Alfa Romeo 75 Ownner's Manual

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OWNER’S MANUAL INDEX (at me ena of ots manuel you can fd 2 complete alphabetical index) ‘GUARANTEE - SERVICE COUPON BOOKLET - Seaviex nerWorn sn ipewmneaTion HOW TOUSE TOURCAN GonrneLs ato NeTROMENTS {nsrurers panel and swicoee ‘Warring ight: inavurneat pare igi diner ‘a Rompee Contra (ARC) Oihateboee ences cccearcees _trument patel wich 0007 ie ‘eon eran eer Recing wheal adjustment: Levers on stering wheel Quad ight niirnccrcen es Dimer nceaices 2000S Twincecreen wiper and wae’ “Heachama west = fevare Foning occ tece : Gear inet Mandira mon Seat roe Seatbeig 0000 fe Deore Conia dear iting ‘ear doers sae aces“ Gk6 9.00" door woXs Inna eartew reroe + Extemal reavicw rarers a External rearvea mie Sun vif0m8 Slowsbor Backrhat crawar Front eparighter Frontane mar ashy - aa igar ign Suoport anaes Beotsperng Bennet poring ey VENTILATION Gewisting HEATING CLIMATE CONTROL WITH alR GONDITIONIG S¥STEM .- sintrance = Carpreasor ere oat tension cneck = Beitrepicerent nnn IMANEWERGENCY Spam wheat Wheat changing dash deexing up ea? Tomng nn whiele Snow onaina : Staring engine sition emergency ant WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Slanieg ihe orgie “Whe oring e Sranes Powe brskess Pomer sivorng- Paring Wagscreen wiper aces ono Waver use Fuel economy HS ey : Belare stating cul-Wnen you st ithe divers saut= ‘nen rwaling = Suggmstans fer corre! ering + LUnnIoATION AND MAINTENANCE Precautions tate before mayneranee oso. nae : Ieernt gion = SA UDR” AERO. Barer, Feet asia. ee Sejumtng tn baum neigh accerding te thn toe = Seuiey ehadiight beans - Charging Fah outa Boor Fomine (GENERAL DATA FOR 751. SPARK YERSION Selttocking diferental Diagrana’tve ar tra lus susp syste Elacrem inestor-twnighon sytem engine Gareemensons GENERAL DATA FOR 75 206 VERSION Satabcaig diferent... Arana ter auty sre Sita eleanor stem Gusomensiont sss SUNROOF VERSION BRAKE SYSTEM WITH ANTI-LOCK BRAKING sveren (Aas) = 78 T. SPARK -75 1.0 VE RIGHT HAND ORE 75256 RIGHT KAND DRIVE ~ KUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION VERSION ALPHABETICAL INDEX... LUBRICANTS - TYRE PRESSURES - CAPACITIES Rosioa melreanance schedule sens snsso on WNDSEREEN ANS HEAOUANE WAsiiNG Liauio “oo: 102 war-108 co Ts wag a 12 uo i we SSH! a ves 1 ne 1 x The operation and maintenance instructions contained in this manual must be carefully observed by the owner desiring to get the best from this vehicle and to ensure Jong life for alt its component parts. Owners are recommended, in their own interest, to entrust all maintenance and repair work to ALFA ROMEO SERVICE DEALERS. These are equipped with the proper tools and staffed by specially trained mechanics who are kept updated with ALFA ROMEO literature. Li Romer ead ASSISTENZA TEGNIGA IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OWNER Ht you shouls have. probiem or question concerning the servic- inget yourcar, writeor phone olther your Seling Agenter your ocalaita Romeo Distributor. Therame and sddreas cf the one aa fos doceem toe "Guess ese WARNING Seware of the danger of carbon monoxide! Never run the sngine in an encloses space, The exhaust gases contain car- bon monoxide, a deadly gas, Carbon monoxide is particular ‘sangerous as, being colourless, odourlese and tastoless, it resence is very dificult to detect. Bestnptons stuaratineane ‘ain tower ny tbe reve nN 2 Neca. Rett pice lat ra erepronerave lata opts A (ane ar oae aie varices ie cea ong oh aru Ps nae na tie manu see ol om Fat cmied eoranton ne conc yous Sate KEYS ‘single key enables te pertonm the following functions: = turning on the ignition - steering lock = locking front doore + locking tank fer cap, Aftereach refuelling operation make sure ark ier capes properly locked. ~ uy GUARANTEE For the conditions of guarantee please roter to tre Service Couper Booker SERVICE COUPON BOOKLET The Service Coupon Booklet \s supped with every vanicie ‘This sets out the conditions governing the provision, Alts Romeo services and the tarms of the guerantee. Have the maintenance operators end tuning prescribed in the Service ‘Coupon Booklet and in the Maintenance chapter of thie manual carriec out regularly and carefully. This isan essential ‘condition to guarantee a ong ite of ne mechanical pars (anc thus lower running end tue! costs). SERVICE NETWORK “Tho Aifa Romeo Services in Iisly and abroad arelisies in the Guide supplied with every vehicle ‘Aways rely on your Alls Romeo Dealers, wno display me shield with the Alfa Romeo emblem anc name. IDENTIFICATION Owners ate advises ic keep 2 racers of te idantiication symbols in the spachs prowiced at tne diagram below. IGentificetion piaies dr metal stamping are located zs tolions: ‘= In the engine compartment on the front cross piece on the left side: identification plate anc type approval late. ‘Symbot 2- Inside luggage boot fd: finish plate (paint type ana maka) Symbol — '3~ Onboottioorpan (10 he rigntottne sore whee! housing): vehicle identification number “VIN' Symtot On conieeting the Factory or a Membe: of Alta Fomes Seivice Orgenizetion please etste: car mecel, chassis ne, registietion 1g¢ covered and details of purchase, {4 Onthe floor ot the luggage compartment (1 therightot he Spare wheel housing = stermped) ‘manufacturers brane mark, body type and serial number Smt 5- On the engine block (on the rear left part, tiymhee! sige ~ stamped): mabiifacturer's brand mat Symbol < engine type anéseriainumber HOW TO USE YOUR CAR erat erat IN AN EMERGENCY Ei WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS | B LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE GENERAL DATA | HOW TO USE YOUR CAR CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS E-Wingacten wiper ng, waa Beene Be a asemmruree ler or iar OEY rang enn 7 = Nierring lights Alla Remes Gar 18+ Rear power window controls: 25 - Fuse Dox ae ee Se ae 8 Winelsarben detrasting tours: ‘19~ Rear eshtray ‘W- Oulside lights and Gireciion ina < Centre air veris ‘20 Rear cigat lighter (some versions cators contro! lever FRONT CONTROL PANEL AAR:GONTHOL PANE! Front left power window con q 5 Froni spot light swe: 2+ Front right power window contro! €- Front spot light 3 Rees aower window opereron cut-out switch (so: + Beer spot hight switch versions only} &- Feer spot Fight 4 Celing ight switeh S- Ceiling light INSTRUMENT PANEL AND SWITCHES + Rev. counter Soecdomener reserve warning ight gine oll pressure gevce il pressure warning tant + Coolant teriperature gauce + Contant maxima lemperature wernirg ight ‘0- Panial odometer 1 Panial odometerzeroing button 12. Road hazard light sniten and warning light 18. Hoated roar seteon amiton and warning light fort fog light switch ang warring hgnt jer eequest) 16> Insirament pasel ight simmer WARNING LIGHTS: Inthe centre of the instrument panetnere are warning highs ‘ndicating that the respect ve instruments have beer switched 1 Spare warning fight 2- Spare warning light Dirgstion indicator warning tight Packing light warning lamp High o2am warning tent = Road razare warning ight 6 INSTRUMENT PANEL LIGHT SIMMER 2rking igh'son. the instrument pane) igri ean De aGlUse 2c Dy tuming the cimmer & ALFA ROMEO GONTROL (ARC) The Aife Romeo Contiel werning device slows centralized. inimiesiete veriiceticn of the Correct iunctioning o: the most portant evrouits, accessories end perameters forthe vehicle anc engine Verilicztion is Certieg Out in 1wO phases, — win the engine off after the moment of ignition eortact (key in position 1) = witn tne engine running r ALFA ROMEO CONTROL, warn igh ei ow Button S-wrndscieen washer igus ve! 8. Sion ligniselticency wacning wut fovarning ight 2) waming ight warning light activated by mandbrake warring the Alfa Bomeo Central warning 0- Worning lighte function war 7-Srase pad wear and thie eve! om meee warning lignt + fternator warrang gat Engine oil eva! warning ant Se Faring Tere er HON PIE Coolant evel warming ght ‘eflciency warning 2- Open coor werning ight The ARE ice checkt the following systems: PP onesie erie St paeuie sean sergio aN crore cortinn Pincireen ing ce Henabrate on Brake pac wear - Brake flule leve!