Client Campaign Book

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The National

Association of Credit
Recruitment &

To complete the requirements of COM 3480 I have
composed a campaign for the National Association of
Credit Management's domestic recruitment and awareness
department. The purpose of creating this campaign was to
devise a plan to recruit more members of the younger
demographic, 21-30, to begin a membership and get
involved with with NACM.

Following extensive research on the organization and

demographic, I conducted an analysis on NACM's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With this
information I was able to create a goal for the campaign.

GOAL: To reach and recruit a younger demographic of

members into NACM.

I wanted to complete this goal by creating a campaign

that would alter the way NACM communicates in order to
reach the target audience. In efforts to find success in my
campaign I opened up different communication vehicles as
well as created a new event tailored to the younger
demographic to be communicated through various tactics.
1. In six months, increase the number of domestic NACM
members ages 21-30 by 25 percent.
2. In three months, increase the number of connections
with domestic young professionals working or
planning to work in the target fields ages 21-30 on
LinkedIn by 20 percent.
3. In one month, create a presence on one other social
media platform in order to reach potential members
age 21-30.

1. News Release - Fulfills objectives 1 & 2
2. Fact Sheet - Fulfills objective 1
3. Feature Story - Fulfills objective 1
4. Brochure - Fulfills objectives 1, 2 & 3
5. Speech & Presentation - Fulfills objectives 1 & 2
6. Social Media Campaign - Fulfills objectives 1, 2 & 3



Client Research Report Page 3

This page includes a summary of the research report.

The purpose of this report is to evaluate and analyze

NACMs Domestic Recruitment & Awareness sector’s
current organization goals and objectives. This report
will go over the organization’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Following that, this report
will present a potential new campaign for NACM to go
over. The campaign will include specific and
measurable objectives and tactics that are both
attainable and realistic for the current organization in
the time presented.
Client Research Report Page 4

This section of the report will discuss the mission, goals and purpose of the Domestic
Recruitment & Awareness division of NACM

The GOAL: reach and NACM as a whole was founded in

1896 with the purpose to promote
recruit a younger good laws for sound credit,
demographic of develop better credit practices,
members into NACM and teach businesses how to
protect against fraudulent
debtors. NACM focuses strictly on
business to business work and
prides themselves in the
education they provide their
members, elevating them in their
COURSE careers. More specifically, this
report will highlight the Domestic
PURPOSE Recruitment & Awareness
Developing a campaign for the Domestic
Recruitment & Awareness division of NACM
will satisfy the requirements for COM 3480
(Public Relations Writing) and provide real
world experience to students. The purpose for
the client research report is to become familiar
with the client and set up a base for creating
other tactics in the campaign.
Client Research Report Page 5

Currently, NACM communicates with its public in an informative and engaging
tone through multiple channels. NACM’s current main social platform for
recruiting and communication is LinkedIn, however the NACM website as well as
NACM’s professional certification page are also utilized.

As mentioned, this report is focusing on the Domestic
Recruitment & Awareness campaign which has a goal
of reaching a younger audience. The target publics
have been broken up below into primary publics,
those directly affected by NACM campaigns on a
frequent basis, and secondary publics, those not
frequently involved by NACM’s campaigns, but are
affected by the results

The primary publics for this campaign include:

Young individuals involved in credit management
Individuals that have recently entered the work
force in industries such as credit management,
credit team, finance, accounting, treasury, sales,
marketing, ect.
Students reaching the end of their education in the
fields above
Business owners and employers with young
professionals in the credit management, credit
team, finance, accounting, treasury, sales, or
marketing industries.
The secondary publics for this campaign include:
Competitors (In order to prove what NACM is
Friends and family of primary public members
Client Research Report Page 6

This section of the report will overview the domestic recruitment and awareness of
NACM’s Domestic Recruitment & Awareness campaign’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats.

