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Mechanisms of Self-Ordering of Quantum Nanostructures Grown on Nonplanar Surfaces

Giorgio Biasiol and Eli Kapon
Department of Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology — EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
(Received 1 June 1998)
We present an analytic model that explains the self-ordering of quantum nanostructures grown on
nonplanar surfaces. Self-limiting growth in these structures results from the interplay among growth-
rate anisotropy, curvature-induced capillarity, and, for alloys, entropy of mixing effects. Experimental
results on self-limiting organometallic chemical vapor deposition on corrugated surfaces are in
quantitative agreement with the model. The implications of the self-limiting growth characteristics
on the self-ordering of quantum wells, wires, and dots are discussed. [S0031-9007(98)07220-2]

PACS numbers: 68.65. + g, 68.55. – a, 81.10.Bk, 82.65.Dp

Two- or three-dimensionally quantum-confined semi- The formation of surface patterns during growth relies
conductor structures have attracted much attention because on lateral gradients in the surface chemical potential m.
of their interesting physical properties and potential device Considering, for simplicity, variations in only one dimen-
applications [1]. To overcome limitations in size and inter- sion (j), m of the component i of an alloy at a growth
face quality related to traditional lithography techniques, temperature T is written as
many efforts have been devoted to study their formation mi ­ m0 1 V0 fst sjdg2 y2E 1 V0 fgsud 1 g 00 sudgksjd
during the epitaxial process [2]. This can be accomplished
if a suitable driving force is introduced to yield the desired 1 kB T ln xi sjd , (1)
lateral heterostructure patterning. A widely used approach where xi is the mole fraction. In (1), the second term is
in this direction is to exploit self-ordering processes on pla- related to the tangential surface stress st , E being the elas-
nar surfaces, as for strained-induced Stranski-Krastanow tic modulus [4], the third one is due to the surface cur-
growth of quantum dots (QDs) [3,4]. Such techniques vature k and involves the (orientation-dependent) surface
have the advantage that self-ordering is achieved without free energy gsud [12] (with V0 the atomic volume), and the
any surface patterning prior to growth; however, they suf- fourth one is a contribution due to the entropy of mixing
fer from a limited control on uniformity and deposition [13]. Self-ordering driven by lateral gradients of stress has
site due to the intrinsic random nature of the nucleation been discussed for the InAsyGaAs system [4]. In what fol-
process. lows, we consider self-ordering of lattice-matched, strain-
Self-ordering of nanostructures on nonplanar sur- free structures, and hence drop the strain-related term.
faces has the potential for solving these problems, as For faceted surface profiles, such as the one shown in
the corrugated surface can provide a template for the Fig. 1, the curvature-related contribution to m in (1) can
nucleation sites. In fact, organometallic chemical vapor be expressed as [12,14]
deposition (OMCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy mt,b ­ m0 6 gV0 ylt,b ; m s ­ m0 , (2)
(MBE) on substrates patterned with corrugations (see
Fig. 1) [5,6] or with pyramidal patterns [7] have been
successfully employed to fabricate uniform arrays of
quantum wires (QWRs) and QDs. Despite the accurate
structural control demonstrated with this approach, the
understanding of the self-limiting growth mechanism
on such corrugated surfaces has been essentially phe-
nomenological [8]. Existing models can, in fact, predict
only constant growth rates of thick layers on mm-sized
facets, depending on their orientation and environment,
as a result of gas-phase and surface diffusion [9,10].
The growth behavior of facets in the 10-nm scale,
relevant to the self-ordering of quantum nanostructures,
cannot be explained with such models, since facet-size
dependent surface diffusion fluxes should be invoked to
account for the self-limiting growth [11].
In this Letter we address the self-limiting growth of
FIG. 1. Schematic groove profiles, composed of three facets
a corrugated surface, and establish a model that quan- (not to scale). (a) Evolution of the growth front as commonly
titatively describes the self-ordering of quantum wells observed in OMCVD. (b) The same for MBE. (c) Chemical
(QWs), QWRs, and QDs on such patterned substrates. potential at each facet.

