Bhashyam Educational Institution-Vizag Zone Worksheet - 3: Irritation, Huddled, Futile, Vacation, Reluctantly, Mumbling

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Section – A Vocabulary

I. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words from the box. Remember the
box has some extra words. [3x1=3]

Irritation, huddled, futile, vacation, reluctantly, mumbling

1. All my attempts to make her happy proved ___________________.

2. It was very cold. So I ____________________ in a corner.
3. What are you ________________? I can’t hear you.
II. Write the words opposite in meaning (antonyms) for the underlined words.
4. Kamala, her eldest daughter, a widow.
5. Amma is often like this these days.
6. Her head and ears covered with a thin bath towel.
III. Complete the following using ea, ae, io, ai, au, ua, ie. [2x1=2]
7. Gopi place his br__ __ fcase on the thinna.
8. I got a promot __ __n.

Section – B Grammar

IV. Complete the sentences with noun phrases using the words given in brackets.
9. We saw _______________in the zoo (baby / a / elephant / of / couple).
10. My mother has ________________ (nice / a / sari / silk).
11. I bought _____________________ (beautiful / a / umbrella / red).
V. Rewrite the following sentences using Noun phrase in Apposition.
12. Ramya is my sister. She plays Kho-kho.
13. Hindi is our national language. It is spoken all over India.
14. Kamala Das is a short story writer. She has received many awards.
15. Raju is my teacher. He teaches English.
VI. Describe the feelings of Gopi when his Amma could not recognize him.
[5 M]

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