the retail aspects of the large Clarks
just to go with the crowd be $20 and include an assortment of palities: Clarks Green and Clarks Summit enterprise while Lou Sr. con-
yourself and trust your judg- grilled food, salads, a complimentary Summit boroughs, Glenburn, South centrated on the landscaping. Augusto
ment on things. The hardest part drink and a ticket for a raffle basket. Abington and Waverly townships.” worked as a consultant for both until his
of that for me was that everyone The proceeds will be used to match Park amenities include the Abing- death in late1964.”
doesn’t always drum to their grant dollars for part of an ongoing ton Community Garden, Boundless In1968, the property was purchased
own beat. But my mom always project to create handicapped park- Playground, Abington Dog Park, and significant improvements were
told me that I would be a better ing and the pathways between the public fishing at the handicapped made in order to improve the store with a
person for it in the long run and parking area, the handicapped- ac- -accessible fishing piers, walking rear addition and a new front with a
it is certainly true. cessible playground and restrooms in trails, picnic tables and a pavilion. paved parking lot.
the upper level of the park. Abington Area Community Park is During the Christmas season, Bernie
Dalton, Penn and Sylvan T’Shaiya and Dianne Stephenson. According to Bill Risse, Chairman also home to the Abington Youth Palazzi kept a list of customers’ Christ-
Qiu, Dalton of the Abington Area Joint Recre- Soccer League, the Abington Soccer mas tree preferences. Lynne Palazzi said,
Mom: Shu Qiu, Dalton Com- ation Board, “The project is part of Travel League and the Abington “The guys who worked for us would
munity Library Director the scope of work from a long- term Area Girls’ Softball League. deliver the trees and even put them in the
Dalton and Penn said the best planning document and community Clarks Green resident and the stand if the customer didn’t have anyone
advice their mom gave was participation from five years ago that Community Organizer for the North- else to do it. ”
“good, better and best.” Dalton set us on a path for upgrades and east PA Center for Independent Liv- Throughout the history of the Clarks
said he always sets his goal diversification of features of the park ing Keith Williams is a wheelchair Summit location, Bernie Palazzi hired
higher because of his mom’s to include more user groups in addi- user and has been physically disabled Abington Heights high school students,
encouragement and Penn tional to sports teams.” since birth. He said, “The park will and particularly football players. He was
agreed 100 percent. Risse added, “We don’t really have open new opportunities for area resi- credited with using his lighted road sign
the funding available to put those dents with disabilities. It will enable as a means to congratulate local teams.
Rafael Pimentel, Abington features in place in one big step. As a families who have members with Bernie Palazzi’s wife, Vivian said,
Journal Intern Gloria Grier and Kristie Grier Ceru-
ti. result, we are left to cobble together disabilities to enjoy the outdoors and “…He (Bernie) kept things going and
Mom: Migdalia PimentelAd- funding to pay for some of the things socialize with our non-disabled served his customers with respect. When
vice: Do what’s going to make that are really important to the park, friends. Although no such park exist- our football team won the champion-
you happy and always try your including handicapped accessible ed when I was younger, I eagerly ship, I can’t remember the year; he hung
best. features that the public expects to anticipate many visits in the future.” a huge banner outside of the store to
find for the elderly and physically Ticket for the Kick-off will be congratulate the boys."
Christy Clarke, Abington challenged. If you live in many parts available at the Clarks Green Bor- In late1985, due to declining health,
Journal Photographer of the county, local municipalities ough Building, 104 N. Abington Rd., Lou Sr. closed the Clarks Summit store
Mom: Alice Semon have access to state and federal Clarks Green, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mon- and sold the property to the Chermak
Best Advice: Everything I grants specifically for elderly and day to Friday, from May 3 to 19. For family. He continued to operate the busi-
needed to know about being a handicapped improvement project. more information regarding the ness in Dunmore until1987.
mom I learned from my mother: Mom Rose Ann with son Don Our Abington communities for the event, email Lou Palazzi Jr. carries on the tradition
be honest even when the truth McGlynn.
that began in1921and is celebrating his
might hurt, be brave even when family’s 90th year in business.
you’re scared, show compassion
even when you’re angry, love
unconditionally, and live like
there’s no tomorrow. Above all

else live your life in a way that
you can hold your head high
and be proud of who you are.

T’Shaiya Stephenson, Shauna McNally with mom Patri-

Abington Journal Account cia McNally.
Mom: Dianne Stephenson.
Best Advice: “Always follow
your dreams. You can do any-
thing you set your mind to.” • Power Clean Machine
• Change Engine Oil
• Check Brakes
• Check Ignition
49. 95
Kristie Grier Ceruti, • Grease All Lube Points
Abington Journal Editor
• Replace Spark Plug(s)
Mom: Gloria Grier, 1946- • Clean Air & Pre Filters • Check All Drive Belts
2011 Leslie Gleason with daughter • Clean Engine Cooling Fans • Check Engine Compression
Best advice: My mom man- Laura and granddaughter Lorelei • Check PTO Air Gap • Check Steering
aged to make everyone feel
special on birthdays and special
• Sharpen Blade(s) • Test Battery LAWN TRACTORS
• Check Tire Pressure • Lube Control Cables
$ 95
days. She kept a completely you took the time to remember.
jam-packed calendar posted in • Test Run Machine • Adjust Mower Lift Arm
Shauna McNally, Abington • Clean Grass Build-up Under Deck
the kitchen of my childhood
Journal Reporter/Photog-
home filled with birthdays,
wedding anniversaries, gradua-
Mom: Patricia McNally Best
tions. She took me with her on
Advice: My mom always con- M
MORE OF WHAT YOU’RE WE BLOW IT ALL AWAY... Performance. Durability. Quality.
weekly treks to the corner phar-
macy to help select greeting
vinced me that everything LOOKING FO
FOR... For over 50 years Shindaiwa has been an
industry leader in manufacturing high-quality
would be OK. I’ve stressed out
cards for every occasion and outdoor power equipment for professional users.
a lot ever since high school, but
enlisted me to fill in the coming
she would always tell me that I
year’s calendar each December.
would get through it and do
Often she baked strawberry • Blowers
great. That gave me the confi-
shortcake, homemade cream • Lawn Vacs
dence to get me where I am
puffs, blueberry muffins or • Walk Behind Mowers • Litter Vacs
cook the person’s favorite food. • Lawn & Garden Tractors • Truck Loaders
Don McGlynn, Abington • Aerators
She did a lot of catalog shop- • Zero-Turn Mowers
Journal Reporter/Photog- • Mowers
ping and would start months in
rapher • Snow Throwers • Tillers • Sod Cutters
advance to be sure she selected
Mom: Rose Ann • Power Rakes
an individualized present. She
Best Advice: Always look on • Overseeders
taught me that the price tag of The service people!
the bright side of life. ion!
...including the competition! Carry the Legend™
the gift did not matter, just that

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Clockwise, from top left: Christy, Justin, Ashleigh, Brayden and Devon


COUNCIL SCHOOL lature to pass a natural gas

extraction tax and to close the
education for the taxpayers,”
wrote Santoriello.
Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 Delaware corporate tax loop- “I do not believe that there is
cannot be afforded.” without sacrificing quality and hole and to dedicate a portion waste. With 75 percent of the
He has been running Dixon improve the communication,” of that revenue to education in financial bud-
Automotive wrote Weinberg. Pennsylvania.” get going to
since 1986. An insurance agent/financial Michael Fleming salary; health
David Dzurec advisor at Biondi-Franklin A husband and father of two, care and pen-
David Dzurec Insurance in South Abington Michael Fleming is hoping to sion, that leav-
moved to Clarks Township, Weinberg participa- bring to the board the experi- es only 25
Summit with his tes in the National Association ence he earned as a director of percent to pay
family about of Insurance and Financial transportation and logistics at for: text books;
three years ago, Advisors, Kiwanis Club of Sanofi Pasteur, and volun- Santoriello other needed
David Dzurec and said they Scranton, Temple Hesed, Pan- teering at organizations like Our texts; school
love the borough. creatic Cancer Action Network, Lady of the Snows Parish supplies; computers and print-
“With two young children I Cub Scout Pack 152- Waverly, Council. ers; library materials; electric-
want to make sure that Clarks and is currently a member of Fleming said he wants to ity; equipment fuel ; natural ABINGTON JOURNAL/ALICE STUFFLE
Summit remains a “first class Leadership Lackawanna Class help the district find ways to gas; insurance; student trans- Shown above and below are residents at the rally.
borough,” a great place to raise of 2011 keep its quality of education portation; sports programs;
a family and continue to live Three men have decided to high, with less funds to do it. teacher tuition reimbursement;

Rally for a cause

after the family’s grown,” said run for the two seats open on “We must constantly consider legal fees and all other district
Dzurec. the school board for the District creative ways to reduce costs costs.“In addition to school
Before moving to Clarks At Large. Voters will be able to and find alternative funding. board, Santoriello is also Presi-
Summit, he served on the board vote for two of the candidates. Continuously cutting programs dent of the Abington Commu-
of directors at the Chatham Tom Brogan and raising taxes alone will not nity Library Trustees; Board An environmental rally took place April 27 as resi-
Village Condo Association in As a retired Abington finance the district’s escalating Member for the Abington Area dents of Baylor’s Lake gathered at the Benton Civic
Columbus, Ohio. Heights Middle School teacher, costs,” wrote Joint Recreation Committee; Center on Fleetville Corners prior to a conditional use
Kathy Drake retired Comets boys and girls Fleming. Board Member for Serving hearing by the Benton Twp. Board of Supervisors.
Kathy Drake is a fourth -year tennis coach, a father of two “All parties Seniors, Inc.; member of UNI- Southwest Energy had applied Marcellus to drill a
member on the council. She Abington Heights graduates, a must shoulder CO National; United Way natural gas exploratory well on property owned by
graduated from Abington Abington Heights property their fair Chairperson for the MetLife Willard Wells and Sally Wells just off Route 407.
Heights in 1963. Drake is the owner, and a co-chair of the share of the Clarks Summit office.
Chairman of Financelooking union’s grievance committee, burden, in- For the Region 1 and 2 seats,
for ways to get money and find- Tom Brogan feels he is more cluding Warren T. Acker and Cathy
ing ways to cut spending. than familiar with the school Fleming unions and Ann Hardaway are running
“We were able to cut the costs district. taxpayers. unopposed.
for Christmas Lights, cut some Brogan said he decided to We must start working together
overtime… and put the money run for school – school boards, administrators, Additional primary races will be
toward paving,” explained board when he teachers, parents and taxpayers featured in the May 11 edition.
Drake. heard the board – to provide the best public Candidates who wish to be
David Jenkins was consid- education for our children in an included can send a brief bio and
David Jenkins said he is run- ering cutting a environment of limited public photo to news@theabington or call
ning for council because he is a number of funding.”
devoted and watchful resident programs in the Frank Santoriello
of this community. 2011-12 budget After serving as a member of
Jenkins has served Clarks Brogan that he feels are the school board for more than
Summit in appointed positions very important four years, Frank Santoriello is
to the Borough Zoning Hearing to the students, including transi- looking to be re-elected. He
Board, Assistant Director of tional first grade, elementary said he feels the time he has
Emergency Man- computer education, and Latin, already served has given him
agement, and as as well as the librarian positions the experience to deal with the
Vice Chair and in the high school and middle huge financial challenges the
Chair of the school. board will face.
South Abington “I will oppose the elimination “I have worked with the
Joint Sewer Au- of vital programs,” wrote Bro- administration and other mem-
thority. gan.“To pay for maintaining the bers of the board to bring trans-
He said, “My district’s high standard of edu- parency and a financial focus to
promise to Clark cation, I will support finding the district. We have been able
David Jenkins Summit residents savings in our administrative to balance the education of our
is to be fair in all budget… I will lobby our legis- students and the cost of that

Winner,Cup of Coffee
my dealings and to represent
you in a respectful manner.” .
Herman Johnson
Herman Johnson has been a
member of Clarks Summit
Borough Council for four years. “Thanks, to all our customers.”
Johnson said he challenges
spending proposals. “I suggest - Kevin Snow, Store Manager
timely and efficient ways to get
things done.” Johnson ex- & Team
plained, “Fur-
thermore, I am
closely monitor- Stop in this summer for some
ing the 537 Sew-
er Plan to insure of our new drinks.
that Clarks Sum-
mit gets a fair
Queen Victoria’s Court in show
deal on this is- Ladies from Queen Victoria’s Court are participating in a Victor-
Herman sue. As the voice ian Fashion Show to be held at The Sharp House at Eckley Miners
Johnson of our senior Village May 22 from 2 to 5 p.m. Donation of $5 will benefit Eckley
citizens, I am Miners Village, 2 Eckley Main Street, Weatherly. Shown, from left,
accessible and open to your are: Mary Ocwieja, Kathy Chorba, Margaret Messana, Lesley Bom-
concerns and issues.” mer, Pat Rinish and Mary Ann Rodeghiero.
Patty Lawler
Patty Lawler has been in-
volved with many non-profits
and teachers’ associations, and
now said she is ready to be part
of the Clarks
Summit Borough
Lawler stated,
“I promise to
bring my posi-
Since 1980
tive, never-give- DIVISION OF LARRY ZICK
up attitude to
Patty Lawler Council. I be- LANDSCAPING
lieve in Clarks Clean • Neat • Professional
Summit Borough. Going door-
to-door I have met the most Wet Basements • Lawn Areas • Blocked Drains
wonderful families. It is my Catch Basins • Diversions • Culverts
intention to bring their ideas and
their voice to Council.” 570-222-2636
Joseph Sadowski FACTORYVILLE, PA

Joseph Sadowski has not held Fully Insured • Local References On Request
a political office before, so said
he believes he will be a fresh
voice for the borough. Sadow-
ski is a retired teacher and re-
The Canoe Club
tired master sergeant from the
Army. He has
and Golf Resort
taught courses in
leadership, and
has his second
Master’s Degree
in Counseling.
He said he is
willing to listen
Joseph to all issues that
Sadowski come before
council. Lakefront Clubhouse with a 9 hole Golf Course
Sadowski said, My decisions Join today! Clubhouse and Golf memberships available.
will be made with all of the Go to
or call 586-0722 or 954-6477

taxpayers in mind.”

PAGE 6A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

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Festival of Unity The Griffin Pond

July 9, 10 My name is ... Anita

Animal Shelter, 967
Griffin Pond Rd.,
Clarks Summit, is
open for the adop-
The seventh annual 2011 Festival of tion of pets from
Unity celebration expands to two days noon to 4:30 p.m.,
this year and will be held July 9 and 10, daily. Wish list items
at Nay Aug Park, Scranton. Each year are always appre-
this festival represents an array of cultur- ciated, including
al groups living in the Scranton area. kitty litter and cat
The goal for 2011 is to have more of the food, Timothy hay,
area’s traditional cultures, such Irish, Carefresh or Aspen
Italian, Polish and Greek, involved. bedding for small
Cultural groups interested in perform- animals and any
Rep. Sid Michaels Kavulich reads to children at Abington Commu- ing or for sponsor and vendor informa- type of donation.
nity Library. tion, visit http://unityfestival.word- or contact Diane Boone at

Kavulich takes part 570.604.1108. Adopt a cage at the

Griffin Pond Animal Shel-
ter for one month and
Tournament to
in Story Hour
your $20 donation will go
toward care and feeding
benefit Schoenberg of the animal in that cage
for the month you choose.
A card will be placed on
the cage identifying the
Rep. Sid Michaels Kavulich shared the book “Whose On May 16, the Lourdesmont 26th An- sponsor for that month.
Shoes?” with a group of youngsters and their parents at the nual Invitational Golf Tournament Glen Send the following
Abington Community Library’s Story Hour for toddlers Oak Country Club Waverly will be held. Name: Anita Adopt-a-Cage informa-
April 21. Proceeds benefit the Mission of the Sisters Age: Young adult, tion, including name,
The book, by Stephen R. Swinburne, is the featured book address, city, state and
of the Good Shepherd at Lourdesmont spayed. zip, phone number,
for the 2011 One Book, Every Young Child reading initia- Youth & Family Services, 1327 Wyoming Color: Striped, gray sponsor month, choice
tive, a statewide effort each spring that encourages adults to Avenue, Scranton. cat. of dog, cat or small
share and talk about books and stories with children. Each Established in 1889, Lourdesmont pro- About me: Better on animal cage and how you
year, the theme of the featured book is complemented by a vides a continuum of community-based my own, loves toys, would like your sponsor
Travelin’ Trunk filled with toys, puzzles, games and other card to appear, along
therapeutic services to teens and their fam- very sweet. with $20 for each cage
manipulatives for hands-on enjoyment. ilies throughout Northeastern Pennsylva- Cost: $50 to The Griffin Pond Animal
The trunk was at the library this week and Kavulich nia. This year’s tournament is dedicated in Shelter, 967 Griffin Pond
helped the children investigate its contents during his visit. memory of Bruce Schoenberg from Bru- Rd., Clarks Summit, PA 1841
One Book, Every Young Child is administered by Penn- celli Advertising. For further information 1.
sylvania’s Office of Commonwealth Libraries. contact Cynde Dodge 570.702.8360

PAGE 8A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

Second mission for AH grad: Moldova

BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI to Semon. ence of Canonical Orthodox and softball. But softball soon said.
Abington Journal Correspondent Though she only had two Bishops in America (SCO- took over and she was able to It was that experience in
CLARKS SUMMIT - Twen- months to visit with her parents, BA).” get a partial Division One Russia that set the stage for her
ty-six-year old Christina Sem- Joseph and Helen Semon of Their mission is to “recruit, scholarship to Binghamton trip to Romania and Moldova,
on of Clarks Summit is on a Clarks Summit, Semon was train, send and support Ortho- University. according to Semon.
mission. still eager to depart for Moldo- dox missionaries to preach, “To compete at the highest “But I didn’t know how and
She began her second term va. “I didn’t come up with that teach, baptize, construct and collegiate level was really neat. didn’t know where. I was re-
as an Orthodox Christian Mis- idea. I’m not going to Moldova minister to the spiritual and That was a dream come true. I building my relationship with
sion Center Missionary in The because I think it’s needed physical needs of those being was recruited to be a pitcher Christ there.” ABINGTON JOURNAL/JOAN MEAD-MATSUI
Republic of Moldova on April there. The Hierarch invited me served and saved. Romania are and I got to see what college She added, “So I was able to Christina Semon of Clarks Summit
14. On February 11, she return- to come – I have this blessing to Muldova are two of the coun- life and a collegiate sport at that see beyond my fishbowl. I lived began her second term as an
ed from Romania where she come because they are lacking tries in Europe where missions level were all about. That new with a Russian family in a Orthodox Christian Mission Center
served as a missionary since in the church there. This was an have been set up.” life got me unbalanced because whole new culture. I came back Missionary in The Republic of
2009. invitation and an outcry for me Since 1995, the Orthodox there are a lot of bad influen- and graduated. My mom said Moldova April 14.
During her two-year journey to come to help.” Christian Mission Center has ces... The passion to keep soft- you have to pay for your car
to The Republic of Moldova, a While in Moldova, she will established mission programs in ball as a fun and exciting sport insurance and get a job. At that “God knows that question so
parliamentary republic that lies stay with a family that includes more than 31 countries world- was a job and when it gets there time I was thinking of the Peace I have to pray about it. But I do
in the central part of Europe in eight children – five biological wide. it’s not that much fun anymore. Corps. My father said, ‘Christi- know that I would like to work
the northeastern Balkans, and three adopted children. She Semon is a 2003 graduate of So in my sophomore year I na, you have no ties – a spouse for the church in any capacity I
Semon will “help to establish a will remain with that family for Abington Heights High School picked a major – Russian stud- or a dog to tie you down. Go can; at large, the Orthodox
church program to meet the six months. and while at Abington Heights, ies – and I thought the best way and do it. I found the Orthodox Church of North America.
spiritual needs of the youth.” Semon said, “The fourth she studied the Russian lan- to learn about my major was to Christian Mission Center, an “I feel at home there,” said
Her goal is “to engage, con- adopted child (Semon) will guage. She said,“…It took study over there but that meant organization for Orthodox Semon, who loves the adven-
nect and reconnect the youth to arrive on April 14,” she said patience and perseverance and forfeiting the scholarship… so I Christians in America. Our ture of travel. In my life now I
Christ and his Holy Church, to with a chuckle. “The couple being able to make mistakes.” said to my parents that I was bridge was built to Romania have the calling to go abroad
nurture relations between sold their home to pay off the She has continued to study the going to forfeit my scholarship and The Republic of Moldova and there are many challenges.
countries for international roof of the church.” language abroad by “getting out and pursue studying abroad. because the culture and lan- There are times when home
youth participation events As noted on the Orthodox into the streets in much the Thank God they supported me.” guage are similar and it also has sickness set in and I wanted to
within the church, and to help Christian Mission Center web- same way a baby learns a lan- She studied abroad in St. a Russian population. be home but I feel that my ser-
to develop a youth church site, “The Orthodox Christian guage through listening and Petersburg, Russia during her Following her two years in vice right now is to be abroad.”
program for parishes that Mission Center (OCMC) is the time.” junior year in college in 2005 Moldova, Semon “will leave it To learn more about the Or-
might also be used as a model official international missions’ While at Abington Heights, and 2006. “This was all leading to God to decide” what plans thodox Christian Mission Cen-
for other countries,” according agency of the Standing Confer- she was active in swimming up to my mission work,” she her future holds. ter , visit

Dean’s List
Christopher Selige of His parents are Steve and
Clarks Summit made the Carol Selige. He graduated
dean’s list for the fall 2010 from Abington Heights
semester at Susquehanna School District in 2007
University in Selinsgrove. then went on to Susquehan-
He is currently a senior na University to major in
who will be graduating this business with an emphasis
month. in marketing.