Quality content, education, Many members are in the
and benefits to offer young older age range
members (designation Not many social/digital
programs) platforms to reach out to the
Successful annual younger demographic on
conference “Credit Congress” Not many aspects of
Discount for students organization directed at
target public

Competitors creating
Ability to attract and recruit
stronger reach to audience
new members
Younger generation
Expand into new
uninterested in credit
demographic, growing
member count overall
Content unable to reach
Ability to use strengths to
target public
increase traction
Client Research Report Page 7


Analyzing the SWOT analysis helped to determine the current
position of the domestic recruitment and awareness division and
strengths and to highlight in the creation of a campaign. The
domestic recruitment and awareness department shows multiple
strengths, one of the largest being the education and benefits
NACM provides through the designation program. The division
also shows multiple areas of untapped potential giving the
campaign many opportunities for sucess. A thorough look at the
SWOT analysis shows that many of the division’s weaknesses and
threats can be resolved through the following campaign.
Client Research Report Page 8


Below is an overview of the OBJECTIVES and STRATEGIES for the proposed campaign

1. In six months, increase the number of domestic NACM members
ages 21-30 by 25 percent.
2. In three months, increase the number of connections with
domestic young professionals working or planning to work in the
target fields ages 21-30 on LinkedIn by 20 percent.
3. In one month, create a presence on one other social media
platform in order to reach potential members age 21-30.

1. Create an organization Instagram account.
2. Create easily digestible and entertaining content to post on social
media and organization website about NACM member benefits.
3. Make connections with business news sources outside of the
Client Research Report Page 9


Below is an overview of the TACTICS for the proposed campaign

Create a news release that features how the member benefits will assist in becoming a young
professional . Include steps on where to acquire information about becoming a member.
The news releases will present the organization's recent attention on recruiting younger members
and promote the virtual conference for young professionals.
This tactic will help to increase the memberships in the target audience by upping the awareness of
NACM's focus on the demographic as well as promoting networking on LinkedIn.
Create a easily digestible fact sheet to presented at business conferences and university business
colleges in the United States.
The fact sheet will highlight the important aspects needed to promote the organizations virtual
conference event for young professionals.
This tactic will create connections with sources outside of NACM and aid in giving information to
promote the virtual conference event targeted to recruit the young demographic.
Create a feature story to be published by external business new sources to highlight the positive
aspects of the company in regards to the younger demographic.
The feature story will help to create a positive association with the organization, highlight the virtual
conference and lead the potential young members to learning more.
This tactic will aid in changing the attitude of the target audience, influencing them to learn more
about or start a membership.
Create a brochure outlining the details of the YoPro conference to be passed out at organization events,
college campuses and published electronically in the United States.
The news letter will be created and distributed by NACM on digital platforms as well as in business
colleges of large universities in the United States.
This tactic will cover all things NACM, linking possible members to social platforms and encouraging
them to look into up coming recruiting events.
Client Research Report Page 10


Below is an overview of the TACTICS for the proposed campaign


Create a speech accompanied by a presentation for a recruiter to give at the organization's digital
YoPro conference.
The speech will highlight the how becoming a NACM member will help future young
professionals get a job or excel in their current ones.
This well help in achieving objectives by connecting listeners to social media as well as
communicating directly with target audience persuading and educating them on how to join.
Create a social media plan for all social channels in order to communicate with younger
demographic best.
Plan will include posting schedule, content examples, and platform specifications.
This tactic will help greatly in creating new Linked in connections and starting up new
Instagram account with informative and engaging content on platforms the target audience is
most comfortable with
Create a number of Instagram posts filled with engaging content used to provide information
about NACM to target demographic.
Content will be posted on organizations new Instagram (see strategies) to gain traction on
social media channel and reach more of the younger audience.
This will help draw followers into the new communication vehicle, thus growing the account
and reaching new possible members.
Client Research Report Page 11

All together, this campaign will help the National Association of
Credit Management increase the number of members in their
organization from the younger demographic. Throughout the
course of the campaign, a number of media tactics will be
completed in order to achieve the stated goal, to reach and
recruit a younger demographic into NACM. The campaign media
tactics will be working to reach the target primary public of young
professionals involved in credit management, as well as the
secondary public of employers of businesses and superiors in
universities in the United States. Each and every tactic will work
in its own way to communicate the campaign message in a unique
and affective way.

