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Kaycee Perkes Part 3 TB Data Project

Part A
Total TB incidences graphed

Country Total TB Incidences

Marshall Islands 483
Maldives 36
Saudi Arabia 9.9
Yemen 48
Viet Nam 176
Bulgaria 21
Costa Rica 10
Algeria 61
Hungary 6.3
Ireland 5.8

World TB Incidences

Total TB Incidences

Part B
The shape of my graph is right skewed because the skew is in the right tail end of the data. The
appropriate values to compute for my graph are Median and the IQR because it is skewed right.

Median: 21+36/2= 39 because my data set has 10 numbers, I have to average out the two middles

IQR: 61-9.9= 51.1. I use the numbers from quartile 1 and quartile 3 to get the IQR or the formula Q3-
Kaycee Perkes Part 3 TB Data Project

Part C
Checking for outliers from the data using upper and lower fence

𝐿𝐹 = 9.9 − 1.5(51.1) = −66.75

𝑈𝑃 = 61 + 1.5(51.1) = 137.65

Yes I have a few outliers they would be the numbers 176 and 483

Part D
Checking the conditions from this data to create more reliable information to use.

1.) Does this come from a random sample? Yes because I used a random number generator to pick
the countries.
2.) n is less than or equal to .05N? It is likely that 132895 is less than 5% of the world population
3.) population normal or n greater than or equal to 30? And 132895 is greater than 30, so we can
assume it is normal.

Part E
Computing a confidence interval with GeoGebra.

We are 95% confident that the interval between -10.54

and 254.19 captures the true mean of total TB
Kaycee Perkes Part 3 TB Data Project

Part F
Creating a hypothesis test to compare data to see if the alternative hypothesis is accepted or we fail to
reject the null hypothesis.

We fail to reject Ho. There is insufficient

evidence to conclude that the global
incident rate of TB in the world is different
than the reported value.

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