Lakeland royalty Lakeland Jr./Sr. High School prom took place April 30 at the Radisson in Scran-
ton. Shown are the prom king, queen and their court, from left: Connor Clause-
Walton, Randy Galinsky, Anthony Scalamonte, Derek Fron, Gaetano Zarra (king),

for a night
Krishna Patel (queen), Taylor Kaiser, Erika Amacio, Alisha Kovaleski and Desiree

Wedding whirlwind
Abington Journal Reporter
It may not have featured the
fanfare of the wedding in the
United Kingdom that took
place hours earlier, but those
involved in their own Royal
Wedding at South Abington At Newton Ransom Elementary,
Elementary School though it Queen Mum was played by Mar-
was a big success. gret Costa, Catherine Middleton by
Emily Lozinger, Prince Harry by
sota though this would be a Gerad Zerbles and Prince William At South Abington Elementary, Nunzi Allegrucci and Samantha Kelly sat
great idea,” said Dalida Clark. by Brandon Beck. in for the royal couple Prince William Catherine Middleton. Kneeling:
“It turned out to be just a beau- Kylie Augis, Elyse Simokaski, Jules Colombo, Grace Phillips, Ann
tiful thing. The kids are really could see when they walked in, Dempsey. Second row: Angela Natale, Grace Gilmore, Makenna Thorpe,
enjoying it, especially the girls. they would walk by then notice Alexes Harvey, Cheyenne Knelly, Noelle Fantanarosa, Rachael Chastain.
We’re glad to have a bride and us and say hello or compliment Standing: Lauren Koczwara, Saunjere Hightower, Sarah Pineiro, Anna
groom, and all our helpers and the bride on how she looked,” Domiano, Emily McCabe, Mary Ponce, Erin Healy, Faten Al-Kamishki.
volunteers. It’s just a celebra- he said. or bows and flowers in their as Queen Elizabeth and royal
tion.” Fourth-grader Matthew Pacy- hair. Retired Newton Ransom lunches including wedding
Scott Township resident na enjoyed the day’s activities. Elementary food services em- cake with edible flowers were

Nunzi Allegrucci served as “The beautiful weather outside ployee, Margaret Costa dressed served.
Prince William, while Saman- makes it more perfect,” he said.
tha Kelly, an Abington area Elsewhere in the district,
resident, played the role of
Catherine Middleton.
Allegrucci thought the chil-
Newton Ransom Elementary
School hosted a re-enactment.
The gentlemen wore ties, and
R eligious S ervice C alendar
dren responded well. “You the ladies donned British hats
Ba p tis t Ca tholic P res b yteria n US A

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Visual Arts
“Introduction to Oil
Painting” a 10 -week class,
at the Abington Senior
Community Center, in-
structed by Marylou Chi-
birka, starting March 22.
Classes will be held Tues-
days from 1 to 2:30 p.m. All
supplies, except the canvas,
will be furnished. Cost: $70
advanced registration is re-
quired. Info: 570.586.8996. MOVIES
Performing Dietrich Theater
Arts Erica Rogler
Lackawanna Trail High What an exciting year it will
School Concerts, The be for children’s theater in
Lackawanna Trail High Tunkhannock. We are just a
School Music Department couple of days away from the
has announced their con- Dietrich Children’s Players
cert schedule for May. All premiere of “Peter and the
concerts will be held in the Wolf,” their first production of
high school auditorium. 2011.
May 2: Senior High Choral I can tell you from seeing
Concert 7 p.m.; May 12: Ju- glimpses of rehearsals; you will
nior High Concert 7 p.m.; not want to miss this. Jennifer
May 13: Jazz Band Concert Jenkins, the Dietrich’s director
of theater arts, has once again
7 p.m. and May 25: Senior
done an amazing job of adapt-
High Band Concert 7 p.m. ing a timeless story for the
“May I Have the Plea- stage. Plus, the troupe of actors
sure of This Dance?” pre- SUBMITTED PHOTO who bring the production to
Chuck Muckle appears as Oscar Levant in Electric Theatre Company’s production of ‘At Wit’s End’ by Joel Kimmel, May 4 life is fantastic.
sented by Pennsylvania Hu- through 8. Members of the Dietrich
manities Council, with Hu-

Play lauds legend

Children’s Theatre include
manities on the Road, with David Swanson, Laurel Rad-
Nancy Walker, Mercers- zieski, Kassidy Evans and Rich
burg Performersand Jeff Ryczak. Please join us at the
Savage, Mercersburg Per- Dietrich for the debut of “Peter
formers, May 5, 6 p.m. at and the Wolf ” May 6, at 1:30
the Scranton Cultural Cen- p.m. and May 7, at 11 a.m.
ter. Cost: Free. Info: The best part is that admis-
570.346.7369, ext. 122 or sion is free. The Pennsylvania
email, stefanie@scranton- BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI ton. Director June Prager er, author, comedian and ac- Humanities Council has funded
Abington Journal Correspondent heads the Mirage Theatre in tor. Hecomposed the sound- this production, as well as four

oin New York actor, sing- New York City and has re- tracks for more than 20 films, more shows that the Dietrich
Modern Buddhism: er and musician, Chuck cently directed one-person wrote numerous popular songs Children’s Theatre will perform
Meditation for a Modern Muckle, for an evening shows. Muckle said, “The and was a close friend of Ge- in 2011. Free tickets to “Peter
Way of Life, Thursdays, of “music, laughs, and eccen- choice of ‘At Wit’s End’ was orge Gershwin, Levant was “a and the Wolf ” are available by
from May 5 to July 21, 7 to tric wit” as Muckle plays Os- appropriate because we have noted wit and comic who ap- calling 570.996.1500 or at the
8:30 p.m. at Waverly Com- car Levant in “At Wit’s End,” an Acting Alone series peri- peared regularly on radio and Dietrich’s ticket booth while
munity House, 1115 North by Joel Kimmel. Levant’s sto- odically at the Electric Theat- later on television, joking and they last. We hope to see you
Abington Road, Waverly. ries, music, fears, aspirations, re. It’s a fairly universal story ad-libbing his way into the there!
These classes offer simple, struggles and joys will be of someone overcoming obsta- heart of America. He was a In addition to presenting live
practical, and inspiring presented in a musical and cles, but those in their late regular guest on the Jack Paar theater this month, the Dietrich
comical performance as part 40s and up are most likely to show, where he discussed his will also be offering up a Bra-
teachings and meditation
of Electric Theatre Company’s know and even perhaps re- phobias and neurosis in a zilian Classical Guitar Concert
techniques for solving dif- 2010-11 season. member Oscar Levant, as well manner that was astonishingly on Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m.
ficulties in our daily life. At Wit’s End will run May as those who are film and open for his day.” Classical guitarist Jay Ste-
With Buddhist teacher Barb 4 to 8 at Electric Theatre entertainment afficionados of Muckle said, “The basic veskey will delight us with
Stein. Cost: $10 general/$5 Company, which is located at all ages. He is best known for storyline is Oscar Levant’s guitar music from the rain
seniors and students. Info: 326 Spruce St., second floor the film ‘An American in Pa- return performance after a forests of Brazil in an all-Brazi-
www.kadampanewyork.or- in downtown Scranton. Muck- ris.’ ” period of being institutional- lian guitar program titled “Gri-
gor call 845-856-9000. le has toured with Robert Born in Pittsburgh, Levant ized, grappling with drug ad- tos d’ Alma” (Cries of the
Goulet in “South Pacific” and spent most of his career in diction/withdrawal and various Soul). The concert will feature
“The Wedding Singer,” “Camelot,” including a stop at Hollywood and became a music of Brazil’s most cele-
presented by the Music Box the Masonic Temple in Scran- world-famous pianist, compos- See Legend, Page 10 brated composer, Heitor Villa-
Repertory Company at the Lobos and his contemporary
Music Box Dinner Play- and close friend, Joao Pernam-
house, 196 Hughes St, buco . We invite everyone to
Swoyersville, May 6 to 8,12 come out and enjoy this vibrant
to 15, and 19 to 22, Thurs- Annual Spring Concert, p.m. in the Great Hall of terian Church, 550 Madi- Spanish phrases and vocab- and insightful glimpse into the
days through Saturdays: 8 presented by student musi- Wyoming Seminary, 228 son Ave., Scranton Tuesday, ulary using a variety of- Brazilian soul through some of
p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. cians at Wyoming Semina- Wyoming Ave. Info: May 10. Info: teaching methods. Hispan- its greatest music composed for
Buffet dinner is served 90 ry Upper School May 7 at 8 570.270.2190. Cost: Free. 570.270.2190. Cost: Free. ic culture will also be ex- the guitar. Tickets are $10 each
and can be reserved by calling
minutes before curtain.
Tickets are now on sale for
p.m. at the Great Hall of
Wyoming Seminary, 228 The Wally Gordon Literary Arts plored. This class will be
tailored to individuals’ lan- 570.996.1500 or purchased at
Wyoming Avenue, north of Community Chorus An- guage learning goals. Call the door while they last.
dinner and show and show-
nual Spring Concert, May Everhart Reads at An- 570.996.1500 to register. With Mother’s Day just
only. Info: 570.283.2195 or Kingston Corners. Info:
7, 7 p.m. at the Clarks Sum- thology Books! 6 to 8 p.m., around the corner, I would also
800.698.PLAY. 570.270.2190.
mit United Methodist third Thursday of each Tarot Readings by In- like to take this opportunity to
Bird Watching Walk, Theatreworks USA pro- tuitive Counselor, Rev. invite you to purchase your
Church, 1310 Morgan month. Cost: Discussion
duction of Duck for Presi- Whitney Mulqueen, tickets now for our upcoming
Meet at the Russell Hill Highway, Clarks Summit. group free and open to ages
“Bridal Bliss: A Runway Ret-
Church Rt. 6, May 6, 9 a.m. dent, Fancy Nancy & 16 and up. Info: Andrea at Thursdays, 6 to 9:30 p.m. at
“Double Occupancy,” rospective Show” June 26, at 1
Search for migrating ducks Other Stories, May 7, 10 The Montrose Inn in Mon-
presented by the Lakeside p.m. What a great gift for
on area lakes and pond and a.m. Wiggles and Giggles trose on Route 29. Cost:
birds who migrate to NEPA Workshop, 11 a.m. show at Players, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. Arts, Crafts $25 for15 to 20 minutes. In-
someone special.
The event will showcase the
for the winter. Join an expe-
rienced bird watcher and
the Scranton Cultural Cen-
ter 420 North Washington
and May 8 at 3 p.m., at the
Lakeville Community Hall, and More fo:570.575.8649 historical evolution of bridal
attire featuring local models
possibly see scaup, ring- Ave. Cost: $7. Info: Route 590, Lakeville. Astrology Workshop and gowns from Wyoming and
necked ducks, wood ducks, 800.745.3000 or visit Spanish for Beginners, held the first Sunday of nearby counties. Unique to this
juncos, and bluebirds. All www.scrantonculturalcen- The Wyoming Semina- The Dietrich Theater, each month at Goddess presentation will be personal
experience levels welcome. ry Civic Orchestra, Great Tunkhannock. May 4 Creations in Clarks Sum- anecdotes that add distinct
Cost: Free for sewards; $3 Hall of Wyoming Seminary through June 8 from 7to 8 mit. Info: 570.575.8649 to charm.
for all others. The Wyoming Semina- 228 Wyoming Avenue, p.m. Instructor: Victoria reserve your space. Cost: In addition popular music
ry Music Department’s Kingston, May 8, 8 p.m. Romero. Admission: $50. $45, includes any class ma-
Wyoming Seminary Spring Concert, May 7, 8 and the Covenant Presby- Students will learn basic terials. See Movies, Page 11

Who plays Hobbs in the new movie "Fast Five"?

Last week’s answer:
Sara Gruen
Last week’s winner:
Marlene Kapalko
of Clarks Summit

Contestants can only win once in a 60-day period.


PAGE 10A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

Waverly resident named Best LIBRARY NEWS

Youth Actor by NEPTA

BY DON MCGLYNN Balitski said of her reaction. BY MARY ANN MCGRATH “Of course you think that By coincidence, two new children’s non-fiction books
WAVERLY - Henry Fonda your kids are the best. You at the Abington Community Library deal with gorillas,
was 76 before he got to experi- think, ‘How could anyone see one about the primates in their wild African habitats and
ence the thrill of having his that performance and not think the second about 54-year old Colo, the oldest living go-
name called after being recog- this child was wonderful.’ But rilla in a zoo.
nized by a group of his peers you compete against so many “Gorillas” by Gail Gibbons. Through detailed watercol-
for his acting talents during the people and there were some or illustrations, author/illustrator Gibbons takes readers
Oscars. At age 13, Waverly really heavy hitters in that cate- to Africa to explore the habitat and diet of the western
resident Michael Mendola has gory… so when they called lowland, eastern lowland and mountain gorillas. Physical
the film star beat by a little Michael’s name, we just jump- descriptions are included, along with a look at a typical
more than 60 years. ed to our feet.” day in the life of these primates. Peaceful and intelligent,
The eighth grade Abington Mendola said he was just as wild gorillas live in family groups called troops. Learn
Heights Middle School student excited to receive the award, but about how they eat, raise their young and adapt to their
was awarded best youth actor in a lot of ways participating in environment, not only through the informational text but
by the Northeast Pennsylvania the play was award enough. also aided by inset diagrams and maps throughout.
Theater Alliance during a din- “I thought it was a great “Colo’s Story: the Life of One Grand Gorilla” by Nan-
ner April 9 at the Ehrhardt’s experience,” said Mendola. cy Roe Pimm. Colo was abandoned by her mother at
Waterfront Resort, Lake Wal- “It was a lot of work put into birth, but the staff of the Columbus Zoo in Ohio rescued
lenpaupack. the play, because there was the infant and cared for her. She made news all over the
Mendola won the award for ABINGTON JOURNAL PHOTO/DON MCGLYNN practice almost every day after world at the time, because she was the first gorilla ever
his role as Sandy the dog in the Michael Mendola is shown above with his director Paige Balitski. He school for two months straight. to be born in a zoo. The book chronicles her birth and
Diva Theaters’ production of holds his award for Best Youth Actor for his role in ‘Annie Junior.’ But, even though there was a endearing milestones since 1956, following her journey
“Annie Junior,” which was lot of hard work put into it, it from a cuddly baby, to a feisty toddler, to a mother of
staged at the middle school and nior” director Paige Balitski. song to sing, because it is a came out with a good ending, three, to the matriarch of one very large gorilla family
the Phoenix Performing Arts “We base it on the quality of soprano range. Michael has a because it was a great experi- and now the oldest living gorilla in a zoo in the world.
Centre in Duryea in 2010. performance of the work, what beautiful soprano voice, ence, and I met a lot of great Also new is “The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with
The Diva Theater, along with the actor or actress brought to though, and it worked out beau- people… it was a really fun the Chimps” by Jeanette Winter. As a child, young Jane
other theater companies that are the role, and how the role was tifully,” said Balitski. experience.” Goodall loved to watch all the animals in her world, to
members of NEPTA, submitted received by the audience…and In addition to sharing his Mendola said the experience read about “Dr. Dolittle” and “Tarzan of the Apes.”
a list of who they felt should be the audience fell in love with musical talents, Mendola found made him excited to continue When she grew up, Jane followed her dream and traveled
acknowledged for their work, him (Mendola), so it was an ways to steal scenes when he acting when he enters high to Africa to study chimpanzees, in time becoming their
based on participation in their easy call for us.” wasn’t singing. school next year. friend. She lived with the chimps and wrote about her
company productions during Balitski said Mendola’s en- A fan of comedians like “I just love putting on differ- life with them and is still speaking out to protect the
the 2010 season. trance grabbed the audience’s Steve Carrell, Adam Sandler, ent characters, and having the animals and their homes.
Other members of the com- attention each night. She cred- Chris Rock and Will Ferrell, feel of different people. It’s fun 2011 Newbery Winner
panies either watched each ited some of this to the audi- Mendola injected humor into stuff,” said Mendola. “Moon Over Manifest” by Clare Vanderpool. Twelve-
other’s shows live, or a DVD of ence’s surprise that the part was his role by mimicking a real In addition to Mendola’s year-old Abilene Tucker is the daughter of a drifter who,
the show, and then they nar- being played by an actor in- dog while on stage, which award, the play also won for in the summer of 1936, sends her to stay with an old
rowed the hundreds of possible stead of a real dog or a stuffed amounted to big laughs from best youth production. Kate friend in Manifest, Kan., where he grew up and where
nominees to the top five. animal. The director said the the audience. Gidewell was nominated for she hopes to find out some things about his past. It
Everyone voted one more way the play was written made Balitski said she knew going best youth actress, Alex Smith seems Manifest’s history is full of colorful and shadowy
time, picking their favorite of casting a student in the role a in that because of touches like for best teen actor, Kathleen characters and long-held secrets. As those secrets are laid
those five, and the winners necessity. this Mendola had a shot of Shedlock and Elyse Notarianni bare one by one, Abilene begins to weave her own story
were announced at the dinner. “The way ‘Annie Junior’ is winning the award, but was still for best teen actress, Dave into the fabric of the town.
“There were several reasons written is… the dog Sandy surprised when his name was Chaump for musical director Upcoming
that we felt Michael should be sings. He sings ‘Tomorrow,’ called. and Sandra Graham for chore- Summer Reading Clubs for all ages (adults, teens and
nominated,” said “Annie Ju- along with Annie. Not an easy “I think I was screaming,” ography. children) will get underway at the library on June 13. The
eight-week long programs will feature reading incentives,
contests, prizes, crafts and activities. Further information
Continued from Page 9
Lakeside Players present about registration and eligibility will be announced soon.

‘Double Occupancy’ May 7, 8

The Abington Community Library is located at 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks
personal crises. The eve-
Summit. Visit our website, to register online
ning is laced with music for events or call the library at 570. 587.3440.
and stories about his Hol- Don’t have a library card? Register for one at
lywood radio, film and libraryinfo/library_card_reg.asp.
TV careers. ‘At Wit’s The Lakeside Players’
End’ is a play with music, new comedy, “Double Oc-
but the musical elements
are an important feature
of the evening. There is
cupancy,” proves you’re
never too old for a little
hanky panky. The comedy
How Does
an abundance of stories
related to Oscar Levant,
about two sexy senior citi-
zens will run May 7 and 8,
Your Bank
so at times the show has
been a bit streamlined and
at Lakeville Community
Hall, Route 590, Lakeville. Compare?
Oscar’s humor emphasized The Saturday performance
as much as possible. The is at 7:30 p.m. and the Sun-
musical moments bring a day matinee is at 3 p.m.
particular essential energy Written by Lakeside

to this stage experience as founders Tony Schwartz
well.” and Marylou Ambrose, the
He added, “Oscar has play premiered at Ehr-
many wry lines: ‘I’m fond hardt’s Waterfront on April SUBMITTED PHOTO
of saying I knew Doris 12, when it was performed Tony Schwartz and Marylou Ambrose star as Stanley Cohen and Helen
Day before she became a for 18 senior bus groups Cooper in The Lakeside Players’ original production, “Double Occu-
virgin;’ ‘The first time I over three days. “Double pancy.”
met and embraced Judy Occupancy” tells the story
Garland may well be the of Helen Cooper and Stan- bank robbery and warning Walsh and Jerry Marino
greatest moment in phar- ley Cohen – both in their people to stay in their and is directed by Tony
maceutical history;’ ‘I do 70s – who wake up in a homes because the thief is Schwartz.
have a sixth sense; un- motel room together after a at large. “Double Occupancy” is
fortunately I lack the oth- night of passion. They dis- Helen and Stanley are the first two-act play writ-
er five.’ And on and cover the motor coach car- trapped in their motel ten by Schwartz and Am-
on...” rying the rest of their se- room, which suddenly gets brose, and a sequel is al-
Show times are Wednes- nior tour group has left crowded when a nosy maid ready being planned for
day and Thursday at 7 without them. In a panic, pays a visit and a Catholic 2012.
p.m., Friday and Saturday the couple considers what priest knocks at their door. To make reservations, call
at 8 p.m., and Sunday at to do next, but their plans In addition to Schwartz and 570-226-6207, or buy tick-
3 p.m. Previews will be are interrupted by a police Ambrose, the play features ets at the door. All tickets
held May 4 and 5 with loudspeaker announcing a Greg Korin, Kelly Ann are $12. For more informa-
opening night May 6. tion on The Lakeside Play-
Ticket are $24; $16, se- ers, visit www.lakeside-
nior (60 and older); $8,
student (under 25). All COSTA DRUGS

Wednesdays are Pay-What- Summit Square, Clarks Summit

You-Can and Wednesday
tickets purchased online Permanent Hours:
are $6; and Thursdays are Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Cheaper-Than-a-Movie Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Sunday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
with all tickets $8 and
may be purchased by We guarantee accuracy • Computerized
phone at 570.558.1515; at
the online box office at Prescription Filling • Patient Profile; at
the box office from We honor all major prescription
Wednesday through Sat-
urday, two hours before plans including CVS, Caremark,
curtain time; Duffy Acces- Medco, Aetna, Geisinger and
sories, 218 Linden Street,
Downtown Scranton, Tues Express Scripts
through Sat, 10:30 a.m. to

5:30 p.m.