The National Association of Credit management has many

positive benefits to offer young professionals. Working through
designation programs, attending networking events and receiving
helpful information are only a few attributes that will help the
younger age group elevate them in their careers. Between the
media efforts of the recruitment team and cooperation of publics,
this campaign will find success.
News Release

Create a news release that features how

the member benefits will assist in
becoming a young professional . Include
steps on where to acquire information
about becoming a member.

The news release is a form of publishing

hard or "breaking" news. It is usually an
article on a specific event, release or
change in an organization or individual.
(734) 890-0649

NACM Introduces "Young Professional"

Virtual Conference
Kalamazoo, MI. (Oct 10) The National Association of Credit Management is one of the country’s
leading organizations for credit management, educating its members in developing sound credit
practices, protecting against fraudulent debtors and elevating them in their careers. The widespread
organization recently began to direct their focus on extending their mission to a new domestic
demographic, the young professionals. As an extension of this, the organization is hosting a virtual
conference event specifically for domestic current and soon to be young professionals in the credit,
finance or overall business career paths. The event will take place on February 20, 2022 at 11am in
NACM's personal Zoom meeting room. Throughout the event, information on NACM and membership
benefits will be discussed as well as presentations by guest speakers from professionals in business and
credit management and the opportunity for networking with conference attendees along with
networking resources through NACM's LinkedIn will take place.
This event has been made virtual in order to encourage as many young professionals as possible to
attend and learn what NACM has to offer them and their careers. Registration for the event will begin on
December 1, 2021 and individuals attending must register by February 15, 2022 on the NACM website
under "YoPro Conference". The National Association of Credit Management offers multiple education
opportunities and resources that give members the "one up" they are looking for while growing in the
professional worlds of business and credit. Speakers from the organization will be in attendance at the
conference to give information on these education and designation program opportunities.
Also, in attendance will be 2 speakers from the professional world, one of which being a current NACM
member. Both will be speaking on their career paths, struggles and successes, and offering exclusive
advice and resources. Young professionals in attendance will be able to participate in open discussions
about NACM, be exposed to career openings and grow their personal networks with speakers and other
The National Association of Credit Management is made up of individual's aware of the struggles that
come with being at the bottom of the professional food chain. The organization has a passion that
reaches farther than success but encompasses a desire to get each member to their desired position.

NACM: YoPro Conference
"We wanted to create this event as a steppingstone for younger individuals, providing them lots of
information containing people and resources to help them succeed." says Sandy Turner, member of the
domestic recruitment team.
NACM and all participants are thrilled about the development of this new, specialized conference
and are eager for registration to begin. It is in high hopes that this conference will aid its attendants in
taking the next steps in to furthering their career potential.
The National Association of Credit Management has been helping its members in their credit
practices since 1896. Membership in NACM provides individuals with education and resources specific
to the complex needs of credit management today. The organization is passionate in providing
excellence in the worlds of business management and financial management and strives to provide
members with an experience above the rest. Visit the Nation Association of Credit Management website
or LinkedIn and Instagram pages, or follow the contact below to obtain information on the conference
and steps in becoming a member today.

National Association of Credit Management (NACM)
8840 Columbia 100 Pkwy.
Columbia, MD, 21045US

### PAGE 2
Fact Sheet

Create an easily digestible fact sheet to

present at business conferences and
university business colleges in the United

The fact sheet provides information

about a specific event or news point to a
source outside of the organization in
order for media to be created.


The recruitment team at NACM is hosting a virtual The event will be held Sunday, February 20, 2022 at
conference event for incoming and current young 11am. Registration will begin on December 1, 2021 and
professionals. The organization puts on multiple large atendees will need to be registered by February 15,
conferences across the country each year for 2022. The event will run around 2 hours long.The virtual
members and potential members of all ages, but this conference will be held in NACM’s personal Zoom
will be the first targeted at soley the younger meeting room.
demographic. The event will only be held once and
will be put on virtually in order to create an easily
accessible conference for a large number of OBJECTIVES
participants. The event will cover NACM and it’s The goal of this conference is to inform the younger
membership benefits, hold guest speakers, provide
business professionals of NACM and change their
networking resources and more.
attitudes on possible membership. The conference
will be held virtually to accommodate any students
DURING THE attending and the age group's comfortability at
CONFERENCE virtual events.The event is planned to create a
During the conference, attendees will be positive experience around NACM with hopes to
provided with: recruit more young business professional.
Information about NACM and internal
2 successful guest speakers from the
business/credit management
industries, one being a NACM
Networking practices and resources
Open discussions about NACM and
benefits in regards to membership as
a young professional


