Personalized Cancer Treatment

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“Nothing is impossible beyond determination” it’s my favorite quote and I hold it tight.
With the spirit of hard work, a strong heart and a bald move. I wanted to prove the determination
to realize my dream. To reach that, I will certainly not waste the opportunity offered by Russian
Federal Government, through the Russian Federal Government scholarship ( RFGS).

I am Anakasia Purba, interested in stating my personal interest of applying for the

specialty degree program in General Medicine. I became interested in medicine when I was in
middle school. I became actively involved in the science Olympics and won a number of them. I
remember once when I won the national science Olympiad on the provincial level. This made me
realize that I had an interest and passion in natural science and decided to focus on it

In high school I actively attended some of the organization in my school, as I was

convinced that knowledge alone is not enough. Inside the organization I’m increasingly honing
my knowledge, but knowledge is nothing if not practiced. Me and some of my partners started
doing simple lab work and research, then the result was published in the wall magazines of my
school and sometimes I also publish orally. It automatically enhanced my writing and public
speaking skills.

After studying theory and practice, it turned out that there was still one thing that was
most important to do, that is contributing to society. Finally my partner and I took the initiative
to conduct simple medical tests free of charge, and not limited to anyone who wants to come. I
know what I’m doing is not big, but it motivates me so that I can make a greater and more
meaningful contribution in the future.

In light of my experience, I became more and more convinced to step up to become a

doctor. In addition, health problems in my country, Indonesia, are still a concern. For example,
cases of cancer in Indonesia continue to grow over the years, but research and technology on
cancer have not improved significantly. My country needs doctors who are able to serve patients
and doing research at the same time.

To that end, I choose to follow this Russian Federal Government Scholarship. With a
better educational and training system and also high quality research, I believe that Russia is the
right choice for me to study. It would be an honor to me, if this program were willing to be the
bridge between me and my dreams. After I earn my specialty degree, I want to be a pioneer in
my country as doctor and a researcher. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Respectfully yours

Anakasia Purba
Theme : will personalized cancer treatment be a new chapter for cancer?

Abstract :

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. According to WHO’s data, in
2018, there are estimated to be 9.6 million cases of deaths caused by cancer and this number is
increasing year after year.
To this day, many know that the basis for treating cancer is surgery, chemotherapy and
radiation therapy. All these treatments use foreign substances that come from outside the body to
fight cancer, it is evident that the side effects posed after treatment are devastating. And after
such long and painful treatments, does it really guarantee success?
Amid the doubts of many people about conventional cancer therapy, immunotherapy has
emerged as a breakthrough for the treatment of cancer in the modern era. Immunotherapy is a
type of treatment that encourages the work of the immune system to be more effective in fighting
disease, including cancer. Immunotherapy is a type of biological therapy, which uses a substance
made of living organism to treat cancer. Because the substance used comes from the body, the
side effects they produce are far lighter than those of conventional therapy. These treatments
prefer to be selected because they offer more comfortable alternatives for a long period of time.
An insurmountable obstacle, however is that immunotherapy has not been able to overcome
certain types of cancer.
Another major obstacle was that medical personnel often treat cancer in the wrong way,
by doing the same treatment in all cancer patients. However, patients with the same type of
cancer do not necessarily respond in the same way to the treatment. Just as human fingerprints
are identical, every type of cancer is unique in every individual. It all depends on factors such as
age, lifestyle, genetics even a combination of some factor. Therefore, personalized cancer
treatments should be developed for each patient. Where it uses each patient’s DNA to identify
cancer factors and determine the safest treatment measures
One requirement for personalized cancer treatment is that of involving immunotherapy
methods, it can even be said that immunotherapy is an important element of the personalized
cancer treatment process. As for the steps made for personalized cancer treatment process are by
taking the DNA sample of a cancer patient, and then comparing it with the healthy DNA of the
same patient. so genetic mutations of cancer patients can be identified. Then the results are used
to develop a set of genetic instructions that are loaded onto a single molecule of mRNA. The
molecules are then injected into the body. Until The mRNA carries the necessary instruction to
teach the body’s immune cells to recognize the mutation in the cancer and to strengthen T cells
in order to fight cancer cells. There’s no need to fear about T cells, because T cells don’t destroy
the healthy cell inside the body, they’ve been programmed to fight off cancer cells before.
To this day, immunotherapy treatments are limited just a few types of cancer. What if
immunotherapy is combined with personalized cancer treatment? It is possible that a
combination of these two treatments could work on all types of cancer and it could be a safer and
more comfortable treatment option to improve the quality of life for cancer patients.
Based on the description above, I would like to do research on personalized cancer
treatment, which at one time may provide new hope for cancer survival.


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