A.H. music lab comes to fruition

BY DON MCGLYNN and Band in a Box. The lab originally began dents in grades five“The program is great, in the library with 10 com- through eight during the
CLARKS SUMMIT- because it allows them puters that were provided year, and adds a new com-
Thanks to several grants, (the students) to work at by the school. Chaump ponent to the general mu-
Abington Heights Middle their own pace, individual- used the grant money as sic classes.
School general music stu- ly, or they can team up, he received it to purchase “The biggest asset of
dents are gaining a more and with the system that I the piano keyboards, head- having something like this
hands-on approach to their have we can work togeth- phones, cables, software, is it gives the students
classes. er,” said Chaump. and other materials neces- who are not a part of a
Since 2007, Abington “In other words, I can sary for the program. performance ensemble…
Heights Educational Im- take my computer and I “This has kind of been band, string or chorus,”
provement Organization can broadcast my comput- evolving over the last four said Chaump.
(AEIO) has presented mu- er to everyone of their years,” said Chaump. “It gives those students
sic teacher David Chaump computer monitors, and I Eventually, after adding an opportunity to do
with close to $20,000 in can give them instruction six more computers, the something that ties music
grant money, so he could that way. Or, we can take lab outgrew its original with technology, as op- ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN
put together a music lab in one of the workstations, space and the school con- posed to your standard David Chaump, shown above, teaching his sixth grade general music
the school. and we can broadcast one verted the existing com- general music curriculum, class at Abington Heights Middle School.
The lab consists of 16 of their workstations to puter lab into two rooms, which would involve may-
computers, each with a everybody else and take giving one of the rooms to be doing music listening, “I think we’re one of the top of music and tech-
piano keyboard and the turns and interact with the music lab. analysis or working out of only school in the area nology in the music curri-
software programs Music each other that way. We With the capacity to a text book. This gives that have something like culum,” said Chaump.
Ace Maestro, Sibelius In- can also talk to each other hold 32 students at one them another opportunity this, so we feel like we’ve Champ thanked the
struments, Electronic Key- with the closed circuit sys- time, Chaump said the lab to explore music in a very been pretty innovated with AEIO for making the lab
boards, Beginner Piano tem on the headphones.” services about 300 stu- hands-on fashion.” this and kind of staying on possible.

Dietrich Theater presents

‘Peter and the Wolf’
What kind of music does a cat make? Shown, from
Could your grandfather be a bassoon? left, front
Russian composer Segei Prokofiev pon- Peter, played
ders these questions in his musical sym- by David
phony for children, “Peter and the Wolf.” Swanson and
Adapted by director Jennifer Jenkins, Wolf, played
and presented by the Dietrich Children’s by Laurel
Theatre the play will run at the Dietrich Radzieski.
Theater in downtown Tunkhannock May 6 Back row:
at 1:30 p.m. and May 7, 11 a.m. Duck, played
Admission is free, and tickets are avail- by Rich Ryc-
zak and Bird,
able by calling 570.996.1500 or at the
played by
door while they last.
The Dietrich Theater is located at 60 Evans.
East Tioga Street, Tunkhannock.
For more information visit http://

Lackawanna County seeks
artists for Art in the Park
Music Box holds auditions TOM BROGAN
The Music Box Repertory
Company will hold auditions and 23 to 26.
ance dates are: June 16 to 19
Abington Heights
The Lackawanna County ess reviewed by the Art in for their 30th Anniversary Auditions will be held at the
Arts and Culture Depart-
ment is seeking artists for
the Park Committee.
Proposals are due May
Revue, a Broadway revue- Music Box Dinner Playhouse,
type celebration of songs from 196 Hughes Street in Swoyers-
School Director At Large
the 2011 Art in the Park 16. past, present and future May ville. • Independent Thinker
program held at county Proposal forms are 17 and 18 at 7 p.m. For details, call
parks including McDade, available at www.lacka- Actors ages 14 and over are 570.283.2195 or Who Shares Our Values
Merli-Sarnoski and Ayle-
worth on Wednesdays in
Artists will be notified
welcome to audition. Perform- 800.698.PLAY. • Maintain Excellence
July from 10 a.m. to in early June if they are
noon. selected.
Art in the Park is a For further information, BOYS’ BASKETBALL DAY CAMPS • Retired Educator and
Ages 8-15 • Long Center
free, family event that
features various crafts for
contact Maureen McGui-
gan, Deputy Director of
Session I: Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24 Tennis Coach
Session II: Monday, Aug. 15-Fri., Aug. 19
children, music, presenta- Arts and Culture, at 8:30 am - 3:00 pm • He Cares About Our Children
tions and more. 570.963.6590 ext. 102 or $185 Includes Camp T-shirt,
Artists are chosen email mcguiganm@lacka- Basketball & Lunch Daily • Fiscal Responsibility

through a proposal proc- Visit, click on athletics, then icon for Summer Camps for more information
Paid for by Committee to elect Tom Brogan

or to register on line or contact Carl Danzig at 941-7252

Continued from Page 9
and floral arrangements will be
interwoven into the show. Plus,
Kathy Chorba’s “Queen Victo-
ria’s Court” has been invited to
enhance the finale with its
lovely Victorian wedding gar-
ments. A dessert reception will
follow the show. Desserts will
be provided by Atlantic Fish &
Fabulous Foods, Sweet Sensa-
tions, Chocolates by Leopold,
Dee Dee’s Delights, Thomas’

Market and Ah! Some Choco-
lates. Tickets are $40 each and
can be reserved by calling
After telling my grandmoth-
er about this event on my last
visit to see her in Elmira, she CONTACT LENSES Clearly...a great deal on contact lenses.
ended up sharing several sto-
ries about her wedding and the
bridal fashion of the time. To
priceless. Bridal Bliss is the )
perfect time for mothers, Precision eyecare...that is clearly you.
daughters and grandmothers to
spend some quality time to- Clarks Summit 587-2020 | Old Forge 457-2020
gether. We are now accepting new patients. [ ]
As you can see, the Dietrich
is so much more than the mo- Call today for an appointment.

PAGE 12A The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

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The times leader

A Look Back : Best Brightest

Clarks Summit
1911-2011 2011
Thomas Hogan
Selena Adamshick
Each year The
Times Leader
Best & Brightest
program honors
local high school
students for
Omeed Firouzi Michael Papi
Stroll the streets of yesteryear and help celebrate the Samantha Snyder Shelley Black their scholastic
borough’s centennial (1911-2011). The Abington Journal Gabrielle Richards Lauren Skudalski
is sponsoring a Clarks Summit Centennial photo contest Robert Kost
achievements and
throughout 2011. Share your vintage photograph of a ART: community service.
newsworthy event, historical landmark, local neighborhood, BUSINESS Neil Mattern Listed here are this
SKILLS: Loren Schott
intersection, house of worship, Rachel Spect year’s finalists.
business or any photo you feel Each winner will be Brandon Harding Delilah Van Gorden
Alexandra Petsuck
will offer a glimpse of the past. entered in a random Sara Lynn
One winning photo will be selected drawing to win the ENGLISH & The final winners
Kathryn Tressa
each week to publish in The grand prizes of: LITERATURE: for each category
MATHEMATICS: Rebecca Ann Richards
Abington Journal.
$100 Timothy Yurish
Noah James Long
Caitlin Vitale
Joseph Hornak
will be announced
at The Times
and one Danielle Phillips Leader’s 2011
Complete Custom Katelyn Arcelay
Ami Patel & TECHNOLOGY: Best & Brightest
Frame Job Valued Jacob Daniels Awards Ceremony
at $200! FOREIGN Sergey Ivanov
Karisa Nicole Calvitti to be held at
The Woodlands
Summit Frameworks. Brianna Winter JOURNALISM:
Winner anounced Aug. 24.
Jackeline Torres Brianna Wise Inn & Resort on
Amanda Lara Matthew Morgis Wednesday,
Samantha Martin Rebecca Farrell
CENTENNIAL To enter, send your photo along with this form to: Cicely Hazell May 11, 2011.
PHOTO “Centennial Photo Contest,” 211 State St., Clarks Summit,
PA 18411 or e-mail your scanned photo with the information SCIENCE
CONTEST below to
Megan Gallagher
Letitia Warunek
NAME ________________________________________ PHONE ________________________ Kelcie Lushefski Carly Sokach
Molly Allan Alexandra Elizabeth Chapin
ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________ Eric Petterson II Sara Brozena
DESCRIPTION OF PHOTO CONTENTS Julia Kundratic Pierce Donovan
(approx. date/year photo was taken, identification of people, locations, etc)
________________________________________________ PERFORMING SERVICE TO THE
________________________________________________ ARTISTS: COMMUNITY:
Jillian A. Puhalla Linnae Homza NUMBER
Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if
you would like your photo returned. Or you can pick up
your photo at our office at 211 South State Street in
Clarks Summit. Photos will be held through the end of
Meghan Hourigan
Courtney Prozeralik
Katie Joyce
Courtney Sult
Morgan Elise McGrane
Erin Ryan
ne ONE
the contest, August 2011. We will gladly scan your photo Amanda Urbanski Ronald Klepadlo NEWSPAPER
entries at our office Wednesday through Friday from IN LUZERNE
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. th bi t j l – AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC)

WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011 Abington Journal PAGE 1 B
100 Announcements 300 Personal Services 500 Employment 700 Merchandise 900 Real Estate
200 Auctions 400 Automotive 600 Financial 800 Pets & Animals 1000 Service Directory

To place a Classified ad: Call 1-800-273-7130 Email:

135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices
Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices
NOTICE: Pursuant to
ADOPT: Adoring
Mom, Dad, Big

LEGAL NOTICES Estate of Conrad Z.
Mayeski, Late of
Notice is hereby
given that Letters of
Administration c.t.a.
Letters have been
granted on the
Estate of Joseph P.
Brother would like
to share a lifetime
Department of Agri-
culture Title 7 regu-
of hugs & kisses
The Abington Jefferson Township, have been granted Lukus, late of Deceased, (died DECEASED, late of lations, GROW-
ANNOUNCEMENTS Journal is a Lackawanna Coun- in the Estate of Clarks Summit, March 16,2011) late Scranton, Lack-
in our loving home
with a newborn.
ty, PA (died March JANE NICOLAIS, Lackawanna Coun- of 511 Colburn awanna County, hereby gives notice
newspaper of Please Call
19, 2011). late of 103 Somers ty, PA, (died Avenue, Clarks Pennsylvania. Let- of ground applica-
110 Lost general circula- Notice is hereby Street, Dunmore, 2/4/2011), to Mari- Summit, Pennsylva- ters Testamentary
Lynda & Dennis
tion of “Restricted
tion and meets 888-688-1422
given that Letter of PA 18512, Lack- anne Lukus, Admin- nia 18411. Letters in the above having Expenses Paid
Use Pesticides” for 310 Attorney
the require- Administration in the awanna County, istratrix, Elizabeth Testamentary hav- been granted, all the protection of
months old, 11 1/2 “
ments by above estate have Pennsylvania (died Schneider, Esq., ing been granted, persons having agricultural crops in Services
high, black back ADOPTION municipalities in
Newspaper been issued to February 25, 2011). Attorney for the creditors shall make claims or demands
with white belly and A loving married Pennsylvania during Free Bankruptcy
Advertising Act Michael Mayeski, All persons indebt- Estate, 102 Stur- demand and against the Estate
legs. Last seen in teacher couple the next 45 days. Consultation
45 Pa.C.S.A. Administrator. Cred- ed to the Estate are bridge Road, Clarks debtors shall make of the decedent
Falls, Coolbaugh with so much to Residents of con- Payment plans.
itors shall present requested to make Summit, PA 18411. payment to J. Fred- shall make them
Mountain Road on Section 301. their claims and payment, and those All persons having erick Rohrbeck, known and present offer would love tiguous property to Carol Baltimore
Wednesday 4/27. to adopt your our application sites 570-822-1959
debtors shall make having claims or claims against the Esquire, Kreder them, and all per-
570-388-2775 or
DEADLINE: payment to Michael
Mayeski, Adminis-
trator, or Mattise &
demands are to
present same, with-
out delay, to the
estate are request-
ed to present them
in writing and all
Brooks Hailstone,
LLP, 220 Penn
Avenue, Suite 200,
sons indebted to
said decedent shall
make payment
newborn. We
can provide a
lifetime of happi-
should contact your
FS, LLC. facility for
Free Consultation.
Mondays at 4 pm Kelly, P.C., Attor- Administrator, persons indebted to Scranton, Pennsyl- thereof, without ness, security additional informa-
LOST BLACK CAT. Contact Atty. Sherry
for current week neys, 108 N. Wash- Donato Nicolais, or the estate to make vania, 18503. delay, to William R. & educational tion. Concerned Cit-
1 yr old, a few white Dalessandro
hairs under chin. ington Ave., Suite to Stanley W. payment to it in J. Frederick Musgrave, 345 N. opportunities. izens should contact 570-823-9006
Deadline varies 400, Scranton, PA Kennedy, Attorney care of the Attorney Rohrbeck, Esquire Bromley Avenue, Expenses paid. Michael Layton,
Near Carverton
during holiday MGR. Safety & Envi-
Road and 8th St.
18407 for the Estate, 521 noted above. Kreder Brooks Scranton, PA 18504 Nancy/Kevin
1-866-254-3529 ronment,
REWARD!! Please P. Timothy Kelly, Delaware Avenue, Hailstone LLP or Attorney Stephen
call 570-696-1309 Esq. Olyphant, Pa 18447. Attorneys for the J. Evers, 213 R. www.nancykevin mlayton@growmark- A yard or garage sale

LOST RING RATE: Attorney for Estate

Let the Community LINEUP Estate North State Street,
Clarks Summit, PA GROWMARK
FS, LLC. 308 N.E.
in classified
is the best way
$1.00 line/$12. ESTATE NOTICE
Place your Classified
Stephen J. Evers To place your
Front Street, Mil-
ford, DE 19963. Call tocleanoutyourclosets!
Diamond Band in
Letters of Adminis-
ad Call Toll Free 302-422-3002 You’re in bussiness
vicinity of Wood- 570-829-7130 Estate
land’s on 4/29.
For information or tration having been Doyouneedmorespace? IN CLASSIFIED! 1-800-427-8649 Shopping for a with classified!
questions granted, all persons
Please call
regarding legal having claims or
LEGAL NOTICE A yard or garage sale Looking for the right deal new apartment? 360 Instruction &
570-814-0004. All American Self-

you may call
Marti Peznowski
demands against
the estate of the
decedent shall
Storage, 905 Stan-
ton Rd, Mid-Valley
in classified
is the best way
on an automobile?
Turn to classified. 150 Special Notices PAYING $500
Classified lets
you compare costs -
Industrial Park,
tocleanoutyourclosets! It’s a showroom in print! without hassle ATTEND COLLEGE
A GREAT DEAL... 570-970-7371
or email to:
make them known Olyphant, PA, will
Classified’s got
or worry! ONLINE from home.
and present them, offer for sale the You’re in bussiness Full size 4 wheel *Medical *Business
IN CLASSIFIED! mpeznowski@
and all persons
indebted to the
property of Tanya
with classified! the directions! drive trucks Get moving *Paralegal* Comput-
or fax to decedent shall
Andino, Unit #M28.
ALSO PAYING TOP $$$ with classified! ers *Criminal Jus-
120 Found 570-831-7312
Washer, dryer, mat- Shopping for a for heavy equip-
tice. Job placement
or mail to
make payment tress & bed frame, Doyouneedmorespace? new apartment? ADOPT ment, backhoes,
Shopping for a assistance. Com-
thereof without puter available.
Bracelet. Found in The Times Leader delay to Mark Male,
personal & house-
A yard or garage sale Classified lets We can give your dump trucks, new apartment? Financial Aid if quali-
hold items. Sale will
Mohegan Sun Arena
Parking Lot on April
15 N. Main Street 23 Spartina Cove take place May 7, in classified you compare costs - infant love and bull dozers Classified lets fied. Call
Wilkes-Barre, PA Way, S. Kingstown, security, you can HAPPY TRAILS you compare costs -
26. Call to identify. 18711 RI 02879, or to
2011 at 10:00 AM at is the best way without hassle help make us a TRUCK SALES
www .
Mattes & Mattes,
All American Self-
tocleanoutyourclosets! or worry! family. Expenses 570-760-2035 without hassle
Storage, 905 Stan-
FOUND - Keys for GET THE WORD OUT P.C., 324 N. Wash- ton Rd, Mid-Valley You’re in bussiness Get moving paid. Please call 542-2277 or worry!
with a Classified Ad. ington Ave., Scran- Denise & Howard 6am to 8pm Get moving
570-829-7130 ton, PA 18503
Industrial Park, with classified! with classified! 1-877-676-1660.
St. 570-417-3689 Olyphant, PA with classified!

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Specializing in small unique projects “TELL YOUR WATER PROBLEMS TO CRESSWELL” 570-586-7270 HOUSE CLEAN NG Over 10 Years Experience
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gutters, all phases of carpentry PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFERED: CLARK’ S SHARP-ALL
• Lawn Care • Spring & Fall Cleanup & Removal Route 107, Lake Sheridn
Licensed General Contractor. Call 563-2766
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9:00-5:00 Mon-Fri • 8:00-3:30 Sat
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Reasonable Rates White, Mantis, Oregon, Echo, Muray
Reliable, Experienced Service Small Engine Service
Call For Free Estimate 570-909-8641
PAGE 2 B Abington Journal WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011
380 Travel 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 427 Commercial 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 542 Logistics/ 551 Other
Trucks & SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Transportation
Cultural Exchange
DRIVER - Two Cent
That Championship Convertible, T-top, 5 speed. Representative:
Pay Raise now
Season 5/21-NEW!; Metallic Green
`74 450 SE AM/FM/CD, AC,
CHEVY ‘08 3500 offered for new driv- Earn supplemental

GMC `99
Jersey Boys 7/20 &
Exterior & Tan power antenna. ers! Plus 2 day ori- income placing and
9/10; Sister Act
7/23—NEW!; Lion
King 8/6; Phantom
Interior, 5 Speed
Interior perfect, New tires. No rust.
Great condition. HD DUMP TRUCK RENDEZVOUSFully
entation, high miles,
excellent equip-

Heated Seats. 2nd exterior very good. 2WD, automatic. AWD, ment, dry van and students. Volunteer
of the Opera 8/6; ’97 MIDROOF
Owner, 66k Miles. Runs great! New $5,000 Only 12,000 miles. loaded, 1 owner,
475 CAT & 10 flatbed freight! $500 host families also
Wicked 10/19 Excellent Condition, tires, 68K original (570) 708-0269 18,000 miles. 6 Sign-On Bonus for needed. Promote
Vehicle in like speed transmission.
1-800-432-8069 Garage Kept, miles. after 6:00PM cylinder. New Flatbed. CDL-A, world peace! 1-866-
new condition. $12,000
Excellent Gas $5,500 FIRM. $21,900. inspection, tires Champagne 6mo. OTR Go-AFICE or
YANKEES TRIP Mileage. Carfax 570-905-7389 & brakes. Like
TO CINCINNATI 415 Autos-Antique 570-288-4322 exterior, FREIGHTLINER 888-801-5295
available. Price Ask for Lee new, inside & out. leather interior, ’99 CONDO
June 20, 21 and 22 reduced $7,995 & Classic Collect cash, not dust! $16,900. Call power windows 430 Detroit, Super Shopping for a REAL ESTATE
(Monday, Tuesday, or trade for SUV or Looking for that (570) 540-0975 APPRAISERS: certi-
Clean out your & locks, 4 wheel 10 transmission. new apartment?
Wednesday) fied with minimum 5
Catch the Yankees
other. Beautiful / special place basement, garage drive. $4,850. Asking $15,000. Classified lets years experience &
Fun Car. called home? or attic and call the Call for
take on the Reds at you compare costs - ACI knowledge to
The Great American
Ballpark in Cincin-
Classified will address COUPE DEVILLE Classified depart-
ment today at 570- CHEVR0LET`02 condition and
known issues.
‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’
with sides. All
without hassle cover Eastern PA
nati, Ohio
Trip Includes:
CHEVROLET ‘06 Your needs.
Open the door
Excellent condition,
$3,000 located in 829-7130!
570-362-4080 aluminum, spread
axle. $6,500.
or worry!
Get moving
Fax resume 800-
675-9392 or call
*Round trip bus CORVETTE with classified! Hazleton.
570-454-1945 or FORD ‘99 E350 CONVERSION
with classified!
*Beer, soda & food CONVERTIBLE Rare, Exclusive 561-573-4114 VAN HONDA `03 2 storage trailers.
rience - No Prob-
on the bus
Opportunity To Loaded. Low lem. 100% Paid CDL ASUCCESSFULSALE
Silver beauty, 1 miles. Excellent
*Great box level Owner, Museum V8. 2 speed Training. Immediate
seats to two games quality. 4,900 Own... New 350 motor and boom; 92,000miles;
High mileage, Benefits. 20/10 pro- INCLASSIFIED!
(Mon & Tues night) new transmission. $9999 or best price.
$18,900 gram. Trainers Earn
miles, 6 speed. All 140000 miles,
*Hotel accommoda- REDUCED TO Great condition. Call
570-674-3901 up to $.49 per mile! Doyouneedmorespace?
‘26 FORD
possible options automatic, front
tions at the Millenni- including Naviga- $5,000 FIRM 570-675-3384 or wheel drive, 4 CRST VAN EXPEDIT- A yard or garage sale
um Hotel. Just three
blocks from stadium
tion, Power top.
New, paid $62,000 MODEL T
(570) 906-1771 570574-7002
CHEVROLET `05 door, anti-lock ED 800-326-2778 in classified
brakes, air condi-
and walking dis- is the best way
tance from Cincin-
Must sell $45,900
Panel Delivery
100 point
439 Motorcycles
TRAILBLAZER LT tioning, air bags,
power locks,
RAISE. Up to $.52 tocleanoutyourclosets!
nati Zoo and other
CHEVELLE Black/Grey. 18,000 power windows,
You’re in bussiness
downtown attrac- Concours quality per mile. Home
Price: $350
CHRYSLER ‘06 restoration. Red
with black fend-
Two door hard top.
307 Motor. Needs
miles. Well
equipped. Includes
power mirrors,
AM/FM radio, CD
509 Building/ weekends! Excel-
lent benefits! New with classified!
Call 570-287-9701
for more info.
300C HEMI ers. Never Driven.
0 miles on
work. Comes with
additional 400 small ` 06 SOFTTAIL
On-Star, tow pack-
age, roof rack,
rear Skilled Trades
Equipment! HEART-
ING! Train for high
Light green, 18,000 running boards, windshield wiper,
restoration. block & many parts. 1-800-441-4953 paying Aviation
miles, loaded,
leather, wood trim,
$5,000. Serious
inquires only.
remote starter,
extended warranty.
(570) 606-4198 CARPENTER www.heartlandex-
Maintenance Car
eer. FAA approved
$38,000 Dark gray metallic, $16,000 Experienced.
570-222-4960 (570) 836-2574 Full time position. program. Financial
$36,500 new rr tire & (570) 825-7251 DRIVERS: CDL-A
leave message aid if qualified -
brakes, many Please forward Drivers Needed! Housing available.