- Switen, tuse, bulbs and connectors of stop lights Switoh, fuse, Bulbs and sonnectere of stop ights Eificiency of warring lights (with relative clreuite ane senscrs): minimum: ol pressure - coolant temperature - ‘uel resene pce @ oO DE Side tights and reartog lights S a © pinator circa SD toe cess Witt the engine running ihe fcliowing ave eneckee = correc: supply of current hy tne alternator ~ sufficient engine cil pressure Check with engine switched oft \wnes the igrition uey ig turned 10 position 7 all te waining. lights wali come on tar few secones to test ther efhelency (selaecnosis) After is genoe. it all the systems checkee ave efficent the Vighte will ge off there ip & malfunction the light valative to the pariculai function wil reman alight anc the master warning lign! wil sian 10 fesh. Ate: bout ¢ minute the tight nciceting the fault mill become Imerm tert whiletne mactor werrung light wall remein conetant ‘Any turher tauhe relative tothe function. NB: Sice lights. rear tog light and stop lights can only be vested wen In use, Important: The master warning ight can be cutout atany time by means of pushbutton 1. in this case the lights Signaling tne ‘auits wil emainon, ‘The master warning ight will only eome on egain i there ere further faults, when the ignition is switetes on (key in position t}orwhen the engine sre-startec 9 bignaiica By In€ flashing OF Ine light Check with engine running When the engine started theaevice cnzcts, inancinon towne previausiy mentionec systems, the eificiency ofthe oenerarcr ang the minimum oll pressure, When the key ie turned directly ‘ram position Oto the engine ‘gnition position, the RRC device follows tnis procedure: ‘the master warning ignt ang allspecther lights willcomeon for 2-4 seconds io aemonsuete elt elficency, they subsequently 29 olf il the systems being checkeo ere ctfcient ‘one oF more rea warning lights will come onittnove are faults (See eariier for remarks on taut). Steps to be taken It taut s signelied Siop the vericie wmmeciaie'y end perivim ihe fovewing Ehecks. warning Won's 345-7, check ‘eat ve evels It they are cortec! the foult lies inthe control cic Warning lignt 7 sieo maritore arake pac mar, there see tac possibies: + Thelgnionly comes ‘aginning to wear ight clays on the brake aade are seriously worn wher tne orakesepplieg bigiTaL cLock Hours-set button 2+ binutes-tet button, iectronic digital clock features e 24-hour display. Fou: {igi cispiay the ime in hours and minutes; the colon flaenee twice to ingicate @ secong. Toresetthe clock frsicepresshouts-set bution 1 (withthe tip ‘ofa pen) unt the correct seadingie obtained: then deprossthe minutes-set bution 2 (digits change ata slower rate| until the ‘minute reading is correciec. By depressing buttons 1 and 2 Simultaneously all four digits aro at te zero. Note: In the event of power intersupiion (eg for battery remo~ val, biown fuse] the elack circuitry stops operating. When power is again supple, the clock needs resetting, INSTRUMENT PANEL SWITCHES Places on the sides ofthe instrument pene, oress once tour onane s second time te tur of. te fonction wil be indicated Dy ie reiatve warning ight on the Button isa NB Using road nazarc igh's, rear fog lights and wnen Sting and ing fag lights be sure io odserve loca aficreguatlons Heated tear Seraen should be turned off as boon at the gises nas clare. Nole: The ‘ront and rear tog light systems mee! the relevent ‘EE/ECE regulations P) Rose nezara lights switch Hates rear screen switen Qe Feat tog light switen # [3] ght ewiter (it eo equipped) STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT OUTSIDE LIGHTS (Lever) “The outside lighte aro eontiolies ty the lever shown in the figure Tring tne lover artucscckwite Position | frst notery perkinglights mere 26 requited by lcs! vep.- laviene, when the pareng gh re awitchod en tegetner withthe ‘gulcnorengin, rmmedtongh: fess heaaignt iow seams are utomatealy meson DIN-DIP estan. Fositon 2 (setona Hatch) ‘change fromlow tohigh beam + Button zt endot lever out Jew beam Pull lever towards steering whee! (even with lights off), N.B.:I1is the nigh beams that flash; te evoid fines be sure to (observe local ratfic regulations, DIRECTION INDICATORS (Lever 1) ‘These are controled oy ine same lever that controls the oui side lights: = lover up: right urn indicators ~ lever dewn: left turn indicators, Lever in position 7 (overtaking position) the iever must benelo In position for as iong as required Lover in position 2: the lever remains in position and returns: automatically wher: the sizering is sircighiened up, WINDSCHEEN WIPER AND WASHER - HEADLAMP WASHEH (Lever 2) Wineacreen ‘The convel jevertas 4 positions 0 top. wepars 41— 18% notch: tee operation - the wipers complete one sweep automaticaly. 2nd notch: wipers operate st iow speed, = 31d note’ ne wipers operate at top sneec Wingoereen washer and headlamp washers {onreques an tor tome martes on), ‘The washer pumps operated hy pulling the lever towara The wheel: the wipers will automatically complete one ful oyele at the sametime. Thewipers automatically ceturn to rest position, (On teguest, ine vehicle cen be provicea with Neagamp washers with high-pressure waar jets which ac imo action when, with tarking Ights on the windscreen washer lever is operated ‘The headlema washer system ie controlled by 2 a Power winnows FRONT DOORS “To operate push the rocker-awteh butrans above he semal Pusnoutton A: ett window Pushnutton B. right window REAR DOORS ‘The windows of ine reas aours are manually operates by tne winder. Rear power vindows mey De fited optionally (some tersione only} The swiches are placed in the central panel Switch Crear left window Switch D: reer right wineow Pushing burton E will lock the seutehes controling the war power wincows. Theeng:ne mmusive runningte provge power io: tne epetenior the windows (or the inition key i" pesttion 1) Caution: Taxe carewhen operating the power windows. onat eop the buttonspresses wnenthe window sallthe wey up or down Important: When passengers remainin te car always remove the ignition key te prevent inadertent operation of the win ‘dows as passengers (especially chitgren) could be serious y harmed by the closing of a window: INTERNAL LIGHTING Front lighting ‘This consists oa cating lgntanc ar agjustaple spot ignt The cesing ght is automatically ewitcho on with the opening o! nt of the doore ane sieys on fore periog established by the Alta Romeo Gonirol (ARG) timing gevice, The cellinglight-ray, ‘be turnec on and off manually by pressing swtcn A, The spot light is turnec on ty pressing switch 8, FR] cevting tant eaten FF | seotuare owen Rear ugnting This consists af aajustavie spor ight, sontales by swan FS | Spot igre sworee GEAR LEVER The position of each soege is shown on the gear lever Knot Always wait unt the vehicle nas come to 2 complete siandsti bofove engaging reverse (Fi) When changing gears aways depress the cluteh pedal tuly. HANDBIAKE anaoranse crake is appied sutticientiy.T a Upwares#ganancpresson te ine par af hehancarip unt Ihe fock releases and then lower ire lever still pressing cn the, Inner part of the hand aria For ‘emergency’ operation