Module 4: Lesson 1-Assignment 1

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Module 4: Lesson 1-Assignment 1

Identify and list all your strong and weak points toward a good life, then create a plan to ensure
a clear road map to good life by answering the following questions

Strong Points Weak Points

1. Discipline Multitasking
2. Dependability Procrastinate
3. Steadfastness Easily Bored
4. Effectiveness Does not like conflict
5. Enthusiasm Takes on to much

1. What are my strengths and how will I secure these toward my own success?
➢ One of my strengths is discipline, because it involves all of my personal productivity
and all other stuff to do. This strength is the key to stick out all the decisions and follow
them through, without changing plans or mind. That’s why it is my top priority or
important requirements for succeeding in life to achieved your goals.

2. How will I redeem my weaknesses?

➢ I can redeem my weaknesses by recognizing and accepting my weaknesses because
I can’t run from it. So, the first thing to do is accept that I have a weakness and find
the best for me. Or I have to be prepared because this one is the best defense against
of any kind of weaknesses.

3. Based on your realization, what are your threats and opportunities toward a good life?
➢ In light of my acknowledgment the dangers that would happen towards to a decent life
is the technology addiction and absence of focus however the chances of that dangers
are the more I seek after technology the more I comprehend its capacities and valuable
later on professions and the chances of at whatever point I'm in an absence of center
my brain sees imaginative things by having a self-control I can utilize this in an
advancement the innovation.

4. How is the progress in science and technology a movement towards the good life?
➢ As part of our human development science excessively advanced out of our minds.
We've lived in the woods in the old past and we've enjoyed no similar upper hand over
different creatures. Yet, subsequent to establishing apparatuses, horticulture, pots.
we've nearly positioned ourselves in advantage over different species. Then, at that
point, we went on further to ships, steam motor, power, trains, cell phones, web which
makes our life increasingly more straightforward.

5. What help can I get from science and technology to solve my weaknesses and threats?
➢ Each individual might carry on with a straightforward and contemporary life because
of science and innovation. It makes the way like a new planet that is completely
evolved and socialized.

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