extras. $10,900
resume to: OTR, Regional & CALL Aviation Insti-
(570) 592-4982 employment@ dedicated runs. Up
2002 BMW 745i SILVERADO 1500 or send
to: PO Box 1227
to $.50 per mile!
tute of Maintenan
ce. 888-834-9715
PT CRUISER Very Good Class A-CDL & Haz-
The Flagship of
the Fleet Condition!
Low miles!
HARLEY DAVIDSON 4X4 pickup, extend-
ed cab, 6 1/2 ft.
Kingston, Pa 18704 mat required.
800-942-2104 554 Production/
Inferno Red, flame New - $87,000
design. Chrome
wheels. 47,000
Midnight Emerald
with beige leather
$7500. FIRM
‘10 SPORTSTER 1200 box, automatic.
Pewter. 48,000 LABORER Ext. 238 or 243
A MUST SEE! miles. Excellent With Heavy Equip-
406 ATVs/Dune
miles, one owner.
Looks and runs
great. New inspec-
interior. 61K miles.
Mint condition.
Loaded. Garage
Ask for Lee
Motorcycle for sale?
Custom Paint.
Only driven under
condition. $15,000
ment Operator
experience needed 545 Marketing/ DESIGN/PREPRESS
10 miles!! Asking for company spe-

tion. $5,800
Call (570) 472-1854
Kept. Navigation Let them see it here
in the Classifieds!
$8,900 or best
(570) 954-7461
cializing in mobile Product
Stunning, offer. For info, crushing operation.
570-829-7130 Special Edition. Area commercial
Must Sell! call 570-864-2543 Management expe-
Maroon, Fully printer seeks design/
$20,000 or 215-379-1375 rience a plus. This is
76 inch Bull Rider, 55,600 miles, auto-
loaded. Leather
seats. TV/DVD, a year round opera- In search of a prepress person for
full-time position.
Honda 120 motor, matic, 4 door, anti-
WANTED SUZUKI `07 C50T miles,
Low mileage, 15000
navigation, sun roof tion. These posi- dynamic person
Should possess
1993 CADILLAC plus many other tions involve travel with great commu-
Kirkey seat, lock brakes, air con- automatic, nication skills and strong design capa-
extras. 3rd seat . at a minimum Mon-
new brake system, ditioning, air bags, 1953-1972 all-wheel drive, 4 ability to multi-task. bility with experi-
day through Friday.
A-Main feature wins
all power, AM/FM
radio, CD player, ALANTE Any Condition!
Courteous, Fast
door, anti-lock
brakes, air condi-
Only 1,900 Miles.
Brand New. Employer pays hotel
costs & mileage
The successful can-
didate will be punc-
ence in MAC, PC &
DTP applications &

Many Extras, new new brakes. 2 Door Professional Buyer. Asking $37,000 an understanding of
tioning, air bags, (570) 328-0850 reimbursement. tual, organized, reli-
Value $6,000, $10,900. Convertible Licensed & Bonded power locks, power able, creative, con- prepress, the print-
Sell for $2,999 Exquisite Candy 3 years experience ing process, and all
JEEP `00
windows, power scientious, and per-
Call (570) 954-2749 Apple Red black needed with operat- aspects of bindery
1-800-850-3656 mirrors, cruise con- sonable. Must have
FORD `04 MUSTANG soft top. 13,000 ing any of the fol- operation. Must
trol, AM/FM radio, lowing: prior marketing
FORD `52
Windshield, Bags,
409 Autos under
Mach I, 40th
original miles. All
available options,
including gold
Pipes, White
cassette player, CD
player, keyless WRANGLER • Front End Loader
• Bulldozer
be a self-starter
Must have a minimum of
2 years education in
graphic design &
V8, Auto, 1,200
miles, all options,
alloy wheels.
Garage Kept. 1
COUNTRY SEDAN walls,Garage Kept.
6K Miles $5,200
entry, rear de-
froster, rear wind-
• Grinder Operator
• Hydraulic
with reliable trans-
portation. Computer advertising, and a
minimum of 5 years
CADILLAC `94 show room condi-
tion. Call for info.
owner. Final
Model Year.
(570) 430-0357 shield wiper, tinted
windows. $17,500.
Employer has
skills a must. Will-
ingness to work practical experience
in graphic design,

Asking $24,995
Serious inquiries
V8, automatic,
8 passenger, SUZUKI ‘04 (570) 954-9333
Call after 9:00 a.m.
complete health-
care package.
Saturdays a must.
Positive attitude and print and bindery
production. Knowl-
only. 570-636-3151 3rd seat, good Submit resume to high energy a must.
94,000 miles, $31,000
condition, 2nd GSXR 1000CC CHEVY `05 EQUINOX bgapstone@ Fax resume to edge of the Apogee
workflow a plus.
automatic, front
wheel drive, 4
FORD `07 MUSTANG $27,900
owner. $9,500.
Less than 1,000
miles. Team colors
LT (premium pack-
age), 3.4L, 47,000 TJ, Black with grey 570-822-3446. No
phone calls please. Must have the ability
to move freely
63,000 highway
with matching hel- interior. 4 cylinder,
Line up a place to live
FORD `66
door, air condi- miles, silver, runs From an Exotic, miles. All wheel throughout the
met & jacket. Fend- drive, power moon- 5-speed manual 548 Medical/Health
tioning, air bags, great, $11,500.
Private Collection Mustang Coupe. er eliminator kit. roof, windows, locks transmission. CD in classified! building to gather
information, materi-
all power, cruise
control, leather
570-479-2482 Call 570-650-0278 Pearl white, pony
interior. Pristine
Scorpion exhaust.
& seats. Leather
interior, 6 cd chang-
player, hardtop, full
doors, sound bar. 542 Logistics/ CAREGIVER als & authorizations.
Competitive salary
Call Dave after 5 4” Skyjacker Part Time in-home
interior, $3,300.
condition. 26K
miles. $17,000 or pm 570-825-0394
er, rear folding
seats, keyless entry, Suspension lift with
steering stabilizer.
Transportation care for female
adult in Dallas. Must
and full benefits.
Send resume only
63,000 highway best offer. onstar, roof rack, DRIVER - Experi- to: Independent
miles, silver, runs YAMAHA `04 V-STAR running boards, Like new BF reside nearby.
(570) 817-6768 enced OTR Drivers. Graphics
great, $11,500. garage kept. Goodrich 35’s with Bathing required.
1100 Custom. 5800 Up to $4000 P.O. BOX 703,
Full size spare. Only
412 Autos for Sale negotiable.
570-479-2482 Loaded, automatic,
LINCOLN `88 miles,
light bar,
570-362-1910 85,000 miles. BONUS. $3,500
Sign-on cash and
Call 570-675-2539. Pittston, PA 18640
Phone calls will
AC, heated leather $6,999

ACURA `08 RDX TOWN CAR windshield, many $500 Laptop or not be accepted.
FORD `07
seats, 4 door.
$4,700 extras, must sell. CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR (570) 301-7221
GPS. Up to $.50 per
Healthcare Services
Good Condition.
53,000 miles. MUSTANG GT
Call 570-388-6535 61,000 original
miles, garage kept,
$4,900. Call
Custom Van. 67K
miles. Interior has JEEP `02 GRAND mile. Regional
Lanes/Home Week- Group at Highland
Shopping for a
Manor Nursing and
AWD, Full Power,
Premium package,
silver, black leather
triple black, leather
interior, carriage
oak wood trim, car-
peting, storage CHEROKEE LAREDO ly 888-463-3962. 6
Mo. OTR Exp. & Rehabilitation Center
is currently accept- new apartment?
Changer, Blue
Tooth, XM Radio,
interior, 5 speed
manual. 20,000
4Matic, V6 - Gray,
roof, factory wire
wheels, loaded,
excellent condition.
750cc. 8,000 miles,
saddlebags, wind-
areas, TV, rear seat
convertible to dou-
Current CDL
eoe m/f/h/v
ing applications for
part time Dietary
Classified lets
Leather Interior
& Sunroof
miles. $18,900
(570) 868-3832
77K highway miles, $5,500. Call
shield, back rest,
Black & Pearl,
ble bed, curtains.
Seats 7. Power win- DRIVER - Save up to
Aides. Also hiring Full
& Part time House-
you compare costs -
$20,000 Excellent condition, Mike 570-237-7660
Excellent Condition. dows & seats. Cus- $.32/gal using our keeping & Laundry without hassle
(570) 814-8398 dealer serviced. Sun tom lighting on ceil-
MAZDA `88 RX-7 or worry!
roof, heated seats. Must See. Asking Fuel Discount Net- Aides. Apply in per-
Call after 9:30 a.m. $2,499. Call after 4. ing. New exhaust work! Looking for son Monday - Friday
$15,500. Call
GT CONVERTIBLE 570-288-3916 CONVERTIBLE 570-823-9376 system. New rear
tires. Recently
Small Fleet Owners between the hours Get moving
BMW `07 328xi
Black with black
Red with black top.
6,500 miles. One MERCEDES-BENZ `95
1 owner, garage
kept, 65k original
inspected. Excellent
condition. $4,800.
Triple black, eco-
nomical 6 cylinder.
or Owner Opera-
tors. Earn $2/mile!
of 9am-4pm at:
750 Schooley Ave.
Exeter, PA 18643
with classified!
miles, black with 4x4 select drive.
interior. Heated Owner. Excellent Call 570-655-0530
grey leather interior,
SL 500
CD, remote door
seats. Back up &
navigation sys-
Condition. $18,500
Convertible, with
all original & never
seen snow. $8,900. 650 V-STAR
Custom Midnight
opener, power win-
dows & locks,
542 Logistics/
542 Logistics/
542 Logistics/
tems. New tires & Call 570-237-5119 Custom Van. 67K cruise, tilt wheel.
brakes. Sunroof. Looking for the right deal removable hard Edition. Matted miles. Interior has 108k highway miles.
on an automobile? top, dark Blue,
Garage kept. Many
extras! 46,000 Turn to classified. camel interior,
Summer Driving
MERCEDES-BENZ `73 black finish. Mint
condition. New
tires, inspected,
oak wood trim, car-
peting, storage
Garage kept. Super
clean inside and out.
Miles. It’s a showroom in print! areas, TV, rear seat No rust. Sale price
450SL with CDL CLASS A
Only, Garage Kept. fully serviced &
Asking $19,500. Classified’s got Very Good convertible to dou- $6,895. Scranton.
570-825-8888 or ready to ride. ble bed, curtains. 570-466-2771
the directions! Condition, No Convertible Windshield & sissy
626-297-0155 Accidents. Classy Seats 7. Power win-
removable hard top, bar. Low miles &
Call Anytime!
HYUNDAI `04 Car. Price
power windows, AM
/FM radio with cas-
garage kept.
$3,950 or best
dows & seats. Cus-
tom lighting on ceil-
Boat? Car? Truck?
Motorcycle? Air-
TIBURON GT $13,995
or trade for
sette player, CD
player, automatic, 4
offer. Call
ing. New exhaust
system. New rear
plane? Whatever it
Blue, 5 speed SUV or other. tires. Recently Classified ad.
manual, CD, Air, new tires. Cham-
570-388-6669 pagne exterior; Ital- inspected. Excellent 570-829-7130 REINHART FOODSERVICE, LLC
factory alarm,
power windows &
ian red leather inte-
YAMAHA` 08 R1 condition. $4,800.


BMW `07 328xi rior inside. Garage Call 570-655-0530
locks. 38K.
Black with black $7,500 negotiable.
kept, excellent con-
$1000.00 SIGN ON BONUS
Call 570-540-6236 dition. $31,000. Call
interior. Heated Blue/white top & 825-6272 Perfect condition.
seats. Back up & CDL Class A drivers transport products from our Pittston domicile to
LEXUS `95 ES 300 white interior. 3700 miles, new 4x4, stick shift, soft
navigation sys-
tems. New tires & Beautiful, mint
Recent document-
ed frame-off OLDSMOBILE `68
rear tire, undertail
kit, cover. Price GRAND CARAVAN
Only 17k miles.
top. Red exterior,
well maintained,
customer locations, conduct pre/post trip inspections, unload cased
products from trailer to desired customer location, and other duties as
brakes. Sunroof. negotiable $7,800 garage kept. 11,500
condition. Grey with restoration. Over
Fully loaded. assigned. Drivers must be willing to operate a Tracscan unit and be able
Garage kept. Many leather interior. 2 $31,000 invested. 570-852-9072 miles, one owner.
extras! 46,000 owners.New brakes will sell $21,500.
Excellent condi- AC, CD player, to lift and/or move up to 50 pounds frequently and lift and/or move up
Miles. DRASTICALLY tion. Factory & cruise control. to 100 pounds occasionally. Excellent customer service and interperson-
rotors & shocks. 570-335-3127
Asking $19,500. Ice cold AC. Fully REDUCED!! 442 RVs & Campers extended war- Tow package with al skills are required.
ranty. $17,995
570-825-8888 or
loaded. 112K.
Asking $4,900 PORSCHE `02 BOXSTER This model only
produced in 1967
FLAGSTAFF `08 (570) 690-2806
cargo carrier.
Excellent condition. Drug Free, EEO/AAP/M/F/H/V/D. Reasonable accommodations may
Call Anytime! (347) 452-3650
Mountain Top S & 1968. All
original 45,000
Call 570-822-9680
be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
function of a position.
CADILLAC ‘06 STS Great convertible, miles, Color
AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
ver, 52,600 miles, MAZDA `04 RX-8
black top, 6 speed
manual transmis-
sion, carbon fiber
Burgundy, cloth
& vinyl interior,
Super Lite Fifth
Wheel. LCD/DVD
flat screen TV, fire- DODGE `94 DAKOTA
EX, Van, Sunroof.
Reinhart offers an attractive compensation program, a comprehensive
benefits package including health insurance, eye and dental insurance,
350 rocket
sunroof, heated Hunter Green, dash, leather interi- place, heated mat- 61,000 miles.
seats, Bose sound 80,000 miles.
engine, 2nd with cap. 1 owner, and 401(k), and the opportunity to work in a well-established and
or, front & rear owner. Fender tress, ceiling fan, garage kept, very Loaded. Good
system, 6 CD New brakes & trunk, fast & agile. Hide-a-Bed sofa, good condition. condition. growth-oriented company.
skirts, always
changer, satellite rotors. New $18,000 or best outside speakers & Many extras includ- $5000 or best offer.
garaged. Trophy For confidential consideration, apply at or
radio, Onstar, park- alignment. Two offer. Call grill, 2 sliders, ing lift & back seat. 570-606-7654
winner at shows.
ing assist, remote new rear tires. 570-262-2478 Serious inquiries aluminum wheels, 29 MPG gas. 1-877-573-7447. Applications being accepted until May 30, 2011
keyless entry, elec-
tronic keyless igni-
tion, & more!
No accidents.
$8,000 or best
only, $7,500.
water purifier,
awning, microwave
or best offer MITSUBISHI `95 or until maximum number of applications received.
oven, tinted safety (570) 868-0944
$17,600 offer. For more glass windows,
570-881-2775 information, call
(570) 332-4213
SUBARU `02 WANTED: PONTIAC raised panel fridge
& many acces-
177,102 miles, auto-
matic, four wheel
542 Logistics/
542 Logistics/
542 Logistics/
sories & options.
drive, 4 door, anti-
Excellent condition,
457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy Formula 400 $22,500.
lock brakes, air con-
ditioning, air bags,
Auto Auto Low mileage,
57,000 miles, 5
Berkshire Green,
Originally purchased
DODGE `97 RAM power locks, power
windows, power
speed, all-wheel at Bradley-Lawless SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3 mirrors, power


drive, 4 door, anti- in Scranton. Car Travel Trailer. 29’, seats, cruise con-
lock brakes, air was last seen in 82,000 miles, auto-
mint condition, 1 matic, chrome step trol, AM/FM radio,
conditioning, air Abington-Scranton slide out a/c-heat. cassette player, CD
bags, power locks, area. Finder’s fee up and mirrors &
Stove, microwave, changer, leather
FOR JUNK power windows, paid if car is found fridge, shower
leather interior.
interior, sun roof,
and purchased. Call Good Condition.
control, John with any info
inside & out. Many Drums Area. rear defroster, rear
more extras. windshield wiper,
PICKED UP AM/FM radio, CD (570) 760-3440 Reduced. $13,500.
401-524-9763 new Passed inspec-
changer, rear Call 570-842-6735 tion, new battery.
570-876-1010 defroster, new Blitz
Stainless Exhaust,
AEM Cold Air
421 Boats &
Wheelchair Van
(570) 868-1100
Call after 2:00 p.m.
XLC Services, LLC (Logistics) is
seeking experienced forklift
Intake, TURBOXS 22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
center bathroom,
78,250 miles. Fully operators & Inexperienced candidates

Blowoff Valve &
serviced, new bat- with great employment history to
468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts Boost Control. kitchen, sofa bed. tery, tires & rods.
$10,500. Air, Fully self con- Seats 6 or 3 wheel- work at their Mehoopany, PA

(201) 704-8640 tained. Sleeps 6. 56,000 miles,
chairs. Braun Millen- location. The following skills are

Call before New tires, fridge automatic,
nium lift with necessary for these positions:


7:30 pm awning. $4500. all-wheel drive,
remote. Walk up 4 door, air condi- • High School Diploma/GED

door. Front & rear tioning, all power,
Fiberglass • Computer Skills
A/C. Power locks &
boat with TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft windows. Excellent
CD player, leather • Valid Driver’s License
$300 and Up
interior, tinted
• Criminal Background Check
trailer. Out- Rear queen master condition. $9,500. windows, custom
bedroom, Walk 570-237-6375 wheels, $13,000 • Pass Pre-employment Drug Screen
board propul-
$125 extra if driven, New tires, new
brakes, Inspected sion. Includes:
thru bathroom.
Center kitchen +
Call 570-829-8753
Before 5:00 p.m.
& Physical
• Part-time position for experienced
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
pulled or pushed in. 2 motors
March 4, AC, dinette bed. Front
AVPS, Fully extra large living DUMP TRUCK driver only.

NOBODY Pays More

loaded, 18,000
mile bumper to
“Lark II series”
room + sofa bed.
Big View windows.
Refurbished, rebuilt
engine, transmis-
sion replaced.
Ford, GMC,
All full-time positions come with the
following benefits:
bumper warranty. PRICE Air, awning, sleeps
Rear-end removed International-Prices medical, 8 paid holidays, 401k after
90,000 miles. REDUCED! 6, very clean, will
$12,900. deliver. Located in and relubed. Brand starting at $2,295. 1 year, and paid vacation. Pay increase
(570) 881-3712 $2,400 Benton, Pa. $4,900. new 10’ dump. PA Box Truck, Cab & based on skill development.
Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm state inspected. Chassis available.
Sunday 8 am - 68 pm NEGOTIABLE 215-694-7497 Interested Applicants can Apply Online!

$12,900/best offer. Call U-haul

570-417-3940 570-594-1496 570-822-5536 or Call 888-382-4078
WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011 Abington Journal PAGE 3 B


    " !        