ts recammen par of the nanc grin be kep: pressea 3 atthe inner SEATS HORIZONTAL ADJUSTMENT To slide the seat use the lover ner ine seat eter omaininge the position desireceelease the lover and ensurethatthe seatie secure BAORHEST AOJUSTMENT Fo adjust tne backrest raise the WoKing lever ata Set te Ine desired postion. Release the lever lit the backrest s comple ‘ly Sovin, aecempany Ht gantly to the desired poeiton after aisengaging tne lever In order to avoid nolen: movements), ECINICAL SAGRHEST ALJUST ‘Aghust oy pressing rocker switches 7 ang 2, inthe elections Indicated by the symais on the switcnes Pushbutton |: adjusts the inelinetian of the driver's backrest Pushbutton 2 adjusts the inclination of the passengers oack ret 4EADHEST The height ane wisinanen of tne wore seat noscrests wea stable (exogp: in tne 3.0 modell, white the rea” headrests a1 ised te the seat Posse note: Ths tront neadreste chould be adjustec eo thst hey correspana with he back of ie heecor the Giiverancitne assenger In order ‘c avosd whiplash Injury wn the ease 0! accidents, headrests should never be at neck height REAR CENTRE ARMREST The rear seal an armrest which tales up wvio the tacxrest SEAT BELTS “The car is fitted with setery belts of lap and dregonal harness ‘inertia reei/suta retracior type atthe front seats “The rear seats are provided with ancnor peints-rear seat belts ale only sizidard in countries where they are reautred by law ‘The 30 version i equioped as standard with seat belts al the sides ofthe rear seats, When notinuse. rollup thelaiches in te belts and put them into the housings suitebly aravidec in tne ‘peat back, Fasten seat bots before driving off making su! 9 ang Mt correctly. Note: seatbelts aredesiares for use by personsof adult neight shoul also bebornein mind that seat belts should never De ‘worn by & child seatedon tne knees cf « passenger. Have the ‘8\ belis checked If they shew signs of waer oF matfuncticn. Incase of anacciden‘in which inebels are stressed they mus: be changed even if they show no signs of damage. veyare adjust- ‘Warning: it the seatbeltnas been subjected to stress, ove 10a" accident forexample,itshould bereplaced cormpietely, ncld- ing anchor points and botts. Even ft shows no visible signs! Gamage, it could have lost ite strength The replacemen’ ‘should se carries out exclusively by an Alla Romeo Service Dealer, Replace seatbelt as Soon as it shows signs of wea" or Decomes faulty, Never carry Out seatbelt repairs yourselt, they should be carried out exclusively by en Alla Romeo Service esier on tunnel, Ensure the buckles are firmly latcnec. Usually seat Delts enanje the occupants to assume & comfortable postion. however bruscue movements shavie te ayes the batt safety lock device wil be oporatoc To untesten the belis pusi the button 49! Ine Dushle OF Ine tunnel. Taxe care not 10 ei the belt buist whe oeing rewound oniiseel Slide the pelt tongue along the nelto faciiate ul rewinding ear seat bolts The anchor points permit ine installation ot alaganal harness for # combination of agonal narness and Isp type) seat belts ‘or thesiae passengersanc alae tyoe forthe centre passenger Doors Central 400% locking Al tour doors may be lockec or unlocked simuitaneously bs ‘operating the central door locking device. “The doors may be opened from the outside by pressing or hancle 1, The font doors ae fitted with lock 2. When the key is tusae to lock or unlock one cf there doors al! four doors are locked or unlocked at the same time (central door locking) “The same results obtained by pressing down button 3 on tne insiée ofthe tront doors (with doors closed}. In order to oner the door from the insiae (with safety leek dieengeged), pul lever Sear handle 4, “The hinge tie coes wil! keep the doors fully open or In an intermediate postion as casired. Warning: Whig ine Gare moving, aoorushoula HoTby waxed ‘rom the insice oecause, nthe Gese.o' an accident access ic the interior ofthe car is elfficult from the ourside. I the chile salely lock hes Deen engaged on the rear docrs, these can be pened only trom the aussie. Rear doors satety tocks For the individual locking of rie rear eoore press cowe nunn 1. This may als be cone with the door open. Inordertoopen the rear coors fiom the insige (with setety Hock, disengaged). pull lever 3 near tance 2 ihe Iris engages by means of the lever on the door coluran INTERNAL REARVIEW MIRROR The rearview mirror has a day/night ant-azz2ie aewce operat- 0d by « lovar atthe bottom A= normal 8 = antidazzie IR alee nae ar ant-viteation selery bush jadjustable ay mesne of buen 2) EXTERNAL REARVIEW MIRRORS (some versions only} Both door mirrors are comtrollae by the switch 1 Push the Switch stak as desired iowerds ore of the four direc ‘ions in which the mirror is adjustable [see illustration) Teadjue: the drivars mirror move the ewitch Dto the iat Move she ewitch 2 t¢ the right for acjusiment of the passengers inves EXTERNAL REARVIEW MIBHOR This is mechanically adjustable by means of a conto! on tne side panel near the mirror, During automatic washing or for space rezsonss itis possible to push the mitror group allthe way ‘orward or all the way back against the side of the vehicle SUN VISCRS Sun visors can be movec laterals visor haea vanity mitror, ites. The passengers FRONT CIGAR LIGHTER To use the cigar lighter 7 press ine know ail tie may A click will indicate that the electrical elements Fave ‘escneo the necessary temperature The knod will retum to normal petition and the cigar lighter cen be extractea, FRONT ASHTRAY ‘The front ashtray is situated on the dashooars, To empty it ress down the imer spring 2 and extract REAR CIGAR LIGHTER ‘Te Use the clgar tighter 8 press ine ano all ne way A clin willincicate that the electrical elements nave eacnec the necessary temperature, The knob will retuin to normal position and the cigar lighter can o¢ extracted REAR ASHTRAY ‘The rear asht-ay 4 ssitvatec in ine eer part of me console To ‘erat it rae ft vertically and extract, To replace centre the, lower stop notches and push forward SUPPORT HANDLES, Located abovesside winaows {with ine exception of tne tone Jaf toa): the rearonas also have coat hooks. FILLER CAP COVER ‘This i located on the righ siae ot th car ana tines lock Atier each tiling, make sure the cap cover hi artectly locked ints place. BOOT OPENING. To open the boot raise the lever stows: Ihe boot Hos hited with apring struts. With sice lights on the hoot i illuminated Under the eusnionof the rear seat thers is a lavar te epon tre 90! in an emergency BONNET OPENING “Toopen boaret pulllever under te control panel The bontgt will thus be reieasec but with the setety catch still engaged. Raise the bonnet slightly unti the safety catch 1 is accessibie, push it upwards to release, then lift bonnet completely and place the suppert rod in position, as indleatedinthe diagram. ‘When the parking lights ere on, the engine comaartmentwill be automaticaly iumminates when tne bonnet is raised, Toclose bonnet, placethe support roc72 nits securng springs located on the mudguard on the inside of the engine compart- iment let the bonne! down, meking sure that its completely closed, anc not just secured by the safety catoh. In the fattar cave, do net press cown on the bonnet {which will celorm it but raise it again and rectose. VENTILATION - DEMISTING & HEATING ‘Side air outiets L Connected 10 the ventilation systern and adjustable; he sir flow can also be directed ‘onal the side windows (for de- {hosting of demisting) by adustiig the vent “The side vents aro always supplied fromthe ventiation system inrespective of the position of airflow control selector A, +. Horizontal direction contro, 2, Oper/ciosed contra! (and reguiaton ot sir tow) ‘Maximumair flow is obtained with selector Ain pasition “i the central ar vents G closed, and the blower (control D) at third speed. Contre vente S ‘Connected 10 the ventlisuon system: agjusiable ai How anc Horizontal direction canto! 