PR Media Contact Information

Phone: (734) 890-0649
Feature Story

Create a feature story to be published by

external business news sources to
highlight the positive aspects of the
company in regards to the younger

The feature story is a form of publsihing

soft news. The article is typically centered
around following a story or an individual
over a longer period of time.
Credit, Education and the Young
Professional, OH My!
How NACM works in the focus on the younger demographic
Written by Madison Meloche

“It began with starting to attend meeting and events and then I was getting into earning each of
my designations through the program and within the next year I was graduating from their
national graduate school program and the trajectory of my career had totally grown.”

Becoming more successful in your career? That idea may be one that is universally appealing to
just about anyone in the work force, especially those who may be new in their careers. The
quote above was said in an interview with Brendon Misik, a current credit employee and
longtime member of NACM. NACM, the National Association of Credit Management, is one of
the country’s leading organizations in credit management. The organization advocates strongly
for its members, passionately educating them in developing sound credit practices, protecting
against fraudulent debtors and elevating them in their careers. Knowing their passion to
provide career assistance, the large organization has taken a step in bringing their focus to a
select age group: the generation of young professionals. As a newcomer, or soon to be, in the
professional world of credit, finance and general business professions, the new set of proposed
expectations can come as more of a task than assumed. NACM offers its young members
benefits and tools to improve themselves as employee before these tasks are even faced.

The National Association of Credit Management offers a designation certification program

setting them apart largely from competing organizations. Through the program, members have
access to education allowing them to achieve credit’s top six certifications, many of which are
the key to large, or small, corporation jobs giving young members a “one up” in the professional
worlds of credit, finance and business as well as personal knowledge. Shortly into his first real
job in credit, Brendon’s boss, a huge advocate for NACM, introduced him to the organization
and he began to grow his education soon after becoming a member.
“There’s a joke in the credit world that nobody ever wanted ever wanted to be in credit! A lot of
colleges don’t even teach more than the basics. So, it’s great that NACM has all these strong classes
that are geared towards on the job, business experience for the credit professional” Brendon joked in
the interview.

Not too long after he finished his designation education, Brendon enrolled and completed the
graduate program offered by NACM; aiding his credit career even further and enhancing is as an
employable job candidate.

Credit, Education and the Young

Professional, OH My!
How NACM works in the focus on the younger demographic

The National Association of Credit Management is not only focused on education.

Throughout its over 100 years of running, NACM has been providing an outlet for
successful networking to its members. The organization itself has over 28,000 members
making it choked full of beneficial individuals to exchange contacts with. In his
interview, Brendon Milik list the network he has grown in his top two of the most
positive things he has gain since joining NACM in 2014. He mentioned he has attended
the organization’s annual “Credit Conference” every year he has been a member. The
“Credit Conference” is a massive conference NACM puts on year allowing members to
come together and meet with others in their field of, potential employers and potential
peers; the perfect place for a young professional starting his or her career to get their
foot in the door with other older members in credit and business.

Keeping up with their mission to reach the younger generation and assist them in
growing their careers, the National Association of Credit Management is putting on a
different kind of conference this year in addition to their yearly events. The YoPro
conference. The YoPro conference is a completely virtual conference held over Zoom
specifically for the young professionals. The conference is for both individuals who
have recently or will recently begin their careers and individuals who are still finishing
school and are on track to graduate soon. The conference will provide the young
attendees with information about NACM along with giving them the opportunity to
listen to two guest speakers from the business credit world and participate in an
exclusive Linkedin networking event. The conference will be held on February 20, 2022
and registration for the event will begin at 8am on December 1, 2021.

