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Kaycee Perkes Part 1: TB Data Project September 3, 2021

Math 1040 assignment

Part A:
List of countries I chose at random for the study of successful treatment of TB:

1. Marshall islands
2. Maldives
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Yemen
5. Viet Nam
6. Bulgaria
7. Costa Rica
8. Algeria
9. Hungary
10. Ireland

Sampling method: Simple Random Sampling

1. Description: I used a random generator to pick 10 different countries by number 1-194 to test
the rate of successful treatment of TB in each country.

Part B:
The country of Yemen.

1. Females 25-34 had most cases

a. Relative Frequency is 1000/4415=.2265~.23
2. Males 0-4 had least cases
a. Relative Frequency is

I found these numbers by using the total

number of cases notified which was 10,268.
Then I used the percentages above the total
number of cases and converted the percentages
into the numbers I got for both populations. To
get the total number of cases in each group
there wasn’t a way to get a exact amount in
each age group so I guessed based on the graph
and where the bar graph line fell in relation to
the number.

3. Females age 25-34 5000*.23=1150

Males age 0-4 5000*.09=450
Kaycee Perkes Part 1: TB Data Project September 3, 2021

Part C
In this part of the study it shows the total TB incidences per 100,000 population and the success rate
among each country.

1. Marshall islands: TB Burden- 483, Success 91%

2. Maldives: TB Burden- 36, Success 64%
3. Saudi Arabia: TB Burden- 9.9, Success 90%
4. Yemen : TB Burden- 48, Success 88%
5. Viet Nam: TB Burden- 176, Success 91%
6. Bulgaria: TB Burden- 21, Success 86%
7. Costa Rica: TB Burden- 10, Success 88%
8. Algeria: TB Burden- 61, Success 85%
9. Hungary: TB Burden- 6.3, Success 66%
10. Ireland: TB Burden- 5.8, Success 39%

Part D
My Country that I chose to compare the success rate to global threshold of TB rate of treatment is the
Marshall Islands

The Alpha I chose to use is .05 My

proportion of samples was 0.16.

Which is higher than my alpha of .05 so

then I can make a conclusion of the TB
rate of treatment of the Marshall islands.

HO: p=.85 HA:p .85

I failed to reject the null hypothesis. I

do not have statistically significant
evidence that the country of the
Marshall Islands has a different
success rate of treatment for TB than
the rest of the global threshold for
successful treatment for TB.

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