2. Open/close contiol (snd regulation of air How. ‘The centre vents are always supplieg trom the ventilation system irrespective of the posttion of air flaw conttol selector A ‘The textand ilstratiors whieh follow relate tothe most com- ‘mon uses of the vent¢heeting syatom. The client, 0! course, ‘nee 10 select any of ine wide range of altematves offered by the system. important =) To-ensureetticiont cetrostirg with very low ouside iomperaiv- fe5 Ris wiseto startthe angine and waitatew momentstor the requirad temperature to be reached. When demisting only, on the other hand, coo! ambiont air alone may be sufficient, sez ‘control G in position fully clockwise. Controls A, B and © should remain in the pesition shown DEFROSTING/DEMISTING To clear the windscreen and side wincows ravisly set the caniols ecco te te danram above: CYC) 2 A flow control selector Ain position og Heating control 6 n tuly ockwise position ~ Ventilation control Cin fully clockwise position Blower control Dat thire'speue To dem! the rear scresn. race on the sige oftne insurgent penel CONTROLS AIR FLOW CONTROL SELEGTOR A: HEATING CONTROL 5 4 at v permits the followin at tow positions AJ cownwara ainiow (outtets 1-6-1) Upward airflow joutless Gt 4g Upward airflow joutlets F-G-L) NB: Whatever the postion of selector A, at is always viown Irom the central outlets G, unless they have been closed with the corresponding central Controls the opening, closing and adjustment of the heating valve, Control B in pesiton @. heating oft Gontro} 8 tumea clockwise raoval increase of the heating depending an the position ct contro! 8 Conttol B turned fully clockwise maximum heating “Turn contiol B to regulate the leriperature and control C wo ‘obtain te quantity o! external air desired. Then adjust the various vents to drect and regulate the air flow as desired VENTILATION CONTROL © BLOWER CONTROL 0 8 i) 2 Regulates ne quantity of air adrnited to car's terior Set specific control C to the airflow desired. Then acjus! te various vents to direct end aistripute the ait flow as required. Conttol Cin postion CES externa’ air inlet closed, Cental © tumae elacwwite gradual opening ol exerral aut ine, Conirol © turns fay clockwise Maximum opening of external air inlet Regulates the quantity of forced air admitied to car's interior Control D in position @ Blower of Control Dn position lower at first speac, Control D in position it blower at second apex Control Din position it blower at maximum spees CLIMATE CONTROL WITH AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM For the location of he alr outlets anc tneir operation, soe pages ADand 41 h | Airflow contra selector 5 Heating contro! © Airconditioning thermostat conto! D Blower control E Exiemal alr/intemal circulation selector ‘The text and illustrations which otlow rete to the most com ‘nonuses ofthe climate conveleystem. The clients, of course, tree to select ary of the wide range 0 afernativesoffeted by the system. NB: Nover operate the system at maximum outputlor prolong 20 tive, Le, with Mermosie! conte (©) in max position ang fan sonirol (0) inthird speed. The Dest opereting conditions tre achiovod by ad}isting contrat C at 3/4 of ts sattng renae and by rating fan control in second spend. in particular weather condivons (mid ouside temperature) the climate control system can also be usec with selector Ein position SEES, thet is with eamssion of fresh sir ito the passenger compartment ‘Waming: Before starting tne engine cheok ina: tne conditioner ‘xo control Cinposition @)toavoidoverloading thesterting ‘motor and the battery. The air conditioning system can only ‘operate with she engine running Important “To ensure efficiant detrosting wit very low outside tempera rex tie wise fo startthe engine and wait fora ‘ew moments ior the required temporature to be reached. When demisting only fresh outside air alone may be sufficient. DEFROSTING/DEMISTING WITH AIR CONDITIONING OFF DEMISTING WITH AIR CONDITIONER ‘To clear the windscreen anc side wincows rapidly set the conira’s accorcing to the diagram above: WOOO ‘Thermestat control Gin position ® Selector Ein position ADS = Blower control D at third speed Central vente G close. To cemist the rear screen, press on ine sige oF Instrument panel ‘When the humidity is high both inside andoutside theca the ‘combined neath and air conditoning system may be used to acceteratedemisting. In this case trecontrots snould be set es follows: ~ Air control selector A in position a ~ Heating control 8 in fully ciorkwise postion Thermostat control C in position $¥t Selector E in position “ES, Biower control D to at east the tirst speed ‘entral vents G closes. warning wth thesystem operatng inthesecondttios air conditioning ang heaing) when dem: eecentia| totuin off hehe ‘01 controlB 1p position @ and then turn oft! (controt C to @) This will provert Su misting of the windows, 19's complete t's AIR CONDITIONING ‘Warning: belore starting the engine check thal the conditioner {s off (control C in position ©). “To operate proceed 8s talows; ‘Start the engine. > Close the windows. = Set heating control 8 to @. = Set salsctor Ets CES = Set control D to at least the first space Wo enable the compressor). = Turn conto 6 clockwise untlline desired vegree ‘of cooling is obtamed anc: sei contro! D to obtain the required airflow. Using selector A and the central vents adjust the airflow distribution, HEATING HEATING CONTROL E. Controls the opening, closing and ecjustment of ine h valve. Before turning on the heating ensure thet the air canditioning is off (contral Cin position @). Use control 5 to regulate the Temperature and control £10 ragulate the flow of air trom the outside, ‘Ae 000 as the engine hes reached the requirad temperature the system will bo capablo of heating the peasenger compart. ‘ment in @ shor time. The client ean then blend hestod eng Conditioned air as cesire, Set selector A 10 “Hor “A postion, ang agwust ine ‘entiel and side vents to obtain Uredesies er fow distTbut, Control B in position @: eating of Control B tumed clockwise: ‘gradual increase of hesting resulting from the position of con: ot. ‘Control B wed fully clockwise: maximum heating. Set contro! Cin position @ Sot blowor control D te obtain he spied air fom. Setsciector E10 CEES VENTILATION “The pestenger comesriment ny be ventiated (even wih = SetconvolAwo or WA positon windewa elosea) by admting ambien (un-condivened) a Tusad seater oa cis cote {tom tne outside by procending a2 folows: - Tur off heating (control B in position @) Set selector Etc: MEY required turn on blower (control D) ~ Adjust side and central vents ‘0 obtain the desuec ax distribution. e MAINTENANCE ‘Caution: Shoute the conditioner be left le tor long paniogs (especialy during the winter months) tis weseto turn tontore tow minutes each woek to keep the components property ibricated (One a yoar, proierably at the Daginning of the summer, have the sir conditioner testod for low charge and the compressor ‘ll level checked by an Alfa Romeo Service Dear. s Occostonally (Check tension ot tne compressor arive velt.Glean the concen- ef, If jets of alr or water are Used make sure that they do rot strike the condenser radiating tins ata right angie. COMPRESSOR DRIVE BELT TENSION CHECK "PE seer model The tension Is correct wiven, on pressing the belt at the point indicated by the arrow, ityielée