It’s strong grasp on providing credit education and offering networking outlets are two
of the largest qualities NACM possesses, however the organization offers a large
number of resources directed at the more niche aspects of growing yourself as a
professional. As a member you have access to online and live webinars, knowledge and
learning centers, smaller certification programs and more. All of these are available at
all times to assist in areas such as public speaking, team communication or
presentations. The National Association of Credit Management prides itself in creating
an outlet for its members to build themselves up in all career areas, big or small.

Credit, Education and the Young

Professional, OH My!
How NACM works in the focus on the younger demographic

Amongst its large member base, many of the individuals in the National Association of Credit
management for into the “older generation” category. The opportunities and benefits being a member
of this organization provides are not subject to age and it is their passion for what they provide that is
pushing NACM to reach the younger audience.

“If I was talking to myself before I joined, I would say do it! It’s a great community, great group of
professionals to bounce ideas off all while helping to grow your credit profession, get an education, get
to know other people in the profession and do your job a heck of a lot better!” Brendon said while
speaking about talking to the young demographic.

Brendon is now working closely with other devoted individuals in the National Association of Credit
Management to target this generation of individuals. He is just one of the success stories that can be
used an example to inspire potential young members.


Create a brochure outlining the

details of the YoPro conference to be
passed out at organization events,
college campuses and published

The brochure is a three fold front and

back flyer giving information on a
specific event or organization.
Client Speech &

Create a speech accompanied by a

presentation for a recruiter to give at
the organization's digital YoPro

The speech and presentation are an

example of a written and visual
presentation written for the client by
understanding their voice and
Slide 1: Can everyone see my screen? Awesome, okay well hello! Thank you all for being here
today we are thrilled about this turn out!

Slide 2: This is our first time ever putting on an event like this specific to people in your life
phase and were excited to get the morning started! I am _________ and as I’m sure you know
you are here today for the young professionals' conference from the National Association of
Credit Management. We are here today ready to give you all some information on NACM and
what we’re all about as well as listen to the great things both our speakers we have with us
today have to say and open a few doors into your professional future.

Slide 3: So, what is NACM? Well,

*click in animation
The National Association of Credit Management is a membership based, non-profit
organization advocating for the standards of business credit and financial management
professionals. Here at NACM we want to take people in their current, or soon to be current,
business or credit jobs and elevate them to the best they can be.
*click in next animation
NACM prides itself in its education programs. This organization has created a community
unlike any other fueled by the drive to assist every member in becoming educated on all
things necessary to achieve the high standard set for you in your future or current positions.

Slide 4: The number one thing we do this through is our designation programs.
*first two animation clicks
These programs are specific to NACM and offer a higher education on business credit. Each of
the 6 designation courses we offer targets different elements of the practice and are done
online. A greater description of these courses are on our website, and they can be taken in
any order or on a need-based schedule. At the completion of each of the programs, you
receive a completion certificate that you can put on your resume or show to an employer who
will know of the skills you now have helping you not only have more knowledge to do your job
well, but can put you up there in your boss's mind which, who doesn’t want right? Along with
*next 4 animation clicks
We provide addition online courses and certification programs. These courses are additional
resources that target professional education that will enhance the on-the-job performance in
business and credit professionals. These courses are much more casual in comparison to the
designation programs and are designed to be there to enhance some of your soft skills. Okay?
*next 2 animation clicks
As a member you also have access to attending live webinars. These webinars are
semi similar to what we have for you today in the sense of they are live giving you the
opportunity to interact with others in attendance but are much smaller. They are
formulated to present specific topics of information to learners who have a particular
interest in a topic and learn best when they are able to communicate directly.
*next 2 animation clicks
As a member you also have access to any past webinars and are able to go back and
watch any you may have missed or want to see again.
*next 2 animation clicks
In 2005, the National Association of Credit Management set up a scholarship
program to assist business and credit professionals as they furthered their
education. This program offers a large number of different scholarships available to
be applied for by both NACM members and outside individuals. Additionally, with an
NACM membership, you always have access to the multiple different information
hubs we have available. Some of these being
*Next two animation clicks
The credit learning center
*next 2 animation clicks
Our job board
*next two animation clicks
And the knowledge center. These are here to be resources for you at anytime you
may need and cover job postings, extra learning materials, data bases and more.