WE ALSO CARRY OVER 200 CERTIFIED VEHICLES “70% of Cars in Stock – Only 1 Owner”
HYUNDAI “Free Carfax available on Every Vehicle”
STK: K11833A 2003 Hyundai.... Elantra......... 4dr Sdn GLS Manual .........................39,969 MILES $8,989 STK: T27892A 2008 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr V6 Auto XLT .......................23,870 MILES $20,999
STK: H26171A 2000 Mercury ... GrandMarquis 4dr Sdn GS ........................................35,466 MILES $8,995 STK: JP15255 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................32,636 MILES $20,999
STK: P14809B 2006 Mercury ... Milan ........... 4dr Sdn 2.3 ........................................68,535 MILES $9,989 STK: H25918A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr VP.......................................32,721 MILES $21,479
STK: K11889A 2005 Hyundai.... Elantra......... 4dr Sdn GT Auto................................69,910 MILES $9,995 STK: P15243 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... 4dr Sdn V6 CVT 3.5 SE ......................36,106 MILES $21,499
STK: L11157A 2003 Chevrolet . Monte Carlo 2dr Cpe LS .........................................52,039 MILES $10,989 STK: D0308A 2008 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................44,445 MILES $21,499
STK: T26956A 2005 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn LE Auto.................................67,434 MILES $11,195 STK: CP15257 2008 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................44,787 MILES $21,499
STK: K11898A 2004 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... 4dr GLS 4WD Auto 2.7L V6...............85,649 MILES $11,489 STK: J4543A 2007 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Limited ...............................52,552 MILES $21,875
STK: M7824A 2008 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe S...........................................45,966 MILES $11,989 STK: T27642A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................35,013 MILES $21,900
STK: CH5396A 2006 VW............. New Beetle . 2dr 2.5L Manual ................................40,542 MILES $11,995 STK: H26263A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................31,772 MILES $21,979
STK: T27950A 2007 Chrysler.... PT Cruiser ... 4dr Wgn Touring................................24,802 MILES $12,989 STK: P15164 2007 Cadillac..... DTS ............. 4dr Sdn Luxury I.................................31,363 MILES $21,995
STK: H26310A 2005 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4dr Laredo 4WD ................................70,722 MILES $12,995 STK: CP15175 2010 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................17,933 MILES $21,995
STK: K11906A 2008 Chevrolet . HHR ............. FWD 4dr LT........................................53,997 MILES $13,489 STK: H25980A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................32,684 MILES $21,995
STK: DP15253 2005 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... 4dr GLS 4WD 3.5L Auto ....................49,819 MILES $13,989 STK: H26326A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EXL .....................................51,202 MILES $21,995
STK: H26396A 2008 Toyota....... Matrix.......... 5dr Wgn Auto XR ..............................61,988 MILES $13,989 STK: T27123A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............26,864 MILES $21,995
STK: H25638A 2007 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................44,326 MILES $14,100 STK: H25661A 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L ...............................28,972 MILES $21,995
STK: CH5394A 2006 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Cpe Standard ..............................46,467 MILES $14,489 STK: TP15236 2008 Toyota....... CamryHybrid 4dr Sdn ..............................................18,432 MILES $21,995
STK: H26363B 2010 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe SE.........................................39,233 MILES $14,489 STK: A10687A 2007 Acura........ RDX ............. AWD 4dr............................................46,680 MILES $21,999
STK: H26304A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................30,041 MILES $14,595 STK: H26295A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................32,049 MILES $22,275
STK: T26966A 2009 Toyota....... Corolla ........ 4dr Sdn Auto LE.................................33,842 MILES $14,795 STK: DP15246 2010 Dodge....... GrandCaravan 4dr Wgn SXT .....................................26,203 MILES $22,479
STK: T27451A 2007 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn XL .........................................42,738 MILES $14,800 STK: A10766A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ......................34,442 MILES $22,479
STK: H26362A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Man LX........................................46,117 MILES $14,989 STK: K11794A 2008 Jeep .......... Commander 4WD 4dr Limited ...............................60,057 MILES $22,499
STK: A10764A 2009 Ford........... Fusion ......... 4dr Sdn I4 SE FWD............................42,405 MILES $14,989 STK: JP15256 2008 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................42,709 MILES $22,499
STK: K11632B 2004 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Auto.............................................65,591 MILES $14,989 STK: B9055A 2007 Toyota....... FJ Cruiser.... 4WD 4dr Auto ...................................42,948 MILES $22,595
STK: T27877A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................26,385 MILES $14,995 STK: H25653A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................31,247 MILES $22,895
STK: H26441A 2007 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr AT EX...........................................15,558 MILES $14,999 STK: H25556A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................34,157 MILES $22,895
STK: H26053A 2007 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 4dr AT EX..................................56,262 MILES $15,200 STK: H26123A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................38,604 MILES $22,900
STK: L11133A 2003 Lexus ........ GS 300 ........ 4dr Sdn ..............................................57,067 MILES $15,489 STK: T27703A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................45,038 MILES $22,995
STK: B9027B 2007 Jeep .......... Compass..... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................59,732 MILES $15,489 STK: H26324A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX ................................................14,799 MILES $22,995
STK: CH5398A 2008 Chrysler.... Sebring ....... 4dr Sdn Touring FWD ........................18,008 MILES $15,999 STK: AP15205 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto .....................................29,753 MILES $22,999
STK: H25603A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................33,011 MILES $15,999 STK: T27867A 2010 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr XLT .....................................30,966 MILES $22,999
STK: H26457A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................28,674 MILES $15,999 STK: DP15200 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar.....13,123 MILES $23,400
STK: CP15174 2010 Chrysler.... Sebring ....... 4dr Sdn Limited .................................24,973 MILES $16,395 STK: H26377A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................50,648 MILES $23,499
STK: H25899A 2007 Nissan....... Xterra .......... 4WD 4dr Auto S ................................65,037 MILES $16,489 STK: D0282A 2006 Dodge....... Ram 2500.... 4dr Mega Cab 160.5 4WD SLT..........61,835 MILES $23,499
STK: KP15216 2010 Hyundai.... Sonata......... ...........................................................26,861 MILES $16,995 STK: H26115A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX-L....................................54,276 MILES $23,499
STK: P15214 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ...........................................................37,675 MILES $17,095 STK: CP15249 2010 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................24,665 MILES $23,499
STK: T27498A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................12,394 MILES $17,395 STK: DP15178 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar.....12,321 MILES $23,595
STK: TP15235 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................32,059 MILES $17,395 STK: T27376A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT SR5.................62,285 MILES $23,995
STK: J4558A 2004 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 Ext Cab 143.5” WB 4WD LS .............79,104 MILES $17,489 STK: T27738A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade..............41,984 MILES $24,600
STK: H25664A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto EX .......................................45,453 MILES $17,499 STK: P15179 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................21,185 MILES $24,995
STK: K11916A 2008 Hyundai.... Sonata......... 4dr Sdn V6 Auto SE...........................29,542 MILES $17,979 STK: T27976A 2009 Nissan....... Frontier ....... 4WD Crew Cab SWB Auto SE ..........19,582 MILES $24,995
STK: T27987A 2010 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr Auto LX........................................19,143 MILES $17,979 STK: A10664A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................42,416 MILES $24,999
STK: M7758A 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander.... 4WD 4dr XLS.....................................40,232 MILES $17,995 STK: H26099A 2008 Honda....... Ridgeline..... 4WD Crew Cab RTL w/Lthr...............20,439 MILES $25,995
STK: TP15207 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................23,755 MILES $17,995 STK: L11033B 2008 Cadillac..... SRX ............. AWD 4dr V6 ......................................35,319 MILES $25,995
STK: T27788A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................23,987 MILES $17,995 STK: L11140A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................18,905 MILES $25,995
STK: D0194A 2008 Mitsubishi Endeavor .... AWD 4dr LS.......................................41,089 MILES $17,995 STK: B8782B 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LS ....................6,691 MILES $25,995
STK: J4567A 2007 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................47,201 MILES $17,995 STK: L11148B 2006 Lexus ........ IS 350 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto............................46,809 MILES $26,479
STK: A10725A 2008 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................39,412 MILES $17,999 STK: L11174B 2007 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................46,239 MILES $26,499
STK: H26118A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ...................................20,651 MILES $18,295 STK: H25996A 2010 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr V6 5-Spd AT Ltd .................13,017 MILES $26,950
STK: T27677A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ......................56,948 MILES $18,295 STK: A10695A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................31,903 MILES $26,995
STK: H25659A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................52,311 MILES $18,499 STK: T27392A 2010 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............9,438 MILES $26,995
STK: H26325B 2009 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................22,078 MILES $18,499 STK: K11896A 2009 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................27,032 MILES $27,479
STK: J4539A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................28,610 MILES $18,795 STK: L11203A 2010 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn Limited .................................24,654 MILES $27,499
STK: H25755A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................32,978 MILES $18,995 STK: H26453A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 134.0” Work Truck *Ltd Avail*....11,684 MILES $27,499
STK: L11063A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................54,703 MILES $18,995 STK: H26106A 2008 Ford........... SprDutyF-250. 4WD SuperCab 158” FX4..................51,841 MILES $27,499
STK: JP15132 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................29,605 MILES $18,995 STK: A10548A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LTZ...................34,286 MILES $27,995
STK: H26246A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX .......................................28,571 MILES $18,995 STK: T27895A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................29,326 MILES $27,995
STK: H26177A 2008 Mercury ... Mariner ....... 4WD 4dr V6.......................................23,676 MILES $18,995 STK: T27948A 2009 Honda....... Ridgeline..... 4WD Crew Cab RTL...........................21,548 MILES $27,995
STK: P15213 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ...........................................................35,986 MILES $18,995 STK: T27694A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade..............35,571 MILES $27,995
STK: T27622A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................24,930 MILES $18,995 STK: L11034A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................31,761 MILES $28,479
STK: T27346A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................34,098 MILES $18,995 STK: A10702A 2009 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EXL .....................................39,561 MILES $28,479
STK: J4513A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................27,749 MILES $18,995 STK: H24986A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX-L w/RES .................................33,319 MILES $28,479
STK: T27979A 2006 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Base 4-cyl 4WD ..........................39,878 MILES $18,995 STK: L11127A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................26,270 MILES $28,979
STK: J4502A 2007 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Limited ...............................46,140 MILES $18,999 STK: T27626A 2010 Dodge....... Ram 1500.... 4WD Quad Cab 140.5” SLT ...............37,344 MILES $28,995
STK: T27602B 2005 Ford........... F-150............ Supercab 133” XLT 4WD...................69,185 MILES $18,999 STK: L11108A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................15,710 MILES $28,995
STK: T27158B 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE.............................40,522 MILES $18,999 STK: L11156A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................29,967 MILES $29,479
STK: H26455A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................38,583 MILES $18,999 STK: T27909A 2008 Chevrolet . Silver2500HD 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT w/1LT..........19,269 MILES $29,499
STK: H25760A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ...................................21,693 MILES $19,095 STK: H26381A 2010 Ford........... F-150............ 4WD SuperCab 145” STX .................6,866 MILES $29,499
STK: H26122A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L PZEV .......................24,073 MILES $19,195 STK: L11175A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................33,950 MILES $29,499
STK: HP15148 2008 Honda....... Accord......... ...........................................................32,207 MILES $19,195 STK: T27766A 2010 Toyota....... Venza........... 4dr Wgn I4 AWD...............................10,590 MILES $29,979
STK: H26370A 2008 Toyota....... Prius ............ 5dr HB................................................34,820 MILES $19,479 STK: H26120A 2010 Nissan....... Pathfinder ... 4WD 4dr V6 LE ..................................9,592 MILES $29,995
STK: T27415A 2009 Dodge....... Journey....... AWD 4dr SXT ....................................53,116 MILES $19,499 STK: T27776A 2008 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE Ltd AWD............38,265 MILES $29,995
STK: DP15244 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT.......................................17,470 MILES $19,499 STK: LP15225 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................22,761 MILES $29,995
STK: DP15245 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT.......................................18,141 MILES $19,499 STK: T27531A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 Base..............................15,950 MILES $29,995
STK: H25977A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................47,834 MILES $19,795 STK: B9062A 2010 Honda....... AccrdCrosstour 4WD 5dr EX-L w/Navi.......................12,568 MILES $29,995
STK: H26104A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................35,158 MILES $19,895 STK: A10768A 2008 GMC.......... Acadia ......... AWD 4dr SLT1...................................28,824 MILES $29,995
STK: H26073A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L ...............................32,704 MILES $19,965 STK: JP15232 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................15,821 MILES $30,495
STK: T27878A 2005 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4dr V6 4WD Limited w/3rd Row.......64,256 MILES $19,989 STK: S0675A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5” LS.................4,275 MILES $30,499
STK: T27706A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 4.7L V8 5-Spd AT SR5.................71,440 MILES $19,995 STK: BP15057A 2008 Volvo......... XC70............ 4dr Wgn w/Snrf ................................34,206 MILES $30,499
STK: CP15135 2007 Chrysler.... 300-Series... 4dr Sdn 300C RWD ...........................39,233 MILES $19,995 STK: JP15247 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................14,138 MILES $30,979
STK: H26183B 2010 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto LX ..............................21,335 MILES $19,995 STK: JP15248 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................14,422 MILES $30,979
STK: T27805A 2008 GMC.......... Envoy .......... 4WD 4dr SLE1 ...................................44,468 MILES $19,995 STK: T27983A 2010 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE FWD ..................21,438 MILES $31,479
STK: H26328A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................19,479 MILES $19,995 STK: M7813A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................13,714 MILES $31,499
STK: H25563A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................27,940 MILES $19,995 STK: BS0325 2010 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.0L Sport 4MATIC...............13,001 MILES $31,895
STK: A10710B 2004 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4dr SR5 V8 Auto 4WD.......................50,988 MILES $19,995 STK: T27569A 2011 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................1,932 MILES $31,995
STK: H26353A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT....................19,811 MILES $19,995 STK: L11017A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,245 MILES $31,995
STK: T27985A 2007 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Passenger Van LE AWD...........54,187 MILES $19,999 STK: L11149A 2009 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................12,011 MILES $31,995
STK: H26184A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................30,341 MILES $20,295 STK: L11126A 2008 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,174 MILES $31,995
STK: D0183A 2007 Dodge....... Ram 1500.... 4WD Mega Cab 160.5” SLT ..............55,974 MILES $20,295 STK: AP15239 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S .........................21,301 MILES $31,995
STK: T27960A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............45,728 MILES $20,479 STK: T27961A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 SE..................................18,492 MILES $32,195
STK: L11180A 2005 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................44,758 MILES $20,489 STK: A10750A 2007 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr Sport Pkg............................41,865 MILES $32,479
STK: H25961A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................46,857 MILES $20,499 STK: AP15242 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S .........................38,182 MILES $32,479
STK: T27075A 2009 VW............. Routan ........ 4dr Wgn SE .......................................21,595 MILES $20,499 STK: A10755A 2009 Nissan....... Murano ....... AWD 4dr LE.......................................16,333 MILES $33,499
STK: K11706A 2010 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Cpe Premium...............................23,110 MILES $20,499 STK: H26402A 2008 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr Tech Pkg.............................36,667 MILES $33,979
STK: KP15215 2011 Hyundai.... Sonata......... 4dr Sdn 2.4L Auto GLS ......................14,767 MILES $20,499 STK: L11125A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................24,613 MILES $34,479
STK: H26340A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................50,341 MILES $20,499 STK: L11178A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................34,832 MILES $34,979
STK: BP15177A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................44,842 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15119 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................25,472 MILES $34,995
STK: T27791A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Sport..........................47,276 MILES $20,499 STK: L11186A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,806 MILES $34,995
STK: H26233A 2008 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Conv Deluxe ................................33,367 MILES $20,499 STK: TP15218 2010 Audi .......... A5 ................ 2dr Cpe Man quattro 2.0L Premium Plus ..31,760 MILES $35,499
STK: H26065B 2008 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... AWD 4dr Auto GLS ...........................48,539 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15102 2007 MB............. GL-Class ...... 4MATIC 4dr 4.7L................................29,502 MILES $35,995
STK: BS0322A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................58,841 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15153 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................25,172 MILES $35,995
STK: JP15250 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport ..................................29,691 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15121 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................31,982 MILES $36,479
STK: A10729A 2006 BMW......... 3-Series....... 325i 4dr Sdn RWD.............................52,090 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15152 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................24,282 MILES $36,995
STK: T27946A 2008 Mazda....... MX-5 Miata. 2dr Conv PRHT Auto Touring.............19,680 MILES $20,499 STK: C3390A 2009 BMW......... X3 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................11,080 MILES $37,499
STK: P15254 2009 Subaru...... Impreza ....... ...........................................................35,279 MILES $20,499 STK: T27847A 2010 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................15,603 MILES $38,995
STK: H26289A 2006 Honda....... Ridgeline..... RTS AT...............................................50,771 MILES $20,499 STK: A10688A 2008 Lexus ........ GX 470 ........ 4WD 4dr ............................................19,709 MILES $39,950
STK: T27682A 2008 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto EX ..............................57,462 MILES $20,499 STK: P15127 2008 Cadillac..... Escalade...... AWD 4dr............................................32,519 MILES $39,995
STK: J4420A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L w/Navi.......................48,864 MILES $20,900 STK: L11183A 2007 Lexus ........ LS 460 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................26,277 MILES $40,479
STK: AP15222A 2010 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX .......................................10,326 MILES $20,979 STK: T27671A 2008 Toyota....... Sequoia....... 4WD 4dr LV8 6-Spd AT Ltd................15,288 MILES $42,495
STK: H26186A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................39,473 MILES $20,995 STK: L10953B 2010 MB............. R-Class ........ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................14,493 MILES $44,995
STK: K11830A 2006 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn Limited .................................56,998 MILES $20,995 STK: H26002A 2010 BMW......... X5 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................21,554 MILES $45,995
STK: T27820A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................47,581 MILES $20,995 STK: LP15237 2009 Lexus ........ LS 460 ......... 4dr Sdn AWD ....................................25,773 MILES $49,479
STK: H26389A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr VP.......................................35,088 MILES $20,995 STK: B9034A 2010 MB............. GL-Class ...... 4MATIC 4dr 5.5L................................14,023 MILES $77,479

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PAGE 4 B Abington Journal WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011




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*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
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WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011 Abington Journal PAGE 5 B
566 Sales/Retail/ 610 Business 708 Antiques & 714 Bridal Items 744 Furniture & 744 Furniture &
Business Opportunities Collectibles Accessories Accessories
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale Development package REDUCED.


The only shop
St. Johns pictures of
the school fire of
1960 copies & some
New, tags on, ivory
strapless, size 10,
ivory strapless,
5 piece, complete,
dark wood, like new
queen size, 7 ft.
with 6 chairs & leaf,
light brown in color
$75. Kitchen table
originals. also, the beautiful bead work,
in the area! dresser with double with 6 chairs and
1,300 sq/ft retail 1964 St. Johns year veil beaded to mirror. Asking leaf. walnut in color
Local & 1,300 sq/ft book. both for $20. match & slip. Paid $599. 655-5404 $125. CEDAR
Agency is looking to storage Add also King’ col- $600 asking $125. WARDROBE $100.

hire a Commercial lege year book of 570-287-3505 BEDROOM SET mis- CEDAR CHEST $50.
1980. $20. BOOKS sion oak wood twin Light wood oak
Lines Customer on 5 great women
Includes size complete &
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complete twin bed
handle existing book established sales, with removable side
of business. At all equipment, Jackie” A portrait of
an American mar-
Materials $175. 905-5602 rails $50. HOSPITAL
least (3) to 5 years showcases, BED complete with
riage in the Kennedy BEDROOM SET

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ferred, position tory” a book on twin captain’s bed,
FTD, Tele-Floral & Exterior or interior.
available in our Hillary Clinton. dresser with mirror,
1-800-FLOWERS. Natural oak finish, LOVESEAT &
Wilkes-Barre office. “Going Rogue” A chest of drawers,
Willing to train right or left with OTTOMAN solid
Salary commensu- amazing life of desk with hutch &
buyer. Owner hardware. $200. sand colored cush-
rate with experi- Sarah Palin. “My chair, very good
retiring after 25 Turn” Memoirs of Call 570-735-8730 ioned, excellent
ence, Benefit Pack-

Home Loans
or 570-332-8094 condition $300. shape $200.
age includes, Health years in business. Nancy Reagan. “A negotiable. LOFT 570/824-7807 or
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ance, 20 day PTO potential growth. lyn Monroe” $10. son storm doors Light oak, very solid,
Time & 401k plan.
Please forward
CALL 570-542-4520 each. 655- 9474
email bing
30” & 36” white.
$50 each. 570-417-
built-in desk with 2
drawers & over-
MIRRORS: 2 mirrors
that fit on dressers.
Pictures available. 4188 leave mes-
resume to: head light, shelves $50 for both.
Eastern & 5 drawers, excel- 570-313-5213

Strength... Stability... Service

Insurance Group DOORS: (2) sliding lent condition. $400
Attn: Renee Valenti, Coughlin H.S. 1926, closet doors, 24x80 PATIO SET: 7 piece
1928, 1932, 1937, negotiable.
613 Baltimore Drive, wood with natural 570-868-6613 white, rectangle
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1940, 1961, 1963, finish $50. DOOR (1) table, new cushions
18702. 1942, 1943, 1944, 30x80 natural finish. CANOPY BED- that are 1 year old
JAN-PRO 1949. G.A.R. H.S. $40. Excellent con- white, double with $250. 883-5640
COMMERCIAL 1934, 1935, 1936, dition. 675-4383 four drawer chest
CLEANING 1937, 1945, 1946, and night table SOFA TABLE: 48”
OF NEPA 1951, 1955, 1956, GLASS DOOR. 3 $100.00 for all medium shade of
1957, 1961, 1965, way glass door for three. 654-2505 wood, $40. Childs
Be Your Own 1966, 1970, 1980, bath tub. $25 wood high back
Boss Work Full or 1985, 2005, 2006. 570-331-8183 CEDAR CHEST, light bench with cut out
Part time Meyers H.S. 1935, maple $75. FLOOR hearts on sides and
600 Accounts available 1936, 1937, 1938, SINKS:
2 new
LAMPS brass with 5 back, $15. 3 light
1942, 1943, 1944, fixtures $25. Pine green metal
FINANCIAL NOW throughout
1945, 1946, 1960, bowl sinks with shelf $10. Swag - planters, hook on
Wilkes Barre, slight imperfection
Scranton, 1974, 1975, 1976, grapes & wine bot- top of deck railing,
1977. Kingston H.S. (almond). $30. or tles $10. 24” long, $12. for
610 Business and Hazleton.
1938, 1939, 1940, best offer. For 570-693-2612 all. 570-301-8515
Opportunities We guarantee details 457-6380
$5,000 to 1944, 1948, 1949.
Plymouth H.S. 1930, COMPUTER DESK,
1931, 1932, 1933,
WINDOWS Re- with hutch, good 752 Landscaping &
in annual billing. placement new 1-
Do you earn $800 in
Small investment 1938, 1943, 1944, 16”x27.5” & 1-
condition $50. Gardening
a day? Your own 1959, 1960. CEDAR CHEST with
local candy route. We’re ready - 18”x27” white vinyl
Hanover H.S. 1951, double hung insulat- cushion seat, $150. Bruce’s
Includes 25 mach Are you? TEA CART, oak. $65 Lawn Service
For more info 1952, 1953, 1954, ed glass 1/2 screen
ines and candy all 1960. West Pittston $65. each. (2) 570-655-0952 See our ad under
for $9,995. Call Call 570-824-5774 Call An Expert
H.S. Annual 1925, 16”x16” concrete
877-915-8222. All 1926, 1927, 1928, chimney caps $10. CURIO CABINET: 1165 Lawn Care
major credit cards 1931, 1932, 1959. each. solid oak, three
accepted. glass shelves and CHIPPER, shredder,
Luzerne H.S. 1951,
630 Money To Loan
Luzerne County
two lights for display mulcher, bagger.
Lackawanna County LINE UP “We can erase
1952, 1956, 1957,
1959. Berwick H.S. 726 Clothing $200. Bridal Pre-
cious Moment knick
Craftsman 5 HP. 3
cutting stages. Very
Call Tony Luizza Call Tom Burke A GREAT DEAL... your bad credit -
100% GUARAN-
1952, 1953, 1956,
1957, 1958, 1960, BABY GIRLS clothes knacks $5 to $35.
Hunter green couch
good condition.
$325. 675-4383
(570) 574-0750 IN CLASSIFIED! 1967, 1968, 1969 (0-18 months) tons
(570) 961-5174 Looking for the right deal
TEED.” Attorneys
for the Federal ,1970. Lehman H.S.
1973, 1974, 1976,
of outfits, like new
$150. Maternity
reclines on both
sides, drawer in LAWN MOWER -
Yard machine, 5.75
Trade Commission center bottom and
on an automobile? 1978, 1980. Nanti- clothes, over 20 H.P., 22” cut,
say they’ve never hidden pull out table
coke Area H.S. pieces $40. mulches, high
Turn to classified. seen a legitimate
1976, 2008. Dallas 570-212-2347 with cup holders
wheeled, good con-
credit repair opera- $150. 570-704-8117