about 18 mm. ifthe tonsion hae to be inoreased slacken nute A and B, Siretcn the belt by roving the compressor outwards and tighten nut A. Check alt tension agarn, Tighten nut & BELT REPLACEMENT Slacken nuts A and B, Move the comprossor imwarde ane remove the old belt. Ftthe now beltonta ihe pulleys and move the compressor outwarcs until the belts stretcned correctly “Thentighten nutA carefully anc check belttension: tighten aut 5 ‘Note: Ta replace the compressor drive belt he power steering rive bett (fitted) must be rerroved first (see page 85), COMPRESSOR DRIVE BELT TENSION CHECK 2 25 VE, model ‘The tension Is Breet whe, on pessing tne belt a fw in incicatec by the arrow yields bout 15m. Hthetersion has to be increased siacken nut A, Steich the belt ky roving the bellstretcher downwards ang tighten aut. Check belt teneion again, BELT REPLACEMENT Slacken nut A. Movethe belt stretcher upwaias anc remove the ole belt, Fit the new beli onto the pulleys and move the stretcher downwards unt the belt is etietched cerrecily, Then lighten nut A caretuly an check bett tension IN AN EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL The spare whea|is stowed on the left side oftne bootunder the ceaipeting WHEEL CHANGING ine removat ~ Apply the nancbreke. + Turn the nuts couniercluckwise wo wuscien Inzert jack arm in the sonket rearest 10 Ine nto! te Be changed ane jack up tho venicie + Slacken ine nuts and remove tne wneet Replacing + Fitthe spare wheel and tighter the nuts (clacneise) Lower the vehicle-and remove the ja! Tighter the nuts completely in diagonal orcer - Reieese the handbrate ~ As sucrias possible check thal ine iyre pressurets as spect 36 insige beck cova N.B: Thereshou'dbe re passengers inthe car while itis bang Jackec uo, JACK Jack location is in the Boot under ine spare Iyre Ane uss, position tne jack as shiown ang secure it with he rubber bel, “The jack must be usedto change read wheels ‘get uncer the car when if rests on the jack only, JACKING UP PADS Fit the bracket of the jack inio tie suitable jacking up pads jocatec at the four corners of the body shell front ens ‘Apalying the jackouto! the properly provided areas can cause damages to the carand injuries te the operator TOWING THE VEHICLE IN.B Always strictly observe regulators egaicing ine towing, ‘of vehicles. To tow the vehicle secure the towing link to the brackets shown (A front — B rear). Turn ignition key to postion 0. Neverwithdrawthe key fromignitien switch Yock, Important: The steering ls treed only atter passage of the Key from position | [warning lights come on) andratumto position, a ‘Bear in mind that wmen the vehicle Is being towed no power, esistance is available to the brake system and thorefore a considerably greater peda effori will De reauired wren Drak ing. I the vehicles equipped with power steering no powers availabie ifthe engine is not rianing and thatefore increaces steering effor wil be required. the steering wit! ENERGY ABSORBING BUMPERS ("0 mos!) ‘The bumpers are mounted en energy absorbing units important: Unde! no circumstances must towing De atternprec ‘byattaching chain or eabies te the bumpers, Energy aboorting Lnits can easily be damaged by towing and their low speed, protective features can be rendered ineffective SNOW CHAINS Chaing must be fitted Wo the drive whoels uae whesis). They ‘Rust not protrude (irom the tyre wall] more than 76 mm N.B= For iypes and cimensions of approved tyres see inside ack cower NOTE: To avoid serious damage to the tyres remove chains as soon 2s off snowy roads. Otherwise proceed very slowly arc femove thers a¢ soon as possile STARTING ENGINE WITH AN EMERGENCY BATTERY HOW TO USE JUMPER GABLES \n emergency situetions itis possible to start the car by con- nesting is batery to thet of another car Important This mustbe done by qualia personnel s¢incor- rectuse can produse dengerous eectical cmarges To prevent daraging tne vehicle's elecirical system alvays foliow the inetrusions of the jumper cable ranvlectrsr caretuly “Tre cable must be suticienty Jong for me veniies not to touch rocees inthe folowing order 1) Connect ore end of 4 cable to the positive tormnal of the ischargec battery 2) Connect ne oer end ofthe cabieto the postive terminal ihe boosie batery Connectone@nd ottne secone cebietotnenegatveterm- ral ofthe booster battery Connect the other ene of he cable 10 the engine black of the eer with the sischargec totion. Stir tho ongin.Hfitdoes net not prsietbutcontast the nearest fits Romeo Sone Dealer Win tne angine running remove the ume eablas fromthe two carsin exaciy ine opposite coer 3) 4 5 5) Warning: Remember that the baitery generates hygrozen, @ highly explosive gas. A snark, caused ty the incorrect connec lon ol heemeroenicy cables, coulc cause ine explosion ct ne battery Vehicle In iftculty Alder vehicie WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Warning. The following rotet allow to obtain irom the oar the beet performance, liability anc guration levels Furthermore, itis sugoestedino! tademanc top performances (e.9, extreme Pick Lp anc/or excessively long journeys at geah 1p. Nerd brake 1g and 30 en) from the vehicle during the first petiog of run. a STARTING THE ENGINE STARTING THE ENGINE From COLD To facilitate staring (especially during the winter} depress ‘luten pedal right down without copressing the accelerator peda! “The vehicle's tuel injection system ss equipped witn devices which, inadition 1 facilitating stating from cold, permit the ‘engine fo reach ts running temperature in @ short time, I the engine does not siart immediately wai ard ty again. De not eubject the engine to sudden accelotation until it has warmed up to operating temperature fora fewminuies STARING WITH A HOT ENGINE Prass the clutch pedal right cown, the engine 'S alreacy hot deprese ine acceleictor pevet slightly only tthe engine does not start frst time, WHILE DRIVING Betore moring off ensure that the hancoreke is released and that the Ait Romeo Control device 600s nots gnal any faults (oad te relative section carctuly) initecriving check die instruments avery so ofen REV. COUNTER Bo not exce0e the maximum engine speed ‘Avoid ceiving tor iong periods al 2 number of rom tne wat ing area, Vonicias aro fitted with a roy, limiting device which cuisouttne ignition when anestabiishes limits exceededand festores it apun eutoraticaly when engine fas beneath thet iit COOLANT THERMOMETER AND MaxIAUM TEMPERATURE WARNING LIGHT The lighting up of thie waming light signals 2 fauit in me Cooling system (encine ovesneating). in inis case the venicie rust be stopped immediatoly and checked by an Alla Romec Service Dealer. ENGINE Olt PRESSURE GAUGE AND WARNING LIGHT It the pressure ie lower than that prescribed and/or with the lighting up of this warning light, stop the engine immediately ‘end contact an Alla Romeo Service Dealer. Engine oil pressure (hot) - bar lating min. 05 Top speed min. 36 ALTERNATOR, “Thealternator warning light should act come on -ffitdess stop the vehicle andeheck that the alternator and water pump drive beltis not slack ordamaged (which would mean, abovell,the absence of angineesalanteirculation with very serious conse- {quences), Only in ne event of fautis of an electrical nature isi postinie to proceed for a short distance, Then the vehicle Should be stopped as spor as possible anc ne ‘aultcorrectec BRAKES: “The brakes are fundamental for ariving safety and its thus essential that they be kept in perfect working order {tos important to Observe the folowing warnings: ~ Do not drive with a foot rotting on the brake pogsi ~ Besurethat pedal movement sno! obstructed by the carpet oF anything else, Chock