2962 0031-9007y98y81(14)y2962(4)$15.00 © 1998 The American Physical Society


where u is the sidewall orientation, g ­ 2sgs csc u 2

gb cot ud, 1 s2d refers to the top (bottom) (100)-oriented
facet, lt slb d is the width of the top (bottom) facet, and gt ­
gb . Note that mt . m0 and mb , m0 [see Fig. 1(c)].
This chemical potential profile determines adatom “cap-
illarity” fluxes j towards the bottom of the groove, which
increase as lt,b decrease. The growth rates dzi ydt si ­
t, b, sd at the different facets (in the growth direction) are
derived from (2) using the Nernst-Einstein relation ji ~
2=i m and the diffusion equation dzi ydt ­ Ri 2 V0 =i ji .
Here the gradients =i are approximated by differences
between the two boundaries of each facet [4]. Using
the growth rates Ri ­ Rri on each facet in the absence
of capillarity fluxes, with R being the “nominal” growth
rate on a planar (100) reference sample [15], we obtain FIG. 2. TEM section of a 0.5-mm-pitch V groove, on which
√ ! a GaAsyAlGaAs heterostructure has been grown at 700 ±C by
dzt,b C dzs low pressure OMCVD.
­ R rb 7 rs 3 ; ­ Rrs , (3)
dt lt,b dt
rugated structure (see first reference in [5] for details). The
self-limiting evolution of the bottom facets is evidenced by
where C ­ 2V0 Ds tgykB T, Ds is the diffusion coefficient
the perpendicular propagation of the dark vertical stripe
on the sidewalls, t is the lifetime for adatom incorporation
at the center of the groove (see Fig. 2), which represents
(adatom desorption is neglected), and rt ­ rb , since these
Ga segregation at the nanofacets defining the bottom of
facets have the same crystallographic orientation.
the groove (so-called vertical quantum well, VQW) [16].
Self-limiting evolution is achieved when the corners
On the other hand, the boundary between the top of the
between facets propagate in the growth direction, i.e.,
mesa and the sidewalls (short-dashed line in Fig. 2) propa-
when dzt ydt ­ dzs ydt sdzb ydt ­ dzs ydtd. This yields
sl gates towards the center of the groove, until planarization
the self-limiting widths of the top and bottom facets lt,b ,
is achieved. Self-limiting growth at the top of ridges, cor-
lt ­ fCrs ys2Drdg ;
sl 1y3
lb ­ sCrs yDrd , (4)
sl 1y3 responding to Dr , 0, has been observed in MBE growth
of GaAsyAlGaAs on corrugated (100) substrates [6]. This
with Dr ­ rs 2 rt,b representing the growth-rate different behavior for OMCVD and MBE, which we ex-
anisotropy. Thus, to obtain self-limiting growth at the top plain as due to the opposite sign of Dr, is a result of
(bottom) of the groove, Dr must be negative (positive). the higher dissociation rate of the precursors during OM-
For Dr . 0 the additional, capillarity-induced growth rate CVD on the densely stepped groove sidewalls [10]. MBE
[dashed arrow in Fig. 1(a)] adds to the intrinsic one rb growth, on the other hand, leads to slowly growing h111j
to exactly balance rs , since rs . rb . On the other hand, A or B sidewalls [6].
capillarity leads to a decrease of the top growth rate and We now examine the effect of the entropy of mixing
therefore to an expansion of the top facet. The opposite term in (1) on the self-limiting profile. As a particular case,
behavior takes place for Dr , 0 [see Fig. 1(b)]. we consider the effect of the lateral variation in Al mole
Self-limiting growth at the bottom facet (with Dr . 0) fraction at the Alx Ga12x As VQW (Fig. 2). The (lower)
is obtained during GaAsyAlGaAs OMCVD on (100) sub- Al mole fraction at the bottom facet can be expressed as
strates corrugated along the f011̄g direction [2,5]. An ex- x b ­ xyfxs1 2 kd 1 kg, where x is the mole fraction at
ample is shown in Fig. 2, which displays a transmission the nearby sidewalls, and k ­ 1.81 6 0.05 for OMCVD
electron microscopy (TEM) cross section of a typical cor- growth at 700 C [17]. Using this variation, the equations
of motion for the bottom facet assume the form
( √ sl !3 √ !2 )
dzbA A lb,A LAs
­ xR rb 1 Dr
12 lnfxs1 2 kd 1 kg ,
dt lb lb
" √ sl !3 √ !2 # (5)
dzbG G lb,G LGs xs1 2 kd 1 k
­ s1 2 xdR rb 1 Dr
12 ln ,
dt lb lb k
with the indexes A and G referring to AlAs and GaAs growth, respectively. Equating the growth rates at the sidewalls
and the bottom facet yields an equation for the self-limiting bottom facet lbsl for an alloy,
> sl sl
< a ­ xDr A slb,A d3 1 s1 2 xdDr G slb,G d3 ,
a b
1 sl ­ Drsxd, with b ­ 2fxsLAs d2 lnfxs1 2 kd 1 kg 1 s1 2 xd sLG s d ln
2 xs12kd1k
g, (6)
slbsl d3 slb d2 >
: k
Drsxd ­ xDr 1 s1 2 xdDr ,


