Chapter 1

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Advertising plays a very significant role in influencing consumer buying behavior
by providing attracting their attention, arousing interest, creating desire to purchase the
products. Advertisement creates awareness of the products and attracts more buyers
(Mwakasege, Getrude, 2017).
The COVID 19 Pandemic has upended how businesses used to function
traditionally and led them to truly transform themselves in order to stay afloat during
period crisis. The ongoing year witnessed brands and marketers stumbled to survive the
unforeseen circumstances that went onto untold Online Marketing became a real savior
for these businesses despite the looming uncertainty for enterprises that had to shut down
operators online marketing was to-go to option to capture customer attention and stay
ahead of the competition.
According to Lath (2019), online advertising is crucial for the success of an
online business. Research shows that people are increasingly using the internet to seek
information about products and their prices before making final decision. This means you
can’t really afford to ignore online advertising is most of your costumers are researching
The fast development of technology today makes internet users continues to
increase. The rise in internet users makes the internet an actual promotion using online
advertising. So, it is vital to investigate how online advertising affects consumer buying
behavior and how to manage behavior and subjective standards influence consumers
attitude and interests when buying online.
Consumer buying behavior is valuable for business to understand this process
because it helps business better tailor their marketing initiatives to the marketing efforts
that have successfully influenced consumers to buy in the past (Dj Team 2020)
Online advertisement is more attractive to the consumer as it was uses various
ways to advertise ideas most especially with growing number of people that uses social
media particularly make it easy to capture the targeted market. One of the most effective
media of advertising which influence buying behavior is online advertising. Internet
advertising offers increase awareness of companies, an easy method of targeting
consumers, an immediate and direct line to the consumers, an immediate and direct line
to the customers, and reduced cost in performing this task. (Iweama et.,al.,2018)
With the growing age of the internet and increasing trend of people using the
internet for shopping and searching, internet for advertising which in recent times has
been utilized by all companies and businesses due to the accessibility and wide coverage
than the traditional medium seem to be the most recent means of advertising. The
question now is, does online advertising really affects consumer buying behavior?
Goa, Camarines Sur is considered as the Commercial educational and trade center
of the district. It houses several secondary and tertiary educational institutions such as
Partido State University, Partido College and Philippine Science High School-Bicol
Region Campus other commercial establishments such as supermarkets and fast food
restaurant, can also be found in Poblacion area.
This present study aims to evaluate and further analyze the impact of online
advertising on consumer buying behavior, particularly Goa, Camarines Sur citizens who
mostly use social media websites to purchase products and services. This research will
use the Goa, Camarines Sur citizens' perception that will be able to determine how
online advertisement influences the citizens buying decision process. This research is
based on a theoretical model, which is used to find out and understand the
forecasted relationships among the two variables. In this manner, it may give further
background about how influential and effective the social media platform as a
marketing strategy that can be used by the business people to create marketing
strategies based on the consumer buying behavior in order for them to achieve
their desired goals most especially in increasing their sales and building a strong
relationship with their customers.
This study is an attempt to determine the IMPACT OF ONLINE ADVERTISING
it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of?
a. Age b. Gender
c. Occupation d. Monthly Family income
e. Number of family members
2. What types of online advertising are implemented in Goa Camarines Sur?
3. What is the Attitude of respondents towards online advertising?
4. What is the influence of online advertisements on purchasing?
5. Is there a significant relationship between online advertising and buying behavior?
The objectives of the study are as follows:

 To determine the profiles of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Occupation
d. Monthly Family Income
e. Number of Family Members
 To analyze the impact of online advertising to consumer buying behavior in Goa,
Camarines Sur.
 To know the most effective type of advertising implemented in Goa Camarines
 To know the attitude of respondents towards online advertising
 To find out the influence of online advertisements on consumer buying behavior
of respondents.
1. That the profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Occupation, Monthly
Family income and Number of family members varies.
2. That the types of online advertising implemented in Goa Camarines Sur vary.
3. That the Attitude of respondents towards online advertising may vary.
4. That there are factors that may influence of online advertisements on purchasing.
5. That there are significant relationship between online advertising and buying behavior.
Before any researcher embark on research, the researcher must take into
consideration the importance of that research all efforts will be a waste. This study
is significant in view of the following;
Marketers as they can understand the expectation of the consumers. It helps to
understand what makes a consumer to buy a product. Marketers can understand the likes
and dislikes of consumers and design base their marketing efforts based on the findings
of this study.
Consumers The result of this study serves the impact of online advertising in
shaping the people’s view about products; thus, it benefits companies who wish
to utilize and invest in online or internet advertisements. This study will help them
to prevent from depending too much on advertisements and encourage them to observe
quality of products before purchasing them.
Readers The study will help the readers understand the factors that an advertisement
can contribute to consumer's behavior towards purchasing one certain product.
Marketing Department Of Companies which will aid them to identify the factors
that affects the consumer's buying decision and to which type of advertisement would be
better to use for advertising products.
It will also be beneficial to the Students/Marketing Majors, Professors of
Advertising/ Marketing, School/ Institution as it can contribute to each one.
It is important for Local Businesses to look into internet advertising as more
consumers turn to the internet for their purchasing. A small business that can offer online
purchasing may be able to tap into this customer base.
The Government from this study would understand the value of Internet
advertising and its influence on consumer decisions which ultimately impacts electronic
commerce/trade, and therefore would effectively regulate how internet advertising is
delivered by acting rationally on laws that would restrict data usage, creating an ambient
environment and availing resources to internet providing companies and at the same time
safeguarding the interest of consumers.
For Scholars and Academic Researchers, the current study forms a basis upon which
future research on Internet Advertising may be established. The findings may be
resourceful in providing viable information to academicians, researchers and consumers
on various concepts related to internet advertising.
Future Researchers The results of this study will provide them a clear prospective
in designing their own research study and to fill whatever gap in knowledge that may be
seen this work in relation to future research prospects. It may serve as a reference
material for students who may desire to carry out similar study.
This research paper determines the IMPACT OF ONLINE ADVERTISING ON
respondents coming from the consumers of Goa, Camarines Sur.
There is no significant difference between online advertising and consumer buying
This study was conducted in GOA, a second class municipality in the province of
Camarines Sur and within the fourth legislative District which is also known as Partido
Area. The municipality is rich in local agricultural products and natural resources and has
numerous business establishments. Goa is known as the center of trade and commerce in
Partido Area due to its good strategic location which makes it accessible to all nearby

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