It’s a showroom in print! tion. No one can H.S. 1966, 1967, dition. $85.
Classified’s got legally remove 1968. Bishop Hoban
women’s size large DAY BED white 570-881-7116
H.S. 1972, 1973,
the directions! accurate and timely
1974, 1975. West & extra large con- wicker Henry Lind
information from sisting of pants, with trundle, desk,
Side Central chair, mirror, night Craftsman /Honda
your credit report. tops, jackets, shoes
Catholic H.S. 1965 - motor includes bag

Conventional, FHA, VA, and

It’s a process that size 9, over 35 stand, 6 draw
1974, 1980, 1981. dresser, removable not self propelled,
starts with you and items. Good condi-
Westmoreland H.S. bookcase, ward- new blade runs
involves time and a tion. $35. 655-1808

PHFA. Rural Housing loans

1952, 1953 - 1954 robe , magazine good $150. after
conscious effort to
G.A.R. H.S. 1972, GOWNS: Jessica stand $750. or call 3pm 655-3197
pay your debts.
Learn about manag- 1973, 1974, 1975, McLintock, laven- for individual prices

are available and feature no Paint your own 1976 Pittston H.S. MOWER
ing credit and debt der, full skirt netting, 570-498-0977 Craftsman 6.75 hp,
pottery studio 1936, 1951, 1954, bodice, spaghetti
at ftc. gov/credit. A self propelled bag-
franchise. Low start 1963 Pittston Hospi- DESK, Secretary

down payment and the ability

message from The straps, matching ging mower, key
up & local training. tal School of Nurs- wrap, size 9/10 drop down top 3
Times Leader and start, fully services
POKE-A-NOSE ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, $30. After Six, soft drawers, pecan fin-
the FTC. $165. 878-2849
POTTERY 1959 West Pittston
of including closing costs blue, floor-length A- ish, excellent condi-
Inspiration is Within H.S. 1950, 1954, line skirt with lining, tion. $100. 287-2517 PLUG AERATOR
Call Jason 1955, 1956, 1960 fitted top, spaghetti Brand =AGRI-FAB

with the loan.

570-730-7855 or Hazleton H.S. 1938, DINETTE SET: round
straps, empire waist top on pedestal bot- purchased at Sears.
email: pnpfranchise 1939, 1940, 1941, line, size 16. $30. Used less than 6 1942, 1943, 1945, tom, with 4 match-
570-814-9845 ing chairs in solid times. Maximum
1948, 1949, 1950, added weight = 140
Find Something? 1953, 1954, 1955, PURSES (2) Vera maple. Mint Condi-
lbs. Purchase price
700 1956, 1957, 1959, Bradley assorted tion Less than one


approximately $162.
Lose Something? MERCHANDISE 1960, 1961, 1962, purses $20 each. year old. Four cush-
ions included. $175. sell $100.
1964 Hazle Twp H.S. 570-693-2612
Get it back where it 1951, 1952 570-288-5835 570-735-3438
belongs 702 Air 728 Commercial/ DRESSER 5 drawer
oak, very good con-
754 Machinery &
with a Lost/Found ad! Conditioners 710 Appliances Industrial dition $50. Equipment
Equipment 570-878-2849
MetLife Home Loans is Licensed by the PA Dept. of 570-829-7130 AIR CONDITIONER
DRYER: Gas dryer -
LATHE: 6” Crafts-
man with stand $75.
Banking and is a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A. large capacity $125. GENERATOR Honda

570-740-1246 Side by side bisque CENTER. Cherry, large tank air com-
EB 2500 $400
906 Homes for Sale AIR CONDITIONER refrigerator, 8 years 570-674-7034 real wood. 57” wide. pressor 3/4 hp.
old with filter, ice & $20. 570-674-2985 570-814-4775
portable, 10,000

In T he
water dispenser
BTU, G.E., excellent
$275. 570-287-8107 730 Computer GOLDEN LIFT
756 Medical
condition. Asking CHAIR, weight
Equipment &

$150. 829-6417 capacity 375 lbs. Equipment
Software Medium brown,
708 Antiques & DESK. Computer
never used, $450. LIFT CHAIR. Pride.
Call 570-388-6044 Elegance series
Collectibles Desk $50. Call 735- Model 550. 3 posi-
8730 or 332-8094 KITCHEN SET beige tion, 375 lb capacity.
BARBIE DOLL: 1997 marble top, octagon Marine blue, less
Mattel Hallmark shape, pedestal
Special Edition Bar- 732 Exercise base, 4 captain
than 2 years old.
$175. 954-9883
bie Doll. Fair Equipment chairs all on wheels,
Valentint; 12” tall; gorgeous. Paid POWER CHAIR -
Pink & Torquoise GENE’S
EXERCISE BIKE: $1300 sell for $300. Jazzy Select,
1870’s dress. New RECONDITIONED
“Half Price” Nordic- Moving must sell. $700 or best offer
in box $20.735-0191 APPLIANCES track exercise bike. 570-675-4085 cell ALSO, regular
60 Day Warranty 16 levels. Like new. 570-406-7719 wheelchair, with

Monday-Friday $125. 204-4449 extra weight sup-

8:00PM-5:00PM LAMP - Parlor stand port. $100. Call for
1949 Leuis Burg up lamp. Very good
Saturday 742 Furnaces & more details
Chair and Furniture condition. Grey
8:00AM-11:00AM 570-829-2411
Company Heaters metal color. $25.
Mahogany dining Gateway 570-740-1246
758 Miscellaneous

real estate, inc.

room set consisting Shopping Center FIREPLACE. Brick
of rectangle drop Kingston, PA front electric. 6’ MIRROR large full
leaf table with wide. $50 or best size wall mirror 30” BEER MEISER Dans-
swirled legs,
(570) 819-1966 x 52” great for salon by, holds 1/4 keg.
offer. 570-288-3233
4 padded chairs, or gym $50. or best $225. 283-2047
hutch with 8 draw- MICROWAVE: GE, all offer. 570-905-5602
744 Furniture &
Clarks Summit / Scranton Office ers, corner cabinet
with glass top and
options, with
turntable, excellent Accessories 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
condition. $40.
239 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit
bottom drawer,
telephone stand REFRIGERATOR, ANTIQUE FIRESIDE Unfurnished Unfurnished
with swirled legs. small college size, CHAIRS (2) $50.

(570) 585-0600 (570) 207-6262 All in very good

good condition $40/
$1200. or best offer
Kenmore Elite, gas, sized, solid pine Immediate Occupancy!!
DOLL very old black, excellent wood, country

grandmother’s doll
1930’s or earlier,
condition, asking
$200. 262-4866
french design, 3
shelves, beautifully MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS
carved wood doors,
slight worn spot,
STOVE, electric, striking showcase 61 E. Northampton St.
cloth body filled with
bisque, Amana,
shavings $65. 1937
good condition
piece for bedroom Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
brass Mickey or family room.
Mouse belt buckle
$100. 288-9940 $200. 690-8009 • Affordable Senior Apartments
$20. Rawcliffe Petal STOVE/RANGE BED. Craftmatic
• Income Eligibility Required
1991 yellow bubble electric, beige $80. Adjustable. $500 or • Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
fairy #2904 of 9500 REFRIGERATOR
$15. Barbie wearing
best offer. • New appliances; laundry on site;
medium size, white 570-288-3894
cowgirl outfit, 1966 $75. WASHER $75. • Activities!
$30. Vintage camel DRYER, gas $80. • Curb side Public Transportation
salt & pepper shak- 570-704-8134 DESK secretary with
ers, handmade from hutch, new in box Please call 570-825-8594
Israeli Olive Wood WASHER: Whirlpool
1950’s selling on Duet Sport HT front
$95. 288-9940 TDD/TTY 800-654-5984
Ebay for $75 asking load washer, multi
$25. Call 570-474- settings, energy
2756 between efficient, white, 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/
8:30am & 8:3-0 pm excellent condition, Transportation Transportation Transportation
less than 2 Years
Doyouneedmorespace? old (Paid $900).
Must sell, only $500.
A yard or garage sale 570-825-7867
in classified
OUT IN THE COUNTRY is the best way MACHINE. Like new.
tocleanoutyourclosets! Front loader. Very
But close to town. Spacious 3 You’re in bussiness nice. 24” wide.

bedroom ranch on over 3/4 acre. with classified! Many cycles includ-
ing hand wash &
Updates include: roof, furnace,
LP’S, 78’S, 45’S
From 40’S, 50’S,
heavy duty. $325.
570-817-0409 DRIVERS WANTED
60’S & 70’S
CENTRAL AIR, windows, deck, Looking for that
Abington Heights
$1 each. 829-2411
special place
refinished hardwood floors and NEON SIGN - Elec-
called home?
more. Partially finished LL provides
tric, Camel sign, 30
years old, $200. Classified will address School District
570-829-2411 Your needs.
exciting potential. Wonderful PIANO. Ericsson Open the door • FREE CDL LICENSING
with classified!
neighborhood. MLS#11-1817 upright from 1885.
Needs tuning and • All Clearances Paid By Rohrer Bus
Offered at $172,215 some minor repairs.
$200. 868-6613
712 Baby Items
• Bonus Programs
• Limited Health Benefits
Collect cash, not dust! born swing $50.

Offered by: David Lang Clean out your

Childcraft crib $75.
Childcraft oak 4
drawer chest $50.
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate, Inc. basement, garage
Oak dresser combo
changing table
$100. Newborn-12
Office: (570) 585-0600 PHONE: 570-290-0085
or attic and call the month clothing - girl
$5. each
570-825-0569 EMAIL:
Direct Line: (570) 585-0615 Classified depart- UMBRELLA
ment today at 570- STROLLER
condition $7.

Real Value. Real Results.

PAGE 6 B Abington Journal WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011
758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 774 Restaurant 776 Sporting Goods 780 Televisions/ 792 Video 815 Dogs
Equipment Accessories Equipment
BARREL, two chairs beige 5000 btu energy Manuals for auto/ wide cleaning path, Mizuno, brand new TV: Sony 27” Trini-
wooden. DVD PLAYER Toshi-
color hydraulic lift & savor ac works truck repair, ranging all attachments, RESTAURANT $50. PSE Com- tron color with ba all region, model
53 gallon. swivel $50 each great, $40. AM/ from 1960 to 1980. powerforce, bag- pound bow with soft Sauder entertain-
EQUIPMENT, sd-590. Plays dvd”s
570-905-5602 FM/CassettE & cd each $12. Truck less turbo, 12 amps case, excellent con- ment center meas- from any country.
condition $195. 8x12 walk in
player boom box door for 1973-1980 MZX1MUM $45. One dition $50. 50lb. ures 55h x 22w, 51 l Remote. Like new in
570-876-3830 $25. Lexmar color passenger side portable Pronto 2 in cooler $2300; automatic deer $100. Mintek DVD box $50. 833-2598
8x8x10 walk

printer new in the Dodge Pickup new, 1 Electrolux with feeder $20. Bow Player $15
box $20. DVD/VCR never used. $100. charger & stand in freezer $3800; Flex XLT with lat bar 570-829-4776
BATHROOM SINK CEILING FAN combo with all hook Pinto trailer hook for $20. 570-735-8730 Pizza oven with & leg extension, all 794 Video Game
SET: Gerber white white, very good stones $2000;
porcelain bathroom condition $15.
ups $40. DVD player dump truck. $40. or 570-332-8094
Stainless steel
cables, bars, and
784 Tools Systems/Games
with all hook ups Radiator for 1950/ instructions includ-

sink with mirror and Anderson window- $15. AB-DOER exer- 54 model Chevy kitchen hood ed $200. Sit up
762 Musical XBOX 360 250gb
medicine cabinet. 36”w X38”H double cise machine new in truck. $75. Tail $3000; Stainless bench with leg hold- BUFFER Coleman slim system. Holiday
Matching set. $80. hung, grills & screen box, never openend Lights, new, for Instruments steel pizza oven er $20. Outdoor sun Powermate new in bundle. $199. Eric
570-331-8183 included, very good a $150. value for Ford dump or box hood $4000; shelter 9x13 $25. box. $20. 609-433-5660 (in
condition. $75. or only $70. Dell flat truck, brackets DRUM SET 5 piece bread pan rack 570-212-2347 570-288-9940 Wilkes-Barre)
best offer. 826-1702 screen 16” monitor included. 2 for $25. Maxx $100. $100; 2 soup
with keyboard, 570-823-6829 570-674-2644 warmers for $100; GOLF CLUBS Arnold Say it HERE CLASSIFIED
GUIDE for most 10”
944 Commercial 944 Commercial mouse all hookups,
PIANO Baldwin con-
2 door sandwich Palmer irons, 2 thru
miter saws, works in the Classifieds! AD ONLINE
DISHES Apple dish- prep table $500. 9, good condition
Properties Properties wires and cd users
es 12 place setting sole with matching All equipment is $50. BACKPACK, great! $12. 570-829-7130
guide all for only call 570-696-1267
$40. call with salt/pepper bench $995. tuned sold as is. For hiking, large, navy, Call 829-7130
570-262-3273 shakers, butter dish a440 almost mint, more info, call excellent condition 796 Wanted to Buy
and matching canis- hardly used, excel- 570-847-0873 $50. 570-675-4383 786 Toys & Games Merchandise Place your pet ad
BEDLINER: 89 ter set $25. Call lent, delivered. and provide us your
WILKES-BARRE Chevy S10 truck
bedliner, standard
570-631-6635 9am-
5:30pm or 570-283-
call 570-474-6362
men’s left-handed
Mr. Baseball, buying
all sports cards and
email address
PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN cab $30. 2000 5958 After 5:30. PIANO KEYBOARD
Casio WK-200 76-
complete set taylor 570-674-2644 memorabilia. This will create a
Chevy Cavalier LS - made driver #3, 4, 203-557-0856
Great Commercial Store Front, rear trunk spoiler, HEATER: kerosene key piano keyboard. MIXER, 20 quart 5 fairway metals #3 seller account
& Inside Suites Available black $10. Four heater, used once, Over 500 different mixer, Model adams hybrid WANTED: Free or
online and login
information will be
barrel carb running with cyphon. $100. sounds/tones. In AE-20, with timer adams graphite very cheap televi-
Steps from New Intermodal Hub New countertop excellent condition. and guard, $1300. irons #5 wedge put-
LITTLE TIKES PARTY emailed to you from
& Public Parking from Chevy motor KITCHEN SET. Good sion for woman in
$50. 3 suitcases in broiler oven, white. Comes with every- ALSO, Bev Air 2 ter $100. 655-1582 nursing home with-
condition, lot’s of “The World of Pets
Starting at $650 excellent shape $20. Room size car-
pet with fringe on
thing you need,
bench, stand, sus-
door refrigerator/
sandwich prep HARD BALL HAT: plates & dishes. out one. Approx.
20” screen thats in
utilities included $40. 570-740-1246 Easton Stealth SC $25. Thomas the
each end, very dark tain pedal.$200 table, Model good working con-
900 Hard Ball Bat. Train Table & Train You can then use
RELIGIOUS ITEMS - blue with floral or best offer. SP48-12, $1300. dition. Call
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today! Hand made design $100. 570-824-1114 Call 570-498-3616 32 inch 29 oz. Hard- set, wooden rail-
(570) 654-3291
your account to
ly used. $60. Call way, tracks & train. enhance your online
Rosaries, $5. 570-970-3576 for more details.
570-829-1573 570-829-2411 766 Office 570-283-5958 after Excellent condition.
$75. 570-274-4058
ad. Post up to 6
LAWN ORNAMENT 5pm or 570-301- captioned photos
cement yard donkey Equipment 776 Sporting Goods 3484 anytime. of your pet
with flower cart 3’ Expand your text to
08 LOWE 14 Foot HELMETS one XL house good condi-
x3” planter for flow- PRINTER, Fax, Copi- include more
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale ers. sell for $90. er, Scanner. 4 in 1 Aluminum Boat. red, Surround ATV tion $175. 704-8117
information, include
ATTIC CLEANED HP Series 2200. Hand Galvanized helmet $50. One your contact
XBOX-360. Guitar
Trailer. 40 pd Thrust
OUT !!! many, many Excellent condition XXL Camo-Surround hero guitar $15. 800 information such
342-4115 • • 587-5155 items ( over 100 ! ) $50. 570-675-4383 Electric Motor.
$900. 570-675-3171
ATV helmet $50.
One large black
XBOX 360 cordless
as e-mail, address
phone number and

christmas decora- racing wheel & ped-
tions, candles, flow- vector sport ATV als $25. or website.
ers. lamps, suitcas-
772 Pools & Spas BASKETBALL helmet $25. 570-693-2612
REAL ESTATE INC. es all for $ 75. call
HOOP, portable. 570-735-7742 815 Dogs
POOL 4’x15’ above great condition.
Since 1950 ground pool $600. paid $150 asking PAINT BALL GUNS: 788 Stereo/TV/
includes heavy duty $60. price nego- Piranha BMW
Looking for the right deal ladder, large filter, tiable. 819-4064 00547; Brass Eagle
NEW on an automobile? solar cover, all Eradicator with BLU-RAY disc player AKC DOBERMAN
Turn to classified. accessories.
Backtrail X1 Nyquist,
tank, $100 or best sony model bdp- PUPPIES
570-779-2079 offer. Call
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got POOL: 4.5 ft. deep,
20 x2.1 tires; 24T
sealed bottom
650 blu-ray disc
player, wifi for bd- AKC ALASKAN Black/Rust, 5
males, Parents OFA
the directions! 21 ft. round above
ground pool; like
bracket, ridden only
2 or 3 times since
live & auto updates,
remote, like new, in MALAMUTE PUPPIES! certified. VWD
cleared, thyroid
new, child did not box. $75. Toshiba Very beautiful, done, Ready 5/28.
like it; looks new; model DVR-670 excellent blood- $600. Approved
with antique wood- pump, & sand filter. CONVERTOR, good
CRMO seat tube & DVD recorder/hifi lines. Family raised. homes only. For info
en cabinet. $50 or Maintenance tires, new springs
cranks, quality vcr, two-way dub- 1st shots, wormed. (570) 974-1047
best offer. accessories & deck $950. 693-0410
heavy duty bike. bing, remote, like $625 each.
570-825-5847 included. $500
New $249., asking POOL TABLE new in box. $75 Call 570-374-2190
SHOES - Capezio, $149. 570-696-1410 antique solid slate 570-833-2598 or 570-259-8503
tan, size 8W, new in with everything
box/never worn, 774 Restaurant included business 971 Vacation & 971 Vacation &
TAYLOR $165,000
$25. 570-675-6377 Equipment type excellent con- Resort Properties Resort Properties AKC GREAT
dition $950.
This 7 room ranch home offers an ultra-private rear yard with inground STEAMER: Large. BICYCLE: 26” 570-208-3888 PYRENEES PUPS
pool. Other features include a 3 season sunroom, hardwood floors, On Wheels. $50. Sears ladies 3 Both parents calm,

appliances and partially finished basement. MLS #11-1860 570-313-5213 speed bicycle, in well mannered &
Somerset Dough
very good condition, 780 Televisions/ loving. Raised with
TIRES -4 Dayton Sheeter, Model Accessories
helmet included. children. 1st shots,
Timberline P255/ CAR-100. Only
$35. 570-696-1703 wormed, heath
70/R16 good tread 1 available. $1,500 TELEVISION: GE.
Call for more info guarantee. $500.