sl sl
where lb,A and lb,G denote the self-limiting facet widths for barrier on the sidewalls perpendicular to the groove
the binary AlAs and GaAs composition, respectively. The axis, (4) predicts a dependence essentially of the form
self-limiting profile of an alloy is therefore determined by exps2EB y3kB Td for lbsl in a binary. For Alx Ga12x As,
the interplay among the effects of capillarity sad, entropy the T dependence of lbsl , given by (6), derives from the
of mixing sbd, and growth rate anisotropy fDrsxdg. Arrhenius form of lb,A sl sl
, lb,G , LAs , and LGs . The measured
The self-limiting widths lbsl of Alx Ga12x As grooves sl
variation of lb with T is shown in Fig. 3(b) for x ­ 0,
grown by low pressure OMCVD were measured from 0.19, 0.29, and 0.47 and for 600 , T , 750 ±C. As
TEM data for a wide range of growth parameters [18]. the bottom facets could not be readily resolved for very
Figure 3(a) shows the measured self-limiting widths versus narrow s,10 nmd profiles, we have characterized the
x for T ­ 700 ±C. Using the measured parameters lb,G ­ groove width in that case by the radius of curvature rsl
129 6 3 nm, lb,A ­ 9.1 6 0.1 nm, and Dr ­ 0.22 6 G
for a hyperbola tangent to the surface [8]; rsl is related
0.05 [19], we fitted the experimental values with the to lbsl via a simple geometrical factor. The Arrhenius
solution of (6), leaving LG s as the only fit parameter fit for GaAs gives EBG ­ 1.9 6 0.3 eV. This parameter
[20], and finding LG s ­ 175 6 20 nm. This value is is then employed in (6) to fit the Alx Ga12x As profiles,
lower than the one estimated on (100) surfaces [21], as sl
as a function of lb,A only. As before, we have assumed
expected for a densely stepped, high-index facet. To sLs d ¿ sLs d , Dr G ­ 0.22 6 0.05 (this value does
G 2 A 2
estimate the importance of the entropy effects, we also not vary significantly with T , in the range considered),
represent by the shaded area in Fig. 3(a) the best fits and verified the insensitivity of the fit to the value of
for lbsl neglecting the term sbd in (6) and setting Dr G ­ Dr A . Least squares fits of the Alx Ga12x As profiles
0.22, with the boundaries corresponding to the extreme [Fig. 3(b)] yield, consistently for the three composi-
cases Dr A ­ 1 (long-dashed line) or Dr A ­ 0 (short- tions, EBA ­ 2.3 6 0.2 eV. This difference between
dashed line). The measured alloy self-limiting widths are the GaAs and AlAs diffusion barriers is consistent with
systematically smaller than the ones predicted neglecting stronger Al-As bonds, as compared with Ga-As ones [22].
the entropy term. The evolution of the surface profile towards a self-
Assuming an Arrhenius temperature dependence limiting shape can be evaluated by relating the variation
of Ds ­ D0 exps2EB ykB T d, with EB the diffusion in the facet width to the difference in growth rates at the
bottom facet and the sidewalls as dlb ­ psdzb 2 dzs d [2],
where p is a factor dependent on the facet orientations
( p ­ 3.75 for our geometry). The evolution of lb is
obtained by combining (3) and (4) for a binary, or (5) and
(6) for a ternary, yielding, respectively,
"√ !3 #
dlb lbsl
­ pDr 21 , (7a)
dzn lb
( "√ !3 # )
dlb lbsl b
­ p Drsxd 2 1 1 3 slb 2 lb d , (7b)
dzn lb lb