Slide 5: Now, you maybe sitting here thinking “yeah, that sounds cool and all but how
is this anything special for me?” Well,
*next animation click
Following some of the benefits we already discussed, there is a few things that NACM
pinpoints right at you all.
*next animation click
Networking. A word I am sure you are all familiar with. As soon as you start college it
seems people are dropping this word talking about how important it is to make
connections and grow your network. It can be hard sometimes to get your name out
there, we know. NACM is a huge organization that as a member, you now have all
those individuals in your network.

Aside from that NACM hosts digital and in person networking events several times a
year to help everyone in the just the position you all are in open doors that could one
day land you your perfect career. The education provided in the designation programs
is much larger content wise, but NACM also offers help with soft professional skills as
well. We know you all have been giving presentations and communicating with higher
ups all your lives, but those things can be different in a job setting. If you all are
anything like I was at your age I know that last bullet caught your eye. Student
discounts are provided to any student members to make it easier for you as a student
to get access to all these benefitable things without breaking the bank.
*next animation click
As I mentioned before, what NACM does best is give people that extra ”one up” in the
professional world. By being a member and or having these designation achievements
under your belt, you are not only much further equip and confident in your abilities
and knowledge, but your current or possible employers will recognize the skills you
have that not many, especially at your level, have. As a young professional, getting or
being in your first job can be scary, NACM can help take you and your career to that
next level securing you a spot as a true professional.

Slide 6: As for today, we have some awesome people here to talk to you. Joe Green, a
current ___ at ____ is here to gives us his story and insight to the job world as well as
Rick Blue, a ____ at ____ and current NACM member here to tell his career story along
with his experience as a member. Following that, if you aren’t connected with us on
LinkedIn already, you will be after today! In a private group for just this conference we
have some major recruiters from ____*fill in companies that you will all have the
opportunity to talk with and get to know.

Slide 7: So! Now I’d like to open the floor to any questions you may have, feel free to
send your name in the chat and I will read them off and you can go ahead and unmute.
*answer any questions
Alright well great questions everyone, thank you all for listening to me ramble on, but
now I am going to go ahead and pass the floor to Joe Green and let him share with you


Social Media

Create a social media plan for all social

channels in order to better
communicate with younger

The social media plan is a document

outlining the plan for a certian social
media account. It states what kind of
content will be created, when posting
times will be, who the content is
directed at, etc.
The primary goal for this Instagram account will be to post
content directed to the target audience in order to gain
followers and views on the account. Since the account will be
starting from the ground up, the primary focus will be to begin
making the account known and begin to build it as resource
for potential new members.
Creating the account provides another point of contact for
the target audience using a communication vehicle they are
familiar with. The account is also putting out short, easy to
intake content, which is the style preferred by the
demographic. This allows NACM to have more of their
information reaching their target audience which will help
achieve their objective of recruiting more young members.

Content Types
Informational (i.e., educate audience, provide new
40% of posts
Motivational (i.e., behavior/opinion change)
30% of posts
Entertainment-base (i.e., designed to engage or entertain
20% of posts
Retweets/Sharing others’ posts – (i.e., sharing relevant opinion
leader’s messages)
Objective Connection
The plan for keeping the content more heavily based in the
information and motivation area allows the viewers to first be
able to understand what the account and NACM is about,
while then continuing to inform further while motivating
people to take actions to further their possible membership.
The entertainment factor allows the account to integrate the
organizations brand personality of inspiration and positive
learning while not overpowering the most important factors of
informing the potential members and urging them to join.
Including 2 sharing posts will help the new account to
become known to other accounts similar to this one as well as
help the potential members to feel positively about the
account by giving it credibility and legitimacy.

How will this account help?

The new social media account can aid in other campaigns by
keeping the organization relevant with new digital age times.
If the account finds success, it can be used in the future to
promote other NACM campaigns and complete objectives.
Social media is also special in being the best outlet for
communicating with the audience, so feedback can be used
in other contexts. In addition, the content from successful
social media posts will be able to be transferred to other
communication vehicles with the confidence that it was
successful on Instagram, once already.
How often should we post?
We should post about 4 times a week, with an addition 5th
post coming from resharing about every other week.