$150. 570-824-7015 CROSS BOW by 28” works good, (570) 937-4154
570-498-3616 Weider (over 65 needs remote $90.
TOASTER OVEN exercises) $75. 570-740-1246
white $10. TOASTER RESTAURANT 570-654-2396
4 slot $5. Both EQUIPMENT, Too many baby Come relax and enjoy
excellent condition. SOMERSET TURN FISHING ROD & toys? great fishing & tranquility
LITTER BOX cov- OVER MACHINE - REEL great shape at it’s finest.
Pass them on, sell
ered, new $7. model SPM45, $20. 570-704-8134 Housekeeping cottages
570-239-2937 them with an ad! ENGLISH SETTER
$500; ALSO, Bunn on the water with all the
GOLF BAG, Precise 570-829-7130 PUPPIES
Pour Over Coffee amenities of home.
TRAILER HITCH with professional, black/ Registered. Vet
Machine, Model # TV Curtis 13.3” LCD
hardware, fits 2005- navy standup bag, (315) 375-8962 checked, $350
STF15, $225 A/V, HDMI and VGA
2008 Escape, Mer- putter tube, ball Ready to go.
For more info, call inputs, remote, like
cury Mariner, Mazda holder, 6 pockets in 570-443-9189
570-498-3616 new in box. $50.
SCRANTON $95,000 Tribute $110 or best excellent condition.
offer. 570-466-1214 $25. 570-696-1267. 570-833-2598
A 33x35 commercial garage with 13’ door and an office accompanies
this well kept vinyl sided 3 bedroom home with private driveway.
MLS #11-23 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale


CLARKS SUMMIT – Private home with open floor plan, cathedral ceiling, hw floors, oak staircase, fireplace, CLARKS SUMMIT-NEW LISTING! - Beautifully maintained 4 bedroom home featuring brand new heating,
Mst suite w/ walk-in closet, large deck & 2 car garage. hardwood floors, brick fireplace, corner lot, and in-law apartment.
ELIZABETH 585-0608 $294,900 MARION 585-0602 $299,000
MLS#10-4266 MLS#11-1413


CLARKS SUMMIT – Meticulously maintained ranch home with finished basement, central air, hardwood FACTORYVILLE - Spacious ranch on double lot with newer furnace, central air, and new Pella windows &
floors, modern kitchen, peaceful sunroom & garage. Virtual Tour! doors. Large rooms, 2 fireplaces, and plenty of storage.
MARION 585-0602 $189,900 ELIZABETH 585-0608 $134,500
MLS#11-1405 MLS#10-5743

WAVERLY – Location! Location! One of a kind new authentic log home on 25 acres- features hardwood S. ABINGTON TWP. – Move right in to this 3-4 bedroom home with hardwood floors, gas heat, family room
slate, & granite – and forever views. and 4th bedroom or office on lower level, updated bath and kitchen. Abington schools.
EDNA 585-0610 $965,000 EDNA 585-0610 $172,500
MLS#10-137 MLS#10-5126

Clarks Summit / Scranton Office (570) 585-0600

239 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit (570) 207-6262
WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011 Abington Journal PAGE 7 B

Get 27
Rounds Of Golf
For Just $35
Join The Most Exclusive Club In Northeastern
Pennsylvania, The Times Leader Golf Club!
Play at these courses:
Applewood Golf Course Maple Hill Public Golf Course
454 Mt. Zion Road, Harding, PA (570) 388-2500 S. Ridge Rd., Springville, PA (570) 965-2324
Arnold’s Golf Course Mill Race Golf Course
490B. West Third St., Nescopeck, PA (570) 752-7022 4584 Red Rock Road, Benton, PA (570) 925-2040
Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club Morgan Hills Golf Course
260 Country Club Dr., Mountain Top, PA (570) 868-4653 219 Hunlock Harveyville Rd., Hunlock, PA (570) 256-3444
Briarwood “East” & “West” Golf Clubs Mountain Laurel Golf Course
4775 West Market Street, York, PA (717) 792-9776 HC1, Box 9A1, White Haven (570) 443-7424
Emanon Country Club Mountain Valley Golf Course
Old State Road, RR#1 Box 78, Falls, PA (570) 388-6112 1021 Brockton Mountain Dr., Barnesville, PA (570) 467-2242
Fernwood Hotel Resort Sand Springs Country Club
Route 209, Bushkill, PA (888) 337-6966 1 Sand Springs Drive, Drums, PA (570) 788-5845
Hollenback Golf Course Shadowbrook Inn and Resort
1050 N. Washington St., Wilkes Barre, PA (570) 821-1169 Route 6E, East Tunkhannock, PA (800) 955-0295
Lakeland Golf Club Shawnee Inn & Golf Resort
Route 107, Fleetville, PA (570) 945-9983 1 River Rd., Shawnee On The Delaware, PA (800) 742-9633
Stone Hedge Country Club
49 Bridge St., Tunkhannock, PA (570) 836-5108
Sugarloaf Golf Course
18 Golf Course Road, Sugarloaf, PA (570) 384-4097
Towanda Country Club
Box 6180, Towanda, PA (570) 265-6939

Traditions at the Glen

4301 Watson Blvd., Johnson City, NY (607) 797-2381
Twin Oaks Golf Course
RR3 Box 283, Dallas, PA (570) 333-4360
Villas Crossing Golf Course
521 Golf Road, Tamaqua, PA (570) 386-4515

White Birch Golf Course

660 Tuscarora Park Rd., Barnesville, PA (570) 467-2525
Phone orders call White Deer Golf Club
829-7101 or 352 Allenwood Camp Ln., Montgomery, PA (570) 547-2186
Woodloch Springs
order online at Woodloch Drive, Hawley, PA (570) 685-8102 Driving Ranges & Instruction

Academy of Golf Center
1333 N. River St., Plains, PA (570) 824-5813

International Golf School

Multiple course locations. Call (570) 752-7281 for information.

*Your membership covers the greens fees at

most of the participating golf courses.

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PAGE 8 B Abington Journal WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 2011
815 Dogs 835 Pets- 906 Homes for Sale 912 Lots & Acreage 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 950 Half Doubles 971 Vacation &
Miscellaneous Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Resort Properties
acres, Salmon River WILKES-BARRE Newly renovated. 2 Florentine Family
with cage $250.
Python with cage
$275. 570-704-8134 738 PARDEESVILLE RD area
with new
7 1st floor, 1 bedroom.
Heat, water, Mayflower
bedroom. Base-
ment, attic, yard.
Motel Beach/Board-
walk Block, Heated
cabin $29,995. 5
acres Hickory Ridge
garbage & sewage
$500 + utilities,
security & lease.
Pools, Efficiency/

included. Off street Motel units refriger-
AKC Puppies. 845 Pet Supplies $12,995. 97 acres parking. All appli- Call 570-287-5491 ator, elevator. Color
Black & rust. Veteri- surrounding state Totally renovated ances included. Apartments Brochure/Specials
narian checked. PET CARRIER, Pet- forest $119,995. 7 $530 + security. 609-522-4075
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mate Pet
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Partially furnished,
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A GREAT PLACE!!! Call 570-406-5221 Dept. 104 www.flo-
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Clarks Summit, Pa.

SPORTS MAY 4 TO MAY 10, 2011 50¢

Seniors shine in comeback win

After trailing by six, A.H. baseball said. “Guys that haven’t played the Invaders put six more runs on homered. Umerich finished the
team comes back to defeat West in a little while stepped it up the board to take command of game with two hits and four
today. They got an opportunity the game early. Josh Schroeder RBIs.
Scranton 15-8 and they ran with it. I’m very and Richards each had a home “I really tried to keep it simple
proud of them.” run as part of the offensive on- and not try to do too much with
BY ROB TOMKAVAGE Comets’ starting pitcher Kevin slaught. it,” Umerich said. “Just make Elwell struggled on the mound Zach Klein homered in the contact and things will face in
CLARKS SUMMIT- Sparked by giving up seven runs in the first bottom of the second to get the place.
a five-run third inning, Abington two innings, but made his mark Comets on the scoreboard. Dante After a Jeff Roba RBI single,
Heights battled back from a 7-1 at the plate with three hits in- Pasqualichio pitched a scoreless Justin Klingman drove in two
deficit to outslug West Scranton cluding an RBI double in the third inning slowing down the more runs with a single of his
15-8 Senior Day May 2. fifth inning to tie the game 8-8. Invaders. The Comets took ad- own. Klingman contributed two
“We just had a lot of big hits Tom Richards drove in the first vantage of the momentum and hits and four RBIs.
ABINGTON JOURNAL/STEPHANIE WALKOWSKI today, a lot of key hits from ev- run of the game for West Scran- struck for five runs in the bottom “We always stress in the dugout
Kevin Elwell finished with three hits, ery part of the order,” Abington ton on a double in the first in- of the inning. Elwell led off with
including an RBI double on Monday. Heights head coach Bill Zalewski ning. In the top of the second, a single, and then Mike Umerich See Comets, Page 2

Kiana Sladicki beats the throw at
JERMYN- Allison Kraky, first.
a three-year starter, leads

the Lakeland Jr./Sr. soft-
ball team in home runs
this season.
Kraky is in her first year

as the starting shortstop,
and Lakeland head coach
Brian Wagner feels that
she has adapted well to

hold on
the position.
“She is very strong de-
fensively and offensively
has been hitting the ball

to lead
very well this season,” he
Racers gathered at Cedar BMX Park April 30 for the park’s opening day.
She has been playing
softball for about eight or

On their
nine years, and said her BY DON MCGLYNN
family has had a big influ-
ence on her career. CLARKS SUMMIT- After a
Bonding with her team- little more than a week off,
mates and facing off the Abington Heights High
against other teams are

School softball team restarted
two aspects of softball that their season with a 5-3 home
Kraky said she enjoys. victory May 2 against West
“I love my team, we’ve Scranton.
really come together and I The team’s games against
like the competition,” she Scranton Prep and Delaware
said. Valley, scheduled for April 27
Wagner feels Kraky’s and 28, were postponed be-
Cedar BMX Park opened its season
best attribute as a player cause of inclement weather
April 30.
is her attitude to work last week, giving the team an
This will be Cedar BMX Park’s 30th
hard to get better at every unexpected season break.
anniversary year.
practice. “I was a little worried,” said
The park is located in Clarks Summit,
The Scott Twp. resident head coach John Kelly, of the
behind the Red Barn Village located at
credited the work she puts
1826 Red Barn Village Rd., Clarks Sum-
in both during the season See Lady Comets , Page 2
and off season for her suc-
For more information, visit http://ce-
cess on the field.

Comets, call 570.586.1146 or
“I play on a travel team
that plays all year round,”
Kraky said. “I work a lot
of my batting and spend
time in the gym lifting
take down
Kraky has taken on more
of a leadership role with Scranton
her team as a junior.
“I try to do my best to
help the team through con-
Jackson gets some advice from his dad, David Drake, of Clarks
structive criticism,” she
Wagner thinks Kraky Abington Journal Sports
sets a good example for RJ Vargo, West Correspondent

her fellow teammates to Wyoming, Three-time District 2 ten-

shown left,
follow. nis champions Josh Palmer
returns to Cedar
“She always wants extra and Nathan Engh dominated
BMX Park this
time in the batting cages year. the first two singles matches
and taking ground balls,” April 26 as Abington
he said. “She leads by Heights High School won a
example, and does every- battle between the last two
thing she can to help the Lackawanna League Divi-
team. She always puts the sion 1 unbeatens with a 5-0
team first.” victory over visiting Dela-
Kraky believes that ware Valley.
Wagner’s coaching style is Palmer handled Joey
a big reason for the team’s Hunt, 6-1, 6-1, at first sin-
success. gles and Engh topped Kevin
“He’s very positive and Quinn, 6-0, 6-1, at second
has a good connection Ben Byers, shown above, makes the most of opening singles.
day at the park.
with the team at a coach The Comets are in sole

See Shortstop, Page 2 See Tennis , Page 2


PAGE 2C The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

University of Scranton AH grad

hosts camps for athletes named
This summer, The Uni-
versity of Scranton will
offer several camps and
and competitive games.
For more information,
contact Matt Pivirotto at
pitcher of
The University of Scran-
ton Boys’ Basketball Camp
570.941.4843 or by email
at pivirottom2@scran-
the week
will hold two sessions for The Lady Royals’ Bas- ABINGTON JOURNAL/BRITTNEY PIERCE Misericordia University’s Pete
all boys, ages eight to 15, ketball Camp will be held Twenty teams in five age divisions are being sponsored this year at the Abington Area Girls Softball League. Doggett, of Clarks Summit, was
at the Long Center. The July 5 to 8, from 9 a.m. to named the Freedom Conference

Opening day
first session is Monday, 1 p.m. at the John J. Long Pitcher of the Week.
June 20, through Friday, Center for all girls, ages Doggett, a sophomore right
June 24, and the second is eight to 16. handed baseball player, was1-0
Monday, August 15, The cost is $120 per with a1.29 earned run average
through Friday, August 19. camper includes T-shirt, in his only appearance of the
Camp begins each day at awards, individual instruc- week.

for softball
8:30 a.m. and dismisses at tion, team competition, He struck out eight while
3 p.m. The cost of $185 per player evaluation and insur- allowing just three hits in a 4-1
camper includes T-shirt, ance coverage. complete-game win at Eastern.
basketball, lunch, league For more information He is an Ab ington Heights
play, ability contest, age contact Deanna Klingman High School graduate.
and ability grouping, indi- at 570.941.6660 or by
vidualized instruction, email at kling-
competition and games.
For more information,
Deanna Klingman’s Girls’ The Abington Area Girls SHORTSTOP
contact Carl Danzig at Basketball offensive Skills Softball League held its first Continued from Page 1
570.941.7478 or by email Clinic will be held July 11 annual opening day April 30 at
at to 15, from 9 a.m. to noon the Abington Area Community -to -player level.”
The Royals’ Soccer for all girls, ages nine to Park. The league consists of Both Kraky and Wagner
Camp will be held June 20 16, at the Long Center. 247 girls ranging in age from 5 are confident the team can
through 24, from 9 a.m. to The cost of the camp is to14 years. Twenty teams in 5 build on their recent suc-
noon for all boys and girls, $100 per camper ($90 per age divisions are being spon- cess moving forward.
age five to 12, at the State camper from the same sored this year. “I’m hoping we can have
Hospital Soccer Field in school or team) includes Home games take place at the more wins than losses in
Clarks Summit. T-shirt, age and ability Abington Area Community the second half, and that
The cost of the camp is grouping, individual in- Park Fields and the older teams we continue to come to-
$90 per camper includes struction, small group travel to away games in the Val- gether as a team and get
T-shirt and a $10 discount teaching stations, competi- ley League. far in the playoffs, Kraky
is available for each addi- tion and games, 8-foot bas- This year’s team sponsors and said.
tional family member. The kets for younger players, coaches are as follows:14U One “We started off a little
camp will focus on pass- and emphasis on fun. point - David Gilmore Bill Car- slow losing our first three
ing, tripping, shooting, For more information lin;12U Blaum Law -John De- games,” Wagner added.
heading the ball, and shoot- contact Deanna Klingman matteo;12U Medicine Shoppe “We got our groove win-
ing, along with emphasis at 570.941.6660 or by -Tom Davis;12U Harris Agen- ning the last three. I think
on station work, age and email at kling- cy- Tim Harris;10U Scranton we should have a strong
ability groupings, small Orthopedics -Jack Henzes;10U second half if we continue
group teaching sessions Johnny Rockets- David Hollan- ABINGTON JOURNAL PHOTOS/BRITTNEY PIERCE to play like we have been
der;10U Mike- Cas- Karen Kane and president of the Abington Area Girls Softball League recently.”
tellano;10U Brown Builders- Joe D’Amato began the opening ceremonies April 20. Allison, 16, is the

Youth soccer league Jim Brown;10U Abington

VFW- TJ Bartkowski;10U
Abington Civic League- Dennis
Cameron Welding- Kevin
Seyer; 8U Mike
cal- Kyle Lindsay.
The ceremonial first pitch was
daughter of Pat and Barb
She is also a starter on

registration ongoing Forman; 8U Scooby Doos-

Stuart Pollack and Karen Kane;
8U Charlie’s Angels- Earl Van
Farry, Ray Mc Donald, and Dan thrown out by league President the Lady Chiefs’ basket-
Munley; 6U Allied Services-
Pam Heard; 6U Caravia Fresh
Joe D’Amato to league Vice-
President John DeMatteo.
ball team.
The Lady Chiefs are
The Abington Youth Soccer The league is open to all, Wert; 8U PNC Bank- Mike Foods- David Phillips; 6U Fran- The National Anthem was scheduled to host Valley
League (AYSL) is currently there is no residency require- Wynn; 8U Sanderson State klin Security- David Petz and sung by Megan, Alison and View High School May 6
holding registration for fall ment. Street Salon- Tom Specht; 8U Mike Detter; 6U Premier Surgi- Hayley Kane. at 4:30 p.m.
youth soccer. New players need Online registration is open
to provide a copy of their birth now. To register online, visit
certificate. Boys and girls born
between August 1, 1993 and
.com and follow the directions LADY COMETS and was brought in by Alexa
Plevyak. Stevens finished the
July 31, 2007 are eligible to on the home page. Paper regis- Continued from Page 1 inning with an RBI single,
play this fall. Players born Au- tration is available on the regis- team’s time off. and Joetta Hashem with an
gust 11992 to July 31, 1993 are tration dates and on the website. “Playing West, because RBI double.
eligible if they still attend high For details, call Cyndy’s (Leonard) such a West Scranton got hot in the
school. 570.586.2147. hard thrower, I was worried fifth, scoring three runs to cut
about being able to catch up the Lady Comets lead to two.
to the ball. We haven’t seen “We know they’re a good
TENNIS and Connor Ellsworth all
posted singles wins for the
any live pitching, we’ve used
the pitching machine, but it’s
team, they were picked to win
our league this year, and we
Continued from Page 1 Comets. a lot different when you see know they’re a really tough
Tennis moves to district the ball moving. So, I was a hitting team. We expected at
possession of first place at competition Friday with the little concerned how we some point they were going to ABINGTON JOURNAL /DON MCGLYNN
8-0. first round of the team tour- would hit, but we hit the ball make a run,” said Kelly. Kelsey Sarafinco slides into home in the Lady Comets 5-3 win over
Scranton Prep (9-0) has nament at the sites of the well today.” The Lady Comets shook off West Scranton.
clinched at least a tie for higher seeds. The semifinals Cailey Ware got the Lady the three runs, and held on to
first place in Division 2 and finals are scheduled for Comets on the scoreboard in the lead. er Katie Stevens to first base said, ‘What’s best for the
where only Valley View May 10 at Kirby Park. first inning, scoring on a Ka- The game was put to bed by and third baseman Kiana team,’ and it worked for the
(8-2) has a chance of cre- Singles competition is set tie Stevens sacrifice fly to Hashem, who snagged a hard Sladicki to catcher. team.”
ating a tie at the top. for May 12 and 13 with the give the team a 1-0 lead line drive for the final out in “I give her a lot of credit,” The win marks the second
Abington followed their doubles tournament sched- The girls extended the lead her debut at third base. said Kelly of Hashem. “I time this season the Lady
win over Scranton Prep with uled for May 18 and 19. to five in third inning when Kelly said the team had think she’s the best first base- Comets have defeated the
a 5-0 victory over North Both tournaments use the their bats seemed to came been struggling defensively man in the league, and Ste- Lady Invaders, and improves
Pocono May 2. first day to eliminate all but alive. on their left side, and made vens was an all-region catch- their overall record to 5-2.
Josh Palmer, Nate Engh the semifinalists. Kelsey Sarafinco singled, some changes in the infield er, and when I went to them The team will take on
Monday, moving Hashem and said, ‘I’ve got to move Scranton Prep May 4 at home
from first base to third, catch- you guys.’ All three of them at 4:30 p.m.
COMETS Schroeder walked to start
the fourth inning off Ryan
Zalewski was thrilled
with the resiliency his kids
Continued from Page 1 Smith, Robbie Ayre entered showed coming from be-
the game for the Comets hind against an Invaders
and silenced the Invaders team that had defeated
bats allowing just two hits them 11-6 on April 8.
while striking out two over “We’ve played against
the final four innings. West Scranton for so many
“He’s (Ayre) wanted the years now,” he said. “They
ball for so long,” Zalewski always have great, great
said. “I just had a gut feel- players. Their players are
ing to go him. He came in tough and competitive.
and just shut them down. When you get down to a
He’s a bulldog.” team like that, you just
Matt Badamo blasted a hope your guys will re-
home run to lead off the spond they way they did.
bottom of the fourth to They are just tough kids. I
continue the Comets attack. love them.”
ABINGTON JOURNAL /STEPHANIE WALKOWSKI “We just kept battling The Comets’ skipper is
Robbie Ayre only allowed two hits back, we never give up,” also pleased with how his
over the final four innings of Mon- Badamo said. “I just want- seniors have matured dur-
day’s game. ed to keep the rally going. ing their time at Abington
one run at a time,” Kling- It felt good to get a win on Heights.
man said. “That’s all we Senior Day on our home “It’s a great feeling just
did. We took it one at bat field. It was just a great watching them grow up and
at a time. We got base run- feeling to come back from do so well,” Zalewski said.
ners and found ways to put seven runs and put 15 up Abington Heights (3-4)
the ball in play. That’s what on them.” will return to action at
you do to score runs.” Derek Kraack-Bird added North Pocono High School
After West Scranton’s three hits for Abington May 5 at 4:30 p.m.
Tim Forsette homered and Heights.