etlicioncy before starting out. ~ Chock Alfa Romee Control warning light = Garry out the maintenance programme scrupulousty “The Vohicle is fitted with a dual braking system which ensues brake operation in the evant ofa fault, even i there isvanation In te pedal travel or braking efficiency. For safety reasons never drive in these conditions - stop the vehicle as soon as possible and heveit checked by Ine nearest autherized Service Dealer. For versione with anti-lock braking eyeiom (ABS) relertepege 123, POWER BRAKES. The vehicles equipped with power Blakes wnich aleoperating only with running engine; which meané that & higher eter Feguited when ihe engine is of, to obtain tne same braking effect POWER STEERING (where filled) “The enicie is ecuipped with an enoine-opereted powersieer- ing. When the engine is stopped ihe power steering does not ‘work, consequently amuch highor stooring offertis necessary. ‘As the staering gear isa mechanical assy in siric! relation with ‘safety driving conditions, iis necessary to stop thevenicle and directly contect an Alla Romeo Service Dealer even incase ofa suspected fautt PARKING Engage handbrake, insert firs gear, and turn steering mbea! so ‘that the vahicie is Immeciataly stopped if the hangbrace is ‘accidentally disengaged De not eave ihe key in position 1 (ignition on) estnis will drain the battery WINDSCREEN WIPR BLADES Check these oeriodicaly. Wom or dry blades can reduce wsibilty conswerebiy, leer thor reguleriy by removing grees, dirtang tarto extend their working Ife. Betore switching on the wincscreen wipers emove any snow znd ice that may be prosern, Warning: When replacing the windscreen wiper blades fallow the instructions on the packaga (availabls fram speres), WINDOWS Do nor stick transiers etc. at the window glass as they Len ‘cause dietrection or obstruct vixen, WINTER USE The Alfa Romeo Antifreeze mistures in the eccling system ‘give full protection against freezing a! termperalures downto, = 20°C. Should the outside temperature fal further, the con- ‘centration snould be increased by replacing partotthe mixture with Alfa Romeo Concentrated Antitresze, It fe recommended thal this operation be entrusted to an Alla Romeo Service Deal ANTIFREEZE ot Agip| Shel | #1 AurAROMEO | Antiteese ‘antitiesze ste, e368 :59085 Climatuis ‘33061 69658 ate seca for e261 Antticeze | Antinesse Handbreke vole using the handbrake unless itis absclutely nevessory when the outside temperature is vary low as the mechanism, coule freeze causing the reer wheels ze lock. FUEL ECONOMY HINTS: Fue consumption is strictly dependent on ambient condi~ tions and driving habits. However, i the suggestions given below are followed, fuel ‘consumption wil be signiticangy reduced, + Maximum pertormance must not be demandec ot the car when engine is cold = While standing sill (at traflie-lights, cross-rosds, etc.) Never race the enaine unnecessarily. Drive as emoothly as possible, wthout repeated hard brak Ingand fast getaways. Sift into tne highest gear consistent with trafic and road conditions, Do ret overiead the car, it should be borne in mind that loading the rootrack with bulky objects signiticantiyincre- ases drag and, consequently, fuel consumption. i any type of foot rack is mounted for the transport of objects (Darcel rack, ski racks, ett.), remove duting the Deriocs itis aot used. If at all possible co not keep the side windows lowered Correct Setting of the vent conirois usually provides com= {ortabie ventilation insige the car Keep tyres inflated 10 recommenced pressures (refer tc Insige back cover). Purform regular servicing atthe scheduled intervals. The list, of service operations it found cath in the Service Coupon, Booklet and inthe chapter "Lubrication anc Maintenance’ of this book; regularsetvicingis essential ensure longer life of all mechanical components, thus lowering the running caste, anc fo reduce fuel consumption, BEFORE STARTING OUT = Check electrolyte evel in battery + Check windscreen wipers, = Check that headamp lances are clean, + Check that all the lights are working. + Check tyre pressure anc weer, = Chock that thoreare ne oaks of eilorother liquids under tne ay. + Ensure all the baggage Is stowed correctly. WHEN YOU SIT IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT; + Check that the hom works correct. ~ Agiust the seat to obtain & comfortable anving position ~ Check the rear view mirtrs, Fasten seat belts, + Cheek the correct operation of brakes and handbrake (rake sure there are no obvects hampering the movement of the brake pede 02k ne coors using the sate can It You have entares sboerd. Do not leave the car unattended with the engine running WHEN TRAVELLING. Drive with care and keep to the correct lane Use the indicators to war of citection changes, Switch on outside lights at sunset ‘Always keop a! a safe distance trom the vehicle in ont The ‘distance depends on the speed, weatner Conditions and the state of te road. Reduce spead at night or in bed weather (Observe speed imiis and alt othe’ 7oad signs, Novor drive in neta! gear, Inthe event of an emergency stop ewiteh on the roae hezare lights and use ihe tangle to Incicete the position of the car. Inthe case ofan emergency stop, parkthe vonicieas far othe roa¢ as possible, switch on the road hazard lights, and use the Irlargte 10 ingicate the postion of the car. ‘Warning: Never carry extra containe's of fuel ori tne vehicle as Inthe ease of fecks oF ace'dents, thoy could explode orgie. SUGGESTIONS FOR CORRECT DRIVING Nevor drive in neutral gear, especially downhill as the Braking effort is increased considerably by the iack of the engine's braking otfect, When driving down 2 hill Itis advisable to use the same gest that woulc be required to orive up Nevar drive with ahand resting on the gear ‘ever Do not rast cot an the cluten pedal as even the slightest pressure could cause ks premature wear PRECAUTIONS TO TAKE BEFORE MAINTENANCE ‘ne engine comgartmen’ confine many moving oars, high temmparlure parsandhghollage cals thal could prose e serious ih 1 erovise “Therefore, ake ihe folowing precautions before opening the bonnet =" Slop the engine ar slow itt coo * Sewareo!teredttorta, cou gst upautoticaly ave to eocent temperatre - Never smoke or use open flames. The pretence of perc Could cause are Foways neve an extng she handy = Never use the tre-shanging jak 12 ase the car for inspec: dons undetowath auton: tino: maintenarceopsrations an jocpardise the uring ofthe cr, When n cov, contact an Alta flomeo Serice Dealer These maintenance operations reter tc normal driving of the car under normal opetating concitions, Toensurepranes operation follow these suggestions raretuly, Every 500 kms, for when refueling} check ~ Engine oil evel = Coolant evel ~ Brake fluid leve: + Tyre pressure joroperty pertormed Ait iter IF you habitually drive om auety 1oaas, the air ter shoula oe ‘leaned more often tnan ingicai Brake peds MW yourdtriving style is sporty, or over difficut or mountainous roads, the brake pads should be checked trecventl, Brake fis Brake fluid is hygroscopic, iw. apsorbs water Te avoid faulty braking, replace the uid once a yeer, segars: lass of the mileage driven, Battery Duripg tot weather, check the electiolyte level requerity, Antltreozs Replace every two years regard-ess. Hotes Uncer specie! ariving conditions (¢.g. on soaes-sprniied with antifreeze sail and/or corrosive substances, rough road sur ces et.) ollen check ihe bouts of he axle shafis and sieering ‘box, and clean and lub icete joints, hinges, Joor-cetenes, bon net catch, etc When forced to use fuel, lubricants anc/or fuigs in genera with charecieristics diferent