When (what days/times) should we post?

We should post mostly on weekdays, seeing as elevating
themselves career wise may not be on the young
professional’s mind when the weekend comes. The posts will
come in the late morning when the work or school day is
already in mind as well as to keep up professionalism of the
account and maximize visibility on lunch breaks and after
work scrolling.

How do we know if our posts are successful?

The account will be registered as a business account which
allows us to view how many views, likes, comments and
shares a particular post received along with what times those
actions on the posts are being completed, how many people
they are reaching, and when the profile is being viewed.
Social Media

Create a number of Instagram posts

filled with engaging content used to
provide information about NACM to
target demographic.

The following sample social media

posts are examples of posts that can
be created to reach the desired
audience based on the social media
Overall Feed Layout
Story Posts
Feed Posts
This post is video where you can see the search being
typed out.
Tactic Success

The following documents show an

analysis of each individual tactic's
success as well as an overall look at
the success of the tactics.

This is an important step to take in

order to determine the overall
campaign success as well as see
which actions to continue.
1. Success can be measured by the number of published releases, as
well as the number of views by the target audience to the
membership website page and LinkedIn.
2. Success can be measured by the response of the fact sheet
recipients and how successful the content being published is with
that information.
3. Success can be measured by the number of stories published along
with the number of reads it has and the number of searches (on any
platform) it generates.
4. Success can be measured by the number of outlets the brochure is
distributed by along with the number of registrations the virtual
conference receives from it.
5. Success can be measured by the reaction of the conference
attendees as well as the number of LinkedIn connections gained
from the conference presentation.
6. Success can be measured by the completion and success of the
social media posts being planned.
7. Success can be measured by tracking the activity of the social
media accounts and posts through analytics.
1. In order to continue making sure all social
media is successful, continue monitoring
socail media analytics. These tools will help
you to know how successful each post was,
what demographic is viewing it and gain a
better understanding of which type of
content is best for reaching the target
2. Conduct a pre and post evaluation of both
LinkedIn connections and memberships
from the desired demographic in order to
see how successful campaign was.
3. Gage the success from first virtual YoPro
conference and develop a plan for future
demographic specific event if success was
Future Steps

The following is a page overviewing

what successful actions will be kept in
future campaigns as well as outlines
what steps could be taken to improve
the campaign further.
This campaign put on the first virtual YoPro Conference.
The campaign had a successful launch of NACM's
Instagram account.
NACM received more connections from the target
demographic on LinkedIn.

Create a larger recruitment vessel
- Especially in the crazy world of a young professional, things like
becoming a member of NACM may not be information they are seeking
themselves, but may find it beneficial if they are seeing it in many
Create more easily accessable outlets for digital communication
Allot for more digital and visual tactics as opposed to multiple

The following document concludes

the evaluation of the campaign. It
looks back at the original SWOT
analysis and states what was
emphasized from current strengths
and what was repaired from the
proclaimed weaknesses.
When looking at the
STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES original SWOT analysis, it is
Quality content, clear that the campaign
Many members are in the
education, and benefits older age range
stuck to it's strengths by
promoting the quality
to offer young members Not many social/digital
(designation programs) platforms to reach out to the
Successful annual younger demographics
content and education
resources NACM has
conference “Credit Not many aspects of
Congress” organization directed at
Discount for students target public
across all tactics. The
campaign also played on
the strength of it's original
Ability to attract and Competitors creating
annual Credit Conference
recruit new members
Expand into new by adding an additional
stronger reach to audience

new "YoPro" conference, a

Younger generation
demographic, growing uninterested in credit
member count overall education
conference made
specifically to reach the
Ability to use strengths to Content unable to reach
increase traction target public

younger demographic.
The campaign has exemplified greatly on NACM's potential to expand its members
ages 21-30 along with member count as a whole. The strategic measures each
tactic took to reach the target audience left the opportunity for growth wide open.
Finally, the campaign was able to correct the weakness of lack of social platforms
by adding an additional social account on Instagram; a platform very popular in the
target age range. Although there is still room for more growth, the campaign was
able to highlight and add a few elements to the organization specifically for the
potential young members.

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