Adrian P. Pivovarnik
Sound Finance April 28, 2011

With Adrian P.
devoted husband, father and
grandfather who enjoyed
Eric Weinberg Ronald J. Bolesta Sr. 64, Clarks fishing, Thursday night
April 21, 2011 Summit, died bocce ball, casino trips and
Thursday, rooting for his favorite sports

How to build good credit Ronald J. Bolesta Sr., 63, of He is survived by his son April 28, at teams. He will be deeply
Moosic, died Thursday, April Ronald Bolesta Jr., Scranton; home. He is missed but fondly remem-
21, 2011, at his home following daughters, Maria Bolesta, survived by his wife of 42 bered.
How do you improve your won’t help. While cutting up a courageous battle with can- Wilkes-Barre, and Nicole Bol- years, the former Nancy Also surviving are a son,
credit score? This is an im- a card may feel like a clean cer.∝ esta, Old Forge; and brothers, Houser. Paul and wife, Joanne, Ha-
portant question and in to- break, it does not close your He was born and raised in Edward Bolesta, Ashley, and Born in Scranton, he was vertown; a daughter, Amy
day’s lending environment it account with that credit card Plymouth, a son of the late Kenneth Bolesta, Forty Fort. the son of the late Joseph Simmons and husband Skip,
is now more important than issuer. If you want to close an Edward and Helen Bolesta. He A Memorial Mass of Chris- Pivovarnik and Ann Basal- Lithia, Fla.; three grand-
ever. account, do it by paying was formerly self employed as tian Burial was to be held at yga Pivovarnik. He gradu- children, Ana, Bryce and
Here are the steps towards down your balance, calling an owner/operator of his own 9:30 a.m. April 30 in St. Ignati- ated from Scranton Technical Alexa Pivovarnik; three
possibly improving it. the issuer, confirming that trucking company. He was a us Church, North Maple Ave- High School class of 1964. brothers, Eugene and John,
First, look at your credit zero balance, and verbally former member of the Wilkes- nue, Kingston. Interment will While there he was the cen- Clarks Summit and Joseph,
reports. Go to annualcre- canceling the card. Then Barre Knights of Columbus, be private and held at the conve- ter for the Red Raiders foot- Old Forge; numerous aunts, - a free, cen- check your credit report later and was a huge sports enthusi- nience of the family. ball team. He was a lifetime uncles, nieces, nephews and
tralized online service created to see that the account has ast. In lieu of flowers, memorial employee of Herff-Jones as a cousins.
by Equifax, Experian and been “closed at customer’s Ron loved his family and was contributions may be made to pressman and also participa- A Blessing Service was to
TransUnion - and request a request”. looking forward to the birth of the American Cancer Associ- ted in the company sports be celebrated May 2 at the
free credit report from each Stay on the radar of cred- his first grandchild. ation, or to St. Ignatius Church. league. He was a loving and Lawrence E. Young Funeral
of the big three consumer it card companies. Stopping Home, 418 S. State St.,
credit reporting firms. (You card use may actually do you Clarks Summit. Interment
can do this once a year.) You a disservice, as the scoring will be in Clarks Green
need credit reports from each formula favors at least occa- Cemetery, immediately fol-
of them, because a creditor sional activity. lowing the services.
doesn’t have to report to all Keep balances low or To sign the online guest-
three credit bureaus. wipe them out. Make every book, visit www.lawren-
Look for any errors. Er- effort to pay off 100 percent
rors on credit reports are of the balance each month. In lieu of flowers, dona-
more prevalent than you may Set moderate credit lim- tions may be made to The
think. Sometimes informa- its. If a credit card company Parkinson’s Disease and
tion about you is years out of offers you a card with a really Movement Disorders Center-
date or just plain wrong. generous limit or offers to Pennsylvania Hospital, 330
Account histories can be raise your limit, refrain from South 9th Street, Philadel-
inaccurate, and sometimes accepting the offer. phia, PA 19107.
people make typing mistakes. Start a new savings ac-
The report will include a count or build up the one
dispute form; you can use the you have. Creditors look for
dispute form to report mis- signs that you have cash re-
takes or write a letter detail- serves and that those reserves
ing them. are being boosted or replen-
Raymond N. Davis
Does it sound involved? ished. Odyssey of the Mind coordinator Mary Beth Adelman and AEIO board members Diane Lenahan, April 25, 2011
This is actually the easy part. Credit scores can be im- Dominick Mitchell and Barry Kaplan.

AEIO honors
Some work lies ahead of you. proved. If your score is way Raymond N. Davis, 60
Stabilize your credit pro- down there, it may seem as of Clarks Summit died
file. It is true - a personal though you are facing a Sunday, April 25 at Com-
bankruptcy will stay on your mountain that will take years munity Medical Center in
credit report for 10 years, and to climb. It may; credit scores Scranton. His wife is the
late payments on credit cards improve gradually, and the former Ann Marie Kop-
will stay on your credit histo- biggest positive influence on icki. The couple cele-
ry for 7 years. Yet over time, a credit history is a pattern of brated 29 years of mar-
credit bureaus generally give consistently paying off debts riage on March 20.
more weight to the consis- and bills. Consider talking to Abington Heights Edu- Born March 19, 1951 in
tency of credit payments than Consumer Credit Counseling cational Improvement Scranton, he is the son of
to disruptive events. Consis- Services of Northeastern Organization (AEIO) the late Clyde and Eva
tency is a key. So pay atten- Pennsylvania for assistance. awards and recognition (Popovitch) Davis. He was
tion to these instructions... There is no magic wand that ceremony was recently a graduate of Scranton
Plan to solve any immedi- will instantly and dramat- held at the Country Club Central High School and
ate crises in your financial ically improve your score, but of Scranton. The AEIO a graduate of Drexel Uni-
life. If you can’t pay your it is better to start the process gathers community sup- versity with a degree in
bills, for example, you won’t of rebuilding your credit port and resources to Business Administration.
be improving your credit history today rather than supplement and enhance He was employed by Penn
score anytime soon. As for tomorrow. the educational envi- Foster Inc. as a College
debts, pay off the smallest ronment and programs Enrollment Coordinator.
first, then the next smallest, within the Abington He was formerly a mem-
Eric M Weinberg, CEP, LUTCF, RFC is
and so forth as your finances a Representative with Securities Heights School District. ber of the Pennsylvania
allow in the coming months Service Network and may be reac- The group supports in- State Police. Ray served
and years. Negotiate with any hed at, novative educational pro- Abington Heights school board president Cathy Ann Hardaway, on the Clarks Summit
collection agencies and de- 570.587.8792 or eweinberg@house- grams outside the regular Simrell advertising president Dan Simrell and Atty. Elaine Ge- Borough Council for sev- He is a financial
mand a statement in writing school curriculum. roulo. eral years. He was a
advisor of Householder Group and
showing that you have paid in has more than eight years experi- member of the Church of
full. ence in the financial services indus- Fidelity Bank the Good Shepherd in
Cutting up a credit card try. Abington branch Scranton and a long time
manager Ellen member of the Cystal
Kanton; AEIO Band of Scranton. He was

Kisendahl director board member

Tom McHugh
and Penn Secu-
a loving husband. He en-
joyed playing golf, bird
watching, playing the sax-
receives honor from CIA rity Bank Abing-
ton branch
manager Deb
ophone and spending time
with his family and
friends. Surviving in addi-
Stephanie Shimkus, direc- Kennedy. tion to his wife are one
tor of the Kiesendahl School brother: Lynn Davis and
of Hospitality at Lackawanna wife Elaine of Scranton;
College, has been named to three sister-in-laws: Ame-
the Society of Fellows at The At right, North Penn Bank lia Phelps of Scranton,
Culinary Institute of Amer- president and CEO Fred Christine Smolski and
ica. Shimkus is a magna cum Hickman and AEIO board husband Edward of Ho-
laude graduate of the CIA. member Pat McMahon. mosassa, Fla. and Patricia
Through invitation she joins Damiano of Mt. Cobb; his
the ranks of other Society of brother- in-law: Richard
Fellow members who are Stephanie Shimkus
Kopicki and wife Jeanne
leaders in their respective
fields throughout the food provide the impetus for so- of Homosassa, Fla. and
and hospitality industries. cial change in health and his father- in- law Walter
According to Dr. Joel Spi- wellness, childhood nutri- Kopicki of Taylor and
ro, chairman of the Society tion, school food programs, several nieces and neph-
of Fellows, the society’s world flavors, food ethics ews.
members “collaborate with and sustainability.” He was preceded in
the country’s most highly On April 29, Shimkus death by his mother In-
regarded thinkers and con- hosted a Meet the Director law Agnes Kopicki .
veners addressing the socie- event at the Lake Region Funeral services were
tal issues related to food and Center at Hawley Silk Mill. conducted April 29 in the
Church of the Good

Murphy sets May outreach

Shepherd North Washing-
ton and Electric St.,
Scranton. Interment: pri-
State Rep. Kevin Murphy will hold May constituent ou- vate at the convenience of
treach visits as follows:· May 11, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the the family
South Abington Township Building, 104 Shady Lane Road, Memorial contributions
Chinchilla· May 18, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Taylor Borough can be made to the do-
Below, Abington Heights Middle School princi- Fidelity Bank senior vice president Trip Crow-
Building, 122 Union St. · May 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the pal Michael Elia; librarian Kris Pocius; AEIO
nor’s choice or the Crys-
ley; Fidelity Bank Abington branch manager
Clarks Green Borough Building, 104 N. Abington Road. board member Michael Dennen; and Odyssey tal Band of Scranton 1546
Ellen Kanton; AEIO board member Trudy Mon-
Murphy’s regular office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon- of the Mind coordinator Mary Beth Adelman. tella and AEIO president Susan Brundage.
Monsey Avenue Scranton,
day through Friday, at Jays Commons, 409 N. Main Ave., PA 18509
Scranton. Call 570.342.4348. Residents also may contact Arrangements by the
him at or at 1.877.841.1450. Howard J. Snowdon Fu-
neral Home of Scranton.

PAGE 4C The Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2011

Passionist priest will Meet Dr. Bucci, find out how to eliminate your bifocals.
address Marywood Free Educational Seminar May 18th Wilkes-Barre.
Reverend Richard (Rick) Pequeños Hermanos (NPH),
Frechette, C.P., D.O., director of Spanish for “Our Little Brothers

medical services, Nuestros and Sisters,” and worked in
Pequeños Hermanos Interna- Mexico in 1983 at an old hacien-
tional, will be the keynote da that had been converted to a
speaker at Marywood Uni- home for nearly 1,000 orphaned
versity’s Commencement May children. As a priest and admin-
8, at the Mohegan Sun Arena, istrator, his next calling was to Paul Adamshick, Harveys Lake Barbara Gilbert, Clarks Summit Al Olhanoski, Hazleton
Wilkes-Barre. He will be award- Honduras to help establish a Charles Albert, Jr., Reeders Edward Golanoski, Mountain Top Colette Orlando, Pittston
ed an honorary doctorate during second orphanage for NPH. Mary Lynn Alden, Hazleton Elaine Golaszewski, Wilkes-Barre Mary Ann Pachick, Cape Coral, FL
the ceremony, along with two He was drawn to Haiti, where Marie Alexander, Forest City Edward Golden, Wilkes-Barre Helen M. Parker, Dallas
additional recipients, Reverend Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Char- Rose Andreas, Berwick Charles Gordon, Dallas Robert E. Parker, Dallas
Thomas J. O’Hara, C.S.C., ity were caring for babies born Marilyn Andres, Clarks Summit Robert Gordon, Benton
Lucille Parrell, Macadoo
Ph.D., retiring president of of dying mothers. After visiting Nancy Andrews, Forest City Paul Gottleib, Plains Twp.
King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, the country and children’s hos- Kay Andrukaitis, Wilkes-Barre Laraine Grande, East Stroudsburg Dorothy Pembleton, Bloomsburg
and Reverend Scott R. Pilarz, pice, Rev. Frechette and Rev. Patricia Austin, Sweet Valley Carol Grant, Effort Eleanor Petrucci, Scranton
S.J., outgoing president of The Wasson decided to begin an Baljit K. Bailey, Hunlock Creek James Gravatt, Pocono Pines Marcella Petuch, Beaver Meadows
University of Scranton. orphanage. Today, Nos Petits Marcia Balestek, McAdoo Mary Jean Greco, Drums Emidio Piccioni, Pottsville
Rev. Frechette, better known Freres et Soeurs, French for Gloria Balliet, Wapwallopen Arthur Gregoire, Hazleton Sylvia Poltrock, Freeland
as Father Rick, became a Pas- “Our Little Brothers and Sis- George Barna Jr., Freeland Charlene E. Griffith, Luzerne Jean Porter, East Stroudsburg
sionist priest in 1979. After a ters,” survives. To further assist Isabel Bartley, East Stroudsburg Carolyn Gwozdziewycz, Honesdale Joyce Preston, Myrtle Beach, SC
few years as a parish priest in the Haitian people, Rev. Fre- Marilyn Bartoli, Mountain Top Charles Hardik, Luzerne James Price, Bushkill Falls
Baltimore, he met Rev. William chette went to medical school Nancy Bednar, Mountain Top Harry Harmon, Berwick
B. Wasson, founder of Nuestros and became a physician in 1998. Mary Priddy, Honesdale
Theresa Belcastro, Wilkes-Barre Betty J. Harkleroad, Dalton
Joan Rakowski, Hunlock Creek
Geraldine Berger, Hazleton Kay Harmon, Berwick
William Bevan, Jr. Harveys Lake Joseph Healy, Hazleton Sharon Reichard, Bloomsburg
Valerie Bigelow, Shickshinny Paul Herstek, Harvey’s Lake John Reno, Harvey’s Lake
Matilda Bittenbender, Myerstown Connie Hildebrand, Wapwallopen Joann Rice, Emmaus
Patricia Botsko, Hanover Twp. Joyce Hocko, Mountain Top Stephen Rish, Dallas
Michael Bott, Neumberg Jennie Hodick, Hanover Twp. Richard Rimple, Berwick
Tony Botyrius, Pittston Roy Hoffman, Pocono Lake Barbara Rogers, Harveys Lake
Gail Braddock, White Haven Elizabeth Hogar, Shenandoah JoAnn Rogers, Williamsport
Marilyn Bradley Joan Hopper, Dingmans Ferry Christine Rossnock, Bloomsburg
Louis Brienza, Bushkill Joan Hudak, Forty Fort Majorie Rough, Bloomsburg
Helen Brigido, Pittston Rosalie Hughes, White Haven Ronald Royek, Wilkes-Barre Twp.
Carolyn Broadt, Bloomsburg James Humenick, Beaver Meadows
Frank Rudolph, Forest City
Marie Brogna, Pittston Marianne Infantino, Wilkes-Barre
Theresa Buckley, Wilkes-Barre Gertrude Johnson, Berwick Jo Anne Rushton, Mountain Top
Shown from left: Linda and Alan Norsen of Glenburn Grill and Bakery. Esther Saba, Kingston
Louise Burger, Hanover Twp. Irene Joseph, Wilkes-Barre
Joann Burns, Dallas Simona Juzwiak, Plains James Saba, Kingston

Neil Busti, Hawley Carol Ann Kasper, Kingston Joseph Samson, Pringle
Catherine Butkiewicz, Eyon Sylvia Keber, Nanticoke Stanley Savitsky, Swoyersville
Margaret Butsavage, Forty Fort Stephanie Keffer, Berwick Stanley G. Savitsky, Swoyersville
Anthony Calabrese, Nazareth Shirley Keenan, Moscow Stephen Selenski, Wyoming
Susan Cantwell, Pottsville James Kennedy, Hazleton Kathleen Semanek, Wilkes-Barre

Thomas Capone, Shavertown Renee Kennedy, Hazleton Gary Seymour, Towanda
Frank Carden, Pittston Beth Kerr, Harvey’s Lake
Robert Samuels, West Wyoming
Maureen E. Carey, Wyoming Emily Klem, Plains
Linda Cernovsky, Bloomsburg John Klimczak, Lake Ariel Barbara Sauls, Mountain Top
Cheryl Chabalko, Hazleton Joyce Kocis, Plymouth Stanley Schab, Old Forge
Shown from left: Sue Chapin and JoAnn Cheesman, Freeland Lisa Koehler, Weatherly Joanne M. Schmidt, Mountain Top
Darlene M. Price, of Clarks Sum- The Abington Journal pre- Mark Cheesman, Freeland Cecilia Kondrchek, Bloomsburg Bonnie Shaner, Turbotville
mit Senior Living Center. sented its 2011 Best of the Karen Chepolis, Nanticoke John Kondrchek, Bloomsburg Lynn Shaw, Benton
Abingtons Readers Choice Karen Chesla, Shenandoah John Koscelnick, Mountain Top Ann Sica, Old Forge
Awards April 28 at Amici in Patricia Chicalese, Hazleton Paula Koscelnick, Mountain Top Marian Sickler, West Pittston
Clarks Summit. The event was Beth Chrusch, Jermyn Dennis Kravitz, Mechanicsburg Frances Sireno, Ashley
hosted by Amici, Clarks Sum- Frank Ciliberto, Wilkes-Barre Anita Kretchic, Hawley Evelyn Smith, Dallas
mit. Charles Colarusso, Pittston Edward Krubitzer, Dallas
The complete list of win- Paul Smith, Vandling
Sharon Colarusso, Pittston Joan Kryzanowski, Peckville
ners - including more than 100 Paulette Condon, Stroudsburg Leo Kujawa, Edwardsville Thomas Soboleski, Swoyersville
categories such as local flavor, Joseph Connors, Scranton “Debbie” Kukorlo, Bloomsburg Andrea Sokash, Kingston
dining out, nightlife, goods Louise Cookus, Wilkes-Barre Kevin Kwiatek, Glen Lyon Jude Spellman, Wilkes-Barre
and services and professionals James Corley, Bloomsburg Marcella Kwiatkowski, W. Hazleton Joseph Steber, Beaver Meadows
Shown from left: Mark Massetti, is available for sale at The Geraldine Cornelius, Mountain Top Joan Lally, Forty Fort Anthony L. Stec, Wapwallopen
Amici Restaurant and Cindy Kaus- Abington Journal office, 211 Joseph Costa, Hazleton Molly Landmesser, Wilkes-Barre Lisa Steltz, Mountain Top
meyer, Abington Travel. S. State St., Clarks Summit. Pamela Costa, Hazleton Jerry Laudeman, Ringtown Stephen Stont, Mifflinville
Neil Craig, Hazleton Betty Lawrence, Clarks Summit Carl Stoodley, Mountain Top
Elias Cross, Plains Toby Lovinger, Clarks Summit Naomi Strasburger, Scranton
Doloires Crossley, Exeter Lucille Loyack, Exeter
Mary Strizki, Uniondale
Dianne Curry, Edwardsville Lorraine Lecce, Montoursville
David Cybuck, Kingston Kenneth Legg, Exeter Richard Strizki, Clifford Twp.
Joseph Czekalski, Wilkes-Barre Joseph Lehman, White Haven Catherine Sunday, Hanover Twp.
Vada Dale, Tobyhanna Patricia Lewis, Danville Leonard Swida, Wilkes-Barre
Terry Daley, Latterimer Mines Roseann Libus, Nanticoke Mary Ann Thompson, Dunmore
Barbara Davis, Wilkes-Barre Joseph Ligotski, Askam Roberta Titus, Shickshinny
Shown from left: Mari Van Fleet, Shown from left: Lisa Sniegocki,
Contemporary Hair, Darlene Jen- Gail Prindle and Mary Curra of Patrick DeLorenzo, Hazleton Colleen Lindsay, Moosic Mark Tomassoni, Old Forge
kin and Michael Cassano, Body CVS. Marilyn S. Denman, Kingston Eugene Lippi, Wyoming Barbara Tomko, Nanticoke
Dynamic Phyllis DePolo, Mountain Top Joseph Litchman, Kingston Larry Tomko, Courtdale
Anna Derrick, Danville William Lowe, Exeter Maria Torres, Wilkes-Barre
Jill Ditchkus, Lake Ariel Al Manganello, Bloomsburg
Ruth Trapane, Bloomsburg
Marjorie Douglas, Mountain Top Jane Malinowski, Mountain Top
Len Dugan, Monroeton Ayn Lynn Malkin, Lansford Diane Truman, Montrose
David H. Dulebohn, Sweet Valley Robert Marsh, Dupont Donna Vanvliet, Wilkes-Barre
Donna Dzugan, Nanticoke Darlene Martin, Lightstreet Al Vargo, Ranson
Shirley Emswiler, Swiftwater Delphine Mattei, Dupont Nancy Venturi, Mountain Top
Barry Erick, Dallas Ronald May, Zion Grove John M. Vinton, Mountain Top
Robert Ernestine, Dallas Marian A. Mazza, Carbondale Ronald Vital, Wapwallopen
Shown from left: Ashley Kolodgie Scott Tinkleman and Kurtis Epp of Elizabeth Estrada, Scranton Marian Mazza, Scranton Edward Walkowiak, Wilkes-Barre
and Stephen Salvaggio of Sports Clarks Summit. Edith Evans, Wilkes-Barre Georgia McDonald, Lake Ariel
Veronica Warner, Stroudsburg
Norma E. Evans, Mountain Top Georgiana McDonald, Lake Ariel Pauline Watkins, Towanda
Beverly Fedder, Berwick Mary Ellen McDonough, Scranton Wayne Watkins, Plymouth
Gayle Fenton, White Haven Patricia McElhattan, Bloomsburg
Anna Wegrzynowicz, Ashley
Margaret Filbert, Wapwallopen Pat McGill, Keyaryes
Shown, from left: Elsie Floray, Zion Grove Mary Anne Medalis, Kelayres Helen Weiss, Forty Fort
Nancy Bill, Lisa Eunice Frederick, Sugarloaf Helene Megargel, Lake Ariel Lorraine White, Scranton
Wahl and Marge Mary Frederick, Drifton Grace Merlino, Hudson Bonnie Whitesell, Hunlock Creek
Black, Community Juergen Friedrich, Conyngham Walt Michaels, Shickshinny Raymond Wilde, Wilkes-Barre
Volunteer. Melissa Futch, West Wyoming Patricia Miles, Avoca Donald W. Wilmot, Sterling
Theodore Gabriel Sr., Trucksville David Minnier, Mountain Top Steven Wilmoth, Edwardsville
JoAnne Gagliardi, Hanover Twp. Marie Montecalvo, Berwick Christine Wilson, Duryea
James Galdieri, Clarks Green Paul Montgomery, Nicholson Bonnie Wrazien, Stroudsburg
Janet Gammaitoni, Plains Deborah Moran, Wilkes-Barre Charles Wrobel, Factoryville
Leo Gammaitoni, Plains Judi Morgan, Femington, NJ
Nancy Yalch, Nanticoke
Ronald Garbett, Nanticoke Joan Moss, West Pittston
Maude Geary, Harvey’s Lake George Mullen, Avoca Kathleen J. Yodock, Bloomsburg
Barbara George, Avoca Anthony Mulvey, Wilkes-Barre Bonnie Yurko, Hazleton
Kathleen Geraghty, Shavertown Lorraine Mursch, Scranton Phyllis Zehner, Drums
William Geurin, Shickshinny Mary O’Hara, Scranton Tricia Zielen, Larksville
Angelo Giannone, Pittston Judith O’Melia, Lake Harmony
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