where zn ­ Rt is the nominal thickness. These relations

show that lb tends to expand (contract) when its size
is smaller (larger) than its self-limiting one, at a rate
that increases as this deviation increases [note that, since
sLsG d2 ¿ sLsA d2 , the term b in Eq. (7b) is negative].
The measured evolution of lb , starting from a self-
limiting Al0.3 Ga0.7 As shape via the development of a
GaAs self-limiting profile (circles) and then back to a self-
limiting Al0.3 Ga0.7 As profile (squares), all taking place
at 700 ±C, is displayed in Fig. 4. Both profiles evolve
towards their self-limiting sizes lbsl (129 6 3 nm for GaAs
and 31.6 6 1.1 nm for Al0.3 Ga0.7 As [11]). The solid line
is a numerical integration of (7a), using the experimental
FIG. 3. (a) Measured lbsl as a function of x for T ­ 700 ±C. value Dr ­ 0.22. The evolution of the GaAs profile is
The solid line is a fit of the measured values with the function well reproduced by this theoretical curve. To model the
defined in (6). The shaded region shows how the profile
width would depend on x in the absence of entropy of mixing self-limiting evolution of Al0.3 Ga0.7 As (dashed line), we
effects. (b) Arrhenius plot of rsl , measured in Alx Ga12x As have used in (7b) the measured value of the growth rate
with 0 , x , 0.47. anisotropy Drs0.3d ­ 0.19 6 0.05, and left LG s as the only


A. Gustafsson and K. Leifer for the TEM data used in

this work.

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[12] C. Herring, in The Physics of Powder Metallurgy, edited
width increases with the group-III diffusion length ex-
by W. E. Kingston (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1951),
plains directly the self-ordering of crescent-shaped QWRs p. 143.
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longer Ls , on a self-limiting, higher band gap surface (e.g., [14] M. Ozdemir and A. Zangwill, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10,
AlGaAs) leads to the expansion of the bottom facet and the 684 (1992).
experimentally observed formation of a QWR. The same [15] In OMCVD with TM-group-III precursors and in MBE,
effects also explain the self-formation of QD structures Rj are uniform on each facet on our length scale [2].
obtained by OMCVD in inverted tetrahedral pyramids [7]. [16] G. Biasiol et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2710 (1996).
In conclusion, we have shown that self-limiting epitaxial [17] G. Biasiol et al. (to be published).
growth on nonplanar substrates results from a stable equi- [18] The bottom profiles, assumed here to be formed by only
one facet for simplicity, are in reality composed of a
librium between growth rate anisotropy on different facets
(100) facet, surround by h311j A ones [11].
composing the surface and capillarity-induced diffusion. [19] Values of Dr given here and later in the text were
For an alloy, the composition varies across the groove as a measured at the top of the mesas, for facet lengths much
result of different diffusion lengths for different alloy com- larger than lbsl for the given growth conditions, in order to
ponents. Entropic effects tend, however, to counteract this neglect capillarity-related growth-rate variations.
nonuniform composition, thus reducing the widths of alloy [20] Since sLsG d2 ¿ sLsA d2 [22], we have neglected in the fit
self-limiting profiles. The predictions of the model quanti- the AlAs term appearing in sbd in (6), and thus any
tatively describe both the steady state and the evolution of entropy-related compositional variations in the VQW are
the self-limiting surface profiles during OMCVD growth ascribed to Ga diffusion away from the bottom. No
of AlGaAs on nonplanar surfaces. Strain effects could be reliable estimate for Dr A is available; however, the fit
treated in the same framework by adding the stress term in is very insensitive to this parameter: By changing Dr A
from 0 to 1, the corresponding best fit of LG s varied
the chemical potential in (1). This model forms the basis
only by 7 nm, without affecting the quality of the fit.
for understanding the self-ordering of a variety of quan- The main source of uncertainty in the fit is the error
tum nanostructures formed by growth on nonplanar sub- in Dr G .
strates, including VQWs [16], crescent shaped QWRs [5], [21] M. Shinohara, M. Tanimoto, H. Yokoyama, and N. Inoue,
and pyramidal QDs [7]. Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1418 (1994).
This work was partially supported by the fonds na- [22] A. Kley, P. Ruggerone, and M. Scheffler, Phys. Rev. Lett.
tional suisse de la recherche scientifique. We thank 79, 5278 (1997), and references therein.


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