rom these specified by themanu- facturer (in emergencies) replace the fluid and rolative ‘ikers atthe eariesi opportunity. LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (Chece each item x the reactive ditanen) pengne inv pronces Mntesge inervats ais in the Service Coupen Miles/km x 1000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION eRe gge ge 22 SESE EE EEE) - ~ tyectcopeaom ter PE sown N SSS 8898228888 222.92 2 3) --—specmcopemion tee 7H aove “Perr rrrr eT e [ole [fe le fe [repace ean cvanc cities ara cies woncetog ays foriats Ulett fe ° fs | ctarpe panavancenara Oooo 2 eae TT TRE | Biele ie |@ ‘Check brake ane clutch ald aie i i —__ | 1 Ele lelefele le Je | Crock state output shatt Gv. jetnts eng arceriny box proieclive Bellon § eh elelele| emia | Oe {Se RT ei 120 10/00 ao a0 a6/e0 4270 49/0 4/90 sor100 ar118 eiciels]= aa DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION ZOVEOD WO= Sane NEST SRL ERIE Sele) ae a fe eT reouee tion == ls OI] [eerste remo tons wane Fi fs [Sana eR REE RES EENTN WIAeO el a |e [eawanaer eran al fe fy | [oeeeawrconena lef felt lel fe |e | Jo | ome eae te sian somenenarneuraal sone el CeLL Ls i gap a ear i Se el ell lel [= ©) |e [Sacre oeeia erat enti ate mona et lel fe] le] fonsvwemn wenn el le le fe] fel fe. fo |emec toner ancoune ney rans Bree Pl) [lel le] || ear Eee aT usta aa anee l- 5 ef fel fol fe) fe fences ueveracay ane coayean f° ef lel fel del elie I | ENGINE OW LEVEL CHECK The lavelis automaticaly checkea by the Alte Romeo Contal coves a manual check Is dasited proceed as follows: itn a coldengine extraci te dipstick and clean it Then inset the dipstick as far es li will 90 ang extract acain, The oll evel rust be between the MIN and MAX marks, ‘A= Dipstick position fer 20 version B= Dipstick position for 36 version N.B: Due to the detergent additives contained, tw now orl will already appear dark after 2 briet period of engine operation, ‘This is completely norenat, ard i's therefore not necessary 12 change the oll more often then recommenced. icant ve tor te le fling enoun onthe plates the te usec bein fr topping up anc enurgrg (when inesometsoe of ollas nat arecdy roance wim the graces qven ir ne tbe 5 ENGINE OWL CHANGE (2.0 model) “To change the ollwarm up tne engine ana proceed as tolloms, = With me engine stopped drain off old cil thoroughly by removing filler cap 1 and dipstick 2, unscrowing plug 3 ang letting al the oil flow out ~ Replace oil fiter (eee next paragraph) lean sump plug and replace Change oil (for quartlyy and type sae insice pack cover) - Replace fillor cap, + Clean dipstick and cneck thatthe eil level's ro higher tha: MAX, ~ Re-insert dipstick ae far asi wil go. ENGINE OIL CHANGE (20 moge) To change the oil warm upthe engine anc proceed ws tollows = Wirth te engine stopped drain otf old cil thoroughly by removing filer cag 1 and dipstick 2, unscrewing alag 3 and letting all the cil flow out Replace il titer (see next paragrapn) Clean sump plug ana replace Change oll (10: quervbly and type see insiae back covery Feeplace filer cap. lean dipstick and check that the ail evel ie no nigher thar Max, Feiner dipstix as tar as & wil go. ENGINE Off FILTER CHANGE. Free the filer using the soannet provided aiid then remove M. Lubricate gaske! of the new filter with engine elland ccrewitin by hand, 1.8: For detais of ne guaval ine changivg of the cll and the fiter please rafar to the Service Coupon nocklet 4 = Gilfiter position tor 20 model 5 = Oilfiter position tor 30 moda} CHECKING LEVEL AND CHANGING GEARBOX-DIFFERENTIAL OIL At the recommended intervale chock the level of the oll sr the gearoox-ditferential. Ate: removing filler cap A check that he 1 (ust reacts the lower part of ihe orice, To replace cil procesd as follows {cil should be warm betore raining) With enginesioppes rain offowd ollby emovingHiler pug. nd drain plug 8 Let oll drain otf completely. Clean araie plug B and screw it Replenish with oil of the tecommended type and quantity (Gee insige Deck cover) tnrcugh filer plug A. + Check that of level just reaches the bottom of the {ler orfice; clean and refi filer plug. AIR FILTER. (2.0 modes) Cleaning or changing ~ Looeen the 4 clips ‘manitotc. Fase the cover and take out the etem ~ Clean the element with tow pres on th com the vettom (opposite pa to tha ‘ihe propelty anc s NB The fitersheuld never te cleenec: oi into the fiter inthe correc: position ("10p" Is AIR FILTER 80 mcdel) Cleaning or replacing + Loosan ihe § clips fasteimng ine finer ve the ike mantow Fiaige the cover end take out the element. Ciean the oloment with low pressure compressed air blowr fon tne pant opposite that with “elio/top” printed on i Fit he element ithe correct position inthe fitet ensure that the part rarked "top" is at the top) Fitthe cover in the correct position and secure it with tne S clipe. Note: Thatilter nouldnever be ceaned with pet solventsor ol ALTERNATOR AND COOLANT PUMP DRIVE BELT 8ELT TENSION ADJUSTMENT ‘The tension is correct when, on pressing the belt at the point indicatec by the arsow. it yield abou! 15 rm, itis recessary to tighten it unscrew nuts A'Band screw C. Move the generator cutwards to increase belt tension and re-tighten nut Bj re-check the bett tension. Tighten mut Aand screw C. AEPLACING THE BELT Slacken nuts A-Band screw C Move generator inwards and remove tne old Delt, Fit ne new. Delton the pulleye and move the generator eutward until bel ‘enston is as specified. ‘Securely tighten nut 3, check belt tension ane rectighton nut A and screw C. © a i Sh Note: Wren charging tie yeweretur anve vel fi ts eves sary 10 remove the air concitioner (see pages 50 and 51) ang Dower sizering (see page BS) crive Letts (if fied). COOLING SYSTEM TEAK model 1 Aaciator 2 Elostric tan thermal ewiten 3 Thermostat 4+ Minimum level warning lint (ite Romeo Gontro)) 5 Coolant level sansor 8 Header tank plug 7 Header tank 8 Single wrote throat 9 Coolant temperature gauge sensor 1D- Hester valve 11 Heater 12-Maximum coolant teriperature warning light 18. Coolant temperature gouge 16- Thermal switeh for maximum coolant temperature warning light a6 Pump: ine recommenced interveie [or of Inst eveey 2 years) ange the Alfa Rameo &ntitresze ‘Tne cvoung system (lay vous fuer imeciion ang caroureni versions) is ct ceaiec type with neader tank The coolant, shar cooling heengine lows to thermostat. From here, depenving ‘or tis operation, ar should it be neceszary 19 Increase the bn the temperature, the coolant is drawn ciract'y by pump at soncentration (ouside temperature below — 20%), take ihe sent te the radiator, where isis cooled. it thea reiurns 10 the ‘ehicle 1 an authorize Alla Romeo Service Dealer ums. PH SE VE model 1 Fruciaten 2 Thermostat 2 Blecine casling ta &- Head: tank 3+ Coaling tan sersor © Coolant level suieor 4+ Sleeve lama 10 Header tank plug 18- Coolant tempeisnure gauge 2+ Pump in tavel warning igre jattzRomec 6 Max. coolant temparsture warning 6 Copiant temperate geuge sersor Control) hight COOLANT LEVEL CHECKING “The coolant level is regulated by Ine Alta Romeo Contra! However, it ie wiseto check thecoolantlevelin theneacer tank ‘sccasionally. “This should ba done witha cold engine 2s with z hotengine me level can be considerably higher, even win the engine stop 4, The leve! should always lie between MIN and MAX. H the, system neds to be replerishad, this must only be done in the lank using Alfa Romeo Antitreeze mixure from the ‘spacial containars available at Alfa Romes Service Dealers: it should be introduced tnrough the hoe cicse6 by plug indica edn the figure ‘Waring: Neve! remove the header tank plug when the engine i hot, dangor of scalding! DRAINING AND REPLENISHING THE SYSTEM ‘Never remeve the heeder tank cap when the engine is not! = Open heater valve by means of control (max. heating). = Remove plug fromm header tank. = Slacken clamp indicated in te tlgure, remove sleeve an let coolant drain. = Replace sleave and tighten clamp. = Pour tne antitreeze into the neacer tank ~ Replace the header tank piug, Stari the engine and check that there are no leaks. = When the engine ie cold chock the lave! in the heager tenk ‘and top up if necessary A= 2.9 mode! B=8.0magel BRAKES 7. manubrate peu uperaung lever ne vacuure pon 28- Switentor nangbrave wasning lignt 2+ Handbrake cable 10> vacuum pe 16- Rea wheeibiakng ‘egulation valve 2- Handareke cobe sheeth i cWeateecytnder 17- Power brave 4> Stop aght bulbs 12+ Fluid reservoir with warring tone 18> Pedal 3 Air boee screw switches 18+ Stop gm switoh 8. Peer 19 Handbrake lever 20 Handorake push iods 7 Pac pistons 14> Brake Reig iow evel anc oreke pao 21 Handorake adjusting ute &- Dises wear warning light 22+ Hangorake warning light a BRAKES “The braking syetomieol the dual nydraulictype (separate tront and rear circuts). Valve 18, inserted in the rear braking circuit, rogulatet the braking action of the rear wheels ‘Warning: the pressure regulation vaive must never be tamper ed with, ‘Werning light 22 signals that the handbrake has been applies, ning ight 14 (Atfe omeo Contral) comes on itthe level of the brake fluid n the reservoirs fais below the minymum. Mi comes on stop the car immediately and chock the brake fluid level If t's to0 low check the circult for failure Warning lamp 14 signa’s also brake pad wear (both front and rear), Ifit comes on have the worn pads replaced as soon as possible. Warning: i the vohicle is used rrainly in mouriteincus or dusty areas anci/or used tor rallys or racing @ more trecuent inspec- tion of the brake pads is advicable ‘The handbrake is mechanically operated. it is correctly adjustec the wheels bacomeloccecas ever 12 raachor ie “th 10 6th noich. Important (n the event of acciceent or damage to the chassis, ‘check that the brake vaCuurn serve is uncammaged since even, slight serve body camage may impair the operstion of the Drakes and require a greater pressure on tne pedal BRAKE AND CLUTCH FLUID RESERVOIR Care snould be taken 10 prevent tne level of tne thuic In tne sservair rom felling by more then cuarter bolow the max: lever ‘Change the tivieat the retommendes intervals (atleast once = year) When changing or tonping up itis absolutely essential to use only the specified fluids euppliec in secies containers whic shoule de opened only at the momert of use. When adding uid leave the ‘iter in plece 80 88 10 filer the fluid. i = BRAKE FLUID (Otoer number 1105,00.45.300.060.01 =Agip eens? fate = a1 POWER STEERING Hydraulic power steering not only makes driving easier but ‘The system is made up of a pump, driven by the crankshaft by also saler, meansofaV-belt, which pumps tne fluidunder pressure tothe power steering BOX. TE rex mode Pump Flui¢ tenn Fluid delivery piping Steenng box Flu return pining Important: Remember thatla the evant of system maltunction improbable 1 he vericie is usec normally ard the prescribed ‘checks and maintenance are pertormed) Its stil poasibie 12 ‘lear the vehicle bur greater effort willbe required, ‘As the sloering gear is a mechanical assy instrict relation with ‘safety eriving conditions, tisnecessary tostepthe venicieand Sirectty contactan Alta Romeo Service Dealer evan in case ofa suspected taut. [As previously mentioned, the aystom is powered by the orank- shaft go ifthe engine is stopped or the vehicle is being towed ingsiral gear andengine off) greater effor will e required io turn the steoring wheel Pum Fluo tau |. Fluis delivery pp Steering box Flue return piping CHECKING THE FLUID LEVEL Chock the level of the flu in the reservoir at the presonbes intervals; clean the cove: of the reservoir and the surrounding area and then remove the cover - the flui¢ should be at MAX level if tis no; top up with one of the procucts specified (see “Lubricants” ingide the back cover). Procesd as follows: ~ Star the engine and wait until the level of the fluid in the: reservoir stabilizes. = With the engine running, turn the steering wheet all the way ‘rom felt to right ang back several times. = Topupto the MAX level. Replace thecover on tne reservoir N.B- Formaintenance or any repair cparations which may be required I's advisable to contac: an Alla Fomeo Service Dea lore, CHECKING PUMP DRIVE BELT TENSION “The tension i corraet whan, on presing the balt Ingicated by the arrow, I yields about 15 mm, the point 2OMODEL (tigure A) ‘To tighten the bait slecker screws Aand B. Stretch ihe belt by moving th(spelt stretcher upwards and tighten screw A. Re- ‘check botti&nsion. Tighten screw B. 20 MODEL (igure B) Wit is necessary to tighten the belt slacken screws A-B-C-D-E Stretch the belt by moving the pump upwards and tighter screws B-C. le-check bel tension ang tighten screws A-D-E- REPLACING THE BELT 2OMODEL (noure A) Slacken corewe A and B. Move the belt stretcher down ang remove ine vg belt Fite ‘row belt on the pulleys and move the belt sirstcher upward: ‘until belt ension was specitied. Then securely tighten screw & ‘and check bel tension Tighter screw 8 30 MODEL (figure 8) Slacken screws A-B-C-0-E Move the pump downwards anc remove the old bet Fi he fnew bait an the pulleys and meve the aump outwards unti the belt tension isas specified. Then securely tighten screws B-C and check bal! tension, Tighten serews A-D-E, Note: Betore replacing the pump drive bet it is first necessary tb remove the compresso! drive belt ifthe vehicle is equipped with air conditioning (see page 51), WHEELS Important: Stee! wheels and lignt alloy wneels use specific mouyng bolts ‘Therelore wnen steel wheels are replaced by light alloy wheels viceversa it essontial to mount each type of wheel with specific mounting bolts, Tighten the nuts to 8 torque of 10 pm, ‘Thre vehicle Is fitted with tubeless tyres. For types and pressures sae inside back cover Warring ~ Withnow woe, tisauggested notte reachtap sates ounig ‘the frst 100 kr (60 mi). Slow cown before sharp curves. ~ Avoid sudden aczeleration anc unnecessary braking = Avoid prolonged pericds of high soeed er:iving + Maintain wheeis in batance ane front & rear suspensions m alignment ‘Avoid striking the tyre sidewalls (e.¢, while parking) + Never tamper with ine intating valve. CDonotinser any tool between the wheel rimand tye besa ~ Ittherim becomes warped changethe wheel andrepiace the Hen excessive drep in pressure'is noted change ine wnee! ‘8nd have the tyre checked tor leaks. Foceynemie balancing use only halance weights sultabie tor tubalees tyres. Important When repairing never if an innar tube, TYRE PRESSURES For inflation pressures reler to the Inside back covar. 1) Correct “Tho tyre gives optimum performance and the troad works over its entire wigth, tus ensuring unitorm tyre wear and long lite 2) Toolow ‘The tyre will overheat, the sides of the tread will wear quickly and the tyre pies will tend to separate. 3) Toohigh Riding comfort will be raduced, the tyra will be eubject to excessive wearai the cente ofthe thread and willbe vuiner- able to knocks. BALANCING Each whee), together wah us tyre, is statically an ayraincaly balanced at the factory Whenever a tyres changed (or wheels are interchanged) the wheel must be re-balanced. Remember that unbalsnces wheels cause unsiable steering, abnormal sizering geer wear and uneven tyre wear Important: To balance light alloy wheels use original Alte Romeo balance waights only

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